Christian collins biography. The true story of single mother Kristen Collins (Changeling)

In 1938, a series of kidnappings followed by the murder of boys occurred in Riverside and Los Angeles. The US public devoted all its efforts to helping the parents find the boys, which led to the exposure of corrupt practices on the part of the Los Angeles Police Department. The terrible tragedy also affected the ordinary Collins family. In memory of the terrible tragedy, the film “Changeling” was made about a strong woman, Christine Ida Dunn Collins.

Biography of a woman

Christine Collins was born on the fourteenth of December 1888 and lived until the eighth of December 1964. After marrying Walter James Collins Sr., the woman gave birth to a son, who was named after his father. Her husband turned out to be a violent criminal, with repeated armed robberies on his account, which landed him in a California prison. A woman raised her son alone while her husband was behind bars. In order to feed her family, she worked as a telephone operator. The usual measured life of a woman was changed by the tenth of March 1928. Her son Walter James Collins Jr. went to the theater that day and never returned home.

You can't fool a mother's heart

Christine Collins was very worried about her son's long absence from home. Her biography forever left a day in the woman’s memory. The mother contacted the police, suggesting that the child had been kidnapped by her husband's enemies. After working through this version, the police rejected it. Hundreds of police officers participated in the investigation of the case, but no one could get to the truth. The five-month investigation did not bear any fruit, which led to unrest in the community. Then a rumor spread that the boy had turned up in Illinois. By paying seventy dollars, the mother seemingly got her son back. But when she saw him, the woman firmly stated that it was not Walter.

She was asked not to make hasty decisions and not to cut rashly. Christine Ida Dunn Collins (photo below) took the child, but this could not convince her. Having evidence in hand in the form of a dentist's testimony, the woman came to the police to return someone else's child and continue the search for her own. Police captain Jay Jones put the woman in a mental hospital for such a statement. Five days later, the boy finally admits that he is Arthur Hutchins. This frame-up was organized by the Los Angeles police in order to hide corruption in the homicide department. As a result, Christine Collins was released from the psychiatric hospital. The real story of the boy's abduction turned out to be worse than anyone could have imagined.

Serial killer

The story that led to the kidnapping of Walter Collins began in 1926. Then Gordon Northcott took in his nephew Sanford Clarke. The parents approved the boy's move from the Canadian provincial town of Saskatchewan to Wineville. Here Gordon abused a thirteen-year-old child, beating him and sexually assaulting him. The boy, at the behest of Northcott, wrote letters home saying that everything was fine with him.

A visit from Sanford's sister Jessie Clark saved the boy from his uncle's persecution. Sanford managed to secretly notify his sister about what was happening, in response to which she handed over all the information to the authorities. Soon the police visited the ranch and arrested Sanford for illegally transporting the boy across the border into Canada. During interrogation, the boy said that Gordon Northcote stole and killed three boys. At the same time, Gordon was assisted in every possible way by his own mother. Sanford was also forced to participate in the trial on pain of death. One of the three boys turned out to be Walter Collins.

Film "The Changeling"

In 2008, the American thriller “Change” was released on the big screen by Clint Eastwood. The film is based on a true story related to the investigation of the Wineville murders. The film was first presented to the audience at the sixty-first Cannes Film Festival, which took place on May 8, 2008. The film was then screened alternately in North America, the United Kingdom and Ireland and Russia. Fifty-five million dollars were spent on the film. The income from film distribution amounted to more than one hundred million.

Actress who played the main role

The main role in the film went to Angelina Jolie. The actress played Christine Collins masterfully. Accompanying Jolie in the film were Amy Ryan and Jeff Pearson. In Changeling, Christine Collins faces some major twists of fate. Angelina Jolie professionally conveyed the emotions and feelings that were experienced by the main character at the time of loss, disappointment and injustice. According to the actress, during the work she became very deeply immersed in the problems of the main character. Something inside Jolie trembled during filming. And if in the film “The Changeling” Christine Collins loses her child, then Angelina found out during filming that she was pregnant.

