See what “sobr” is in other dictionaries. Special Rapid Response Squad

SOBR (WITH special ABOUT row B quickly R response) - federal and regional special units of the FSVNG of the Russian Federation, which were regularly included (until 2003) in the departments for the fight against organized crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (units of over 200 people were called detachments since the late 1990s). In 2002, SOBR units were transformed into OMSN (Special Purpose Police Unit). On November 30, 2011, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliyev, special police units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs again became officially known as special rapid reaction units.

The main task of the SOBR is the fight against organized crime. However, due to changes in the internal political situation, SOBRs were successfully used, including in military anti-terrorist operations carried out in the North Caucasus region. Since 2004, November 9 is celebrated as SOBR Day.


The first special unit in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (police) was OMSN GUVD in Moscow. OMSN was formed on November 9, 1978. At that time, preparations for the Olympics were underway in Moscow, and the failure of the German police operation to free Israeli hostages during the Munich Olympics showed how destructive the actions of amateurs can be where professionals should act. To prevent emergency situations, a special forces unit was created - the first police special forces. True, the unit was originally called a special-purpose police detachment (OMON) under the Moscow City Executive Committee. The detachment was created to work at the 1980 Olympics and protect the Olympic flame. After the Olympics, it became clear that the unit would not be left without work. The first task of the special forces was to free the girl captured by the criminal. [ ] The hostage was successfully released, and the detachment was reassigned to the criminal investigation department and made a regular unit of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate. There were not enough special forces to carry out all operational tasks - there were only a few dozen of them. Then the PPS regiment was entrusted with the fight against riots and was renamed OMON. There was a period of time when there were two riot police in Moscow at the same time. The police themselves called the detachments Big and Small. To avoid confusion and misunderstandings, that same Little OMON was later renamed into a special purpose police detachment (OMSN). In 2011, OMSN was renamed OSN, and subsequently SOBR. The OMSN of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow served as a model for the beginning of the creation of other special units in the Russian militia (police) in the future. was created on February 10, 1992 tactical operations department as part of the Main Directorate for Organized Crime (GUOP) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the fall of 1992, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the tactical operations department was renamed special rapid response squad(SOBR). In September 2002, by order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, SOBR were renamed into special purpose police units (OMSN). In 2003, some of the MSN units received proper names: “Bars”, “Bulat”, “Lynx”, “Terek”. As of 2009, the total number of SOBR was 5,200 people in 87 detachments. In 2011, in connection with the reform of the internal affairs bodies, and the renaming of “militia” to “police”, MSN units were renamed OSN (special forces units). In 2012, the name SOBR (special rapid reaction units) was returned to all SN detachments. The quantitative composition of SOBRs is determined by the tasks and region of deployment. The selection was carried out in a multi-stage and quite strict manner, with many selection criteria, which determines the qualitative composition of this unit (as a rule, these are young people who served in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR or Russia and have a higher education. Priority is given to professional athletes or officers of the RF Armed Forces). At the first stage, testing was carried out on the physical, moral and volitional qualities of a candidate for a position in the detachment. Only candidates who passed the test to the end, somewhat reminiscent of passing the Krapovy beret at the OSN VV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, were allowed to proceed to further personnel registration, which included the next stage of selection criteria and further filtering of candidates. First of all, this means passing a medical commission for group “A” (first group) and psychological testing. Next, a complete and thorough check of the candidate’s biography was carried out for the complete absence of relatives with a criminal past and compromising materials using special information databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB on the candidate himself. The authenticity of all documents was also checked, characterizing data from previous places of study, work, service, information on the place of residence on the candidate’s everyday life and lifestyle were requested. Only a candidate who has passed all the above stages of selection, is fit in health and has no discreditable data in his past or present, was enrolled in an internship on the SOBR staff. And only after completing the internship, the final decision was made on further service in the unit.

Tasks and functions

The training of employees in SOBR, unlike other special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is of a clearly individual nature. There are a lot of specialists in various areas of application, but interchangeability is at the forefront. The emphasis of the training is on working against an armed criminal in the city ( with a working distance of up to 100 m) and in transport, but SOBRs were successfully used in almost any conditions ( forest, mountains, steppes). Much attention is paid to physical and psychological preparation.

North Caucasus: SOBRs have found successful use not only in cooperation with regular Russian security forces, but also in certain areas, showing excellent results of use in the Chechen campaigns in the first echelons.

Differences between SOBR and OMON

OMON differs from SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in its organizational and staffing structure and the nature of the tasks performed. Unlike OMON, almost all SOBR employees have officer ranks no lower than “junior police lieutenant.” Before the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2011, when the police were divided into MOB (public security police) and KM (criminal police), OMON was a unit of the MOB and reported to the head of the MOB, while SOBR was a unit of the KM and reported directly to the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. OMON is built according to the army principle, as a military unit, which includes: operational companies consisting of platoons and sections, a personnel and educational department with a full-time psychologist, a medical service, a headquarters, a canine service, an engineering department, a motorized unit, and an accounting department. , logistics department. SOBR, unlike OMON, does not solve the problems of ensuring the protection of public order, including in places with a difficult criminal situation, during public events, and in suppressing group hooliganism and riots. Similar units also exist in other countries; see, for example, SWAT.. Unlike the riot police, whose functions also include strengthening PPS patrols, the functions of the SOBR were narrower. Young people were selected for the SOBR, mostly athletes who had served in the Armed Forces. The training of SOBR is also higher than that of OMON; one of the main tasks is the release of hostages, in connection with this, the level of training was borrowed from the special forces of the FSK later than the FSB. During the First and Second Chechen Campaigns, the majority of SOBR fighters took an active part in combat operations. In 2000, SOBR was renamed the Special Purpose Police Detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Reassignment of FSVNG RF

