Compose a story about Golden Autumn with supporting words. Compiling a descriptive story based on the painting “Late Autumn”

From the work experience of the teacher of the MBDOU "Voloshka" Olga Alekseevna Gracheva, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Noyabrsk.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the senior group of MBDOU "Voloshka".

Subject: Examination of the plot painting “Autumn Day in the Forest” and composing stories based on it.

Target: improve the ability to compose narrative stories based on a picture, adhering to a plan.

Educational objectives:

Learn to compose a descriptive story based on the painting “Autumn Day in the Forest”, adhering to the plan;

Learn to observe the content of a picture, practice using simple complex and complex sentences;

Strengthen the ability to form words with similar meanings;

Expand children's understanding of the inhabitants of the flora and fauna of the North, teach them to adhere to the logic of description.

Developmental tasks:

Develop coherent speech;

Develop memory, attention, verbal and logical thinking.

Educational tasks:

Foster independence, initiative, aesthetic feelings;

Cultivate a love for the world around us.

1. Organizational moment.

Guess the riddle about what time of year we are talking about.

I bring the harvest

I am sowing the fields again.

I send the birds south.

I strip the trees.

But I'm not afraid of pine trees

And Christmas trees...I (autumn).

How did you guess that we are talking about autumn?

Articulation warm-up (purely speaking).

La - la - la - autumn has come to us!

Re - re - re - autumn is in the yard!

Tsa - tsa - tsa - autumn on the porch!

Nom - nom - nom - autumn is outside the window!

Game “What Happens in Autumn?”

We answer yes or no.

Do leaves fall from the tree in autumn? Are the flowers blooming?

Autumn birds arrive? Or maybe they fly away?

Does leaf fall begin in autumn? Is it starting to snow?

Does a hare have a gray coat in autumn? Or maybe white?

Do we plant crops in the fall? Or maybe we'll collect it?

Do Christmas trees grow in the forest in autumn? What about mushrooms?

Is it dark outside in the fall morning? Or maybe it's light?

Do insects wake up in autumn? Or maybe they're falling asleep?

What poems about autumn do you know? (Children recite poems about autumn).

2. Main part.

Examination of the plot painting “Autumn Day in the Forest” and composing stories based on it.

Look carefully at the picture and tell me, what would you call it?

What season did the artist depict?

What time of day did he draw?

How can I say this in one sentence? (The artist depicted an autumn day in the forest and called this painting exactly the same).

How did you guess that it is day in the picture? (It’s light in the forest, children are walking).

Why did you decide that it was an autumn day? (The leaves have turned yellow, reddened, and are falling. Children are collecting autumn bouquets.)

What autumn day is it in this picture? (Warm, sunny).

On a warm sunny day it is especially nice around. How is this shown in the picture? (Blue sky and bright yellow tree crowns. Yellow and blue tones are pleasing to the eye and fun).

Listen to the story I wrote.

The long-awaited autumn has arrived. There are still warm days in early autumn. The air is clean and transparent. The days are getting shorter, the sun is shining less. The leaves turn yellow, red and fall off. The children and their teacher went out into the forest for a walk. The dog Sharik enjoys the warm autumn days with them. Boys and girls collect beautiful bouquets of autumn leaves. Everyone is happy about a warm autumn day!

Did you like my story?

What did you like about him?

What did you like most about the story?

Today we will learn to compose a story based on a picture, using a plan - a diagram.

Look at the diagram and tell me where you will start your story? (Disassemble the plan - a diagram for the story).

Who wants to write their own story? (2-3 children are listened to).

Physical exercise.

We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.

The wind blew and they flew.

We were flying, we were flying

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves.

Spun and flew

And they sat quietly on the ground!

The arrival of autumn is not only noticeable by changes in nature, but also animals begin to prepare for winter.

What animals can be found in our forests in the fall?

Who goes to bed all winter?

Who changes their fur coat for the winter?

Who's stocking up for the winter?

Who winters under the leaves, in the bark of trees?

Forest animals prepare for winter in early autumn. They build holes for themselves and stock up. Squirrels and hares begin to molt - changing their coats from summer to winter. Winter coats have thicker, fuller fur and a color that matches the winter nature.

A bear wanders through the forest, eats ripe berries, nuts, and fattens up for the winter.

