Current state and development of water treatment technologies. Modern water treatment technologies

Not only his digestion depends on the quality of water that a person drinks daily. This liquid affects well-being, health, immunity, appearance, quality of sleep and a lot of other factors. For a long time now, humanity has not strived to obtain distilled water for its needs, which was once considered the standard. Now the requirements have become more modern and depend on the intended purpose: for daily consumption, for the manufacture of medicines, for watering plants, etc.

Cleaning for any purpose begins with the elimination of mechanical particles that are visible to the naked eye. This measure not only improves final result, but also protects thin filters. It is important to understand that in any method there are both strengths, and disadvantages. All modern innovations and advanced technologies are aimed at achieving optimal quality of the cleaning fluid, ensuring a minimum number of disadvantages inherent in the process.

For food purposes

The highest demands are placed on the quality of drinking water. high requirements, since the optimal values final product influence both the taste characteristics of various dishes and drinks and the human body.


One of the most modern technologies has primarily found application in countries such as France, Holland and the USA.

Nanofiltration has the following advantages:

  • ideally removes color;
  • eliminates halogen organic impurities;
  • removes chlorine ions using a reagent-free method.

The main advantage is considered to be highly effective control of chlorine-containing residues, which are often present in water supplied through a common pipeline after disinfection treatment.

Among the disadvantages of the new technique is the need to provide multi-stage pre-treatment, which will remove all mechanical particles and suspended substances from the solution.

To obtain extra-quality products, reverse osmosis units and coagulation systems can be installed in front of nanofilters.

Fulfilling all these requirements automatically makes nanofiltration the most expensive method, which does not allow its use on a mass scale. This technology is used for special categories: premature babies, in post-operative rehabilitation periods, for preparing artificial nutrition infants, etc.


Another technology for preparing drinking water, which was invented recently, but has received the approval of all world experts in this industry.

Its main advantages:

  • no pre-treatment by chemical or other methods;
  • effective removal of suspended solids;
  • removal of organic impurities.

The first such cleaning devices were produced in the UK and the Netherlands. The tube contains one or more capillary membranes that allow the streams to be purified to pass through. The more such membranes, the higher the productivity of the installation. The tubular system ensures that there are no stagnant zones in the installation, in which bottom deposits can form.

Low productivity (up to 200 cubic meters per day) does not allow establishing mass production for high-power consumers. In addition, the high energy consumption, which ensures sufficient flow speed, attracts attention. It is advisable to use photocatalysts in industries that receive electricity from solar panels or wind.

Roll devices

Another new product in water treatment is roll-type devices. Testing in laboratories for such installations has already been completed, and they are now entering production.

Their advantages:

  • effectiveness in combating high color (up to 150) and suspended substances;
  • ability to adjust flow speed and productivity;
  • simplicity of the scheme;
  • ease of installation.

Roll devices have low hydraulic resistance, and in a separate section they are equipped with an open channel, which makes it easy to remove the formed sediment. Cleaning is also carried out by increasing the flow rate, which removes deposits from the roll apparatus.

The downside is that the system must be equipped with special mechanical after-treatment so that the solid elements contained do not clog bottlenecks in the pipe. But the energy consumption of roll-on devices is quite modest - 0.5 kW per 1 cubic meter of purified water.


Fresh water bodies are not always available for water supply, which is becoming a growing problem. Flaw fresh water forces scientists to constantly develop and improve new desalination methods.

Massachusetts has developed a new circuit diagram desalination, which is based on the separation of ions and pure molecules without the use of any membranes.

With shock electrodialysis, proposed by scientists, the flow passes through porous ceramics, on both sides of which powerful electrodes are equipped. A strong discharge is applied between them, forming a shock wave that cuts the flow into 2 parts. One of them contains fresh water, and the second contains salt water. A partition, which is installed further along the way, isolates these parts from each other.

The system of such innovative cleaning does not become clogged, does not produce sediment, and therefore does not require periodic cleaning. In addition, strong discharges kill bacteria and all biological contaminants; therefore, additional disinfection and sterilization are not carried out.

