The system of functioning of expert groups of teachers in pre-school educational institutions. Pedagogical diagnostics as a means of expert assessment consultation on the topic Examination of educational activities in pre-school educational institutions

Preschool education is an important component of the country’s social life. A lot depends on the quality of education in preschool educational institutions, so preschool education is now considered as the most important socio-forming factor.

Accordingly, the problems of preschool education are actively discussed and resolved, as evidenced by the meeting held on April 23, 2013 in the Open Government format, at which government officials together with experts discussed the most pressing problems of preschool education in the Russian Federation.

What problems exist in preschool education?

Like any complex system, preschool education, unfortunately, is a reservoir for many problems. To eliminate them, a deep reform of this system is necessary, which should be carried out in a timely and gradual manner. Experts highlight the following most pressing problems of preschool education:

1. Problems in the field of financing

These include:

  • insufficient equipment of kindergartens,
  • obsolescence of the material and technical base,
  • the inability to provide a decent level of educational and methodological base in some preschool institutions,
  • lack of computers and Internet connections in some preschool educational institutions.

In some kindergartens, the main funding comes from parents - these are also problems in preschool education that require resolution.

2. Problems with teaching staff

Professional standards for teachers in the preschool education system need to be changed. The personnel training system, whose area of ​​activity is preschool education, directly affects the quality of preschool education. After the development of a new federal standard, these problems of preschool education will be resolved.

The financial issue regarding the salary of a teacher at a preschool educational institution will also be considered, and salaries will be increased.

3. Overload of kindergartens

The problems of preschool education associated with a lack of places are considered by many experts to be the most pressing. Kindergartens are overloaded, many of them have queues, and some children simply do not have the opportunity to get into kindergarten.

Meanwhile, attending kindergarten is the most important socializing factor for a child, and preschool education should cover as many children as possible. Due to the fact that groups in kindergartens are overloaded, preschool educational institutions cannot fully meet the necessary pedagogical, material, technical and sanitary standards.

4. Problems with catering

The regulations governing nutrition in kindergarten and its organization need to be adjusted. In addition, there is a shortage of specialists who can competently organize catering in preschool educational institutions.

5. Problems with bribery

Due to the lack of places in kindergartens, long queues form, which, in turn, creates fertile ground for the development of bribery. By receiving a bribe, managers can, on this basis, independently distribute priorities when admitting children to kindergarten.

First of all, the development of this situation is favored by the parents themselves, who will do anything to enroll in the kindergarten that is most convenient for them.

In addition, this problem stems from the fact that the priorities for admission to preschool educational institutions remain blurred: if there are no places in kindergartens, parents sometimes cannot get their child admitted even to the preschool educational institution to which they are associated at their place of residence.

Problems of preschool education: through the eyes of parents

Preschool education has some specific features. For example, this area is affected by the lack of independence of the final consumer of services (the child) in choosing an institution that will provide these services. Since parents are primarily interested in their child receiving preschool education, they are the ones who most often face problems in preschool education face to face.

On the part of parents, the most pressing problem is the lack of places in preschool educational institutions and the queue that arises for this reason. Parents try to enroll their child in kindergarten in advance, from the moment they receive a birth certificate, many enroll in 5-10 kindergartens, stand in huge queues, offer bribes to the managers, and arrange various conflict situations.

The problem of financing preschool educational institutions is also quite noticeable for parents. Many complain about the exorbitant fees, the fact that you have to pay for free education, the fact that funding for kindergarten falls almost entirely on the shoulders of parents, and for many families such a financial burden is unbearable.

It turns out that kindergarten is no longer a necessity, but a luxury that wealthy or well-connected people can afford. Of course, in a normally functioning preschool education system, such a situation is categorically unacceptable.

Problems of preschool education: searching for solutions

At the moment, work to improve the quality of such a segment of the educational sphere as preschool education is being carried out mainly in the following areas:

  • A new professional and educational standard is being developed for workers in the preschool education system;
  • New buildings for kindergartens are being built, projects are being proposed to attract private investors for the purpose of constructing and purchasing new premises and buildings in which preschool educational institutions will be located. This activity will help solve the problems of preschool education associated with the lack of places in kindergartens;
  • New projects to finance kindergartens are being considered. The volume of planned funds that will be allocated for the development of preschool education in 2013-15. exceeds 1 trillion. rubles;
  • Favorable conditions are being created to encourage private entrepreneurs to open preschool educational institutions on a private basis;
  • By 2016, it is planned to provide at least 1,600,000 new places in kindergartens.

This material is useful to any methodologist or deputy head of educational and educational activities. It details the system of management control and analytical activities through the organization of the work of expert groups of teachers in preschool educational institutions. Here you will find the Regulations on the organization of the activities of expert groups and a number of practical materials: planning the content of control of expert groups at year, forms of different tables for analyzing control results, sample electronic tables for assessing control results. The materials reveal the main directions of control and analytical activities, the content of the activities of each expert group, and the system for evaluating control results using automatic functions of Excel spreadsheets



System of functioning of expert groups of teachers of preschool educational institutions

The purpose of the expert groups' work- tracking the dynamics of the quality and effectiveness of the educational activities of teachers, analyzing and obtaining systematic information about the results of the teaching staff’s activities.

Main directionscontrol and analytical activities of expert groups of preschool educational institutions:

Quality of calendar and thematic planning of the educational process;

Quality of planning and organization of walks;

The quality of functioning of parent corners.

  1. Planning the content of control and analytical activities for the year by each expert group in accordance with the implementing tasks and the annual plan of the preschool educational institution.(Appendix No. 2)
  2. Targeted monthly monitoring, collection of information received, and its systematization in a specially designed form of tables. (Appendix No. 3)
  3. Qualitative and comparative analysis of control results: identification of features, positive and negative factors; assessment of the quality of professional teaching activities.
  4. Development of recommendations for teachers to eliminate identified problems.
  5. Presentation of control results for the month on a methodological operative sheet.
  6. Summing up the activities of the expert group for the year(Appendix No. 5).

Evaluation of control resultsare recorded monthly in Excel spreadsheets based on the data received.

Let's look at the contents of these tables(Appendix No. 4) :

  1. In the “header”, the content of the control is indicated horizontally for each month (i.e., it indicates what is being checked this month), and all groups are indicated vertically. At the end of each month, the leaders of the EG, based on the results of control, enter assessments into each table and analyze the work of each group for the month.
  2. The evaluation criteria have the following symbols:

0 points – no planning is carried out,

1 point – not enough planning, there are comments and suggestions,

2 points – planned qualitatively, in accordance with the requirements, without comments.