Moles and mice stock up on spikelets. The badger collects roots and mushrooms, dries them and places them on tree trunks.

The squirrel stores supplies in the hollow. The wolf and fox do not sleep in winter and do not prepare supplies; they hunt. Forest inhabitants hide in holes and hollows.

What does a bear do in the fall?

Who hid in the holes?

What does a squirrel do in the fall?

Is it comfortable for a bunny in a white fur coat when the snow has not yet fallen? Why?

3. Bottom line.

What did we learn today?

What interesting things did you learn?

What did you like most?

Surprise moment.

Guys, you were very attentive and diligent today. You turned out wonderful stories about an autumn day in the forest. You will tell them to your friends and parents. But as a gift from autumn, you receive these autumn leaves, which will remind you of our lesson.

Lesson on speech development in the senior group “Autumn. Writing a story"

Subject : « Autumn»

Target : Develop children's coherent speech, activate vocabulary on the topic« Autumn» .

Tasks : Enrich children's active vocabulary. Learn to answer questions in complete sentences. Learn to form adjectives to a given noun. Learnmake up a story based on a picture, using reference pictures - symbols, find differences and compare two landscapes.Developtechnical skills in drawing with colored pencils and wax crayons in free visual activity. Cultivate a love for nature.

Equipment : chips - templatesautumn leaves, drops for the game“What leaf is this?” for drawing in the center of the iso; pictures - symbols forwriting a story based on two landscapes, two illustrations early and lateautumn; colored pencils wax crayonsautumn flowers, two sheets of A2 format.

Occupation node:

1. Motivational - incentive.


If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow

If the birds flew to a distant land

If the sky is gloomy, if it rains

What is this time of year called?( autumn )

2. Introductory conversation

What are the autumn months?

What can autumn be called in September? (early, golden).

What do you call autumn in October? (rainy).

What do you call autumn in November? (late).

What can you say about the sun in autumn?

(It doesn’t heat well, there are fewer sunny days).

What is the sky like in autumn? (Gloomy, heavy, cloudy, rainy, cloudy, gray, dark).

What happens to trees in autumn? (Leaves: turn yellow, turn red, fall off, dry out. The trees stand bare.)

What is the name of the phenomenon in nature when leaves fall from trees? (Leaf fall).

Leaves in autumn, what do they do? (They turn yellow, turn red, dry up, fall, spin, fly, crumble)

What happens to the grass in the fall? (Dries up, turns yellow, fades)

What do birds do in the fall? (They fly away to warmer climes)

Why? What are these birds called? (Migratory)

What do insects do in the fall? (They hide in old stumps, snags, climb under the bark of trees).

What do animals do in the fall? (They are preparing for winter. Some go to bed for the whole winter - a bear, a hedgehog, a badger. Others change their skin - a hare, a squirrel, a fox. Still others make provisions for the winter - a squirrel, a hedgehog.)

What's the weather like in autumn? (Cold, rainy, windy, sometimes snowing.)

What happens only in autumn? (Harvest, birds flying away, leaves falling.)

3. Reading the story “Autumn.”

Autumn comes after summer. Gradually the days become cloudier, the sun shines less and less. The sky is covered with gray clouds. It often rains – long, drizzling rains. The leaves on the trees turn yellow and fall off. A cold wind tears leaves from tree branches, and they fall to the ground, covering it with a golden carpet. The grass will be taken out. It's damp and slushy outside. The birds don't sing anymore. They hide from the rain, gather in flocks and fly far to warmer climes. You can’t go outside without an umbrella, you’ll get wet. And it’s cold without a jacket and boots.

4. Game “What doesn’t happen in autumn?”

Snowdrops do not grow in autumn.

In autumn they don’t swim in the river.

They don't sunbathe in autumn.

In autumn they don't wear fur coats.

5. Physical exercise:

Oak leaves, maple leaves

They turn yellow and fall quietly.

The wind grabs you and throws you into a heap,

The leaves are spinning quietly.

The leaves are dancing their round dance

Return again only a year later.

The rain appeared.

The round dance landed on the ground.

Today guys, we're going to take a walk aroundautumn.

6. Organizational and search.

Guys! Look what's under our feet( autumn leaves, droplets)

Where did they come from?(Leaves are falling from the trees. Droplets are left by the rain)

7. Didactic game “What leaf is this?”

Show me who has yellow leaves?

