What does the shape of the nose say? Physiognomy: what does the shape of the eyes, nose, ears and mouth say - allWomens

A nose like the Duchess of Cambridge is the most popular order among patients at facial surgery clinics, both men and women. But the Duchess's profile is not the only standard for those who are determined to change their face. We'll tell you whose noses are trending today and whose are not, and why.

The Duchess of Cambridge sets many fashion and beauty trends, for which the royal person is idolized by many photographers, designers and stylists. Now plastic surgeons have also fallen in love with Prince William’s wife: according to statistics, last year the number of people wishing to go under the knife increased by 15%. One of the most popular operations is rhinoplasty. The most popular nose shape is like that of your favorite duchess.

Among patients, both men and women can be observed equally often. Ideally straight, forming an angle between the forehead and lips of exactly 106 degrees - the shape of the nose, which has already received the name “Duchess” in professional circles, suits both sexes equally.

Kate Middleton's nose is the most frequently requested item in the surgeon's office - according to this indicator, Prince William's wife has overtaken such divas as Rihanna, Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Lopez.

According to Dr. Julian de Silva, a specialist at Harley Street Cosmetic Facial Surgery, perfect face The duchess inspires many women to change something about their appearance through surgery. "Kate is very beautiful woman, and this is probably main reason, why rhinoplasty is now at the peak of popularity,” comments the doctor.

Singer Rihanna

Angelina Jolie after rhinoplasty, 2014

Rhinoplasty is the most popular facial plastic procedure, but it is also one of the most difficult. It requires from the surgeon not only technical skills, but also a certain artistic vision final result, because each patient’s face is individual, and everyone has their own idea of ​​beauty.

A girl may desperately want a nose like her favorite star’s for a long time, but when she comes to the surgeon’s office, she may well hear the fateful words: “This shape will not suit you.”

It is important to understand that, when deciding on rhinoplasty, you can, of course, be inspired by photographs of stars, but the final decision must be made, focusing primarily on yourself. And to do this, you need to clearly understand your “initial data” and only then choose the appropriate option for you personally. We analyze the 10 most popular nose shapes and find out whether they need correction.


Perfectly straight, this shape is considered the standard beautiful nose. Equally suitable for both women and men, the "duchess" is the most popular request sent to the surgeon's office. It is traditionally believed that owners of such noses are spontaneous and creative people.

Expert comment: This is the Gold Standard. If you happened to be born with this nose shape, then accept it: there is no way to improve it.

Greek nose

Actress Svetlana Khodchenkova

Actress Natalie Portman

Like the Duchess, this nose shape is perfectly straight, but there is no pronounced button at the tip. This nose shape is quite common on models.

Surgeon's comment: Distinctive feature The Greek nose is a long and very graceful bridge. The second most popular form desired by patients.

Roman nose

Actor Tom Cruise

Actress Anne Hathaway

This shape is characterized by a distinct bridge of the nose, which can be either curved or slightly tilted forward, and the tip is slightly beveled towards the bottom. Looks great on a man's face.

Expert comment: A high, protruding bridge of the nose will add masculinity and a little severity to the face. On woman's face This nose shape does not look very organic, so many rightly want to correct it with rhinoplasty. the main problem after the operation - make sure that the new nose (which, obviously, will become much smaller) can breathe easily and freely. To do this, it is best to use a tissue graft, and then straighten the septum - and you will breathe better and look more beautiful.

Roman nose

Actress Uma Thurman

Socialite Paris Hilton

This is the classic nose shape, but with slightly enlarged nostrils. The straight profile, as well as the proportional tip - not too large and not too small - give the eagle shape nobility and aristocracy.

Expert comment: More often eagle shape It's the men who ask. The peculiarity of male rhinoplasty is that the surgeon must avoid anything that can give the future nose a feminine appearance - for example, a concave bridge or an upturned tip. In this case, an aquiline nose is ideal.

Bow-tipped nose

Actress Mila Kunis

The shape of the nose is what we pay attention to intuitively. A large nose catches the eye and alarms, while an extraordinary nose attracts the eye. Upturned encourages not to take a person seriously. Let's talk in more detail about what types of noses there are and what they can say about a person.

Based on an analysis of a person’s appearance, one can determine his character traits. This is the science of physiognomy. It has ancient roots. This term was also used by Hippocrates in his writings. Physiognomy believes that the shape of the nose can determine the success of a person.

The main indicators for comparing the character and shape of the nose are its size, length, width, type of nostrils, as well as the presence of other features (hump, ridge)

According to physiognomy, the shape of the nose can say a lot about its owner. Science focuses on its proportionality and harmony in relation to other parts of the face. What does the shape of the nose say?

Let's look at the pictures to see what types of noses there are:

What is the perfect nose?

Can be found different shapes, but the most correct, in other words, the ideal shape of the nose has been identified:

A long, bony one indicates traits such as quarrelsomeness, arrogance and pride.

If this part of the face is long and straight, the person is logical and consistent. One can envy him in his ability to plan things.