  1. points - there are “highlights”, a creative approach
  1. In addition to ratings, comments and suggestions are indicated in each cell based on the control results using the special “notes” spreadsheet function.
  2. At the end of each table, the sum of points accumulated over the year is automatically calculated vertically, from which the percentage of quality and group rating are calculated, which allows you to see the level of quality of the organization of the educational process in each group and in the kindergarten as a whole for the year. And the percentage indicators of the quality of work of each group in the horizontal summary line indicate in which direction the team worked successfully, and where it was insufficient and methodological support is required. Thus, it is possible to comprehensively analyze the work of the entire teaching staff for the year, timely and accurately identify problems and areas of work for further development and improvement of the quality of educational activities of the teaching staff.

This form of management control and analytical activity, such as the functioning of expert groups in preschool educational institutions,provides an opportunity to obtain objective data on the performance of each teacher, increases everyone’s responsibility for the final result, and promotes a business-like style of relationships in the team. Which significantly affects the increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching work, the growth of professional skills of teachers. And systematic analysis, search and timely elimination of problems contributes to effectively improving the quality of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

Appendix No. 1.


Head of MBDOU

"Child Development Center -

kindergarten No. 18 “Semitsvetik”

L.A. Sapegina



about the expert group of teachers

1. Basic provisions.

1.1. The internal expert group is a professional association of teachers, employees and managers, which is created within the structure of the preschool educational institution, which is in development mode.

1.2. It was created on the initiative of the administration to analyze the educational process in order to improve its quality through finding and eliminating problems.

1.3. The expert group may include teachers who are proficient in methods of problem-oriented analysis and forecasting. The composition of the EG is approved by order of the head of the preschool educational institution.

2. Goals and objectives.

2.1. Analysis and evaluation of the results of the educational process, the quality of the product or project based on certain results.

2.2. Ensuring the effective work of the preschool educational institution administration on issues of monitoring the effectiveness of the educational process. Assisting the administration in studying the performance of teachers and obtaining objective data.

2.3. Creating an atmosphere of responsibility for the final results of work.

2.4. Development of methodological and other recommendations for teachers and team members in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their work and the growth of professional skills.

2.5. Helping teachers express themselves and develop their own unique experience.

3. Organization of activities.

3.1. Each expert group draws up a monthly control plan in accordance with the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution.

3.2. The head of the expert groups is the deputy. head according to VMR or according to ACh.

3.3. EG meetings meet once a month to summarize the results of control.

3.5. The expert studies the section of the team’s activity or object directly entrusted to him, forms his assessment, prepares and gives to the head of the expert council a reasoned conclusion on all issues specified in the source documents.

4. Documentation and reporting.

4.1. Every month, expert groups record monitoring results, comments and suggestions in protocols and submit them to the manager, who systematizes and stores them.

4.2. Assessments based on control results are entered into the monitoring table on a monthly basis.

4.3. Protocols and information on monitoring control results are stored in the office of the preschool educational institution.

Appendix No. 2. Expert group No. 1.

Responsible group leader - Kazimirova S.V.










*Planning of Safety Week events.

*Planning a theme day.

* Planning the work activities of preschoolers:

Self-care skills




*Planning game experiments:content, purpose, age appropriate, systematic (at least once a week)

*Planning work on speech development:

Work in the book corner

Morning conversations with children

Reading art literature

Individual work

Variety of forms of work on RR

*Planning individual work with children in accordance with the recommendations of specialists and the “CHILDHOOD+” program(child’s name, exercise, goal, result)

* Quality of mathematics lesson planning:tasks (triune), techniques and methods (diversity), vocabulary work, individual work

*Planning the content of gaming activities:dramatization games, didactic games, educational games, role-playing games, outdoor games, experimental games

*Planning work in artistic and aesthetic directions:

Work in an iso-corner, forms of organization of activity,

Classes at the Academy of Creativity

*Systematic planning of thematic days(diversity, content)

*Planning work with parents:

A variety of forms of work with parents;

Relevance, usefulness, awareness.

*Summary and analysis of the group’s work for the year.

Expert group No. 2.

Responsible group leader – Kolyshkina L.S.

Target: Analysis of the conditions and quality of walks with children, provision of advisory assistance to novice teachers on organizing walks, identifying interesting, creative discoveries of teachers.




Organization of work activities in nature, work assignments

Sports and outdoor games, exercises

Walking schedule, getting ready for walks - implementation of an individual approach to children

Organization of observations with children

Compliance with motor mode

Organization of role-playing games

Individual work with children on a walk (physical development, speech development, development of observation skills)

Organization of independent activities of children in the area

Creative activities of children on a walk

During a year:

Compliance with TB and instructions for protecting the life and health of children

Sanitary condition of the areas

Children's clothing - appropriate for the season, individual approach to personal safety

Availability of portable material according to the season

Expert group No. 3.

Responsible group leader – Semenova S.B.













*Safety information.

*September 27 – Preschool Worker’s Day(Newspapers, postcards, congratulations)

*Visual information on developing visual skills at home (recommendations, tips)

*Creativity corner in the reception area

*Welcome corner, mood

*Ped. information on cognitive development

*Congratulations and New Year's Eve

*New Year's assortment

*Thematic days

*Christmas holidays

* New Year's newspaper (“How I celebrated the New Year!”)

*Road Safety Week

*Greeting card “Happy birthday d/s!”

*Comprehensive safety (materials for parents about fire safety, injuries, terrorism, dangerous objects, situations, etc.)

During a year: * Lead preschool specialists from classes

*Appeals to parents (invitations, thanks...)

*Children's personal successes!

Appendix No. 3.

Table of control results when checking the calendar-thematic


Month ________________

Purpose of control:

Group number

Analysis of results

Comments, suggestions

Assessment of planning quality

Criteria for evaluation:

0 points – planning is not carried out,

1 point – there is not enough planning, there are comments and suggestions,

2 points – planned with high quality, in accordance with requirements, without comments.

Table of control results when checking the content of parental


Month ________________ Responsible __________________

Purpose of control:

Group number

Analysis of results

Comments, suggestions

Performance evaluation

Criteria for evaluation:

0 points – the corner content is not updated,

1 point – the contents of the corner meet the requirements, but there are comments and suggestions,

2 points – the contents of the corner meet the requirements, without comments,

extra 1 point- creative approach to content design.

Table of control results when checking the quality of walks

Month ________________ Responsible __________________

Purpose of control:

Group number

Analysis of results

Comments, suggestions

Assessing the quality of performance results

Criteria for evaluation:

0 points – the inspected object of control is not organized,

1 point – it is organized enough, but there are comments and suggestions,

2 points – organized efficiently, in accordance with requirements, without comments.

