Former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva. Tatyana Vasilyeva and her daughter-in-law: personal life

Behind Last year actress Anastasia Begunova became known even to those who had not seen a single film with her participation. Perhaps she was remembered as an actress by avid theatergoers and regular visitors. True, the general public has not yet had the opportunity to get acquainted with her talent, because the artist’s track record does not yet include memorable roles in TV series and films, which, as a rule, open the shortest path to the hearts of television viewers.

But for the other side of her life, actress Anastasia Begunova unwittingly made an exception. Her personal life, actively discussed by millions on the pages of the media, blogs and in social networks, now in front of everyone.

short biography

The girl spent the first years of her life (little Nastya was born on November 17, 1980) in the city of Omsk. Her family was the most ordinary, average one. Mom worked as an ophthalmologist, and dad worked at a factory.

The future actress Anastasia Begunova, whose biography is practically unknown to admirers of Russian cinema, received her higher education at the Shchukin Theater School, in “Pike,” as the students call it. And after receiving her diploma, she appeared on the stage of the Stanislavsky Theater for four years. From 2007 to the present day, Begunova has served under the shadow of the backstage of the Vakhtangov Theater.

She took part in almost two dozen films, but it is impossible to call it serious work, because everywhere Anastasia either appeared in episodes, or her roles were too insignificant and inconspicuous.

Fame not acquired through creativity

Her turbulent personal life brought fame to the actress. All her colleagues were aware that, while still a student at the theater school, actress Anastasia Begunova had an affair with the now widely known actor Vyacheslav Manucharov. Their relationship was very serious. The young people even moved in together. Everything seemed beautiful and cloudless. But time has passed strong love the end has come. The lovers separated, but, as does not happen too often, they remained good friends.

Time has passed. During rehearsals for the play “Bella Ciao,” Begunova met an interesting, slender, handsome man who fell in love with her at first sight. This young man turned out to be Philip Vasiliev, the son of actress Tatyana Vasilyeva. Despite his ardent feelings, Anastasia did not immediately accept his advances.


But Philip's courtship did its job. The seemingly unapproachable beauty gave up her position. The couple began to live together, and very soon Philip proposed to the girl.

They got married a year later, in 2008. In this marriage, with a difference of only two years, two wonderful boys were born: Vanechka - almost immediately after the wedding (Anastasia got married while in an “interesting” situation), and a little later Grishenka. From the moment of birth, these two pink-cheeked toddlers firmly settled in the heart of their grandmother, Tatyana Vasilyeva.

And everything seemed to be more than good: a beloved husband, wonderful sons, a full house, an ideal mother-in-law... But...

...or open relationship?

But Anastasia Begunova (an actress, as mentioned earlier) was followed by a wide trail of rumors about her novels on the other side of marriage. She was credited with connections with director Rimas Tuminas, they recalled an old romance and a seemingly ongoing relationship with Manucharov. For some time now, social circles have been talking about her new hobby as an actor.

To all the stories that his wife is not faithful to him, Philip is very for a long time didn’t believe it, although “well-wishers” constantly kept him informed. But the young husband was too in love and absolutely trusted Nastya.

Autumn scandal

Perhaps this whole situation would have continued for some time, but a year ago, in the fall of 2015, the theater community was stunned by the scandal that had broken out. It was widely discussed on the sidelines that actress Anastasia Begunova not only “strengthens the branchy horns” of her husband, but also personally withdrew as much as 350 thousand euros from the family’s budget.

Ubiquitous journalists found out that in the summer of this year Begunova was already “well pregnant” from her new lover. And Philip himself, being upset, said that after the scandal he and Nastya do not live together, and he does not know who the father of her child is. According to a journalistic investigation, in the summer she was on the theater staff, and in June she went on tour to Germany because she was not going on maternity leave. She was supposed to give birth to a baby in September, but nothing is known about this news yet.

Now Philip and Nastya are already ex-wife. The divorce still took place.

Money squabbles and dates from Germany

When last fall, actress Anastasia Begunova, whose personal life had been almost news No. 1 for several months, went to live in Germany and took her sons with her, Philip was probably more worried about what happened than his mother, Tatyana Vasilyeva. Perhaps, somewhere deep in her soul she even reproached herself for the fact that several years ago it was she who insisted on this marriage, having learned that Nastya was pregnant.

Vasilyeva’s second husband, actor Georgy Martirosyan, claimed that Tatyana was a crazy mother at her core. in a good way this word. She madly loves her children - Philip and Lisa, and even her grandchildren. It is children and grandchildren who are real happiness for her. Even when her son and daughter grew up, Vasilyeva did not stop taking care of them and bought an apartment for each of them. Having learned that her son's friend was expecting a child, it was she who insisted that her beloved child do as a real man. And the marriage was concluded.

It was all the more painful for Vasilyeva to find out that her daughter-in-law (now ex) lives in Germany and offers her grandmother, with material point vision of standing firmly on her feet, paying for meetings with her grandchildren. The amount of the question was even put forward - two hundred thousand rubles for each month.

