Kaz language. Is Kazakh language difficult? Features of the language, history and distribution

Like other Turkic languages, Kazakh is an agglutinative language characterized by vowel harmony.

In October 2017, Nursultan Nazarbayev decreed that by 2025 the government would switch from using the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin alphabet. On February 19, 2018, President Nazarbayev signed an amendment to decree No. 569 of October 26, 2017 “On the translation of the Kazakh alphabet from the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin alphabet.” The modified alphabet uses S and C for the Kazakh sounds “Ш” and “Ч” and eliminates the use of apostrophes. Common phrases in the Kazakh language often include these sounds, so choosing the correct letters to convey them was main problem for government philologists and linguists.

Spread of language

Native speakers of the Kazakh language (mostly Kazakhs) live over a vast territory from the Tien Shan to the western coast of the Caspian Sea. Kazakh is the official state language of Kazakhstan, with approximately 10 million native speakers (based on information from the World Factbook encyclopedia on the population and size of Kazakhs). In China, more than a million ethnic Kazakhs live in the Ili Autonomous Region of Xinjiang.


The oldest known written records in languages ​​closely associated with Kazakhstan were written in the ancient Turkic alphabet, although this moment it is not believed that any of these dialects of the Old Turkic language were a direct predecessor of Kazakh. The modern complex Kazakh language appeared in 1929. This happened after the Soviet authorities introduced the Latin alphabet and then the Cyrillic alphabet in 1940. Before this, the Kazakh language was difficult to distinguish from Arabic, Persian or Ottoman, since it also used Arabic.

Presenting the strategic plan in April 2017, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev described the twentieth century as a period during which "the Kazakh language and culture were devastated." Nazarbayev ordered the Kazakh authorities to create a Latin Kazakh alphabet by the end of 2017 so that the process of transition to it could begin in 2018.

As of 2018, Kazakh is written in Cyrillic in Mongolia, Latin in Kazakhstan, and more than a million Kazakhs in China use an Arabic alphabet similar to the alphabet used in the Uyghur language.

Reason for changing the alphabet

The decision to latinize the Kazakh language is complex and controversial. It was justified by the need to revive Kazakh culture after a difficult Soviet period and facilitating the use of the latest digital technology, entirely using the Latin alphabet. However, the initial decision to introduce a new spelling using apostrophes was controversial because it would have made many popular search and writing tools difficult to use. The alphabet has been revised in next year By Presidential Decree No. 637 of February 19, 2018, the use of apostrophes was abolished - they were replaced by diacritics.

Presidential hesitation

Nazarbayev first raised the topic of using the Latin alphabet instead of the Cyrillic alphabet as the official program for the development of the Kazakh language in October 2006. A Kazakh government study published in September 2007 stated that switching to the Latin alphabet within 10-12 years would be feasible at a cost of $300 million. On December 13, 2007, the transition was temporarily suspended, and President Nazarbayev stated: “For 70 years, Kazakhstanis have been reading and writing Cyrillic. More than 100 nationalities live in our state, so we need stability and peace. We should not rush into the issue of transforming the alphabet.” However, on January 30, 2015, Minister of Culture and Sports Arystanbek Mukhamedyuly announced that a transition plan was being developed, with specialists working on spelling to take into account the phonological aspects of the language.

Features of the language

The Kazakh language demonstrates vowel harmony and has many words borrowed from related and neighboring languages ​​- usually of Russian or Arabic origin. There is also a system of sound harmonization that resembles that in the Kyrgyz language, but which is not used as often and is not reflected in the spelling.

The Kazakh language has a system of 12 phonemic vowels, 3 of which are diphthongs. The rounding contrast and /æ/ usually occur only as phonemes in the first syllable of a word, but appear subsequently as allophonic sounds.

According to philologist Weide, the quality of front/back vowels is actually related to the neutral or reduced roots of the language.

Phonetic meanings are combined with the corresponding symbol in the Kazakh Cyrillic and Latin alphabets.

Kazakh can express different combinations of tension, aspect and mood through different verbal morphologies or through a system of auxiliary verbs, many of which are better called light verbs. The present time is a prime example of this phenomenon. Progressive tense in the Kazakh language is formed with one of four possible auxiliary language units. These auxiliary phrases, such as “otyr” (sitting), “tur” (standing), “zhur” (going) and “zhat” (lying), encode different shades of meaning about how an action is performed, and also interact with lexical semantics root verbs.

Comparison with Japanese

In addition to the complexities of the progressive tense, there are many auxiliary-convertible pairs that encode a number of aspects—modal, volitional, evidential, and action modification. For example, the pattern -yp koru with the auxiliary verb koru indicates that the subject of the verb has tried or is trying to do something. This can be compared with a similar design in Japanese- てみる temiru. Thanks to these features, many people believe that the Kazakh language is difficult.

