Aucro collections. Crimean mountains

Did you want to buy a product at aukro or just don’t even know what it is? Read the article to the end to understand what this is Online Auction and how can you use it buy everything.

I've been wanting to write about something great for a long time Internet auction(in other words, the market) called - And how it will help us in our difficult tourist and everyday affairs.

Why "he"? Ukrainian online auction, where anyone can buy everything whatever he wants and thus can sell all his “junk” or start an online business. It can be said that the market was moved online where there is a whole bunch of different products offered (from key fobs to cars and household appliances), which can be bought much cheaper than offline.

I’ve been buying and selling goods on Aucro for six months now and quite successfully. You can see my personal profile in the system and reviews about me.

Just go in and look at the number of products offered and tourist ones too. You may notice that both ordinary Ukrainian residents and successful stores sell on Aukro, because there are more than enough target buyers!

Buy on Aukro more than safely! If you can easily be deceived in online stores and you can’t do anything, then you can complain to the administration about Aucro and that seller will be expelled (blocked), but no one wants that.

I bought more than 20 products with full prepayment - all parcels reached me intact and safe, I was convinced of the reliability of this online auction, as well as the people who trade there.

You can buy whatever you want on Aukro, I personally bought:

  • Acer n321 PDA
  • Flint
  • Decorative carabiners
  • Postcards from 1917
  • Stylus
  • Charger
  • Keychains
  • GPS BT

On Aucro you can buy everything you find, and you can find a lot. I often buy all sorts of little things, such as keychains, gifts and just unusual things that you rarely see on the market.

How to buy on Aucro

To buy on Aukro there are five steps to go through:

  • Activate
  • Order
  • Pay
  • Get

Let's go in order.

A mandatory condition for buying/selling on Aukro is registration all participants. We indicate only our real data (indicate the current address where the parcels will arrive)! Because in the future there may be problems with inconsistencies.

You need to confirm your address, a process called activation. In a special field you write your current address (where the letter will arrive) and click activate. You wait about a week, maybe two, and you will receive an email with a code that you need to enter in the same field. This way, Aukro can check that you are really able to go to the post office and receive parcels :)
P.S. Activation is required (you will find it in your profile). Many with non-activated users simply do not work and do not sell goods, and withdraw bids.

Once you have registered and activated your account – buy what you want. If anyone noticed, then on Aukro there are the following inscriptions: “ buy now», « from 1 hryvnia“and others, we’ll talk about this.

Buy now– the seller has put up the product, then you can buy it right now by simply ordering and paying. You don’t need to bargain, raise rates, but simply buy right now at a fixed price. This is the fastest and most effective solution if you are satisfied with the product.

Bargain– Let me remind you that Aucro is an online auction. The seller offers the product with a starting price of, for example, 50 hryvnia. Whoever wants to buy puts a starting price (50 grams), the next one puts a higher bid, another even higher, etc. Whoever bids the most will buy.

From 1 hryvnia– the same as bargaining, but it starts from 1 hryvnia. The seller offers a rare, expensive, unique product for 1 hryvnia. Everyone wants to buy it as cheaply as possible, and hard bargaining begins. It happens that a product is taken for a lower price or, on the contrary, a higher one (in relation to the market price). Many goods are exhibited this way, and the auction begins not a week in advance, but on the last day, because everyone is waiting for the end of the auction in order to buy as cheaply as possible. It happens that there is no bargain at all, I accidentally bought a phone case with a carabiner for 1 hryvnia J I use it for GPS, to hang it on my backpack.

Multi-lot auction- this is the same as a regular auction, but the seller puts up, for example, 10 carbines and wants to sell them all at once. 10 buyers can buy them at once. For example, 10 carbines were put up, and 20 bids took part in the auction, the highest was 100 grams, and the 10th bid was 80 grams, then all ten of them would buy a carbine priced at 80 grams! You can see such sales on a special page.

After you have won the lot (by auction or at the “buy now” price - it doesn’t matter), then in the settings you pay for the lot through Aukro, this is a simple procedure in which the seller will be notified that you have chosen the delivery method and are ready to buy the product.
IN personal letter the seller sends his details, as a rule, this is a personal bank account in PrivatBank (the most popular bank, almost everyone uses it).
All you have to do is pay the invoice (by simply topping up the seller’s card at the bank or through your card) and confirm it with a simple letter with an attached scanned receipt from the bank.

When you confirm payment, as a rule, immediately write the address to which the parcel will arrive. Serves as a carrier - UkrPoshta. There is a branch in every city, village, town! In cities there is a central and a local one, there are postmen who will be obliged to give you your letter directly into your hands (if you are not at home, they will leave a notice) or you will go to the post office with a notification and simply pick it up.