Meanwhile, the divorce still took place. The couple came to an amicable agreement: Nastya was left with an apartment (which her mother-in-law bought for them), and Philip was left with a dacha. They agreed that Begunova would not demand money for visits with boys and would not prohibit meetings with them. Philip, in turn, undertakes to pay her monthly alimony - 15% of her salary.

The issue of disappearance has not yet been resolved large sum money from family budget, which, according to rumors, went to purchase housing in an elite area of ​​Berlin, where Begunova has now settled with her sons and her new boyfriend.

Anastasia herself does not comment on the situation.

// Photo: Boris Kremer/

Tatyana Vasilyeva's former daughter-in-law Anastasia Begunova specially flew to Russia to baptize her third son Peter. The sacrament took place the day before in the temple of the icon Mother of God“Joy of All Who Sorrow” on Bolshaya Ordynka. Godparents became Anastasia's longtime friend, her colleague and classmate Vyacheslav Manucharov and Maria Serebryakova. The actor was glad that his old friend chose him to be the spiritual father of her third son.

“Anastasia lives in Germany, but decided to fly to Moscow to baptize her child here. She wanted to see Masha and me as godparents. Moreover, Nastya has a job here, and therefore she will remain in the capital for some time,” Manucharov told StarHit.

Begunova is raising two sons from her marriage to Tatyana Vasilyeva’s son, Philip. Ivan and Gregory were also present at the sacrament. Anastasia told why she decided to baptize the baby in Russia.

"I did Required documents for the child, so that he could go abroad, and as soon as everything was ready, we immediately arrived. Now my son is almost two years old, I was going to baptize him earlier, but it turned out this way,” said the actress.

For several years, Anastasia was in a quarrel with her former mother-in-law - Vasilyeva complained that Begunova had taken her grandchildren abroad, and therefore she did not get to see them often. Nevertheless, she came to congratulate her ex-daughter-in-law on such a bright holiday.

“Tatyana Grigorievna came to pick up her grandchildren, and, of course, congratulated us. We had already celebrated the occasion, she joined us, and we talked a little. Now our relationship is improving,” Begunova admitted.

Earlier, Anastasia said that her sons were deprived of part of the apartment in Moscow, where she was registered when she was still married to Philip. She was surprised why her grandmother did not help her grandchildren financially. After a while, Tatyana Grigorievna announced that she would buy the boys an apartment each, which Begunova would manage until they came of age. In a conversation with StarHit, Anastasia admitted that she had not yet received housing, but did not dwell on this topic.

People's Artist of Russia Tatyana Vasilyeva celebrated her anniversary this year; this year she turned 70 years old. Perhaps, the best gift on Vasilyeva's birthday there was a shift in her relationship with ex-daughter-in-law, actress Anastasia Begunova.

In the “Tonight” program with Andrei Malakhov, the star said that she was glad that she had the opportunity to communicate by phone with her grandchildren Grisha and Vanya, who live with their mother in Germany. “There has been a certain shift in the relationship, which gives me strength and confidence that we can communicate,” Vasilyeva said. - I talk to Nastya on the phone, I can talk to the children. This is a huge purchase. Mine comes back to me. I always call, Nastya speaks unfriendly. It doesn’t matter to me, it’s important that we are in contact.”

Tatyana Grigorievna admitted that establishing even such communication was not an easy task.

“Nastya cannot talk to Philip. Philip is with Nastya, only I can talk to everyone, but apparently this is how I have to live. It’s not difficult for me at all,” the actress continued. “I don’t have any grudge against her.” I could, of course, say that I am offended for my son, but I understand that a man is also not a gift. I can't say she had an easy one family life. But she didn’t make any effort to do this. She was never home."

The program showed a video recording made in Germany. Tatiana Vasilyeva’s grandchildren Vanya and Grisha conveyed their regards to her. The boys admitted that they miss their grandmother, whom they call by name Tanya, and really want to come and visit her in Moscow.

Vasilyeva recalled that when the children were small, she spent a lot of time with them, especially with Vanya. “He is the first-born, Nastya and Philip were busy, and Vanya was brought to me,” said the actress. “I tried to pamper, I made pancakes, solyanka, and borscht myself. We were walking. All was good. And then at one moment everything disappeared, and only photographs remained.”

Vasilyeva admitted that she now dreams that their telephone communication will continue. She is sure that there will be meetings ahead. “Everything will work out, you just need to go through this difficult path.”

Let us remind you that Tatyana Vasilyeva’s son Philip divorced Anastasia Begunova in 2016. According to the actress, ex-wife All this time, her son was prevented from communicating with her grandmother and grandchildren. However, last winter, Anastasia Begunova herself, in an interview with the “Let Them Talk” program, stated that this year ex-husband and the grandmother were not eager to see the children. As the woman assured, she was offered to give up the heirs’ share of the housing in exchange for two thousand euros, which she would receive monthly.

