Destruction of Israel. The main stages in the history of Arab attempts to destroy the state of Israel

"Leonid Radzikhovsky


First. There is no “Palestinian problem”, i.e. the problem of “how to settle Palestine.”
This is simply a lie covering up a completely different problem - “how to destroy Israel.”
Why do I think this? Because when Jordan - according to official data - destroyed, crushed, and shot at least 100,000 (one hundred thousand!) “brother Palestinians” with tanks, no one in the Arab world tore their hair out about this or made requests to the UN.
There are no Palestinian martyrs taking revenge on their Jordanian brothers. None of the European humanists opened their mouths either.
This means that the fate of the Palestinians themselves does not concern anyone - neither in the Arab world, nor in Europe, nor, what is most funny, in Palestine itself.

Another example. Arab mothers sobbing hysterically in front of a television camera are known to everyone (they also have fun and hug, celebrating the death of their martyred children, they also sell their children, sending them to death for a well-known fee of 10 to 20 thousand dollars).
But here's what's interesting. Recently they showed the exchange of bodies of those killed during the Iran-Iraq war.
And the Arab mothers receiving the bodies (or urns with ashes) of their children did not even think about crying; they reacted quite “concretely and businesslike” to this procedure.
And in the world there was no squeal at all about the 1,000,000 (one million!!!) people killed in this war - just as there was neither this war nor these people in the world.
That is, when Arabs kill Arabs, European-Arab PR silently yawns.
It is unprofitable and uninteresting for him.

World PR comes to life only when it comes to Jews. At the same time, rich Arab countries generously pay for terror and PR against Israel, but they did not care about the employment of Palestinian refugees in their countries, they did not care about helping the Palestinians living in Palestine.
The conclusion is obvious. Everyone cares deeply about Palestine, but they deeply care about Israel.
There is no Palestinian problem, there is a Jewish problem.

Second. What is the essence of the Jewish problem? Arabs benefit from high oil prices.
To do this, blood must flow next to the oil. Constantly escalating tension in Israel is an extremely profitable business. Despite the insignificant (in general) costs of “martyred martyrs” and “independent European humanists”, the profits from rising oil prices are enormous.
The profit margin in this business is hundreds of percent.
But it's not only that. Powerful economically, the Arabs want to feel themselves politically
influential. The destruction of Israel is an ideal way of self-affirmation:
the destruction of Israel would mean a real earthquake in world politics,
despite the fact that Israel has no real defenders in the world! And it's not about Israel itself.
In itself, it is almost as uninteresting to the “big Arabs”, like Saudi Arabia or Iran,
how uninteresting they are in Palestine. It is vitally important for them to crush Israel as a foreign bastion,
Western culture. It is in Israel that West and East meet - it is here
The East seeks to crush the West. Israel is just a symbol, a touchstone,
the first step on the road to world domination.
This is the fate of the Jews in history - they were, are and will be at the epicenter of global world conflicts.
There's nothing you can do about it - the chosen people!

So now the Jews are at the epicenter of the clash between Muslim and Christian civilizations.
At the same time, Muslims hate Jews openly, Christians - as they should, hypocritically and secretly.

The situation tick-by-tick repeats the 30s, when Europe and the United States were partly afraid of Hitler and partly admired him. But in any case, his anti-Semitic policy in Europe did not cause the slightest irritation (not to mention stronger feelings).
And even more so, it never occurred to Europeans, while listening to the bells ringing for the Jews, to think whether this bell was ringing for them themselves? We realized it. . . not even in 1939, declaring a false “strange war” on Hitler, but only in 1940, when “la belle France” suffered an unheard-of shameful defeat and collapsed under the blows of the Germans, just like a rotten nut.

Moral: the Jewish problem in itself does not exist. There is an Arab-European problem, a problem of Muslim-Christian conflict, where Jews simply play the role of a fuse, the role of a “white avant-garde,” naturally betrayed by the “white nations.”

Third. What is the meaning and sweetness of this betrayal for Europeans? Here, of course, a lot came together.
Both normal Christian anti-Semitism and “revenge for the Holocaust”
(it’s unpleasant, damn it, to remember your guilt!), and the slobbering “leftist” mentality, the natural sympathy for an “intellectual” with murderers - not the killed, robbers - not the robbed, something that has become such a bread-and-butter profession for independent Western intellectuals ( By the way, Jews traditionally occupied not the last place among them. Now they are in an interesting position. As faithful “leftists,” they are obliged to defend the Palestinians, but as Jews. Well, let’s see how they behave “as Jews.”

