What is chronic bronchitis in an adult? How is chronic bronchitis treated in adults - recommendations and advice

How to treat chronic bronchitis? This is a common question. Let's look at it in more detail. Chronic bronchitis is an inflammatory process that worsens every three months for at least two years. Even if the main symptom of this disease (cough) is present for one month, and then disappears for a while and returns again, it is impossible to unconditionally diagnose a person with chronic bronchitis. For example, a constant cough can be observed in heavy smokers, and in addition, such a symptom can be associated with special, particularly harmful, conditions of everyday work.

How to treat chronic bronchitis in adults? More on this below.

Chronic cough and its types

In medicine, there are several principles according to which chronic cough is classified:

  • Degree of damage. The lesion can be distal and proximal. In the first case, due to the inflammatory process, small bronchi are affected, and in the second, large ones.
  • Based on the presence of bronchospastic attacks, obstructive or non-obstructive cough is distinguished.
  • According to its qualitative changes, the cough can be catarrhal, purulent or fibrous.

In addition, chronic bronchitis tends to be in a state of remission or exacerbation. This factor also relates to classification and is required to be indicated in the patient’s medical record. How to treat chronic bronchitis?

The disease and the reasons for its development

Chronic bronchitis can occur as a result of the following two reasons:

  • A person regularly breathes chemicals, toxic fumes or fine dust for a long time, which is typical for some professions. For example, particles of wood dust after grinding work not only remain in the air for a long time, but also enter the bronchi, after which they settle on their walls. Against this background, the mechanism of the bronchi can be restructured, and the structure of the walls can change.
  • In the event that a person has previously been diagnosed with acute bronchitis, but its treatment was not fully carried out. As a result of this, the patient too often experienced an acute form of this inflammatory disease, which led to a chronic nature.

Not everyone knows how to treat chronic bronchitis at home.

Factors in the development of chronic bronchitis

Factors that can provoke an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis are:

  • Attachment of one or another virus. For example, the occurrence of an acute viral respiratory disease or a common cold.
  • Various infections in the form of sore throat, flu, laryngitis, tracheitis and any other respiratory tract diseases.
  • Frequent hypothermia of the body.

Treating cough with chronic bronchitis is quite difficult.

Signs and symptoms of chronic pathology

It must be emphasized that the only main symptom for all variations of chronic bronchitis is cough, which is the main symptom of this disease. A cough is always present against the background of bronchitis, but it can manifest itself in different ways. For example, the catarrhal type is characterized by a wet cough along with a non-critical increase in temperature and signs of general intoxication. The frequency of exacerbations of this type of chronic bronchitis, as a rule, is no more than four times a year. With the obstructive type of the disease, the inflammatory process in the bronchi will be observed in the following cases:

  • Presence of paroxysmal cough.
  • Difficulty releasing sputum.
  • The occurrence of asthma attacks and bronchospasms.

Chronic obstructive bronchitis needs to be treated comprehensively. Hyperthermia, which manifests itself as an increase in body temperature, may not be observed in the obstructive version of chronic bronchitis. The non-obstructive type of the disease is usually accompanied by purulent-serous sputum. In this case, sputum may be constantly released during each coughing attack. The daily discharge rate is a maximum of 150 milliliters, but this figure corresponds only to the remission stage. During an exacerbation, the following symptoms may be added to a paroxysmal cough:

  • The occurrence of pain in muscles and joints.
  • The presence of a slight increase in temperature.
  • The presence of signs of intoxication, which are characteristic of any inflammatory processes. We are talking about symptoms such as weakness and drowsiness along with loss of appetite, headaches and so on.

It is important to note that with a long course of chronic bronchitis of the obstructive type, various thickenings may appear in the area of ​​the digital phalanges, in addition, the patient may notice increased sweating.

You can treat chronic bronchitis, of course, at home. But this should be done only after consulting a doctor.

Disease and diagnosis

The doctor needs not only to make a diagnosis, but also to establish the causes of bronchitis. Diagnosis of chronic bronchitis should be carried out exclusively in medical institutions. This should be done by otolaryngologists. The prescription of medications, along with the advisability of using folk remedies, directly depends on determining the correct cause of the development of pathology.

When examining patients, the otolaryngologist notes various signs, for example, too long exhalations, the presence of wheezing or whistling sounds in the lungs, and also wet sobs. In order to confirm the diagnosis and find out the required information regarding what type of chronic bronchitis the patient has, the doctor sends the patient to undergo an x-ray. If necessary, they carry out, among other things, radiation diagnostics in order to exclude the presence of emphysema, tuberculosis and oncology.

