Tips for optimizing your promoted page. How to optimize pages for queries? Key queries for home page optimization

Hello, dear readers! We continue our series of articles on creating your own online store. I sincerely hope that these articles will help you. In this article we will try to reveal many secrets that attract traffic to your online store without much effort with high conversion and low frequency. In general, we will talk about optimizing and promoting an online store.

Although this article is an instruction, almost every case is different from each other, so you need to be careful when performing any actions so as not to worsen the situation.

What will you get after using these improvements on the online store website:

  1. Good attitude of search engines to your site;
  2. Simplified promotion of your website;
  3. Increase in low frequency traffic;
  4. There are many other benefits that you will find out later.

Why is optimization needed and what is it?

A lot of people don’t take into account that before you start promoting your website, be it an online store or any other website, it is very important to do some work that is related to on-page optimization. This work will significantly save your time, as well as money, regarding future external promotion.

In addition, internal website optimization will make it possible to very simply and quickly raise low-frequency queries, often the names of your store’s products, to the top positions of search engines (for example: “acer tt pc 1650px buy”).

Optimization within the site and working with it

In this paragraph, we will analyze the general work with the site in order to simplify its indexing, as well as identification by Google and Yandex search engines. This means working with internal optimization. We will consider both optimization of the entire site and its individual pages.

Now imagine that you have an online store website (you just created it) and you haven’t even had time to fill it with goods. Below we will describe a list of actions that will need to be done immediately after creating the site.

Taking into account the fact that a website, in particular an online store, often consists of thousands or even thousands of pages, you need to wisely start promoting each page and implement a high-quality selection of keywords. Before starting work, let’s determine which pages need to be optimized and what type of query to choose for each of them?

Query optimization and its distribution by page type

High Frequency Requests

These queries are the most popular.

For example: “Buy a car.”

Using these queries, the main page of the site is optimized. This is necessary to attract the maximum amount of traffic for this request. Of course, you don’t have to wait for the results right away, but later you will see that it’s worth it.

In simple words, the main task of this point is to optimize the store’s main page for a request that maximally covers the audience of your store.

For example, you sell bags and the main page of the site will be “Name of the store - buy a bag in Moscow.” You can sometimes miss this and make “Name of store - online store of bags in Moscow,” but only if you can assign the high-frequency request “Buy a bag” to a specific category.


  • Attracting high-frequency traffic;
  • Increase in attendance.


  • Very often, high-frequency traffic does not attract buyers as well as low-frequency traffic;
  • The high cost of promotion, which in rare cases justifies itself and gives the desired result. But still worth using.

Medium-frequency queries

For example: “buy a man’s bag.”

Requests with medium frequency have a narrower focus than high-frequency ones. They have the best ability to convert real buyers from traffic. Such queries use pages with product categories.


  • Easier to unwind;
  • Easier conversion into store customers due to relatively narrow focus;


  • Despite all the advantages, the conversion of this type of request is insufficient.

Low frequency queries

For example: “buy a Calvin Klein women’s bag in Moscow.”

It’s even better if the request for a Calvin Klein bag is for a specific model. Such headings should be provided to subcategories or the product card itself. You should pay special attention to this type of query because such queries are only used by people who intend to purchase exactly what they are looking for. You need to start promoting your website with their help. The cost of attracting such clients is very small and the cost recovery will be very fast.


  • Very good conversion. The most targeted buyers;
  • Low cost of promotion using linking.


  • If the store is very large, then it is very difficult to create the necessary list of queries (semantic core).

Semantic core

At this stage, you will need to collate a list of words with which you will further promote your online store. Keywords need to be chosen from the most popular ones to capture more traffic. You can watch them using . It is impossible to fully disclose the process of collecting the semantic core in one sentence, so there will be a separate article on this topic.

In a nutshell, this process involves collecting queries that will help people find your site.

For example, you sell bags in your online store.

You go to Yandex Wordstat, select your city or country (if you sell throughout Russia) and enter a query into the line, for example, “buy a bag” or “bag store.”

As a result, you see a lot of queries that you need. You open each of them in a separate tab and see even more requests. There are similar queries in the column on the right that may also be useful to you. You copy all these queries into an Excel spreadsheet file. Limit them to a lower limit of 20 requests per month (the number next to each request).

You also collect requests for individual products from your online store.

When all the queries have been collected, you need to sit down and clear the table of unnecessary queries and divide the necessary ones into groups. Once you have your query groups ready, you can distribute queries across the pages of your site and optimize the pages for them.