But the main thing, of course, is not these emotions at all. The matter is much simpler.
Arabs pay the disinterested Western media. The Arabs control the oil Europe needs.
Muslims in European countries range from 5 to 10%, in elections this is a gigantic force.
There are less than 1% of Jewish voters, the vaunted Jewish bankers have less money than the Arab sheikhs, and you can’t tell these Jews who they are for (like our oligarchs, who for the most part are not at all eager to explain that they are Jews, and are in no hurry to defend Israel).
And the most important thing. Just as in the 1930s Europe did not want to think about the terrible thing - that Hitler is not against Jews and communists, but against them, that he will devour them - so today Europe does not want to think that Muslims are against them. The words about the “war of civilizations” are just meaningless chatter that no one seriously believes in. The Arabs only want the liberation of the occupied lands and the creation of their own state. Well, if not, then they want it. . . Well, yes, let’s even assume that they want to destroy Israel.

But, firstly, this is unrealistic, secondly, Israel itself deserved it, and thirdly, what do we care?!
What do we, Europe have to do with this? One more Israel, one less Israel - Europe to
Muslims have no complaints, and they, accordingly, have no complaints against her.
The moment of truth was September 11th. The words that “after September 11” the world became different are simply a mocking lie. The world remained absolutely unchanged - there were simply two fewer towers.
Absolutely nothing has changed in people's minds, except that there is more fear of Muslims (and, accordingly, more irritation towards Israel).
All the pathetic chatter about “world terrorism” is outright ridicule.
Who is this terrorism, what is its name? Personally, "Captain Nemo" - Osama bin Laden? And it's all?
No one dares to say that 2x2=4, that the obvious nest of the world's martyrs is in Palestine, no one dares to admit that until Palestinian - and precisely Palestinian - terrorism is not trampled down, the movement of martyrs will only expand.

After September 11, something would have changed if Europe had concluded: we will no longer patronize terrorists, we will help Israel fight our common enemies, or at least not interfere with it. The West has come to the exact opposite conclusion - it hopes to pay the terrorists with Israel, it hopes to conclude an unspoken “Munich Agreement”, an unspoken “Molotov-Ribbentrop” pact with the terrorists at Israel’s expense. Well - everyone is true to their genes... Europe, as in the 30s, is pathetically cowardly, fawns over aggressors, chokes on its poorly hidden anti-Semitism, Jews work as “world scapegoats”, like everyone else for the last 2000 years, and the Nazis - well , they are the Nazis, whether they are brown or some other color.

Fatal picture?
Not at all like that. And the Jews are not those poor souls doomed to slaughter who walked with carts to Babi Yar.
And the US position is still slightly different from the Euro-abomination.
And today's Nazis have no trifle - interests and they squabble with each other like jackals.
There is no prey yet - but they are already squabbling. And the goal - the destruction of the West - is not at all so clearly felt by everyone in the Muslim world - rather, they are groping towards this goal, guided by the smell of fear that Europe abundantly exudes, simply by hunting instinct they are catching up with the fearfully mincing West.

There is no real conscious struggle for world domination yet - but through its meanness and weakness. Europe is provoking it. In general, today there is every chance of avoiding a second Catastrophe (I repeat, not only our national, but also a global Catastrophe).
True, these chances existed in the 30s.
In conclusion, dear readers of "EU", let's ask ourselves: what have YOU done for your people, and indeed "for all progressive humanity"?
I think the honest answer is this. We will try to help as much as we can. Let’s say, I, as a journalist, will try, where I can (although this topic is always difficult to break through) to say what I think about terror in Israel, I will try to break through with this hated truth in the media. But we can do more than that.
We can look at the situation from the outside. And it is our moral duty, with full sympathy for Israel, to look at the situation with open eyes. And to see not only the courage of the Israelis, but also the big mistakes of the country’s leadership. And if we see it, talk about it, help at least, as Jews should - help with unsolicited advice (maybe they’ll read it?).

