What is a reserve? Nature reserves are state-protected areas of pristine nature.

in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Specially Protected Natural Territories” dated March 14, 1995 No. 33-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2001 No. 196-FZ) state natural laws. (GPZ) belong to specially protected natural areas and are environmental, research and environmental educational institutions. Z. - objects of national heritage. GPZs protect natural areas in order to preserve biological diversity and maintain protected natural complexes and objects in their natural state; organize and conduct scientific research, including maintaining the Chronicle of Nature; carry out environmental monitoring within the framework of the national environmental monitoring system; participate in the state environmental assessment of projects and layouts for economic and other facilities; engaged in environmental awareness and education. GPZs, which are part of the international system of biosphere reserves that carry out global environmental monitoring, receive the status of state natural biosphere reserves. The territories of the GPZ belong to specially protected natural areas of federal significance, therefore, GPZ are established by resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, subject to the consent of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to classify these territories as federal property. Natural resources and real estate of the GPP are completely withdrawn from circulation (they cannot be alienated or transferred from one person to another by other means). Confiscation or other termination of rights to land plots and other natural resources that are included in the State Natural Resources Zone is prohibited. On the territory of the GPP, any activity that contradicts its objectives and the special protection regime for its territory established in the regulations on this GPP is prohibited. The introduction of living organisms for the purpose of their acclimatization is prohibited. In areas of land and water adjacent to the GPP territories, protective zones with a limited regime of environmental management are created. Stay on the territory of the State Natural Reserve by citizens who are not employees of these reserves, or by officials who are not employees of the bodies in charge of these reserves, is allowed only with permission from these bodies or the directorates of the State Natural Reserve. GPPs are legal entities that do not have profit as the goal of their activities (i.e., they are non-profit organizations) and are created in the form of an environmental institution financed from the federal budget.


All lands, mineral resources, waters, forests in our country are declared by law to be the property of the whole people and are under state protection.

In connection with the development of technological progress, the increased human impact on the environment, which often leads to disruption of ecological balance, the need for special, careful protection of certain corners of “wild” nature, habitats of animal and plant species that are on the verge of extinction, has sharply increased. entire natural complexes, water sources, individual unique natural monuments, which are valued as great national wealth.

The forms of protection are varied, each of them is selected based on specific objectives. But there is one goal - to more reliably protect this or that natural complex from possible destruction, to preserve it.

If the state declares a certain area a protected area and stops cutting down forests and plowing the land, it is not at all because this natural area is not of particular importance for the national economy. This means that the protected area plays a huge role as a reserve of clean air and water, as a habitat for the most valuable species of animals or plants. This means that in the future, perhaps, its value will be so great that it cannot be repaid by any other wealth.

A reserve is the most important form of special, complex protection of natural areas. That is why each of us must correctly understand the prohibitions scientifically developed by environmentalists for protected areas.

What is a reserve

A reserve is a section of territory or water area that is forever withdrawn from economic use, where all natural components and their natural combinations - natural complexes - are preserved in the most complete natural state possible.

Nature reserves are created in different landscape zones in order to study the greatest possible diversity of ecological systems and at the same time preserve the entire wealth of species as invaluable carriers of the gene pool on our planet.

Only thanks to the reserves it was possible to preserve many rare species of animals, such as bison, goral, kulan, Bukhara deer, tiger and a number of other endangered animals, and among plants - Pitsunda and Eldar pine, yew, boxwood, lotus, etc. The reserves made it possible to restore already extinct game animals to commercial numbers: sable, river beaver.

Protective zones are created around reserves, which seem to restrain the onslaught of economic activity on the protected area itself. On the lands of the reserve, any construction not related to the activities of the reserve itself, geological exploration and other survey work, deforestation, hunting, fishing, tourism, picking mushrooms and berries, grazing livestock, and plowing fields are prohibited. You can enter the protected area only with written permission from the reserve administration and only to those areas that are indicated in the permit. Excursions and observations of animals or plants of the reserves are also possible only with the consent of the administration. School or student practice, scientific work on the territory of the reserve is permitted only if trainees or specialists participate in research according to a work plan approved by the scientific council of the reserve and the department to which the reserve is subordinate.

