Ugly woman. Date an ugly girl! Yu Junchan is the hairiest man in the world

Incredible facts

This list will tell you about ten unfortunate people suffering from severe deformities.

Some of them, with the help of modern medicine, were able to live more or less normal lives.

Some of the stories are tragic, others are hopeful. Here are ten shocking stories:

Human deformation

10. Rudy Santos

Octopus Man

Attached to Rudy's pelvis and abdomen another pair of arms and legs, belonged to his brother, whom Santos absorbed while in the womb. Also on his body there is an extra pair of nipples and an undeveloped head with ears and hair.

Rudy became a national celebrity during his freak show travels in the 1970s and 1980s. Then he earned about 20,000 pesos per day, being the main “attraction” of the show.

It was then that he received his stage name - "octopus". Rudy was likened to God, and women lined up just to stand next to him or take pictures with him.

Oddly enough, Rudy disappeared from screens in the late 1980s and eventually He has been living in poverty for over ten years now. In 2008, two doctors examined him to see if he could survive surgery to remove unnecessary body parts.

9. Manar Maged

Two-headed girl

Less than a year later, Manar herself died due to a brain infection, the development of which was provoked as a result of complications that arose after the operation.

Unusual people of the world

8. Minh Anh

Boy is a fish

Minh Anh is a Vietnamese orphan who was born with an unknown skin condition that causes his skin to peel off massively and form scales. His condition is expected to be was provoked by a special chemical (Agent Orange), which was used by the US military during the Vietnam War.

This condition is associated with constant overheating of the body, so it becomes extremely uncomfortable for a person to “wear” the skin without regular showering. The same orphans from the orphanage nicknamed him “fish”.

Previously, Minh was subjected to violence by staff and other children living in the orphanage. They tied him to the bed and did not allow the boy to go to the shower so that "remove" old skin.

When Minh was just a child, he met Brenda, a 79-year-old resident of the UK. Now she travels to Vietnam every year to see him. Over the years, the woman visited the boy and became his good friend.

Brenda helped improve the life of the boy in the orphanage in many ways. She convinced the staff not to restrain him when he had another seizure, and she also found him a friend to take the baby swimming every week, which is now Min's favorite pastime.

7. Joseph Merrick

Elephant Man

Probably the most famous person on this list is Joseph Merrick, the elephant man. Born in 1836, the Englishman became a London celebrity, and later gained fame all over the world.

He was born with Proteus syndrome, a condition that causes unusual tissue growth on the skin that causes the bones to become deformed and thicken.

Joseph's mother died when the boy was 11 years old, and his father abandoned him. So he left home as a teenager, then worked in Leicester and a little later became a showman. He was extremely popular and at the peak of his popularity he received his stage name: “the elephant man.”

Due to the size of his head, Joseph had to sleep sitting up. His head was so heavy that the man could not sleep lying down. One night in 1890, he tried to go to the kingdom of Morpheus "like all normal people," and dislocated his neck in the process.

The next morning he was found dead.

The most unusual people

6. Didier Montalvo

Boy - turtle

Didier was born in the Colombian countryside with a congenital melanocyte virus, which causes the birthmark to grow throughout the body at an incredibly fast pace.

As a result of this disease, the birthmark became so huge that covered Didier's entire back. Didier's peers nicknamed him "the turtle boy" because his incredibly large "mole" was very similar to a turtle's shell.

Apparently, Didier was conceived during an eclipse, because the locals considered him "the work of the devil." For this reason, he was not allowed to communicate with other children and was banned from attending the local school.

When British surgeon Neil Bulstrode learned of Didier's problem, he headed to Bogota, where operated on the child and completely removed the unfortunate “mole”.

When the operation was performed, the boy was barely six years old. It was a real success, because the specialists were able to remove the entire birthmark. After the operation, Didier was allowed to go to school and began to live a normal and happy life.

People with unusual appearance

5. Mandy Sellars

Mandy Sellars from Lancashire, UK, was diagnosed with the same diagnosis as Joseph Merick - Proteus syndrome. This resulted in Mandy's legs becoming incredibly huge, with a total weight of 95 kg and a diameter of 1 meter.

Her legs are so big that she orders herself specially equipped shoes that cost about $4,000. She also has a personalized car that she can drive without using her legs.