There is only one piece of advice. Shame that the Arabs beat the Jews in an intellectual clash!
It’s good that Jews are more courageous than Arabs in battle (who stopped the Palestinians from creating an army?
Not created. Hire psychos to blow them up, can they create an army? are not capable).
But it’s bad that the Arabs turned out to be more cunning than the Jews and outplayed them in a purely Jewish business - in PR.
Yes, with all the objective circumstances mentioned above, there is one more important thing.
Arabs engage in PR much more and much more successfully. And this partly helps them win
sympathies of the Christian world. Yes, this world initially wants to listen to Arabs and does not want Jews.
But what to do! There is no other Europe for us. So, all that remains is to persuade this one.
You cannot give dry information about your victims - the world is not able to appreciate the restraint, endurance, or nobility of the Jews.

We need to appeal to the emotions of stupid Westerners with the help of the same primitive pictures that the Arabs show. We must spare no money and effort to break through to the Western media so that they broadcast these pictures. It must be clearly explained that the point is not “occupation”, not a desire to retain someone else’s sand and stones, but that retreat guarantees only one thing - a new big war. We need to focus on simple propaganda theses:
there are a million Palestinians living peacefully in Israel (and not becoming martyrs!),
citizens of Israel - but the very first Jew who decides to live in the “Palestinian autonomy” will be torn to shreds. And you put us on the same level?!

This is just one example. This is how we must, millimeter by millimeter, forgetting about natural disgust, try to overcome kilometers of blatant lies and demagoguery of Europeans.
Jews have a rare position - they don’t have to lie, they (unlike the Arabs) can tell the truth.
And they are silent. What is this - Jewish arrogance? Or impatience, or inability to break through the propaganda blockade? In any case, this is a weakness. And she is intolerant in war.
Damn it, they are waging a psychological war against Israel, one front is in Jerusalem, but the other is in Europe!

And Israel abandoned the second front. Giving up means capitulating. Israel must force the Christian West to become its ally.
It is necessary to look for ways of rapprochement even with such an anti-Semitic organization as the Christian Church by definition... After all, it has also, at least partly, changed (Rome has absolved the Jews of the blame for the “crucifixion of Christ.” A propaganda war is almost as dirty a thing as a war real.
And in the current situation this is no less important.
Israel must finally take action on this front.
These are the few obvious considerations that occurred to me.
I would like to hope that someone in Israel will hear them." (c)

Times of Israel: Iranian forces in Syria await orders to root out the evil of the Zionist regime.

Hossein Salamisays Tehran is also “building powerful forces in Lebanon to fight our enemy from there” and eradicate “the evil of the Zionist regime.”

In a recent speech, Deputy Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) stated that the “Islamic Army in Syria” in the Golan Heights is awaiting orders to eradicate the “evil regime” of Israel.

He also said that Hezbollah, backed by Tehran, has 100,000 missiles now aimed at Israel.

We are creating a powerful force in Lebanon because we want to fight our enemy from there with all our might “, he said. “ Today Hezbollah already has enormous power on the ground, which can by itself break the Zionist regime. The Zionist regime does not have deep strategic defenses .”

In a June speech in support of Anti-Israel Al-Quds Day, translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Hossein Salamisaid that the dangers Israel faces today are greater than at any time in history.

Today, the International Islamic Army has been formed in Syria, and the voices of Muslims are heard near the Golan ", - he said. “ They are only waiting for the order, so... the eradication of the evil regime [of Israel] is soon and the life of this regime will be over forever. The life of the Zionist regime has never been more in danger than now.”

Salamiemphasized that “ The Zionist regime poses a threat... to the entire world. That's the philosophy creation of this regime.

He also praised Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who led the 1979 Iranian revolution, for making the destruction of Israel his goal.

Khomeini “expanded the rationale for the eradication of Israel as a new concept in global political discourse,” he saidSalami. “Since then, the Zionist regime has been afraid, delusional and worried.”

Israel has been declaring for years Iran's continued attempts to gain a foothold in Syria and has engaged in provocative campaign to prevent Tehran from creating a new front on its border. That campaign came to light and escalated into more open conflict in February when an Iranian drone briefly entered Israeli airspace before it was shot down. In response, Israel launched a counterattack on an airbase in Syria, hitting the mobile command center from which the drone had taken off.

Tehran vowed revenge after the attack on the T-4 military base.

On May 10, IRGC forces in Al-Quds fired 32 rockets at Israel's forward defensive line on the border of the Golan Heights. Four of them were shot down.