The collection of the semantic core must be approached with great responsibility. Collect only those key queries that will give you sales! Remove queries with the words “free”, “freebie”, etc. This is necessary not only to optimize site pages, but also to set up contextual advertising in and.

Site structuring

When designing your website, you must take into account its structuring. Here is an article about. There is a “three clicks” rule in this regard. It lies in the fact that any element of the site, be it a product, page or section, must be located within 3 clicks from any place in the online store, regardless of where the user is located. I highly recommend doing it because it helps a lot with internal optimization. It also strengthens the buyer’s confidence, because when visiting the site, the user does not face problems finding the right product.

  • There is no need to create many product subcategories. Ideal layout: “Start (main) page” ->; “Product categories” ->; "Product page";
  • You need to structure your online store for people, not for search engines;
  • Create a sitemap – sitemap.xml. It is needed for search robots and radically simplifies indexing.

Human readable URL (NC)

Which URL do you prefer?



I think there is no need to explain that the first link is more readable than the second. Also, links like the first one are better indexed in search engines, because they already know what is where.

Human-readable URLs are very useful for the store, as they are better perceived by humans and search engines recognize them better.

About the “Title” tag

The Title tag is almost the first thing search engines pay attention to. Almost every website content management system has the ability to edit the title of a page. This is done in the CMS admin panel.

  • This tag must be unique throughout the site;
  • It must contain an exact occurrence of the keyword (phrase).

The title is simply required and it is for this that you distribute the semantic core. For example, you have a request "buy a man's bag", then the title of the category page with men's bags will be like this "Buy a men's bag in Moscow"(if you are not tied to a city, then do not indicate its name).

Tag "Description"

This is a short description of your page that comes immediately after the title (title) in search results. It must also be compiled according to the title request + additional requests.

For the title “Buy a man’s bag in Moscow” you can make a Description “Buy a man’s bag in Moscow. Catalog of men's bags made of natural and artificial leather in the online store...”


They are the buyer’s return path to the main page.

For example:

Electronics –> Computers and peripherals –> Tablet computer –> Samsung GT-P3110 Galaxy.

This block is usually located under the online store menu and looks like this:

Their usefulness:

  • Simplifying navigation on the site;
  • Improving indexing in search engines;
  • Improved linking.

When optimizing, you must use linking. It allows you to link different store pages together. For example: “similar products”, “recently viewed”, “also bought” and so on.

  • Increase in the number of sales due to competent offers for the purchase of similar products;
  • This needs to be taken very seriously. There is no need to produce unnecessary results in linking. This can have a negative impact on people's behavior on the site, sales, etc.


Any picture on the site has some tags that contain information that search engines use to determine whether they belong to a given topic.

ALT tag. Here you need to briefly write down what is displayed in the picture or its name. Use keywords in your description!

The TITLE tag is optional, unlike ALT, but you should not leave it empty.

If you take image optimization seriously, you can get traffic from image search.

Take a responsible approach to the images on the site. You must show your product from all sides. A beautiful product photograph can increase sales several times. Checked! After we changed the product photos to more professional ones, sales increased.

Text for the site

Never upload images or texts to your website if they are already located somewhere on another service or online store. You must use exclusively unique texts. In the case where the assortment is very large, it is worth adding products slowly, gradually. Just so that the images are not “stolen”.

  • Search engines perceive unique texts and images very positively;
  • Never leave a page without a product description. Never!

Take the text no less seriously. You don’t need a lot of it in product descriptions, a maximum of 200-500 characters with 1-3 keywords by which you promote the page. In an online store they don’t really like to read; here they pay more attention to the product itself, and therefore to photos and videos.

Text size for pages:

  • Home page – 1500-2000 characters;
  • Categories/subcategories – 700-1000 characters;
  • Product card – 200-500 characters.

The text should be divided into paragraphs, possibly separated by pictures, to make it pleasant and convenient to read.

Subheadings and Headings

Almost any text should have subheadings and headings. When writing any text, you will be faced with the need to prepare a title for the text, as well as subheadings. It is very important to use the main keyword phrase in the title.

The h1 tag (main heading) should be the only one on the page. It should be similar to the Title on the page, but may not be the same.

It is advisable to use keywords in subheadings.