What tree are these leaves from?(from birch)

What is the name of a birch leaf?(birch)

Similarly, children name the leaves of maple, rowan, and oak.

How to call all the leaves in one word? What leaves are these?( autumn )

The teacher puts an illustration on the board( late autumn) .

Offers to childrenlook at the illustration. Children highlight the main signs of lateautumn.Work onwriting a story about late autumn.

Whichdo you like autumn better?? Why?(children express their opinion and justify it) .

8. Analysis of the lesson.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher analyzes the work onclass.

What did we do today?class? What did you enjoy doing the most? What new did you learn?

Children's self-esteemclassusing leaf chips.

Municipal budgetary educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 68
Examination of the painting “Late Autumn”. Writing a descriptive story Educational field “Communication”
Developed by: Olga Vasilievna Mezhakova, teacher at MBDOU d/s No. 68, Belgorod
- clarify children’s knowledge about the signs of autumn;
- develop skills in writing a short descriptive story using supporting diagrams;
- activate the “autumn” vocabulary: slush, bad weather, bad weather, brown, rusty, red grass, withered leaves;
- develop coherent speech, thinking, attention, imagination;
- form spatial-temporal representations;
- cultivate interest in landscape painting.

Equipment: painting “Late Autumn”, letters “s”, “o”, “n”, numbers “1”, “2”, “3”, recording by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Autumn Day”, supporting diagrams for composing a descriptive story.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, guess the riddle
I bring the harvest
I'm sowing the fields again
I send birds to the south
I undress the trees
But I'm not afraid of pine trees
And Christmas trees... I... (Autumn)
- Guys, should we invite you to visit the words that live in autumn? I will say different words. As soon as you hear the word that lives in autumn, you will have to clap your hands.
- September, drops, blizzard, slush, rain, snowfall, falling leaves, bad weather, swallow, November, snowdrift, dandelion, golden, strawberries, mushrooms, August, October.
- The words you invited will remain in our lesson.
- Autumn has three sons. What kind of sons are these?
- What is the name of the first son of autumn? Release the first sound of this word from your fist - “s”.
- Kolya, find the letter “s”, put it under the number “1”.
- Name the second autumn month as we will write it.
- October.
Sing with your voice the name of the first sound of this word “o”.
- What is the name of the third son of autumn? Release the first sound of this word from your fist “n”.
- Let’s read the word “DREAM”.
- Do you think Mother Osenina would choose this word for herself?
- What happens in nature at the end of autumn?
- In autumn, all nature prepares for sleep, for rest. Some animals will hibernate, they hide in holes and fall asleep, while others will no longer lead such an active lifestyle as in the summer. The trees have shed their leaves.
- Composers write music about different seasons. Listen to the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Day".
- What would you like to do with this music?
- Sit, sleep...
- Many artists depict autumn landscapes. What period of autumn did the artist depict in this picture?
- The end of autumn.
- How did you guess?
- The trees are bare, the grass has withered, darkened, turned brown and rusty.
- Look carefully at the picture and tell me its name.
- "Late fall".
- What colors did the artist use in his painting?
- Cold, dark.
- What do you see in the foreground?
- Way to go.
- Which road?
- Wide, long, dirty.
- What do you see on the road?
- There is a wide muddy puddle and small puddles on the road.
-Who did the artist depict next, on the road?
- Further, on the road, the artist depicted schoolchildren. They are going to school.
- Look to the left, who do you see on the left, on the side of the road?
- On the left, on the side of the road there are four crows.
- What is shown to the right of the road?
- To the right, from the road, the picture shows different trees: birches, maples, pine trees.
- What do you see in the distance in the picture?
- Trees, and behind them a village, and behind the village a dense forest.
- I think the artist depicted a clear day. You agree with me?
- No, the picture shows a cloudy, stormy, gloomy day.
- How did you determine this?
- There is no sun, the sky is low, gloomy, gray. Dark rain clouds float across the low sky.
- Only very attentive and vigilant guys can see everything that is in this picture. Take binoculars. What else do you see in the picture?
- In the distance lies a long-tailed, white-sided magpie. A flock of birds is circling high in the sky. A magpie sits on a branch.
- Children, how do birds foreshadow bad weather?
- Crows gather in flocks, fly high and low, croak loudly, and magpies chatter.
- Guys, this picture is not simple, it sounds. Imagine that you and I entered the picture and found ourselves on this hill, or on this road, near the village. Close your eyes and imagine what sounds you heard?
- The cries of birds, the rustling of leaves, the sound of the wind, the cracking of branches.
- Take a deep breath. What kind of air?
- Cold, raw, fresh.
- Now I will wave a magic twig, and you will turn into autumn leaves.