On April 5, 2016, by decree No. 157 of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, special rapid reaction units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation were reassigned and became part of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. Organizational and staffing measures (OSM) and personnel purge will be carried out in the SOBR detachments; special attention will be paid to the higher state education of SOBR officers, diplomas, faculties (specialties) and educational institutions. The goal of the OSH is to improve the organizational structure, as a result of which the official status of employees changes. The result of the OSH will be a change in the staff - the number and number of positions, ranks, specialties, salaries. When reorganizing into the National Guard, complete information about the employee, his autobiography, birth certificate, school report card, certificate, military ID and military service, work record book, marriage certificate, birth certificates of children, diplomas, organization of life and everyday life will be rechecked. family members' criminal records. Until 2018, employees will be accepted for military service in the National Guard troops with the assignment of military ranks. When appointing to a position in the National Guard troops, preference will be given to employees who graduated from military institutes of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, military schools, institutes, academies under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and priority will be given to law faculties of state universities with a specialty in "Jurisprudence" qualification - "Lawyer". Officers of the National Guard of the Russian Federation must have a higher education. The formation of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation is planned to be carried out in 3 stages. SOBR employees, due to any personal circumstances, qualities or reasons that have not undergone reorganization into the ranks of the National Guard troops, will be offered other vacant positions in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Formation of the structure of the FSVNG RF

The Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation continues systematic work to form a structure, including staffing the territorial bodies of the National Guard Troops. By decision of the Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Viktor Zolotov, the personnel department has developed a transparent system of requirements that apply to officers applying for leadership positions in the territorial bodies of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. In particular, performance indicators, education, experience in combat operations, state awards, scientific and teaching activities, and enrollment in the personnel reserve for promotion to senior military positions are taken into account. When selecting and appointing leadership positions in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, special attention is paid to moral, business qualities and strict compliance with anti-corruption legislation. Territorial bodies are part of the districts of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation and are intended to direct and support the service and combat activities of riot police units, SOBR, private security and licensing work that are part of the Russian Guard in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Hundreds of military special units guard the peace of Russians around the clock: GRU, FSB, army special forces. Their goals and objectives are generally clear. But with the police special forces, not everything is clear. Everyone has heard at least once such abbreviations as SOBR and OMON, but not everyone knows why these organizations were created and how they differ.


SOBR– this is the Special Rapid Response Department; both regional and federal special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, initially created as a structural unit of the Organized Crime Control Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (departments for combating organized crime).

Riot police— an acronym for “Mobile Special Purpose Detachment” (before the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia it was called the “Special Purpose Police Detachment”); special police units used to ensure public order and security in urban environments, as well as in hot spots of the Russian Federation.


First of all, in terms of organizational structure and tasks to be solved. The main task of the riot police is to protect public order during public events, to suppress riots and group hooliganism, in the event of emergency situations, in places with a difficult criminal situation.

SOBR does not solve such problems. This has a lot to do with the history of both divisions. Before the well-known reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the police were divided into public security police (PSM), special and criminal police (CM).

Explanation for non-specialists: the basis of the criminal police is the legendary criminal investigation department with its detectives. The most famous units of the MOB are local inspectors and police officers.

So, the OMON was subordinate to the head of the MOB, and the SOBR was part of the CM and was subordinate to the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate or his deputy. Hence the nature of the tasks solved by SOBR and OMON.

Unlike the OMON, the SOBR serves exclusively officers, and the main emphasis in selecting candidates for the SOBR is on men with higher education.

The training also differs: SOBR individually trains specialists in any of the areas, but each fighter is able to replace a comrade if necessary. In SOBR, more attention than in OMON is paid to “working” against an armed criminal in an urban environment. Riot police are more careful about carrying out tasks in crowded places.

In general, we can say that the tasks of SOBR are more narrow; it is called upon to deliver “targeted” strikes against crime.

Conclusions website

  1. SOBR are special units of federal and regional subordination that are part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  2. OMON are special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, whose main task is to maintain public order and security.
  3. SOBR from the moment of its creation until the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was part of the criminal police.
  4. Before the reform of the Russian Federation, OMON was a unit of the public security police.
  5. The tasks of the SOBR are narrower than those of the riot police and are often not associated with mass gatherings of people (at sports, entertainment events, rallies, etc.).
  6. In SOBR, unlike OMON, only officers serve.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

SOBR (WITH special ABOUT row B quickly R response) - federal and regional special units of the FSVNG of the Russian Federation, which were regularly included (until 2003) in the departments for combating organized crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (units of over 200 people were called squads since the late 1990s). In 2002, SOBR units were transformed into OMSN (Special Purpose Police Unit). On November 30, 2011, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev, special police units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs again became officially known as special rapid reaction units.

The main task of the SOBR is the fight against organized crime. However, due to changes in the internal political situation, SOBRs were successfully used, including in military anti-terrorist operations carried out in the North Caucasus region. Since 2004, November 9 is celebrated as SOBR Day.