Articles in the online store

If you only consider optimization within your online store, then various articles about products will help you attract the right traffic using the keywords that are indicated in the article. In addition, a buyer who is looking for a description or review of a product will be able to go to your store and buy this product.


  • It is necessary to constantly update the content, because this has a good effect on the ranking of the store in search results;
  • High conversion of buyers from articles.


  • Waste of time and money.

Common mistakes during optimization

Internal optimization should be moderate, because you can overdo it, and this will not have a good effect on the site.

– Apply page reoptimization. An example of re-optimization about “leather chairs”:

“If you need to buy leather chairs, call our company because we have been selling leather chairs for 15 years. Our leather chairs are the best."

Such text will immediately be banned by search engines. Too many repetitions of a keyword in a small amount of text. After a while, search engines will tell you “Goodbye!” for doing this.

Example of optimization for a specific query

After all the theory described above, let's move on to a practical example. This will reinforce your knowledge and help you better understand the on-page optimization process. Imagine that you have an online toaster store and you need to do internal optimization of one page of the site. This is also a page about the product.

For example, you are selling a kitchen toaster GHOTEM SASUOLO MH55 3200 GTXN.

The name of this toaster is a low-frequency query. Next, we’ll look at what needs to be done for optimal independent work on promoting this page:

1) Optimize your TITLE according to the request.

Toaster GHOTEM SASUOLO MH55 3200 GTXN buy in St. Petersburg: description, photos, price.

2) Working with CNC.


3) Different heading levels (h1,h2,h3):


H2/H3: Description of GHOTEM SASUOLO MH55 3200 GTXN

4) “Breadcrumbs”:

6) Linking inside the store. You need to attach links from other products to the page with this toaster. For example, in the “Similar Products” item along with similar toasters.

7) ALT and TITLE in product images.

For example:

title = “Photo GHOTEM SASUOLO MH55 3200 GTXN”

8) The product description must contain the exact entry of the key:

“The GHOTEM SASUOLO MH55 3200 GTXN toaster is one of the best toasters produced in 2015...”

9) The ideal option would be to have a review of this product with videos, pictures, etc.

Note! You may not think that you can do all these steps with every product, but I assure you that in reality there will not be as much work as it might seem at first glance.

Your actions to optimize your online store

1) The main point is the compilation of a semantic core.

2) Uniform distribution of requests across pages.

3) Each page must be internally optimized.

4) After this, queries with low frequency will be higher in search results.

6) After medium-frequency requests have been processed, you can begin to work with high-frequency requests that bring a lot of traffic.

7) Constantly improve your online store website based on statistics. You need to make the site more convenient for your visitors.

This strategy is designed for approximately the first year of operation.

But that is not all!

Now a few more important points in optimizing and promoting an online store!

Nice design and easy navigation

It is necessary! You must make and constantly improve the site for people. It should be convenient and comfortable for visitors to be there and look for something. If they quickly find the information they need and navigate the site, then you will have good behavioral factors! Namely, user behavior (behavioral factors) now more than ever influences your rankings in search engines. Therefore, maximum attention should be paid to user convenience!

You must understand that the buyer makes a decision to purchase a product within 15-30 seconds. The buyer is more often looking for something specific. He already knows what he wants to buy. Moreover, he often knows how much it costs. Therefore, the 2 main elements that your IM should have are: "PRICE" and "ORDER BUTTON".

A buyer on a store’s website always wants to see the price. And if this price suits him, then he immediately wants to place an order. If a buyer doesn’t buy your product now, then most likely he will never buy it (he will go to someone else).

Therefore, on the product page, “Price” is placed next to the “Order Button”.

Here's an example:

mobile version

Your website must have a mobile version or responsive design. Every month the growth of Internet users from mobile devices is gaining momentum. I often monitor the statistics of all my sites and already almost half of the users access them from mobile devices. And this is a significant part of the traffic.

If you do not adapt your site to mobile devices, you can lose about half of your visitors and customers.

To be continued

If you have questions, ask them in the comments below!

One of the aspects of SEO is optimizing the site for user requests. This is a set of measures aimed at increasing the relevance of page content.

It is known that search engines rank sites depending on their relevance to the search query. If the user entered “The benefits and harms of bananas,” then the search results will show resources on whose pages the corresponding article or video is posted.

The more relevant the content, the higher the site will be ranked (all other things being equal).

And not only search engines are interested in showing certain sites for certain search queries. Webmasters themselves do not want their site to “pop up” always and everywhere. They only need targeted queries (those entered by their target audience).