Psycho-gymnastics “Autumn Leaves”

Where are the leaves?
- On the tree.
- How do they hold on to the branch?
- Petiole - as if it were a hand.
- The leaves hold tightly to the twig. The wind has blown... the wind is blowing stronger... a strong wind has blown...
Leaves are falling, falling -
In our garden the leaves are falling...
Yellow, red leaves
They curl and fly in the wind.
- All the leaves have flown off, the wind has died down. Where are you now? What do you feel?
Someone says that he is lying in a puddle, someone hid under a bench, someone was taken home for a bouquet...
- Would you, little leaves, like to fly to distant countries? The wizard wind blew, picked up the leaves from the ground, they swirled in the air and flew. What do you see from above?
- Land, houses, river.
- The wind died down, you sank to the ground. I will touch you with a magic twig, and you will again turn into children and tell me what the leaves were like and where they grew?
- I was an aspen leaf and grew up on an aspen...
- We are again in our group. Who guessed what we will be doing now? Schemes for composing a story are displayed on the board.
- Compose a story.
- Help me write the first sentence correctly:
Late autumn is coming.
Next, children compose a story in a chain, based on the diagrams.
It was a gloomy, cloudy autumn day.
The sky was dark, gray, gloomy, low.
Dark rain clouds floated across the low sky.
It rained heavily recently.
Large puddles and small puddles formed on the road.
In the distance, schoolchildren are walking along a dirt road.
The trees are bare.
The last withered leaves remained on the oaks and maples.
The cold damp wind tears off the leaves of the trees and carries them away
far from the tree.
Wintering birds gather in flocks, fly high and low,
looking for food for themselves.
- Let's finish our story with a poem.
Autumn days
There are big puddles everywhere
The last leaves
The cold wind swirls.
- What other poems do you know about late autumn?
Children read poems:
I. Bunin “Forest, like a painted tower”,
A. Pleshcheeva “Autumn”,
A. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn”...

Compiling a descriptive story based on a plot picture" Gold autumn " .

Tasks : Continue to develop the ability to compose a story based on a plot picture;

Teach children to use complex sentences in speech when describing nature.

Develop oral speech, the ability to compose coherent monologue statements of a descriptive story.

Clarify and expand vocabulary on the topic" Autumn " .

Improve gross motor skills and coordination.

To cultivate emotional responsiveness and love for the nature of the native land.

Preliminary work. Excursions to the autumn park, looking at illustrations, story pictures on the topic" Autumn " , reading poems, stories, riddles, observing while walking.

Materials : plot picture on the topic" Gold autumn "

Organizing time

Guys, listen to the poem

She puts on a golden cloak,

She says goodbye to the warm summer.

Birds are sent away by rain and fog.

What time of year is the poem talking about?

Today we will talk to you about the autumn season. Let's visit the kingdom of golden autumn.

Listen carefully and answer questions"Yes or no" .

Game "yes" or "no".

- Flowers bloom in autumn?

- Mushrooms grow in autumn?

Are the clouds covering the sun?

The prickly wind is coming?

Are the fogs floating in autumn?

Well, do birds build nests?

Do the bugs fly?

Do animals close their holes?

Are flocks of birds flying away?

Is the sun shining very hot?

Can children sunbathe?

Well, what should you do?

(jackets, hats to wear).

Well done, you were very attentive.


1. Gold coins fly off the branch(autumn leaves ) .

What leaves are there in autumn?? (golden, yellow, crimson, brown)

2. Without arms, without legs, but opens the gate?(wind)

What a wind in autumn? (cold, prickly, impetuous, demeaning)

3. What a sky in autumn? (dark, cloudy, gray, overcast, gloomy, covered with clouds)

4. People are waiting for me, calling me, but when I come to them they run away(rain)

Rain, what autumn? (cold, drizzly, shallow, autumn)

What does autumn smell like?? (mushrooms, pine needles, rotten leaves)

Physical education.