Kazakh language in Kazakhstan

The official languages ​​of Kazakhstan are Kazakh, with 5,290,000 speakers throughout the country, and Russian, spoken by 6,230,000 people. Kazakh and Russian languages ​​are used throughout the country on an equal basis. Other common languages ​​in the country are German (30.4 thousand speakers), Tajik, Tatar (328,000 speakers), Turkish, Ukrainian (898,000 speakers), Uyghur (300,000 speakers), and Uzbek language. All of them are officially recognized by the Language Law of 1997 No. 151-1. Other languages ​​in Kazakhstan are Dungan, Ili Turkic, Ingush, Sinti and Romani. Translator of the Kazakh language into Russian is a profession in demand only among representatives of the older generation of Kazakhstanis who still do not speak the state language.

IN Lately Many speakers of other languages ​​have appeared in the country, such as Belarusian, Korean, Azerbaijani and Greek.


The vocabulary of the Kazakh language is very diverse; this language is interesting, original and unusual. Every year the number of its carriers increases. Kazakh language translator is already a profession in demand, and not only within Kazakhstan itself. Since the beginning of the 90s, the country has been conducting an intensified campaign to promote the Kazakh language in all spheres of life - in office work, education, art and culture. Many Russians living both in Kazakhstan and Russia are frightened by this trend - some, like the Russian writer and politician Eduard Limonov, openly talk about the cultural genocide of Russians in Kazakhstan and call for the annexation of Northern Kazakhstan (Semirechye) by Russia, famous for its settlements with a densely populated Russian population. These concerns stem from the fact that Russians in this country are generally forced to learn the Kazakh language, which is perceived by some as a national humiliation.

Russian-Kazakh phrasebook: how to explain yourself in an unfamiliar country. Popular phrases and expressions for travelers.

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Kazakh is spoken by 12 million people, who mostly live in Kazakhstan. Kazakh writing has undergone many changes: at first they used the runic alphabet, then the Arabic-Muslim script, the Latin alphabet, and during the years of Soviet power - the Cyrillic alphabet. The country currently uses the Cyrillic alphabet, but by 2025 there should be a transition to the Latin alphabet. The Kazakh language is considered one of the richest and beautiful languages, because its dictionary contains more than 160 thousand words. A peculiarity of the language is that it does not use the category of gender; in most words, the emphasis should be placed on the last syllable; it is also worth noting that there are no prepositions in Kazakh.

The longest word in the Kazakh language consists of 33 letters - “kanagattandyrylmagandyktarynyzdan”. Translated, it will sound like “because of your dissatisfaction.” This word is used when addressing certain persons with respect.

Greetings, general expressions

Good morning!Kayirly tan!
Good afternoonKayirly kun!
Good evening!Kayirly cash!
Hello!Salemetsiz be
How are you?Kalynyz kalai?
Thanks, very goodRakhmet, zhaksy
How are you feeling?Konil-kuyiniz kalai?
Everything is fineBari zhaksy
Goodbye!Sau bolynyz!
See you soonKezdeskenshe sau bolynyz!
Till tomorrow!Erten kezdeskenshe
I have to goMen ketuim kerek
It's a shame you're leavingKetetinesis is also possible
I'm againstMen karsymyn
Thank youRakhmet
Thank you very muchKop Rakhmet

Getting to know each other, starting a conversation

Let me introduce BV - ny tanystyruga ruksat etiniz
I would like to introduce you to...Sizdi... men tanystyrayyn dep eat
Very niceOte kuanyshtymyn
My name is...Menin yes...
I'd like to talk to youSizben saleseyin dep edim
Are you very busy right now?Kazir uakytynyz tygyz ba?
Can I ask you?Sizden surauga bola ma?
Can you help me?Magan kemek bere alasyz ba?
Can I talk to...?...Seilesuime bola ma?
I'm looking for...Men...Izdep zhurmin
Who can I ask?Kimnen surauyma bolada?
Where can I find it?Ony kay zherden tabuga bolada?
What's happened?Not bold?
I need to callMen phone soguym kere

Numbers and numbers

One hundredZhus
ThousandWe N



The language of the Kazakhs (See Kazakhs), the indigenous population of the Kazakh SSR. The number of speakers within the USSR is 5193 thousand people. (1970, census). On K. I. Kazakhs living in the PRC (509 thousand people, 1953, census), MPR (43 thousand people, 1963, estimate) also speak. Great Soviet Encyclopedia

KAZAKH LANGUAGE- belongs to the Turkic languages ​​(Kypchak group). Official language Kazakhstan. Writing based on the Russian alphabet... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

Kazakh language- Kazakh language is one of the Turkic languages. Distributed in the Kazakh SSR and in certain areas of the neighboring regions of the RSFSR, as well as in certain regions of the Uzbek SSR, Turkmen SSR and Kirghiz SSR. Abroad in China, Mongolia, Iran, Afghanistan,... ... Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary

Kazakh language- belongs to the Turkic languages ​​(Kypchak group). The official language of Kazakhstan. Writing based on the Russian alphabet. * * * KAZAKH LANGUAGE KAZAKH LANGUAGE, belongs to the Turkic languages ​​(see TURKIC LANGUAGES) (Kypchak group). Official language… … encyclopedic Dictionary

Kazakh- language Self-name: Kazakh tili, قازاق ٴتىلى Countries: Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, etc. Official status: Kazakhstan, Or Kazakh Autonomous Okrug ... Wikipedia

Kazakh- akesi balalarna tattoo turyңdar dep әmir etti, bіrak balalary onyn әmirіn tyңdamada. Akesi bir tal shybykty aldy yes: “Syndyryndar!” dep buyirdy. Balalary kansha urelense de, shybykty sondyra almada. Sonda akesi shybyktyn bauyn sheshti de, endi bir… Guide to the World's Languages ​​by Script

LANGUAGE OFFICIAL- 1) the name of the language used in some cases in which government bodies operate, justice is administered, etc. In other words, under Ya. o. means the same thing as in another state by the state language... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law

LANGUAGE OFFICIAL- 1) the name of the language used in some cases in which government bodies operate, justice is administered, etc. In other words, under Ya.o. the state language is implied, but the use of the latter concept is considered... ... Encyclopedia of Lawyer

Kazakh alphabet- Cyrillic alphabets Slavic ... Wikipedia

Kazakh Economic University named after T. Ryskulov- (KazEU) ... Wikipedia


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  • Kazakh language. Self-instruction manual, Shakhatova Kamshat Tlekovna, This self-instruction manual is intended for those who independently study the Kazakh language. It allows you to develop the speech skills necessary for communication and reading simple literature, and master... Category: Other languages Series: Self-instruction manual Publisher:

When you go to sunny Kazakhstan for leisure or work, you hope that the travel process will go smoothly and calmly. But if you have difficulties with the Kazakh language, you can’t count on peace of mind. Of course, in Kazakhstan many people understand Russian perfectly and speak it well. But what if you went to the most remote point of this beautiful country, what if you had to visit the Kazakh outback?

After all, there you can’t count on anyone understanding you and answering any of your questions. We took on this problem and created for you a special, universal Russian-Kazakh phrasebook, which is incredibly simple and at the same time contains all the words and phrases that are necessary for the trip. Thanks to this phrasebook, you will not have problems with communication, and you will always be able to find a way out of any situation, no matter what it is.

Common phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
How are you? Kalynyz kalai?
Thanks, very good. Rakhmet, zhaksy.
Thank not bad. Rakhmet, zhaman emes.
How are you feeling? Konil-kuyiniz kalai?
Everything is fine. Bari zhaksy.
How is the family? Uy ishiniz kalai?
Let me introduce T. T - ny tanystyruga ruksat etiniz.
Let me introduce myself. Tanysyp koyalik.
I would like to introduce you to A. Sizdi a.-men tanystyrayin dep eat.
Very nice. Ote kuanyshtymyn.
My name is… Menin yessim…
Sorry… Keshiriniz…
Sorry for interfering... Aralaskan gafu etiniz…
I'd like to talk to you. Sizben seilesein dep eat.
Are you very busy right now? Kazir uakytynyz tygyz ba?
Can you give me a minute? Bir minutes konil belmaysiz be?
Can I ask you? Sizden surauga bola ma?
Can you help me? Magan kemek bere alasyz ba?
Can I talk to...? ... Seilesuime bola ma?
I'm looking for… Men...Izdep zhurmin.
Who can I ask? Kimnen surauyma bolada?
Where can I find it? Ony kay zherden tabuga bolada?
What's happened? Not bold?
How to get to the…? ... Kalai zhetuge boladas?
I need to call. My phone number is soguym kerek.
Yes. AND?
Right. D urys
Everything is fine. Bari-de-urys
I am sure about that. Men bugan senimdimin
It's clear. Tycinikt.
Fine. Jaraida
Certainly. Arine
No Jock
Of course not Jock Arine
I'm against Men karsymyn
Don't know Bilmaymin
Thank you Rakhmet
Thank you very much Kep Rakhmet
I'm really grateful to you Sizge ete risamyn


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Good morning! Kayirly tan!
Good afternoon Kayirly kun!
Good evening! Kayirly cash!
Hello! Salemetsiz be?
Hello! Salem!
(I'm glad to see you! From kergenime kuanyshtymyn!
I haven't seen you for several weeks. Sizdi birneshe apta boi kermeppin.
Goodbye! Sau bolynyz!
Good night. Zhaksy zhatyp, zhayly turyniz!
See you soon. Kezdeskenshe sau bolynyz!
Till tomorrow! Erten kezdeskenshe.
See you! Kezikkenshe!
I have to go. Men ketuim kerek.
It's a shame you're leaving. Ketetinesis is also possible.