Extra 1 point- creativity

Appendix No. 4. Monitoring the quality of calendar and thematic planning in 2010-2011.(Responsible)

No. gr.









TOTAL points

*Planning the theme day "September 1 - Knowledge Day"
*Planning of Safety Week events.
* Planning a theme day.
*Planning of CPG and self-service skills.

*Planning work on speech development.

*Planning game activities

*Planning individual work with children

*Planning of physical education and health work

* The quality of planning educational activities in mathematics

*Quality of planning pro-walks.
*Summary and analysis of the work of the EG for the year.

% planning quality


TOTAL points


% planning quality

Appendix No. 5.

Questionnaire for analyzing the results of expert groups’ activities for the year

  1. Analyze the implementation of the control plan by each expert group.
  2. Identify positive and negative factors based on the results of control over the year.
  3. Taking into account the identified problems, formulate proposals for organizing corrective activities in the preschool educational institution.
  4. Analyze the effectiveness and implementation of recommendations.
  5. Were there any problems in your work, what were they?
  6. Your suggestions for further work of expert groups.

The modern system of domestic preschool education is built on the principles of dynamism, variability of organizational forms, flexible response to the needs of society and the individual, and is characterized by the emergence of new types of educational institutions for children and a variety of pedagogical services.

The emergence of new documents that free up the creative energy of educators, at the same time, poses a rather important task for a preschool institution - to choose a program of work with children that not only can be successfully implemented by the teaching staff, but will also contribute to the effective development and upbringing of children.

In order to regulate the quality of preschool education, protect children from incompetent pedagogical influences in conditions of variability in education, as well as orient the work of preschool educational institutions towards developmental pedagogy, a mandatory examination of educational programs for preschool institutions is carried out.

The examination procedure is regulated by the “Recommendations of the Ministry of Education on the examination of educational programs for preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation.”

The examination of comprehensive (includes all main areas of child development) and partial (includes one or more areas of child development) preschool education programs is carried out by the Federal Expert Council on General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In case of a positive assessment, the program (comprehensive or partial) is recommended for use by preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Regional (local) education authorities can create expert councils (commissions) for the examination of preschool education programs. Moreover, in case of a positive assessment, the program is recommended for use in preschool educational institutions of the region (city, district).

The examination of a set of partial programs is carried out:

— the council of teachers of a preschool educational institution for the use of a set of programs in the work of this institution;

— by the commission for certification of a preschool educational institution in the process of a comprehensive examination of its activities.

To examine a set of partial programs, a preschool educational institution may apply to the expert council (commission) of the regional (local) education authority, if the practice of examining preschool education programs is carried out in the region (city, district).

Programs must meet a number of the following requirements:

General requirements for programs

— Comprehensive and partial programs for preschool educational institutions must comply with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions.

— The programs must respect the secular nature of education.

— Programs should be built on the principle of personality-oriented interaction between adults and children.

— The content of a comprehensive educational program (or a set of partial programs) must be focused on universal human (world) culture and at the same time correspond to Russian cultural traditions. The content of a comprehensive program (a set of partial programs) should include the development of the child’s speech, his familiarity with the basics of natural science knowledge, physical, artistic and aesthetic development.

— Programs should be aimed at: developing curiosity as the basis of cognitive activity in a preschooler; development of the child’s abilities; formation of creative imagination; development of communication.

— Programs must ensure: protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, their physical development; the emotional well-being of each child; intellectual development of the child; creating conditions for the development of the child’s personality and creative abilities; introducing children to universal human values; interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

— Programs should provide for the organization of children's life in three forms: classes as a specially organized form of education; unregulated activities; free time provided for a child in kindergarten during the day.

— The programs should include an optimal combination of individual and joint activities of children. Programs should be built taking into account types of activities specific to preschool children (games, construction, visual, musical, theatrical activities, etc.).

— Programs should provide for the possibility of implementing an individual approach to the child, working with different subgroups of children; take into account their age characteristics.

— Programs must include a description of the organization of the development environment, indicating the main lists of materials and equipment used.

— Programs must ensure optimal load on the child in order to protect him from overwork and maladjustment.

Requirements for a combination of programs

— Partial programs used in the pedagogical process must ensure the integrity of the pedagogical process and complement each other.

— Partial programs used in the pedagogical process must be built on common principles (concepts).

— When using a partial program instead of the corresponding section of a comprehensive program, duplication of content and contradictions in the basic principles (concepts) of these programs are not allowed.

— The set of programs used in the pedagogical process must provide an optimal load on the child.

Regional program requirements

Taking into account socio-economic, national-cultural, demographic, climatic and other conditions, regional requirements may determine:

— priority areas of educational programs based on the population’s needs for educational services for preschool children in rural, urban, metropolitan, resort, industrial, military zones, university campuses, etc.;

— carrying out recreational activities and regime moments, taking into account the peculiarities of climate and natural conditions, the state of the environmental situation, and public health;

- selection of works of national (local) writers, poets, composers, artists, samples of national (local) folklore and folk arts when introducing children to art;

— teaching the national language, familiarization with national and cultural traditions.

Additional regional requirements should not provoke a significant increase in the load on children or contribute to their overwork and maladjustment.

Anastasia Verbitskaya
Organization of examination of exemplary basic educational programs

Educational programs of preschool education are developed and approved organization, carrying out educational activities, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education and taking into account the relevant sample educational programs for preschool education. are developed taking into account their level and focus on based on Federal State Educational Standards.

Sample basic educational programs are included based on the results examinations to the register, which is a state information system. Information contained in the register sample basic educational programs, is publicly available. According to the position expressed by the Department, sample basic educational programs for preschool education are educational and methodological documentation that allows organizations, carrying out educational activities under preschool education programs, use past examination model for effective educational organization activities in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

In a situation of great variability basic educational programs selection of educational content in the form of an approximate OOP is a serious management challenge. The choice should be made on basis preliminary study and professional-public examination of the program by all participants in the educational process, and end with a decision on its approval as a social agreement. In this case, the parameters and selection criteria and approximate examination OOP for different participants educational processes may vary.

Correctness of the procedure examination is determined by how completely and competently it was carried out stages:

— goal setting and definition of the subject matter examination;

— development of procedures for carrying out examination;

- selection expert organizations and group formation experts;

organization of examination;

— collection of information received from experts;

treatment, analysis and synthesis of the information received

— making decisions based on the results examination.

In preschool education program should ensure the development of the personality of preschool children in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual and psychological and physiological features: infancy; early age; preschool age.

