Actor Boris Galkin personal life wife children. Galkin

Inna Viktorovna Razumikhina(born January 29, Rzhev) - Russian pop singer, actress, composer, poet, laureate of numerous All-Russian pop artist competitions.


Born in 1973 in the ancient Russian city of Rzhev.

Prize-winner All-Union competition young performers "Yalta -1991".
Since 1994 - actress of Children's musical theater"Impromptu" under the direction of Lyudmila Ivanova. - Since 1995, actress of the Music and Poetry Theater under the direction of People's Artist Elena Kamburova. - Diploma and audience award of the International Acting Song Contest named after A. Mironov 1995 - Graduated from the Gnessin State Music College in pop vocal class with Tatyana Markovich in 1996 - Laureate of the V. Vysotsky art song competition, 1996 - Diploma and Prize "Hope of Russia" for a careful and timely reading of Russian romance All-Russian competition young performers of Russian romance, 1997. - Diploma winner of the All-Russian television pop song competition “Song of Russia”, 1997 - Diploma winner of the IV All-Russian Yesenin competition of young composers “Rowan Clusters”, 1998. Inna Razumikhina represents the genre of both popular and sophisticated modern acting chanson, new retro. Singer Inna Razumikhina has been familiar to Russian listeners since the early 1990s. She is the winner of the “Hope of Russia” award, has many years of successful concert experience and a rich track record, including awards and titles at prestigious Russian vocal competitions: “Romansiada”, “Actor’s Song named after A. Mironov”, “Song of Russia”, etc. The geography of her performances covers almost all regions of Russia, from large cities to regional centers, towns and military units. Also huge place Her activities include charitable performances for veterans' organizations, hospitals and orphanages. One thing unites all these very different performances: the audience does not remain indifferent in the hall! The singer’s honed vocal and dramatic skills, the soulful sincerity of her intonation, the exceptional naturalness and organicity of her stage behavior - all this helps to establish an atmosphere of trust, sympathy and empathy in auditorium. Often at the end of the performance the audience gives a standing ovation to the singer. Of particular note is the singer’s approach to the formation of her repertoire. First of all, she is guided by considerations of strict artistic, musical and poetic taste. That is why in her programs there are no so-called “ common places": through each song and romance, she directly addresses the soul of every listener and viewer, excites, asks questions, surprises with unexpected eccentricity and touches to tears with the spontaneity of experience and poignancy artistic image. Her strong, memorable voice, bright temperament and natural charm turn each song into a one-man show, full of inner drama and touching lyrics. Musical and poetic works based on the verses of Russian classical poets pour from the stage like a magical rain, which are replaced by lyrical French chansons from the repertoire of famous French performers. To a large extent, Inna’s creative individuality was formed under the influence of the famous singer E. Kamburova, who continues the tradition of the “song theater”. Fate gave Inna a meeting with the outstanding Russian singer Alla Bayanova, who appreciated the abilities of the young artist and gave her several of her beautiful romances. The singer recorded several solo albums, two in partnership with actor Boris Plotnikov and counter-tenor Eric Kurmangaliev, and three collections with Russian romance stars Nani Bregvadze, Leonid Serebryannikov, Valentina Ponomareva, Vladimir Devyatov. She is a regular participant in the “Stars of Russian Romance” concert project; her voice can also be heard behind the scenes and in Russian cinema.


Works in cinema

  1. 1997 - the role of Sonya Goliday in the television film “Prayers from Other Places”, dir. M. Trofimov (based on the work of M. Tsvetaeva “The Tale of Sonechka”).
  2. 1997 - songs for the television film “I Listen to the Wind”, dir. M. Trofimov.
  3. 2001-2003 - songs for the television film “Palace Secrets”, dir. M. Trofimov.
  4. 2002 - songs for the film “The Romance of Her Soul”, dir. T. Malova.
  5. 2004 - songs for the film “Only Once...”, dir. A. Surikova.
  6. 2004 - songs for the film “My Prechistenka”, dir. L. Gladunko, B. Tokarev.
  7. 2005 - Mary’s song for the film “A Hero of Our Time”, dir. A. Cott.
  8. 2008 - songs for the television film “Splash of Champagne”, dir. M. Trofimov.