The tumor mass was completely removed after the first operation, the remaining three were aimed at facial reconstruction. The operations were successful, and a few weeks later, José was already on his way to Lisbon.

People with the most unusual disabilities

2. Dede Koswara

Man is a tree

Dede Koswara is an Indonesian man who has suffered from a fungal infection called epidermodysplasia verruciformis for most of his life. It causes the growth of large, tough fungal growths that look much like tree bark.

Over time, Dede became extremely uncomfortable using his limbs, they became so large and heavy. The fungus grows throughout the body, but manifests itself mainly on the arms and legs.

In 2008, Dede underwent a course of treatment in the United States, as a result of which 8 kg of warts were removed from his body. After this, skin grafts were done on the face and hands. Unfortunately, the operation failed to stop the growth of the fungus, so another surgical intervention was performed in 2011.

There is no cure for Dede's disease.

1. Alamjan Nematilaev

Fetal congestion is an extremely rare developmental anomaly that occurs once in 500,000 births. The reasons for this anomaly are unknown, but many scientists believe that it occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, when one embryo is literally “enveloped” by another.

In 2003, the school doctor noticed that the child's stomach was very swollen and sent him to the hospital. Doctors examined him and concluded that the patient had a cyst. The following week the boy was operated on and, to everyone's surprise, A child weighing two kilograms and 20 centimeters long was found in Alamyan’s stomach.

The doctor who performed the operation noted that the boy looked like he was six months pregnant. The boy's parents believe that the development of such an anomaly was provoked as a result of radiation after the Chernobyl disaster, but experts rejected this idea.

Alamyan fully recovered from the operation, but to this day he does not know that his twin was growing inside him.

When it comes to a maniac, most of us imagine a gloomy guy in a mask and with a huge knife in his hands. These stereotypes are a gift from the modern film industry. You are unlikely to see such a character in life. Moreover, some of the world's worst killers were not male at all. So, meet: a dozen pretty ladies, each of whom chose a deadly hobby over everyday life.

Waltruda Wagner

Number of kills: 15
Wagner became the leader of a gang of four nurses who wreaked havoc at Lainz Hospital. A wave of murders swept across all floors of this respected Viennese institution at the end of 1980: girls in snow-white uniforms helped kill everyone they considered necessary. In total, about 200 patients died, and Waltruda was guilty of 15 proven murders.

Mary Ann Cotton

Number of kills: 20
The former nurse is considered one of the worst British murderers - and yet she had to compete with Jack the Ripper himself. Over the course of twenty years, Mary Cotton killed two dozen people with ordinary arsenic.

Janine Jones

Number of kills: 21
In 1984, Jones was found guilty of murdering an infant named Chelsea McClellan. This happened at San Antonio General Hospital. An investigation began, which revealed twenty more murders: Jenine was doing her dark business in every medical facility in the state.

Helen Jegado

Number of kills: 23
Jegado was a French maid who managed to kill 23 people over 18 years. The girl added ordinary arsenic to holiday dishes, and then went to work for another family. Master Guillotin personally had a hand in the execution of this obliging girl.

Jane Toppan

Number of kills: 30
And another nurse who didn't really like her own patients. Toppan used morphine and atropine, but was not very careful. Another death of a patient in her care aroused the suspicion of the authorities. A superficial investigation revealed 29 more victims of the maniac.

Margareta Gottfried

Number of kills: 30
Margareta poisoned her first husband and both children with arsenic and set off on a free voyage. The next victims were her parents, and then her second husband, whom Margareta married to improve her financial condition, died. This seemed like a great way for the girl to stay afloat: the investigation of the case showed as many as 30 victims destroyed by the beauty, who was chasing material well-being.

Belle Gunnes

Number of kills: 42
Bella hit her first husband, flattered by the insurance payout. The girl simply dropped the ax on her husband’s head, and then put an ad in the newspaper: a young widow in search of a reliable man’s shoulder. Bella managed to recruit forty more men before the police put an end to this outrage.

Defina and Maria de Jesus Gonzalez

Number of kills: 80
In 1964, the Gonzalez sisters were sentenced to 40 years in prison after the remains of 80 women and 11 men were discovered on their ranch. The girls earned extra money through prostitution - and those they didn’t like were simply killed.

