Why do you need a product quality certificate? How to obtain a quality certificate for products and goods

A certificate of conformity, a quality certificate, a customs certificate, a safety certificate are one and the same document.

It certifies that the product (or product) meets all quality and safety requirements.

Also, this document certifies that the product meets the current standards and rules specific to this product.

Quality certificates are issued by certification bodies authorized and accredited by the State Standard of Russia. Such a document is not needed for goods that are exported from Russia to foreign countries. In the process of exporting Russian products to the CIS countries, it is necessary to take into account the validity of the issued document (in accordance with all previously concluded interstate agreements).

Spreads on following countries: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia. All states that are part of the CIS require that all imported products comply strictly with Gosstandart standards. For example, Ukraine issues its own document, and all other countries only limit themselves to confirming documents issued in Russia.

A quality confirmation document is required for goods imported from abroad and for those produced in Russia, if they are subject to the mandatory certification procedure. According to the decree of the State Customs Committee of Russia dated October 1, 2000, imported products imported into the territory of Russia must have a certificate in accordance with established standards.

There are some types of goods for which a compliance document is not necessary. But if the imported goods are not subject to mandatory inspection, then the importing company must have a waiver letter available, which confirms that there is no need to carry out the procedure.

In general, the presence of a certificate greatly increases the competitiveness of products on the market, since it confirms not only the quality of all products manufactured by the enterprise, but also all the raw materials that were used in its manufacture.

The presence of this document at the enterprise helps to sell its products and increase the competitiveness of the manufactured product. Product distribution companies are more willing to cooperate with such organizations, since they are more loyal to certified products.

Types of certification by law

The certificate is an official document that stores information about the product. The document is issued by authorized state bodies.

IN this process present important point. If a product is not subject to compulsory inspection, and the manufacturer wants to undergo it, then he is issued a refusal letter of decision, which confirms that the product is not subject to or does not need it. The manufacturer receives the document in order to increase demand among consumers for their product.

Certification for product conformity can be divided into two types:

– voluntary;

– mandatory.

First type. It is carried out if the state does not provide for strict compliance with the requirements for all existing standards. This type can only be carried out by at will manufacturer (or seller). Typically, this procedure is carried out solely to increase demand, because the voluntary procedure only serves as a targeted belief that the product is completely safe for consumption.

Voluntary does not replace mandatory certification required by law. The list of all permits remains the same.

The only difference when undergoing voluntary certification is that you must also have a refusal letter on hand.

The second type is mandatory certification. The categories of goods that must undergo this procedure are established and prescribed in the current legislation. One of these categories is products. Since these products are perishable and intended for food, certification is essential.

In accordance with all current regulatory documents, the following are determined:

– product characteristics;

– product parameters that are subject to this procedure without fail.

For example, one of the requirements for the product itself is its complete safety for both humans and the entire environment.

The ratio of products subject to certification in other countries is different indicators. Below is a table with data in some developed countries:

Certification Law

Certification is regulated by a special Law of the Russian Federation dated June 10, 1993 - No. 5151- “On Certification of Products and Services” as amended on December 27, 1995, March 2 and July 31, 1998, July 25. 2002

The law defines:

Basics of product and service testing;

Responsibility of the parties;

– rights and obligations of all participants in the process.

According to this law, there is an appropriate body that carries out this procedure - this is the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (the so-called Gosstandart of Russia). This law also establishes the basic activities of Gosstandart.

The law guarantees:

– creating conditions for organizations to operate on the country’s single commodity market;

– control of product safety for humans;

– confirmation of the quality indicators of goods that were initially declared by the manufacturer.

Participants in the mandatory certification process are:

Authorized body executive power depending on the type of product;

Directly the certification body;

Testing laboratory for carrying out ;

Manufacturers (sellers) of products, providers of services.

Obtaining a certificate

The procedure for obtaining this document in the Russian Federation consists of the following steps:

  1. The enterprise submits a written application to the authorized body with a request to issue a quality certificate. The authority to which the application must be submitted is determined locally and depends on the type of product or service. Documents must be attached to the application. Often a decision is made based on the application.
  2. If it is necessary to determine the characteristics of a product, special laboratory tests are carried out.
  3. The applicant is issued a document of conformity and given the right to label their products with a special sign. Products that have passed the inspection procedure are entered into the register of the body conducting the inspection. If a negative decision is made, a special reasoned refusal to issue a certificate of quality of goods or services is issued in writing.

