Philosophical quotes about the future. Aphorisms about the future

Future: A period of time when our business is going great, our friends love us, and our happiness is assured. - Ambrose Bierce

From the point of view of youth, life is an infinitely long future; from the point of view of old age - a very short past. - Arthur Schopenhauer

Anyone who doesn't believe in future life, dead to this one too. - Johann Goethe

The future, being everything, is perceived as nothing; the past, being nothing, is perceived by everything! - Charles Lamb

The future is a canvas on which the imagination embroiders according to its whim, but its drawing is never true. - Pierre Buast

The future is something that each of us is approaching at a speed of 60 minutes per hour. - Clive Lewis

The future is a carefully neutralized present.
- Arkady and Boris Strugatsky (“Ugly Swans”)

The future is the worst of all abstractions. The future never comes the way you expect it. Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that it never comes at all? If you are waiting for A, and B comes, can you say that what you were waiting for has arrived? - Boris Pasternak

There are two views on the future. One with apprehension, the other with anticipation.
- Jim Rohn

We never live in the present, we all just anticipate the future and rush it, as if it were late, or call on the past and try to bring it back, as if it had gone too soon. - Blaise Pascal

The future gives birth to hopes, the present nurtures them or buries them.
- Eduard Alexandrovich Sevrus

He who does not look forward ends up behind. - H.G. Wells

Be content with little, expect more. - Danil Alexandrovich Petrov

A person should always think about how much more property he has than he needs, and how much more unhappy he may become in the future. - Joseph Addison

The future is in the present, but the future is also in the past. We are the ones who create it. If it's bad, it's our fault. - Anatole France

The future must be embedded in the present. This is called a plan. Without it, nothing in the world can be good. - Georg Lichtenberg

The future may not become the present. The present immediately becomes the past. Only the past is the present. - Ashot Nadanyan

The future devours the present and becomes the past. - Oscar Boethius

The prophecy is an attempt to spoil the mood of both contemporaries and descendants. - Boris Krieger

If you add up a dark past with a bright future, you get a gray present. - Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Only by closing the door behind you can you open a window to the future. - Francoise Sagan

Nothing helps create the future like bold dreams. Today it’s a utopia, tomorrow it’s flesh and blood.
- Victor Hugo

The future has several names. For weak person the name of the future is impossibility. For the faint-hearted - the unknown. For the thoughtful and valiant - an ideal. The need is urgent, the task is great, the time has come. Forward to the victory! - Victor Hugo

Not everyone knows how to dance to the music of the future. - Stanislav Lec

The modern world is not destined to see the future unless we understand that instead of striving for everything extraordinary and exciting, it makes more sense to turn to what is considered boring. - Gilbert Chesterton

It's so good that tomorrow will come. - Romain Rolland

They say there is no future and it is unknown. It’s interesting to know what quotes about the future were left by various famous and not so famous people! Below you can find out how different people they spoke about this very future, quotes and aphorisms about the time that is somewhere ahead.

If you don't think about the future, you won't have one.
A. Galsworthy

The future now belongs to two types of people: the man of thought and the man of work. In essence, both of them form one whole, for to think means to work.
V. Hugo

The future is a dream that can become reality.
V. Zubkov

True generosity toward the future is about giving everything to the present.
A. Camus

The future must be embedded in the present. This is called a plan. Without it, nothing in the world can be good.
G. Lichtenberg

Past and present are our means; only the future is our goal.
B. Pascal

If a person could not imagine the future in bright and complete pictures, if a person did not know how to dream, then nothing would force him to undertake tedious constructions for the sake of this future, to wage a stubborn struggle, even to sacrifice his life.
D. Pisarev

Looking too far ahead is shortsighted.
W. Churchill

If you work for the present, your work will come out insignificant; one must work with only the future in mind.
A. Chekhov

Those who live for the future inevitably have to look like selfish people in the eyes of those who live only for the present.
R. Emerson

The future is that period of time when our affairs prosper, our friends are faithful and our happiness is guaranteed.
A. Beers

He who does not look forward ends up behind.
D. Herbert

Don't let your past dictate your future. Let the future dictate the present.
Vitor Belfort

