Biography of Rosa Syabitova: scandalous matchmaker. Roza Syabitova: biography of Russia's main matchmaker

Day of the week of birth: Saturday

Zodiac sign: Aquarius (Tiger)

Place of Birth: Moscow, USSR

Pythagorean square or psychomatrix

The qualities listed in the cells of the square can be strong, average, weak or absent, it all depends on the number of numbers in the cell.

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (cells of the square)

Character, willpower - 5

Energy, charisma - 3

Cognition, creativity - 1

Health, beauty - 0

Logic, intuition - 0

Hard work, skill - 1

Luck, luck - 0

Sense of duty - 0

Memory, mind - 2

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (rows, columns and diagonals of the square)

The higher the value, the more pronounced the quality.

Self-esteem (column “1-2-3”) - 9

Making money (column “4-5-6”) - 1

Talent potential (column “7-8-9”) - 2

Determination (line “1-4-7”) - 5

Family (line “2-5-8”) - 3

Stability (line “3-6-9”) - 4

Spiritual potential (diagonal “1-5-9”) - 7

Temperament (diagonal “3-5-7”) - 1


Russian TV presenter, writer, creator and owner of a dating agency.

Rosa Syabitova was born in Moscow in the family of a mechanic and a weaving factory worker. I was interested in figure skating and received the title of Master of Sports. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering with a degree in software engineer.

In the early 1990s, Roza Syabitova held children's parties, then opened a jewelry salon, and twice nominated herself for deputies of the city duma. At the same time I studied at the Institute social psychology, and in 1995 opened one of the first marriage agencies in Russia.

In the early 2000s, Roza Syabitova began publishing books about relationships between men and women and appeared as an expert on the radio. In 2007, she began hosting the TV show “Looking for Love” on the Stream-TV channel, and participated in the program “ Good morning"on Channel One. Since 2008, she has been a permanent co-host of the show “Let's Get Married!”, where she acts as a professional matchmaker.

Roza Syabitova was married twice. In marriage with her first husband, children Denis and Ksenia were born. In 1993, Syabitova’s husband died of a heart attack. In 2008, on the set of the “Let's Get Married!” program. she met fitness instructor Yuri Andreev, with whom she was subsequently married until 2010. The couple divorced with scandal, as Syabitova told the whole country that her husband beat her.

Other celebrities born on February 10

  1. Chloe Grace

    American actress and model

  2. Emma Roberts

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  3. Vladimir Zeldin

    Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, National artist USSR

  4. Lyudmila Artemyeva

    Russian actress theater and cinema, Honored Artist of Russia

Vasilisa Volodina composed for me five years ago astrological forecast. It turned out that I would not get by without difficulties, but every year the situation would get better and better. Nothing like this! Difficult times, by various criteria, began back in 2013 and continue to this day. There were certain victories, but not out of nowhere, but as a result of my titanic work. The past year was no different from previous ones. And I showed once again that everything depends only on me. I spent it in extremes: I worked a lot, so there were always people around, and free time spent as a hermit, in complete solitude.

Two years ago I bought a plot of land 80 km from Moscow and began construction. I call this place my estate, my family nest. I want my children to come here when they start families, so that they don’t lose the sense of belonging to their family. The main house is not ready yet, I live in the guest house. Now I’m in Moscow only on business. And here there is beauty: silence, pure knee-deep snow, the air, even if you cut it, is so crystalline.

My friends tormented me with the question: is it scary to be alone in the area? I wasn’t afraid until I thought: if something really happened, where should I run? The house stands in an open field, there is no one nearby except my own builders. Although all the land around is sold out. And then I got a dog - a black Labrador Archibald. In the coming year he will turn from a puppy into a huge, formidable dog, and my estate will finally be completed. I plan to finish this by August. I hope it works out.

- Rose, construction is not a woman’s job. Aren't you sad that you have to do everything yourself?

