Beef stewed in pieces in the oven. Recipes for juicy beef in the oven: preparing soft and flavorful meat

Beef baked in foil

Baked beef is very good, both hot and cold. Meat can be served both for festive occasions and everyday table. If you bake it in foil, the meat will be tender, and the oven will not be dirty with splashes of fat and meat juice. Even a novice cook can easily cope with preparing such a dish. However, experienced chefs know a few simple secrets that will make beef baked in foil especially tasty.

A simple recipe for meat baked in foil

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • approximately 1 kilogram of beef tenderloin
  • 1 small carrot
  • 5–6 cloves of garlic
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 lemon
  • a little vegetable oil
  • ground black pepper
  • spices to taste

Peel the onion, finely chop it, and grind it in a bowl with salt. Wait about 30 minutes for the juice to release. Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, squeeze the juice from the lemon. Stir. Place a piece of beef in a bowl, previously cleaned of films and fat, washed and dried. Moisten the meat thoroughly with the resulting mixture and put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour to marinate.

One of the secrets of delicious baked meat cooked large piece, is that it must first be marinated

Cooking in foil: beef in the oven

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While the beef is marinating, heat the oven, cut the carrots into strips and the garlic cloves into thin slices. Remove the meat from the refrigerator and dry with a paper towel or napkins. Use a sharp knife to make deep punctures and insert pieces of carrots and garlic into them. Rub the surface of the meat with pepper and spices. You can add salt, but in moderation, remembering that salt was already in the beef marinade.

Wrap the marinated and stuffed beef in a sheet of foil and curl the edges tightly. Bake at 200°C for about an hour.

This dish can be served hot, or it can be cooled and used as a cold appetizer. Oven-baked meat will also serve as an excellent basis for delicious sandwiches.

How to achieve a golden brown crust?

If you want meat baked in the oven in foil to have a beautiful, appetizing crust, you need to unfold a sheet of foil about 10 minutes before the end of cooking and pour the resulting meat juice over the beef. This is another secret to cooking meat.

What other marinade can I use?

There are many marinade recipes for pre-processing meat. Some cooks prefer a mixture of soy sauce with crushed garlic and lemon juice, someone uses dry white wine or dark beer. There are also those who marinate beef in honey-mustard sauce. And some people recognize only chopped onions and table vinegar as a marinade. As they say, everyone has different tastes!

Cooking soft meat at home

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Portioned meat baked in foil in the oven

For this dish you will need (for 4 eaters):

  • 3–4 medium potatoes
  • 3–4 small tomatoes
  • vegetable oil
  • ground black pepper
  • spices

Using a sharp knife, cut the beef across the grain into 4 portions. Beat them, rub with salt and pepper, fry in very hot vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Peel the potatoes and tomatoes, cut into circles.

Place each chop on a sheet of foil and sprinkle with spices.

Marjoram, ginger powder, oregano or curry are very suitable for this dish.

Place potato slices on top and tomato slices on top. Once again, moderately salt, pepper, sprinkle vegetable oil and wrap the foil tightly. Place the chops on a baking sheet and bake for approximately 35-40 minutes at 200°C.

Portioned beef with mushrooms in creamy sauce

For this dish you will need:

  • 500–600 grams beef tenderloin
  • 500 grams of fresh mushrooms
  • 200 milliliters heavy cream
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 tablespoon wheat flour
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • ground black pepper
  • spices

Prepare and fry the chops as directed in the previous recipe. Fry finely chopped onion in highly heated vegetable oil, then add washed, dried and chopped mushrooms. Stir, salt, pepper, add spices, pour in cream, reduce heat and simmer for 8-10 minutes. Add a tablespoon of flour, stir quickly and remove the pan from the heat. Cool slightly until the mixture thickens.

Beef baked in the oven in pieces can be served as a hot dish or as a cold snack. Cooking beef in the oven can be considered the most delicious and healthy. To ensure that the meat does not lose its juice during baking, the beef should be fried on high fire on all sides until golden brown.