If the tip is prominent, such a person is a storehouse of secrets, but others may not worry about disclosing them. The personality is also distinguished by insight, loves and respects money

This nose shape can say a lot of interesting things about your personality, but not very pleasant ones. An aquiline nose belongs to a vain, ambitious person. The shape is memorable, but not everyone likes it - the female sex is intuitively wary of men with such noses. However, with a small size, the protruding part of the face looks quite attractive


Denotes jealousy, pettiness. But a short nose of medium width will indicate such personality traits as impulsiveness and openness. Its owner is active, serious man


The nose belongs to people who are sociable, trusting and optimistic. Such traits indicate a person’s responsiveness, but at the same time touchiness. As a rule, such people have good taste

Potato nose

Characterizes a kind-hearted person. He loves comfort and a friendly environment

How to determine character by the bridge of the nose?

This top part nose under the bridge of the nose. It is also a rather interesting element of the face and, it turns out, can tell about important characteristics personality.

Hump ​​(wavy back)

She reveals the uniqueness of her personality. According to physiognomy, a hump is, first of all, self-control inherent in a person. In general, the character of the owner of such a nose is characterized by creative inclinations. These people love new ideas and creativity in everything. They consider themselves experts in all areas.

If the hump is located closer to the tip of the prominent part of the face, the person is capable of rapid changes of strength, mobilization, and knows how to defend himself. The hump in the center is a defining feature of noble people who love to be heroes and protect the weak. When the “decoration” is located closer to the bridge of the nose, its owner is cocky, aggressive, and always ready to fight back.

Convex back

Owners of this element do not tolerate being commanded. They like to work alone, are hardy and efficient.

The back is wide and high

This nose is called Greek. As for the owner of such a nose, we can say that he is distinguished by an iron will. Often such men and women are leaders; they know exactly what they want. Stubborn.

What can the tip of the nose say about personality?

The tip of the nose is an element that cannot be ignored when analyzing facial features.

Cocked This is impulsiveness and impressionability of a person. If it is pulled up too much, the person always cares about other people's secrets
Raised up and pointed His owner probably has a hard time saving money and is quite wasteful
Bent down Suspiciousness and prudence of the individual. But such people get along well with finances
The tip, bent to the bottom, is pointed You should be careful when communicating with such a person. This form speaks of selfishness and cruelty
The tip of the nose is shaped like an eagle beak Means cunning and vindictiveness
Drooping nose tips They may indicate sexual preoccupation or excessive interest in sex issues
Forked nose tip (with a pit) They mean a seeking person. She can often change jobs in the desire to achieve emotional satisfaction in her activity. This person is usually shy
Pointed nose tip Tendency to self-control. Often such people have talent in musical art


Protruding or too small nostrils are no less striking than the shape of the protruding part of the face.

Small nostrils characterize their owner as a thrifty person. Usually he is careful about finances and does not believe that they can be enough.

Large ones, on the contrary, indicate that the person is generous and ambitious. But at the same time, he can be vindictive and arrogant. If the nostrils are flared or huge, the person often takes on a lot. A person can go to extremes and take on too much responsibility.

Round nostrils, as a rule, mean generosity and high dedication. Rectangular ones reflect conservatism, and the fact that a person is in harmony with money. Triangular ones will speak of stinginess, extreme frugality.

Narrow and long nostrils mean that a person likes to provide emotional support to others.

Which one is more beautiful?

Facial features, including the shape of the nose, are inherited. Men, as a rule, do not think about their beauty and correctness. But women attach great importance to this great importance. Outstanding, a big nose or with a hump can cause embarrassment and complexes in women. However, extraordinary, for example, eagle or greek nose makes the appearance more memorable, and even adds charm.

The preferred nose shape for men is a hooked or straight nose, as well as a Greek nose. Representatives of the stronger sex value extraordinary forms more than ideal ones. In addition, it is believed that a large nose is an indicator of sexual temperament.

Today with development plastic surgery Changing the appearance of your nose is not difficult. You can become the owner of its correct shape or any one you like. But the question arises: will this change a person’s character traits? Although appearance affects inner world and qualities of character, the happiness of each of us and harmony with the world still depend on more complex internal factors. Human character is, first of all, the depth and breadth of the soul. Love and appreciate yourself, no matter what flaws you find in your appearance!

Looking at their reflection in the mirror, everyone probably wondered how facial features can tell about a person’s character and behavior. Psychologists have found that by looking at your gentleman's face, you can easily get to know him better, determine his temperament and predict his actions. You just need to look at his nose.

It turns out that there is some connection between the shape of the nose and the character of a man.

    Snub nose.

    A man with this nose shape has a gentle, kind character. You can get great pleasure when communicating with him, as he is easy-going and reliable in many matters. The only drawback is the rare manifestation of initiative. Therefore, the ladies of these men should often guide their chosen one in the right direction.

    Girls with an upturned nose are usually sympathetic and kind optimists who easily move from topic to topic in conversations and are not inclined to take responsibility for anything. Such women are energetic, carefree adventurers with a developed imagination and sparkling fun that attracts men. It is very important for them to feel the support of their family and loved ones.