Therefore, optimizing a website for user requests is one of the most important stages of search engine promotion.

What is included in optimization for search queries?

So, the list of work that the optimizer must carry out is as follows:

1. Drawing up a semantic core.

Semantics is the basis, the foundation of the future content plan. In order for most of the transitions to the site to be targeted, it is necessary to carefully and competently select keywords and phrases.

Today there are many paid and free services that help in compiling a semantic core. For example, Yandex WordStat. It allows you to see for free what phrases users entered and how many times per month. Based on this information, you can create a quality core.

2. Drawing up a content plan.

At this stage, a detailed content plan is being developed based on the collected semantics: what articles will be written, on what topics, in what volumes, what queries they will answer, etc.

In SEO, there are no more than 10–15 keywords per page. Moreover, they must be related (related to the same topic). It’s simply difficult to fit a larger number into one article without spamming. And PSs don’t like spam and are pessimistic about sites that abuse keywords.

3. Writing articles.

Content is the basis of any website. It is for this reason that people visit various resources. At this stage of website optimization for queries, it is worth remembering that you are writing first of all for a person and only then for a search robot.

Search engines follow the same policy. In addition to all the technical nuances, they also check the usefulness of the page: whether the user will find what he was looking for here, how long he will want to stay on this site, whether he will like the content, etc.

Search engine algorithms are constantly being improved and search robots are increasingly giving preference to useful sites.

Basic requirements for the text:

    uniqueness - it should not be plagiarism, only original content. If you cannot write an article yourself, use copywriting exchanges. There you can buy ready-made ones or order the writing of unique material;

    relevance - this has already been discussed earlier. The content of the page must correspond to the user's request;

    narrative structure - make articles structured, with clearly defined headings, subheadings, lists, tables, etc. Do not write large paragraphs - they are difficult to read;

    SEO optimization - the text should contain keywords and phrases, but without spam. No more than one key per 100 words.

Determine your writing style and stick to it. Whether the text will be easy to read or professional with a lot of terms - it all depends on who exactly your target audience is.

4. Optimization of meta tags.

Metadata (or meta tags) are used to inform search robots about the content of pages.

Title is the title (50–65 characters). The content of this tag is not displayed on the page itself, but is displayed in the browser tab, as well as in the SERP snippet.

This tag is one of the main ones, as it has the greatest impact on the ranking of the page. It must contain the key and preferably in a direct entry. At the same time, the content itself must be well readable, since it will be displayed in the snippet and influence the users’ decision whether to click or not.

Description is a description (140–200 characters). It is displayed only in the search results snippet.

Along with the title, this tag should contain keywords (but not duplicate the title) and be easily readable.

H1 - H6 - these tags allow you to structure the content of the page. If we are talking about an article, then H1 is the title, H2 is the sections, H3 is the subsections, etc.

If there is no title tag on the page, search robots will focus on H1.

Product sections generate the lion's share of organic traffic. This is their main value from an SEO optimization point of view. Search engine conversions are equally important for any online store - they provide the most converting visits and serve as the basis for stability in eCommerce. At the same time, promoting category pages has many pitfalls. Here it is important to handle keys extremely carefully, carefully place text content, format headings correctly, and much more. Failure to comply with these rules will, at best, push the section to the back of the search results; at worst, it will put the page or the entire site under a filter. In this article, we will share our knowledge of how to properly optimize directory sections, avoiding critical errors.

Where does category optimization begin?

Catalog sections are pages that contain thematic groups of products. With the right approach, they are created based on data from the semantic core. A matrix of keywords helps to create the most thoughtful catalog structure: highlight the most popular categories, form a hierarchy of sections and subsections. In addition to organizing the site architecture, the semantic core allows you to identify the most promising categories and focus priority attention on them during promotion. And finally, semantics is the matrix that you will constantly refer to when optimizing pages for specific queries.

Texts for catalog sections. What dangers exist?

Texts in product headings - their quality, size and location - play a very important role in the SEO optimization of these pages. This applies to a greater extent to stores focused on traffic from Yandex. The era of aggressive promotion using key queries that were used to spam the long footcloth of text at the end of the page ended in 2017, after the launch of the Baden-Baden algorithm. Today, they work with the text content of sections as carefully as possible. Otherwise, there is a high probability of falling under a filter, which can be applied both to the entire site and to individual pages. Baden-Baden includes not only openly “black” manipulations, such as the use of hidden text on a page, but also less serious violations - over-optimization or simply long foot wraps at the bottom of the page. The algorithm focuses primarily on online stores.