Computed tomography is currently considered the most effective diagnostic method. Often, specialists use a bronchoscope to examine the patient’s condition. This makes it possible to determine the degree of pathological processes in the walls of the bronchi.

Everyone should know how to treat chronic bronchitis.

Is it possible to get rid of the disease forever?

It is believed that it is impossible to cure this pathology forever. Every patient will receive a similar answer from an otolaryngologist. It is generally accepted that medical prescriptions, as a rule, only increase the period of remission, and exacerbations still inevitably occur. In fact, if chronic bronchitis is mild, it can be completely cured. And for this it is not at all necessary to go to the hospital. The exception is more serious exacerbations, for which inpatient treatment is recommended.

So, how to treat chronic bronchitis?

Chronic bronchitis and its treatment

In order to get rid of chronic bronchitis forever, you need to adhere to the following treatment regimen:

  • Taking medications. Their prescription must be made exclusively by the attending physician, and not by the patient. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, as some medications can provoke the development of severe allergic reactions. First of all, the doctor needs to find out which virus or pathogenic microorganism was the main cause of the emerging inflammatory process. In addition, the patient will need to undergo dynamic monitoring of the process of his treatment.
  • A medicinal drink is required. Herbal infusions are perfect for this, for example, linden blossom along with raspberries, chamomile or thyme.
  • The patient will need to follow a diet. First of all, you need to exclude fatty, spicy, smoked or pickled foods from your diet, as all this can serve as a strong irritant to the bronchi.

How to treat chronic bronchitis in children?

Standards of treatment for exacerbation of childhood chronic bronchitis include the following:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Expectorants and bronchodilators.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Hormonal medications.

Antibiotics are prescribed for any form of chronic bronchitis. Even if allergic bronchitis worsens, there is often an infectious component that complicates the disease. Only a doctor should select the medicine. It is better to first conduct a sputum sensitivity test.

Periods of exacerbation

During periods of exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, specialists prescribe antibiotics to patients along with expectorants and anti-inflammatory drugs, and in addition, drugs intended to enhance immunity.

It is also considered advisable to conduct therapeutic bronchoscopy. As part of this procedure, a tube is inserted into the patient's respiratory tract, as a result of which the bronchi are washed with various solutions, as well as medications that help reduce inflammation and the amount of mucus.

Among other things, special breathing exercises are used along with physiotherapeutic treatment in the form of inhalations and electrical procedures.

During periods outside of exacerbations, in order to reduce mucus production, regular inhalations are used through the use of anticholinergic drugs. This makes it possible to improve the condition of the mucous membrane, reducing the number of exacerbations, which helps avoid the development of respiratory failure.

Let's figure out how to treat chronic bronchitis at home.

Treatment at home

At home, it is considered most appropriate to use medicines that are prepared with your own hands. These remedies include the following recipes:

  • Take plantain juice and honey in equal quantities, heating the ingredients in a water bath for twenty minutes. Next, the resulting mass is cooled. You need to take this medicine one teaspoon twice a day.
  • Brew a spoonful of Icelandic moss in a glass of boiling water like regular tea. Drink the resulting medicine in full at night. When using this recipe, you should keep in mind that Icelandic moss imparts great bitterness to the medicine, so it would be a good idea to add a little honey to the tea to improve the taste. In this case, your doctor can also tell you how to treat chronic bronchitis at home.
  • A medicinal mixture is prepared from one chicken egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey, then add the same amount of flour and butter. Then the resulting mass should be mixed thoroughly. You need to take this medicine half a teaspoon at least four times a day. An important recommendation in this case is that the resulting mixture must be dissolved in the mouth an hour before meals.
  • Juice is made from the lower leaves of aloe, which then needs to be mixed with honey. In this case, add 20 grams of honey per 100 milliliters of juice. The mass needs to be stirred, after which it can be taken a tablespoon twice a day.

It is important to note that all of the listed remedies are recommended to be used not until the symptoms disappear, but until the body is completely cured. A very long period of time may pass until such a moment occurs, which can be up to three to five months.

Is it difficult to treat chronic bronchitis with folk remedies in adults? No, because traditional medicine should always be combined with traditional medicine.

Using compresses

Do not neglect compresses, thanks to which you can warm up the upper parts of the chest, which will certainly help remove mucus from the bronchi much faster, speeding up the healing process. The following recipes can be used as fillers for compresses:

  • Aloe juice with honey and vodka is heated to forty-five degrees. You can also use alcohol instead of vodka.
  • Using honey with melted animal fat. In this case, goat fat is considered to be the most effective.