There are also such carriers like Autolux, Gunsel, NovaPoshta, Vash Chas, Avtodel. But for me personally, parcels were more expensive; it makes sense to use them if you are buying a large item. Leave the rest to UkrPoshta. As for the carrier, I liked Avtodel, they send SMS when the package arrives at the warehouse, very convenient.

The main thing to remember is that you can ask the seller everything. There is such a wonderful function as “ ask the seller", you only need the desire to buy. If from mine a short story If you don’t understand anything, ask the sellers, and they will certainly do everything to sell you their goods :)

What to look for when purchasing:

  • On product, photo and description for it - if it is written correctly, there are no contradictions and you like the product, then everything is fine.
  • Price– the price should suit you, I recommend google this product, see how much it costs in online stores and compare it with offline stores.
  • Delivery price– for small goods it should be no more than 10 hryvnia. Many people underestimate the price of goods and inflate the cost of delivery, so that the user seems to be buying a little cheaper.
  • Salesman– look at the seller’s profile, ask about him. There are a lot of professional sellers and shops “hanging out” on Aucro, so this shouldn’t be a problem, but you still come across strange people.

How not to be fooled when buying

To find out, click on any button and the secret text will appear!

It’s important to remember: don’t place bids like crazy, don’t click on “buy now” just like that! If you bought a product in the system, then you are obliged to pay for it, these are the rules. In the end, you will simply be given a negative review.

Speaking of reviews: when you bought/sold a product, you can (only then) leave/give feedback to the seller/buyer. With the help of reviews, the authority of the seller is compiled, and any user can look at the reviews about him before buying the product. He can make sure that the seller will not cheat him and will sell the goods, since he has already done this 100 times (judging by the number of reviews). This is probably why no one wants to deceive anyone on Aucro, everything is transparent and honest.


– an online auction where many different goods are exhibited every day. This is both an auction and a huge online store rolled into one, where you can find goods for every taste and budget, where you can buy both new and used. Where can you buy from 1 hryvnia and at the most low prices. All this is legal and safe!

In order to buy and sell on Aukro you need registration and subsequent activation. To buy at Aukro, you just need to win a lot and either buy at the “buy now” price. Then run to the bank to pay for the goods. All you have to do is pick up your parcel at the local UkrPost office, that’s all.

That's all, all you have to do is register at the online auction and you can buy everything you find.

On Aukro you can not only buy, but also sell. I’ll write about this later, don’t miss it now.

If it’s not clear, write questions in the comments, I’ll answer. That's all, I think now you understand that it is better to buy at Aucro, and most importantly - cheaper.

From October 1, the online trading platform ceases to exist. Where will sellers who previously did business on this resource go, and how interested parties feel about the changes, the site found out

Supply and demand

“Closing a site” is not the same as “closing a business,” explains Denis Gorovoy, development director of“We studied the characteristics of the main groups of entrepreneurs with Aukro, their needs and expectations, and offered them more modern marketplaces of our group of companies.” Marketplaces were selected based on business characteristics and company ratings.

Most companies get into the All-Ukrainian shopping mall on the Internet The transition will be supervised by a personal manager. Until the end of September, accommodation packages can be purchased under special conditions.

Top sellers with high rating switched to the marketplace. As a bonus, they received a promotion budget equal to two weeks' commission costs while working for Aukro.

Collectors and antique dealers moving to the trading platform: there, in the “Collections and Rarities” section, the auction system familiar to Aukro will be completely recreated.

Marketplaces extend existing capabilities to new clients technical support and additionally involve managers supervising the transition from Aukro. Payment schemes are calculated in such a way that the costs of maintaining the business are no higher than before. All user traffic from October 1 is redirected to marketplaces after sellers.

What they say at

Victor Kirichenko

Head of online marketplace


Alexander Yuryev

Head of the trading platform


We estimate the number of transactions on antiques to be a quarter of purchases on Aukro and hope to maintain the same volume on the new platform. We made the transition as easy as possible: we transferred collectors’ profiles, their lots, sales history, ratings and reviews. Traffic from the “Collectibles” section will also be redirected to Craft starting October 1st.

For the convenience of sellers, we have recreated the functionality necessary for work, including the auction system that existed on Aukro, and supplemented it with new options. After talking with collectors, we found out what opportunities they were missing at the old site and began working on their implementation. In particular, an online balance replenishment option was added - merchants no longer need to print out an invoice and go to the bank with it to continue working with the platform. With the transition to, you can top up your account from the profile page.