The quality certificate is common name any permit document certifying product quality compliance with a certain standard. A quality certificate is issued by specialized authorized organizations. Currently, a quality certificate occupies an important place in the system of economic commodity circulation and without it it is virtually impossible to successfully sell products on the foreign and domestic markets.

Our specialists will help you quickly obtain a quality certificate. You provide a minimum package of documents and we begin work without prepayment. Over 7 years, we prepared 14,000 documents for 3,500 companies in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

There is mandatory and voluntary certification. To obtain a mandatory quality certificate, selection of a certain type of product is required. With a voluntary order, the products are not included in the list established by state legislation, which forces them to be registered. The mandatory certification system takes into account products whose use or consumption may affect the safety of customers. There are also quality certificates in other systems:

The quality certificate indicates the applicant and manufacturer of the product, information about the product, regulatory documents to which the product corresponds, information about the authority that issued the document. A quality certificate is issued for a period of one to five calendar years

Certification and Declaration according to CU and RF standards

To ensure a unified regulatory framework that defines the criteria for the quality and safety of goods offered for sale and use in the countries of the Eurasian economic union, the Technical Regulations (TR) are provided. This is a uniform document for all, which specifies the requirements for products manufactured and used in various industries. It was compiled on the basis of standards that previously existed in the states of the Customs Union, as well as taking into account modern international standards.

Currently, there are several specialized technical regulations in force that define safety standards for certain groups of products. Some of them, the safety and quality of which are the most demanding strict requirements, are listed in a separate list. Products included in it must be necessarily checked by bodies that have appropriate accreditation within the Customs Union. The supporting document is the CU TR certificate of conformity, which is issued on a special numbered form. In addition, the applicant’s products are entered into a single electronic register(available for review on the Internet) and receives the right to be marked with a special EAC mark.

The organization issuing such a document assumes full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in it. At the same time, the body providing the certification service has the right to periodically monitor the quality of products and technological lines of the applicant enterprise for compliance with TR standards.

To simplify the trade turnover of certain types of goods (defined by a separate list of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union), a quality declaration procedure is provided. It is carried out, just like certification, by a specialized body, but in in this case they do not carry out subsequent control by the manufacturer. Accordingly, only the applicant is responsible for the information provided in the TR Declaration of Conformity. This document is printed in the prescribed form (without a form) and also gives the right to use the EAC mark.

A similar procedure applies when registering Quality Certificate(mandatory and voluntary) and Declaration of Conformity state standards, valid exclusively on the territory of the Russian Federation (GOST R).

Caring for consumer health

Particular attention of inspection authorities is always paid to goods that can cause negative impact on the life and health of the consumer:

  • Products for children;
  • personal hygiene and household chemicals;

– are subject to mandatory registration with Rospotrebnadzor.

However, registration alone is not enough for these goods to enter the market. The manufacturer must obtain an expert opinion from Rospotrebnadzor, indicating that the product meets sanitary, hygienic and epidemiological requirements. On the territory of the Customs Union there is a unified list of types (adopted in the Russian Federation) of products that require examination. It can only be ordered at specialized organizations who have the appropriate equipment and the right to provide this type of service.

Fire safety measures

Fire safety is one of the basic conditions for the operation of any enterprise, institution or organization. In addition to the requirements for organizational measures, there are also quality criteria regarding the products, equipment or materials used:

  • Increased reliability and reliability are required from means used to extinguish and prevent fires;
  • Various electrical devices and materials can be a source of fire hazard, therefore the quality of insulation, compliance with the declared parameters (cross-section, resistance), operating conditions of protective circuit breakers, as well as temperature indicators operation of equipment under load;
  • engineering structures used in buildings and located in places of movement during evacuation (doors, windows, hatches, elevators, flights of stairs). Ventilation systems and communication ducts also fall into this category. All these elements are especially responsible and in emergency situation must perform their functions;
  • To effectively extinguish and quickly localize a possible fire, the use of special construction and finishing materials. They should not support combustion, nor be a source of toxic substances and smoke when exposed to temperature. This primarily applies to wooden structures, products made of resins (bitumen), rubber (sealants) and synthetic materials;
  • All products belonging to the above categories are included in a special list approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 241 and are subject to mandatory certification. This procedure has the right to carry out only accredited bodies that, based on the successful results of the audit ( laboratory research and work with technical documentation) are provided on a special form Certificate fire safety.

