Robert Pattinson personal life today. Robert Pattinson's new girlfriend

Could it be that the couple has taken the next big step in their relationship? After more than three months of dating, it seems the singer is spending a lot more time at her Los Angeles home. It seems that the star plunged headlong into love and new romantic relationship, forgetting about the rules of decency and not being afraid to hear criticism from the outside.

A source close to the couple tells E! News that Talia is living with the Vampire Saga star until she goes on tour on January 22 in Tokyo. After finishing her tour, Talia Burnett will most likely finally move in with her new boyfriend. But just recently, the actor lived with his girlfriend in this cozy and luxurious house in Los Angeles!

Until recently, Kristen Stewart lived in this house.

In fact, a "serious" couple went furniture shopping last weekend to select new furniture and furnish the house that Pattinson just recently bought. In addition to visiting the Rose Bowl Flea Market, the couple visited JF Chen's antique furniture store to look around and find something they both would like.

Robert Pattinson is serious about this romance

At the same time, many of the singer’s fans expressed doubt about the star’s relationship with Robert Pattinson, because of whom too many gazes are directed at Talia. But the singer assured her fans that her love is worth all this absolutely unnecessary attention. “I look awkward because I’m awkward,” she told The Guardian when asked about the paparazzi attention she receives. “But anyway, is this person in my life worth it? And the answer will be that it is definitely worth it!” She added:

Considering how happy I am and how I feel with him, it's 100 percent worth it, don't even doubt it!

Celebrities are already living together

And before you think it's a one-way relationship, we're going to try to prove you wrong. As it turns out, Pattinson is also taking things completely seriously. Robert surprises his Special Lady with roses after concerts and gives her all sorts of unexpected and pleasant surprises. The 28-year-old actor loves spending time with his girlfriend.

The couple spends a lot of time in this house

Do you think the 26-year-old singer is suitable for the actor? Will their relationship end with a quick wedding?

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Undoubtedly, the 26-year-old actress was the most striking of Robert's girlfriends. The star couple went through fire, water and copper pipes. And even though they defeated all the villains and gave birth to a child just in the movies, fans had no doubt: these guys were simply made for each other.

An ideal age difference (Pattinson is only four years older than Stewart), similar fees and a common army of fans. When it came to the wedding, the couple even bought a house to live together, but they never made it to the registry office.

At some point, Kristen seemed to have been replaced. She cheated on her future husband with director Rupert Sanders, after which she apologized to Robert for a long time. After much persuasion, the vampire forgave his runaway girlfriend. But trust was undermined. Soon the couple ran away. Kristen switched to girls from that moment on. And she has already proposed to her friend Alisha Cargile.

Katy Perry

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After breaking up with Kristen, the Englishman found solace in the arms of Kristen's friend, singer Katy Perry.

The girl lent her shoulder to the actor when he was having a hard time with betrayal. And, it seems, she skillfully took advantage of the situation. Katie appeared arm in arm with Robert at all the red carpets and parties. And they say she was seriously in love with the handsome vampire.

However Serious relationships the actor and singer did not succeed. Friends claim that Robert was scared off by the girl’s frivolity. After all, the list of her novels is not small. She was married to British comedian Russell Brand, and was later seen having affairs with John Mayer and his colleague Robert Ackroyd. And they were soon reunited with Stewart. As it turned out, however, not for long.

Sarah Roemer

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Among the actor’s hobbies, albeit fleeting ones, was the star of the film “Paranoia,” the green-eyed blonde Sarah Roemer.

Journalists several times managed to catch the couple leaving nightlife establishments together. But neither Sarah nor Robert were in a hurry to make loud statements... And soon they simply stopped seeing each other.

Riley Keough

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Yes, yes, among the star’s passions was the granddaughter of the legendary Elvis Presley - the red-haired beast Riley Keough.

The girl, like no one else, resembled Kristen's type. Thin, short, mysterious...

“They are inseparable. Rob is flattered by the fact that Riley is Elvis’s granddaughter, a source close to the couple once told the British portal MailOnline. “They both love Los Angeles, London, rock music and table tennis.”

Talia Barnett

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Another girl with whom Pattinson almost reached the altar. By the time of the meeting, Robert had already fully recovered from the breakup with Stewart and stopped looking for her features in his companions. After all, Bernatt is the complete opposite of the star of the Twilight saga.

