Timati outraged with a strange photo with his daughter. The daughter of Timati and Alena Shishkova, Alisa, is a copy of her father. Timati, you are a strict father, Alice yes.

On March 19, 2016, the famous rapper Timati and his ex-wife Alena Shishkova literally celebrated the birthday of her daughter Alice in a royal manner. And many fans were immediately interested in the question: “How old is Timati’s daughter?” It turns out that she is already two years old. Even after her parents broke up, they take care of their beloved and mischievous little girl in every possible way and try to devote as much of their free time from work to her as possible. Timati’s daughter is being raised by her grandmother and the rapper’s mother, Simona Yakovlevna. About Us early years teaches her granddaughter to be independent.

Timati's daughter Alisa is a little housewife

Just recently, my grandmother posted a video on Instagram where Alice washes her clothes with her own hands. Simone believes that young children are not at all helpless, as their parents may think. Often in the comments she is asked a question about what method they use to raise a girl. However, no one adheres to any single methodology. Simone constantly improves her intellectual level and reads a lot in order to keep up with young people and be interesting to them. Grandmother Simone also added that her granddaughter helps her cook and clean. Just recently, Timati’s daughter was under personal control dear grandmother I was preparing borscht. True, then I had to wash the kitchen and wipe up the spilled water, but Alice’s phrase that she did it herself was worth it. The rapper's mother also claims that independent children develop much faster.

Alisa Yunusova - daughter of Timati

Recently it became known that Alice developed vision problems with age; doctors discovered the so-called “lazy eye” syndrome. A “light pigment” was noticed immediately when the girl was born, but since the optic nerve of the eye is formed before two years of age, no treatment was carried out. When she turned two years old, they consulted an ophthalmologist, and the baby was prescribed glasses. The girl's family played this moment out in a very interesting way. When family and friends gathered at home, everyone put on glasses. Alice also put them on, and she was bombarded with compliments that she was very beautiful in them. Timati's daughter wore glasses for the entire required period, but there was no improvement, so the second stage of treatment began. An occluder (a sticker on the healthy eye) was used for it. This was necessary in order to stimulate the work of the “lazy eye”. The child needs to walk like this for three hours, and then the longer, the better, until the whole day.

Grandmother Simone, talking about her troubles with her child, hoped that her information would be useful primarily to those who were faced with these problems. She even specifically maintains her own microblog, where she shares her experience in the problems she faces and what developmental activities she does with her granddaughter.

Alice's mom

It should be recalled that Alena Shishkova was born in 1992 in the city of Tyumen. As a child, she studied music and vocals. Then she got carried away modeling career and, when she moved to Moscow, she achieved fame at performances in Tokyo and Milan. The girl really has an amazing appearance, she has won many different titles at competitions, and the main one is “Miss Russia 2012”, where the model became the second Vice-Miss Russia.

At one time she dated Dynamo Kyiv goalkeeper Maxim Koval. At the end of 2012, she began an affair with rapper Timati, however, the public only guessed about everything at the beginning of 2013, when they appeared together at the New Year’s concert “Song of the Year”. Timati is ten years older than his girlfriend. On March 19, 2014, she gave birth to the rapper’s daughter, weighing 4 kg and 53 cm tall, who was named Alice.

But the relationship did not last long; in the spring of 2015, the couple broke up. Timati could not forgive the girl for her betrayal. When the rapper suffered a spinal fracture and had to spend two weeks in bed, the girl at that time packed her things and left to look for better conditions. But many fans of this couple justify her action by the fact that the rapper himself repeatedly cheated on her. In general, this moment became a turning point in Timati’s life; only the most devoted and close people were near him. And after breaking up, Shishkova almost immediately began an affair with football player Anton Shunin. Then there was a passionate kiss with Chadov, which was made by the paparazzi, and this gave rise to a wave of rumors about her new romance.

Alice's dad

Timati was born on August 15, 1983 in the capital. He was a participant in the TV program “Star Factory-4”, after which he began his musical career from the band "Banda". Now, if you make a list of the biggest stars of Russian hip-hop, then Timati deservedly takes the first place. However, at the world level in his genre, he is quite a major professional. IN social life the rapper is known for his shocking behavior, and therefore he has a lot of not only fans, but also haters.

