Education in the Perm region for people with disabilities and disabilities. Perm Krai-Volga Federal District Education for preschool children

Throughout July, representatives of the prosecutor's office and social activists will hold events aimed at increasing the legal literacy of people with disabilities: lectures, appearances in the media. In addition, a collection of audio lectures will be prepared for people with disabilities.

As part of the month, the Prosecutor's Office of the Perm Territory held a round table “Problems of ensuring accessibility of social infrastructure and services for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups in the Perm Territory.” The event was attended by representatives of the supervisory department, the regional Ministry of Social Development, co-chairman of the regional headquarters of the ONF and deputy of the Legislative Assembly Daria Eisfeld, representatives of public organizations “All-Russian Society of the Disabled”, “All-Russian Society of the Blind”, “Happiness to Live”, and the charitable foundation “Social Village” Light" for people with disabilities."

The round table participants voiced the most common problems in terms of accessibility of social infrastructure and services faced by people with disabilities, and also pointed out problems that require closer attention from regional and municipal authorities.

In order to draw attention to the problems of accessibility of social infrastructure and services for people with disabilities and involve disabled people living in the Perm region in creative activities, social activists and the prosecutor’s office are organizing a creative work competition “This Special World” (7+). Children aged 7 to 15 years will be able to submit creative works to the jury in three categories: “Best Craft”, “Best Written Work (Essay)” and “Best Drawing”. Older participants will be able to provide their reflections in the form of an essay on the topics: “Accessible Perm Region”, “Equal Opportunities”, “Tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities”.

Daria Eisfeld, co-chairman of the regional headquarters of the ONF in the Perm region, deputy of the Legislative Assembly:

— Now more than 200 thousand people with disabilities live in the Perm region. This is the category of citizens whose rights are most often violated, and violations often go unpunished due to the characteristics of these people. Many of them do not have the opportunity to complain about injustice or difficulties they have encountered in receiving social services. That is why, during this month of clarification of rights, we place significant emphasis on various formats - these include meetings with people with disabilities in the territories of the region, and the production of audio lectures, clarification of rights in the media.

Throughout July, a “hotline” organized by social activists and the prosecutor’s office will operate in the Perm Territory, where people with disabilities can complain. We hope that this will allow us to identify the most acute, systemic problems, which will then be eliminated together with the Ministry of Social Development and the Prosecutor’s Office.

Vitaly Dymolazov, Head of the Department for Supervision of the Execution of Federal Legislation of the Prosecutor's Office of the Perm Territory:

— Now in society there is an active process of integration of disabled people into its life and their active equal participation in public activities. Disabled people do not want to put up with the “limited capabilities” of the world around them and are increasingly asserting themselves as active and full members of society, having equal rights with everyone to free movement, study, sports, and attendance at cultural and sports public events.

Creating an accessible living environment for people with disabilities and other representatives of people with limited mobility is an integral part of state social policy.

The main efforts of prosecutors are focused on ensuring the unconditional fulfillment by all bodies and organizations of the duties assigned by law in the implementation of the rights of socially vulnerable categories of citizens, the real restoration of the violated rights of citizens and bringing those guilty of their violation to responsibility as provided by law.

Photo: open sources

In the Kama region, support for people with disabilities, and especially disabled children, has been and remains the main component of state policy. This is evidenced by the “Social Support for Residents of the Perm Territory” program, which prescribes measures aimed at the social protection of people with disabilities.

Special people

“Last year, in the Perm Territory, along with the Sverdlovsk Region, a pilot project of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russia began to work on the formation of a system of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of people with disabilities, including disabled children,” says Minister of Social Development of the Perm Territory Pavel Fokin. “The goal of the project is to provide targeted services to each disabled person, taking into account their individual needs through an interdepartmental, continuous comprehensive system of rehabilitation and habilitation.”

In total, more than 400 million rubles were allocated for the pilot project. Of these, more than 285 million rubles are federal funds, more than 126 million rubles are from the regional budget.

Who needs our help? According to the Federal Register of Disabled Persons, today there are about 228 thousand disabled people living in the Perm Territory, of which 4% are children. A third of the total number are young and middle-aged people. Statistics say that every year more than 34 thousand people receive the status of “disabled” or “disabled child”.

It is especially worth mentioning about children. The largest category here is children aged 7 to 14 years. This is the period when character formation occurs, the process of socialization in society begins, and children look for true friends. And everything doesn’t always go smoothly: unfortunately, the world of childhood is sometimes cruel to those who, for some reason, do not fit into the usual framework. For such disabled children, the region has a successful system of inclusive education.

In addition, one of the important areas of “entry” of disabled children into society is rehabilitation. Last year, all children in need (3,886 people) were able to receive this service.