New when conducting program examination is the assessment of their content.

Content preschool education programs must fully comply with the planned results (targets) and ensure the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various types of activities in accordance with the age and individual characteristics and developmental inclinations of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world. Method of structuring and deploying content educational programs areas must correspond to their goals, depend on the age of the children and be implemented in certain types of activities.

The content must be sufficient to create and maintain high motivation for use in educational process of forms and methods of working with children that correspond to their age and individual characteristics (inadmissibility of both artificial acceleration and artificial slowdown of children’s development).

Controllability of content preschool education programs and mechanisms for achieving its goals makes it possible to verify the results of development in the form of preschool targets education, which represent the age characteristics of the child’s possible achievements at the stage of completing the preschool level education. Targets are not subject to direct assessment, including in the form of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring, and are not basis for their formal comparison with the real achievements of children. They are not basis objective assessment of compliance with established requirements educational activities and training of students. Development Programs is not accompanied by intermediate certifications and final certification of students. Assessment of children’s individual development is carried out during observations aimed at determining the teacher’s effectiveness of their own educational activities, individualization education and optimization of work with a group of children.

Implementation examination involves careful selection experts to carry it out. However, not every specialist, even a very authoritative one, can be recommended as a expert. Some of them, despite their extensive knowledge, do not have the qualities necessary to be a member expert group.

Expert must be competent in the subject area, master the methodology of conducting examination, have general erudition, an analytical mind, and also feel the development trends of the phenomena being assessed. It is advisable that expert had a high social status and was recognized in his professional field.

Expert must also own expert methodology and have certain abilities, For example, creativity that will allow you to implement examination of programs not only according to ready-made criteria, but also to conduct their research, identifying hidden, not yet obvious meanings. He must have a developed ability to reflect on his own expert activities, its consequences for development education.

Significant for expert a characteristic is also the optimal combination of his qualities as a scientific and practical worker. These include abilities expert to the analysis and synthesis of the issues being studied, to their objective comprehensive assessment, the stability of his scientific views, but at the same time sufficient flexibility of thinking, the ability to change his point of view under the influence of new facts and arguments, the ability to process, assimilate and form qualitatively new information.

Criteria examination of an approximate basic educational program of preschool education:

The POOP passport is issued in accordance with the requirements.

The structure of PBL includes target, content and organizational sections, the content of which meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for programs at this level of education.

The document has a glossary that provides transcripts applied in the text of POOP notations and abbreviations, and also reveals the meaning of those used in program special terms and meaning of concepts.

The document contains a list of normative and normative-methodological documents and scientific and methodological literary sources used in the development of PEP.

The document includes a section revealing the prospects for the work carried out by developers and customers in the next 3–5 years to improve and develop content programs, ensuring the implementation of its regulatory legal, scientific and methodological, personnel, information and material and technical resources.

The document is presented on paper (in three copies) and electronic media, certified by the seal and signature of the head of the institution carrying out its development or being the customer.

So, the procedure examination PEOP CE is carried out in several stages:

1. Preparatory stage. Includes goal setting tasks and defining the subject matter examination; developing a procedure for conducting examination; selection and formation of the group experts.

2. First stage of implementation examination. Includes tasks: collecting information received from experts; analysis and information processing, received from experts.

3. Second stage of decision-making based on the results examination. Generalization in progress collected information, development and decision making.

So way, the principle of support diversity of childhood, which is fundamental the principle of preschool education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, it assumes variability in the content of preschool education. Achieving real variability is guaranteed, since the content Sample program is framed and modular in nature, allowing you to build basic educational program of a preschool educational organization on materials of different complex and partial nature educational programs for preschool education. All currently in use preschool education programs, including partials, past examination, can be used organization in whole or in parts, as educational modules.

List of sources used

1. Order of the Ministry education and science of the Russian Federation dated May 28, 2014 No. 594 “On approval of the Procedure for the development sample basic educational programs, conducting them examination and maintenance of a register of exemplary basic educational programs”

2. Ekimova S. B. Problems of formation main educational program of the school. / S. B. Ekimova, Yu. S. Zakhir, S. V. Pavlyuchik. // Magazine "Quality education in Eurasia» . – No. 2. – 2014. P. 107-113

Adaptation of general education programs on music education in the practice of inclusive education It is in childhood, and over such a short period of time as preschool childhood, that what largely determines is laid.

Adaptation of general education programs on music education in the practice of inclusive education. It is in childhood, and over such a short period of time as preschool childhood, that what largely determines is laid.

Adaptation of general education programs on music education in the practice of inclusive education Liliya Viktorovna Obukhova Adaptation of general education programs on music education in the practice of inclusive education. Exactly.

Analysis of the practice of introducing inclusive education and testing of adapted educational programs Analysis of the practice of introducing inclusive education and testing of adapted educational programs in MBDOU No. 104 of a combined type.

Analysis of programs: “From birth to school”, “Childhood”, “Rainbow”, “Origins”, “Development”. Program “From birth to school” SAMPLE GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM OF PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION, ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V.

Analysis of programs for the development of the emotional sphere of a preschooler Analysis of programs for the development of the emotional sphere of a preschooler. The development of the child’s emotional sphere, in contrast to his intellectual development.

Visual activities in the middle group. Comparison of two educational programs ABOUT RUSSIAN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION PROGRAMS Among the factors influencing the effectiveness and quality of education of children in preschool educational institutions, an important role is played.

Self-analysis of the results of using new educational technologies and electronic educational resources Self-analysis of the results of using new educational technologies, electronic educational resources (EER) in the educational process.

Managing the implementation of personalized advanced training programs Management of the implementation of personalized advanced training programs in an educational institution (DOE) directly depends on the system.

Recommendations for the examination of the educational program of a preschool educational institution Verkhovkina M.E., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head. Department of Preschool. - presentation

Presentation on the subject “Preschool (preparatory group)” on the topic: “Recommendations for the examination of the educational program of a preschool educational institution Verkhovkina M.E., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head. Department of Preschool." Download for free and without registration. - Transcript:

2 Expertise Expertise is an evaluative state that reveals the educational significance and implementation potential of an educational program. This is a study by a specialist (expert) of any processes and phenomena that cannot be directly measured, requiring special knowledge in any field.

3 Reasons for conducting an Examination of OOP DO The need for examination usually arises in an unclear (from the point of view of existing knowledge and ideas) situation. The ambiguity in the situation in the educational program of preschool educational institutions is determined by two main reasons: the presence of different, irreducible points of view on this phenomenon and the lack of necessary data and systematized knowledge on this problem.