The first special unit in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (police) was OMSN GUVD in Moscow. OMSN was formed on November 9, 1978. At that time, preparations for the Olympics were underway in Moscow, and the failure of the German police operation to free Israeli hostages during the Munich Olympics showed how destructive the actions of amateurs can be where professionals should act. To prevent emergency situations, a special forces unit was created - the first police special forces. True, the unit was originally called a special police detachment (OMON) under the Moscow City Executive Committee. The detachment was created to work at the 1980 Olympics and protect the Olympic flame. After the Olympics, it became clear that the unit would not be left without work. The first task of the special forces was to free the girl captured by the criminal. The hostage was successfully released, and the detachment was reassigned to the criminal investigation department and made a regular unit of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate. There were not enough special forces to carry out all operational tasks - there were only a few dozen of them. Then the PPS regiment was entrusted with the fight against riots and was renamed OMON. There was a period of time when there were two riot police in Moscow at the same time. The police themselves called the detachments Big and Small. To avoid confusion and misunderstandings, that same Little OMON was later renamed into a special purpose police detachment (OMSN). In 2011, OMSN was renamed OSN, and subsequently SOBR. The OMSN of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow served as a model for the beginning of the creation of other special units in the Russian militia (police) in the future. On February 10, 1992 it was created tactical operations department as part of the Main Directorate for Organized Crime (GUOP) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the fall of 1992, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the tactical operations department was renamed special rapid response squad(SOBR). In September 2002, by order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, SOBR were renamed into special purpose police units (OMSN). In 2003, some of the MSN units received proper names: “Bars”, “Bulat”, “Lynx”, “Terek”. As of 2009, the total number of SOBR was 5,200 people in 87 detachments. In 2011, in connection with the reform of the internal affairs bodies, and the renaming of “militia” to “police”, MSN units were renamed OSN (special forces units). In 2012, the name SOBR (special rapid reaction units) was returned to all SN detachments. The quantitative composition of SOBRs is determined by the tasks and region of deployment. The selection was carried out in a multi-stage and quite strict manner, with many selection criteria, which determines the qualitative composition of this unit (as a rule, these are young people who served in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR or Russia and have a higher education. Priority is given to professional athletes or officers of the RF Armed Forces). At the first stage, testing was carried out on the physical, moral and volitional qualities of a candidate for a position in the detachment. Only candidates who passed the test to the end, somewhat reminiscent of passing the Krapovy beret at the OSN VV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, were allowed to proceed to further personnel registration, which included the next stage of selection criteria and further filtering of candidates. First of all, this means passing a medical commission for group “A” (first group) and psychological testing. Next, a complete and thorough check of the candidate’s biography was carried out for the complete absence of relatives with a criminal past and compromising materials using special information databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB on the candidate himself. The authenticity of all documents was also checked, characterizing data from previous places of study, work, service, information on the place of residence on the candidate’s everyday life and lifestyle were requested. Only a candidate who has passed all the above stages of selection, is fit in health and has no discreditable data in his past or present, was enrolled in an internship on the SOBR staff. And only after completing the internship, the final decision was made on further service in the unit.

Tasks and functions

The training of employees in SOBR, unlike other special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is of a clearly individual nature. There are a lot of specialists in various areas of application, but interchangeability is at the forefront. The emphasis of the training is on working against an armed criminal in the city ( with a working distance of up to 100 m) and in transport, but SOBRs were successfully used in almost any conditions ( forest, mountains, steppes). Much attention is paid to physical and psychological preparation.

In the TFR, SOBRs have found successful use not only in cooperation with regular Russian security forces, but also in certain areas, and have shown excellent results in the Chechen campaigns in the first echelons.

Differences between SOBR and OMON

OMON differs from SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in its organizational and staffing structure and the nature of the tasks performed. Unlike OMON, almost all SOBR employees have officer ranks no lower than “junior police lieutenant.” Before the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2011, when the police were divided into MOB (public security police) and KM (criminal police), OMON was a unit of the MOB and reported to the head of the MOB, while SOBR was a unit of the KM and reported directly to the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. OMON is built according to the army principle, as a military unit, which includes: operational companies consisting of platoons and sections, a personnel and educational department with a full-time psychologist, a medical service, a headquarters, a canine service, an engineering department, a motorized unit, and an accounting department. , logistics department. SOBR, unlike OMON, does not solve the problems of ensuring the protection of public order, including in places with a difficult criminal situation, during public events, and in suppressing group hooliganism and riots. Unlike the SOBR, riot police officers participated in all high-profile events in the history of the country, from major riots to an armed change of power. Professionally, riot police are the most mobile and prepared to act in emergency situations and natural disaster zones. When conducting targeted special operations to destroy criminals, SOBR units are used. When storming a home, the assault itself is carried out by the SOBR, and the riot police are in a cordon. In order to disarm a large armed gang in a mountainous and wooded area in the TFR, riot police and army units are used to comb the area or cordon off a blocked gang, since they are larger in number of personnel. SOBR officers are sent on business trips to the territory of the ICR in squads of 10-12 people, while riot police are sent in platoons of at least 30-35 employees.

Reassignment of FSVNG RF

On April 5, 2016, by decree No. 157 of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, special rapid reaction units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation were reassigned and became part of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. Organizational and staffing measures (OSM) and personnel purge will be carried out in the SOBR detachments; special attention will be paid to the higher state education of SOBR officers, diplomas, faculties (specialties) and educational institutions. The goal of the OSH is to improve the organizational structure, as a result of which the official status of employees changes. The result of the OSH will be a change in the staff - the number and number of positions, ranks, specialties, salaries. When reorganizing into the National Guard, complete information about the employee, his autobiography, birth certificate, school report card, certificate, military ID and military service, work record book, marriage certificate, birth certificates of children, diplomas, organization of life and everyday life will be rechecked. family members' criminal records. Until 2018, employees will be accepted for military service in the National Guard troops with the assignment of military ranks. When appointing to a position in the National Guard troops, preference will be given to employees who graduated from military institutes of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, military schools, institutes, academies under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and priority will be given to law faculties of state universities with a specialty in "Jurisprudence" qualification - "Lawyer". Officers of the National Guard of the Russian Federation must have a higher education. The formation of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation is planned to be carried out in 3 stages. SOBR employees, due to any personal circumstances, qualities or reasons that have not undergone reorganization into the ranks of the National Guard troops, will be offered other vacant positions in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Formation of the structure of the FSVNG RF

The Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation continues systematic work to form a structure, including staffing the territorial bodies of the National Guard Troops. By decision of the Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Viktor Zolotov, the personnel department has developed a transparent system of requirements that apply to officers applying for leadership positions in the territorial bodies of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. In particular, performance indicators, education, experience in combat operations, state awards, scientific and teaching activities, and enrollment in the personnel reserve for promotion to senior military positions are taken into account. When selecting and appointing leadership positions in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, special attention is paid to moral, business qualities and strict compliance with anti-corruption legislation. Territorial bodies are part of the districts of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation and are intended to direct and support the service and combat activities of riot police units, SOBR, private security and licensing work that are part of the Russian Guard in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