No! Because I do it as I see fit. Girls, there’s no need to panic: oh, I can’t handle it... Your eyes are afraid, your hands are doing. The main thing is to start. And find professionals. It's more difficult with them. I even had to say “Let’s get married!” throw out a cry: I’m looking for a man with hands. The assistants responded immediately. It’s bad without a man in the house, he is generally necessary in life.

-Are you talking about your husband? Why, in principle, does a mature woman need a new husband? Many people believe that marriage after fifty is full of problems.

I'm very practical. A husband is needed not in order to cut his condition, but for good women's health. So that menopause passes easily, so that after fifty you remain active and mobile. Finding a reliable man in his declining years is not easy. But it’s possible! After all, 55 is not old yet.

At our age, we cannot demand devotion and reliability from men. They have children, maybe grandchildren. The first question I ask my fiancés is: how will you divide the inheritance - will you leave it to me or to the children? My man, I think, should say: “Darling, I love you very much, but children are sacred.” And this is not suitable for many women. They say that such a response means unreliability. What did you want? So that they can write you back your property, robbing your direct heirs? I personally don’t need someone else’s. And I won’t give up mine either.

- The first question I ask my fiancés: how will you divide the inheritance - will you leave it to me or to the children? Photo: Arsen Memetov

- For good health husband
young and vigorous is needed.

You can, of course, take a young one, but you can’t fool nature. He will have to come to terms with the fact that one day he will leave - after all, he will eventually want to have children. Besides, no sane young man would sleep with his grandmother for no reason, out of love. Guys, passion can last a month, a year, but then... The female body quickly ages, no matter how much you pump it in the gym and fill it with silicone. I personally don’t want to traumatize the psyche. That's why I choose someone of the same age. Everything is clear with him. Although there is a big disadvantage: after fifty, men are sluggish and boring.

- How do you look for a groom? Share.

I repeat: girls, a good man does not come to a lonely, failed, unpopular woman. He likes to wait in line. So create a queue around you! It was precisely for this purpose that in the fall I took part in the “Let’s Get Married!” program for the third time. And she directly stated from the screen: “I am a rich bride with a dowry. There is a big house with a small golf course. There will be something to do in old age.” Larisa Guzeeva often repeats: “A woman should have a dowry! You can tell your husband: “If you don’t like it, I’ll leave. But I’ll take everything that’s mine, and that’s a lot.”

- And what is the catch? How many men fell for your direct offer?

I know our television kitchen well, so I understood that men would be greatly disturbed by all this. Good guys came to the program, and I recently received a marriage proposal. But since I have been superstitious for some time now, I will only say the name of the chosen one. Rinat is my age, he is 56 years old. Let Tatarstan rejoice - she has found a Tatar. How did he appear? We met two years ago, when I came to Cyprus for a project. I even still have a photograph. I didn't think this story would continue. Rinat saw the program with me and called. I responded - I still liked him then. And what? Chocolate option: same age, not poor, with real estate on the island. And I was just looking towards the Muslim part of Cyprus, thinking about buying a house there.

- Why don’t you want to tell us more about Rinat?

More than once I was faced with the fact that men, as soon as they became Rosa Syabitova’s fiancé, lost their minds. I'll tell you the last case. All at the same program where I was a bride, I met a Siberian. I went on a date and showed him Moscow. Our photos appeared somewhere in the press, the paparazzi took them. He comes from somewhere near Irkutsk, his business is a sawmill and a hotel for truckers. I liked it: the guy is busy with business, which means you can live in a guest marriage, travel to each other. No one will take out the brain, teach like mine ex-husband. Friends gave us three days in a hotel near Moscow. The Siberian boy, of course, is simple-minded, but I didn’t intend to play chess with him. I liked his appearance - dense, short, brutal. Agreed New Year meet together.