  • 2011 - “It’s all about me”
  • 2004 - “We’ll be together, honey” (Songs based on poems by A. Akhmatova and N. Gumilyov)
  • 2003 - “Divine Romance”
  • 2003 - “Love Roulette” (Officer songs and romances)
  • 2002 - “Young Wine”
  • 2001 - “Music Lovers”
  • 1997 - “I Listen to the Wind”

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Excerpt characterizing Razumikhin, Inna Viktorovna

On August 25, on the eve of the Battle of Borodino, the prefect of the palace of the French Emperor, M r de Beausset, and Colonel Fabvier arrived, the first from Paris, the second from Madrid, to Emperor Napoleon in his camp near Valuev.
Having changed into a court uniform, M r de Beausset ordered the parcel he had brought to the emperor to be carried in front of him and entered the first compartment of Napoleon's tent, where, talking with Napoleon's adjutants who surrounded him, he began to uncork the box.
Fabvier, without entering the tent, stopped, talking with familiar generals, at the entrance to it.
Emperor Napoleon had not yet left his bedroom and was finishing his toilet. He, snorting and grunting, turned first with his thick back, then with his overgrown fat chest under the brush with which the valet rubbed his body. Another valet, holding the bottle with his finger, sprinkled cologne on the emperor’s well-groomed body with an expression that said that he alone could know how much and where to spray the cologne. Short hair Napoleon's forehead was wet and matted. But his face, although swollen and yellow, expressed physical pleasure: “Allez ferme, allez toujours...” [Well, even stronger...] - he said, shrugging and grunting, to the valet who was rubbing him. The adjutant, who entered the bedroom in order to report to the emperor about how many prisoners were taken in yesterday's case, having handed over what was needed, stood at the door, waiting for permission to leave. Napoleon, wincing, glanced from under his brows at the adjutant.
“Point de prisonniers,” he repeated the adjutant’s words. – Il se font demolir. Tant pis pour l "armee russe,” he said. “Allez toujours, allez ferme, [There are no prisoners. They force themselves to be exterminated. So much the worse for the Russian army. Well, even stronger...],” he said, hunching his back and exposing his fat shoulders.
“C"est bien! Faites entrer monsieur de Beausset, ainsi que Fabvier, [Okay! Let de Beausset come in, and Fabvier too.] - he said to the adjutant, nodding his head.
- Oui, Sire, [I'm listening, sir.] - and the adjutant disappeared through the door of the tent. Two valets quickly dressed His Majesty, and he, in a blue guards uniform, with quick steps went out to the reception area.
At this time, Bosse was hurrying with his hands, placing the gift he had brought from the Empress on two chairs, right in front of the Emperor’s entrance. But the emperor got dressed and went out so unexpectedly quickly that he did not have time to fully prepare the surprise.
Napoleon immediately noticed what they were doing and guessed that they were not yet ready. He didn't want to deprive them of the pleasure of surprising him. He pretended not to see Monsieur Bosset and called Fabvier over to him. Napoleon listened, with a stern frown and in silence, to what Fabvier told him about the courage and devotion of his troops, who fought at Salamanca on the other side of Europe and had only one thought - to be worthy of their emperor, and one fear - not to please him. The result of the battle was sad. Napoleon made ironic remarks during Fabvier's story, as if he did not imagine that things could go differently in his absence.
“I must correct this in Moscow,” said Napoleon. “A tantot, [Goodbye.],” he added and called de Bosset, who at that time had already managed to prepare a surprise by placing something on the chairs and covering something with a blanket.
De Bosset bowed low with that French court bow, which only the old servants of the Bourbons knew how to bow, and approached, handing over an envelope.
Napoleon turned to him cheerfully and pulled him by the ear.
– You were in a hurry, I’m very glad. Well, what does Paris say? - he said, suddenly changing his previously stern expression to the most affectionate.
– Sire, tout Paris regrette votre absence, [Sire, all of Paris regrets your absence.] – as it should, answered de Bosset. But although Napoleon knew that Bosset had to say this or the like, although he knew in his clear moments that it was not true, he was pleased to hear it from de Bosset. He again deigned to touch him behind the ear.
“Je suis fache, de vous avoir fait faire tant de chemin,” he said.
- Sire! Je ne m"attendais pas a moins qu"a vous trouver aux portes de Moscou, [I expected no less than to find you, sir, at the gates of Moscow.] - said Bosset.