The materials for the production of the installation are moderately expensive, which gives hope for an early mass launch of such a system along the shores of salty reservoirs.


A method for separating salt using a nanothick porous material was proposed at the University of Illinois.

The material from which the membrane is made is molybdenum disulfide. It is rolled out to a thickness of several nanometers, which significantly reduces the cost of electricity required to move the flow through the ceramic layer. A thin membrane allows for minimal pressure inside the system, which reduces the frequency of clogging. The chemical properties of molybdenum disulfide cause water to permeate the filter at a high speed due to attraction to molybdenum and repulsion from sulfur.

This fast and highly efficient technology has been adopted by many large farms, which can easily and inexpensively solve the problem of watering large areas in the coastal zone.

Industrial and waste water

Cleaning domestic or industrial wastewater is a necessary condition for many businesses and private homes. For domestic needs, this measure allows you to get rid of the odor that spreads across the area from the cesspool and prevents the formation of bottom sediments, which worsen the seepage of liquid into the ground. All the more so, wastewater from industrial production must be subjected to pre-treatment and purification before entering the common system sewerage, so as not to damage city wastewater treatment plants.

UV irradiation

This treatment technology makes it possible to disinfect wastewater from potentially hazardous facilities, such as specific production facilities of biological substances or infectious diseases hospitals. Irradiation for disinfection does not affect human health, but reliably eliminates bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms.

The disadvantage of the technique is that ultraviolet radiation affects most microbes, but not all without exception. With high turbidity, ultraviolet radiation can be absorbed by the contaminated layer, so the efficiency of water treatment will decrease. This requires the use of additional mechanical or chemical filters to increase reliability. In addition, the system does not have high power, so large enterprises it does not apply.

Copper-zinc technology

The progressive development of industrial water treatment is based on the use of granules containing copper and zinc. The two metals have different charges, so the contaminants are attracted to either one pole or the other, remaining on the surface of the granules.

In addition to purification, copper-zinc technology removes hardness ions, making the water softened.

The disadvantage is that the process produces a lot of return fluid with a high concentration of contaminant metals, which must be disposed of through drainage. This increases the total water consumption on the meter, which affects production costs.

In addition, the copper-zinc membrane does not affect microorganisms during cleaning, so the fungus that has settled on it first reduces efficiency and then reduces it to a minimum. This forces the worn out membranes to be changed frequently.

Septic tanks

This technology has been used for private homes and small industries for a long time, but in Lately it has undergone a number of changes and has become cheaper and more effective.

Modern septic tanks contain bacteria that do not react to chlorine in wastewater, which was previously the case big problem. Toilets located on site do not require any electricity for maintenance and heating, and the need for even rare pumping of the contents of cesspools is eliminated.

A modern septic tank includes 2 parts: a gravity sump and a biological purifier. After the settling tank, in which all suspended matter settles, the wastewater enters a volume saturated with microorganisms that process most organic and inorganic pollutants.

The efficiency of modern septic tanks is 98%. The sludge that forms in settling tanks is used as an organic fertilizer that increases the fractional characteristics of fertile soils.

Anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms, which are contained in new septic tanks for the treatment of domestic wastewater, are resistant to aggressive environments and do not die from sudden change pH of the environment.

Special water treatment

To produce ultrapure solutions in medicine and laboratory research, water free from various impurities is required. And although it is known that ideal purity cannot be achieved in practice, scientists are tirelessly improving purification systems to produce top-class water.

The output product - bidistillate - approaches chemical purity. The new double-distillers combine several stages of filters: ultrafiltration, two-stage osmosis and ion exchange in mixed-action filters.

After passing through all stages of purification, the solution has the status of high-resistivity, which means a unique value resistivity(17-18 MOhm/cm). These are the characteristics that are necessary to obtain ultra-precise results from laboratory and medical experiments and research.