I like to use this meat for salads and sandwiches, and for my husband I serve it hot with stewed vegetables.

Prepare the necessary products according to the list.

Heat well in a frying pan sunflower oil, add garlic cloves and rosemary sprigs, fry until a characteristic smell appears. The amount of garlic is optional, it all depends on the size of the cloves.

Place the meat and fry on all sides until golden brown. Our goal is to seal the fibers to retain meat juice.

Transfer the beef to an ovenproof dish.

Pour a glass into the mold hot water. Cover the pan with foil. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Bake the meat for 25 minutes. Then remove the pan from the oven, remove the foil, salt and pepper the meat. In the oven, reduce the temperature to 170 degrees, cover the meat again with foil and bake for another 35-40 minutes.

Then cook the meat until cooked without foil. This will take another 15-20 minutes.

Transfer the oven-baked piece of beef to a plate, slice and serve. If you plan to serve the meat as a cold appetizer, it should be wrapped in foil and when cool, put in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

Beef baked in the oven in foil is a very tasty meat dish that can be served both hot and cold. When hot, it goes great with any side dish; when cold, it is an excellent appetizer for sandwiches and snacks.

Meat can be baked in pieces from 500 g to, say, 1.5 kg. Big piece need to bake for at least 2 hours. I took a piece of beef weighing 750 g and baked it for 1 hour 20 minutes. This turned out to be enough. You can choose the spices according to your taste, whatever you like best.

To bake beef in the oven in foil in a piece, prepare all the ingredients. For seasonings, I used coriander, ground black pepper and cumin.

Rinse the meat well under running water, place on paper towels, and dry well.

Squeeze the garlic into a container that will accommodate the selected piece of meat, pour in soy sauce, and mix. Add pepper, coriander and cumin, you can add a little salt - it all depends on the soy sauce, whether it has enough salt.

Place the meat in the prepared marinade, massage well with your hands, rubbing the marinade into the meat. Cover the container with a lid and leave to marinate for 2 hours at room temperature. You can marinate for 6-7 hours, but then the container should be put in the refrigerator. For example, you can marinate meat in the evening and bake it for breakfast in the morning.

When the meat is marinated, place it on foil in the center and wrap well. It is better to fold the foil in half and secure it on all sides. Place the wrapped meat on a baking sheet or in a mold.

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees and put the meat in it for 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another 1 hour 20 minutes. Be guided by your oven and the selected piece of meat.

Cool the meat slightly, then unwrap the foil. During the baking process, you will get a lot of meat juice, which can be added to porridge or potatoes.

Cut the meat with a sharp knife.

Delicious beef baked in the oven in foil is ready!

Bon appetit!

This dish will appeal to those who consider beef an ideal type of food that strengthens physical strength, having nutritional properties and great aroma. A beautiful, bright and satisfying piece of meat will decorate anyone festive table. Beef is not a fatty meat, which is why it doesn’t always behave well in the oven and turns out dry. I'll teach you little tricks that make meat will be tender and very juicy.

You will need:

  • beef pulp 1 - 1,200 kg
  • onion 2 pcs
  • carrots 1 piece
  • red bell pepper 0.5 pcs
  • white dry wine 0.5 cups
  • honey 1 tsp
  • bacon 6-7 slices
  • ground black pepper
  • mustard 1 tbsp.
  • Bay leaf
  • allspice peas

Step-by-step photo recipe:

For baking it is better to buy veal or young beef - light meat Pink colour, pulp from the thick or thin edge, upper or inner piece of the hip.

Wash the meat, dry with a paper towel, rub with salt and pepper.

Coat beef with mustard. I used grain mustard, but you can use regular mustard. Put the meat aside, let it lie as is, and you prepare the vegetables.

Chop the onions and carrots, place on the bottom of a casserole dish or any baking dish that can be covered with a lid or foil. Add allspice and bay leaf. This is the pillow on which the meat will be baked.