    Potato nose.

    A man with this nose shape undoubtedly has golden hands; he can build a house and repair a faucet with great success. Imperfection is his carelessness in everyday life. Therefore, you should not be embarrassed to remind him once again so that he does not forget to help you around the house.

    Women with this nose shape are smart and have a good sense of humor. They go towards the goal by overstepping both their own and other people’s emotions.

    Roman nose.

    Owners of this nose shape are, as a rule, the most temperamental; they know how to look after beautifully, and without special labor can win a girl's heart. They can be prudent and stingy. However, if the girl shows a little cunning and affection, the man will undoubtedly shower her with gold.

    Girls with a hooked nose do not care about the opinions of others, they are self-sufficient and will never be bored in splendid isolation. They live and enjoy life.

    Pointed nose.

    A man with such a nose is a very vulnerable person and has difficulty withstanding criticism. A romantic, he knows how to court with refinement and knows exactly the actions that can surprise the lady of his heart.

    Roman nose.

    A person with this nose shape is talented in different areas. He can be both a lyricist and a mechanic at the same time. Good family man. He will willingly take care of his beloved and children. A character flaw is the presence of arrogance.

    Externally, the nose looks like an eagle's. The difference is that its tip is curved down. Men with such noses are sophisticated womanizers who can turn the head of any woman. They love themselves. They know how to increase the self-esteem of their chosen one with their compliments and courtship.

Human character is a great mystery. Some people are kind, others are vulnerable, others are gloomy. And, often, when communicating with a person, it is not immediately possible to understand what he is like, what his main features are. By studying the nose of your loved one, you can get one step closer to unraveling the character and temperament of your chosen one, as well as determine your behavior when communicating with him.

Find out what a person should be like and compare with yours, according to statistics, absolutely ideal forms can not be.

It is extremely tempting to be able to read people by their appearance, like open books: to recognize the characteristics of temperament, habits, preferences. There is a teaching that aims to prove the relationship between the outer shell and the inner world. But for now the exact scientific justification it did not receive, because often the assessment of appearance features is added human factor, which makes the analysis subjective.

There is an assumption that we are born with one appearance, but under the influence of life experience it can change in any direction. Chinese sages even had the ability to predict the future and recognize the past of the person being studied. In the article we will talk about what information the nose can give about its wearer.

The human nose, its shape - what meanings it can have

The nose is a prominent part of the face. Depending on its shape and size, we can assume the following:

  1. A long, straight nose reveals a purposeful personality with organizational and outstanding intellectual abilities. It is believed that the longer the nose, the more serious the person in front of you. Among scientists there are many long-nosed characters, which may be due to the presence of such a trait as insatiable curiosity. Women with long noses are more likely to achieve career success than others. And in their character there is some masculine traits, which allow them to act calmly by listening to signals from the mind.
  2. A long nose with a slight hump is a sign of one hundred percent men in the traditional sense. For them, the head of the family is a man; they will easily take on all male responsibilities. On the one hand, women feel calm and safe with them, but on the other hand, they will have to come to terms with their secondary role in decision-making. Women with such noses often occupy leadership positions and also work in the political sphere.
  3. People with short noses are not so successful in intellectual activity, but they are good-natured interlocutors, loyal and reliable friends. They are called the soul of the company. They often fall in love, having found their soul mate, they become devoted and tender partners.
  4. A snub-nosed, neat nose gives the face a flirtatious, slightly childish expression. Owners of this appearance trait are really not averse to flirting and basking in the attention of the opposite sex. Such characters are a little narcissistic and selfish. In life, they try to receive more than to give. They are looking for a companion who is older, or at least simply more serious than themselves, in order to shift the responsibility for making decisions to him.
  5. Asymmetrical noses look unattractive, although this is only an external impression. In fact, characters with such noses are harmonious individuals with a passion for art. They often have an excellent sense of humor, which allows them to compensate for the unsightly trait with personal qualities.

If the tip of the nose is slightly forked, this may indicate the ability to logical thinking. Such people make fair critics, talented speakers and outstanding directors.

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A person's appearance can tell a lot about him. For example, it is well known that the eyes reflect the state of the soul, mood, and inner world of the individual. What can a person’s nose tell about a person’s character? It turns out a lot.

Four typical nose sizes

There are many types of noses. One of the criteria for their characteristics is size. Noses range in size from large to small and long to short.

  • So, a person with a big big nose usually self-confident, selfish and passionate. He prefers to lead and command, and act independently.
  • The owner has a small nose has little patience and gets frustrated easily, but loves to play in a team, help out, and solve problems creatively.
  • A long nose indicates that its owner is ambitious and businesslike, capable of raising and solving the most complex tasks and problems.
  • People with short noses they do not like to lead, they are more driven than proactive, but they are loved for their emotionality, kindness and sensitivity.

Nose shape: there are eight main shapes of the nose structure

Maybe you should approach the mirror and, by examining your nose, learn something new about yourself?