Napoleon smiled and, absentmindedly raising his head, looked around to the right. The adjutant approached with a floating step with a golden snuff-box and offered it to her. Napoleon took it.
“Yes, it happened well for you,” he said, putting the open snuffbox to his nose, “you love to travel, in three days you will see Moscow.” You probably didn't expect to see the Asian capital. You will make a pleasant trip.
Bosse bowed with gratitude for this attentiveness to his (until now unknown to him) inclination to travel.
- A! what's this? - said Napoleon, noticing that all the courtiers were looking at something covered with a veil. Bosse, with courtly dexterity, without showing his back, took a half-turn two steps back and at the same time pulled off the coverlet and said:
- A gift to Your Majesty from the Empress.
It was a portrait painted by Gerard in bright colors of a boy born from Napoleon and the daughter of the Austrian emperor, whom for some reason everyone called the King of Rome.
A very handsome curly-haired boy, with a look similar to the look of Christ in Sistine Madonna, was depicted playing a billbok. The ball represented the globe, and the wand in the other hand represented the scepter.
Although it was not entirely clear what exactly the painter wanted to express by representing the so-called King of Rome piercing the globe with a stick, this allegory, like everyone who saw the picture in Paris, and Napoleon, obviously seemed clear and liked it very much.
“Roi de Rome, [Roman King.],” he said, pointing to the portrait with a graceful gesture of his hand. – Admirable! [Wonderful!] – With the Italian ability to change his facial expression at will, he approached the portrait and pretended to be thoughtfully tender. He felt that what he would say and do now was history. And it seemed to him that the best thing he could do now was that he, with his greatness, as a result of which his son played in the billbok the globe so that he shows, in contrast to this greatness, the simplest fatherly tenderness. His eyes became misty, he moved, looked back at the chair (the chair jumped under him) and sat down on it opposite the portrait. One gesture from him - and everyone tiptoed out, leaving the great man to himself and his feelings.
After sitting for some time and touching, without knowing why, his hand to the roughness of the glare of the portrait, he stood up and again called Bosse and the duty officer. He ordered the portrait to be taken out in front of the tent, so as not to deprive the old guard, who stood near his tent, of the happiness of seeing the Roman king, the son and heir of their beloved sovereign.
As he had expected, while he was having breakfast with Monsieur Bosse, who had received this honor, in front of the tent the enthusiastic cries of the officers and soldiers of the old guard who had come running to the portrait were heard.
– Vive l"Empereur! Vive le Roi de Rome! Vive l"Empereur! [Long live the Emperor! Long live the Roman King!] - enthusiastic voices were heard.
After breakfast, Napoleon, in the presence of Bosse, dictated his orders for the army.
– Courte et energique! [Short and energetic!] - said Napoleon when he read the written proclamation immediately without amendments. The order was:
“Warriors! This is the battle you have longed for. Victory depends on you. It is necessary for us; she will provide us with everything we need: comfortable apartments and a quick return to our homeland. Act as you acted at Austerlitz, Friedland, Vitebsk and Smolensk. May later posterity proudly remember your exploits to this day. Let it be said about each of you: he was in the great battle near Moscow!”
– De la Moscow! [Near Moscow!] - Napoleon repeated, and, inviting Mr. Bosse, who loved to travel, to join him in his walk, he left the tent to the saddled horses.
“Votre Majeste a trop de bonte, [You are too kind, Your Majesty," Bosse said when asked to accompany the emperor: he was sleepy and did not know how and was afraid to ride a horse.
But Napoleon nodded to the traveler, and Bosse had to go. When Napoleon left the tent, the screams of the guards in front of the portrait of his son intensified even more. Napoleon frowned.
“Take it off,” he said, pointing to the portrait with a graceful, majestic gesture. “It’s too early for him to see the battlefield.”
Bosse, closing his eyes and bowing his head, took a deep breath, with this gesture showing how he knew how to appreciate and understand the words of the emperor.

Napoleon spent the entire day of August 25, as his historians say, on horseback, inspecting the area, discussing the plans presented to him by his marshals, and personally giving orders to his generals.