  1. Another actress could have played Christine Collins in the movie Changeling. The director considered Reese Witherspoon and
  2. The film is based on real events known to the world as the “Vineville Chicken Coop Murders.”
  3. After filming was completed, Clint Eastwood and the entire film crew visited the eighteenth room in the psychiatric hospital, where patients were sedated with electric shocks.
  4. The architecture of Los Angeles in the twenties was created using computer graphics.
  5. The decision to become the director of the project was made by Clint Eastwood immediately after finishing reading the script.
  6. Some cinemas showed the film, changing the title to "The Wanderer".

The small town of Wineville in Southern California in 1928 was rocked by reports of several child abductions and murders. As it turned out later, Gordon Stewart Northcott kidnapped and sexually abused about twenty boys. He definitely killed at least three of them, committing crimes with the help of his mother and nephew from Canada.

In the spring of 1928, nine-year-old Walter Collins went to the movies and disappeared. He was last seen around 5 p.m. in Los Angeles. The boy's mother, Christine Collins, gave him money to watch a movie at a nearby cinema. Walter's father was in Folsom State Prison for robbery.

One of the victims of the Northcott killer

The Los Angeles Police Department has already been caught in several corruption scandals. Police Chief James Davis was under pressure to solve the kidnapping as quickly as possible. Police searched the area around Lincoln Park but found nothing. Walter's father thought that his son was kidnapped by former prison inmates to take revenge. He worked in the prison cafe and reported on the violations of other prisoners, so he made many enemies.

There were witnesses with conflicting testimony. A gas station worker in Glendale reported seeing a dead boy wrapped in newspapers in the back seat of a car when the driver stopped to ask for directions. Other witnesses spoke of a couple traveling with a boy who was alive and begging to be released.

Walter's disappearance was not the only kidnapping. On May 16, 1928, while on their way home, ten-year-old and twelve-year-old brothers Nelson and Lewis Winslow disappeared without a trace. Their parents received strange letters from both boys. One letter said they were heading to Mexico, the second said they would remain missing until they became famous. The horror of these words turned out to be the cruel truth.

Police inaction

Police have not linked the two disappearances. There was also no connection between these disappearances and the headless body of a Mexican boy found in La Puente in February. A man's complaint about a neighbor who mistreats boys at his poultry farm has also not been contacted.

Killer Gordon Northcott

In August 1928, Illinois police picked up a boy who identified himself as Arthur Kent. He later said his real name was Walter Collins from Los Angeles, and that he hid it to protect his father. Illinois police contacted California police and sent photos of the boy. California authorities showed Christine Collins photographs allegedly of her son. She confidently stated that this was not her son. However, Jay Jones persuaded her to take the boy for a while to close the incident. Three weeks later, Christine Collins brought the boy back to the police station. In confirmation, she brought dental records and statements from people who personally knew Walter that it was not him. Captain Jones called her crazy and put her in a mental hospital.

In September of the same year, Canadian woman Clark Winnfred told American authorities that her son Sanford Wesley Clark had been kidnapped and was being held on his farm in California by his uncle. Sanford, 15, went to live with his uncle Gordon Stewart Northcott, who was 21, two years ago. Sanford's older sister, Jessie, went to Northcott's ranch in Wineville, California, and within a few days became convinced that her uncle had involved her brother in something very strange, that both were hiding something. Uncle Gordon tried to attack her, but the girl went to the police.

Photo of Northcott Farm

Sanford's Confession

On September 15, 1928, Sanford confessed to police that Uncle Gordon had forced him into submission and raped him. Northcott forced him to watch and take part in the murders of Walter Collins, Nelson and Lewis Winslow and other boys. Northcott kidnapped or lured boys, raped them, and after "entertainment" took them to an incubator to supposedly show how the chicks hatched. There he killed them with an ax and dissolved their bodies in a pit of quicklime to destroy evidence. Sanford also said that Northcott killed a Mexican boy in La Puente, beheaded him, dumped him there, and forced Sanford to burn his head in an oven. They killed Walter Collins because he witnessed another murder. According to Sanford's testimony, two graves were found near the chicken coop: for the Winslow brothers and Walter Collins. There were separate fragments of bodies, pieces of bones, and human hair. Several bones were also found in the house, from which pathologists concluded that they belonged to male children. Inside the ranch, a book by one of the Winslow brothers, a children's whistle, and several Boy Scout badges were discovered. Walter Collins's belongings were not found.