4 Object of examination The object of examination is both the educational program itself (its content), and the process of its creation, launch and actions (if they already exist) for its implementation.

5 Purpose of the examination The purpose of the examination is to understand, highlight and correlate the real characteristics of the educational process and its results with the content of the sections of the educational program of a given preschool educational institution.

6 Result of the examination The result of the examination is an expert assessment. This is a motivated opinion, a judgment of a specialist (expert) both about the process of preparation, development and implementation of the educational program of a particular preschool educational institution, and about the content of this educational program.

7 Requirements for the educational program and their provision Collective nature of the development of the program Orders for preschool educational institutions, lists of participants in the development (temporary creative group), work plan of the VTG Requirements How they are provided

8 Requirements for the educational program and their provision Consistency and consistency of sections of the educational educational program The logical transition from one section of the educational educational program to another Requirements How they are ensured

9 Requirements for the educational program and their provision Integrity of the educational program of preschool educational institutions Systemic vision of the educational process in preschool educational institutions Requirements How they are provided

10 Requirements for the educational program and their provision Readability of the educational program Simple and clear style of presentation, understanding of the content by teaching staff, parents and regulatory authorities Requirements How they are provided

11 Requirements for the educational program and their provision Individuality of OPDO Reflection of the specifics of the preschool educational institution, preparation of the program on its own Requirements How they are provided

12 Requirements for the educational program and their provision Validity of the content of the sections of the educational program of preschool education Compliance of the content of the sections with each other, special attention to the validity of the choice of the main program of the kindergarten Requirements How they are provided

13 Requirements for the educational program and their provision Compliance of the diagnostic material with the stated goals, objectives and portrait of the preschool educational institution graduate Realism of the content and testing of methods Requirements How they are provided

14 Requirements for the educational program and their provision Correspondence of the name and content of diagnostic methods Full name of the diagnostic material, its content and methods of conducting and processing the results Requirements How they are provided

15 Requirements for the educational program and their provision The ratio (balance) of the mandatory part of the educational process, the part formed by participants in the educational process and paid services The ability of paid and free services to achieve the stated goal of the educational process and the portrait of the graduate Requirements How they are provided

16 Requirements for the educational program and their provision Culture of design Use of modern technical means, unity of the external form of the program Requirements How they are provided

17 Requirements for the educational program and their provision Expert opinion on the educational program of additional education Availability and content of an expert opinion on the educational program of additional education (principle of “shared responsibility”) Requirements How they are provided

18 Requirements for the educational program and their provision Acceptance and implementation of the educational program for additional education Minutes of the pedagogical council on the adoption of the educational educational program for additional education, an order for the implementation of the program with the appointment of those responsible for a particular section, a plan for the implementation of the program for the year, compliance of the first real results with those stated in the educational program for additional education Requirements How are they provided?

19 T Thank you for your attention Verkhovkina M.E., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head. Department of Preschool Education, St. Petersburg APPO

Professional blog for preschool teachers of the Russian Federation

Results of examination of preschool educational programs

01.06.2015 _Analytical information based on the results of the examination of the main educational programs educational organizations of the Russian Federation

Kolcheva N.I., methodologist of the department of preschool and primary general education HackIROiPK

In accordance with the work plan of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an examination of the educational programs of preschool education of educational organizations was carried out.

Object of social and professional examination: Public education of educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

The purpose of the public and professional examination: study the content of the educational educational program for compliance with the quality requirements of the educational educational program in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

Objectives of social and professional examination:

  • collect and analyze information on the state of educational educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • determine at all levels of the methodological service areas of methodological assistance for the design and adjustment of educational educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • Dates: 05.05.2015-20.05.2015

    Formation of a list of educational organizations for examination.

    When forming the list, two points were taken into account.

    • At the time of the examination, the process of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education is not complete. According to the Action Plan (“road map”) “Changes in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (approved by Resolution of the Presidium of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.05.2014 No. 35-p), 100% coverage of children with preschool education programs corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard must be ensured by 2016.
    • According to paragraph 3 of Article 12 of Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation,” preschool education programs belong to the main general education programs. In accordance with clauses 2 and 4 of Article 23 of Federal Law-273 “On Education in the Russian Federation,” educational activities under preschool education programs are carried out by preschool educational organizations as the main one; Also, this activity can be carried out by general education organizations and organizations of additional education, for which this activity is not the main one.
    • Taking this into account, the formation of the list of educational organizations was carried out in two stages and involved the formation of preliminary and main lists.

      In the Republic of Khakassia, 318 educational organizations implement preschool education programs (preschool educational institutions, general education organizations, additional education organizations).

      General educational organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan that implement preschool education programs include educational organizations for children of preschool and primary school age, general education organizations that have structural divisions (preschool department or kindergarten) and/or in which short-term groups for preschool preparation function.

      Educational organizations of additional education in the Republic of Kazakhstan that implement preschool education programs include children's creativity centers, on the basis of which short-term groups for children in pre-school preparation have been opened.

      At the first stage, a preliminary list of educational organizations was determined from 155 educational organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which amounted to 49% of the total number of educational organizations implementing preschool education programs.

      When forming this list, two conditions were taken into account: 1) each territory is represented by at least 30% of educational organizations from the total number of educational organizations implementing educational programs of preschool education in this territory; 2) the representation of each territory by different types of educational organizations.

      Table 1. Representation of territories in the preliminary list of educational organizations

      Figure 1. Types of educational organizations on the preliminary list

      At the second stage, a main list was formed from 155 educational organizations, which included 40 educational organizations (25.8% of the preliminary list). The basis for the formation of the main list was the presence of an educational program on the website, the explanatory note of which indicated compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

      The educational programs on the main list became the object of a more detailed examination, based on the results of which expert sheets were filled out. The core group of experts worked at this stage. Experts excluded 5 more educational organizations from the main list, since the programs of these organizations did not contain the necessary information for conducting the examination.

      Instruments and examination procedure. The development of tools for conducting the examination was carried out on the basis of the quality requirements for the main educational programs of preschool educational organizations, which are formulated in the “Methodological recommendations for preschool educational institutions for drawing up the main educational program of preschool education based on the Federal State Educational Standard” and posted on the FIRO website.

      Expertise indicators were combined into 4 groups: general requirements for programs, requirements for the target section, requirements for the content section, requirements for the organizational section. Each indicator had a 3-level rating: 2 points - fully complies, 1 point - partially complies; 0 points - does not correspond.