The position of the reserves is determined by the “Fundamentals of Land Legislation” of our country, which, in particular, states: “... the lands of reserves are recognized as plots of land allocated in the established manner, within which there are natural objects of special scientific or cultural value (typical or rare landscapes, communities plant or animal organisms, rare geological formations, species of plants, animals, etc.). any activity that violates the natural complexes of reserves or threatens the preservation of natural objects of special scientific or cultural value is prohibited both on the territory of the reserve and within the protective zones established around the reserves.”

To this definition we can add that protected areas represent a completely special state fund; they are forever withdrawn from practical economic use. Reserved lands do not belong to a forestry, state farm, or industrial enterprise, but are transferred to another owner - the reserve. A clear boundary of the protected area is established, where exclusively scientific environmental protection activities are carried out. No interference, no economic use - it preserves the beauty of the earth, a pristine corner of nature.

Creating a state reserve is a difficult matter. There are a lot of proposals to reserve certain areas of nature that are of undoubted value as standards of nature. But desire alone is not enough. In order for a certain area to become a truly protected area, it must first be examined by environmental scientists; then the employees of the design and survey expedition draw up a detailed project of the future reserve, submit it for approval by local authorities, submit it for establishment to the Council of Ministers of the Union Republic and, finally, when a special resolution of the Council of Ministers is adopted and agreed upon with the State Planning Committee of the country, the reserve becomes a real state institution . He receives land under his control, invites scientists, foresters and other security workers to work and begins to operate.


a protected natural area (water area), where it is preserved in its natural state. the state of the entire natural complex - landscapes typical or rare for a given zone, rare and valuable species of animals and plants, etc. Ch. task 3. - preservation and restoration of standard natural ecosystems, as well as the gene pool of organisms characteristic of a given region. In the USSR ter. 3. forever removed from households. use; 3. All hunting, catching animals, grazing livestock, cutting down trees, collecting various kinds of food is prohibited. plants, haymaking, etc. The first 3. Russia were Lagodekhi and Moritssala (1912), Kedrovaya Pad and Barguzinsky (1916) and certain others. In the USSR, the foundation of the conservation business was laid by the decrees “On the Land” (1917), “On Forests” (1918), “On the protection of natural monuments, gardens and parks” (1921). In 1919, with the approval of V.I. Lenin, the Astrakhan Nature Reserve was organized, and in 1920 Lenin signed a decree establishing the Ilmensky Nature Reserve. Thanks to the commandment, many have been preserved. species of rare animals, including bison, kulan, goral, Ussuri tiger, muskrat, eider, etc., the number of sable, beaver, and several others has been restored to commercial levels. species of deer; 3. cedar forests of Siberia and the Far East, beech forests of the Caucasus, walnut forests and pistachio groves of Turkmenistan, areas of virgin steppes, and many others are preserved. foamy fruit, medicines, and technical. plants - aralia, yew, velvet tree, ginseng, etc. 3. - n.-i. nature conservation institutions. They conduct long-term stationary research under the “Chronicle of Nature” program, identifying relationships between departments. elements of the natural complex, the ecology of many is studied. species of plants and animals, most 3. have nature museums. Many 3. participate in the implementation of international. programs within the framework of CMEA, UNESCO and in bilateral agreements with a number of countries on nature conservation topics. In the USSR (1985) there are 150 nature reserves (including 13 national parks and one sea park 3.) total area. OK. 16 million hectares; 17 of them received the status of a biosphere reserve. The national (natural and nature) parks and reserves that are widespread abroad are only partly similar in their regime to the USSR, since tourism and recreation of the population are widely practiced in them.

.(Source: “Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary.” Editor-in-chief M. S. Gilyarov; Editorial Board: A. A. Babaev, G. G. Vinberg, G. A. Zavarzin and others - 2nd ed., corrected - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1986.)


Territory (water area) completely withdrawn from economic use in order to preserve natural communities intact; protected by law. Hunting, fishing, grazing, mushroom picking, logging, etc. are prohibited on the territory of the reserve; The construction of facilities not related to the activities of the reserve is also prohibited. The reserves conduct research work related to the study of the flora and fauna of a given territory, the protection of rare species, observation of natural processes, etc. There are 100 reserves in Russia with a total area of ​​St. 30 thousand hectares, incl. biosphere reserves.