And suddenly familiar journalists call: “Rosa Raifovna, you have been abandoned.” It turned out that one tabloid contacted him and, for a fee, offered to tell the world that everything was over between us. I call him: “What are you doing, fool? Nothing has yet begun to end. Was PR necessary? So I would help in another way.” He apologizes: “Rosa, I’m sorry, they gave me money.” Of course, we never saw each other again. But I swore off showing my men general public. Enough!

I voiced my conditions to Rinat and said directly: “Darling, you don’t get into show business, what I say is what you do. You will be in my shadow, you are mine eminence grise. If we don’t like the conditions, we’ll separate.”

- I have a feeling that things will work out with Rinat. ABOUT Great love no one talks, this is a normal adult arrangement. Photo: Arsen Memetov

He’s happy with everything, and he doesn’t want any fuss around himself either. I have a feeling that things will work out with Rinat. Nobody talks about great love, this is a normal adult agreement: let’s try! Both were married and have adult children. And we both want happiness. I'm betting on affection. Friendship is the main thing in a union of mature people. The marriage proposal has been made, I’m wearing the engagement ring - everything is as it should be. This is a symbol of seriousness of intentions.

- Did the groom choose the ring himself?

I'm a practical woman. (Laughs.) I’m in my sixties, who should I surprise and why? We agreed that the jeweler would make a custom ring, and Rinat would pay for it. That's what they did. There are 135 diamonds on the ring. I want it - I wear it as an engagement dress, I wanted it - and turned it over, it turned out to be an engagement ring. It is so plump, made of white gold.

- When are you planning your wedding? In one of our previous interviews, you taught girls not to procrastinate. They said that no more than six months should pass from engagement to wedding.

That's right, but I meant young people of childbearing age. Not to say that I'm in a hurry. The groom won't let himself off the hook, I won't let him go: this is my last one, a swan song, there won't be another chance. And at 55 years old it is difficult to marry a good man, and even more so later...

“And it’s not easy for young women to find a suitable match.” Your daughter Ksenia is not married, her marriage was short-term. TN correspondents were guests at the wedding feast, and we were terribly surprised when, almost immediately after it, rumors of a divorce began. What really happened?

I still treat my son-in-law like a son and think that he committed a great stupidity. Ksenka really loved him. I saw with what eyes he looked at Ksenia, and I felt that he was also in love.

The guy just went crazy. He saw my star friends and money - Lena Malysheva, consider, gave him a car! She handed over an envelope with such a sum to the wedding that I almost fell. We immediately bought a car for Andrey. So the guy decided that he deserves more. In a word, he did not pass through temptations and temptations, and could not keep his attention on his wife and family life.

He came to me after the wedding: “Rosa Raifovna, they didn’t give me much, they promised me a solid job and money, I want to invest in business.” I say: “Son, you also promised to make my daughter happy, but so far she is unhappy. Stick with me and everything will be fine." But he listened to the wrong people.

- If he loved his wife, what difference would it make how much dowry was given for her?

You speak categorically, but not everything is simple in life. When my children were little, they stole money from my wallet. I was upset: the thieves are growing! And for me clever man said: “Why did you leave your wallet in plain sight?” - “Well, of course, I teach honesty.” - “This is not education, but a provocation.” The same thing happened with my son-in-law. I revealed the treasures of Agra to him, so what? The psyche could not stand it. The hungry should be given bread, not a fatty cake. We didn’t tell this story for a long time, I kept waiting for him to come to his senses. And then the guys divorced - quietly and calmly.

- Good man does not come to a lonely woman who is not in demand. He likes to wait in line. Photo: Arsen Memetov

- Let's get back to your plans. Should there be an official marriage?

I need to get married. And I'll go out. But so as not to jinx it, I won’t tell anyone about the date.

- In 2018 “Let's get married!” will celebrate ten years. Are you tired of the program, are you fed up with the presenters?