Demineralization and deionization

Modern technologies have made it possible to obtain water with a minimum content of minerals and ions, approaching zero. New devices that provide this result, using electrical charges on plates in the distiller columns, remove the maximum possible amount of pollutants, reducing their concentration to the minimum possible at the present time.

In addition, the system contains a reverse osmosis membrane and complex ion exchange resin.

With the use of demineralized and deionized components, the reagents provide minimal error during analysis and have virtually no effect on living tissue during experiments.

Thus, we can conclude that purification technologies in all areas are actively developing; researchers do not stop there, introducing new achievements of chemical, mechanical, biological and other types of treatment into this area. Progress and the emergence of modern methods make it possible to improve the results, and an integrated approach to the use of the proposed methods allows us to hope for a reduction in the cost of obtaining clean water in future.

H/OH ionization (chemical desalination) and reverse osmosis are used to desalt water. IN general view The chemical desalting plant includes a cation exchange filter, a decarbonizer, a decarbonized water tank, a chemical pump and an anion exchange filter. In the vast majority of cases, strong acid cation exchanger and strong base anion exchanger are used as filter media in small boiler houses. With relatively low alkalinity (and/or system productivity), it is possible to work without a decarbonizer, but this entails an increase in the volume of anion exchanger, which is much more expensive than cation exchanger. In general, in H/OH ionization units, the volumes of cation exchange and anion exchange are usually different. To minimize the cost of installation, it is advisable to calculate each stage separately so that they do not go into regeneration as one system(first the cation exchange filter, followed immediately by the anion exchange filter), but independently of each other; Moreover, the filter cycles of each stage can differ significantly. H-cation and OH-anion filters are structurally similar to softening filters. When using modern hardware design the only manual operation during their operation is the preparation of regeneration solutions. Compared to softening plants, more stringent restrictions are imposed on materials in contact with regeneration solutions of acids and alkalis, i.e. The use of parts made of caprolon, brass, etc. is not allowed. Ion exchange desalting involves the use of acid and alkali for regeneration, which are hazardous substances in quantities two to three times higher than stoichiometric ones, and, in addition, the formation of acid-base wastewater, which must be neutralized before being discharged into the sewer. Reverse osmosis does not have these disadvantages, which is why it is now increasingly wide application, despite relatively high capital costs.

A standard reverse osmosis installation includes: filter unit fine cleaning; Cartridge filters with five-micron cartridges are used; high pressure pump unit; block of membrane modules; consists of rolled membrane elements enclosed in fiberglass or stainless steel housings; acid and inhibitor dosing unit to prevent membrane contamination by salt deposits (the need for acid and inhibitor dosing and doses are determined by calculation based on the value of the Langelier index of the concentrate); flushing unit - flushing is necessary to extend the service life of the membranes, because in any case, during operation, salts are deposited on their surface (the frequency of washing depends on the quality of the source water and the correct calculation of the installation and can be no more than once every three to four months). Additionally, in industrial installations, conductometers are installed to monitor the quality of permeate, an automation cabinet with a controller, and many other devices for automation and process control.

The productivity of reverse osmosis plants for permeate is on average 60-75%. Standard installations are limited to a working pressure of 16 bar, because... this is the maximum pressure for PVC pipes. The use of stainless pipes increases the cost of installation. When the salinity content is above 2000-3000 mg/l, the operating pressure becomes higher than 16 bar, and to reduce it, as a rule, the concentrate discharge is increased and the permeate productivity is correspondingly reduced. The selectivity of reverse osmosis membranes is from 98 to 99.7% for NaCl, operating pressure is from 6 to 25 bar.

Both chemical desalination and reverse osmosis make it possible to obtain water with a specific electrical conductivity of 5-50 µS/cm, depending on the salt content of the source water. Deeper desalting is carried out in two stages. Each installation, be it H-cationization, chemical desalting and especially reverse osmosis, must be calculated and selected individually for a specific case.