In response, over the next two hours, Israeli aircraft fired dozens of missiles at Iranian targets in Syria and destroyed a number of Syrian air defense systems. The operation was widely considered a success in Israel.

ButSalamidenied Israeli information and announced Iran's success in launching missiles, claiming that Israel was suppressing true information.

“When the Zionists bombed the T-4 base in Syria and killed several young people, they thought that they would not receive any reaction. They thought that American and British support might frighten the resistance front. They thought no one would answer" , - said Salami . “But the answer came in the Golan, and dozens of missiles were fired, along with the message “If you answer, we will turn the heart of Tel Aviv into dust. They were silent and did nothing else.

Salami blamed Israel for all the troubles in the Middle East.

All the problems of the Islamic world stem from the existence of a false, counterfeit, historically rootless, regime called Israel ", - he said.

On Sunday, Syrian air defenses activated near the T-4 air base in response to an airstrike on the facility that Syrian state media attributed to the Israeli military.

The Times of Israel – Russia's deputy ambassador to Tel Aviv says Israel was right to shoot down an Iranian drone.

If Iran attacks Israel, Moscow will stand with the Jewish state, a Russian official said this week, days after an Iranian drone entered Israel from Syria and was shot down by the IDF.

“In the event of aggression against Israel, not only the United States will side with Israel, but Russia will also side with Israel,” said Russia’s deputy ambassador to Israel, Leonid Frolov. “Many of our compatriots live here in Israel, and Israel as a whole is a friendly people, and therefore we will not tolerate any aggression against Israel.”

Also, in a wide-ranging interview on Monday at the Russian Embassy in Tel Aviv, Frolov questioned Israel's assertion that Iran was behind the drone incursion and suggested that Israeli intelligence agencies establish contacts with their Syrian counterparts.

He also predicted that Israelis would not be happy with the upcoming American peace plan and dismissed outcry against Israel's condemnation of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas as a European colonial project unrelated to Judaism.

“We certainly support Israel's right to self-defense, and the actions of the Israeli pilots were absolutely correct,” he said of Saturday's incident in the north in which an Israeli fighter jet was shot down by a Syrian anti-aircraft battery and two pilots were injured.

“We, of course, regret that two Israeli pilots were injured in this incident,” Frolov said. “On behalf of the Russian Embassy, ​​I wish a speedy recovery to the wounded pilots.”

Russia is a staunch ally of Iran and Syria, helping both countries in their efforts to help the Syrian regime fight off the rebels.

“Syria is a sovereign country, and the Syrian people also have the right to self-defense,” Frolov said.

Israel has repeatedly promised to do everything possible to prevent Iran from trying to gain a military foothold in Syria. Jerusalem is attacking Iranian targets in Syria, and Moscow has created a so-called deconfliction mechanism to avoid clashes in the skies over the war-torn country.

“Israel’s demand that Iran not be able to establish a strong military presence in Syria is ‘absolutely legal’,” Frolov said.

Deputy Ambassador of Russia to Israel Leonid Frolov at the Russian Embassy in Tel Aviv on February 12, 2018 (Rafael Aren / Times of Israel)

Moscow agrees that Iranian forces must leave the country as soon as the bloody civil war ends and a new democratic government is installed, he said. Meanwhile, however, anti-government rebels, or terrorists as Frolov called them, are trying to destabilize Syria, prompting Assad to invite Iranian forces to help defeat the terrorists, he said. Russia is convinced that all foreign military personnel will leave the country once calm is restored.

“In an effort to prevent Iran from gaining a foothold in Syria, Israel should “establish closer ties with Syrian intelligence services,” he added. “Israel is surrounded by many enemy states. But this does not prevent the Israeli leadership from announcing that their secret services have contacts with colleagues from Saudi Arabia or Qatar, for example.”

Although he agreed that Israel had the right to shoot down the Iranian drone, Frolov doubted that Iran was behind it. He likely suggested that anti-government forces launched the drone to provoke an Israeli attack on forces loyal to Assad.

“I am confident that every UAV that enters Israeli airspace should be shot down. It would be even better to shoot down the UAV (without destroying it) and see who created it, who owns it,” he said, speaking in Russian through a translator.

“What do the Iranians get from launching a UAV into Israel? After all, the Iranians know it will be shot down.”