In addition to the certificate, individual species products require a Fire Safety Declaration, which is submitted and registered in accordance with Order No. 91 of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2009. It is drawn up in the same place as quality certificate, but the applicant is responsible for the information provided in the form.

ISO system – additional quality guarantee

It is worth adding that in order to obtain certificates for compliance with Russian Federation or Customs Union standards, the enterprise may need to have effective system quality management (QMS). This is a kind of guarantee that the manufacturer pays attention to Special attention control of all parameters technological process, is working on its improvement, using modern equipment maintained by qualified personnel. The requirements for the QMS are specified in the new international standard ISO 9001, which served as the basis for the similar GOST R. Obtaining quality certificate ISO not only gives the right to use the corresponding mark, but also allows the consumer, inspection institutions and accredited bodies providing certification and declaration services to obtain additional evidence of the high quality of a particular product.

When and who may need a quality certificate?

A quality certificate is needed in cases where the product is on the established list of products that are subject to mandatory certification. This document gives the right to further mass production of goods and sale of finished products, both in Russia and abroad. It is illegal to sell goods subject to certification without the appropriate documents.

You can voluntarily certify your goods if they are not included in the list. This procedure allows you to increase the competitiveness and profitability of production. You will be able to sell your goods through large retail chains, take part in government orders and tenders, as well as international exhibitions and competitions.

How to get a quality certificate

  1. Contact the certification center with an application.
  2. A certain package of documents is submitted along with the application. This is complete information about entrepreneurial activity manufacturer and information about it commercial products. This includes statistics, constituent documents, OGRN, TIN.
  3. Select goods and make full analysis production efficiency.
  4. After receiving the decision, you can proceed with the immediate procedure for obtaining the certificate and register it.

Advantages of a voluntary quality certificate

Such a document allows you to develop your business and find new major clients. After all, if the quality of your goods is documented, then you can be trusted. Obtaining a certificate takes a lot of time and money, but you can always count on a solid increase in income in the future, which is important for people who count on the success of their business activities.

In our time of fierce competition and high standards, it is unlikely that entrepreneurs will be able to promote their products with words and unsubstantiated statements alone, since the consumer market will not take products of the highest quality using advanced technologies seriously until its superiority is documented. Such evidence, confirming the quality of the actually delivered products, is a quality certificate.

Quality certificate is also called safety certificate or certificate of conformity

The concept of a quality certificate includes the presence of a number of documents issued by certification centers and confirming the declared properties and characteristics of the product, as well as the safety of its use. Certification centers are organizations accredited by Gosstandart for conducting research or testing of products, as well as issuing relevant documents upon their completion.

A quality certificate is also called a safety certificate or a certificate of conformity.

In general, a quality certificate is an official document, which in its essence is confirmation of a certain level of quality of manufactured products, its compliance with Russian quality standards, and also confirms sufficient high quality raw materials and personnel involved in the production of the final product.

The legislation of the Russian Federation defines a special list of goods, services and products, the safety and quality of which must be confirmed by a certificate. For other types of products, voluntary certificates can be issued for product compliance with the approved requirements of GOSTs, technical regulations, technical specifications, fire safety and other legal acts.

The quality certificate is issued by special organizations, laboratories, chambers of commerce, both in exporting and importing countries.