Even if your text is well structured, marked with lists, etc., but remains long and over-optimized, this does not in any way reduce the likelihood of a filter. Adjusted for these realities, today optimizers either completely abandon texts in product sections, or use extremely brief descriptions - one or two paragraphs - into which 1-2 key queries are carefully entered. The rest of the semantics is divided into subsections, pseudo-categories (tag pages) and product cards. As for the text itself, we recommend placing it at the top of the document - between the H1 heading and the catalog. This is important not only for the convenience of users, but also for search robots indexing the page.

It is noteworthy that only Yandex has such a strict policy regarding text foot wraps. Google doesn’t have any special complaints about them, at least in RuNet. If traffic from two search engines is important to you, texts in directory sections can be hidden from Yandex using the tag . However, Google will continue to rank these pages along with the text. At the moment, this strategy is not a prohibited technique, and works great when promoting in RuNet.

Creating Titles for online store categories

Title is the most important tag. For large online stores containing a large number of categories, it is usually created automatically using generation templates. Optimization of the main header is subject to a number of rules; we will highlight the main ones.

It is highly undesirable to duplicate the title on different pages of the site. For partition optimization, this problem is not so relevant, because categories are usually not repeated. But, for example, in commodity cards such a miscalculation occurs quite often. It is always advisable to include tracking and correction of duplicate tags in your search audit program.

The Title always contains the most frequent request. It should be placed closer to the beginning of the title. Here it is allowed to sacrifice readability in favor of direct entry of the key. Looking ahead, we note that in H1 it is not recommended to do this; it uses word forms and the most natural constructions. Example:

Title: Plastic containers for dairy products buy Moscow

H1: Production of plastic containers for dairy products

The question of whether it is necessary to enter the same or different keys into the Title and H1 has become the talk of the town among SEOs. Over the years of our work, we have tested different options, and settled on a scheme where we use the same occurrences in Title and H1, but adjusted for word forms and readability, as in the example shown above.

The optimal Title length is 60-70 characters with spaces. Since the snippet title is formed from the title, it is important that it is not cut off and looks as attractive as possible in the search results. Google and Yandex load different numbers of characters into the browser. The size of the title, which will be fully displayed in both systems, is 60-70 characters.

Writing H1 tags

The H1 document title is a less demanding tag, but its design is subject to a number of rules, compliance with which is important for the proper promotion of sections, as well as other pages of the store. For search engines, this is the second most important tag after Title. It should also contain the main key of the page being promoted, but, as mentioned above, in the most logical and readable word form. You can refuse to use toponyms in H1 if they are indicated in the Title.

Unlike a title, where a combination of several occurrences is allowed, only one key (the highest priority) is entered into H1, and the rest are distributed across the text and/or subheadings - H2, H3, etc. In addition, it is highly undesirable to include spam words here: “cheap”, “best”, etc. Within reason, this is allowed in the Title, but search engines don’t like this in page titles.

The title is placed as close as possible to the beginning of the document - above the product catalog. This is not so much for the convenience of users, but for search crawlers that will scan the HTML document. There should only be one H1 on a category page. If a section contains text, the headings in it are placed without H1, and begin with H2 further down the nesting. As with the title, it is advisable to avoid duplicate H1s on different pages. This can create its own difficulties in ranking matters.

Description. As short as possible

Description is a meta tag used by search engines to form a snippet - a small information block that describes the site in the search results. The quality of its writing is a significant factor influencing click-through rates in Google and Yandex.

SEO requirements for creating a Description:

  • informative and good readability;
  • entry of key queries (without spam);
  • unique Description for each page;
  • length - on average 160 characters with spaces.

Snippet design

Writing the Description meta tag is just one of the stages of creating an informative and structured snippet. Its competent and attractive design directly affects the percentage of transitions from search engines.

Requirements for creating a clickable snippet:

  1. Informative and concise Description (160 characters).
  2. Correctly formatted Title.
  3. No spam in Title and Description.
  4. The presence of the organization in Yandex.Directory - this will allow you to display contact information in the snippet, which will make the preview more informative and clickable. Online stores that do not have a physical address are added to the Directory as online organizations.
  5. Connecting markup - thanks to it, you can pull up-to-date information about the number of products, maximum and minimum costs, currency, etc. into the catalog page snippet. Semantic markup also affects the processing of information by search robots, which affects the quality of ranking.