This program is my life. I married her a second time, was a bride there three times, brought my daughter and son there. The audience loves us because everything is honest: we say what we think, we argue sincerely, we make peace. But we never go overboard. We have a unique relationship with the presenters. Thanks to the wisdom of Larisa, who told us at the very beginning: “So, girls, we are not friends.” We congratulate each other on the New Year in a friendly way, we can even give some gifts, but we don’t communicate outside the studio. This is Larisa’s categorical demand. Thanks to this, we didn’t quarrel and don’t have any complaints against each other. I perceive our team as a family: we can swear so much that feathers fly, but this happens between relatives.

- Recently I had a fight with Guzeeva.

The conflict you are talking about arose out of emotion: Larisa offended me, I responded. We left the studio - everyone forgot each other.

- Tell me, how will New Year's Eve go?

I celebrate New Year alone, and this is a tradition. I'll see the groom later. In my family, it’s like this: on the morning of December 31, my children come to visit me. We sit down at the already set table and shout: “One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!” and give each other gifts. Olivier in a bowl and other goodies for which I’ve been on a diet all December.

Of course, it’s a bit far to go to my place, but what can you do? Not on foot! I bought cars for both of them, so everything is fine. Last year we celebrated the holiday in my city apartment. And in this one - on the estate. In the evening, the children will return to the city and celebrate the New Year in their companies. I’ll let you in on a secret: I’m preparing a romantic gift for my daughter. She will spend the night in a posh restaurant with a handsome stranger. For her, I’m still Santa Claus, so I guess wishes. I hope she likes the man. She chose according to her taste.

- Will your son celebrate the holiday with his beloved? His common-law wife much older, is this the reason you don’t accept their connection and are looking for a bride for Denis?

The son is 28 years old, nine of them he lived with this woman. I have never seen her, Denis is categorically against meeting her. At first I was offended, but now I’m glad. The only difficulty is that he is very used to it, you can’t tear it away in one day. I am grateful to that woman for everything with her son years together, but nothing has been happening there for a long time, I see it. Thank you, Lord, she turned out to be smart, she didn’t give birth to a young boy, which is right - she didn’t ruin her life or his. I involve him in the construction of the house so that he feels like a master and knows where to take his bride. I'll do it in the new year appearance Deniski is plump and overweight, girls don’t like him like that. Lena Malysheva and I have developed a whole program to lose weight, all that remains is to follow the doctor’s recommendations. Gave him a subscription to the cool Gym. In general, I’m dripping on the brain. He will lose weight, become handsome, and brides will start to fall for him. The main thing is that my boyfriend is not pulled in the other direction: why a wife?! Better to walk! This is what I'm afraid of.

- I call this place my estate, my family nest. I want my children to come here when they start families. Photo: Arsen Memetov

- Rose, you are such an attentive and caring mother. I wonder if children pay with the same coin? Tell us what gifts they give you for the holidays?

I'm a really good mother and I love my children very much. In order to fulfill their childhood wishes, which they described in letters to Santa Claus, at one time she worked as a private driver. There was never a question: should I, shouldn’t I? You won’t try to dissuade us that there is no Santa Claus or miracle.

Many will think this is nonsense, but I still receive handmade crafts from my children. Ksenia knits socks and gloves for Denis and me. I once made an interesting fur collage with photographs. They put their soul and, most importantly, love for their mother into gifts. I take care of it, I keep it. At the same time, they earn good money, with us family business. Therefore, when they want to give me something practical, I understand that the funds will be taken from our own budget. I’m starting to feel sick, but to say that I don’t need anything is also not true. They must understand that their mother is worth a lot. I ordered a new snowblower for Santa Claus. I’ll try it in the first days of January!

Rosa Syabitova

February 10, 1962 in Moscow

graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering

son - Denis; daughter - Ksenia (both work in Rosa's matchmaking business)

in 1995 she opened her own dating agency. Since 2008 - host of the program “Let's Get Married!” on Channel One. Author of seven books on dating and communication techniques

Seekers of family happiness

Rosa and Rinat found each other thanks to the “Let's Get Married!” program. Which other show business stars tried to find a partner in this show and which of them succeeded?