Corrective water treatment
Traditionally, the following are used for corrective water treatment: phosphates (trisodium phosphate, hexametaphosphate, tripolyphosphate and various mixtures thereof) to prevent the appearance of calcium scale and maintain the pH level of the water, which protects steel from corrosion; sodium sulfite for chemical deoxygenation of water after a deaerator or instead of a deaerator with a low flow rate of make-up water (up to 2 m3/h); ammonia for binding carbon dioxide in feed water and steam in order to protect the feed and steam-condensate ducts from carbon dioxide corrosion.

The use of these reagents requires special reagent facilities. Phosphates are first dissolved in a special solution tank, then the solution is filtered using a clarification filter to remove contaminants. When preparing a solution of sodium sulfite, it is necessary to take measures to isolate it from air. To dissolve sulfite, a sealed tank is used, which must be purged with steam before supplying water for dissolution. Special requirements are imposed on the premises and qualifications of operating personnel when working with ammonia, which belongs to the class of hazardous substances. In addition, ammonia causes corrosion of copper-containing alloys. For small boiler houses (as opposed to thermal power plants), it is simply unrealistic to use traditional corrective water treatment technologies for the reasons listed above. There are two options left: not to carry out corrective treatment at all, reducing the operating efficiency and service life of the main equipment, or to use effective and easy-to-use modern reagents (albeit quite expensive), the costs of which may not be so high at low replenishment volumes. Modern reagents are supplied in liquid form, ready for use, and can be diluted with softened water in any proportions. When using them, no special reagent facilities are required; only a solution tank and a dispenser pump are sufficient.

Clean drinking water is the key to health, and many home owners who have installed an autonomous source of water supply on their property believe that they have provided themselves with clean and high-quality water. But both water from central water supply systems and water from primary underground sources necessarily require purification, since many impurities get into it underground, which ordinary filters cannot cope with. Water treatment systems are designed to solve these problems.

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Water treatment is a multi-stage process of purifying natural water obtained from a primary natural source, which is used in enterprises and household systems in order to bring its quality into compliance with sanitary standards (SanPiN

Why do you need a water treatment system?

Water is one of the best natural solvents. Nitrates, organic substances and minerals, viruses and bacteria, high levels of metals are a small part of what reaches consumers from water supply sources that are not equipped with a water treatment system.

Simple filtration systems are not able to cope with such specific types of contaminants. Water treatment purifies water from coarse and colloidal impurities and salts. This is a guarantee that the water supplied to consumers is safe for health. In addition, the water treatment system solves other problems, the source of which is poor-quality water:

  • rapid clogging of pipes;
  • corrosion of metal elements of the plumbing system;
  • scale formation;
  • rapid wear and tear of plumbing fixtures and household equipment in contact with water (boilers, washing and dishwashers etc.);

Based on the problems described, all owners of private houses are recommended to conduct a chemical and bacteriological analysis of water that comes from wells or boreholes. Based on the results of the examination, it will be possible to select the optimal water treatment system in all respects.

Water treatment elements

Modern systems water treatment is a set of filters that perform different functions. If the results of the examination indicate that water from a particular source is characterized by one type of pollution, one filter can be used. But, as a rule, water contains many impurities of different nature and filters are used in combination.

The following types of filters are used in water treatment systems:

    Coarse (mechanical) filters are responsible for the primary purification of water. They ensure the removal of large undissolved inclusions (trash, sand, rust, scale, various coarse and fine suspended matter).

    Clarifier filters allow you to obtain clear, colorless water. With a high concentration of organic substances and minerals, the water becomes cloudy, and the brown color indicates that it contains iron ions. In clarifying filters, all these impurities are removed by passing through a layer of sand, anthracite or activated carbon.

    Softeners are used to remove soluble calcium and magnesium salts from water. Hard water is harmful to the body and has an unpleasant taste. In addition, when water is heated and evaporated from high content such salts on the internal surfaces of pipes and household appliances a solid residue remains, which leads to their rapid wear.