Using additional navigation. bread crumbs

The main means of navigation on category pages are menu sections and internal links, which are entered from the filter parameters or text on the page. It is better to supplement them with one more element - the so-called. bread crumbs. This is an auxiliary menu in the form of a navigation chain, thanks to which it is clearly visible in which section or subsection of the store the user is currently located. The clickability of each breadcrumb allows you to go back the required number of steps, which is very important when searching for products manually.

Obviously, this element is useful for both users and search engines. Breadcrumbs not only improve on-site behavioral factors, whose value is always a priority for search engines, but also provide a number of other SEO benefits. Firstly, breadcrumbs often end up in the snippet, replacing the page address. This makes the site description in the search results more accurate and attractive to the user. We should not forget that breadcrumbs are a full-fledged linking element, thanks to which static weight is redistributed between pages.

The navigation capabilities of breadcrumbs can be significantly expanded by providing each element with a drop-down menu.

The proposed optimization scheme for category pages is universal. It works for all online stores, regardless of their size, assortment, or average bill. Conducting a technical audit on the points described above will allow you to receive more traffic from Google and Yandex and effectively convert it into income.

Post update:

I definitely recommend reading this one now. Because in 2018, filters already work in such a way that they can cause a drop in rankings even for a page without text, but where the Title and Meta Description contain long keys - they have written to me more than once with such cases.

While I was optimizing the pages of this site, the idea came to me to tell more about how I do this and thereby answer one of the most frequently asked questions.

Most often, I don’t worry so much about optimizing pages for low-frequency queries; more often than not, I do a lot of things quickly and intuitively. Sometimes I don’t adequately saturate myself with the necessary keywords or sometimes I don’t use keywords in the title, because... I'm interested in the other title of the article.

On the one hand, low-frequency (LF) queries often arise quite easily “on their own” (with minimal optimization). It seems to be so good.

But on the other hand, only small additional optimization efforts are enough for pages to jump up dozens of positions in search engines.

Therefore this process should pay special attention. Sometimes I take the time and do everything the classic way, checking each article using several free online services.

So, how do I optimize website pages for low-frequency requests and what do I use for this:

I open several pages in my browser bookmarks:

4. Text checking service for(in parallel to uniqueness, SEO and spelling - very convenient).

5. Text analysis using Zipf's law

Using services, I check the text that I have already optimized offhand, and perhaps select a different name for the heading and subheadings.

A little more detail:


This is where I look at how low-frequency the title I've chosen for an article is—is it being requested too few times a month, and is anyone asking for it in the exact word form like "!title!for!an article." If there are at least 20-30 people per month, then it already has the right to exist, although more often I try to focus on 100-500 people per month in an imprecise word form.

Someone “suffers” from choosing too frequent and competitive queries for articles. This is pointless - your site, especially if it is young, will not even reach the top 50, that is, there will be no visitors for this specific request, unless they accidentally come through unpromoted microNPs from this article. Therefore, all this is also worth checking. You need to optimize for the most effective, not the most popular options. In this case, it is better to have a bird in your hands.

Also, Yandex Wordstat often has a column “What else is being asked for with this word” - but often it is empty and in order to see something there, you need to enter a more popular, frequent version of your request.

This way we get rid of dummy words, find out suitable synonyms to insert them into the text or replace the title. And, perhaps, we select a new title with different words.

Yandex Search

Here you can see what the results for the invented key query are.

Firstly, how optimized the pages are - in particular, their Title.
Secondly, are there many main pages of the site or are they all secondary pages. If there are main ones, then perhaps this is too competitive a request to optimize the article for. Everything needs to be looked at.

We also look at the highlights and tips.

Yandex tips:

They can be parsed in the same Key Collector, but you can also quickly look something like this in Yandex itself.

I probably should have optimized this article for some other request - for example, “how to create a website from scratch yourself and for free”) But I also wanted to convey my message in the title. Plus, I’m not talking about a completely free way to create a website - I still recommend buying a template.

In general, therefore (for reasons other than optimization), I leave the title as it is.

It turned out to be a somewhat not very clear and smooth example for analysis, but oh well.

But at the same time, I also optimize the Title and text for the second low-frequency (LF) query “How to quickly create a website on WordPress.” Considering that I don’t plan to actively move forward with website creation, I won’t purchase or provide links to this article, then such a low-frequency request (they ask in an inaccurate word form 93 times a month) is just normal. If it gets up by chance, good. No, no, that’s not my audience.