How else to treat chronic bronchitis with folk remedies?

Treatment with honey

As a home remedy for the treatment of chronic bronchitis, the use of honey as the main component is excellent:

  • Using propolis for inhalation. In this case, a teaspoon of propolis is poured with 100 milliliters of boiling water, after which you can begin inhalation.
  • Application of pollen. Using pollen is great for strengthening your immune system. To do this, mix 5 grams of pollen with a spoon of honey. The resulting medicine is consumed 15 grams three times a day.

But how to treat exacerbation of chronic bronchitis?

Carrying out drug treatment

As a rule, specialists include the following medications in the treatment of exacerbations:

  • A mucolytic group of medications that helps get rid of phlegm.
  • Antispasmodic category of drugs. The action of this group of drugs is aimed at relieving pain in the chest, and also in the ribs. The pain usually occurs due to a persistent cough.
  • Antibacterial drugs. In this case, we mean antibiotics, which are prescribed against the background of chronic bronchitis when infectious etiologies of the disease in question are identified.
  • Antiviral drugs.

All of the above medications can be used in the form of tablets or intramuscular injections. The method of using drugs is prescribed by a doctor, who selects the best option depending on the patient’s condition.

Now we know how to treat chronic bronchitis in adults.

Possible complications

If no treatment is given, this disease can cause bronchial obstruction. In addition, emphysema along with respiratory failure cannot be ruled out. It must be borne in mind that chronic bronchitis can be virtually asymptomatic for many years. At the same time, patients may be bothered by a cough from time to time, against the background of which no powerful exacerbations occur. But in this case, if no treatment is carried out, then, as already noted, the inflammatory disease in question will provoke additional complications of the respiratory system.

Chronic bronchitis and its prevention

Measures to prevent chronic bronchitis include, first of all, maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Thus, a complete cessation of smoking is required; regular hardening of the body along with physical education is no less important. It is also important to eliminate certain foci of chronic infections.

If a person has already been diagnosed with chronic bronchitis, then he must avoid hypothermia, and in addition, promptly treat any infectious diseases of the respiratory system.

In order to permanently cure chronic bronchitis, it is necessary to carry out exclusively comprehensive treatment. As part of complex treatment, the simultaneous use of prescribed medications in combination with traditional medicine is extremely important. In addition, it is mandatory to strengthen the immune system and undergo a course of physiotherapeutic procedures.

Every inflammatory disease can develop into a chronic form and will bother a person for a long time. Chronic bronchitis is no exception, the exacerbation of which causes the release of mucus when coughing. Occurs in the bronchial mucosa. Along with it, the structure of tissues in the lungs changes. Exacerbation occurs 2-3 times a year. Why does the pathology return, what to treat and how?

becomes chronic?


Treatment of exacerbation of chronic bronchitis can be carried out using folk remedies. Let's look at the most common recipes:

  • A decoction of apricot kernels. The nucleoli must be extracted from 20 g of seeds. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over them. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. Remove from heat and strain after 2 hours. Drink a decoction of ¼ cup 3-4 times a day. The kernels can be eaten.
  • Horseradish and lemon paste. You will need 150 g of horseradish and 3 lemons. Scroll the ingredients in a meat grinder and mix thoroughly. The resulting pulp should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning and before bed. This remedy has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes good expectoration.

  • Medicinal herbs. It is necessary to make a medicinal collection from the following herbs: coltsfoot, plantain, licorice, thyme. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for 3 hours. Drink 1/3 cup for 10 days.
  • Hot milk with honey and soda. You need to heat the milk and pour it into a glass. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and a small piece of butter (literally on the tip of a knife). Stir thoroughly and consume in small sips. You need to drink the entire glass, then cover yourself with a warm blanket. It is an effective anti-inflammatory, warming and expectorant.

  • Cabbage and honey compress. You will need a large cabbage leaf. A thin layer of honey should be applied to it. Apply a compress to the bronchi area and secure. Be sure to insulate the top. Keep the compress all night.

What to do in case of exacerbation?

If chronic bronchitis has made itself felt, the exacerbation of which is treated with medications, then it is recommended to add to the drug treatment:

  • physiotherapy - promotes a speedy recovery;
  • physical therapy (allowed during the treatment of exacerbation of non-obstructive bronchitis);
  • taking vitamins A, B, C and biostimulants (aloe juice, propolis).

You can have a massage. It promotes the removal of sputum and has a bronchial relaxant effect.

Chronic bronchitis is a disease that can lead to serious consequences. There is no point in delaying therapy. You cannot self-medicate. Trust your health to an experienced, qualified doctor. Only he can prescribe an effective treatment. Be healthy!