Honored Artist of Russia Boris Galkin showed his newborn daughter Anya. The 70-year-old actor became a father eight months ago. Later, happiness came to Boris Sergeevich after a series of heavy losses. Tragic death only son, actor Vladislav Galkin. A wave of rumors that Vlad is not his family. The appearance of Vladislav's biological father. Separating from wife Elena Demidova, with whom they raised their son, and her death from cancer. The real salvation for Boris Galkin was the appearance of a singer in his life Inna Razumikhina. Even the 25-year age difference did not interfere with this love. It was Inna who gave famous artist his only child to date...

The guests in the studio warmly welcomed the appearance of the “young” father, who joked that now, apparently, he needs to do something for an encore. The presenter showed him an example Emmanuel Vitorgan, who was recently honored on Andrei Malakhov’s Saturday show on the occasion of the birth of his daughter at 78 years old. Galkin said that at his age, holding a newborn daughter in his arms is an incomparable feeling. "Boris turned out as expected good father", says the actor's wife Inna.

She herself admits that she did not have a maternal instinct: the profession absorbed her entirely. But with Boris, she really wanted a child. But the path to motherhood turned out to be long - after several unsuccessful attempts. To his wife’s maternity hospital, without waiting for discharge, Galkin brought a silver-embroidered baptismal shirt for his daughter: the song “In a silver-embroidered shirt” with lyrics Marina Tsvetaeva is in the singer’s repertoire.

“He covered me with a wave of his feeling,” says Razumikhin-Galkin about her husband. She resisted for a year and a half, but Boris said that he would not back down. Even the future mother-in-law understood that her daughter was destined to be with this man. Inna claims that not only did she become a guardian angel for the actor, but he also appeared in her life during a difficult period for her of “disapproval of love.” She is glad that she did not watch films with Galkin as a child: otherwise she would never have decided to get close to him. But when Emelyanova saw him in the film in 2010 "We are from the future", for some unknown reason, my heart was “torn to pieces.”

Congratulate ex-husband Galkin’s second wife, the star of the film, came to the studio "We'll live until Monday" Irina Pechernikova. She says that she was “numb with happiness” for him and explained that she and Galkin lived very well and cheerfully. This was confirmed by Pechernikova’s friend Elena Tsyplakova. And Galkin’s first wife was a little-known actress Tatyana Fedoseeva. They had a daughter, Vasilisa, who died in infancy. Soon the parents divorced. During the six years of marriage with Pechernikova, there was no addition to the family. With a playwright Elena Demidova Galkin lived for 30 years, and her children, Vlad and Maria, became family to the actor. In 2010, Vlad was found dead in his apartment, and Boris is still sure that it was a murder.

How to find the strength and courage to move on after the loss of a child? In response to the presenter’s request to give advice to parents who have suffered such grief, Boris Galkin read his poem “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid of anything”: you just need to live, create and love without regard to the past, without fear of the future. Boris said that Vlad loved children very much and they clung to him. Vlad really wanted his own people and said that he would allow them everything. Galkin also told how his son in 2007 - as a surprise - gave him a car for his birthday. He saves it for his daughter: he dreams of how at the age of 16 she will get behind the wheel and take her parents for a ride...

Same age as Galkin Vladimir Steklov, who became a father just two months ago, congratulated his friend and shared his memories of working together with Vlad. Svetlana Toma stated that both Boris and Inna have become prettier and younger since they became a couple and parents. Vladimir Kachan expressed confidence that the age difference does not matter if people love each other. Marina Yakovleva did not spare enthusiastic epithets addressed to her partner in the 1980 film "Citizen Leshka".

Who called the Galkin couple “sticky lollipops”? Who became godparents Anya and how many godchildren does Boris himself have? Why Vlad Galkin scandalized the editor glossy magazine? How the hero of the program showed heroism off-screen and saved a life to a stranger, who later became his friend? Answers are in the program "Live".

Inna Razumikhina is a singer familiar to Russian listeners since the 90s. The geography of her performances has spread to different cities of Russia. How Inna Razumikhina’s personal life turned out, whether she has children, read our article.