      The examination procedure included the analysis of educational programs posted on the official websites of educational organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to relevant indicators and filling out expert sheets. The examination took place in two stages: preliminary (technical), the purpose of which was to identify educational organizations that posted on the website programs that complied with the Federal State Educational Standard; The main examination was aimed at analyzing program data according to relevant indicators.

      Members of the regional UMO (section “Pre-school education”) were involved to conduct a public and professional examination.

      Description of the examination results. The results of the analysis obtained during the preliminary examination of educational programs were combined into 5 groups.

      Figure 2. Results of preliminary examination

      The websites of educational organizations contain programs developed in accordance with FGT (19.35%). Until 01/01/2016 this is acceptable. Programs whose explanatory notes indicated compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education amounted to 25.8%.

      In some cases, it was impossible to determine the feasibility or impossibility of conducting a program review. Such programs are designated as “programs X” (14.7%). This group included educational organizations that posted a description or brief presentation of the program on the website and provided incorrect links to the text of the program. We also included in this group educational organizations that posted on the website, instead of preschool educational programs, drafts of approximate basic educational programs for preschool education.

      A fairly large percentage (38.7%) of educational organizations did not present educational programs for preschool education on their official websites, which prevents an independent assessment of the quality of education. To a greater extent, this applies to general education organizations and additional education organizations. The largest number of educational organizations from the preliminary list that have not placed preschool education programs are noted in the following territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Ordzhonikidze district, Shirinsky district, Ust-Abakansky district, Tashtypsky district, Askizsky district).

      Table 2. The share of educational organizations from the preliminary list that did not post preschool education programs on their websites

      At this stage, the following problems were noted in the state of the OOP OO:

    • There is no clear distinction between exemplary programs and educational programs (an exemplary program is designated as an ECE program).
    • there is no understanding of the differences between the main and additional programs (the text of the variable part of the main educational program indicates the implementation of additional programs); understanding the differences between partial and additional programs (partial is designated as an additional program);
    • Some programs contain borrowings from the programs of other educational organizations and references to normative documents that are no longer in force (for example, Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions, SanPiN dated July 22, 2010).
    • The results of the main stage are presented in Figure 3.

      Figure 3. Results of the examination of the OO OO (Note: maximum value 2 points)

      The analysis of the examination results was carried out in 4 areas in accordance with the selected groups of indicators.

      General requirements for programs include requirements for the structure of OOP, the nature of presentation, and the text of the program. In the process of analyzing the results of this group of indicators, the following was revealed.

      1) the structure of OO programs complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and contains main sections (target, content and organizational).

      2) The main text of programs, as a rule, corresponds to the norms of the modern Russian language. However, the presentation does not always seem consistent and logical.

      3) The lowest scores were given by experts on indicators characterizing the compulsory and variable parts of the educational program. The variable part, being a necessary part of the program, was not always presented clearly enough and justified.

      The target section is conceptual for the educational program of the preschool educational institution and allows you to see the individuality of the educational program in the principles, approaches and planned results. However, the principles and approaches indicated in the programs do not reveal the intent of the program; the target section does not contain (or does not contain to an insufficient extent) information significant for the implementation of the program (features of the contingent of children, variability in the staffing of preschool educational institutions with groups of different orientations and age composition, the specifics of families of pupils, special conditions for the implementation of the program, the presence of network forms for the implementation of educational programs, etc.). It should be especially noted that educational programs do not differentiate the targets of preschool education and the targets of general education, which greatly complicates the determination of the planned results of the program. In addition, the analysis of the target section shows that there has not yet been a clear and unambiguous understanding of the differences between the individual assessment of a child’s development and the system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of the educational program.

      The mandatory part, as a rule, does not contain those program elements that implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. In particular, the programs completely or partially lack:

    • description of independent activities supported by teachers that lead to the development of preschoolers;
    • description of ways to support children's initiative; there is no consideration of the interests, needs, motives of children and their family members;
    • description of the organization of collectively distributed and independent activities.

    In addition, the mandatory part does not sufficiently disclose ways to integrate educational activities.

    The organizational section of most programs contains a description of the logistics, as well as the daily routine. However, it is difficult to see the connection between this description and the target section. The organizational section does not contain a description of the features of planning and organizing traditional events, holidays and kindergarten activities. It should be noted that in most programs there is no clear separation of material and technical support and the organization of a developing subject-spatial environment.

    Table 3. General results of the examination of educational programs of preschool education

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    The quality of education as a priority direction for the development of the Russian education system. Definition of the concept of quality of preschool education. Legal framework for ensuring the quality of preschool education in the Russian Federation. Quality criteria for preschool education. Quality management of preschool education, main stages.

    Scientific and pedagogical expertise as a mechanism for studying the quality of preschool education. Monitoring the quality of education. Expert status and requirements for his competence. Ethics of expert behavior.

    The quality of education as a priority direction for the development of the Russian education system. Definition of the concept of quality of preschool education.

    Quality of preschool educationunderstood as the degree of achievement of scientifically based goals and objectives of preschool education and the degree of satisfaction of the expectations of teachers and parents of preschool children from the educational services provided by preschool institutions. That is, when carrying out an expert assessment of the quality of preschool education, it is necessary to determine its compliance with the state educational standard and the needs of consumers of preschool educational institutions.

    The quality of education is a developing concept; it cannot be static and unchanging. At present, the “Concept of Preschool Education” (1989) can be considered as a document that defined the guidelines for the quality of modern preschool education. It outlines four main principles:

    humanization- nurturing the humanistic orientation of the preschooler’s personality, the foundations of citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for family, Motherland, and nature;

    developmental nature of education- focus on the child’s personality, preservation and strengthening of his health, focus on mastering ways of thinking and acting, developing speech;

    differentiation and individualization of education and training - development of the child in accordance with his inclinations, interests, abilities and capabilities;

    deideologization of preschool education - priority of universal human values, rejection of the ideological orientation of the content of kindergarten educational programs.

    These principles are fundamental for expert assessments of modern preschool education in Russia.

    Currently, as is clear from the above principles, the domestic preschool education system is being reoriented from the interests of the state to the interests of the child’s individual. The fulfillment of the needs of children and their parents occurs as a result of differentiation of the content of basic and additional education, the provision of a wide range of paid additional educational services, as well as the organization of new types of preschool educational institutions and a regime of flexible (short-term) stay of children in kindergarten.

    In the most general form, the quality of preschool education can be determined:

      giving the family the opportunity choosing an individual educational “route” for the child based on the diversity of content, forms and methods of working with children;

      providing social protection of the child from incompetent pedagogical influences;

      guarantee achievements every child who systematically attends kindergarten by the end of preschool childhood the minimum required level of preparation for successful learning in primary school, which ensures the implementation of the idea of ​​continuous education of the individual.