Therefore, the title of the above article looks like this for me:

How to create a website in 3 hours - how to quickly create a new website on WordPress

These same words are sure to echo in the H1, H2 heading, just in the text and in some pictures.

Yandex highlights:

We type our query or similar queries and see which words Yandex still highlights in bold. This is a fairly new topic, I have written about it several times both in the newsletter and in SEO courses. Now it is highly recommended to use synonyms in the article, including those from highlighting.

In my opinion, it is enough to use synonyms approximately every 1000 characters once. I have the word “Wordpress” used 8 times on that huge article, including the subheading in H2.

You can quickly and freely parse Yandex highlights.

They used to have a different version of this service and for some reason I liked it better. But even with this it is convenient to see whether everywhere we have clearly indicated the use of exactly the desired word form of the desired phrase. It should be in H1, Title, Meta description, meta keywords, URL, in the text.

It also takes into account the optimal text length (for an article about creating a website in 3 hours, the text length does not correspond to the recommended length, so the relevance is underestimated).

And it takes into account other parameters - BM25 relevance, spam in the body and title, etc.

In general, see everything there for yourself.

Previously, with the previous service, I was always able to optimize to 100%. For this version, it is rarely more than 85-90%. It is precisely this option—80% and above—that I recommend focusing on.

In this case, relevance = 73% primarily due to the text being too large. Other articles on this blog have an average relevance of 81-85%.

I don’t understand why my BM25 indicator is always 0. If anyone is familiar with this service, please tell me in the comments, it’s interesting.

Online service on PR-CY.RU “Text analysis according to Zipf’s law.” Checking the text for naturalness

This service was recommended to me by a friend who researched the results and said that he noticed that sites with a high Zipf score are worth better than sites with a low score.

So, just in case, I look through it too.

The average percentage of my texts is 80-82% natural. Only on large articles, such as this, the naturalness for some reason decreases to about 75%

But my texts are specialized, full of terms and repetitions, but other texts can be brought up to 90-95% naturalness.

This check is especially important if you have caught it on your pages.

As they write:

“Using our service, you can check any page of your website according to Zipf’s law. This way you can easily appreciate the naturalness of your text on the page. The higher the result percentage, the more ideal your page is. A good level of naturalness is 50% and above

Online service TEXT.RU for checking texts

Here, in principle, everything is clear, although there are many nuances. The service is convenient because you can immediately check in one place:

— uniqueness of the text
- spelling
— SEO text analysis

Some nuances:

— he often considers various combinations of words unfamiliar to him, such as “SEO coaching”, etc., to be mistakes.

- it’s convenient to see if we have accidentally substituted English letters into Russian words. This is called "character substitution"

— in SEO text analysis about spam, they write the following:

Determining the percentage of text spam
The percentage of spammed text reflects the number of search keywords in the text. The more keywords in the text, the higher the spam level:
up to 30% - absence or natural content of keywords in the text;
from 30% to 60% - SEO-optimized text. In most cases, search engines consider this text to be relevant to the keywords that are specified in the text.
from 60% - highly optimized or keyword-spammed text.

My average spam rate is 40-45%. I think this is the “golden mean”.

In general, this is the main way I optimize pages for low-frequency queries. Or rather, what I do to check how well I wrote and optimized the page “by eye”.

Plus, during the check, I highlight the most common words in the text by searching in the browser.

For example, in this article I highlight “optimize” and see how often and most importantly - evenly - I used the words “optimize”, “optimize”, “optimization”, etc. So that there are no very large jumps or crowding of the use of keywords like in the first paragraph 3 times, then two more times in the last and nowhere else in the text. I also check the synonyms to see how often I used them in the text and how often and evenly.

Do you have any comments, additions, questions, or your own examples?)

All my projects except this SEO blog:

TOP Base- a high-quality base for semi-automatic registration with Allsubmitter or for completely manual placement - for independent free promotion of any site, attracting targeted visitors to the site, increasing sales, natural dilution of the link profile. I have been collecting and updating the database for 10 years. There are all types of sites, all topics and regions.

SEO-Topshop- SEO software with DISCOUNTS, on favorable terms, news of SEO services, databases, manuals. Including Xrumer on the most favorable terms and with free training, Zennoposter, Zebroid and various others.