And her ex-daughter-in-law Anastasia Begunova It's been going on for two years now. General public scandalous story became known after the “Let Them Talk” program aired in February of this year. Ex-wife Philippa Vasilieva accused him famous mother is that she will deprive her grandchildren Vanya and Grisha of the capital’s square meters due to them. Six months passed, and Begunova reappeared in “Let Them Talk,” however, now the conversation with her was conducted by a new presenter Dmitry Borisov. Almost the entire broadcast, Anastasia’s eyes were filled with tears, and she was about to burst into tears because of the attacks against her.

Begunova still blames Tatyana Vasilyeva for the fact that her marriage with Philip collapsed. However, this time she also admitted that famous actress allegedly continues to ruin the life of her and her children: “I really want to live and work in Moscow, but I’m afraid that if I come, my beloved sons will be taken away from me.” According to Anastasia, she has reasons for fear, because she has heard threats of this kind more than once. By the way, actor Vyacheslav Manucharov came to support the mother of three children. Anastasia Begunova was once credited with having an affair with him, but in the Let Them Talk studio, Manucharov said that this was not entirely true: “As for talking about Nastya’s betrayal with me, we had an affair in student years, but nothing more...” At the same time, Vyacheslav gently held Begunova’s hand all the time.

Her ex-lover Vyacheslav Manucharov came to support Anastasia Begunova in the talk show “Let Them Talk”

The dialogue between Anastasia Begunova and Tatyana Vasilyeva in the Let Them Talk studio never took place. Tatyana Grigorievna did not come to record the program. But Philip Vasiliev’s first wife heard a message from him current wife Maria Bolonkina, which outraged many because, according to the guests present in the studio, it sounded mocking. Maria stated that Philip is the most wonderful husband and father in the world, and thanked Anastasia for her husband.

Maria Bolonkina, the second wife of Philip Vasiliev, addressed Anastasia Begunova in the talk show “Let Them Talk”

Let us remind you that Anastasia Begunova met Philip and his mother in 2006: they played together in an enterprise play and toured. In their marriage, Nastya and Philip had two sons with a difference of two years: Vanya and Grisha. The young people lived in a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow, on the Patriarch's Ponds. In 2015, the family broke up and scandals began. Vasilyeva stated that her daughter-in-law fled with her grandchildren to Germany and demands huge amounts of money for a meeting with the boys. Then Vasiliev publicly accused his wife of stealing a large sum that belonged to his mother. During these two years, Philip managed to get married a second time, he had a daughter, and Anastasia became a mother for the third time, giving the baby to her common-law spouse, with whom she lives in Germany. However, the scandals between Begunova and the family of Tatyana Vasilyeva never ended.

The former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva burst into tears on the talk show “Let Them Talk”

I would never have given this interview if my name had not been mentioned so many times in the press by my ex-husband and his mother over the past year - Tatiana Vasilyeva .

The People's Artist of Russia publicly stated: I allegedly squandered almost half a million euros belonging to her family and took my grandchildren to Germany, and she, for her part, gave them an apartment... It’s hard to remain silent in response to this, and now I’m simply forced to defend myself! And I endured this for too long... I stopped being surprised: my marriage “with the Vasilyevs” began with deception - it also destroyed our family. Finally, I am ready to break the web of misunderstandings, reticences and untruths they have skillfully woven...

- How did it all begin? The newspapers wrote that Philip looked after you very beautifully...

For quite a long time I was misled about where the funds for these courtships come from. But really, let's start from the very beginning... Philip and I met in the Bella Ciao enterprise, to which I was invited in 2006 by my master, professor of the Shchukin School Rodion Yuryevich Ovchinnikov. I played the granddaughter of the heroine Tatyana Vasilyeva, and Philip played my fiancé. We toured a lot and for two years we were just good friends with him, and I always sincerely admired Tatyana Grigorievna as an actress, I tried to learn something from her in the profession.

I knew that Philip’s mother had placed him in the enterprise - and it turned out to be his the only place work, as it turned out later. At first, Philip gave me a legend: “I, of course, love theater very much, but I also make money from business!” Allegedly, he invested in some business and receives interest from it, that is, he imagined himself as an independent person, absolutely independent of his mother.

And he really behaved like a man one could only dream of: bright appearance, expressive eyes, beautiful voice, good manners. Every evening I noticed him in the hall of the Stanislavsky Theater, where I worked then. Vasiliev gave incredible bouquets and asked how to help me. And one day I really needed help: on New Year’s Eve, 2007, my car was towed away and I remembered about him and called. Philip immediately rushed over and proved himself to be a man you can rely on. I suddenly realized that he was always there and was already more than just a friend. From that moment on, we began an affair...

Frankly speaking, I was blinded by such a beautiful beginning of the relationship - I fell in love! A month later, in February, I suggested going on vacation to Italy, where Vasiliev had never been before. He supported my initiative, although he is not particularly inquisitive. But on that trip I didn’t notice it - he was lively, cheerful, touching, and I felt happy with him. In Rome, choosing a romantic moment, in the middle of a crowded Spanish Steps Philip proposed to me...