Detectives conduct investigations and dig up the bodies of murdered children

Gordon's father, Keir George Northcott, also admitted to police two days later that his son committed the murders and his mother knew about it. By that time, Gordon and his mother Louise Northcott had left the city.

This story thundered throughout America in 1928. A young man named Gordon Norcott and his mother Sarah were accused of kidnapping, raping and murdering several young boys. The California State Police were involved in the scandal, and Clint Eastwood made the film “The Changeling” based on the heinous crime. Daria Alexandrova understood the details of the story.

Gordon Stewart Norcott was born on November 9, 1906 in Canada. At the age of 18, he moved to California with his parents. The family settled in the suburbs of Los Angeles. Soon Gordon acquired a decent piece of land of three acres near the town of Wineville. Norcott built a house and several chicken coops and started raising poultry. Together with their father Cyrus and mother Sarah, they ran the household.

Gordon Stewart Norcott. (

Soon Norcott decided that he could use an assistant - for this purpose, Gordon “dispatched” his nephew, 13-year-old Sanford Clark, from Canada. The boy's mother happily accepted the offer. Over the next two years, letters came home from Sanford, where he described in vivid colors how well he was living on his uncle’s ranch.

Sanford's sister Jessie Clark decided to visit Wineville. She was embarrassed by the tone of the letters, and besides, she wanted to visit her brother. Upon arrival at the ranch to visit her relatives, the girl became even more worried: Gordon’s behavior seemed suspicious to her, and Sanford was not himself. One night he snuck into his sister's bedroom and told him about the monstrous things that were happening in the Northcott house. The boy said that his uncle beat him and molested him, and also forced him to participate in the murder of several children under threat of death. Jessie was confused. She decided that the wisest course of action would be to return to Canada and contact the authorities. The girl contacted the American consul and asked to return her brother home. He, in turn, notified the Los Angeles Police Department. Immigration officers took care of the teenager - on August 31, 1928, they arrived at the ranch and took Sanford away under the pretext that the boy had been illegally transported across the border.

Sanford Clark testifies. (

Gordon, who noticed the police approaching from a distance, ordered his nephew to talk to the cops. He managed to escape. Along with Gordon, his mother also disappeared. Sanford told police that his uncle kidnapped, killed and raped three young boys with the participation of his mother. He did not deny that he himself was an accomplice, but claimed that Northcott had threatened him with violence. Sanford said another child, a Mexican boy, had been killed. Gordon forced his nephew to cut off his head, burn it, and then crush his skull. The teenager pointed out where the children's remains were buried in the chicken coop. The police found the graves, but there were no bodies there - Northcott had previously moved the remains and buried them in the desert. However, corpse particles and blood were found in the graves.

Gordon and Sarah Norcott were detained in Canada; they managed to reach the city of Vernon in British Columbia. Mother and son were arrested on September 19, 1928. Sanford named the three boys killed. They were brothers Lewis and Nelson Winslow, ages 12 and 10, and 9-year-old Walter Collins. He did not know the name of the murdered Mexican boy. The Collins brothers disappeared on May 16, 1928. Relatives received two letters from them, where they admitted that they had run away from home to go to Mexico, but nothing was known about their further fate.

Winslow Brothers. (

Walter Collins. (

With Walter Collins, the story turned out to be completely mysterious. The boy disappeared from his home in Los Angeles on March 10, 1928. His mother Christine Collins immediately contacted the police. Detectives suggested that the child was killed by one of his father's enemies, since Walter Sr. was involved in dirty dealings and was serving a sentence for armed robbery. The press found out about the boy’s disappearance, and the police were accused of inaction. Five months after Walter went missing, his mother was informed that her child had been found in Illinois. Triumphant detectives staged a show reunion between Christine and her son in the hope of shutting up the annoying hacks. However, Christine stated that the boy found was not her Walter. The police assured the woman that during this time he had managed to change in appearance and advised her to spend some time with her son to make sure that it was still him. But three weeks later, Collins returned to the station and approached police captain Jones, claiming that the child was not hers.