.(Source: “Biology. Modern illustrated encyclopedia.” Chief editor A. P. Gorkin; M.: Rosman, 2006.)


See what "RESERVE" is in other dictionaries:

    A plot of land or water space within which the entire natural complex is completely and forever withdrawn from economic use and is under state protection. A reserve is also called a scientific research institution... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    RESERVE- natural complexes not changed or little changed by man, which are forever excluded from economic use (including visits by people) for the sake of preserving intact the standards of nature, eating representatives of animals and... ... Ecological dictionary

    Wildlife sanctuary, safari, nature reserve, reserve Dictionary of Russian synonyms. reserve noun, number of synonyms: 11 divine forest (2) ... Synonym dictionary

    RESERVE- STATE NATURE RESERVE… Legal encyclopedia

    RESERVE, an area, sometimes including inland waters and river deltas, set aside for the study and protection of wildlife, the natural environment, or geological features of the landscape. There are several hundred nature reserves in the UK... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    RESERVE, reserve, husband. (official). Protected area, i.e. under special protection, prohibited (in order to preserve rare breeds of plants, animals, etc.). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    RESERVE, huh, husband. A protected place where rare and valuable plants, animals, unique areas of nature, and cultural values ​​are protected and preserved. State forestry Bobrovy z. Pushkinsky z. Museum h. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - “RESERVE”, Russia, THEATER IM. MOSSOVETA/CULTURE, 1999, color, 122 min. Teleplay. Based on the work of Sergei Dovlatov. Recorded and edited performance of the Theater named after. Mossovet, which began to stage M. Sonnenstrahl, and after it... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    reserve- RESERVE, a, m. Shutl. about which l. a place (institution) where there are a lot of conservative-minded people (usually about old Bolsheviks, communists), for example, about sanatoriums ... Dictionary of Russian argot

    reserve- A protected area or water area in which the entire natural or historical-architectural complex is maintained in its natural state and scientific research is conducted [Terminological dictionary of construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy... ... Technical Translator's Guide

Protected places: forests, rivers and mountains - these words have probably been heard by each of us. Nature reserves are areas of land or water where nature (plants, animals, environment) is preserved in its original form, untouched by humans. Read about how they differ from and what they are like in this article.

What is a reserve: definition

In explanatory dictionaries, the term “reserve” is defined as a part of land or water on which plants, cultural and architectural monuments are protected and preserved intact. This site is forever withdrawn from any use related to economic activity and is completely under state protection. It prohibits violating the integrity and microclimate of natural resources recorded at the time of creation of the territory. Only research activities that do not harm the land are permitted.

Scientific organizations

Reserves are also institutions of a scientific research nature, to which the above territories are assigned. They analyze the state of natural resources, monitor the migration and lifestyle of animals, and in every possible way contribute to the expansion of their populations. Any commercial activity is prohibited here, and budget money, as well as all kinds of grants, are used to maintain such institutions.

A little history

Interestingly, the first “documented” reserve appeared before our era, in Sri Lanka. And the Prophet Muhammad, protecting any form of life, declared green areas as nature reserves (for example, in Medina - an area of ​​up to 20 square kilometers). During the Middle Ages in European countries, kings and nobles took care of their hunting grounds. For these purposes, areas were specially designated where hunting was prohibited. Violations of the ban were severely punished. All these measures were aimed at the reproduction of game (with a view to further successful hunting), so these areas of land can only be called nature reserves conditionally.

In Rus' and in Russia

One of the first pieces of evidence dates us back to the era of In Ancient Rus', reserves were “menageries”, where princes “caught” all kinds of animals living in thickets and ravines (for example, the Sokoliy Rog tract). The lands were guarded and protected in every possible way from the encroachments of commoners. Violations of the regime were punished with all severity! At the same time, in the eleventh century, the very concept of “reserve” arose, documented in “Russkaya Pravda”.

Throughout Siberia, from time immemorial, every nationality living there had territories where all hunting of animals and birds was prohibited. Holy places and sacred groves arose as a practical manifestation of the cult of Mother Nature, which was quite widespread among the inhabitants of the North. Inviolability was strictly observed; those who encroached on the integrity of the environment were subjected to ritual punishments and even expulsion from the tribe! In fact, these were the first reserves.