Timati participated in the birth and even cut the umbilical cord of his daughter, whom he dotes on today and behaves like a real loving and caring father. When he saw his baby for the first time, tears came to his eyes. Timati's daughter was born in the Dominican Republic, from there the family returned to Moscow only a few months later, where the rapper gave Alena a very expensive car - a Mercedes jeep, for the price of a good Moscow apartment. After some time, Alice’s mother showed off a watch on her hand that cost more than 10 thousand dollars.


Today, despite the separation of this beautiful couple, they maintain close and warm relations. After all, their daughter Alice is growing up. And Timati continues to pamper Alena and Alisa with signs of attention and spares no expense on various surprises for them. His funny two-year-old baby helps him choose gifts for his mother. Timati's daughter Alisa also adores her father and mother and misses them if for some reason they are not together. Recent new year holidays the rapper noted in United Arab Emirates, where I came with my mother, brother and daughter.

IN Lately many noticed that Timati and Alena began to spend time together more often with their daughter, so fans really hope that their couple will reunite again.

The rapper's name is known throughout the world, but his personal life is hidden from prying eyes. The news that Timati's daughter was born shocked everyone. The famous Russian performer and his lover carefully hid the fact of pregnancy. Only after giving birth were the first photos of Alena, who was in an interesting position, published. However, another photo in which a girl is holding a baby in her arms attracted everyone's attention.

The rapper's personal life

Aka Timati, by the age of 29 he had achieved success not only in music, but also outside this sphere. He has an impressive fleet of vehicles, his own BlackStar clothing line, a club and a restaurant. Let's not forget that he is the producer of most Russian performers.

Girls always loved him, so no one is surprised by the number of his noisy novels. However, this was only a temporary relationship, and no one could even imagine that this charming man would ever settle down, but it happened. Dramatic changes in the singer’s life took place last year, when the daughter of Timati and Shishkova was born.

Who is the girl who won the rapper's heart?

Timati's common-law wife, Alena Shishkova, is Russian model and a participant in a huge number of beauty contests. She is almost nine years younger than her chosen one, but this does not affect their relationship in any way. This is a very sweet girl with expressive eyes and a charming smile.

Behind Shishkova's bright appearance hides a very modest girl. To conquer her, Timur had to make a lot of efforts. He looked after Alena very beautifully, gave gifts and wrote romantic messages even after the girl went to her home (she is a model from Tyumen).

Timati immediately introduced the beauty to his mother, and after some time they were already living together.

Titles won by the model:

  • "Miss Hope";
  • "Miss Charm";
  • "Miss Dream";
  • second vice-miss of Russia 2012.

It should be noted that the latter is considered the most honorable award for participants in beauty contests and models.

Quite often, the rapper’s beloved is compared to Megan Fox because of her appearance.

The only thing that the girl changed with the help plastic surgery- lips. This procedure turned Alena into a chic woman who is liked not only by men, but also by women.

When was the baby born?

At first, Timati’s wife did an excellent job of hiding her situation, but when it became difficult to do so, she went away from prying eyes - to the Dominican Republic. There, Timur’s mother took care of the future mother. It should be noted that the relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law developed in the most wonderful way, and it was she who advised Alena Shishkova to give birth in the Dominican Republic. Timati's daughter was born on April 19, 2014. The baby's weight was four kilograms and her height was 53 centimeters.

The famous dad was not only present at the birth, but personally cut the umbilical cord. The rapper endured the whole process with dignity, only at the end shed a tear of happiness.


The news about the paternity of the famous performer shocked not only fans, but also friends. According to the couple, they kept everything secret, primarily because they did not want to make a PR campaign out of pregnancy. Even after the birth, young parents published photos of the newborn beauty, but the girl’s face is not visible in them. Only recently Timati’s daughter Alisa showed her face to the world.

As you can see, Timati's daughter is a charming child. She looks very much like her dad, and her grandmother, posting photos of her granddaughter on the Internet, affectionately signs them: “The boy presented before you is my son’s daughter!” Who do you think Timati’s daughter really looks like? Alice is growing up quite active, and her famous dad has already managed to teach her several movements.

The singer's fans did not miss the chance to point out that Alena has not yet fully recovered, so she prefers to hide her figure behind loose outfits. There weren't many who were so attentive; most of them were simply touched by the baby and showered mommy with compliments.