    Thus, the quality of preschool education is a social category, ultimately ensuring the positive development of society, which is interested in its adequate assessment for the purpose of improvement. The emotional connotation inherent in the word “quality” makes it difficult to understand its nature and requires competent expert assessment by specialists in this field.

    Legal framework for ensuring the quality of preschool education in the Russian Federation.

    The organization of pedagogical expertise in the field of education management is based on regulatory documents. Experts are guided in their activities by federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, and decisions of educational authorities.

    The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” provides for the introduction and procedure for approving state education standards and competent examination of the activities of educational institutions.

    The main tasks of the Federal Expert Council, its functions, composition and structure, and operating procedures are determined by the Regulations on the Federal Expert Council for General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (Order of the Ministry of Education (MO) of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 No. 444).

    For the scientific and pedagogical examination of the quality of preschool education, the Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 1995 No. 677, with amendments and additions dated February 14, 1997 No. 179), which regulates the activities of state and municipal preschool institutions and performs the function of exemplary for non-state institutions of the preschool education system.

    The examination of the content of training and education in kindergarten, educational programs for preschoolers is regulated by the Recommendations for the examination of educational programs for preschool institutions of the Russian Federation (Methodological letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 1995 No. 46/19-15).

    V The procedure for conducting psychological and pedagogical examination of children's games and toys is determined by the Methodological Letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 1995 No. 61/19 - 12 “On psychological and pedagogical requirements for games and toys in modern conditions”, v Conducting an examination when licensing educational institutions is determined by the Regulation on the procedure for licensing educational institutions (Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 1994 No. 442). The requirements for the certification procedure using the technology of expert assessments are established by Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated August 22, 1996 No. 448 “On approval of documents for certification and state accreditation of preschool educational institutions.”

    Expert assessment of the level of qualifications, professional competence, productivity and quality of pedagogical and managerial activities of teachers and directors of preschool institutions is based on the Standard Regulations on the Certification of Pedagogical and Managerial Employees of State, Municipal Institutions and Educational Organizations of the Russian Federation (Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 1993 No. 256) .

    The Ministry of Education of Russia, developing and implementing the concept of education development in the country, acts as the main customer and organizer of examination in all areas of application of expert methods in pedagogy. The modern mechanism for managing the education system provides for the distribution of rights, powers and responsibilities between the ministry and regional, regional committees and departments, as well as city, district departments and education departments. Therefore, examination functions are increasingly used in all structural components of the education system.

    Quality management of preschool education, main stages.

    “Product quality” is understood as the totality of consumer properties of this product that are significant for the consumer (in my case, the consumer is society, more precisely, the family, the parents of the students). The set of these qualities is determined by the standards.

    The preschool education system, as indicated in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” is the first step in the system of lifelong education, which places increased demands on the quality of education in preschool educational institutions.

    The quality of management of a preschool educational institution is understood as a set of properties and characteristics that determine its dignity and high quality. And here a special role is given to management skills. The success of the development of the institution and its social status depend on the professional skills of the manager, his ability to quickly make decisions, and his ability to direct the team towards continuous development and creative growth.

    The characteristics of the quality work of the head of a preschool educational institution are formed at the intersection of four lines of his activity:

    Resource provision and resource conservation (including health conservation);

    Organization of educational work and its methodological support;

    Examination of educational innovations and projects, organization of monitoring of their implementation;

    Stimulating the development of the teaching staff in the system of building dialogic relationships.

    The main management skills of the head of a preschool institution for managing the quality of the educational process are:

    · targeted management influences, the ability to draw attention to the problems of developmental interaction, the friendliness of requests and explanations from the head and senior teacher;

    · the reasoning of their points of view, manifested through the justification of orders, instructions, requests, assessments;

    · the predominance of positive assessments of the actions of teachers, preschool specialists, and parents of children over negative ones.

    1. The first component of the quality management model preschool education is to study the demand and needs of customers of educational services. At this stage, the needs of parents and primary schools as the main social partners of a preschool educational institution are identified. Psychologists do this work. The result of this stage is a formulated list of requirements of consumers of services of a preschool educational institution.

    At the second stage the mission, main goals and directions of activity of the preschool educational institution are selected based on the requirements of the social order of the parents.

    At the third stage planning and selection of educational programs and technologies is carried out. Here a wide field of activity opens up for real choice, manifestation of creativity of teachers and implementation of innovative projects.

    At the fourth stage the problem of regulatory and legal support of the educational process is being solved. The material and technical support of educational activities is of particular importance. In accordance with the requirements for the child’s development environment, the subject-spatial organization of the premises of the preschool educational institution, as well as the site, must ensure the development and emotional well-being of the child, his comfortable stay in the kindergarten, and meet his interests and needs.

    Fifth stage - selection of qualified personnel, improvement of their qualifications.

    Sixth stage– primary diagnosis of the student’s educational and educational capabilities, his interests, inclinations, needs, level of physical development in order to determine his optimal educational trajectory.

    Seventh stage - organization of the educational process. The quality management system is aimed at organizing developmental, personality-oriented education. Developmental education, focused on each child, has as its main goal not the acquisition of knowledge, skills or abilities to a strictly specified extent, but the development of the child.

    Eighth stage– current control of the educational process.

    Ninth stage -final diagnostics pupils.

    Tenth stage - tracking the life activity of graduates, which became possible, first of all, through establishing strong connections with secondary educational institutions and parents of graduates. At the same time, attention is focused on analyzing the nature of children’s adaptation, their level of academic performance, communicative culture, etc. This information is necessary to assess the activities of the preschool educational institution in terms of compliance with its stated goals, its mission, and the requirements of social customers. Based on the analysis, measures are developed to eliminate the causes of inconsistencies. These activities are aimed at adjusting the main goals and activities of the preschool educational institution.

    Scientific and pedagogical expertise as a mechanism for studying the quality of preschool education.

    Expertise- a word of Latin origin meaning research, resolution with the help of knowledgeable people on any issue requiring special knowledge. In its turn, expert means knowledgeable person invited in controversial or difficult cases for examination.

    The importance of expert assessments in education and the need for scientific and pedagogical expertise have increased significantly in recent years. This is due to the changes that have occurred in the education system. The destruction of its uniformity, the emergence of multi-level education, variable educational programs and technologies, educational standards, as well as the expansion of financial independence of educational institutions and the development of new economic relations in the field of education required a fundamentally different level of management.