194 10/03/2019 6 min.

Bronchitis is one of the most common colds of the respiratory system. Located between the trachea and the lungs, the bronchi are most often affected, since they have the largest surface of the mucous membrane. Often, the disease, having begun in the pharynx or trachea, in the absence of urgently taken measures, literally spreads to the bronchi within hours, and the patient begins to have a painful paroxysmal cough.

Definition of disease

In its lower part, the trachea is divided into two large bronchi, which, in turn, branch into smaller and smaller bronchi (bronchioles). At the end of each bronchiole is a microscopic sac (alveolus) in which oxygen from the air inhaled by the lungs enters the blood.

The surface of the bronchi and bronchioles is covered with a mucous membrane, which becomes inflamed under adverse influences. If acute inflammation lasts long enough (at least 3 months over 2 years), structural changes occur in the bronchi, resulting in disturbances in bronchial obstruction, outflow of bronchial secretions, and mechanisms of local immunity. All these fundamental changes cannot be completely cured and are called “chronic bronchitis”.

In this form, bronchitis most often affects older people, smokers (), and workers in industries with polluted air. Approximately 10% of the adult population are patients diagnosed with "". The disease can occur as a secondary infection after a cold, or be an initial disease.

The disease is characterized by constant progression, and the cleansing function of the bronchi is disrupted. As a result of damage to the small bronchi, shortness of breath develops, and sclerotic changes in the deep layers of the bronchial walls cause hypersecretion of mucus, which becomes the cause of constant cough.


The chronic form of the disease occurs, as a rule, as a result of incorrect treatment of acute bronchitis or untreated residual effects. When the treatment process is interrupted too early, after the disappearance of serious symptoms, after a certain period of time, under the influence of a number of factors, inflammation again affects the bronchial tree with renewed vigor.

The causes of chronic bronchitis can be:

  • Constant relapse of the acute form;
  • Long-term negative effects on the lungs of irritating factors: wood dust, chemical reagents, toxic substances, tobacco smoke;
  • Hereditary predisposition and congenital characteristics of the bronchial tree;
  • Viral and bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Frequent hypothermia of a local or general nature.

The most important cause of a number of respiratory diseases of an infectious nature is a decrease in the level of general immunity: unbalanced nutrition, excess weight, lack of physical activity and sports, lack of vitamins in the diet.


Signs of chronic bronchitis can go unnoticed for a long time - the disease occurs without fever and develops gradually. At first, the cough may occur only in the morning, but over time the disease progresses: the temperature may rise, attacks intensify and their frequency increases. In damp, cold weather, an ordinary dry cough can turn into a wet, lingering cough with purulent discharge, sometimes interspersed with blood - this is due to damage to the small blood vessels in the lungs.

The main symptoms of chronic bronchitis are:

  • Cough. It can be either dry or wet. speaks of lesions in the small bronchi, and an unproductive cough with a small amount of sputum indicates the onset of bronchial obstruction;
  • Dyspnea. In patients with the non-obstructive form, it may appear several years after the onset of the disease. If, shortness of breath manifests itself at the very beginning of the disease, often even during the rest period;
  • Sputum. The stage and severity of the disease depends on the nature and amount of sputum. At the initial stages it is scanty and light, with the development of the disease and during periods of exacerbation it becomes mucopurulent or purulent;
  • Wheezing. The severity of the disease is determined by the nature of wheezing. they talk about the remission stage, the appearance of wet (depending on the size of the bronchi - large, medium and small bubble) wheezing indicates an increase in the amount of mucus and an exacerbation or progression of the process;
  • Hemoptysis. It is not a characteristic sign of chronic bronchitis, but the appearance of blood streaks, and even more so, blood clots in the sputum, requires immediate medical intervention;
  • Asthmatic syndrome. It can occur only with the development of an obstructive form of the disease, and indicates a narrowing of the bronchi or bronchospasm;
  • Cyanosis (cyanosis). It is a consequence of the occurrence of an obstructive form of the disease and is caused by difficulty in the supply of oxygen to the body. There are acrocyanosis (blueness of the extremities, tip of the nose and ears) and diffuse cyanosis (over the entire skin).

Ignoring the symptoms of chronic bronchitis always leads to irreversible changes in the lungs.

Possible complications

The lungs perform one of the main vital functions in the body - they deliver oxygen. Violation of this function leads to serious consequences and often leads to negative changes in the quality of life.

