Competition program for adults “Enjoy your steam, or Bath day.

Scenario "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!" 40 years later."

The play was shown by SON actors in December 2014

Music by M. Tariverdiev from the film "The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath" is playing.
Nadya's apartment: boxes, things, moving furnishings.

Nadya enters with packages and takes off her coat:

Oh! I'm late.. Ipollit should come already!

Looks in the mirror, straightens her hair:

You need to wear a festive dress!

He takes off one skirt (with his back to the viewer), a second, a third, and with the fourth skirt there is a hitch.
Nadya approaches the viewer and asks for help in unbuttoning her skirt (Lena’s number)

Third Street Stroiteley, building 25, apartment 12?

Wait by the phone, it's long distance...

Hello! Hello! Hello! Leningrad? Nadia? Nadia?

Nadya, everything is gone!

What's happened?

Pavlik refuses to give me his plane ticket, as he did before, and wants to fly himself.
This is because his wife, Yulia, said that for 40 years Zhenya has been every New Year
flies to Leningrad at their expense. And that it’s time to know the honor...

I don't know what to do, Nadya... HELLO! HELLO!..

Connection is cutting off.

Nadya thoughtfully hangs up the phone and looks out the window. Thinking out loud:

Well, we will finally have a normal New Year...
Otherwise, every year Ipollit ends up in the hospital with lobar pneumonia,
and all after taking this stupid shower in a coat...

Phone ring.

ALE! HELLO! Nadia! So what to do? At Pavlik's insistence
The guys didn’t even take me to the bathhouse, but ordered Galya to wash me at home, in the bathroom...

Nadya tiredly:

You know, maybe it's not so bad after all? Maybe this New Year
will be more successful than the previous ones. Happy New Year to you, Zhenya!

Hello! Hello! Nadya, I don't hear anything..."

Nadya hangs up and straightens the photograph of Ippolit on the table.

Comes to his senses:

Oh, I need to finish the jellied fish!..

She hurries to the kitchen, but suddenly hears a noise in the bedroom...

Oh Zhenya, Zhenya, he played me again...

Well, no, Ippolit himself will go to wake you up, he should appear soon...

Doorbell. Nadya opens the door...



Kisses her hands:

Happy New Year! I have so much to tell you!

But first, this is a surprise for you.

He hands her a package. Nadya turned her delighted gaze to the gift and carefully opened it;

Oh! These are the same best perfume: "Silver lily of the valley." They are so expensive!...


Nadya, everything is for you...

I have a surprise for you too...

Hippolyte sighed and, squinting at the bedroom door, asked:

What, have you already arrived?

But then the door opened and an unfamiliar man appeared in the opening.
He was wearing a cloak, his crumpled oriental face squinted in the bright light...

Who? - he asked.

Ippolit, as if waking up, took a step back and asked Nadya:

Nadya, who else is this?

Nadya rushed to him, hugged him, and, looking pleadingly into Ippolita’s eyes, whispered:
- Ippolit, believe me, I really don’t know who it is!

THE PHONE RINGS Nadya rushes to the phone:

Hello! Whom? Ippolit Matveevich?

Turning to Hippolytus:

And, with a prayer:

Ippolit, I DON'T KNOW him!

Hippolyte to her:


And into the phone:

Hello! Yes! The order is in jeopardy. They promised for the Old New Year!?
Wait, I don’t have time for that right now!.. Wait, I’ll call you back!

Having put down the tube, he turned to the eastern man:

Who will you be?

I am Akhmet, I live here, I have a passport. I have an OUTFIT!..
.- said the unknown person, holding out his hand with his index finger..


No, this can’t be, this woman lives here...

Nadya desperately:


Ippolit - Nadya

Bring your passport!... Here it is: Sheveleva Nadezhda,
Third Stroiteley Street, Building 25, apartment 12.--

Akhmet looked at them carefully and exclaimed:

Wah! I remembered! It was me who got into the cinema differently, right?
My wife watches this movie every New Year! Wah! I recognized you, you are Apollo!

Hippolyte winced:


Akhmet continued:

Yes! YES! Hippolytus! We in Bekabad are all for you... You are such a respected person...
In a good suit, he looks like our Raisa, he has a car, gives gifts,
and so in this movie you were offended..

Shaking his head, he continues:

And this drunk with a broom in his bag...

Addressing Nadya

He only sang songs, and then, it turns out, not himself - my wife later told me...

And at our factory in Bekabad the plan is going wrong...
My boss sent me on a business trip and said:
“Bring me a magic wand, Akhmet, we’ll save the plan...