The couple stayed together more than a year. Rumors about an imminent wedding even leaked to the press. The promising ring on the ring finger of the actor’s companion added fuel to the fire. But again it didn’t work out. Constant business trips, a busy filming schedule and, as a result, frequent quarrels. In addition, Pattinson’s parents categorically did not like Bernatt...

According to insiders, the decision to separate was mutual. After another scandal, the young people came to the conclusion that they would be happier separately.

Suki Waterhouse

Robert decided not to talk about his new relationship with actress Suki Waterhouse. “If you let strangers into a relationship, it devalues ​​love. If stranger asked you on the street about your relationship, you would consider this extremely impolite. If you build a wall, everything will work out much better,” Pattinson said.

Recall that the 27th anniversary of the British model Suki and Robert began dating in the summer of 2018. The couple does not comment on their relationship, but from time to time they are caught by cameras kissing and happy. Let's keep our fingers crossed for the Twilight handsome guy and let's hope that this time everything works out for him.

25-year-old celebrity, actor Robert Pattinson, suddenly admitted a couple of days ago: it seems that he got married and didn’t notice how it happened...

And not just anyone, but Kristen Stewart herself, with whom the actor has been credited with having an affair for a couple of years now. And the whole point is that the romance between the actors is followed by millions of fans of the Twilight vampire saga. The couple constantly gives food for gossip: they break up, then get back together, then separate, then move in together, then talk about engagement, then show wedding ring... now here's something new: unexpectedly for everyone (including, apparently, Stewart herself), Pattinson announced that they got married. And this happened... against their will.

And the whole point is, if you remember, then in the fourth part of “Twilight” the main lovers of the saga - Edward and Bella - get married, and they do it according to all the canons - with a priest, rings, wedding and so on. And so the priest, who performed the wedding ceremony and asked each of the spouses whether he agreed to the marriage, turned out to be a real, “practicing” one. So, in any case, it turns out that the church marriage between Robert and Kristen has already been concluded, the actor admitted. “So technically we are already married,” says Pattinson, “since the ceremony was carried out according to all the rules and traditions. Of course, this is not an official marriage, but according to church canons we actually got married.” Well, the marriage took place faster than everyone thought...

But this is not the only one good news from the life of handsome Robert. In addition, the actor recently made it onto the coveted list of the most influential celebrities. Behind last year he earned about 11 million dollars, and Robert debuted at 50th on the list, that is, he was among the hundred most influential and richest. What's not a great debut for young actor?

Robert Pattison

The performer of the role of vampire Edward Cullen is now preparing for the premiere of the new part of the film “Twilight. Saga. Breaking Dawn: Part 1." It must be said that his “bride” in the film Kristen Stewart was also on the list, her last name was 66th, and over the past year the actress earned $7.95 million at once. She also became a newcomer to the coveted list. By the way, if we talk about the “list” of the most influential and rich, the most successful debut was the odious Lady Gaga, who overtook even Madonna and Bono, the lead singer of U2 - the singer earned about $41 million last year on her world tour. Well, as usual, the indestructible American TV presenter Oprah Winfrey topped the list with her honestly earned $208 million. But actress Angelina Jolie lost ground and “fell” all the way to 18th place. Another Hollywood cinematographer, cult director James Cameron, once again took third place.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

But let's return to our star - Robert Pattinson. Now you can clearly imagine how real significant company he got it. But the actor is only 25 years old! The “future vampire” was born in London on May 13, 1986, and from childhood he began to show miracles of acting. At the age of 15, the actor began acting in productions of the amateur theater "Barnes Theater Company" and performed a bunch of roles in productions of "Tess of the D'Urbevilles", "Anything Goes", "Macbeth". And in 2004, Robert already made his debut on television, receiving a small role in the fantasy film “The Ring of the Nibelungs.” Of course, the handsome Robert was immediately noticed - it’s hard not to highlight such an appearance... And of course, it was a woman... Director Mira Nair offered Pattinson a small role in the film “Vanity Fair”. So 2004 became the “starting point” into the world of big cinema... But the “first pancake” was still lumpy...