The phrasebook is divided into several sections:

Greetings– an important section for both business trips and tourists. Thanks to it you will be able to greet local residents, wish Have a good day, just say hello, ask how your interlocutor’s family is doing, and much more.

Parting– without this section, it is also hardly possible to imagine communication. Here are words that will help you say goodbye to a person, or get rid of an annoying interlocutor.

Acquaintance– Phrases that are necessary to get to know the residents of Kazakhstan. There are also phrases here, thanks to which you can not only introduce yourself to someone, but also introduce your companions.

Starting a conversation– here are the most common phrases collected in order to start a conversation with someone in the most cultural and tactful way.

Questions– an extremely important section. If you are lost or cannot find the person you need, you should just open this section. There are all sorts of phrases that will help you ask a variety of questions.

Agreement- words that confirm your agreement with something.

Disagreement– Words that will help you show your disagreement with the idea proposed to you, or words that will help you refuse your interlocutor something.

Gratitude- just words with which you can show your gratitude and show how cultured a person you are.

When you go to Kazakhstan, don’t forget about the Russian-Kazakh phrasebook, because it will never be superfluous on your travel or business trip.

“The history of the emergence of the Kazakh language”

Goals: To acquaint children with the history of the emergence and origin of the Kazakh language.

Conversation: History of the emergence of the Kazakh language

The Kazakh language is the native language of the Kazakh people and the state language of the Republic of Kazakhstan.However, the issue of implementation and development state language in Kazakhstan has not yet been fully resolved. Most likely this is a timing issue. If at the beginning of the twentieth century the great Abai Kunanbayev propagated the idea of ​​​​learning the Russian language, now the time has come when it is necessary to study the Kazakh language.

Kazakh became one of the first languages ​​for which a special computer alphabet was invented. The fact is that the Kazakh Cyrillic alphabet has 9 additional letters that are missing in most standard fonts. The computer alphabet - kaznovitsa or kazanovitsa - replaces these letters with digraphs with “ъ” and “ь”, which have no independent meaning in the Kazakh language.

Despite the fact that in the fall of 2006 the President of Kazakhstan instructed the commission for the development of the state language to consider the issue of switching to the Latin script following the example of Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, in the near future Kazakhs, apparently, will continue to write in Cyrillic.

History and relationship of language

The Kazakh language was formed on the vast steppe territory, where the ancestors of modern Kazakhs roamed - Turks of three clans, bearing the names of the Elder, Middle and Younger Zhuzes. By their origin, the ancestors of the Kazakhs are close to the Cumans, who inhabited the steppes between the Volga and Don.

The literary Kazakh language began to take shape in the nineteenth century, mainly thanks to the efforts of Kazakh educators, the most prominent of whom were Abai Kunanbayev and Ibray Altynsarin.

It is interesting that at that time the Kazakh language was more often called Kyrgyz, and the future Kyrgyz language was called Kara-Kyrgyz, although there are very significant differences between these two languages. Many researchers bring together Kyrgyz language with Altai and other Eastern Turkic languages, and the Kipchak features in it are considered secondary, while Kazakh is a typical Kipchak language.

Modern Kazakh literary language formed on the basis of the capital's Koine dialect former capital Kazakhstan Almaty.

Epic and poetry

Epic tales have long existed in Kazakhstan. They were passed down by word of mouth and by folk storytellers, and in the nineteenth century they were recorded by Russian researchers. A.S. had a hand in popularizing the Kazakh epic. Pushkin. E The author is the author of the recording of the most famous of the Kazakh epic tales - “Goats Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu”. But full translation This poem was translated into Russian much later - in 1922.

In the Kazakh language, the epics “Kozy Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu” and “Er Targyn” and other works of oral folk art were recorded in the nineteenth century by the famous educator Chokan Valikhanov. At the same time, Russian composer A.V. Zataevich records and publishes songs and riddles of the Kazakh people.


Lie: kitap




Buralaұқsas, Karamastan

Bіzge stand bolar-bolmaszhumsides



I carry it, Karamastan

Let's go - kulypt.

Mundaturgyndarkagazdar, Karamastan



Men biylasygamyn





Kanattarmen, al flies, Karamastan

Tilman, al-itady.


This is not an easy book:

I study letters using it.


For a tiny ear

Looks like a curl

Tells us to wait a little


New house I carry it in my hand,

The doors of the house are locked.

The residents here are made of paper,

All terribly important.


I'm in a hurry today

From the street to home:

Waiting for me at home

The narrator is mute


Without wings, but flies

Without a tongue, but speaks.