My free comprehensive SEO courses- 20 detailed lessons in PDF format.
- catalogs of sites, articles, press release sites, bulletin boards, company directories, forums, social networks, blog systems, etc.

"Approaching.."- my blog on the topic of self-development, psychology, relationships, personal effectiveness

Despite the relative simplicity of the task, it still baffles even experienced SEO specialists. We are talking about a way to optimize content for search engines: split the list of keywords into many separate pages, or group them, and then use them on a small number of pages. In the latter case, less work is required to build internal links and optimize the site (both for search engines and for the convenience of users) than in comparison with the placement of keywords on multiple pages.

Two questions, answering which will take you much closer to solving the problem

In order to give an informed answer and definitely decide on the type of content optimization strategy to use on your website, you should answer 2 questions for yourself:

  1. How many keywords have the same meaning to a visitor?
  2. How high is the competition for the selected keywords/phrases?

When answering the first question you will be able to determine for yourself a way to divide the entire list of keywords into groups “based on interests”. When searching the Internet, users are almost always interested in a specific answer to a specific question. It is optimal if this answer is given on a separate page and disclosed more or less fully. The more diverse information provided on one page, the lower the conversion of a visitor into your potential client. Remember that a 10% conversion rate for the 10th SERP result is better than a 0.5% conversion rate for the first position (according to AOL statistics).

On the other hand, sometimes site owners try to overly split the list of keywords into individual pages. At the same time, in such keywords (phrases) the basis remains the same. For example:

Here we see phrases on the same narrow topic, which are almost impossible to clarify. Of course, the number of requests is quite high, but if you look at the statistics of, you will notice that for each of these phrases there are at least 10 clarifying phrases, each of which is requested up to 100-300 times monthly. Therefore, some SEOs may shrug their shoulders and think to themselves: “Why not create a separate page for each of these phrases and steal all the traffic to yourself?” Of course, you can go this way, but what will be the quality of the site pages written for each of these keywords? This is pouring from empty to empty; the visitor simply will not be interested in reading such texts.

Moreover, judging by the experience of randfish (, such experiments often end in failure - search engines have a negative attitude towards such artificial build-up of pages, increasing in the search results articles optimized for several similar key phrases simultaneously due to their greater naturalness.

To answer the second question, you need to be aware of at least the approximate level of competition in the keyword field. If competition is high, then it makes sense to create a large number of pages optimized for narrowly specific queries that differ from each other (not, as in the example above, having the same basis). In the case when each keyword is assigned to a specific page, it is much easier to comply with the requirements for bringing the page to the top of search engines: include the keyword in the Title and Description meta tags of the page, use it well in the text a greater number of times, use it in the title (H2 tag) etc.

Also, do not forget about the competent linking of site pages, which in this case produces a noticeable effect, thanks to high-quality focusing and providing important pages with a large static weight that flows from the rest of the site pages. All these measures can significantly increase the efficiency of promotion, and thanks to only one high-quality written and optimized website content, together with competent linking, it is possible to reach the TOP of search engines for low-competitive queries, and sometimes for medium-competitive ones.

Pros and cons of two opposing methods for building SEO content

Concentration of keywords on one page (small number)


  • It is much easier to get links to one page than to many;
  • Less time and effort required to create content;
  • It’s easier to increase the static weight of the desired page;
  • One page optimized for very similar keywords ranks much better than many pages optimized for each of those keywords.


  • The strategy does not work well for highly competitive keywords;
  • If many keys are used on one page, the quality of the text will deteriorate.

Splitting a list of keywords into many separate pages.


  • An excellently proven approach when promoting for highly competitive and moderately competitive search queries;
  • With sufficient semantic uniqueness of the texts, this is a good way to increase the number of pages on the site;
  • Often, some groups of keywords simply cannot be used on one page.


  • Increased labor and time costs;
  • It is more difficult to internally link the site and provide all the necessary pages with external links;
  • Search engines don't take kindly to multiple pages on a site that are optimized for similar keywords.


What conclusion can be drawn from the above? To dot all the i's, it is convenient to draw up an action plan for choosing a content optimization strategy.

So, if a keyword is highly competitive, it is better to optimize a separate page for it. Moreover, not only because you can optimize the page for this keyword as much as possible, taking into account all the features of building SEO content, but also because internal and external links to the page can be placed more narrowly and precisely for specific keywords/phrases. With this approach, you will be competing with pages optimized for specific keywords, and will lose if you try to forgo precise focus.