Mikhail Muromov
The author of the immortal hit “Apples on the Snow” participated in the program 5 years ago. Then the 62-year-old singer openly said that he had been successful with women all his life, but was married only once and not for long. There was only one requirement for the bride - youth. A 44-year-old psychologist, a 35-year-old singer from Minsk and a 45-year-old online store owner fought for Mikhail’s heart. Muromov chose in favor of the youngest of them. But the romance did not happen. Mikhail did not want to continue our acquaintance. //Photo: Global Look Press

Victoria Bonya
The model appeared in the show in 2011. It was important for her to find a guy under 36 years old who would not lock her in a golden cage. Bonya had to choose between an accordion player, a sound producer and an actor. The girl chose the accordion player. But this story had no continuation. And could it be? According to rumors, Vika was already having an affair with a businessman from Monaco, Alex Smerfit. In the spring of 2012, their daughter Angelina Letizia was born. However, Bonya never married him, and the couple broke up. //Photo: Global Look Press

Alisa Selezneva
The TV and radio presenter took part in the program in June 2012. One of the main requirements of a miniature bride for her future husband was... height - no less than 180 centimeters! Of the three applicants, Alice chose 28-year-old entrepreneur Artem. His height of 194 cm and his youth (he is 4 years younger than Alice) were a plus. Although love at first sight did not happen, at the end of the program Artem got down on one knee and put a diamond ring on Selezneva’s finger. They got married in 2014. //Photo:

The biography of Rosa Syabitova interests both her fans and envious people no less than her advice and practical views on life, while not at all devoid of classical sentiments feminine. Well, the country should know its heroes (a title that the first matchmaker of Russia fully deserved, having united many destinies and made many representatives of the fair and so fragile sex happier, more self-confident). You need to know unusual and strong women not only by sight, which in the age of widespread television and the Internet will not surprise anyone. You also need to know the details of your personal biography. And native Muscovite Roza Syabitova, as an extraordinary woman with a strong-willed, largely “masculine” character in her determination, really arouses interest in herself from many.

Under close scrutiny - biography of a matchmaker

It is as if it is not customary to disclose details about a woman about her age and other intimate aspects of her personal life. But famous and popular people are in a special and not always enviable position. Curiosity and attention to their persons is much more significant than to an ordinary mortal (non-public) person. Since Roza Syabitova is just such a person, she will have to announce her date of birth: 1962, February 10th. Apparently, her creative and energetic nature did not allow her to live in peace even in childhood. How else can you do it in school age the standard for a master of sports in figure skating, and after graduating from school, go to college to major in... “software engineer.” Meanwhile, everything was exactly like this, and in 1985 Roza Syabitova graduated from the Institute of Electronic Engineering.

At first there was success

In Rose’s personal life, everything looked very optimistic and wonderful. Married in 1983, loving husband, two lovely and no less loving children (Ksenia and Denis). Inner mental restlessness and indifference to others did not allow one to sit calmly and indifferently in one place, and in the early 90s Syabitova ran for the City Duma, and also created a children's Charitable Foundation, becomes a producer of music programs for young people. In addition, Syabitova opens her own jewelry store, once again demonstrating remarkable business abilities and demonstrating that an active and cheerful woman is quite capable of perfectly coping with a lot of things at the same time.

Gotta be strong

And suddenly everything changed. No, it hasn’t changed, it’s collapsed. Collapsed in 1993 with the death of her husband. Heart attack. The cruel blow to the main man in her life could not even hurt Rosa. Having gone through all the circles of the inner state of a lost woman from despair to apathy, having experienced the betrayal of friends and the cruelty and coldness of those around her, showing through short sympathy and long-term indifference, she managed to come to her senses again. Get up and start living again, because there were beloved children and also because Strong woman cannot afford inaction and long-term sadness, withdrawn into itself. And from misfortunes and failures you can draw new strength for further movement and growth.