A country Special Forces
Armenia Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Security Service;
Belarus SPBT "Almaz" Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus;
Brazil BOPE ;
Great Britain Special Police Service ( Metropolitan Police Special Branch);
Germany SEK (Spezialeinsatzkommando);
Georgia Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia;
Kazakhstan SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan, created in 1993;
Kyrgyzstan SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan;
Costa Rica special forces GAO (Grupo de Apoyo Operativo) National Police of Costa Rica; .
Romania Rapid Response Police Service SPIR (Serviciul de Poliție pentru Intervenție Rapidă);
Salvador special forces squad GRP (Grupo de Reaccion Policial) El Salvador police ;
USA SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics - “Special weapons and tactics”);
Ukraine police special forces KORD Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;
France RAID ( eng.) and GIPN ( Groupe d'Intervention de la Police Nationale);
Israel YAMAM (Hebrew: ימ"מ‎, acronym for Special Police Unit ( י חידה מ שטרתית מ יוחדת, Yechida Meshtartit Meyuhadet) is a special unit of the Israel Border Police (MAHAV), the main anti-terrorist unit of the Israeli police.

In culture

  • Cop Wars (TV series)
  • Traffic cops (2007) (TV series)
  • SOBR (TV series) (2011)
  • Ahead of the Shot (TV series) (2011)

see also

  • Hunting team - units in the Russian army to carry out certain especially dangerous assignments (1886-1917).

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Excerpt characterizing SOBR

“Let’s go, let’s go,” Rostov said hastily, and lowering his eyes and shrinking, trying to pass unnoticed through the ranks of those reproachful and envious eyes fixed on him, he left the room.

Having passed the corridor, the paramedic led Rostov into the officers' quarters, which consisted of three rooms with open doors. These rooms had beds; wounded and sick officers lay and sat on them. Some walked around the rooms in hospital gowns. The first person Rostov met in the officers' quarters was a small, thin man without an arm, in a cap and hospital gown with a bitten tube, walking in the first room. Rostov, peering at him, tried to remember where he saw him.
“This is where God brought us to meet,” said the little man. - Tushin, Tushin, remember he took you near Shengraben? And they cut off a piece for me, so...,” he said, smiling, pointing to the empty sleeve of his robe. – Are you looking for Vasily Dmitrievich Denisov? - roommate! - he said, having found out who Rostov needed. - Here, here, and Tushin led him into another room, from which the laughter of several voices was heard.
“And how can they not only laugh, but live here?” thought Rostov, still hearing this smell of a dead body, which he had picked up in the soldier’s hospital, and still seeing around him these envious glances that followed him from both sides, and the face of this young soldier with his eyes rolled up.
Denisov, covering his head with a blanket, slept in bed, despite the fact that it was 12 o'clock in the afternoon.
“Ah, G”ostov? “It’s great, it’s great,” he shouted in the same voice as he used to do in the regiment; but Rostov noticed with sadness how, behind this habitual swagger and liveliness, some new bad, hidden feeling was peeking through. in facial expression, intonation and words of Denisov.
His wound, despite its insignificance, still had not healed, although six weeks had already passed since he was wounded. His face had the same pale swelling that was on all hospital faces. But this was not what struck Rostov; he was struck by the fact that Denisov seemed not to be happy with him and smiled at him unnaturally. Denisov did not ask about the regiment or the general course of the matter. When Rostov talked about this, Denisov did not listen.
Rostov even noticed that Denisov was unpleasant when he was reminded of the regiment and, in general, of that other, free life that was going on outside the hospital. He seemed to be trying to forget that former life and was only interested in his business with the supply officials. When Rostov asked what the situation was, he immediately took out from under his pillow the paper he had received from the commission and his rough answer to it. He perked up, starting to read his paper and especially let Rostov notice the barbs that he said to his enemies in this paper. Denisov’s hospital comrades, who had surrounded Rostov—a person newly arrived from the free world—began to disperse little by little as soon as Denisov began to read his paper. From their faces, Rostov realized that all these gentlemen had already heard this whole story, which had become boring to them, more than once. Only the neighbor on the bed, a fat lancer, sat on his bunk, frowning gloomily and smoking a pipe, and little Tushin, without an arm, continued to listen, shaking his head disapprovingly. In the middle of reading, the Ulan interrupted Denisov.
“But for me,” he said, turning to Rostov, “we just need to ask the sovereign for mercy.” Now, they say, the rewards will be great, and they will surely forgive...
- I have to ask the sovereign! - Denisov said in a voice to which he wanted to give the same energy and ardor, but which sounded useless irritability. - About what? If I were a robber, I would ask for mercy, otherwise I’m being judged for bringing robbers to light. Let them judge, I’m not afraid of anyone: I honestly served the Tsar and the Fatherland and did not steal! And demote me, and... Listen, I write to them directly, so I write: “if I were an embezzler...
“It’s cleverly written, to be sure,” said Tushin. But that’s not the point, Vasily Dmitrich,” he also turned to Rostov, “you have to submit, but Vasily Dmitrich doesn’t want to.” After all, the auditor told you that your business is bad.
“Well, let it be bad,” Denisov said. “The auditor wrote you a request,” Tushin continued, “and you need to sign it and send it with them.” They have it right (he pointed to Rostov) and they have a hand in the headquarters. You won't find a better case.
“But I said that I wouldn’t be mean,” Denisov interrupted and again continued reading his paper.
Rostov did not dare to persuade Denisov, although he instinctively felt that the path proposed by Tushin and other officers was the most correct, and although he would consider himself happy if he could help Denisov: he knew the inflexibility of Denisov’s will and his true ardor.
When the reading of Denisov’s poisonous papers, which lasted more than an hour, ended, Rostov said nothing, and in the saddest mood, in the company of Denisov’s hospital comrades again gathered around him, he spent the rest of the day talking about what he knew and listening to the stories of others . Denisov remained gloomily silent throughout the entire evening.
Late in the evening Rostov was getting ready to leave and asked Denisov if there would be any instructions?
“Yes, wait,” Denisov said, looked back at the officers and, taking out his papers from under the pillow, went to the window where he had an inkwell and sat down to write.
“It looks like you didn’t hit the butt with a whip,” he said, moving away from the window and handing Rostov a large envelope. “It was a request addressed to the sovereign, drawn up by an auditor, in which Denisov, without mentioning anything about the wines of the provision department, asked only for pardon.
“Tell me, apparently...” He didn’t finish and smiled a painfully false smile.