Existing types of quality certificates

The general name of a quality certificate combines several types of certificates:

  • Russian quality certificate (GOST R quality certificate) - in Russia, a quality certificate is issued in the form of a declaration of conformity or a GOST R certificate of conformity. When performing the procedure for assessing the conformity of goods or products in the GOST R system, a safety check is often carried out, and in some cases, a compliance check markings to the declared parameters and compliance with environmental requirements. Also usually in the GOST R system, product identification is mandatory, which involves testing or the use of organoleptic methods to confirm that the product (good) belongs to the declared type. A Russian quality certificate can be issued only if there are additional necessary certification documents: veterinary certificates, hygienic reports, fire certificate, etc. Subsequently, these documents are indicated in the certificate form in the form of links. A quality certificate in the GOST R system is issued for a period determined by the selected certification scheme and certification body;
  • international quality certificate (ISO 9001 certificate) - in some cases, to ensure that products comply with international standards, enterprises implement their own quality systems. To confirm this possibility, management systems are certified and an ISO quality certificate is issued, confirming the fact that the products received have a stable high quality and meet all the necessary international requirements established for it. An ISO certificate is a voluntary certificate and its receipt does not replace mandatory certification. ISO standards are recognized in many countries that have agreements with Russia in the field of recognition of certification results. Obtaining an international certificate significantly increases the market opportunities of products and is an additional advantage for companies in the competition.

Obtaining a quality certificate can be carried out on a voluntary or mandatory basis. Based on this, in addition to the types of certificates already listed, I also highlight:

  • A mandatory quality certificate is issued for those types of goods whose compliance with current regulatory requirements is a critical indicator for human life, safety and health. In this case, the provided products are examined for compliance minimum requirements. The certification body that issued this quality document is responsible for the properties and safety of products stated in the mandatory certificate.
  • A voluntary quality certificate, unlike a mandatory one, is always issued at the request and desire of the seller or manufacturer of the product. Can be issued for any product and supplement a mandatory declaration or certificate of conformity. By receiving this type of quality certificate, the applicant independently determines the standards according to which further product research will be conducted. A voluntary certificate is often used by sellers and manufacturers of goods who want to emphasize their high quality and thereby achieve greater competitiveness. Responsibility for the declared qualities of certified products in this case lies directly with its owners.

Products that are not subject to mandatory certification are allowed to be imported into Russia if there is a declaration of conformity, a waiver letter or a voluntary certificate.

Both types of quality certificates give the buyer or manufacturer the right to mark their products (or goods) with the appropriate quality mark:

  • CE mark - indicates the product’s compliance with European standards, including health protection, ecology and labor safety, as well as the manufacturer’s responsibility for non-compliance of the product with the requirements of directives. The presence of this mark on a product is prerequisite admission of goods to the European market;
  • PCT mark - used when marking certified products in the GOST R system. The main purpose of applying the PCT mark is to be able to provide visual information about the product (the certification system used and the body that carried out the procedure). This sign applied to the product, its packaging, technical documentation, special label and can be used for advertising purposes. In Russia there are several types of PCT mark: for mandatory or voluntary certification, for compliance with technical regulations and for declaring the conformity of goods. Legislative norms approve and strictly control the rules for the use and application of markings with the PCT sign.

Benefits of obtaining a quality certificate

Possession of a certain type of quality certificate gives its owners a number of undeniable advantages:

  • acts as a symbol of the manufacturer’s responsibility to consumers;
  • provides the consumer with a guarantee that the goods he purchases comply with the requirements of current standards;
  • significantly increases the degree of competitiveness of products in consumer markets, because this document confirms not only high level the quality of the final product, but also the raw materials used in the manufacturing process;
  • opens up new horizons for the enterprise in the field of product sales, since most foreign companies require this quality certificate when interacting with Russian entrepreneurs;
  • allow domestic companies to reach the international level with their products;
  • sales of goods with a certificate become more widespread, and products become more accessible to the population and consumers;
  • helps to increase the controllability and efficiency of the enterprise's business processes, trust from partners, as well as reduce production costs.

Falsification of a quality certificate falls under the provisions of the Russian Criminal Code and is severely punished, including imprisonment.

Certificate of Quality

Certificate of Quality is a document certifying product compliance with current technical regulations, standards, and hygiene standards.

A quality certificate can be understood as a variety of existing permits. In particular they are:

  • mandatory certificate of conformity
  • declaration of conformity
  • voluntary certificate of conformity
  • ISO certificate
  • certificate of state registration
  • fire certificate of conformity
  • fire declaration of conformity
  • registration certificate, etc.

If you are wondering whether the products you produce/import or the type of activity you provide services require a quality certificate, and you don’t know which way to approach the problem, then you immediately need to apply for qualified And free consultation with our specialists. We will help you online to correctly and competently classify the products you are interested in as objects of mandatory certification, give an assessment of the certification work, and inform you about the path to certification with minimal costs and time. Do not doubt! You are just one call away from solving your issues.