Sayings, expressions, quotes and phrases about the future and the past:
  • I never think about the future. It comes on its own soon enough. A. Einstein
  • The future is in the present, but the future is also in the past. We are the ones who create it. If it's bad, it's our fault. A. France
  • I would not say that the future is less predictable than the past. The past was also unpredictable once - when it was still the future. D. Rumsfeld.
  • The future is a dream that can become reality. V. Zubkov
  • Humanity moves into the future with its eyes turned to the past. G. Ferrero
  • The future is a canvas on which the imagination embroiders according to its whim; but this drawing is never correct. P. Buast
  • Quote about the future - Our entire past is a desire to look into the future. L. Sukhorukov.
  • The future is huge continent, to which we have not yet arrived. V. Shklovsky
  • The smiling future is like a charming landscape: all the charm disappears when one penetrates into it. P. Buast
  • The future must be embedded in the present. This is called a plan. Without it, nothing in the world can be good. G. Lichtenberg
  • The future has several names. For a weak person, the name of the future is impossibility. For the faint-hearted - the unknown. For the thoughtful and valiant - an ideal. V. Hugo
  • The future is only a direction, not a goal.
  • He who does not look forward ends up behind. D. Herbert
  • The future is never as clear to us as the past, in turn, never has such power over us as the present has. N. Dobrolyubov
  • One has only to take a closer look at the present, and the future suddenly appears by itself. N. Gogol
  • The future belongs to the people honest work... M. Gorky
  • Past and present are our means; only the future is our goal. B. Pascal
  • The future state of a thing is already beginning to exist in the present, and opposite states are inevitable consequences of one another. A. Radishchev
    For the most part, the future is like the past. Aristotle.
  • To be wise means to see not only what is under your feet, but also to foresee the future. T. Publius.
  • The expectation of future bliss and the fear of future torment will only prevent people from thinking about becoming happy here on earth. P. Holbach
  • The barbarians, who are now thinking about war, are ready to kill the future of humanity, because it is not their future. I. Ehrenburg.
  • Do not reproach anyone for failure, because fate controls everyone, and the future is unknown.
  • Future events cast a shadow ahead of them. A. Campbell
  • Don't try to fix the past. Better make every effort not to ruin the future.
  • Think about the future, remember the past, but live in the present. I. Shevelev.
  • True generosity toward the future is about giving everything to the present. A. Camus
  • If a person could not imagine the future in bright and complete pictures, if a person did not know how to dream, then nothing would force him to undertake tedious constructions for the sake of this future, to wage a stubborn struggle, even to sacrifice his life. D. Pisarev
  • The best way to prepare for any moment in the future is to be fully aware of the present. D. Chopra.
  • If you don't think about the future, you won't have one. A. Galsworthy
  • We can only foresee the future when we understand the past. G. Plekhanov
  • If the present tries to judge the past, then it loses the future. W. Churchill
  • Youth is happy because it has a future. N. Gogol.
  • Those who live for the future inevitably have to look like selfish people in the eyes of those who live only for the present. R. Emerson
  • A dreamer often correctly determines the future, but he does not want to wait for it. He wants the future to come immediately, to be accelerated by it. What nature needs thousands of years to achieve, he wants to see perfected during his lifetime. G. Lessing
  • Looking too far ahead is shortsighted. W. Churchill
  • Any event of the past affects the future. ( Interesting quotes about the future)
  • When all else is lost, there is still a future. K. Bovey
  • Anyone who regrets parting with the past has no reason to try to look into a better, brighter future. D. Pisarev
  • The best prophet for the future is the past. D. Byron
  • And in the future they think about the past.
  • People are never satisfied with the present and, from experience, having little hope for the future, decorate the irrevocable past with all the colors of their imagination. A. Pushkin.
  • Tomorrow is an old trick that can always trick you. S. Johnson
  • Can a person say with confidence what he wants in the future if he is not able to understand what he wants now? F. La Rochefoucauld
  • If you shoot the past with a gun, the future will shoot you with a cannon. A. Gafurov
  • We prevent the future, finding it too slow, or remember the past in order to delay this future, finding it too fast. B. Pascal
  • If we look into the future, nothing in the present can be considered either great or small. Plutarch.
  • We are working hard to change our lives so that our descendants will be happy, and our descendants will say, as usual: it was better before, but the present life is worse than the previous one. A. Chekhov
  • If you work for the present, your work will come out insignificant; one must work with only the future in mind. A. Chekhov
  • We are tormented by both the future and the past. No one is unhappy just because of current reasons. Seneca.
  • My only mistake: for three quarters of my life I thought that everything was still ahead. A. Freundlich.
  • The present time is fraught with the future. G. Leibniz
  • The road to the future depends on the decisions you make today.
  • You should never brag about the future. N. Gogol.
  • Anyone who does not believe in the Hereafter is dead to this life. I. Goethe
  • I will think about what will happen tomorrow tomorrow. M. Mitchell.
  • In this world, every person is not so much a creator as his harbinger. People carry within themselves a prophecy of the future. R. Emerson
  • Putting something aside for the future - worst way squander your life: you give up the present in exchange for the promise of the future. Seneca.
  • The future worries us, but the past holds us back. This is why the present eludes us. G. Flaubert
    It's time to leave the past alone and live in the present, given that we are not given much of a future... Oleg Roy.
  • The future comes much faster if you meet it halfway. B. Krutier
  • The ability to remember the past and imagine the future is given to us only so that, guided by considerations about this or that, we can more accurately decide the actions of the present... L. Tolstoy
  • The future now belongs to two types of people: the man of thought and the man of work. In essence, both of them form one whole, for to think means to work. V. Hugo
  • Only what is too good for today is good enough for the future. M. Ebner-Eschenbach
  • The future does not belong to the faint-hearted, it belongs to the brave. We will never forget them as we saw them in last time this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and slipped out of the dark confines of the Earth to touch God's face. I. Ehrenburg.
  • He who does not foresee anything is often deceived; He who provides too much is always unhappy. J. Labruyère
  • The future is full of uncertainty, but this deceptiveness of the future is the greatest good. Thucydides.