Having returned to the regiment and conveyed to the commander what the situation was with Denisov’s case, Rostov went to Tilsit with a letter to the sovereign.
On June 13, the French and Russian emperors gathered in Tilsit. Boris Drubetskoy asked the important person with whom he was a member to be included in the retinue appointed to be in Tilsit.
“Je voudrais voir le grand homme, [I would like to see a great man," he said, speaking about Napoleon, whom he, like everyone else, had always called Buonaparte.
– Vous parlez de Buonaparte? [Are you talking about Buonaparte?] - the general told him, smiling.
Boris looked questioningly at his general and immediately realized that this was a joke test.
“Mon prince, je parle de l"empereur Napoleon, [Prince, I’m talking about Emperor Napoleon,] he answered. The general patted him on the shoulder with a smile.
“You will go far,” he told him and took him with him.
Boris was one of the few on the Neman on the day of the emperors' meeting; he saw the rafts with monograms, Napoleon's passage along the other bank past the French guard, he saw the thoughtful face of Emperor Alexander, while he sat silently in a tavern on the bank of the Neman, waiting for Napoleon's arrival; I saw how both emperors got into the boats and how Napoleon, having first landed on the raft, walked forward with quick steps and, meeting Alexander, gave him his hand, and how both disappeared into the pavilion. Since his entry into the higher worlds, Boris made himself a habit of carefully observing what was happening around him and recording it. During a meeting in Tilsit, he asked about the names of those persons who came with Napoleon, about the uniforms that they were wearing, and listened carefully to the words that were said by important persons. At the very time the emperors entered the pavilion, he looked at his watch and did not forget to look again at the time when Alexander left the pavilion. The meeting lasted an hour and fifty-three minutes: he wrote it down that evening among other facts that he believed were of historical significance. Since the emperor’s retinue was very small, for a person who valued success in his service, being in Tilsit during the meeting of the emperors was a very important matter, and Boris, once in Tilsit, felt that from that time his position was completely established. They not only knew him, but they took a closer look at him and got used to him. Twice he carried out orders for the sovereign himself, so that the sovereign knew him by sight, and all those close to him not only did not shy away from him, as before, considering him a new person, but would have been surprised if he had not been there.
Boris lived with another adjutant, the Polish Count Zhilinsky. Zhilinsky, a Pole raised in Paris, was rich, passionately loved the French, and almost every day during his stay in Tilsit, French officers from the guard and the main French headquarters gathered for lunch and breakfast with Zhilinsky and Boris.
On the evening of June 24, Count Zhilinsky, Boris's roommate, arranged a dinner for his French acquaintances. At this dinner there was an honored guest, one of Napoleon's adjutants, several officers of the French Guard and a young boy of an old aristocratic French family, Napoleon's page. On this very day, Rostov, taking advantage of the darkness so as not to be recognized, in civilian dress, arrived in Tilsit and entered the apartment of Zhilinsky and Boris.
In Rostov, as well as in the entire army from which he came, the revolution that took place in the main apartment and in Boris was still far from accomplished in relation to Napoleon and the French, who had become friends from enemies. Everyone in the army still continued to experience the same mixed feelings of anger, contempt and fear towards Bonaparte and the French. Until recently, Rostov, talking with Platovsky Cossack officer, argued that if Napoleon had been captured, he would have been treated not as a sovereign, but as a criminal. Just recently, on the road, having met a wounded French colonel, Rostov became heated, proving to him that there could be no peace between the legitimate sovereign and the criminal Bonaparte. Therefore, Rostov was strangely struck in Boris’s apartment by the sight of French officers in the very uniforms that he was accustomed to look at completely differently from the flanker chain. As soon as he saw the French officer leaning out of the door, that feeling of war, of hostility, which he always felt at the sight of the enemy, suddenly seized him. He stopped on the threshold and asked in Russian if Drubetskoy lived here. Boris, hearing someone else's voice in the hallway, came out to meet him. His face at the first minute, when he recognized Rostov, expressed annoyance.
“Oh, it’s you, I’m very glad, very glad to see you,” he said, however, smiling and moving towards him. But Rostov noticed his first movement.
“I don’t think I’m on time,” he said, “I wouldn’t have come, but I have something to do,” he said coldly...
- No, I’m just surprised how you came from the regiment. “Dans un moment je suis a vous,” [I am at your service this very minute," he turned to the voice of the one calling him.
“I see that I’m not on time,” Rostov repeated.
The expression of annoyance had already disappeared from Boris's face; Having apparently thought it over and decided what to do, he with particular calm took him by both hands and led him into the next room. Boris's eyes, calmly and firmly looking at Rostov, seemed to be covered with something, as if some kind of screen - blue dormitory glasses - were put on them. So it seemed to Rostov.
“Oh come on, please, can you be out of time,” said Boris. - Boris led him into the room where dinner was served, introduced him to the guests, calling him and explaining that he was not a civilian, but a hussar officer, his old friend. “Count Zhilinsky, le comte N.N., le capitaine S.S., [Count N.N., captain S.S.],” he called the guests. Rostov frowned at the French, bowed reluctantly and was silent.
Zhilinsky, apparently, did not happily accept this new Russian person into his circle and did not say anything to Rostov. Boris did not seem to notice the embarrassment that had occurred from the new face and, with the same pleasant calm and cloudiness in the eyes with which he met Rostov, tried to enliven the conversation. One of the French turned with ordinary French courtesy to the stubbornly silent Rostov and told him that he had probably come to Tilsit in order to see the emperor.
“No, I have business,” Rostov answered briefly.
Rostov became out of sorts immediately after he noticed the displeasure on Boris’s face, and, as always happens with people who are out of sorts, it seemed to him that everyone was looking at him with hostility and that he was disturbing everyone. And indeed he interfered with everyone and alone remained outside the newly started general conversation. “And why is he sitting here?” said the looks that the guests cast at him. He stood up and approached Boris.
“However, I’m embarrassing you,” he told him quietly, “let’s go, talk about business, and I’ll leave.”
“No, not at all,” said Boris. And if you are tired, let’s go to my room and lie down and rest.
- Indeed...
They entered the small room where Boris was sleeping. Rostov, without sitting down, immediately with irritation - as if Boris was guilty of something in front of him - began to tell him Denisov’s case, asking if he wanted and could ask about Denisov through his general from the sovereign and through him deliver a letter. When they were left alone, Rostov became convinced for the first time that he was embarrassed to look Boris in the eyes. Boris, crossing his legs and stroking the thin fingers of his right hand with his left hand, listened to Rostov, as a general listens to the report of a subordinate, now looking to the side, now with the same clouded gaze, looking directly into Rostov’s eyes. Each time Rostov felt awkward and lowered his eyes.
“I have heard about this kind of thing and I know that the Emperor is very strict in these cases. I think we should not bring it to His Majesty. In my opinion, it would be better to directly ask the corps commander... But in general I think...
- So you don’t want to do anything, just say so! - Rostov almost shouted, without looking into Boris’s eyes.
Boris smiled: “On the contrary, I’ll do what I can, but I thought...
At this time, Zhilinsky’s voice was heard at the door, calling Boris.
“Well, go, go, go...” said Rostov, refusing dinner, and being left alone in a small room, he walked back and forth in it for a long time, and listened to the cheerful French conversation from the next room.