Birth of a child

It became known that Inna Razumikhina gave birth to a child in 2017. Famous singer gave her husband Boris Galkin a daughter. Inna's husband already has two stepchildren from his first marriage. The actor became a real father thanks to Inna Razumikhina. The personal life of these people was more than successful.

For Boris Galkin, the birth of his daughter was a real gift for his 70th birthday. The meter celebrated its birthday on September 19. For several months, the young parents were in no hurry to confirm the addition to the family. Only recently Boris Galkin confirmed that he and Inna actually had a daughter.

Inna Razumikhina and Boris Galkin had a daughter, Anna.

It turns out that the actor did not want to talk about it joyful event, since the girl was born premature. Her parents were very worried about her fate. Thanks to the skillful actions of doctors and proper care The child began to rapidly gain weight after birth. Now the daughter of Inna Razumikhina and Boris Galkin is no different from her peers. The girl was named Anna.

Boris Galkin has repeatedly admitted that before he could not even think that at such a respectable age he would have a child. Now the actor is guided by Pushkin’s phrase “All ages are submissive to love.” Even before the artist decided to connect his life with musical performer Inna Razumikhina, he thought for a long time whether he was doing the right thing. The man had a serious choice to make – feelings or a sense of duty to his previous wife. He chose the first and did not regret it. Moreover, after breaking up with ex-wife he tried in every possible way to help her and did not abandon his previous family.

Details of the birth of Inna Razumikhina's first child

The singer says that she hoped for the birth of a son. But her husband was happy with both the boy and the girl. The birth of Anna for the couple is God's gift. The lovers were already desperate to have a child, when Inna found out that she was pregnant.

Inna with her husband Boris on stage

Boris Galkin admits that with the birth of his daughter he literally became younger. The artist wants to live as long as possible in order to walk Anna down the aisle and even see his grandchildren. Inna Razumikhina was sure that after the birth of her daughter she would feel like a grandmother. After all, her first child was born not so long ago at a young age. However, looking at her husband, the musical performer herself became younger.

Despite the fact that Anna is the first biological child of artist Boris Galkin, the man already has experience communicating with children. He raised the children of his previous wife Elena Demidova. Moreover, the actor even adopted them so that the children would not feel deprived.

Elena Demidova had two children - Vlad and Masha. Actor Vladislav Galkin died in 2010. For Boris Galkin, his death was a real loss. The man treated Vlad very warmly. The actor still blames himself for not being with him on the day of Vladislav’s death. Boris recalls how Vlad often said: “If I fall, my father’s hands will be nearby.”

The love story of Boris and Inna

Boris Galkin fell in love with Inna Razumikhin after tragic death son Vladislav. The actor did not think that at this age he would be able to change anything in his personal life. If he had not met Inna, he would still have lived with his previous wife until she died and supported their daughter.

The first thing that catches your eye in the couple Inna and Boris is the age difference. This year I celebrated my anniversary. He turned 70 years old. Inna turned 44 this year.

Boris first saw Inna when she performed on stage. Her singing impressed the artist. Music and words literally penetrated Boris's heart. Already from the first meeting, Inna became very interested in him, and he wanted to continue acquaintance. This happened at the next concert, where Galkin and Razumikhin were invited to perform.

Photos from the wedding of Boris Galkina and Inna Razumikhina

A little later, new acquaintances began to think about creating their own creative duet, with which Inna and Boris could perform in public. The actor admits that when joint work trips with Inna began, he could not think about anyone else but her. Subsequently, the moment came when he could no longer imagine his life without Inna.

Boris had a difficult task ahead of him. He had to confess everything to his wife. The actor decided to wait a while to understand himself. He thought that his feelings for Inna might fade away. However, after a while, they began to play with renewed vigor.

Boris with his adopted son Vlad Galkin

After the divorce, the actor formalized his marriage with Inna Razumikhina. Wedding celebration took place on the ship.

Boris Galkin's ex-wife, Elena Demidova, died in 2017 from cancer. It is known from unverified sources that last years During her life she lived with her daughter in the Pskov region.

Biographical information about Inna Razumikhina

Inna Razumikhina celebrates her birthday on January 23. Place of birth: the city of Rzhev. For a long time Inna worked as an artist at the E. Kamburova Theater of Music and Poetry. In 2001, the woman decided to take up solo career. This is how her first music albums were recorded. The singer's repertoire includes ancient Russian and gypsy romances, modern lyrical pop music, including French chanson.