Suzanne Olah

Number of kills: 100
Suzanne Olah killed everyone who got in her way. The forty-year-old nurse managed to send a whole hundred people to their forefathers - and poisoned herself when she saw a police detachment coming for her lost soul.

Countess Elizabeth Bathory

Number of kills: 650
The Bloody Countess was what Elizabeth Bathory was called. In pursuit of eternal life, the unscrupulous beauty killed as many as 650 young girls and drank their blood.

On December 20, 1874, in London, England, a girl was born who was destined to become the ugliest woman in the world. Marie Anne Webster received this derogatory “title” because she suffered from acromegaly. Acromegaly is a disease that causes enlargement of the hands, feet, and facial bones. And over time the situation only gets worse.

The woman was born into the family of a simple worker, she was one of eight children, and therefore from the very beginning she was predicted to have a difficult and not very happy life. She later became a nurse. In 1903, luck seemed to smile on her - she married greens merchant Thomas Bevan and even gave birth to four children. But the happiness did not last long: a few years later, Thomas suddenly died, leaving her with babies in her arms without the ability to feed them.

Archive photo

To find a means of subsistence, Marie Ann tried to take part in the “Most Homely Woman” competition, but did not win, and therefore, out of despair, she decided to take a humiliating step - she became a participant in the competition for the ugliest appearance. The disease began to disfigure Marie Ann shortly after her marriage. Along with her came headaches and severe muscle pain, and in addition, the unfortunate woman began to lose her vision. The advertisement calling for participation in the competition was placed by Claude Bartram, who was the European agent for the American Circus and Barnum and Bailey. Bartram was given the task by his employers to find “new freaks”, but he failed, and he decided to advertise in the newspaper...

Mary Ann took the first photograph in her life, and this time she was waiting for victory. After this, the woman began to literally sell her face. She exposed her imperfect features for everyone to see and made a living from it. However, public speaking was difficult for the woman. From the very beginning, she was against working as a “freak”; in addition, she was afraid of separation from her children. But Bartram persuaded her, promising a good salary and a secure life for her kids. She hesitated for a long time, but eventually boarded the ship that took her to America.

Mary Ann's arrival caused a sensation - all the newspapers wrote that "the ugliest woman in the world" had come to them.

The woman's specific appearance interested a certain Sam Gumperz, who allowed her to appear in a freak show on Coney Island as a freak - for the amusement of the public. It was on his show that Marie-Anne spent most of her life after the death of her husband.

At the end of her life, the woman demonstrated herself at the World's Fair as part of the Ringling Bros. Circus show program.

Let us remember that freak circuses existed in America until the mid-60s of the last century. And until the 20s, it was a very profitable business not only for the owners of the show, but also for its “exhibits”.

There is an opinion that if a person has money, then he can do whatever he wants with his appearance. The scariest girls in the photo can be transformed.

In this article you will learn:

  1. Why did scary girls become so?
  2. Which celebrities have become victims of plastic surgery?
  3. Photos before and after plastic surgery.

Nowadays plastic surgery is very developed: a crooked nose can become straight, large ears can become small, wide nostrils can become narrow. But is this really so?

1 ➤ The first line of our terrible hit parade is occupied by . She was born back in 1940 in Switzerland. In 1978, a young and beautiful blonde marries the very rich Alec Wildenstein.

But in their married life, not everything turns out to be as smooth as they would like, Alec has a mistress and in order to somehow keep her husband, Jocelyn decides to undergo plastic surgery and more than one.

But in order not to miss, she decides to do lioness appearance, because her beloved husband loves lions very much.

Arriving at the plastic surgeon with a picture of a lion cut out from a magazine, Jocelyn made herself this:

  • brow lift several times;
  • blepharoplasty (changing eyelids);
  • canthopexy (eye correction to look more like a lioness);
  • fat grafting or lipofilling (correction of the body, usually legs or buttocks);
  • inserting implants into the cheeks (to raise them and look even more like a lioness);
  • lip injections for maximum lip enhancement;
  • SMAS face lift (deep lifting, in which muscle tissue is moved);
  • insertion of an implant into the chin.

Judging by the photo, Jocelyn really achieved her goal and became just a copy of the lioness from the jungle. Still would…. her husband had to pay about $5 million for all these operations.

But Jocelyn did not achieve the second goal - to keep her husband. He finally went to a young 21 year old pretty model.