According to the Ministry of Social Development, a system of interaction between two departments that provide rehabilitation services has been created in the region - the Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Health. Its essence is that at each children's clinic, commissions have been created that determine and draw up a route list for the year. It specifies the frequency, timing and location of medical and social rehabilitation, taking into account the individual needs of the child. Parents know exactly where to go throughout the year to receive rehabilitation services.

And we are with you

Among adults with disabilities, there are those who are quite capable of working. In total, there are 56,177 disabled people of working age in the region. Mostly disabled people of group III work, that is, those who do not have permanent disabilities. There are about 12 thousand people throughout the region.

As experience with such people shows, many of them would like to work. The creation of legal and economic conditions for the integration of people with disabilities into society is enshrined in the state program “Accessible Environment” for 2011-2020.

“Today the main thing for us is to resolve the issue of employment of disabled people of groups II and III,” says Pavel Fokin. “In 2019, we plan to provide jobs to 35% of people in this category.”

Of course, people with disabilities need special support. For them, the region provides cash payments, benefits for housing and communal services, free medicines, discounted travel, sanatorium and resort treatment, and also provides housing for people with disabilities. Today all disabled people receive support from the regional budget. Last year, almost 2 billion rubles were allocated for this, including 800 million for drug provision.

According to the “Accessible Environment” program, the region is doing everything to ensure that people with disabilities live comfortably in our society. The numbers eloquently testify to its demand: the share of main social, transport, and engineering infrastructure facilities accessible to people with disabilities was 25% in 2013, and now it is 55%.

You can imagine what it's like to not see anything around you. For some, these are the realities of life that they have to live with. “Disabled” is a status in our country that condemns a person to a continuous struggle with illness and stereotypes. There are about 250 thousand people with disabilities registered in the Perm Territory, which is almost 10% of the region’s population.

Vasily Sorokin is a disabled person of the first group, deputy chairman of the Perm city organization of the All-Russian Society of the Blind. He began to lose his vision at the age of five; over the years of his life he had already learned to navigate in space with the help of a cane and hearing:

“Every trip for me, even along a familiar route from home to the VOS cultural center, is a lot of stress. For a healthy person it will not be difficult to get on the bus and get to the place he needs, but for a blind person this is a difficult task. Our buses do not have a speaker that announces the route number, so I have to ask passers-by for help to board my bus. Nowadays, almost all city transport announces the names of stops, this greatly helps blind people. But sometimes, bus drivers stop not at the stop complexes, but behind it, or before reaching it, and for me, any object, be it a trash can or a stop support, is a beacon by which I navigate and choose the direction I need, if There’s no stop, then I could easily get lost.”

There are 1,200 visually impaired people registered in the city organization “VOS”; the total number of blind people in Perm is 7,000. More than half of them are totally blind. There are few intersections equipped with traffic lights with a signal; out of 360 traffic lights in the city, only a few dozen are equipped with a signal: “There used to be old Soviet traffic lights that had loud and convenient signals. Those that are installed now are of worse quality. For example, the traffic light at the intersection of Kompros and Krasnov is practically inaudible with intense traffic,” says Vasily Sorokin.

In order for visually impaired people to move safely up the stairs, the first and last steps should be highlighted in bright colors. This is not done in any large store or public building: “We have to use the help of sighted people to go to the grocery store. In other countries, supermarkets have magnetic markers that help blind people identify the name of a product and its cost. A lonely blind person has very few options; he often uses small shops close to his home and hopes for the honesty of the sellers. Now a company has appeared in the city that delivers food packages to the disabled and elderly people home for a small fee.”

A blind person has much less opportunities to realize himself in any profession. Nadezhda Chirkova, multiple Paralympic champion in cross-country skiing and biathlon, and multiple medalist in cross-country skiing Irina Selivanova live in Perm. The world chess champion among the blind, Vladimir Berlinsky, lives in the region.

“As for production, in the 90s our organization lost tax benefits, government orders and specialized enterprises of the blind society stopped, where more than 50% of disabled workers were simply crushed by competition. I worked at the enterprise from 1985 to 2007; in Soviet times, 1,200 people worked there, half of them blind. Currently there are 35 visually impaired people working. Attempts are being made to rectify the situation; in Perm, a medical college trains massage therapists, and even if a third of the class can get a permanent job, visually impaired people in a call center, but if this is done thoroughly, then I am sure this can happen in our region. By and large, no employer needs an employee with physical disabilities,” shared Vasily Sorokin.