Rostov arrived in Tilsit on a day least convenient for interceding for Denisov. He himself could not go to the general on duty, since he was in a tailcoat and arrived in Tilsit without the permission of his superiors, and Boris, even if he wanted, could not do this the next day after Rostov’s arrival. On this day, June 27, the first peace terms were signed. The emperors exchanged orders: Alexander received the Legion of Honor, and Napoleon Andrei 1st degree, and on this day a lunch was assigned to the Preobrazhensky battalion, which was given to him by the battalion of the French Guard. The sovereigns were supposed to attend this banquet.

Since 2004, November 9 is celebrated as SOBR Day. The history of police special forces begins in 1978, when, on the eve of the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow, the first special police unit was created, which was included in the structure of the Organized Crime Control Department, and in 1992, special rapid response units - SOBRs - were formed under the regional Organized Crime Control Departments. In 2002, according to the order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, SOBRs were reorganized into special purpose police units (OMSN), and in 2012 the units again received their former name - SOBR MVD.

The main task of the Russian SOBR is to combat various manifestations of organized crime in various ways and types, however, due to the turbulent internal political situation in the North Caucasus region, special rapid reaction units successfully participated in military operations. The operations carried out by the SOBR in Dagestan, as well as the SOBR operations in Chechnya, were distinguished by high precision and well-planned actions. Only officers serve in SOBR.

SOBR "Lynx"

The detachment was created in 1992, on February 10, in Moscow, as a tactical operations department, its initial staff consisted of only 9 people, and in 1993 it was reorganized into a special rapid reaction detachment. Acting as an operational combat unit, SOBR fighters not only provided force support, their task included the development of various operations, often SOBR officers of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs infiltrated criminal groups.

SOBR members work with extreme rigidity. Even in those “dashing” 90s, when Russia was literally overwhelmed by the rampant criminal gangs, they were feared like the plague in criminal circles.

SOBR “Lynx” fighters also had a chance to visit hot spots. In 1993, SOBR members received a baptism of fire in the conflict zone between Ossetians and Ingush in the Prigorodny region of North Ossetia. Further, from 1994 to the present, fighters of the Lynx SOBR took part in almost all major operations in the North Caucasus, including the First and Second Chechen campaigns.

Today, the Lynx SOBR constantly carries out operational and combat missions both in Moscow and in other regions of Russia. Crime has not decreased, but its nature has changed, and along with this the approach of the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to the development and planning of operations, which is why the detachment is constantly working on collecting, analyzing and summarizing all kinds of information on conducting special operations both in Russia and abroad.

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SOBR "Bulat"

SOBR "Bulat" was formed in 1993, on January 1, under the Main Organized Crime Control Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region. The location of the Bulat SOBR is the city of Dolgoprudny. Since that time, not a single major special operation to identify and detain criminal groups has been completed without members of the unit.

However, the internal political situation in the country imposes its own adjustments to the use of SOBR units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the period from 1996 to 1996 alone, Bulat SOBR personnel visited “hot” spots in the North Caucasus eight times. Employees of the Bulat SOBR and the Second Chechen Company distinguished themselves. More than once they had to participate in the liquidation of militant gangs, both independently and with other special forces.

Today, the Bulat SOBR involves operations to neutralize members of criminal groups, forceful support of police officers in operational search activities, the fight against terrorists of various types, and the suppression of the activities of drug dealers and arms dealers. In addition, part of the personnel of the Bulat SOBR performs special tasks in the North Caucasus region.

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SOBR "Granite"

SOBR "Granit" was formed in 1993, on March 14. The location of the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “Granit” is St. Petersburg. Over the years of its existence, the SOBR of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Granit" performed various tasks of providing force support to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, freeing hostages, and neutralizing terrorists. SOBR soldiers gained enormous experience during special operations in the North Caucasus - SOBR members visited Chechnya alone more than 60 times. Joint exercises with special forces of foreign countries also contribute to the accumulation of experience.