By the way, Pattinson took part in “Fair”, but then all the scenes with his participation from the film version were cut out and remained only on the DVD version. But the actor’s failures did not end there: in 2005, the actor was removed from his role in new production Theater "Royal Court" - "The Woman Before" - just a couple of days before the premiere. But the first failures did not bother the young actor, and he continued to storm Olympus. And soon his efforts were rewarded: about a year later, Pattinson auditioned for the role of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005). A week after the casting, the actor received a positive response. So the role of the handsome athlete from Hoggwards almost immediately brought Pattinson worldwide fame, raising his name to the status of a Hollywood celebrity. After that, Robert, until 2008, starred in several films and television films “The Stalker of Toby Jugg” (2006), “Echoes of the Past” (2008), etc., but yet another part of the “Potter” series became successful. , in which Pattinson also took part - “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” (2007).

But the real breakthrough for the actor was the main male role in the vampire saga “Twilight” (2008). In it, Robert appeared as a vampire who is in love with an ordinary girl Bella, played by Kristen Stewart. The young vampire was able to fall in love with millions of girls around the world, so the handsome Pattinson became one of the most key components of the huge success of the film. It must be said that when they filmed the first part of “Twilight,” no one even imagined that at first glance, another film about vampires would become truly iconic for most teenagers around the world. The second part of this film, “Twilight,” enjoyed no less success. Saga. New Moon (2009), released just under a year later.

Robert Pattison

And it's about to come out New film- "Twilight. Saga. Breaking Dawn: Part 1”, in which Pattinson and Stewart are married and are even expecting their first child... Will he be a vampire or an ordinary person- that is the question…

Robert Pattinson is a British actor, model, and producer. World popularity came to him after working in the cult vampire saga. On the wave of tremendous success, the artist managed to continue his film career, carefully selecting roles. Pattinson does not focus on one role, but expands the boundaries of creative possibilities. His memorable appearance, charisma and talent for transformation allowed him to short time take a place in the front row of world cinema stars.

Childhood and youth

Robert Pattinson was born on May 13, 1986 in a suburb of London. Father Richard is a businessman, his business is related to the transportation of vintage cars from the USA. And Claire's mother was engaged in a modeling career.

Robert Pattinson studied at a specialized school for boys. But at the age of 12 he was expelled. His parents had to transfer him to a private school in Barnes. It is known that in early years Robert Pattinson was shy and uptight.


However, he dreamed of acting career. His mother helped him. The son tried his hand at modeling career and managed to overcome shyness. Photos of the handsome young man began to appear more and more often on the pages of glossy publications.

Started at age 15 creative biography Robert Pattinson. He made his debut on the theatrical stage of Barnes Studio. His first roles in the plays “Whatever Happens,” “Macbeth” and “Tess of the Derbervilles” were successful.


In 2004, Robert Pattinson made his television debut in an episode of the film “Ring of the Nibelungs.” Soon he got a role in the film “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.” An interesting point: before filming began, Pattinson had not read a single page of the highly rated wizard series. But then he turned out to be a passionate Potter fan.

After the release of the film, leading roles appeared in the artist’s filmography. The first is in the drama “The Pursuer of Toby Jagg.” Robert got the image of a military pilot confined to a wheelchair.

Soon, viewers saw Robert in the sparkling comedy film “The Diary of a Bad Mother.” The wave of success made representatives of the modeling business remember the tall, handsome man (Robert’s height is 185 cm, weight 72 kg). Robert Pattinson appeared on the podium again.

A breakthrough and world fame awaited the actor in 2008. The main male role in the fantasy melodrama "" brought resounding success. In this world-famous saga, the Briton got the image of a brutal vampire with a languid gaze that captivated millions of spectators.

Critics agreed that it was thanks to Robert that the film became a worldwide success. The film spawned the creation of many fan communities for the leading actors on both Instagram and Twitter.

Several publications call the attractive artist the most sexy man of the year, trademark Dior signs a long-term contract with Robert.

Pattinson's films "Water for Elephants!" and “Remember me” are the next successful work, in which he managed to prove to skeptics that his star status is not accidental. In these paintings he got dramatic images.

Personal life

Personal life of Robert Pattinson for a long time was associated with the name of his co-star in Twilight. The actor proposed to his beloved and even purchased a house for his future family and children.

However, in 2012, a scandal broke out, followed by a high-profile separation. It all happened because of Stewart's infidelity with Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders. In a fit of anger, Pattinson sold the mansion. Later, the couple tried to renew their relationship, but the actors did not succeed.

To forget about the painful passion, Rob began to look for new lover. The beauties who were noticed next to him replaced one another. , model Imogen Kerr and daughter Dylan all made brief appearances with the star. But the novels turned out to be short.