All complications of chronic bronchitis are divided into two groups:

  • Caused by infection: pneumonia, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis;
  • Arising as a result of disease progression: hemoptysis, pulmonary failure, emphysema, cor pulmonale.

Any of the complications can cause disability, and an attack of bronchial asthma is a direct threat to life.


To make a diagnosis, X-ray examinations are carried out, if necessary - bronchography and bronchoscopy, and laboratory tests of sputum. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, treatment measures are carried out according to the scheme; during the period of remission, all efforts are aimed at eliminating irritating factors and observing preventive measures.

Drug therapy

When prescribing medications, the possibility of a bacterial or viral infection, the patient’s condition and the stage of the disease are taken into account. Depending on this, the following drugs can be used:

  • Antibiotics: Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Arlet, Flemoclav, Rovamycin, Azithromycin. They are used only for purulent forms of the disease, when the presence of a bacterial infection is beyond doubt;
  • Expectorants: Lazolvan, Flavamed, Bromhexine. Used in the treatment of any form of disease and are selected depending on the nature of the sputum;
  • Desensitizing agents: calcium preparations. Used to relieve or prevent allergic reactions;
  • Bronchodilators: Durophylline, Neo-Theophedrine, Retafil, Atrovent, Ipradol, Salamol. The drugs are prescribed in case of obstruction of the bronchi and with the greatest effect.

The choice of medications necessary for treatment, as well as the duration of treatment, is determined by the attending physician strictly individually. Along with drug therapy, inhalations are required twice a day for 10 days.

Traditional medicine

To relieve chronic bronchitis include diaphoretics, antipyretics, and expectorants:

  • They drink decoctions of diaphoretic herbs: linden, sage, mint, elderberry, ;
  • Onion juice in half with honey and sugar is used as an expectorant (1 tbsp. 3 rubles per day);
  • Add a few tablespoons of honey to a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice and take 1 tbsp. l. several times a day;
  • In case of severe cough, mustard plasters are applied to the chest and feet;
  • Internal goat fat in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. put in a glass of boiled milk, add 1 tsp. honey and soda on the tip of a knife. They drink at night and wrap themselves up warmly;
  • Brew 400 g of any bran with 1.5 liters of boiling water, wrap and infuse. Strain and drink instead of tea;
  • 10 pieces. Dried figs are boiled for 15 minutes. in 0.5 liters of milk until thickened. Drink warm;
  • Young pine cones are finely chopped and covered with sugar 1:1. After 3 days, the juice is squeezed out, and the pomace is poured with water and boiled. Then squeeze again, mix with juice and boil again. The medicine turns out to be viscous. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day, store in a cool place;
  • Internal lamb, pork, goat, and badger fat is used for oral administration with warm drinks and for rubbing at night. After rubbing the chest, linen cloth and a piece of polyethylene are placed on top and wrapped in a warm scarf or handkerchief.

Treatment with folk remedies is used during periods of remission, but it should be remembered that at temperatures warming procedures are not carried out, and for people with a tendency to allergic reactions, consultation with a doctor is required.


If you work in a hazardous industry, you can take the following as preventive measures:

  • Regularly undergo medical examinations;
  • Stop smoking as an additional negative factor;
  • Use your work leave to improve your lung health.

Prevention of chronic bronchitis is, first of all, prevention of its acute form and its transition to a protracted illness. At the same time, measures to prevent the disease will be:

  • Timely and complete treatment of colds and viral infectious diseases, especially respiratory ones;
  • Precautionary measures during epidemics: frequent hand washing, use of natural and medicinal antiseptics and immunostimulants;
  • Elimination of possible hypothermia, both local and general;
  • Including fruits and vegetables in the diet as sources of natural vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems, including the immune system.

Pay special attention to strengthening the body's defenses in winter, when the lion's share of energy consumed is spent on warming up. Do not overload the body with excessive physical activity, but do not sit too long - physical activity promotes better blood circulation, and, therefore, nutrition of all tissues.



Do not take lightly an increased cough, and even less so. The disease is always easier to cure at the initial stage. Try to take advantage of every opportunity to relax in nature, in the countryside or at sea. Carry out frequent wet cleaning, do not forget - dry air is almost as harmful to the mucous membranes as it is irritating.

In the case of chronic bronchitis, self-medication can lead to dire consequences, so try to use preventive measures in full and not get sick.

Chronic bronchitis is the most common chronic respiratory disease. What symptoms does it accompany, and what complications can it lead to?

If you cough for three or more months of the year, and this problem has bothered you for several years, you most likely have chronic bronchitis.

Acute bronchitis is caused by viruses or bacteria, and the body successfully fights them off within a few days or weeks. A chronic bronchitis is protracted, and its causes are associated with exposure to external factors.