Last year, 2013, SOBR “Granit” celebrated its 20th anniversary. On the holiday in honor of SOBR soldiers, a cannon shot was fired from the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress at exactly noon.

For SOBR Day, the online military store Voenpro invites you to buy an exclusive SOBR flag “Granite”.

SOBR "Viking"

The Viking SOBR stationed in Kaliningrad was formed in 1993. The specificity of the work of this SOBR detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia lies in the location of the Kaliningrad region, which is surrounded by foreign countries. Thanks to the clear actions of the personnel of the SOBR of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Viking", over the years of the unit's existence, many criminal groups that transported smuggled goods through the territory of the region, arms and drug dealers were identified and neutralized. More than once, Viking SOBR fighters visited the North Caucasus region.

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SOBR "Vector"

The Volgograd SOBR "Vector", which also celebrated its 20th anniversary this year, 2013, in addition to its immediate responsibilities - the fight against organized crime and conducting anti-terrorist operations - pays great attention to educational and patriotic work with youth. For the fifth year now, on the basis of a special rapid response unit, the interregional mobile military-applied sports camp “I have the honor! Vector of Courage”, and in August, the military-historical camp “Stalingrad - the frontier of soldier’s glory” opens on the basis of the Special Forces “Vector”.

For the opening of the camps, SOBR fighters are preparing an extensive program, which includes shooting, training in hand-to-hand combat techniques, a forced march of five kilometers, and disembarkation from the Special Special Forces Equipment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Vector". The opening takes place in a solemn ceremony on Mamayev Kurgan.

On the days of youth camps in the city you can see demonstration performances by SOBR fighters.

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SOBR "Thunder"

The special rapid reaction detachment "Grom" of the Republic of Chuvashia, based in Cheboksary, was formed in March 1993. Today, the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Grom” has carried out many special operations to neutralize criminal groups in the territory of the republic.

More than a dozen times SOBR “Grom” personnel went on business trips to the North Caucasus; in 1995, near Gudermes, SOBR fighters were surrounded for more than ten days, holding the line in the building of an abandoned cold storage plant. Almost all SOBR “Grom” employees have undergone combat training in “hot” spots and have state awards.

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SOBR "Zvezda"

It is not for nothing that our fellow countrymen are proud of the Zvezda SOBR unit, which was formed in 1993 and is stationed in Saransk (Mordovia). In November 1995, part of the SOBR personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Saransk, having gone on a planned business trip to the North Caucasus, almost immediately found themselves in the thick of hostilities near Gudermes. As part of the combined detachment of SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, fighters of SOBR “Zvezda” repelled fierce attacks by militants for more than a month. All of them were awarded the Order of Courage.

Today, the Zvezda SOBR is carrying out tasks for its intended purpose - the fight against organized crime on the territory of the republic, and the constant improvement of combat training.

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SOBR "Sobol"

Employees of the Sobol SOBR, formed in 1993 in the Republic of Udmurtia with a location in Izhevsk, from the very first days of its existence began to carry out active measures to detain members of criminal groups. One of the main operations of the Udmurt SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the early 90s of the twentieth century was the detention of a gang that killed the 1st Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the republic along with his family.

The personnel of the Sobol SOBR took part in the First and Second Chechen campaigns, and participated in the storming of the Dudayev Palace in Grozny.

Today, SOBR soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia, replacing each other, go on scheduled business trips to the North Caucasus region. It was from the call sign used by the detachment in hot spots that the name of the detachment came - “Sable”.

The SOBR "Sable" flag offered by Voentorg Voentpro is an excellent gift for SOBR Day.

SOBR "Phoenix"

The Lipetsk SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Phoenix", formed in April 1993, has several dozen successfully carried out special operations to free hostages and detain especially dangerous criminals.

Since the end of 1994, the Lipetsk SOBR has been in Chechnya. Personnel of the Phoenix SOBR participated in battles against the gangs of Gelayev, Basayev, and Khattab. In 1996, as part of the combined detachment of SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Fenikovites were surrounded on Minutka Square in Grozny. In that unequal battle, every tenth of the three hundred Russian SOBR members died, including two fighters of the Phoenix SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Today, the Phoenix SOBR continues to carry out special missions in the North Caucasus together with the FSB special forces.

Well, in the Lipetsk region, despite the calm situation, fighters of the Phoenix SOBR are always on the alert, and at any moment are ready to go to arrest particularly dangerous criminal elements. And, of course, part of the daily life of SOBR in 2013 is constant exercises, often together with special forces of other structures.

In our online military store Voenpro you can buy a SOBR flag "Phoenix".

SOBR "Elbrus"

SOBR "Elbrus", stationed in Nalchik (Kabardino-Balkaria), was created in 1993, on January 18. Due to the tense situation in the region, the SOBR of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs "Elbrus" had to literally go into battle from the very first days of its creation. The increasing number of hostage-takings in the region, the increased turnover of trade in weapons, ammunition and explosives, the emergence of a large number of gangs - the newly created SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had to deal with all this.

SOBR personnel of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs "Elbrus" took part in all operations in the North Caucasus; in October 2005, SOBR fighters repelled an attack by militants on Nalchik.

It would be an excellent gift for SOBR Day.


SOBR Day, along with the unit's birthday, is one of the main holidays of Russia's special rapid reaction units. On SOBR Day, unit officers accept congratulations, and on SOBR Day, veterans are honored. On the day of the holiday, especially distinguished SOBR soldiers are presented with state awards and memorable gifts. Also on SOBR Day, honors are paid to the fallen soldiers.

Units are preparing for the celebration of SOBR Day in advance, and festive events are planned with special care. At the beginning of SOBR Day, all units have a mandatory ceremonial part, after which, as a rule, there is a festive concert.

Online military store Voenpro congratulates you on SOBR Day and offers a variety of gifts for SOBR Day.