Embed from Getty Images Katy Perry, Robert Pattinson and Talia Barnett (FKA Twigs)

After some time, the star’s fans were shocked by the scandalous and unexpected news about their favorite. One website posted an interview in which the artist admitted to an affair with Brad Owens, a fashion model. Fans almost believed the news resource, because earlier, in 2011, at the MTV Awards, Robert openly kissed his co-star. Then the behavior of the artists was regarded as a comic bet that the actors played among themselves.

However, the sensational news about gay Roberta, picked up and circulated by American tabloids, turned out to be an ordinary fake.

Meanwhile, the personal life of the famous Briton improved. He began dating the beautiful Talia Barnett, aka singer FKA Twigs. The couple has been in a relationship since mid-2017. Young people began to spend time together less often, with ring finger The engagement ring given to the girl by Robert disappeared. Already in the fall, Pattinson announced that he had broken up with his chosen one. Barnett never managed to become the wife of a Hollywood star.

Changes on the artist’s “personal front” were not long in coming. In July 2018, ubiquitous reporters noticed Robert leaving the apartment belonging to his colleague.

Embed from Getty Images Robert Pattinson and Sienna Miller

And after 3-4 weeks he was already walking around London, tenderly hugging the model. This relationship turned out to be long-lasting, and the actor tried to hide his feelings for his chosen one from the paparazzi, so as not to “devalue” them.

It is unknown whether Pattinson planned to call the girl down the aisle, but in mid-2019 they started talking about the artist’s new hobby - the actress, star of the project “”. The performer is in the new film about, so the couple has a lot of time ahead to communicate and get to know each other well. Young people do not hide from the paparazzi while walking around Los Angeles and visiting restaurants.

Robert Pattinson now

The actor's high status allows him to choose those scripts that meet his requirements. Robert wants to move as far as possible from the role that was assigned to him after “Twilight,” so he chooses roles that are artistically “richer.”

Embed from Getty Images Robert Pattinson and Quentin Tarantino in 2019

These are two 2018 projects, “Maiden” and “High Society,” as well as the thriller “The Lighthouse,” in which, together with his colleague, Pattinson played a chilling, creepy story which happened in late XIX century in Maine.

Now another film with Robert’s participation is being prepared for release - the biographical drama “The King”, in which Pattinson played the role of the Dauphin of France. The star has many premieres ahead, including the films “The Principle”, “The Devil Forever” and the already well-known “Batman”.


  • 2005 – “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”
  • 2007 – “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”
  • 2008 – “Twilight”
  • 2008 – “Transitional age”
  • 2008 – “Echoes of the Past”
  • 2009 – “Twilight. Saga. New moon"
  • 2010 – “Remember me”
  • 2010 – “Twilight. Saga. Eclipse"
  • 2011 – “Water for elephants!”
  • 2012 – “Dear Friend”
  • 2012 – “Twilight. Saga: Breaking Dawn"
  • 2013 – “Mission: Blacklist”
  • 2014 – “Rover / SUV”
  • 2016 – “The Lost City of Z”
  • 2017 – “Good Time”
  • 2018 – “Maiden”
  • 2019 – “Lighthouse”
  • 2019 – “King”

Before Robert Pattinson became the star of Twilight, no one was interested in his personal life at all. It is not even known for certain who the vampire met and whether he met at all. Rob climbed to the Olympus of fame arm in arm with his Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart. In the eyes of fans, these two became indivisible, like Tom and Jerry, like a goat and a cabbage... The romance lasted 4 years, things were moving towards a wedding: the lovers even bought a house to live together. But then Kristen had a change of heart and cheated on her future husband with director Rupert Sanders. Robert was offended, the young people fled. After some time, however, they got back together, but not for long.

After that, Robert Pattinson left to suffer. He was spotted several times with Elvis Presley's granddaughter, red-haired Riley Keough. However, the girl denied rumors of an affair.

Rob was also seen in the company of Sarah Roemer, but she also assured reporters that she and Pattinson were just friends. We haven't checked whether Sarah told the truth or not.

In August 2014, Rob began an affair with singer Talia Barnett, better known as FKA twings. And the air smelled of spring again, or rather a wedding. But alas: today the couple officially announced their separation. The reason is said to be jealousy and frequent quarrels with or without cause. In addition, Pattinson’s parents categorically did not like Barnett, so they are very glad that the matter did not end with an oath of allegiance and a dozen grandchildren.

By the way, Kristen Stewart also recently broke up with her friend. Maybe the Twilight lovers will get back together after all?