“You can blame the Iranians for a lot of things, but they are not stupid,” he continued. “They know what will happen if they send a drone into Israel. No one doubts that Israel has the ability to defeat Iranian forces in Syria. But we don’t want to assume, without evidence, that the Iranians in Syria are crazy.”

The IDF has stated unequivocally that the drone - a copy of the US RQ-170 - was built and flown by Iranian forces. US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley told the Security Council on Wednesday that "forces under Iranian protection" were behind the drone attack, calling it a "blatant and uncontrollable escalation" and a "wake-up call for all of us."

But Frolov, a soft-spoken, grizzled veteran diplomat who previously served in Tripoli and Ramallah, strongly disagreed with the Israeli claim, saying photographs of the destroyed drone released by Israel in no way proved Iran was behind it.

“I don’t know who did this,” he said, adding, “We always have to ask ourselves who benefits from this.”

Jerusalem usually notifies Moscow in advance of its strikes in Syria, making it unlikely that Russians could have been hurt on Saturday, Frolov said.

Asked whether Russia was giving the green light for these attacks, he replied: “I don’t think Israel is a country that takes orders or waits for a green light from anyone.”

Although it was natural for President Vladimir Putin to demand that Israel not harm Russian troops, Frolov denied all reports that the Kremlin had communicated any threats to Jerusalem on this issue. “This is not our way of working,” he said.

In an interview given to The Times of Israel on the occasion of the Day of Russian Diplomats last Saturday, Frolov also focused on the Kremlin’s position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Frolov referred to the Palestinian leader's controversial speech to the Central Council of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Ramallah, in which he argued that the state of Israel was "a colonial project that has nothing to do with Judaism."

“We are not little children who get upset by statements out of anger and excitement,” Frolov said, adding that there are also Israelis who make outrageous and historically dubious statements.

Unlike some Arab states that financed wars against Israel and are now secretly collaborating with the Jewish state, the Palestinians were willing to "live in good neighborly relations with Israel," he said.

Necessary preface.

Any author is biased, even if he just counts to one hundred. And if you write about Israel... The facts below correspond to the truth, although they are unpleasant for conspiracy theorists and Muslims. To my friend Gaucher, who believes that the Rothschilds and other Jewish moneybags poured billions into the creation of Israel, I recommend reading the documents. Or at least the memories of Golda Meyer, how she begged for alms in the USA, eventually collecting a couple of thousand dollars. Helps to understand the truth and the composition of the equipment of the Israeli Armed Forces, with which they fought in the first year of the war started by the Arabs on the day of the proclamation of Israel. It was only here that the hearses rushed into the attack. And they won. With a ratio of 1 to 100, this is exactly the confrontation between Israelis and Arabs in quantitative terms.

By the way, if the world Jewish community had really really created Israel and supported it, Stalin would not have had to supply the Jews with weapons through Czechoslovakia and other allies for years, which the United States and Western Europeans refused to sell.

There is also an unfortunate omission below - there is no mention of Yasser Arafat and his war in Jordan. It was there that, quite rightly, more Palestinians were killed in one sitting than Israel. "Black September" claimed the lives of up to 10 thousand PLO militants, 150 thousand Palestinians fled from Jordan. Actually, it was after this that the real wars between the Palestinians and the Jews began - when their Arab brothers were massacred and expelled from their own lands. Yes, yes, it is in Jordan that the lion's share of Palestinian lands is located.

But let's look at other facts:

The Israeli-Arab conflict is smaller than you think

If you try to finish the sentence “The Israeli-Arab conflict is important because...”, you will find that you have no answer. This conflict is one of the smallest in the world. Israel is a tiny country with no strategic significance. There is no oil here, just like in the countries surrounding Israel. The only reason you hear so much about Israel is that quite a lot of people have decided that it is important without any objective reason for it. Whenever you deal with this conflict, you lose sight of the real big and important problems, such as China - a dictatorship with more than a billion people, which also has the largest economy in the world, the bloody and seemingly intractable conflict in Syria, genocide, happening in Sudan.