Inna Razumikhina in her youth

The singer's discography

Inna Razumikhina managed to release more than 5 albums, including:

  • 1997 "I listen to the wind";
  • year 2001. "Music Lovers";
  • 2002 "Young wine";
  • 2003 "Love Roulette";
  • 2003 "Divine Romance";
  • 2004 “Let's be together, honey”;
  • 2011. "It's all about me".

Inna Razumikhina on stage

Perhaps in the future the music performer will delight her fans with new albums.

How the creative and personal life of Inna Razumikhina with Boris Galkin and their daughter will develop in the future, follow with us.

70-year-old Boris Galkin became a biological father for the first time. His wife Inna Razumikhina gave birth to his daughter Anna.

Galkin shared the good news on the air of the “Tonight” program.

As it turned out, the girl was born on July 30, but the couple did not want to publish this good news- they were afraid, since the baby was born premature.

“My daughter was born on July 30. My wife and I deliberately did not talk about pregnancy, since this was not the first attempt, we were very worried. Anya was born ahead of schedule, but is now catching up with peers in weight. At birth she weighed almost three kilograms. We were afraid to frighten away our luck, so we didn’t say anything,” said Boris Sergeevich.

The good news came as a big surprise to all the actor’s friends who were present on the set.

Boris Galkin and Inna Razumikhina with daughter Anna

Note that Boris Galkin and his wife Inna Razumikhina have been married for four years. Information regularly appeared in the media that the young wife was pregnant, and later rumors that she gave the theater and film star a child. But only now the artist personally confirmed this information.

The actor's wife said that she had several unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. At some point, the family stopped hoping for a miracle, and then learned about the imminent addition. Inna Razumikhina dreamed of having a son, but Boris Sergeevich does not hide that he would be glad to have a child of any gender.

With the birth of the baby, the actor began to feel truly young. He admitted that he now wants to live as long as possible in order to marry Anna off and see his grandchildren.

The newborn daughter became the first biological child of 70-year-old Boris Galkin. However, he himself believes that he took on the role of a father long ago, when he adopted the heirs of his third wife Elena Demidova.

“Vladislav and Masha have always been family to me. They are my children, and this topic is not discussed,” said the actor.

On the air of the “Tonight” program there was talk about the tragic death. Boris Sergeevich does not deny that the death of his adopted son was a real shock for him.

“Vlad and I met when he was ten years old. He was a very talented actor. I was not with him on that tragic day. He always said that if he fell, his father's hands would be nearby. But I wasn't there. Sometimes I really blame myself for this,” Galkin shared his memories.

Boris Galkin is absolutely happily married. Their relationship with Inna was not always cloudless, because at the time the novel began, Boris Sergeevich was still married to Elena Demidova. However, the union turned out to be strong, and the lovers were able to stoically endure all the trials that befell them.

Now the couple devotes all their time to their newborn daughter. The actor admitted that he does not coddle with the girl, trying to talk to her on an equal footing. The appearance of the baby forced Boris Sergeevich, in his words, to look at the world differently and reassess values.

Inna ended up in a hospital bed with severe injuries

The XX Film Festival “Literature and Cinema” ended in Gatchina, near St. Petersburg. For a week, famous cultural figures communicated with local residents: actors Irina SKOBTSEVA, Ekaterina VASILYEVA, Irina MURAVYEVA, writers Ekaterina VILMONT and Sergei ESIN, directors Andrei ESHPAI and Alla SURIKOVA.

Spouse - actor Boris Galkin and singer Inna Razumikhina showed a new one at the festival joint program“Beauty”: it was sold out. By the way, Inna was almost at the origins of “Literature and Cinema”.

She first came to us 15 years ago and immediately captivated the audience with her soulful performance of romances,” the director shared Mikhail Trofimov. - Then, I remember, she told me how happy she was with the eldest son of a beautiful actress Lyudmila Ivanova- artist Ivan. But they did not live together for long - and, as far as I know, they did not have children. With Ivanova, Razumikhina remained in good relations. I have repeatedly heard warm words about Inna from Lyudmila Ivanovna.

Trofimov said that he was happy for the new marriage of his old friend.