I was at the "Sorcerers" in NUINA... I had an OUTFIT! There are generally “lawless people” there, yes...
They build a house like this - there are just corridors all around, I walked all day, I’m tired as a dog...
Then there was a FLASH.... He was holding a magic wand in his hands.. LIKE THIS!
But they didn’t give it - It’s impossible, they said. It’s such a pity!..
But the personnel chief good man was, I gave him grapes, he said:
“Don’t be upset, Akhmed, I heard that they made a MAGIC BROOM in Leningrad, fly there!
And he said to the girl secretary: “This man is looking for Magic, we need to help him!..

The girl says: Maybe we should issue him a Canadian passport right away?

And the boss continues: “Eh! No! The spell is complicated, I remember it starts like this:
“I walked, fell, woke up, fell in love, got married, got divorced.... I don’t remember further, I need to remember...
It’s better to send him to Leningrad and register him there so that the police won’t pester him...

He tells me: “You are Akhmet, go, the door will open itself, and go to bed:

In general, I’m tired of this magic, I’m... good specialist,
almost like a wizard!

No! How I got into the cinema, I’ll tell my wife - she won’t believe it...


Which specialist?


I put the tiles on glue, on cement, I can use any ornament...

Ippolit, taking Nadya by the elbow:

Nadya, let's step away for a minute...

And to Akhmet:

Dear, wait for us!..


Nadenka, I need this man...

Nadya, freeing her elbow:

So is that why he will live here now? How do you imagine this?


Don't worry, he will live with Petrovich,
although according to my passport I registered with you before me...

Akhmet walks around the apartment, enjoying the objects he recognizes from the film:

Wah! Radio "Chord"! And the wall - I have one like that too! WOW! WHAT A Beautiful Woman!..

Looking around, he takes the photo.
Suddenly Akhmet turned to Ippolit and Nadenka, and, slapping himself on the forehead, said loudly:

So it was me who came here instead of a drunk? Wah! How could I not have guessed it right away!

Putting his hand to his heart, he turned to Nadya:

O Most Beautiful of Leningrad brides!
Oriental man will not take you as his wife,
For you feed only sweet songs and terrible jellied fish.
And where is pilaf, shurpa, samsa, lagman - such dishes beloved by men....


Listen, dear, we need to talk...

Nadya went to the window, looking back at the negotiating men from time to time.
Snippets of conversation can be heard...


Bro, I have no one in Leningrad except you....
Just let's not cheat.... How much will you pay?

Having finished the conversation, Ippolit comes up on the phone and calls:
- Happy New Year, Petrovich! You're due!.. I found you a wizard!
So we will complete the order on time!... Are you already downstairs? Now he'll come down!..

Having seen Akhmet off and returned to the room, Ippolit walked around the apartment again
and approached Nadya, who was looking out the window.

He hugged her shoulders and kissed the top of her head:

Nadya, now the most important thing. Listen to me and don't interrupt...
But Zhenya gave us a chance. We must leave here within this year...
I'm sure that Galya will arrange something like this for Zhenya family life that next New Year
Zhenya will fly here without washing. And everything will start spinning again...

Nadya, freed from his embrace:

Leave - where?


I've already thought of everything. We will go to Canada. This is a wonderful country...
My work friend has been living there for a long time. And his reviews are only positive...

And MA-MA?


She will live here until we pick her up.
There is a Russian community there, and there is even a guitar school at the KSP.
There you can improve your playing and penning, stop exploiting Pugacheva...
You should take English lessons from your friend now...

Nadya, believe me, IT’S TIME FOR US TO ACT!....

And Evgeny Lukashin’s phone number 456-60-21 fell to the watchmen on Festivalnaya Street in Moscow.

Every time the show ends " Ironies of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!“on TV, the phone on duty doesn’t stop ringing. And so everyone New Year. They call fifty times a day and ask for Galya or Zhenya. At first, the officers on duty were angry, but then they reconciled themselves and began to answer seriously: “Galya has left for St. Petersburg, and Zhenya is already sleeping.”


What a disgusting thing this jellied fish of yours is!
Oooh, it's getting warm! Rub my back, please!
Why are you watering me?! I'm not a flowerbed!
Some kind people were found... They warmed me up and robbed me. That is, they picked it up, warmed it up...
And you have shoes with thin soles. You will catch a cold, get sick and die.
You need to drink less, you need to drink less...
Wow, this is where I hung it from, my jacket... gray herringbone... from Mostorg
Let's weigh in on brotherhood.

- Where did you put my chandelier?
- I took it to the thrift store!
- For what?!
- And your underwear, as I noticed, is out of season. Get pneumonia, and aha.
- What, yeah"?
- Death.
“And your shoes have thin soles, so we’ll die next to each other.”

Ippolit, how stupid you are!
Why do you keep dropping me?!
You sing really well, but you don’t know how to cook.
You see, every year on December 31, my friends and I go to the bathhouse. This is our tradition...
Because I never get drunk!
Calm down, Hippolyte, calm down.

- I just met Hippolytus - he’s all wet! Did you throw water on him?
- He's wet with tears...