Jones made every effort to have Collins committed to a mental hospital. And so it happened. The woman was admitted to the hospital for compulsory treatment. At the same time, the police decided to once again interrogate the found child. He admitted that he was no Walter Collins. The 12-year-old boy's name was Arthur Hutchins Jr. and was from Iowa. Hutchins ran away from home after an argument with his parents. He wandered around the cities, hitching rides, but one day he was detained by the police, who decided that Hutchins was very similar in appearance to the missing Walter Collins. When Arthur realized that he had a chance to get to Los Angeles and see Hollywood, he decided to support the detectives’ version and called himself Collins. Christine, who by this time had spent more than a week in the psychiatric hospital, was immediately released.

The scandal flared up more than ever: an angry woman filed a lawsuit against Jones and won the case. The court ordered the police captain to pay the unfortunate mother more than 10 thousand dollars, which he never did. Based on the story with Walter Collins, Clint Eastwood made the film “Changeling” with Angelina Jolie in the title role.

Collins family reunion. (

As for Gordon and his mother, they confessed. Norcott confessed to killing more than five boys. However, after being extradited to California from Canada, they both renounced their initial testimony. Sarah tried to take all the blame on herself - the woman would not have been sentenced to death.

Norcott was suspected of killing 20 boys, but only three were proven (the Winslow brothers and a Mexican teenager, and Sarah Norcott was accused of Collins' death). Cyrus Northcott, who was also questioned by police, claimed he knew nothing about the crimes. During the proceedings, it also turned out that the mother was aware of her son’s pedophilic tendencies. He more than once took little boys under various pretexts to the ranch, where he raped them, but then, as a rule, released them. Sarah Norcott was sentenced to life imprisonment, but was released after just 12 years.

Northcott in court. (

On February 13, 1929, Gordon was sentenced to death by hanging. The sentence was carried out on October 2. At that time he was 23 years old. The town of Wineville, in connection with the case that was dubbed the “Wineville Chicken Coop Murders” and the close attention of the press and onlookers, changed its name to Mira Loma.

Versatile entertainer and social media celebrity well known as WeeklyChris who has worked as an actor, musician, and businessman. He amassed over 3 million followers on his Vine account. His YouTube channel has over 2 million subscribers and he is also popular on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat as well.

Before Fame

He enjoys hanging out with family and friends as well as sports. He set a goal for himself to spread a positive message with his reach. He launched his Vine channel in December 2013 and hit 1 million followers in less than 2 months.


He is a singer, rapper, beatboxer, and drummer. In May 2015, he got his lip pierced and he showed a video of it on SnapChat.

Family Life

He grew up in Calgary the second oldest of 4 kids in his family. His siblings are , and . His parents are and John. In 2017, he began dating Courtney Saint.

Associated With

He frequently makes videos featuring famous singers" songs such as the song "Show Me." He also collaborated with all of his siblings.

  • Full name: Christian Collins.

    Date of birth: April 18, 1996 (18 years old)
    Place of Birth: Calgary, Alberta (Canada)
    Hair color: Dark brown
    Eye Color: He has chameleon eyes.
    “Honestly, I don’t even know the color of my eyes. They change, becoming blue, green, or gray depending on what I wear,” Chris writes on Facebook

    Occupation: Actor, comedian, musician, cover artist, YouTuber, aspiring model
    Instruments: Piano, drums
    Vocal range: Soprano
    Year of activity: 2010-present
    Genre of songs and covers: Pop, Rap

    Zodiac sign: Aries
    Eastern horoscope sign: Fire (red) rat
    Height: ±175 cm
    Weight: ± 46 kg
    Animals: Shendou the dog and Romeo the cat
    Favorite color: Blue and red

    Chris is an ordinary teenager who studies at a regular school. He is 17. He lives with his family in Canada. There are 6 people in Chris's family.
    Father-John Collins, Mother-Stacy Collins,
    Younger brother - Crawford
    And two sisters
    The eldest is Kirsten and the youngest is Karisma.

    In his free time, Chris shoots videos and records covers himself. Thanks to his videos, he became famous. Now his videos are very popular all over the world, especially in Canada.
    Chris has tens of thousands of fans around the world.