Guys, notice what a beautiful picture autumn gave us.

- Let's look at the picture.

What time of year is shown in the picture?? (Golden autumn )

How did you guess? By what signs?

What kind of trees stand in the forest?

What happens to the grass and flowers?(flowers fade, grass turns yellow)

What else is shown in the picture? (river)

What can you say about her? (the river surface seems motionless and cold. A bright sky with white clouds is reflected on the surface of the water.

In the foreground of the picture is a narrow field road, yellowed grass and a birch tree leaning towards the river. In the distance is a sandy beach, where both children and adults love to sunbathe in summer. Some trees are still green, and in the depths you can see the tops of evergreen pines. The whole picture is bright, it’s a sunny day. This can be seen from the shadows that lie on the ground under the trees. The painting seems to radiate warmth with its light colors..

Children, I suggest you make up your own story based on the picture.

Well done! This concludes our lesson, in which we learned to describe the autumn picture “Golden Autumn”.

Summary of educational activities for the development of speech in the senior group on the topic: “Composing a story based on the painting “Golden Autumn.”

Target: teach children to write a story based on a picture.



Teach independent storytelling based on a picture;

Strengthen children's ability to express themselves in complete sentences.


Develop observation and logical thinking.


Foster a love for the natural environment.

Equipment: picture of autumn, ball.

Preliminary work:looking at pictures of autumn.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Organizing time.

Good morning! - the birds began to sing -

Good people, get out of bed!

All the darkness hides in the corners,

The sun has risen and is going about business.

  1. Main part.

- Guys, guess my riddle, what time of year is it about?

Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves. (Autumn)

– Who guessed what time of year we will talk about today? (About autumn)

- Right. Now we have autumn. Guys, let's remember what we know about this time of year.

How many autumn months are there in total? (Three)

Name them. (September October November)

What is autumn like? (Rainy, golden, cold, colorful, etc.)

What color are the leaves on the trees in autumn? (yellow, brown, orange)

Guys, what natural phenomenon do we call leaf fall? (When many leaves fall)

And in what weather do the most leaves fall? (When the wind blows strong)

- Well done guys, that’s how much you know about autumn!

Didactic game for attention “Yes and no”(the game is played in a circle with a ball)

– Now let’s play the “Yes and No” game. I will ask you questions about autumn, and you must answer them with only one word “yes” or “no”.

  • Do mushrooms grow in autumn? (Yes)
  • Are the clouds covering the sun? (Yes)
  • Is the cold wind blowing? (Yes)
  • Are the fogs floating in autumn? (Yes)
  • Well, do birds build nests? (No)
  • Do the bugs fly? (No)
  • Do animals close their holes? (Yes)
  • Is everyone getting the harvest? (Yes)
  • Are the birds flying away? (Yes)
  • Does it rain often? (Yes)
  • Do we wear boots? (Yes)
  • Is the sun shining very hot? (No)
  • Can children sunbathe? (No
  • Well, what can you do?

Should we wear jackets and hats? (Yes)

Physical education minute.

We, autumn leaves,
They sat on the branches. (squat down)
The wind blew and they flew.(
flying around the room)
We flew, we flew.
And they sat down quietly on the ground. (
sit down quietly)
The wind came again.
And he picked up all the leaves. (
rise )
He turned them over and around. (
spin around and sit down again)
And he lowered it to the ground.

Working from a picture, writing a story.

– Guys, the autumn artist painted a picture about autumn and sent it to us in kindergarten. What can we call it? (children's answers) I called this picture “Golden Autumn”.

Questions about the painting:

  1. What season of the year did the artist paint autumn in the picture?
  2. What weather is shown in the picture?
  3. How many children are shown in the picture?
  4. What is the girl doing?
  5. What is the boy doing in the garden?
  6. What is the boy doing under the tree?
  7. Do you like the picture? What emotions does it make you feel?

– Let’s now compose a story based on the picture together.(drawing up a story; the teacher starts, the children continue; then 2-3 children tell the story themselves)

  1. Summary of the lesson.

- Guys, today we remembered a lot about autumn.

1 . What time of year did we write a story about based on the picture?

2. What new did you learn today?

3. What did you do? What games did you play?

– You are great!