You can also contact us in any other way convenient for you, for example, using email or a feedback form. To quickly respond to a request, you will need:

  1. name of product (work, service);
  2. HS code;
  3. scope of application with description (for a specific group of products).

By issuing a quality certificate

By issuing a quality certificate with us, you are guaranteed to receive a legal and correct document entered in the official registers of Rospotrebnadzor or RosAccreditation (depending on the type of quality certificate).

In the case of certificates, expert opinions, state registration certificates, your document will be presented and handed to you personally on special paper with watermarks, protected from forgery. Without a twinge of conscience, you can forget about misunderstandings on the part of customs and potential buyers.

A quality certificate will allow you to avoid problems with the law, prove to the end buyer that your product is the best, inspire trust from avid distributors, and open the door to conquering new heights!

The current generation, under the influence of Americanized and Europeanized quality management systems, is increasingly choosing safe products from high-level sanitary and hygienic industries. Don't let strict criteria leave you behind. A quality certificate is precisely the document that provides answers to all questions regarding the level of safety of your products. It's no secret that customers are willing to pay more for a quality product, so why deprive your company of profits?! By registering a quality certificate now, you are investing in the development of your business in the future!

If the products you produce/import are not subject to mandatory certification, then you can issue a voluntary certificate of conformity, which is often used for marketing purposes. But sometimes, for example, when exporting products to Ukraine, upon presentation of a voluntary certificate of conformity GOST R and test reports on the basis of which it was issued, you are able to reduce certification costs by recognizing the current voluntary certificate of conformity in Russian Federation.

Thus, the quality certificate and examination carried out by us is recognized not only in the territory of our country and the customs union, but even in a number of CIS countries. The quality certificate is and will be the standard by which people are compared and which is required when selling goods and crossing the border.

By certifying products, we strive to arrange new world without fakes and life-threatening errors for human health, join us and together we will create a new era!

Companies that manufacture products inevitably face the need to undergo a certification procedure. To carry out this procedure, you must first determine which documents (certificate or declaration) are required for each specific type of product, and how they are prepared in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The fastest and most convenient way to determine the type of document required to confirm the quality of your products is to contact a certification body, where experienced specialists will help you correctly classify your products and select certification schemes that are convenient for you.

What certificate do I need to obtain for my own products?

If you decide to independently determine the type of document confirming the quality of your products, then first you should familiarize yourself with the lists of goods that are subject to mandatory certification and declaration of conformity, in accordance with the GOST R certification system. It is also worth studying the list of products that are subject to state registration or certified in accordance with technical regulations Customs Union. These lists are presented on the LSM certification portal in the “Information” section.

You can check whether your product is on the list of products that are subject to mandatory GOST R certification either by its name or by a special OKP code. If you find your products in this list, then you should issue a GOST certificate of conformity. Otherwise, you need to look at the list of goods that require mandatory declaration of compliance with GOST R.

If you do not find your product in these lists, then it may be subject to regulation by one of the Customs Union regulations. Then, in searching for your products in the lists of one or another technical regulation, the HS code classifier will help you. Today, certification of domestically produced products in the countries of the Customs Union is necessary to protect against low-quality goods and facilitate trade interactions between the CU member countries. All documents (certificates, declarations and letters of refusal) issued in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations are valid throughout the entire territory of the Customs Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan).

Procedure for obtaining documentation

The procedure for certification of domestic products is strictly regulated and the certification procedure for goods is carried out in stages. Once you have found out what document you need, you can begin filling out an application for a set of certification works. Then the application and the accompanying documents attached to it (the list of documents depends on the type of product being manufactured) are sent to the certification center. The specialists of this body determine the cost of the work and issue an invoice for payment to the customer. Only after payment of the specified amount do they begin to carry out certification tests, on the basis of which a certificate is issued (not issued).