Vasily, as a disabled person of the first group, receives a monthly pension of 13 thousand rubles: “In general, this is normal money, but, for example, I need to do repairs in my apartment. I won’t be able to do this on my own; I’ll have to hire workers, which is an additional expense. If I need to go somewhere or bring something, this is again an expense. What a sighted person can easily do, I have to do with someone’s help. Previously, we had a tradition of sailing on a boat to Astrakhan in the summer, but now few can afford it.”

If previously the VOS Palace of Culture hosted all sorts of events for the visually impaired, now in order to raise funds the society has to rent out the premises of the palace: “Previously, most blind people lived in the same microdistrict, not far from the enterprise, the board of directors, the Palace of Culture, and a special library. We lived together, went to competitions, meetings, concerts together... And now everyone has gone elsewhere, and one of the problems is the delivery of people. That’s why there aren’t many events going on.”

It is impossible to say that visually impaired people are completely isolated from society. Competitions in intellectual games, festivals and competitions in various types of arts, and sports competitions are held among teams from different regions. And in a special library for blind people they teach how to use computers:

“A special program is installed on the computer, which calls everything that happens on the monitor by voice. We teach how to work with this program. A blind person has access to an inexhaustible source of information on the Internet and all kinds of programs for communication, for example Skype,” says Alexey Viktorov, a programmer at the information and computer center at the VOS library.

According to employees of the Perm branch of VOS, Perm lags far behind other Russian cities in creating a barrier-free environment for the visually impaired. So, for example, a social travel card costs 610 rubles, but in St. Petersburg disabled people of groups 1 and 2 and their accompanying persons travel for free.

However, the city and regional authorities have already paid attention to the problem of people with disabilities. At the beginning of February, the Perm Territory entered into the targeted federal program “Accessible Environment for People with Disabilities and Other Low-Mobility Groups.” Low-mobility groups include pregnant women, mothers with strollers and the elderly. While all points of the program are being worked out on paper, it is not known when they will be implemented.

Anfisa Martynova

Sent a response about education for children with disabilities in the region.

We thank the Ministry staff for the information provided!

Below is the text of the response. You can see information on education for people with disabilities in other regions.

Providing children with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as HHI) and disabled children with adequate conditions for receiving quality education, development and self-realization is one of the main directions of development of the education system of the Perm region.

The tasks of creating conditions for the education of children with disabilities and children with disabilities are reflected in state program of the Perm region “Development of education and science”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Perm Territory of October 3, 2013 No. 1318-p.

Depending on the specifics of the special educational needs of children with disabilities and children with disabilities, general educational institutions of the Perm Territory implement adapted basic general education programs of various types for children of the following categories: deaf, hard of hearing, late deafened, blind, visually impaired, with severe speech impairments, with musculoskeletal disorders. motor system, with mental retardation, with mental retardation, with autism spectrum disorders, including special individual development programs for students with severe (multiple) developmental disorders.

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 5 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, children with disabilities, people with disabilities in the Perm region, like other citizens, universal access and free education are guaranteed in accordance with the federal state educational standards of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education, secondary vocational education, as well as on a competitive basis, free higher education if a citizen receives education at this level for the first time.

Education for preschool children

Educational service for children with disabilities and disabled children preschool age organized in 1 specialized preschool educational institution, 3 structural units for preschoolers with disabilities in special secondary schools and in 285 compensatory groups.

According to the regional portal, as of September 1, 2016, 4,790 children with disabilities receive preschool education services, including 1,077 disabled children and 549 people. receive an allowance for receiving educational services at home.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Perm Territory of August 27, 2010 No. 560-p “On approval of the Procedure for raising and educating disabled children of preschool age at home according to the basic general educational programs of preschool education and the Procedure for providing compensation for part of the costs to parents (legal representatives) for education and teaching disabled children of preschool age at home according to the basic general educational programs of preschool education,” families of disabled children who do not attend kindergarten are provided with compensation. The amount of compensation is 20,781 rubles.

School education

According to data for the 2016-2017 school year, 18,963 children with disabilities are studying in the school education system of the Perm Territory. Of these, 8,141 (43%) study in general education organizations working on adapted basic general education programs, 10,822 (57%) in the general education system, including 4,598 in special (correctional) classes and 6,224 in “regular” classes.

The number of disabled children in the school system is 4,758 (including 1,902 in general education classes).

Education of disabled children and children with disabilities is carried out, in total, in more than 500 secondary schools in the region.

There are 4,094 children with disabilities and 1,212 disabled children in additional education organizations for children. Children with disabilities are engaged in the following areas of additional education programs:

  • technical creativity (345 people);
  • sports and technical creativity (48 people);
  • environmental and biological direction (345 people);
  • tourism and local history (175 people);
  • sports direction (1121 people);
  • artistic creativity (2767 people);
  • cultural studies direction (132 people);
  • others (373 people).