The main causes of chronic bronchitis:

  • smoking (active or passive);
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • work related to cement, coal, quartz dust;
  • cold and damp climate.

Symptoms in adults

Chronic bronchitis can develop as a complication of acute bronchitis.

In a person with a strong immune system, inflammation disappears within a few weeks, and the bronchial mucosa is completely restored.

In some patients, the inflammatory process becomes chronic.

Attention! If the cough does not go away for more than a month, it is worth getting examined by a laryngologist and finding out why the airways are irritated. This process, if left untreated, in some cases leads to bronchial asthma.

Chronic bronchitis is not accompanied by an increase in temperature to more than 37.5 °C, but it may increase during an exacerbation of the disease.

Signs of exacerbation of chronic bronchial disease: cough, fever, weakness, headache. The main distinguishing feature of bronchitis is a cough. At first, the patient suffers from a dry cough; after two or three days, sputum is added to it.

If the inflammatory process affects the small bronchi, shortness of breath and bluish discoloration of the skin are added to the usual list of ailments.

So, the main symptoms of chronic bronchitis in adults:

  • , which does not go away for more than a month;
  • normal or slightly elevated body temperature (no more than 37.5 °C);
  • breathing disorders: wheezing, noise, shortness of breath.

Types of cough

The cough with this disease initially bothers only in the morning, but later it haunts the patient throughout the day and night. Cold and damp weather makes coughing worse. The cough is usually muffled, with sputum production, but in acute periods it can become louder and sharper, barking.


The appearance of shortness of breath in chronic bronchitis is an alarming symptom that indicates the occurrence of bronchospasm.

In this case, inhalation occurs easily, and exhalation is accompanied by muscle effort.

Breathing becomes noisy. The patient experiences a lack of air due to the fact that the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is increased. This condition can cause insomnia.

Bronchospasm occurs against the background of that with a prolonged inflammatory process, the lumen of the bronchi narrows, and sputum stagnation occurs. A spasm occurs in the muscle cells, and the diameter of the bronchi decreases. They do not perform their functions fully, and the body does not receive the amount of oxygen it needs.


The sputum in this disease consists of clear, odorless mucus. If it acquires a purulent character, becomes cloudy, yellowish or greenish, this is a sign of an exacerbation of the disease.

Important! Traces of blood may appear in the sputum. This is due to the rupture of small vessels in the bronchi due to intense coughing. This symptom should alert you, since hemoptysis also appears in diseases more dangerous than bronchitis: tuberculosis, lung cancer and others.

Useful video

From the video below you will learn about the main symptoms of bronchitis from an expert in the “Live Healthy” program:

Long-term inflammation of the bronchi, accompanied by a cough, is called chronic bronchitis. The disease most often develops in adults. The choice of drug treatment and the prescription of the necessary medications depend on the correct assessment of the symptoms of bronchitis. Unfortunately, it is impossible to permanently cure chronic bronchitis at a late stage. But in the absence of therapy, the disease progresses and leads to the development of COPD, emphysema, bronchiectasis, cor pulmonale and other severe complications.

Chronic bronchitis: definition, mechanism of development and prevalence

The bronchi conduct air from the upper respiratory tract to the pulmonary alveoli. Their walls contain glands that secrete mucus, muscle cells that can contract and narrow the lumen of the bronchi, and connective tissue. The surface of the bronchi is lined with epithelium, which cleans it and removes mucus with particles of dust and other contaminants. This process is carried out using microscopic oscillating cilia.

Development of cough with bronchitis

Factors that cause chronic bronchitis damage the ciliated epithelium of large and medium bronchi. His cells begin to break down. In response, the body’s defense reactions develop:

  • inflammation, necessary for the delivery of immune cells to the lesion, cleansing it and restoring the integrity of the bronchial wall;
  • excessive production of mucus by the bronchial glands to remove products of the inflammatory reaction;
  • , caused by constant irritation of sensitive nerve endings in the wall of the bronchi and necessary for removing the resulting mucus (phlegm).

Long-term inflammation causes depletion of defenses, a deficiency of macrophage cells that absorb dirt and microorganisms occurs, and the cough reflex weakens. The local production of immunoglobulins A and G is inhibited, which is accompanied by mucociliary insufficiency (impaired functioning of the epithelial cilia). Pathogenic microorganisms, for example, pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, and moraxella, multiply on the surface of the bronchi.