Product certification for mass production

Manufacturers who are engaged in serial production of goods of their own production can obtain a certificate for 1-3 years. The certification procedure in this case is as follows:

  • Submitting an application and a number of accompanying documents for certification;
  • Drawing up contractual documents on certification work;
  • Preparation of a decision on the certification scheme;
  • Preliminary expert assessment of the submitted documents;
  • Certification and inspection of production;
  • Selection of samples for research;
  • Conducting research in accredited laboratories;
  • Analysis of the results obtained;
  • Making a final decision on the issuance (refusal to issue) of a certificate/declaration of conformity;
  • Registration and issuance of a certificate.

Why do you need to issue a certificate for your own products?

Conducted on legally certification of products of own production in Russia gives manufacturers a number of advantages. First of all, this is an opportunity to participate in trades, tenders, auctions, and receive tax and customs benefits. The certificate is the best confirmation that the product meets the quality standards established in Russia. It increases the competitiveness of products in the sales market and confirms the safety of use of these products by consumers.

Product quality certificate

The state requires from product manufacturers only that the characteristics of certain goods comply with safety requirements, which are determined by technical regulations, currently established by decisions of the Eurasian Economic Commission. Eg, technical requirements for gasoline and other types of fuel were approved by the decision of the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated December 25, 2012 No. 298. The specified compliance is confirmed by a certificate of conformity.

A quality certificate responds to the requirements of free market participants for product characteristics, and its issuance is voluntary, unless the parties to the contract have previously agreed that the supplier/seller must submit a quality certificate.

The procedure for determining the quality requirements for goods that are not specified in technical regulations, established in Art. 21 of the law on technical regulation. Namely: a system of requirements for the quality of goods for which the mandatory compliance of characteristics with safety requirements has not been determined is established by individual enterprises or associations of manufacturers. The requirements of international standards are taken as a basis. So, in Art. 2 of the law on technical regulation introduces the concept of an international quality standard.

Main international standard in the field of goods production is the ISO 9001 quality certificate. It defines the requirements for the production process, production management, on which the quality of the final product directly depends.

Quality Management System Certificate

For the first time, the concept of a quality management certificate (hereinafter referred to as QMS) appeared in the Russian Federation after the introduction of the Interstate Standard GOST ISO 9001-2011 “Quality Management Systems. Requirements". Based this standard By order of Rosstandart dated September 28, 2015 No. 1391-st, GOST R ISO 9001-2015 “National Standard of the Russian Federation” was approved. Quality management systems. Requirements".

According to these documents, the main principles of the QMS are:

  • customer orientation;
  • management leadership;
  • employee engagement;
  • research and correction of deficiencies in the production process;
  • a systematic approach to setting up the production process;
  • continuous process improvement;
  • making decisions based on actual phenomena;
  • mutually beneficial cooperation between all parts of the production process.

If the production process at the enterprise complies with the specified principles, then, based on the results of the audit, it is issued an ISO 9001 quality certificate. Certification in accordance with the rules of Art. 26 of the law on technical regulation and the issuance of a quality certificate is carried out by an accredited body.

The ISO 9001 quality certificate itself gives the company the following:

  • recognition of international partners;
  • increased consumer confidence;
  • increasing the competitiveness of relevant products.

Of course, with this approach, it is better for the company to have this quality certificate.

Sample ISO 9001 Quality Certificate

According to the official website International organization Standardization (International Organization for Standardization, ISO), as of 2015, there were more than 1.5 million accredited organizations in the world providing ISO 9001 certification. In particular, in the Russian Federation this figure was more than 9,000 organizations.

Each organization establishes its own sample QMS. For this reason, the authority of such an organization puts at the forefront the question of the value of the quality certificate. A sample QMS of an organization accredited in this field must comply with the requirements of the guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015, approved by Order of Rosstandart dated October 25, 2016 No. 1499-st.

The QMS itself describes the following points:

  • production process step by step;
  • standards on the basis of which certification was carried out;
  • the organization carried out the audit, its details;
  • details of the accreditation document of this organization;
  • audit results;
  • fact that the production process complies with ISO 9001 standards.

It is worth noting that the establishment of new ISO 9001:2015 standards does not detract from the importance of such QMSs as ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2011. However, in new version The QMS for the first time establishes requirements for taking into account the external impact on enterprises of legislative, sociocultural, technological and economic factors.

Thus, a quality certificate is a document indicating product compliance with accepted and generally recognized standards. This allows manufacturers to declare the competitiveness of their products and develop an image in front of consumers and counterparties.