History of the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its tasks

The history of the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs begins in 1992. At that turbulent time, when criminal gangs were at their peak throughout Russia, a structure capable of resisting them was urgently needed. In this regard, in 1992, in February, at the Main Directorate for Operational Operations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow, a tactical operations department was organized, which in the fall of the same year was renamed SOBR (special rapid reaction detachment). Later, this first Moscow SOBR in the country received the name SOBR “Lynx”. Since 1993, similar units began to be created throughout Russia.

Ten years later, in 2002, the SOBR units were renamed OMSN (special purpose police units), in 2011 - into OSN, and since 2012 the units have returned their original name.

Today in Russia there are more than eighty SOBR detachments (according to 2009 - 87 detachments), some of them have their own names - SOBR “Lynx”, SOBR “Bulat”, SOBR “Granit”, etc.

The training of SOBR fighters differs significantly from the training of other law enforcement units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, first of all, in its pronounced individual character. These units have many highly specialized personnel, but the main focus is on interchangeability. The emphasis of the training is on working against armed criminals in urban environments at a distance of up to one hundred meters, but the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with great success perform special tasks in any terrain (mountains, forests, steppes).

The main “clients” of SOBR are specific individuals - members of gangs and organized crime groups, armed criminals and hostage takers.

Since the mid-nineties, the range of use of units and their tactical techniques have expanded significantly - adjustments were made by events in the North Caucasus region. Today, it is almost impossible to find a SOBR officer who has not been there.

Due to the specific nature of the tasks performed, SOBR often works together with other law enforcement agencies - riot police, special forces of the Internal Troops and the FSB.

SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

As mentioned above, there are currently more than 80 special rapid response units in Russia. Today, each SOBR of the Russian Federation has its own history, traditions and tactics.

On the website of the Internet Voentorg Voenpro you can get acquainted with, ,. You can also read about SOBR of Kemerovo, SOBR of Novosibirsk, SOBR of Krasnoyarsk, SOBR of Rostov, SOBR of Ivanov and about Perm SOBR.

Despite their deployment in different regions of Russia, the work of SOBRs is common - the fight against organized crime, neutralizing terrorists and much more. All units have very solid combat experience. It is safe to say that the SOBR of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is one of the most combat-ready security forces.

In fact, every SOBR fighter is a generalist, capable of always replacing a comrade, but each unit has a specialization that is determined by tactics. Detachments are formed in groups, which, in turn, are divided into capture groups and cover groups, the latter including snipers and climbers. Also, each SOBR detachment has explosives technicians; their activities are extremely relevant during business trips to the North Caucasus region.

SOBRs in Chechnya are a separate issue. Since the end of 1994, virtually none of the operations in the North Caucasus has been completed without the participation of the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Combined SOBR detachments took part in the assault on Grozny in 1995 and 1999; the Russian SOBR carried out many special operations to eliminate militant gangs, suppress terrorist attacks, and free hostages. Each of the SOBR units of the Russian Federation had to visit this “hot” spot. Today, SOBR soldiers, despite the relatively calm situation in the North Caucasus region, go on a business trip to Chechnya and neighboring Dagestan. North Caucasus missions of detachments are carried out according to the established schedule, their employees alternately replace each other.

SOBR in Chechnya is a formidable force. Well-trained unit officers not only carry out special tasks by force, but also participate in their development and subsequent analysis. The tasks of SOBR officers in Chechnya include the destruction of the leaders of bandit formations, the delivery of targeted strikes against bandit groups, and in some cases, the protection of government institutions. So, for example, soldiers of the St. Petersburg SOBR “Granit” constantly guard the complex of government buildings in Grozny. In total, SOBR soldiers from more than forty-five Russian regions are present on the territory of Chechnya as part of operational groups and mobile detachments stationed in Dagestan and Ingushetia.

Work in SOBR

Working in SOBR is very prestigious and getting into the detachment is not easy. Strict selection criteria are determined by the specifics of the tasks performed by SOBR. SOBR special forces are staffed exclusively by officers. The positions of SOBR officers, as in other structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are traditional - detective officers.

Taking into account the specifics of the work, experience and contingent, the SOBR detention technique is quite tough; their “clients” perceive the detachments as a kind of “talk of the town.” Among other things, the SOBR’s tactics were greatly influenced by participation in the events in the North Caucasus, where, in addition to anti-terrorism and police tactics, they also had to use combined arms tactics. During the assault on the militants' positions, SOBR members successfully launched frontal attacks more than once.

Today's SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is significantly different from the SOBR of the 90s. Modern organized crime has moved from “dens” and “huts” to respectable offices; boys in sweatpants and leather jackets are sometimes replaced by disciplined armed security of companies. In addition, SOBR special forces have to confront drug traffickers, arms and human goods dealers.

Daily intense training and tactical exercises, both in urban and field conditions, contribute to maintaining the combat effectiveness of SOBR personnel.

Among the SOBR fighters, there are many who have earned the right to wear “maroon berets”; almost all officers of the units who participated in special operations in the North Caucasus were awarded medals and orders; 24 SOBR officers were awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

There are also losses among the SOBR fighters, and, unfortunately, the mournful list is replenished every year. Both in the “hot” region and in the places of main deployment during detention operations, SOBR officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs risk their lives every day, but they all consider it their duty to continue their real manly work.


In 2012, the fictional series SOBR was released on television. The action of the SOBR action film takes place on the territory of the Stavropol Territory. SOBR militant tells about the everyday life of SOBR detachment fighters, about their training and special operations. The plot of the SOBR action film organically interweaves the line of interpersonal relationships between SOBR employees and their personal lives. The SOBR action film is truly a film about real men's work, and it did not leave anyone indifferent. From series to series of the film, viewers can follow an acute plot about the struggle of SOBR soldiers with a gang of terrorists, arms and human goods dealers. SOBR actors reliably convey the characters of the main characters.

If you have not yet watched the Russian TV series SOBR, then you can always watch the SOBR movie for free online on the website of the Internet military trade company Voenpro.