I was really looking forward to seeing him and Galkin at this festival. “I was worried, and for good reason,” my interlocutor said almost in a whisper. - Shortly before the start of our forum, Inna managed to get run over. A car hit me right at the pedestrian crossing! She spent two weeks in the hospital.

In Gatchina, I managed to talk with Galkin (Inna did not join us because she did not feel well - apparently she had not fully recovered). Boris Sergeevich, speaking about his current chosen one, literally glowed:

Yes, I love Inna very much! I love you both as a creative person and as a woman. And in general she is an amazing creature!

- How did Inna win your heart?

Don't know! I love it - that's all! Probably in a sincere, deep female voice. This is the voice of love in its true sound - infallibility, clarity, a captivating expression of femininity.

- I know, you met several years ago at a festival in Bryansk...

- ... and then we didn’t see each other for a whole year. We met again at an evening in memory of my son Vlad. Inna has wonderful songs based on poetry Marina Tsvetaeva, and I asked her to perform two of them and the old Russian romance “Memories weigh too heavily on my shoulders.” There Inna suggested we try performing together. We decided to put together a joint program - from poems and songs - “Give me my homeland.” Since this all started.

- Do you tour a lot?

Yes. Recently we were in Tula and Ryazan. We are going to Murmansk. Then we fly to Bulgaria for a week with concerts.

- Boris Sergeevich, I’m not the only one who noticed that you are in Lately You don't appear on TV very often...

I don’t act much, because I have a reputation for being a fastidious artist - I need the perfect script material. I recently worked in a TV series, I don’t even remember the name, and now I understand that its creators specifically invited me to show off: they say, Galkin himself starred in the film!

I can’t help but ask about Vlad. The tragedy happened four years ago, and there is still a lot of uncertainty about the circumstances of his death. Has nothing become clearer during this time?

Unfortunately, all my attempts to get to the bottom of the truth remained unsuccessful - well, you can’t scream if you always hear only your own echo in response?! No one could answer my questions - neither the investigative authorities, nor the high-ranking bosses to whom I went and knocked. I am convinced that if the investigation had followed the path of a criminal investigation, paid close attention to the blood in the apartment, the glasses on the table, much would have become clear. Soon I will finish filming a documentary about Vladislav - this is, rather, to restore his good name. He called the picture “Memories” - it expresses a very important attitude towards his son. Do you know, for example, that a few months after his death at the war film festival named after Nikolai Ozerov established a prize named after Vladislav Galkin for best actor? The central street in the village of Kaskovo, Pskov region, is named after his son, and the military-patriotic association “Rus” near Zaraisk is restoring the local Kremlin, and one of the towers will be named in honor of Vladik.

Then, in 2010, a lot was said about Vladislav’s departure. And they tried to blame his wife, Daria Mikhailova: they say she didn’t understand him like a woman, didn’t help him in difficult times...

I won’t comment anything about Dasha. What can we say - as it happened, it turned out that way. After all, I can also say about myself - if only.

- Maybe after your release documentary film Will the investigation be resumed?

Don't think. This issue was closed - apparently some influential figure was involved and was being covered up.

Boris Sergeevich and I sat for a long time, discussed our cinema, talked about politics, and shared our plans for the summer with each other. And we parted on a pleasant note. I asked the master:

- Do you want to have children with Inna? I think you would have a wonderful baby!

Boris Sergeevich’s face lit up with a kind, bright smile:

I won't guess anything. God forbid!


The awards of the anniversary festival in Gatchina went to the best film adaptations, films about outstanding literary figures and the creators of these films.

The Grand Prix " Garnet bracelet» - “In the Dark” (the film also won an award for best music and Audience Award).

Prize for Best Actor- Leonid Bichevin (“In the Dark”).

Prize for Best Actress- Maria Smolnikova (“In the Dark”).

Prize "For Directing"- Gennady Sidorov (“Romance with Cocaine”).

Prize for Cinematography- Sergei Yurizditsky (“Chapaev Chapaev”, “In the Dark”).

Reader's Jury Prize- “Belinsky. Knight of Russian Literature."

Special prize of film experts and film critics- “Writer “P”.

Special Prize “For Fidelity to Cinema”- Ekaterina Vasilyeva