Having experienced a whole storm of emotions, and having felt the full measure of loneliness like no one else, Roza Syabitova creates her own dating agency. The diploma she received in psychology and her personal qualities raise her brainchild to an unprecedented level of popularity. Besides direct activities As the head of the agency, Rosa writes her first two books. And she really had something to tell the world, especially given the desire to help women overcome the streak of failures that inevitably arise in their lives. She wanted to give others the opportunity to love, to feel and find the happiness that she had, and a huge part of which remained with her in her children.

“Let's get married” for Rosa Syabitova

Started in 2007 new round in the life of Syabitova. It was marked by an invitation to the role of co-host in the program “Let's Get Married.” This already meant the level of her recognition as a national matchmaker.

You can’t escape fate... Sincerely and with an exclusively feminine and worldly wisdom While choosing a couple for the program participants, she also met her love. The man who became her second husband - his name is Yuri Andreev - came to the program to choose a bride. But in his own way, he expanded his own circle of searching for his future wife. Having rejected all three contenders for his heart, after the end of the program he approached Rosa. His courtship was persistent, his signs of attention were beautiful. And Roza Syabitova surrendered to the mercy of the winner, hearing the magic words for any woman “let’s get married”

Rose's second marriage and its renewal

There was a wedding happy life with a loving and sensitive man. Then a streak of failures arose with the breakdown of his beloved man, he raised his hand to Rosa. Jealousy or envy of a successful spouse? Rumors that filled the earth claimed that Syabitova had taken a lover and the small amount of time she spent at home was not a difficult schedule, but a new whirlwind romance. This, apparently, was the reason for Andrei’s outburst of anger. Loud scandal promised a high-profile divorce, the program “Let Them Talk” only further heated the situation; sympathy and even more frequent gloating towards the one who had achieved so much took more and more strength from the woman. It is difficult, when discussing human personal troubles, to assert that they are logical and natural, and to take comfort in the fact that a dark streak will inevitably be followed by a bright one. The fitting was beautiful and touching. Speaking about the crisis in relations with Yuri Andreev, I would like to think that everything has improved, and life has entered a bright streak. And the words of the sentence repeated by him with the ring handed to Rose is a new, stronger round of their relationship, exalting the feeling of love, which is higher than gossip and higher even than ourselves.

Today's Rosa Syabitova is a successful psychologist who realizes herself in the field of relationships. She is the author of popular audiobooks and trainings, one of which was in the form of a two-day seminar in February 2011 years will pass in St. Petersburg. The site is pleased to offer its readers the opportunity to register for . The country's first matchmaker continues to head her "Dating Service", meets with readers of her books, works on the radio and plans a presentation of the "Rosa Club", scheduled for January of the coming year. The energy and cheerfulness of this unshakable woman, beautiful in her strength and energy, is inexhaustible and evokes respect and admiration.

Irina Zavodina

As a child, Rosa was an active child and was fond of sports. Also in adolescence In the biography of Rosa Syabitova, she received the title of Master of Sports in figure skating. After graduating from school, she entered the institute, where she received an education as a software engineer. She got married and gave birth to two children. Even then, Rosa was active social activities– created a Charitable Foundation for children, produced children's programs. In addition, there was time in the biography of Rosa Syabitova for activities of a different kind. She opened a jewelry store and was a deputy of the city council.

Everything changed quickly after the death of her husband. But Rosa was not only able to get out of depression herself, but also decided to help other people. Then Syabitova founded a dating agency. Through her efforts, Rose not only introduces people, but also helps them understand their desires, the reasons for failures and insecurities, and in general, helps them find happiness. Syabitova is a member International Association personal growth and self-development.