Many people think that this woman is scary, but she doesn’t consider herself that way. Now she is dating a famous couturier Lloyd Klein, who is 17 years older than her.

2 ➤ The second place in the terrible hit parade is occupied by - sister of the famous and now deceased couturier J. Versace. She runs a fashion business, once started by her brother, quite successfully.

She has a sense of style, she produces really very beautiful clothes, but she cannot boast of beauty herself. What happened to her? Of course, plastic surgery again.

Donatella was born in 1955. Today she is the vice president of the company Versace and chief fashion designer. In 2000, fashion lovers were able to attend her very first show in the French capital and since then she has held several fashion shows every year.

Donatella did not forget about her friends, who were all famous and rich. Her parties were attended by Madonna, Beyonce, Elton John and even Charles of Wales himself. She used her famous and rich friends in advertising for the company.

The company's affairs gradually improved, income grew more and more every year. And then the moment came when Donatella decided to become more beautiful, because... using cocaine for 20 years is taking its toll.

The first changes on her face were noticed in 2002. She later admitted in an interview with reporters that the following were carried out:

  • botox for lips;
  • fillers;
  • face lift.

In addition, she was actively sunbathing, and ultraviolet rays age the skin.

3 ➤ The third place in our terrible hit parade is occupied by . This is a famous, rich and very talented singer. She was born in 1987 and lived only 27 years. As a child, I studied music and almost always sang.

In 2003, her first solo album was released. Music lovers immediately appreciated the high quality of the lyrics, beautiful melody and unique voice. Her first album went platinum, and she was nominated for many prestigious music awards. Money rained down like from a cornucopia.

Unfortunately, the Emmys didn't stand the test of popularity. Drugs, indecent behavior and scandals were constant attributes of her life.

Three years later, her second album was released. It broke the first one's record and went platinum 5 times. The first single became the best song of the year. In 2008, she received 5 Grammy awards at once.
In 2007, Emmy began a rehabilitation program at the clinic. At that time she was already using hard drugs along with alcohol.

In July 2011, Emmy Winehouse died at her home in London. Drugs and alcohol were found in her blood, the dose of which was 5 times higher than the norm compatible with life.

4 ➤ The fourth place in the scary hit parade is occupied by a female vampire. Christerna .

Her appearance changed gradually. First, the girl decided to change her teeth, thanks to which she began to look like a vampire. She made the side fangs longer and sharper.

To imitate horns, steel implants were sewn into the frontal part of the head.
She has piercings along the entire length of her eyebrows, with 9 rings on each eyebrow. A large ring with spikes and a skull hangs in the nose.

The whole body is completely covered with colored tattoos. They are even on the face, and there are large dots on the forehead, and large red five-pointed stars along the contour of the hairline.

We can conclude that all these women are actually quite beautiful by nature, but endless plastic surgeries where they are not needed, drugs and alcohol do their job, as can be seen in the photos of the worst women in the world.

27-year-old American Lizzie Velasquez was dubbed “the ugliest woman in the world” by Internet users. Since birth, the girl has suffered from a rare disease - Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch syndrome, due to which her body developed with abnormalities. At birth, Lizzie weighed only 0.9 kilograms. Now, with a height of 157 centimeters, she weighs 29 kilograms. Her body is unable to gain weight.

Throughout her life, Lizzie faced criticism and rejection from society. Recently, a girl spoke on Instagram about how offensive humorous memes can be for those depicted in them. Lizzie posted a screenshot of one of these pictures, which depicts herself.

“Michael said that we would meet at this tree to have some fun. He's late, maybe someone can find him and tell him I'm still waiting,” the caption on the photo reads.

“It doesn’t matter who we are or what we look like, in the end, we are all human. I ask you to keep this in mind the next time you see a viral meme about a random stranger. You may find it funny, but the person in the picture will feel exactly the opposite,” Lizzie wrote. Velazquez noted that she addresses society not as a victim, but as a person with a voice.

Lizzie already takes criticism addressed to her calmly; it has only strengthened her character. Now the girl speaks at conferences and tells people all over the world how to overcome their inhibitions and love themselves. Lizzie wrote the book “The Story of the Ugliest Woman in the World, Who Became the Happiest,” which was recently translated into Russian.