We also learned about a problem with the support service - previously requests were processed in the Polish office of Aucro, sometimes it took about 5 days. To increase the speed of solving user problems, we will create our own support service for collectors from

As for payment for using the new site, the sales commission will not exceed that which was on Aucro.

Denis Gorovoy

Business Development Director at


We provide professional entrepreneurs who traded on Aukro with every opportunity to continue, optimize and develop their business. A separate story is “one-time” dealers in used goods. As I already said, their share in’s turnover was very low. Let's say, at Aukro they were selling an unusable part of the wardrobe, unsuitable things. For people who are interested in a platform for this type of activity, I can recommend the project - it was originally created for this segment of online sales, it is safe and convenient for both sellers and buyers.

What businessmen with Aukro say

Alexander Nazarov

At Aukro since 2009, specialization - consumer electronics


Of course, any such decision - closing one site and moving the business to another - brings inconvenience for the seller. Let's say, in our case, the automatic transfer of information to is incomplete, you need to prepare everything for uploading via 1C, then the process will be simple and correct. However, I hope that in the future we will be better off in the “industry” than at Aukro: the system there is much better tailored for business development. There is automation, synchronization with 1C - what we needed; Overall a more professional and friendly interface. I received orders during the test period and bought a package for further placement. In addition, there is an option to trade on, but we haven’t gotten to it yet: we decided to master first. I hope everything works out!

Artem Goncharuk

On Aukro for 3 years, online store (popular inexpensive product)


Since I had experience working with the platform, I was even happy about the news about the closure of and the transfer of businessmen to other sites: the work process on Aukro is too outdated and not optimized, in fact it is a platform with outdated functionality, initially created for auction trading and not for online sales. I understood that gives much more possibilities. So I made the decision right away - I placed my store on the and platforms. There were some technical difficulties, but in the end the transfer took place. Special thanks to the managers assigned to the sellers: it is very convenient to receive timely and intelligible information, which was so lacking when working with Aucro. I like there is extensive, convenient and well-thought-out functionality, standardization of the displayed product items, it’s interesting and pleasant to work. From “Aukro” I would add mass posting of reviews here. We will strive to attract new customers and develop the company.

Year of foundation Location

Ukraine: Dnepropetrovsk

Key figures

Yulia Marishchuk (CEO)

Website– the largest Ukrainian online auction. Founded in 2007. Part of the e-commerce holding Allegro Group Ukraine.

Every day the site is visited by more than 500 thousand users and more than 250 thousand auctions are put up for sale in 20 categories.

How the auction works

Execution of transactions is a trading platform that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. On, sellers offer goods (lots) for sale, and buyers purchase them through auctions or at fixed prices. If the user has registered and activated his account, he can sell and buy lots without restrictions. Purchasing a lot occurs in several stages:

  1. Search for a lot.

The user can find the product of interest using search. The easiest way to find a lot is to enter its name in the search field - on home page or on the category page. Users can also use the advanced search (search for lots according to certain criteria) by clicking on the icon in the main menu of Search.

If the buyer is interested in any lot, but is not ready to place a bid this moment, he can use the option Watch the lot, which can be found on any page with lots for sale as a text link. The lot will be on the page My Aukro > My purchases > Observed offers > Current. Here you can monitor the progress of the auction for the lot you are interested in, find information about the seller, time until the end of the auction, the auction leader, the number of bids, etc.

  1. Selecting a purchase form

You can buy a lot (depending on what form of sale the seller has set):

  • as a result of bargaining: users do not know the final price of the product that will be achieved during the bargaining process. The buyer makes his offer (bid) and outbids other bidders using an automatic bidding system (single-lot auctions) or “manually” (multi-lot auctions) until the end of the auction.
  • at the “Buy Now!” price: the buyer knows the price of the product and can buy it without auctioning.
  1. Completing the deal

After the auction is over, the buyer receives e-mail confirmation of winnings along with the details of your counterparty. Similarly, the seller is sent a message about the end of his auction and the buyer’s data. After this, the counterparties contact by e-mail to clarify the conditions for completing the transaction. The transfer of goods can be carried out in person if the counterparties live in the same locality, or using mail and delivery services.

You can pay for the goods:

  • cash on delivery;
  • Bank transaction;
  • postal transfer;
  • by using electronic system payments.

Main features of the auction

Distinctive features of the Internet auction are:

  • a wide range of unique products. More than 4 million lots are presented in 20 categories;
  • the opportunity to bargain and purchase goods from 1 hryvnia;
  • shopping safety. (In case of fraud, the buyer himself is sued for fraud. For this purpose, Aucro will provide an official document of participation in the auction for the possibility of initiating a criminal case).