Also, in her biography, Rosa Syabitova is the host of several television programs: “Let's get married” and “Looking for love.” A successful presenter and psychologist has written several books: “How to make anyone fall in love with you,” “The Man of Your Dreams,” “What a Woman Is Worth,” and conducts courses and consultations.

Biography score

Rosa was born in Moscow in 1962 into a family with 12 children. His father worked as a mechanic, and his mother worked in a weaving factory. The family often argued and did not pay due attention to the girl. Rose's favorite toys were a bear without a paw and a one-eyed doll. Despite the difficulties, Syabitova strived to realize herself. She took up figure skating and achieved serious success, receiving the title of Master of Sports. But Rosa did not connect her future with the skating rink. After school, she entered the Institute of Electronic Engineering to become a software engineer.

Career of Rosa Syabitova

In the 80s, Syabitova was active in social activities and participated in charity programs for children. She acted as a concert organizer and Christmas trees. At the same time, Syabitova opened a jewelry store, but soon sold the business to pay a ransom for her son, who was kidnapped by racketeers.

After this, failures followed Syabitova one after another. Her husband died of a heart attack, and her father-in-law evicted her and her children into a tiny apartment. So Rose decided to find a new spouse and realized that the field of marriage services was empty. In 1995, Syabitova opened a dating agency and trained as a psychologist. The work brought real pleasure, and soon Rosa published several books about the secrets of finding her man. After persistent calls to TV channel studios, Rose was noticed: that’s how we started successful projects“Looking for love” and “Let’s get married.”

Personal life of Rosa Syabitova

"Matchmaker" for the first time got married in 1983, but the marriage lasted only 10 years.

After the death of her husband, Rose raised two children alone until she married again in 2008. The second chosen one, Yuri Andreev, met the TV presenter on the “Let's Get Married” program. Glossy magazines We were happy to publish photos of happy Syabitova with her young husband.

But in 2010, the “matchmaker” publicly announced that her husband was beating her out of jealousy. After the confession, Rosa broke off relations with Yuri, lost 7 kilograms and took up her appearance.

I'm not twenty years old, and I have to take care of myself.

Rosa Syabitova before losing weight

Lush forms were organically combined with the image of a noisy, picky matchmaker.

But the desire to prolong her youth forced Rosa to come to grips with her figure. The rapid changes caused a lot of talk among fans, as the difference was simply colossal.

Rosa Syabitova lost 20 kilograms and after losing weight began to wear size 44 clothes. The TV presenter thanks strict diets and persistent sports training for this effect.

Rosa Syabitova before and after plastic surgery

Unlike her colleagues in the shop, Syabitova does not hide the fact that she is becoming younger over the years due to plastic surgery.

She proudly demonstrates the results of a facelift, blepharoplasty, and bdominoplasty, breast enlargement, liposuction and buttock correction.

For her 50th birthday, Rose gave herself a gift - a facelift, and then took a responsible approach to further improving her appearance. “I’m not twenty years old, but I have to take care of myself,” says Rosa.

The TV presenter turned to a plastic surgeon with a request to restore youth to her eyes and freshness to her face. The doctor developed a large-scale rejuvenation program, which included non-surgical lifting and low-impact eyelid surgery. After competently performed blepharoplasty, Syabitova became significantly fresher: her gaze became open and optimistic.

Tigran Albertovich Aleksanyan performs blepharoplasty on Rosa Syabitova

Summer 2012 Rose had her breasts enlarged and lifted. After the operation, Rose's bust looks very natural and harmonious.

In 2013, Rosa made special injections to rejuvenate her facial skin. The TV presenter was able to get rid of wrinkles, as well as tighten sagging skin and raise the contour of the eyebrows and eyes.

If you look at what Roza Syabitova looks like before and after the operation, you will notice that the woman is much younger.

She looks simply fantastic and constantly pleases her fans with her pictures. The new appearance helped the TV presenter in her personal relationships.