    Here's what Chris writes on his public Facebook page:
    I'm a Canadian kid who loves making videos) love my supporters on facebook.

    Favorite sport: Snowboarding, skateboarding, basketball, hockey, tennis
    Favorite color: Blue
    Favorite food: Sushi
    Video editing software: Imovie & Final Cut
    Favorite Quotes: Do you have the feeling that someone is looking at you? I have by Chris Collins
    In 2010, Chris got highlights
    First video: March 26, 2010
    Favorite drink: Pepsi (Cola)
    Favorite eye color: Blue
    Favorite season: Summer
    Likes accent: English
    The main thing in people: Sincerity
    Favorite animals: Dogs
    Favorite cartoon: Spongebob, Nemo
    Place to escape to: Los Angeles
    When bored: Makes a video)
    Dream car: Bugatti Veyron
    Breed of his Dog: German Shepherd
    Favorite Actor: His Sister (Joking)
    There is no girl
    Annoying: Homework
    Asked Santa for 1 million dollars in 2009
    Favorite song: Black & Yellow
    In addition to English, he knows: French and Spanish
    Favorite movie: Due date
    Phone Brand: iPhone
    Loves all states, even ones he hasn’t been to
    Favorite phrase: haha ​​maybe?
    Loves it when girls wear little makeup
    There are 10 pairs of shoes.
    Greatest Fear: Spiders and the Ocean :D
    School: Bearspaw Christian School
    Chris has been playing drums since he was 6 years old and has performed on stage several times.
    If Chris were a superhero, he says he would need invincibility and the ability to fly :D
    Chris went to his first ever football match on July 28, 2012
    Chris's favorite subject at school was mathematics.

    Sanford Wesley Clark.

    Sanford Clark was never tried for these murders because Assistant District Attorney Loyal S. Kelly firmly believed that Sanford was an innocent victim acting under Gordon's threats and sexual assault, and that he was certainly not a willing participant in the crimes. Kelly managed to persuade Sanford to sign a contract to send him to the Whittier School for Boys (later renamed the Fred S. Nells Correctional Facility for Youth), where an experimental program for juvenile delinquents was then in full swing. Kelly assured Sanford that the school would help him make a full recovery. Sanford's contract originally sentenced him to five years at the school, but his sentence was later reduced to 23 months because school officials said Sanford impressed them with his character, work skills, and personal desire to live a working life during the remaining three years. years. After graduation from school, Sanford’s “punishment” imposed by the district attorney was considered completed, and so Sanford returned back to Canada, where for the rest of his life he adhered to the instructions of Kelly, who partingly admonished him to use this chance so that his rehabilitation would not be in vain. Overall, District Attorney Loyal S. Kelly, Whittier School, wife June, son Jerry, and sister Jesse helped him further fully recover from the physical and emotional trauma inflicted by Gordon Northcott.

    Walter Collins film. Gordon Stewart Northcott

    The murder of Walter Collins was known only from the words of Sanford Clark. A few days after Walter's kidnapping, Northcott received a call from his mother, Sarah Louise Northcott, who told him she was coming to the ranch for a few days. The journey took her about an hour. When Sarah arrived, Walter was locked in the chicken coop, however, due to previous incidents in their family, Sarah was well aware that her son was a pedophile, and therefore both the chicken coop itself and Gordon's request to stay away from the building seemed suspicious to her. At some point, Sarah still discovered Walter. According to Sanford Clark's testimony, she told Gordon that Walter, if released, could incriminate him because Gordon once worked at the supermarket where Walter shopped for his mother, Christine Collins. Sarah asked how Gordon could be so stupid as to kidnap and rape a boy who had seen him before and could identify him. As it later turned out, Gordon took a liking to Walter Collins back in the supermarket. He even approached the boy and asked, “Would you like to go to my ranch and ride a pony?” This is known because Northcott later recalled in his testimony that the boy liked ponies.

    Ian Gallagher


    Ian is the most disciplined member of the Gallagher family. He clearly sets tasks for himself and confidently moves towards their implementation. With such character qualities, it is not surprising that the guy dreams of a military career, but that is in the future. So far, Ian is studying in high school, undergoing non-military training courses, is excellent at handling firearms and is actively developing his physical fitness. In his spare time, he works part-time as a salesman in a local store.