Account registration and account activation

Account registration provides the possibility of simplified and complete registration. Users who have successfully completed simplified registration can:

  1. Use search.
  2. Ask questions to sellers using the options " Ask a question to the Seller" And " Send email to user"(but no more than 3 per day).
  3. Chat on the forum.
  4. Add categories and sellers to " Favorites".

In order to undergo simplified registration, you need to click on the icon Registration in the main menu and fill out the online form. For simplified registration, the user must provide his e-mail, login, and password. To complete registration, the user must follow the link that will be sent to the specified email address.

In order for a user who has completed simplified registration to have the opportunity to place bids at auctions and make purchases at the “Buy Now!” and leave reviews, he must complete full registration. To do this, you need to fill out a special form in which you must indicate your first name, last name, residential address, number mobile phone etc. After filling out this data, an SMS message with a code will be sent to the specified number, which will need to be entered to verify the phone number.

You can fill out the form by going to the page My Aukro > My account > Settings > Aukro account details.

Account activation

Each new user has limited access to some services and options of (such as: sale of goods, participation in last-hour auctions, etc.). To use Aukro without restrictions, the user must complete full account activation. The full activation procedure serves to verify addresses in order to carry out secure transactions between users. Full account activation is free. There are 2 types of activation:

  1. Quick activation. Allows you to go through the activation procedure in as soon as possible. The user must indicate First Name, Last Name, Taxpayer Identification Number. The entered data is checked in cooperation with the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit Histories (UBKI).
  2. Activation using postal letter. The user must indicate their First Name, Last Name and their postal address (zip code, country, city, address). A letter with an activation code will be sent to this address, which you will need to enter by clicking on the link provided in the letter.


Security of transactions on is ensured by:

  • review system. After each transaction, counterparties leave each other feedback. The number of reviews and user rating indicate the level of security of making a transaction with him.
  • seller verification by activating your account.
  • work of the security service. Users have the opportunity to notify employees if they suspect that an item for sale violates the Aukro Agreement and/or the seller is trying to deceive other users by his actions. The security service checks the information received and, if necessary, has the right to block the account of unscrupulous users.
  • Buyer Protection Program. The program provides for payments of up to 5,000 UAH. (and up to 10,000 UAH for Super Offers) as compensation for those buyers who encountered fraud at the Internet auction.

see also




  • Companies by alphabet
  • Companies founded in 2007
  • Auction business
  • Sites launched in 2007
  • Yuanet
  • Ukrainian sites
  • Ukrainian companies
  • Private classifieds sites

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

AUKRO is the best platform with the most better conditions. Sold - pay%, no one is offended. And in the OLKh - for exhibiting large sum. At AUKRO the price for re-listing was reasonable. Now there is simply no alternative. It’s a shame that there is no AUKRO. For penny lots 20-30 grams. you need to pay 19 grams of exposure. Robbery! I wrote and asked the OLH for pensioners to leave free used lots, but no - everything is paid..


  1. AUKRO-only one++++++++++


  1. minus - it's closed

Aukro works only not in Ukraine, it was turned off!! Use a VPN and you can follow the link and watch! This was a good site, I would like it to be renewed again! Aukro works only not in Ukraine, it was turned off!! Use a VPN and you can follow the link and watch! This was a good site, I would like it to be renewed again!

People, an absolute scam. Even the website doesn't work anymore
Be careful not to enter card details on this site, because the data may end up in the hands of criminals. Moreover, the site is run from Russia, then you won’t be able to prove anything.


  1. Personal data is leaked. The company is run from Moscow.

Aucro has moved to another address, everyone who sold and bought on Aucro will now be able to do the same on The entire rating and purchase history of the user account has moved to this service, come in and continue to do what you used to do on Aucro, only the account needs to be confirmed before logging in for the first time.
Description: Not defined
Server IP:
Description: Not defined
Server IP:
Server location: Russian Federation
Offer normal options for transition.

Good news In connection with the closure of Aucro, the free agency has decided to expand its functionality and will transfer ratings from Aucro to itself, as well as various related details. Read more on Facebook account of the free agency

As of October 1, Akro will be closed. An office called EVO, owner: OLX,, and others, bought out Aucro and is closing it. Thousands of sellers from the popular auction are looking for alternative options to sell.

to the question:

answer: For the sale of goods from individuals, including used goods, on an irregular basis (one-time sales), we recommend paying attention...
to the question:
What does it mean? If used goods are sold by people we can name
“professional traders” - they will end up on But for those used
We do not have goods that are sold in single copies by private individuals
answer: To sell goods from individuals, including used goods, on an irregular basis (one-time sales), we recommend paying attention to other projects, such as olx, and others.