Let's return to the beef, which has already been marinated a little in salt, pepper and mustard. Wrap her bacon slices. During baking, the bacon will protect the meat from drying out and give it juiciness. Place the piece on a bed of vegetables.

Now bring beauty - place slices of red bell pepper on the meat.

Dissolve honey in dry white wine and pour into a container with meat, cover with a lid or foil and Place in a preheated oven at 180°C for an hour and a half.
If the honey is thick, heat the wine in the microwave until hot, then the honey will quickly dissolve.

After an hour and a half, remove the lid or foil from the baking dish and brush the meat with the resulting sauce, put it back in the oven already without cover. Do this procedure every 10 minutes until a light blush forms. Do not overcook so that the meat does not dry out.

Place the finished meat on a plate and arrange onions and carrots around it.
Here she is - beef, baked whole piece- a real decoration for your table!

Be sure to save sauce, remaining in shape, it is very tasty - sweet and sour, spicy and aromatic. Serve it and pour over the cooked beef pieces.

Baked with beef bacon is also very tasty, with crispy edges. And, of course, vegetables - onions, carrots and peppers, which were simmered in wine with honey.

Cut the beef into pieces and make sure that it is not only beautiful, but tasty.

Very juicy, tender meat. And it’s not at all difficult to cook! Bon appetit!

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Step-by-step recipes for cooking soft beef in the oven in foil in one piece, in slices, with vegetables, potatoes and mushrooms

2018-10-10 Oleg Mikhailov and Alena Kameneva





In 100 grams ready-made dish

18 gr.

14 gr.


1 gr.

203 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for soft and juicy beef in the oven

Today I want to invite you to cook beef - meat that is incredibly healthy and nutritious. We will cook the beef in the oven, we will try to make the meat juicy and tender, not tough. When buying beef at the market, be sure to consult with the seller so that he can offer you the part of the carcass that is suitable for baking.

It is also advisable to use veal rather than beef; this meat is more tender and the result will be softer. You need to bake the beef for about an hour, or longer. For the marinade, I suggest taking a little Dijon mustard, sour cream, salt and pepper - we won’t need anything else. To brighten the taste, you can add meat spices. Serving beef to the table is delicious with vegetables or pickles, you can also add light salad. Beef can be used for sandwiches or salad preparation.


  • Beef - 400 g
  • Mustard beans - 1 tsp.
  • Sour cream or mayonnaise - 1 tsp.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Spices for meat - 2-3 pinches
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

Cooking process

Prepare all the products, choose a fresh piece of beef, preferably veal. The meat must be exclusively fresh, not frozen. Rinse the meat under cool water and dry with paper towels. Next, take a sharp knife and make deep cuts in a piece of meat - in different parts.

Lubricate the meat with grain mustard; if desired, you can use American mustard - it is sweetish and will also be tasty.

Peel the garlic cloves, disassemble them, then cut the garlic into slices, insert the slices into the cuts in the meat.

Sprinkle the beef with salt, pepper, and meat spices. At the same time, preheat the oven, set the temperature to 180 degrees.

Take foil and fold it in several layers. Grease the foil with a little vegetable oil, place the meat in the foil, seal it hermetically and put it in the oven for one hour. Afterwards, turn off the oven, but leave the meat there until it cools completely - you can overnight.

That's all, after a while, remove the foil, cut the meat into small plates and serve.

Bon appetit!

Option 2: Quick recipe for juicy beef in the oven in foil pieces

An ideal way to roast meat in slices. Foil distributes heat evenly and retains all the juices in the beef well. The meat can be prepared immediately before baking, keeping it in the marinade for only half an hour, or you can do it the night before, which saves even more time.


  • beef pulp - 800 gr.;
  • two large onions;
  • a tablespoon of mayonnaise;
  • 60 ml ketchup;
  • fine salt, freshly ground pepper.

How to quickly cook beef in the oven juicy and soft

After washing with cool water, thoroughly dry the meat. Place it on a cutting board, cut it strictly perpendicular to the fibers into thin slices, a centimeter wide, and lightly beat them through the film. If you expect to marinate the beef for longer than three hours, do not pound it.