Alena Shishkova and Timati have not yet been united in marriage, despite the fact that the singer has already offered her several times this year alone to legitimize their relationship. The girl constantly refuses, arguing her decision by saying that she does not want to take away Timur’s status as an eligible bachelor.

0 15 August 2017, 18:55

Today, August 15, rapper Timati celebrates his birthday. The musician, businessman, and more recently also restaurateur turned 34 years old. Among the gifts and congratulations from his many fans and colleagues in the music industry, the congratulations from the artist’s three-year-old daughter Alice stand out.

Timati's mother Simona Yakovlevna Yunusova on her Instagram page (which, just imagine, has two and a half million subscribers!) published a touching poem performed by her granddaughter:

- Alice read, standing under a palm tree.

Alisa Timurovna Yunusova is Timati’s daughter from the finalist of the Miss Russia 2012 contest Alena Shishkova. The couple's relationship began in 2012, but later a short time after the birth of their daughter, Alena and Timati separated. Now Alice lives in the Dominican Republic with her grandmother. The girl is often visited by both her mother and father, because they managed to maintain friendly relations.

It is believed that the rapper’s current passion is the first vice-miss of the same beauty contest in 2014, Anastasia Reshetova.

The editors of the site join in the congratulations and wish Timati to conquer new heights!

Instagram photo

It shows Alice biting her dad's nipple. This part of the body is considered by many to be intimate, and such photographs are controversial and unacceptable for display. The image was accompanied by the comment: “And dad says he’s not at all afraid of tickles!” – reports “7 Days”.


The photo sparked heated debate. “It’s a shame to show something like this...”, “This photo does not evoke any emotion at all. I would say that it is very personal, family”, “Very ambiguous and doubtful”, “Why post such photos? They should be in the family, and not in public. I agree with the previous author – it looks like a provocation,” followers comment on the photo.

But there are also those who think he is very cute. “Cool photo. And the girl is great, and her father is great,” “For a girl, this is a game. And what narrow-minded people think is their problem,” “It’s immediately obvious that he’s a wonderful dad spending time with his daughter,” users comment on the photo.

It should be noted that the Instagram administration twice removed the photo of Timati and his daughter from Simona Yunusova’s page. However, some publics managed to post it in their accounts. Alice’s grandmother herself is outraged that the photo was removed from publication.

Publication from simona280(@simona280) Jan 21, 2018 at 11:51 PST

Earlier, the rapper’s mother openly spoke about the baby’s eye problems. Some time ago, Timati’s parent began publishing footage of Alice covering either her left or her right eye with a special sticker. She also often poses with glasses.

“As a person with a fine mental organization, medical names are closer to me, therefore, if you want to discuss among yourself, and even on social networks, Alice’s taped-up eye, instead of saying: “Don’t you see? She’s cross-eyed!”, it’s better to say: “Nonsense, the girl has mild strabismus!” And you’ll show off your intelligence and show tact..." Simone wrote.

Fans of the once beautiful and strong couple- Timati and Alena Shishkova - these days they do not stop discussing footage of the bright celebration of their daughter’s birthday. On March 19, Alice turned four years old. This time Alice's parents celebrated the holiday in State Museum fine arts them. A.S. Pushkin. See photos and videos of the celebration below.

Let us remember that Alisa was born in 2014, when the rapper was dating model Alena Shishkova. The girl was born in Dominican Republic. And although the couple is no longer together, they are doing everything to give their child the best childhood.

So this time they united to celebrate the heiress’s birthday. The holiday was held at the State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin. At the museum, children got acquainted with some of the exhibits in a playful way and listened to live music. And the birthday girl Alice in a tutu even performed a dance to the music of Tchaikovsky. Happy birthday to my daughter Timati on Instagram :

Today Alisa Timlevel turned 4 years old!!! For my part, I will try to make sure that in her life there is everything that even I myself did not see at 34)) of course, I am not going to spoil her to no avail, but I want her to grow up: smart, versatile and most importantly happy girl!!! Thank you @simona280 for your invaluable contribution to education and @missalena.92 for such a gift of fate.

Many celebrities came to Alice's celebration, as can be seen from the following video.

Photo: Instagram Timati, Shishkova