The damaged wall of the bronchi is replaced by connective tissue and thickens, which leads to a narrowing of their lumen (bronchial obstruction). Disruption of normal air flow leads to the appearance of emphysema. Damage to all layers of the bronchial wall is accompanied by their local expansion and the formation of bronchiectasis - “sacs” in which purulent sputum stagnates.

The blood supply to the alveoli is disrupted. To ensure normal oxygen levels in the blood, the pressure in the pulmonary vessels increases, and pulmonary hypertension develops. The right parts of the heart gradually cease to cope with the increased load, and their contractility decreases. Cor pulmonale is formed, accompanied by impaired pumping function and blood stagnation. Symptoms such as swelling, enlarged liver, and dilation of large veins appear.

Violation of oxygen supply to the alveoli causes.

Initially, the disease is not accompanied by obstruction. This is a simple form of the disease. Depending on the nature of the inflammation and the sputum produced, it can be catarrhal (the mildest) or mucopurulent. With the advent of bronchial obstruction, it develops, which refers to. This group also includes chronic bronchitis with an asthmatic component or broncho-obstructive syndrome.

At the stage of simple inflammation (catarrhal chronic bronchitis), the course of the disease is reversible, that is, a cure is possible. If obstruction has formed and a persistent infection has occurred (mucopurulent bronchitis), recovery is no longer possible, and treatment is aimed only at eliminating the symptoms of the pathology and preventing complications.

The main sign that allows you to identify the disease is a cough with sputum. This symptom should bother the patient on most days of one month for at least 3 months a year for two or more years. The disease occurs with alternating exacerbations and remissions, when the patient feels better. When episodes of paroxysmal cough appear at least three times during the year, we can talk about the transformation of simple chronic bronchitis into COPD.

When the process worsens, when the cough intensifies, the patient releases pathogenic microorganisms into the external environment. They usually do not harm others with healthy immune systems. Chronic bronchitis itself is not contagious, it is not transmitted by sharing utensils, kissing, etc., but it is still dangerous for children, the weak and elderly people around the patient.

Every year, about 400 people out of 100 thousand adults get sick. Most often affected are middle-aged and older men, who usually experience “smoker's bronchitis.”

Causes of chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is a non-infectious disease. He is called:

  • smoking;
  • contact with occupational hazards: dust, hydrocarbon combustion products, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur oxides, ozone;
  • pollution of the surrounding air with harmful gases and dust;
  • frequent colds.

Risk factors for the development of chronic bronchial inflammation:

  • disadvantaged social status, poverty;
  • elderly age;
  • poor nutrition, lack of proteins, vitamins;
  • alcoholism.

Symptoms of bronchitis in adults

The main symptom of simple chronic bronchitis is cough. It appears in the morning and is accompanied by coughing up a small amount of light, yellow or greenish sputum. This condition can persist for years. Chest pain is not typical for chronic bronchitis.

With the development of obstructive bronchial lesions, the following signs of bronchitis appear in adults:

  • constant cough with thick sputum, worse in cold weather;
  • shortness of breath, limiting physical activity (first when climbing stairs, then when fast, and subsequently when walking normally and even with minimal household activity);
  • cyanosis of the skin, lips, swelling of the legs;
  • headache;
  • prolongation of exhalation, during which wheezing may be heard.

If too much sputum is produced, there is a high probability of infection of the lower respiratory tract and the development of symptoms.

How does chronic bronchitis manifest itself during examination: when listening, the doctor detects hard breathing, numerous dry wheezing, and in the lower sections, wet wheezing may appear, disappearing after clearing the throat.

Symptoms that require immediate medical consultation:

  • duration of cough more than 3 weeks;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • fever above 38˚C;
  • shortness of breath or suffocation;
  • when breathing or coughing.

Complications of chronic bronchitis develop gradually, with a long course of the disease, but lead to adverse consequences:

  • emphysema;
  • atelectasis (areas of collapsed dense tissue in the lungs);
  • pneumosclerosis (proliferation of connective tissue replacing normal lung cells);
  • expiratory tracheal stenosis (collapse of its walls during exhalation with the development of paroxysmal barking cough);
  • respiratory failure;
  • chronic pulmonary heart disease, heart failure.

Chronic bronchitis: diagnosis

If cough occurs regularly, you should consult a physician. In a clinic setting, the following studies are usually prescribed:

  • clinical blood test;
  • to exclude pneumonia;
  • consultation with an ENT doctor for pathologies of the throat, nose or hearing organ.

With a purulent form or bronchiectasis, the patient may be hospitalized. The hospital provides diagnostic and treatment services. When chronic pulmonary heart disease develops, it is necessary to perform echocardiography, and in case of severe respiratory failure, determination of the blood gas composition.