Professional education

Vocational training for persons with disabilities is carried out in 23 state vocational educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory, which implement basic vocational training programs, and 9 branches of these institutions.

Professional educational organizations and their branches that accept persons with disabilities for training are located in 25 municipal districts (urban districts) of the Perm Territory.

The enrollment target for 2016 for training persons with disabilities in basic vocational training programs is 1,034 people. This category of citizens can undergo vocational training in 30 different professions (bricklayer, shoe repairer, sewing equipment operator, bookbinder, cook, plasterer, painter, gardener, tractor driver, etc.).

For people with disabilities, training in vocational educational institutions of the Perm Territory is available in various specialties: the limitation when choosing the direction of training (profession or specialty) for citizens with the status of “disabled” is the type of health limitation, i.e. a disabled person can choose any profession or specialty offered in vocational educational institutions of the Perm region, if his health condition allows it.

160 disabled students and persons with disabilities are studying in 11 educational institutions of higher education located in the Perm Territory.

Distance education

The region provides distance education for disabled children. In the 2016-2017 academic year, using distance technologies, 175 disabled children are taught at home in 110 educational institutions in the programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education, and adapted basic general education programs. Distance learning for a disabled child studying at home according to general education programs can be organized in any school in the region. To do this, parents need to contact the school director or the education department of the administration of the municipal district (urban district) of the Perm Territory at the place of residence of the disabled child.

Technologies for distance education for people with disabilities are also implemented in the system professional edge education: system remote training developed at KSAPOU “Dobryansky Humanitarian and Technological College named after. P.I. Syuzeva" by specialty “Economics and Accounting”, “Documentation Management and Archival Science”(official website address:

Accessible environment

An accessible environment for students with disabilities and disabled children has been created in 216 schools (26.7% of the total), 177 kindergartens (27.1% of the total), 49 additional education institutions (34% of the total), 17 professional educational institutions (20.9% of the total).

Information about the education of children with disabilities, disabled children in the Perm Territory, educational institutions providing education for children of this category can be obtained on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory (section “Activities” - “Education for disabled children and children with disabilities”). health opportunities (HCH)”).

Information about some educational institutions equipped to work with disabled children, is presented in the table:

Name of educational institution Address Official site
MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 54" BereznikiBerezniki, st. Lev Tolstoy, 66a
MADO Lobanovsky kindergarten "Sunny City"Perm district, village. Lobanovo, st. Green, 1a
MADO "Kindergarten "Compass" PermPerm, st. Krasnogvardeyskaya, 42
MBDOU Kindergarten "Rainbow"Oktyabrsky village, Chkalova microdistrict, 5
State Budgetary Educational Institution “Boarding School for Children with Hearing and Speech Impairments”Perm, st. Kazakh, 71
State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Perm Territory “Boarding School for Children with Visual Impairments”Perm, st. Samarkandskaya, 32
GBPOU "Berezniki College of Professional Technologies"Perm region, Berezniki, st. Yubileinaya,
KGAPOU "Kungur Agricultural College"Perm region, Kungur, st. Poletaevskaya, 2

Families with disabled children can obtain detailed information about the educational services provided by a specific educational institution, the implementation of adapted educational programs, an accessible environment, the list of training areas provided, and the distinctive features of each educational institution on the official websites maintained by all educational institutions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Federation.

An application for registering a child for preschool educational services can be submitted through the Unified Portal of State Services

On the website of the State Public Institution of the Perm Territory "Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance"( created and functioning forum on education and development of children with disabilities. At the forum, you can ask and discuss any questions related to the diagnosis of development, determining the educational route, the specifics of education, raising children with disabilities, disabled children, carrying out correctional and rehabilitation work, and choosing a suitable educational organization.




In accordance with Part 2 of Article 4 of the Law of the Perm Region of November 5, 2004 N 1689-344 “On quotas for jobs for citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work,” the Government of the Perm Territory decides:

1. Determine the minimum number of special jobs that employers in the Perm Territory, regardless of their organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership, must create for the employment of disabled people in 2018, in accordance with the appendix to this Resolution.

2. This Resolution comes into force on January 1, 2018, but not earlier than 10 days after the day of its official publication.

3. Entrust control over the implementation of the resolution to the Deputy Chairman of the Government - Minister of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade of the Perm Territory A.V. Chibisov.

Governor of the Perm Territory


to the Resolution
Perm region
dated 09/19/2017 N 768-p

Average number of employees

Number of special workplaces for disabled people

From 50 to 100 employees

From 101 to 500 employees

From 501 to 1000 employees