The world's media is obsessed with Israel

The surrounding reality is reflected in the messages. Typically, the closer the event and the more dramatic it is, the more likely you are to hear about it from the media. This rule does not apply to the Israeli-Arab conflict. The most insignificant incident in Israel immediately becomes the main news of the whole world. Here's one fact to keep in mind: In more than 100 years of conflict, approximately 25,000 Palestinians have lost their lives. In the Arab world, more than 15 million people have died in the last 50 years alone. You hear much less about them, as well as about the millions who died in Africa. One of the reasons for this is that it is very easy for foreign correspondents to work in Israel. There is modern infrastructure, freedom of speech, and journalists feel safe. Palestinians also feel safe. Note that Palestinians never speak anonymously or cover their faces, as people do when they are afraid of the authorities. Israel, like any other country, is not perfect, but it is very important to remember that even the right to complain about one's government is a privilege that only a few people in our world enjoy.

It's absurd, but the European media covers Israel more than Europe's involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. Here's an interesting example. In 2011, the British newspaper The Guardian mentioned Israel over 1,000 times. That year, 115 Palestinians died, most of them terrorists. Iraq was mentioned 504 times, although more than 4,000 Iraqis were killed, many of them in incidents with British soldiers.

This obsession is also common in the scientific world. Today there are more courses, seminars, books and forums about this conflict than about any other conflict.

Living conditions of Palestinians

Many famous people criticize Israel. Nobel laureate Saramago, Pink Floyd leader Roger Waters and other famous people compare Israel's actions to the actions of the Nazis. Here are some facts that prove the opposite.

The average life expectancy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967 (when Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip) was 48 years. Today it is more than 75 years - more than in all the Arab countries around Israel.

In 1967, the infant mortality rate was higher than 150 per 1,000 births. Today it is less than 19.

Palestinians are the most educated Arabs in the Middle East and North Africa. In 1967, there was not a single university in the West Bank. Today there are 11 universities and 13 colleges.

In 1967, only 4 Arab villages had running water. Today there are more than 640 of them. (In Amman, the capital of Jordan, located just tens of kilometers away, the water supply runs only one day a week).

According to the World Bank, the Palestinians received four times more aid than Europe under the Marshall Plan after World War II. Everyone knows that the United States supports Israel. But what none of them know is that the Palestinians receive more aid from the United States, the European Union, Japan, Arab countries and the United Nations than any other people in the world.

The State of Israel was not created as compensation for the Holocaust

The assertion that the Jews received a country only because the world was shocked by the Holocaust is, to say the least, naive. World politics doesn't work that way. During the Second World War, there were already one and a half million Jews who had a national consciousness and all the institutions necessary for statehood - education, health care, a political system, and so on. The creation of Israel, like the creation of dozens of other countries, had more to do with World War II itself. After every world war, a new world order arises. After the First World War, the countries were created - Yugoslavia (1918), Poland (1918), Czechoslovakia (1918), Finland (1917) and Turkey (1923). After World War II, many countries were created - Jordan (1946), Syria (1946), India (1947), Pakistan (1947), Israel (1948), and Korea (1948). In addition, after the Cold War, which affected the whole world, many countries were also created - Former republics of Yugoslavia and the USSR became states.

Israel was created among the countries created after World War II. Most countries in the Middle East were created from French and British territories they lost after the war.

Israel was not created on stolen Palestinian land

Many people think that there was Palestinian territory, and then the Jews came and took this land for themselves. This is wrong. The name Palestine comes from the word "Pleshet". This was the name of the ancient people who, according to the Hebrew Bible, came from the Greek island of Crete and settled on the southern shore of the Land of Israel. The name Pleshet, or Philistia, was not used until the Roman Emperor Hadrian, determined to punish the Jews for the Bar Kokhba revolt, changed the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina and the name of Judea to Syria Palestina in 135. The name was not used during the Muslim empires that ruled the Middle East. Most of modern Israel was a small, abandoned and unimportant part of Syria. Jerusalem was never the capital in that era. During the Muslim era, Cairo and Damascus were important cities in the region. It was only after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, starting in 1917, that the name Palestine began to be used again under British rule. If the British had not come, there would have been no Palestinian people. And the Arabs who lived in this area would have been Egyptians or Syrians. (Approx. grimnir74 The name Palestine was also widely used among Christians as a synonym for the Holy Land - also from Roman times)

Jews lived for hundreds of years in Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed and Tiberias. In 1860, Jews began purchasing land outside of these four cities. Unlike the first white settlers in the United States, who stole land from the Indians, unlike the Australians, who stole land from the Aborigines, all the land on which the Jews settled was bought and paid for to the last cent. Since the 1930s, the British and the United Nations have made many proposals on how to divide the land of Israel into two states - Jewish and Arab, living side by side with each other. The Jews agreed to the proposals, but the Arabs did not, and they started a war. The Jews won. Many Arabs continued to live in Israel after its victory, and today 20 percent of Israel's population is Arab.