Peel the onions and grind them through a coarse grater into a bowl. Combine the resulting slurry with ketchup and mayonnaise. Add a teaspoon of fine salt and a little less pepper, mix the marinade thoroughly.

Place the meat in a bowl with the marinade and rub the piece well on all sides with the mixture. Cover the top of the bowl with cling film and leave the beef to marinate. The meat should sit in the marinade for at least half an hour, or it can be left in the refrigerator overnight.

We spread two sheets of foil on the table, overlapping each other. Place beef slices in the center, overlapping each other. Folding the free edges of the bottom sheet of foil three times, we form the sides, placing the bottom sheet over the meat in one layer. Cover the pulp so that there is a small hole in the center.

Carefully drag the package of beef onto a baking sheet and place it in the oven, heated to 220 degrees. Bake without lowering the heat for exactly forty minutes, after which we spread the edges of the foil and let the meat brown well - keep it at maximum temperature, another ten minutes.

Option 3: Juicy beef in the oven in foil stuffed with vegetables and onions

The technology of stuffing has been known since time immemorial. You can use this simple technique to change the taste, but it is also used to soften tough meat. If you accidentally get a piece that is not the most tender, try stuffing it with thin “cloves” of chopped and frozen lard. Fat, melted under the influence of heat, makes it possible to make juicy beef in the oven in foil, even from the dryish flesh of an older animal.


  • half a kilo of beef pulp;
  • large onion;
  • garlic;
  • 30 gr. finely chopped parsley;
  • olive oil and soy concentrate - a spoonful of each component;
  • carrots are a large root vegetable;
  • spice mixture “For meat”.

How to cook

Wash the pulp with cool water. After drying with a paper towel, cut off all thick and thin films.

Peel and rinse all vegetables with water. Dry the onion and cut into thin half rings. We dissolve the carrots into plates and then cut them into cubes. Cut three small cloves of garlic into slices.

We pierce the flesh in several places with the edge of a well-sharpened long knife, slightly widening the cut. Fill the resulting pockets with carrots and garlic.

Place a piece of stuffed meat into a bowl of suitable size. In a separate small container, mix olive oil with soy sauce and add a spoonful of spices. After mixing, coat the meat on all sides with the prepared marinade, let it stand under the lid for a quarter of an hour.

Cover a baking sheet with a sheet of foil folded in half, place part of the onion in the center, sprinkle with a small amount of parsley, and place a piece of meat on top. We also cover the top of the beef with onions and sprinkle with herbs.

We pack the foil, tucking it well at the fastening points. The packaging must be sealed so that the juice released from the heat does not seep through the seams.

Turn on the oven to heat up and raise the temperature to two hundred degrees.

As soon as the air in the oven warms up, setting it to medium level, place the baking sheet with meat in it. Bake the beef for an hour.

Taking the baking sheet with almost cooked meat out of the oven, carefully cut the foil on top and spread the edges apart. Place the beef back into the oven for ten minutes, until the top is lightly browned.

Option 4: Cook hearty and soft beef in the oven in foil with mushrooms and potatoes

Potatoes must be cut into circles, and this imposes some restrictions on the shape of root vegetables. It is more convenient to use potatoes that are elongated and of small thickness; the circles from them will turn out small. Of course you can just take large quantity small tubers and chop them accordingly.


  • portioned slice of beef tenderloin - 200 grams;
  • four medium, oblong potatoes;
  • medium-sized champignons - 150 grams;
  • eight tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • cream, medium calorie - a quarter cup;
  • three pinches of salt and one pinch of pepper;
  • young greens - a couple of spoons.

Step by step recipe

Rinse the pulp and pat dry with a towel, cut lengthwise into two halves. Beat the meat into thin layers with a mallet. Add a little salt and sprinkle with a little pepper. Heat three tablespoons of oil in a frying pan and fry the chopped beef for five minutes on the first side and three on the back.