Nature reserves are one of the prerogatives of Peter the Great. Most often, decrees, of course, concerned the preservation of forests as shipbuilding and construction raw materials, an attempt to protect them from mismanagement and haphazard cutting down of trees by peasants.

In the 19th century (1888), the Forest Charter was promulgated, defining the rules for the protection of forests and lands. At the same time, state reserves began to appear.

After the revolution, close attention was also paid to the protection of nature reserves. A special decree was signed (1921) regulating these issues.

Now, as of 2014, there are more than a hundred state-protected areas in Russia, including the famous nature reserves and sanctuaries: Baikal, Sakhalin, Altai, and many others.


Reserve- a term used in three closely related meanings:

  1. A specially protected territory or water area, completely or partially excluded from economic use for the purpose of preserving natural complexes, protecting animal and plant species, as well as monitoring natural processes;
  2. According to the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories”, state natural reserve- one of the categories of specially protected natural areas of exclusively federal significance, completely withdrawn from economic use in order to preserve natural processes and phenomena, rare and unique natural systems, plant and animal species;
  3. A federal state institution of the same name to the corresponding reserve, which aims to preserve and study the natural course of natural processes and phenomena, the genetic fund of flora and fauna, individual species and communities of plants and animals, typical and unique ecological systems on the territory transferred to it for permanent (perpetual) use or water area within the boundaries of the reserve.


It is generally accepted that the first law on environmental protection and wildlife protection was passed in Sri Lanka in the 3rd century BC. e. And then, in the town of Mihintale, the world's first nature reserve was founded by King Devanampiyatissa.

The first mention of the conservation status of the territory now known as Ishkel National Park dates back to the 13th century, when the Hafsid dynasty, then ruling the Arab Caliphate, banned hunting in the vicinity of the lake.

The first official state reserve in Russia was the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve in northeastern Transbaikalia. By the beginning of 1998, there were 97 nature reserves in Russia. Including giant reserves (area > 1 million hectares): Bolshoi Arctic, Komandorsky, Putoransky, Ust-Lensky, Taimyrsky, Kronotsky.



In accordance with the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories”, state natural reserves are environmental, research and environmental educational institutions aimed at preserving and studying the natural course of natural processes and phenomena, the genetic fund of flora and fauna, individual species and communities plants and animals, typical and unique ecological systems.



  • Specially protected natural areas of the Russian Federation

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See what “Reserve” is in other dictionaries:

    A plot of land or water space within which the entire natural complex is completely and forever withdrawn from economic use and is under state protection. A reserve is also called a scientific research institution... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A protected natural area (water area), where the swarm is preserved in nature. the state of the entire natural complex, typical or rare landscapes for a given zone, rare and valuable species of animals and plants, etc. Ch. task 3. preservation and restoration... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    RESERVE- natural complexes not changed or little changed by man, which are forever excluded from economic use (including visits by people) for the sake of preserving intact the standards of nature, eating representatives of animals and... ... Ecological dictionary

    Wildlife sanctuary, safari, nature reserve, reserve Dictionary of Russian synonyms. reserve noun, number of synonyms: 11 divine forest (2) ... Synonym dictionary

    RESERVE- STATE NATURE RESERVE… Legal encyclopedia

    RESERVE, an area, sometimes including inland waters and river deltas, set aside for the study and protection of wildlife, the natural environment, or geological features of the landscape. There are several hundred nature reserves in the UK... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    RESERVE, reserve, husband. (official). Protected area, i.e. under special protection, prohibited (in order to preserve rare breeds of plants, animals, etc.). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    RESERVE, huh, husband. A protected place where rare and valuable plants, animals, unique areas of nature, and cultural values ​​are protected and preserved. State forestry Bobrovy z. Pushkinsky z. Museum h. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - “RESERVE”, Russia, THEATER IM. MOSSOVETA/CULTURE, 1999, color, 122 min. Teleplay. Based on the work of Sergei Dovlatov. Recorded and edited performance of the Theater named after. Mossovet, which began to stage M. Sonnenstrahl, and after it... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    reserve- RESERVE, a, m. Shutl. about which l. a place (institution) where there are a lot of conservative-minded people (usually about old Bolsheviks, communists), for example, about sanatoriums ... Dictionary of Russian argot