For those who don’t understand what’s going on....OLX has recently started tightening the screws...everyone knows about it...Aukro is being closed on the 1st.....For what? So that ordinary sellers go to olx.. ..For what? The answer is simple, to fuck everyone at If you don’t know, Olkh and Aucro have the same owner. Draw your own conclusion.

Recently, everyone who had an email account on MeiRu and was connected to Akuro stopped receiving letters with an aura like a question about the lot, putting up a sale, etc.... contacting the support service did not give anything except an answer, check the spam folder... otherwise that’s all stupid and didn’t check before contacting.... in short, no one is solving the problem.... in short, they are their own enemies... I had to tie up another one that didn’t work... Recently, everyone who had an email account on MeiRu and was connected to Akuro stopped receiving letters with an aura like a question about the lot, putting up a sale, etc.... contacting the support service did not give anything except an answer, check the spam folder... otherwise that’s all stupid and didn’t check before contacting.... in short, no one is solving the problem.... in short, they are their own enemies... I had to tie up another one that wasn’t on my email address... otherwise all the admins don’t give a fuck....

I can not enter!!! I’m playing with pictures of houses, waterfalls, food stores - but I can’t enter!!! what smart guy came up with this?

I've been at AUKRO for quite a long time, but just before Easter there was an incident that left a very unpleasant aftertaste. Sold a sweater from 1 UAH. for 3 UAH. + 18 UAH for shipping, the Buyer paid, I sent it, then the Buyer began to say that the sweater did not suit her, she was expecting something else... like it was a purchase for a gift, but it was not new enough, without gloss and... I've been at AUKRO for quite a long time, but just before Easter there was an incident that left a very unpleasant aftertaste. Sold a sweater from 1 UAH. for 3 UAH. + 18 UAH for shipping, the Buyer paid, I sent it, then the Buyer began to say that the sweater did not suit her, she was expecting something else... like it was a purchase for a gift, and it was not new enough, without gloss and labels (although it was all in the description that it has not been worn, practically new). I agreed to a refund, I’m writing that let’s send it back (because the sweater is cool and I planned to sell it for much more). The buyer wrote to me that I must first send her the money (since she may have nothing to send for...), I write that I transferred your amount for the lot to her card. She again asks me to pay for the return shipping, to which, on the occasion of the upcoming Easter holiday, I do not refuse and send money also for sending the parcel back to me. And I'm waiting. There is no parcel and no, I write where my parcel is, to which she writes to me that supposedly the return journey of the parcel costs more than when it was going to her and demands to send more money... I have not encountered such impudence and contacted the AUKRO administration that I had encountered a new type of fraud, I wrote like this three times every other day, no reaction. As a result, my item was gone and my money was gone, which, according to AUCRO rules, should be protected.

Previously, everything was normal on Aucro, but nowadays, they cheated me out of 1500 UAH, and what I get is, “PLEASE CONTACT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AT YOUR PLACE OF RESIDENCE.”

the site is not bad. not a bad alternative to a dying sucker. there is no fucking moderation and banning of advertisements and payment for views. and there are spots in the sun too...

They sell mostly counterfeits and other illiquid goods, and at inappropriate prices. The relevance of auctions has dropped, since cunning sellers through other fake accounts do not give...
Today I see no reason to use this resource either as a seller or as a buyer.
Sales are practically zero. You have to pay a commission for issuing. Submitting advertisements takes longer than on other resources and is a little more complicated.
They sell mostly counterfeits and other illiquid goods, and at inappropriate prices. The relevance of auctions has fallen, as cunning sellers through other fake accounts do not provide the opportunity to buy at affordable price and artificially raise rates. Proof of this is the re-display of lots. I’m generally silent about the reserve price, it’s a complete bummer for buyers. Registered there for over 3 years. There were only a couple of sales and a few small purchases.
The only plus is the guarantee of security of transactions, since registration is personal and, as a rule, everyone values ​​their reputation.

Support doesn’t solve anything at all. I sold the item in good working order, the buyer used it then broke it, left a false negative review and demands money for cancellation. I asked support to delete the negative review and in response they can’t help, solve it with the buyer.... It’s like giving him money for what broke the thing?? Nonsense! Problems are not solved only by money, they want it without straining. Luckily there are others trading platforms and free. I don’t recommend this UG.