Peel the potatoes, wash them, and cut them into thin slices. If there is enough oil left after the meat and the flesh does not stick to the pan, you can fry the potatoes without washing the pan. Otherwise, wash and dry the pan, heat the same amount of oil as in the first case, and brown the potatoes well in it.

Wash fresh mushrooms, dry and cut into slices. With the remaining oil, only in a clean frying pan, fry the champignons over moderate heat for about six minutes, then pour in the cream and simmer for another three minutes, stirring and adding a little salt.

Place the meat on a sheet of foil spread in a baking sheet, potatoes on top of it, and place the mushrooms in the last layer. Add salt and pepper, seal tightly with foil. Place the meat in the oven, preheated to two hundred degrees, directly on the roasting pan, and bake for forty minutes.

Option 5: Soft beef in the oven in foil “Meatloaf with dried apricots”

And this cooking method is guaranteed to produce beef in the oven, juicy and soft, and even with a luxurious fruity flavor. The best choice meat - the neck, and select dried apricots, first of all, by color and juiciness. The berries should be light and soft; you can soak for a long time only those dried apricots whose quality you are sure of. Dark dried fruits sometimes have a bitter taste after soaking; they are quite suitable for food, but a roll with such a filling will not be the most delicious.


  • seven hundred grams of veal tenderloin, one oblong slice;
  • dried apricots - an incomplete glass;
  • spices for meat and Provençal herbs;
  • a spoonful of pure oil;
  • table salt, coarse.

How to cook

Soak the dried apricots and cut each berry in half, slightly short of the edge. Fill hot water and leave until softened, but not less than two minutes. Rinse the dried fruits with cool water and, lightly squeezing them with your hands, dry thoroughly with a towel.

Wash the veal, dry it and beat it, trying to stretch the slice a little. We lay out the dried apricots in the middle, with the expectation that the edges should be free. Pull and bend long sides up, temporarily, just for convenience, fasten with several toothpicks. Carefully placing it under the bottom of the roll, wrap it all with kitchen twine, in increments of about a centimeter, and remove the toothpicks.

Fold the foil in two layers and lightly moisten it with oil. Carefully place the roll in the middle, seam side up, add salt, sprinkle with oil, and sprinkle with spices. Wrap tightly in foil, leaving the edges of the chopped meat on top.

We keep the roll in a preheated oven for up to two hours, the temperature should not reach two hundred degrees. There is no need to unwrap or check the packaging. Cool the finished roll in foil first to air temperature, then keep it in the refrigerator for another three hours. Remove the threads and chop the beef.

Option 6: Soft and juicy beef in the oven in a piece in foil

Any piece of pitted pulp is suitable for baking using this method. Beef cooked in the oven will come out juicy and soft, even if the meat contains many veins. It is advisable to take small pieces of beef weighing from one to one and a half kilograms. This meat is equally good hot or cold, and is ideal for salads.


  • beef (piece of pulp) - 1200 grams;
  • olive oil - two tablespoons;
  • a tablespoon of a mixture of ground paprika, mustard seeds and pepper.

Step-by-step recipe for juicy and soft beef in the oven

Preparing meat is a short procedure, so it is advisable to turn on the oven immediately so that at the right moment the temperature in it rose to 250 degrees.

We wash the pulp in cool water under the tap. Dry the piece thoroughly and wipe with paper towels or napkins.

Sprinkle the meat with salt and a mixture of spices, rub in thoroughly, lightly kneading the flesh with your hands.

Place the seasoned pulp on large leaf parchment, wrap. We transfer the “bundle” to foil, wrap it with it, tightly fastening the seams. Repeat wrapping with foil one more time.

Place the “package” on a baking sheet and place it in a preheated oven. For the first half hour, bake the beef at maximum temperature, and then cook until done, for an hour, lowering the heat to 140 degrees.

If you intend to serve the beef hot, cut it into pieces immediately after baking. If you plan to use it for sandwiches or salad, leave it in the oven until it cools completely, then remove the layers of foil and place it in the refrigerator.