    In the first season, Ian dated the owner of his store, Cash, a Hindu with two children and married to a white Muslim woman, Linda. Their relationship developed rapidly, but after Cash’s wife caught the lovers in the act, they had to stop communicating - the woman placed video cameras throughout the store, filming every awkward move of both Ian and her husband. In addition, after the betrayal, she demanded that Cash give her a third child, which only aggravated the situation - during pregnancy, doctors forbade her to get out of bed, and her husband was forced to become an errand boy. However, this did not last long - in the middle of the second season, Cash could not withstand such tension and, dressing in a woman's hijab, fled from his wife along with his new lover.

    After breaking up with Cash, Ian completely switched to Mickey Milkovich, a local bully who constantly robbed his store. As they say, from love to hate there is one step, and vice versa. It must be said that Ian and Mickey's relationship began while Ian was dating Cash. It turned out that the stern Mickey didn’t mind dating Ian at all, although he was offended by his friend’s constant sentimental phrases - what-what, and he didn’t intend to fall in love with the guy. To hide this connection, Ian agreed to a fictitious affair with his friend and part-time Mickey’s sister, Mandy Milkovich. The girl herself suggested this turn of events - everyone considered her a whore, and a permanent boyfriend could influence public opinion. Everything was fine until Mickey went to prison for robbing Cash's store. Despite the fact that this accusation was fake, the guy did not deny his guilt - it was much more difficult for him to admit that a minute before the so-called robbery, he and Ian had sex in the back room of the store, where they were caught by a jealous Indian who later shot the guy in the leg.

    While Mickey was in prison, Ian honestly waited for his return. One day he even came to visit the guy, but he shamefully chased him away. However, when Milkovich was released, the first thing he did was go to Ian. Their “romance” began to gain momentum again, but then Frank Gallagher intervened - by coincidence, he witnessed one of the meetings between Mickey and Ian. Fearing that the headless Gallegher would blab to everyone about what he had seen, Milkovich decided to kill him. Ian took his father’s side and tried to convince his friend that Frank’s short-term memory left much to be desired. The lovers quarreled, and Mickey, choosing between two evils, decided to return to prison, simply violating the terms of his parole.

    When Milkovich left him again, Ian stopped hiding and went openly to a gay bar, where he immediately found a new friend. Ironically, he turned out to be Dr. Lloyd, a successful surgeon and loving family man, also known as Jimmy Lishman's father.

    • In the middle of the first season, Ian found out that his biological father is not Frank Gallagher, but Frank's brother Clayton. Apparently, Monica never denied herself pleasures.

    Gordon Northcott. Testimony of Sanford Clark

    In 1926, 19-year-old Gordon Stewart Northcott, with the permission of his parents, took his 13-year-old nephew Sanford Wesley Clark from his home in Saskatoon in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan and transported him to his ranch in the statistically isolated area of ​​Vineville (now Mira Loma) in Riverside County, where he physically and sexually abused the teenager. In August 1928, Sanford's sister, 19-year-old Jessie Clark, visited her brother at the Northcott ranch and one night he told her about his situation, and then added with horror that Gordon had kidnapped and killed four boys. Jessie returned to Canada a week later and immediately informed the American Consulate, which then contacted the Los Angeles Police Department with a corresponding complaint from Jessie. The department, while reviewing Jesse's complaint, discovered that Sanford had crossed the border with some violations, and therefore contacted the US Immigration Service.

    On August 31, 1928, two inspectors from this service, Judson Shaw and George Scullorn, arrived at the Northcott ranch. Norcott himself, seeing the inspectors approaching the ranch, mistook them for police officers, and, threatening Sanford to shoot him, ordered the latter to detain the inspectors, and he fled into the nearby forest. Sanford fooled the inspectors for two hours under false pretexts, and only when they managed to convince him that they could protect him did he allow them to take him into custody. To the police, Sanford told the shocking story that his uncle Gordon, his grandmother Sarah Louise (Gordon's mother) and Sanford himself, under their pressure, killed three little boys whom Gordon had previously kidnapped and raped. Sanford said quicklime was used to destroy the bodies and the remains were buried on the ranch property. The police found the burials exactly where Sanford indicated, but there were no bodies in them, since Northcott, having learned that the boy had been arrested and the police were looking for him, dug up the remains in advance and took them to the desert, where they finally decomposed. However, blood, particles of hair and bones were found in the burials. During a search of the ranch, axes with blood stains were also found. Gordon Northcott himself fled with his mother to Canada, where he was arrested near Vernon (British Columbia).