An examination is necessary to distinguish chronic bronchitis from other diseases, such as:

  • bronchiectasis;

How to distinguish chronic bronchitis from asthma:

  • with bronchitis, the cough is constant or in the morning; with asthma, it occurs upon contact with an allergen;
  • asthma is a disease of young people, bronchitis occurs with prolonged smoking;
  • When studying FVD in asthma, the indicators are usually normal; in chronic bronchitis, bronchial patency is always impaired, and the FEV1 indicator is reduced.

There are other differences, but these are the simplest differentiators.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis

Therapy for simple chronic inflammation of the bronchi is carried out on an outpatient basis. Smoking cessation plays a critical role in treatment. Quitting this bad habit can lead to a reduction in symptoms or recovery even without treatment.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude other causes of the disease - dust, contact with harmful gases, and so on.

It is recommended to drink more fluid. It is useful to eat more lemons, honey, almonds, garlic, and also use bay leaves for cooking. To improve sputum discharge, you can use semi-alcohol compresses on the interscapular area, but only at normal temperature.

The diet for chronic bronchitis is normal; table No. 10, enriched with protein and fermented milk products, is recommended.

You can read about the symptoms and treatment of acute bronchitis.

Drug treatment of bronchitis in adults: drugs

You can read about the use of nebulizers and other inhalers for chronic bronchitis.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis

If it develops, it is carried out according to generally accepted schemes. Bronchodilator drugs used:

  • M-anticholinergics (ipratropium bromide);
  • beta-agonists (fenoterol).

Theophylline preparations (Theotard) may be prescribed, but they do not play a leading role in treatment.


Surgery is possible if complications develop. For example, with bullous disease, the affected areas are removed. If symptoms of severe respiratory failure occur, indications for long-term oxygen therapy or lung transplantation arise.


To improve the health of patients with chronic bronchitis, methods of physiotherapy, breathing exercises, and physical therapy are used.

Physiotherapy for chronic bronchitis: UHF currents, microwaves, inductothermy, electrophoresis of calcium chloride, heparin, potassium iodide, aminophylline are used. During the period of remission, mud treatments, pine baths, stays at sea resorts, and visits to special salt caves are recommended.

In case of exacerbation, inhalation of mucolytic drugs and drugs, for example, salbutamol and lazolvan, is used in treatment. They can be carried out using. A general practitioner should prescribe medications and determine the dosage.

In chronic bronchitis, large and medium-sized bronchi are affected, so regular steam inhalations with soda or alkaline mineral water will also be effective. They can be done twice a day for 5 – 7 days.

Among the methods of physical therapy for patients with simple chronic bronchitis, Nordic walking is best suited. In addition, swimming and yoga are beneficial for them. Classes should be held at least three times a week for half an hour. For purulent bronchitis, exercises that improve bronchial drainage and vibration massage of the chest are indicated.

A few simple exercise therapy exercises for the treatment of chronic bronchitis at home:

  • body turns with arms spread to the sides;
  • tilting the body forward while sitting on a chair;
  • circular rotations with arms bent at the elbows;
  • tilting the head forward as you exhale, while inhaling – straightening the chest;
  • various turns and bends with a gymnastic stick held with outstretched arms;
  • breathing with inhalation through the nose and slow exhalation through half-closed lips.

This set of exercises for bronchitis can be repeated daily 1 – 2 times a day.

Gymnastics for bronchitis (video)

Prognosis and prevention

Simple (non-obstructive) chronic bronchitis has a relatively favorable prognosis. It rarely causes severe complications. They develop after a long course of the disease. Quitting smoking significantly increases the likelihood of restoration of damaged bronchial mucosa. Half of former smokers stop coughing within a month.

The prognosis for obstructive bronchitis depends on the degree of bronchial obstruction and its reversibility. If, under the influence of drugs that dilate the bronchi, their lumen increases, the likelihood of severe complications is low, especially with constant treatment. If lung function is significantly and/or irreversibly impaired, the prognosis is poor. Why is chronic bronchitis dangerous: the disease leads to disability, severe pulmonary heart failure and death.

Measures to prevent chronic bronchitis:

  • to give up smoking;
  • respiratory protection during contact with occupational hazards;
  • strengthening the immune system, if necessary, surgical treatment of sinusitis, tonsillitis and other foci of chronic infection;
  • regular preventive examinations of persons of certain professions with a mandatory study of respiratory function for early detection of impaired bronchial obstruction;
  • annual flu vaccination.

Medicinal herbs and folk remedies for chronic bronchitis