In Arab countries there is no peace between Jews and Arabs

Of course, the Jews had it much worse under the Nazis, but this does not mean that they lived in equality and enjoyed religious freedom under the Arabs. Yes, there was a golden age of peaceful coexistence, but it was short-lived, and that was 800 years ago. In all Muslim countries where Jews lived, from Morocco in the east to Iran in the west, from Syria in the north to Yemen in the south, before the advent of Zionism, Jews suffered discrimination, pogroms, violence and racial oppression. After the creation of the State of Israel, the majority of Jews living in Arab countries, about 800 thousand, had to flee to Israel.

Israeli occupation does not represent the source of the conflict

In 1967, the Arab states surrounding Israel threatened to destroy Israel and moved their troops to the borders. In a surprise attack, the Israeli army defeated all Arab armies in six days, and Israel tripled in size. The Gaza Strip was under Egyptian control, and the West Bank was under Jordanian control. During the 19 years (1948-1967) that the Palestinians were under Jordanian and Egyptian control, no one mentioned them. If the Six Day War had not happened, the Palestinians would have lived under Arab oppression and no one would have cared. The best example is the Palestinians living in camps in Lebanon and Syria. Although living conditions there are much worse than in the West Bank, nothing is heard from the media about this.

Many think it would be better if Israel withdrew its troops from the West Bank, but others believe that this could jeopardize Israel's security. There are good arguments on both sides, but the idea that the occupation is to blame for the conflict is false. This is proven by three considerations. First of all, and most obviously, the conflict began long before the Six Day War and even before 1948. The Arabs do not want to accept the existence of two states. The second evidence is Lebanon; although there are no Israeli soldiers in Lebanon, Hezbollah clearly advocates the elimination of Israel. The same goes for Iran - although there are 1,000 kilometers (about 620 miles) and two countries between it and Israel, although the Persians have a completely different culture and language than the Arabs of the Middle East, Iranian leaders call for the destruction of Israel. The source of the conflict is that Muslims do not want to recognize a non-Muslim state in the Middle East.

The Palestinian refugee problem is not a source of conflict

There are many exaggerations and distortions surrounding the Arab-Israeli conflict, but there is one big lie. This is a lie about "Palestinian refugees" and the "right of return". Who doesn't have a parent or grandparent who migrated due to conflict? The wars and other conflicts of the 20th century created hundreds of millions of refugees. In the new world order after World War II, the entire population was migrants. More than 15 million Germans were forced to flee their homes in what was formerly eastern German territory. Hundreds of thousands of people in the Balkans were forced to migrate due to the emergence of new countries there. About 65 million people in what was the Soviet Union had to migrate. Who ever heard of the 300 thousand Muslims who were forced to leave Bulgaria, or the 250 thousand Greeks and Turks who had to leave their homes after the Turks occupied Cyprus in 1974? Refugee problems continue. About two million Christians were forced to evacuate the Middle East due to Muslim attacks. But there's one group you hear about more than any other: Palestinian refugees.

As a result of the 1948 War of Independence, there were approximately half a million Arab refugees who fled their homes. Many left, so the Arab leadership ordered them to leave and promised that they could return. And as in all wars, there were some cases of evacuation. But unlike Germany, which helped German migrants, unlike India, which helped Hindus, Pakistan, which welcomed Muslims, or Israel, which welcomed Jewish refugees, the Egyptians, Syrians and Lebanese did not help the Palestinians, although they are the same people (in 1948 there was no difference between an Arab village in northern Israel and an Arab village in southern Lebanon). Jordan was the only Arab country to grant citizenship to Palestinians. The United Nations is part of the problem. Few people know that the UN has two refugee agencies - UNRWA - only for Palestinian refugees, and UNHCR - for other refugees around the world. The two organizations have different definitions of who is called a refugee. The UNRWA definition grants refugee status to the children of Palestinian refugees, so every year the "official" number of Palestinian refugees increases.

And only one group of refugees does not attract any attention - these are Jewish refugees from Arab countries. The Jews who left Muslim countries never caused any harm to the Muslims, but when Israel was created, about 800 thousand of them were forced to flee, leaving everything they had, and start a new life in Israel.