    The three boys killed were informally identified as brothers Lewis and Nelson Winslow and, presumably, Walter Collins. According to Sanford, in addition to these three murders, Northcott also committed the murder of a certain Mexican boy (who was never identified and therefore was listed in the case file as the "Headless Mexican"). Sanford and Sarah did not participate in his murder, but later Gordon forced Sanford to behead the already dead body and burn the head in a furnace, and then crush the skull. Gordon himself later admitted during the investigation that, unable to find another suitable place, he left the headless body near the road near La Puento, but the remains of this boy were never found.

    Brenda Ann Spencer is an American killer who opened fire on students at Cleveland Elementary School in San Diego, California.

    Since childhood, Brenda has been interested in guns and stories of violence. According to neighbors, Brenda Spencer's father, Wallace Spencer, had problems with alcohol, as a result of which Brenda, left to herself most of the time, committed petty thefts, was addicted to drugs and alcohol, and skipped classes.

    In early 1978, Brenda Spencer attempted suicide but was rescued. That summer, she was arrested for burglary and social workers suggested that her parents transfer her to a boarding school to educate troubled teenagers, but Brenda's father did not give permission.

    For Christmas 1978, he gave her a .22 caliber rifle with a telescopic sight and more than 500 rounds of ammunition.

    Classmates recalled that a week before the shooting, she told them that she wanted to do something big to get on television.

    On January 29, 1979, sixteen-year-old Brenda fired thirty-six shots from the window of her house at children who were standing near the school. Eight children and one policeman were injured. Two adults (Barton Wragg and Michael Shuar) were killed while trying to save the schoolchildren. Brenda then barricaded herself in the house and did not come out for seven hours. Ultimately, she gave up. When asked why she did this, she replied:

    "I Don't Like Mondays" During a search of her room, police found an empty beer can and a bottle of whiskey, but, according to them, Spencer was not intoxicated at the time of her arrest.

    I just started shooting, that's all. I did it just for fun. I just don't like Mondays. And so - at least some kind of entertainment. Nobody likes Mondays.

    I just started shooting, that"s it. I just did it for the fun of it. I just don"t like Mondays. I just did it because it"s a way to cheer the day up. Nobody likes Mondays.

    Due to the seriousness of the crime, sixteen-year-old Brenda was tried as an adult. She pleaded guilty to two counts of murder and armed assault and was sentenced to life in prison with the option to apply for clemency after 25 years. She was denied parole four times, most recently in 2009. According to the commission's decision on parole, she will be able to submit her next petition only in 2019.

    JonBenet Ramsey. Biography of a young beauty queen

    The girl was born on August 6, 1990 in Atlanta, Georgia. Her parents are computer magnate John Bennett Ramsey and his wife Patricia Ann Poe. These are quite influential people who were suspected of kidnapping and murdering their own daughter (after a DNA test, all doubts of law enforcement agencies disappeared). The girl also had an older brother, Burke. At the time of the birth of the girl in the family, the first-born was three years old.

    When the baby was only nine months old, her family moved to Boulder. Quite strange (even to American ears) the girl’s name came from the merger of her father’s first and second names, and the second came from her mother’s name. JonBenet Patricia Ramsey regularly entered among the participants in beauty pageants and children's competitions. The girl managed to visit several neighboring states.

    JonBenet Ramsey's mother (photo of the girl above) independently organized several competitions. She was the winner of the Miss Virginia title and a participant in the Miss America pageant, so this area was close to the woman. By the age of six, JonBenet Ramsey had won the titles “Tiny Beauty of the Nation,” “Little Miss Colorado,” and “Colorado Cover Girl.” The girl also played the violin and was actively involved in rock climbing.

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