    The ability to make the right management decision based on scientifically based expert assessment is one of the most important professional skills of an education manager as a specialist who professionally carries out management functions based on modern scientific management methods.

    What is new in pedagogical practice is the certification and accreditation of preschool institutions, the implementation mechanism of which is based on scientific and pedagogical expertise.

    Summarizing what has been said, we can distinguish three main meanings that reveal the essence of the concept of scientific and pedagogical expertise:

    1. consideration, research of pedagogical phenomena, processes,

    problems, results of teaching activities, as well as prognosis

    development of the education system, expert assessment al

    alternative solutions and identification of the most preferable ones

    options for organizing the educational process in order to improve

    improving the quality and updating of the content of education, providing con


    2. a set of research procedures aimed at

    obtaining information from experts, analyzing it and summarizing it with

    the purpose of making competent decisions in the field of management


    3. an indicator of professional competence, as one of the pros

    professional responsibilities of an education manager.

    Expert review- the result of a scientific and pedagogical examination, a motivated opinion, a specialist’s judgment about the quality of what was the subject of the examination.

    Monitoring the quality of education.

    Term monitoring the quality of education is new for domestic pedagogy. Its appearance is associated with the reform of the Russian education system, the penetration of market relations into the education sector and the contradictions that arise in the educational services market. The importance of social protection of the consumer of educational services dictates the need for state control over the quality of education.

    The word "monitoring" comes from the Latin word monitor^ (monitor) and means monitoring the state of the environment, man-made systems, etc. for the purpose of their control, forecast and protection.

    Monitoring the quality of education- the concept is capacious and multifaceted. In relation to the preschool education system, the following aspects of monitoring can be distinguished:

      systematic and regular procedure for collecting, examining and assessing the quality of educational services preschool institutions at national, regional and local levels (including specific educational institutions) in order to develop the preschool education system, timely prevention of unfavorable or critical, unacceptable situations in this area;

      relatively an independent link in the management cycle, ensuring the identification and assessment of completed actions and measures to establish feedback, i.e., on the compliance of the actual results of the activities of the pedagogical system with its ultimate goals;

      the ability to correctly assess the degree, direction and causes of deviations.

    On a state scale, monitoring the quality of preschool education is a system whose main elements are:

      development of state (regional) standards for preschool education;

      operationalization of standards in indicators (indicators,

      measured values), establishing criteria by which to judge the achievement of standards;

      conducting scientific and pedagogical examination (certification), collecting data and assessing the effectiveness and quality of educational services of preschool educational institutions;

      taking appropriate measures to ensure positive

      development of the preschool education system, assessment of the results of measures taken in accordance with standards;

      the possibility of changing and adjusting the standard itself.

    As we see, monitoring is based on a standard, standard, norm. Rationing - one of the most necessary conditions and grounds for monitoring, since it is with the standard that the actual results are compared.

    Monitoring will be effective if the norms and standards are set correctly. According to Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor M.M. Potashnik, the weakness of pedagogy is that it cannot accurately name the parameters, criteria, indicators, etc., by which the results of pedagogical activity - the results of education - could be determined. This causes one of the most difficult problems of monitoring - the problem of measurability of its indicators.

    It should also be emphasized that monitoring is not only the basis for tracking the course of movement towards the stated goals, but also a mechanism for adjusting them and ways to achieve them. Monitoring itself cannot improve the quality of education - it only helps to track it. To improve the quality of education, as a rule, innovations and an innovative process are needed.

    To carry out monitoring, it is necessary to have monitoring device, i.e., individuals (experts, education managers) or a collective body implementing the monitoring mechanism.

    Currently, monitoring is carried out at almost all structural levels of the preschool education system. Below is classification of types of monitoring preschool education.

    Basis for classification:

    Type of monitoring:

    Scope of Educational Goals

    Strategic Tactical Operational

    Stage of pedagogical diagnostics

    Primary Intermediate Final

    Time Dependency

    Retrospective Precautionary (anticipatory) Current

    Treatment frequency

    One-time Periodic Systematic

    Coverage of objects for monitoring

    Local Selective Continuous

    Organizational forms of monitoring

    Individual Group Frontal

    Forms of object-subject relations

    External (social) Mutual control Self-analysis

    Tools used

    Standardized Non-standardized

    Expert status and requirements for his competence.

    The concept of expert status denotes a set of rights and obligations, powers and responsibilities of an expert. Determined on the basis of regulatory documents and approved by the presidium of the “Expert Council”.

    The reliability of the expert assessment depends on expert competence. Regardless of the level of expertise, it should be provided by the most qualified specialists. General requirements for an expert:


      creativity, developed creative abilities that allow you to analyze problem situations and find ways to resolve contradictions;

      lack of inclination to conformism, accepting the opinion of the majority;

      scientific objectivity;

      analytical, breadth and constructive thinking;

      a positive attitude towards innovation, lack of conservatism, i.e. the desire to adhere to the once chosen position.

    Ethics of expert behavior.

    For an independent examination, the ethics of the expert’s behavior are very important, above all his honesty, incorruptibility, responsibility.

    Trends in the development of the quality of preschool education.

    The main task of Russian educational policy in recent years has been to ensure the modern quality of education while maintaining its fundamentality and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state. To solve this problem, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education developed the “Concept for the modernization of Russian education.” The implementation of preschool education programs and the adoption of measures to improve the health of the younger generation are the priorities in the educational policy of the first stage of modernization. Speaking about the current state of preschool education, it should be noted that, despite the difficulties that it experiences, it has managed to preserve the best Russian traditions. The pedagogical process covers all the main areas of child development (physical education, familiarization with the outside world, artistic and aesthetic, etc.), a system of measures is provided to protect and strengthen the health of children, the principle of complexity is observed, partial programs are used that combine various aspects of the pedagogical process. There are also new, non-traditional types of content for the work of a preschool educational institution: choreography and rhythm, teaching a foreign language, new technologies of visual creativity, computer training, familiarization with the national culture, more emphasis is placed on creating conditions for independent experimentation and search activity of the children themselves. There is a transition to a different style of communication and play with the child - taking into account personality-oriented interaction. In today's educational space, a wide range of domestic programs are offered that implement different approaches to organizing the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions. Each of them puts forward one or another priority of education: cognitive development, aesthetic, environmental. It is important to take into account that the activation of some areas of a child’s development at the expense of others leads to impoverishment of personal development and a deterioration in the physical and mental state of the preschooler. Despite this, among the trends in the educational process in preschool educational institutions at the present stage, there is a significant increase in the volume and intensity of cognitive activity. Additional classes for the child are introduced, for example foreign languages, computer training, ecology, life safety, etc.