    Calcium salts are removed from softeners by filtering water using ion exchange resins. When in contact with water, such resins absorb calcium and magnesium ions, replacing them with sodium ions, thereby softening it.

    Aeration columns are installed to remove iron and hydrogen sulfide from water. They also saturate the water with oxygen, which contributes to the formation of a favorable environment for oxidation reactions.

    Fine filters allow you to remove the smallest solids from water that the clarification system missed. The water in them is purified by passing through cartridges filled with activated carbon and various finely porous materials.

    Antibiotic filters perform the function of disinfection. They cope with bacteria, viruses, etc. Bactericidal filters perform their tasks thanks to ultraviolet radiation; special sterilizing UV lamps destroy the genetic apparatus of microorganisms and prevent them from multiplying. These are reagent-free devices, the use of which is absolutely safe for health and does not in any way affect the quality of water, unlike disinfection with chlorine.

    Filters with a reverse osmosis membrane perform the function of fine purification of drinking water. They purify it from almost all ions that are part of salts, heavy metals, fluorine, pesticides, petroleum products, etc.

Cleaning in water treatment systems, which include a full set of filters, always takes place in the sequence described above. But the number of steps depends on the type of contamination; sometimes, some of them are skipped if the results of the examination indicate that they are not necessary.

Ecodar: effective water treatment systems

Since 1993, Ecodar has been working in the design, production and sale of water treatment systems. Over the years, we have managed to earn a reputation as a company that can be trusted to develop and implement projects of any complexity.

Today Ecodar is a dynamically developing full-cycle enterprise, and the accumulated experience allows us to provide a full range of services related to improving water quality:

  • expert advice on the selection, installation and use of water purification and water treatment systems;
  • sale of high-quality equipment and components for water treatment systems under our own trademarks ZauberROS and Ecomaster, as well as products from leading foreign manufacturers;
  • analysis of drinking, natural and waste water on the basis of our own accredited laboratory;
  • design of water supply, water purification and water treatment systems;
  • installation and commissioning of water treatment systems;
  • warranty, service and post-warranty service.

The company operates on the basis of an SRO Certificate of admission to carry out design and construction work. High quality We provide services thanks to an integrated quality management system. We offer our clients:

  • a large assortment equipment and components;
  • quality guarantees for all product categories presented in the catalogue;
  • wide price range;
  • prompt delivery of orders and dispatch of technicians;
  • constant availability of products in warehouse;
  • customer information support;
  • loyalty programs for regular and large customers;
  • individual approach to each client;
  • strict adherence to delivery and work deadlines;
  • only certified specialists.

The mission of our company is to provide consumers with quality water and introduce the most advanced technologies in the field of water treatment. We offer effective solutions in the field of industrial and domestic water treatment for private and corporate clients. Our specialists will select reliable and high-performance equipment for any facility - from household filters to apartments and country houses to multifunctional systems for industrial facilities.

Selection and installation of water treatment equipment

There are many factors that need to be taken into account when choosing a water treatment system, so it is better to entrust the design and selection of equipment to professional companies having necessary permissions for this type of activity. When choosing such systems, the following factors are decisive:

  • results of laboratory analyzes of water composition;
  • volume and mode of water consumption;
  • features of the water supply system at the facility;
  • budget for the project.

Depending on those identified during laboratory analysis deviations from sanitary standards, water consumption characteristics of a particular facility, water treatment schemes are drawn up: composition necessary equipment, type and sequence of installation of modules, filters, and so on.

Installation of a water treatment system is a technologically complex process that must be carried out by specialists. If 2 highways are connected to the facility, then a different set of equipment is installed for each of them.

For private homes, in most cases, the optimal solution is to install the entire complex of filters described above. This will not only allow you to obtain guaranteed high-quality and safe drinking water, but will also delay the wear and tear of household appliances, plumbing equipment and heating systems.

Ecodar specialists will help you choose equipment for water treatment systems that is suitable in terms of characteristics and price. To get professional advice, call us at the phone number provided or leave questions on the website.