The best prophet for the future is the past.
D. Byron

The future is that period of time when our affairs prosper, our friends are faithful and our happiness is guaranteed.
A. Beers

When all else is lost, there is still a future.
K. Bovey

The future is a canvas on which the imagination embroiders according to its whim; but this drawing is never correct.
P. Buast

The smiling future is like a charming landscape: all the charm disappears when one penetrates into it.
P. Buast

If you shoot the past with a gun, the future will shoot you with a cannon.
A. Gafurov

He who does not look forward ends up behind.
D. Herbert

Anyone who does not believe in the Hereafter is dead to this life.
I. Goethe

One has only to take a closer look at the present, and the future suddenly appears by itself.
N. Gogol

If you don't think about the future, you won't have one.
A. Galsworthy

The expectation of future bliss and the fear of future torment will only prevent people from thinking about becoming happy here on earth.
P. Holbach

The future belongs to people of honest work...
M. Gorky

The future does not spoil the taste for me,
I’m too lazy to tremble for the future;
Thinking every day about a rainy day -
That means making it black every day.
I. Guberman

The future is in the hands of the school teacher.
V. Hugo

The future now belongs to two types of people: the man of thought and the man of work. In essence, both of them form one whole, for to think means to work.
V. Hugo

The future has several names. For a weak person, the name of the future is impossibility. For the faint-hearted - the unknown. For the thoughtful and valiant - an ideal.
V. Hugo

Tomorrow is an old trick that can always trick you.
S. Johnson

The future is never as clear to us as the past, in turn, never has such power over us as the present has.
N. Dobrolyubov

The future is a dream that can become reality.
V. Zubkov

The future is desert island, to which we are sailing on the ship “Nadezhda”.
V. Zubkov

The future is always uncertain; and who knows what awaits me tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? And in the world of bourgeois independence and self-sufficiency, where everyone thinks about himself, and only about himself, where no one thinks about anyone else, where everyone around is so hellishly cruel to manage, uncertainty becomes the system of life...
I. Ilyin

True generosity toward the future is about giving everything to the present.
A. Camus

The future comes much faster if you meet it halfway.
B. Krutier

Future events cast a shadow ahead of them.
A. Campbell

He who does not foresee anything is often deceived; He who provides too much is always unhappy.
J. Labruyère

Can a person say with confidence what he wants in the future if he is not able to understand what he wants now?
F. La Rochefoucauld

The present time is fraught with the future.
G. Leibniz

The future troubles my chest.
How will I end my life, where is my soul
Condemned to wander...
M. Lermontov

A dreamer often correctly determines the future, but he does not want to wait for it. He wants the future to come immediately, to be accelerated by it. What nature needs thousands of years to achieve, he wants to see perfected during his lifetime.
G. Lessing

The future must be embedded in the present. This is called a plan. Without it, nothing in the world can be good.
G. Lichtenberg

We prevent the future, finding it too slow, or remember the past in order to delay this future, finding it too fast.
B. Pascal

Past and present are our means; only the future is our goal.
B. Pascal

If a person could not imagine the future in bright and complete pictures, if a person did not know how to dream, then nothing would force him to undertake tedious constructions for the sake of this future, to wage a stubborn struggle, even to sacrifice his life.
D. Pisarev

Anyone who regrets parting with the past has no reason to try to look into a better, brighter future.
D. Pisarev

We can only foresee the future when we understand the past.
G. Plekhanov

The future state of a thing is already beginning to exist in the present, and opposite states are inevitable consequences of one another.
A. Radishchev

Who hides the past jealously
He is unlikely to be in harmony with the future...
A. Tvardovsky

The ability to remember the past and imagine the future is given to us only so that, guided by considerations about this or that, we can more accurately decide the actions of the present...
L. Tolstoy

The man of the future is already among us.
L. Tolstoy

Humanity moves into the future with its eyes turned to the past.
G. Ferrero

The future worries us, but the past holds us back. This is why the present eludes us.
G. Flaubert

The future is in the present, but the future is also in the past. We are the ones who create it. If it's bad, it's our fault.
A. France

If the present tries to judge the past, then it loses the future.
W. Churchill

Looking too far ahead is shortsighted.
W. Churchill

If you work for the present, your work will come out insignificant; one must work with only the future in mind.
A. Chekhov

We are working hard to change our lives so that our descendants will be happy, and our descendants will say, as usual: it was better before, but the present life is worse than the previous one.
A. Chekhov

The future is a huge continent to which we have not yet landed.
V. Shklovsky

Only what is too good for today is good enough for the future.
M. Ebner-Eschenbach

I never think about the future. It comes on its own soon enough.
A. Einstein

In this world, every person is not so much a creator as his harbinger. People carry within themselves a prophecy of the future.
R. Emerson

Those who live for the future inevitably have to look like selfish people in the eyes of those who live only for the present.
R. Emerson