Movie bloopers

Yevgeny Lukashin could not fly to Leningrad, because it was not his last name that was written on the ticket - passport control was introduced on domestic airlines in 1970 - several years before the start of filming. Therefore, Lukashin’s friends did not have to guess who was flying to Leningrad - they just had to look at the name on the ticket.

There was a typo in the film’s credits: the letter “L” was missing from the word “exclusively” (“A completely atypical story that could only happen exclusively in New Year's Eve»).

Zhenya Lukashin’s mother takes the champagne from Pavel twice: the first time in the middle of the conversation, and the second time just before she sends him out the door.

In Leningrad, Nadya gets into a taxi with one driver, and when she gets out at the Moskovsky station, another driver is already driving the car.

When Ippolit approaches the entrance to Nadya’s house, he takes off his gloves and presses the button in the elevator with his ungloved hand. And then, leaving the elevator, he suddenly takes off his gloves for the second time.

In the scene of skidding on ice, Ippolit’s car hits the facing of the embankment, it turns sideways forward, but for some reason this side turns out to be intact in the frame.

Kuznetsova Valentina Anatolyevna (class teacher of 11th grade),

Yashchenko Maria Andreevna (8th grade class teacher).

New Year's scenario for children

middle and older age.

Fairy tale characters appear against the background of the song “Snowflakes.”


High five mood

Let's start the holiday

They say on New Year's Eve,

Whatever you want,

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.


Even guys can

All wishes come true

It is only necessary, they say,

Make an effort.

Pinocchio: Don't be lazy, don't yawn,

And have patience

For your torment.

The Snow Queen:

Carnival is a wonderful holiday,

Cheerful songs are heard here.

This is joy, bursting laughter,

This holiday brings success to everyone.


Wear a colorful outfit

Let the glitter sparkle

Let the carnival go around!

We meet, friends,

All: New Year!

(song performed by Father Frost and Snow Maiden)

The Dragon:

Bow to you guys, from all three heads and from the all-powerful tail! Although I have many draconian matters of my own, I put them aside and came to see you. In general, I am cool, businesslike and militant.

I'll tell you about the year of the dragon.

The Year of the Dragon is not an easy year,

But important and successful.

A year of battles and victories

Go boldly forward!

The Year of the Dragon is the year of fulfillment of all plans!


  1. Oh, what is this? ( looks around the hall)
  2. You again? What, my dears, did you want a New Year's concert?
  3. Did you come to see the show?
  1. I've been watching this show since 2012. How tired am I of this soap opera?
  2. And here we are now, our darlings, we will perform our last swan song

(dancing ballet)

  1. Oh, it made me tired...
  1. Such a shake-up has become difficult.
  2. Where is my remote control? ( enough). What's on Channel One?
  3. Look, friend, the tradition does not change.
  1. Let's take a look at this "Irony of Fate."
  2. Let's remember our youth...
  3. And let's say to each other:

Together: “Enjoy your bath!”

"Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath"

Scene 1 “At the Christmas tree”

(E. Lukashin’s apartment. Zhenya and Galya decorate the Christmas tree)

Galya: Zhenya, here is the New Year.

Let's meet him together!

Zhenya: Checkmark, we will meet him with our friends anyway.

Galya: You're so funny!

I want to celebrate the New Year only with you!(kisses him)

Now do you understand me?

Zhenya: Tick, of course, go ahead, I don’t mind. But what about friends?

Galya: Friends will get by

Zhenya: Where's mom? Where are we going to take mom?(Zhenya’s mother enters)

Mother: Don't worry about me!

I’ll prepare everything for you now and go to my friend’s house to celebrate...

(Zhenya and Galya smile and want to thank her, but she interrupts)

I know, I know, I’m the world’s mother

(The doorbell rings, mom goes to answer it)

Mother: Hello, Pavlik. What do you want?

Pavlik: Where is Zhenya? We're going to the bathhouse.

Mother: He has no time to go. Go on your own without it, you won’t get lost!

(takes the bottle from him and closes the door)

Galya: Okay, Zhenechka, I'll go! Until the evening(kisses)

Zhenya: (seeing Galya off) Galya, you know, I have long wanted to tell you that... I love you(kisses Galya)

Galya: Come on tonight, tell me everything(Zhenya approaches his mother)

Zhenya : Mom, I’ll probably go to the bathhouse after all

Mother: I have nothing against if you celebrate the New Year clean.

Son, think about Gala, good girl, and you need to decide a long time ago, Otherwise, work, work, but your personal life is not organized

Zhenya: OK, Mom. I like her very much(Leave)

Musical insert:

Oh bathhouse, bathhouse, bathhouse

You are raspberry hot!

Scene 2 In the bath

Zhenya, why don’t you tell us about your marriage?

Zhenya: - Yes, guys, I found my happiness..... And today I want to propose to her.

  1. So, guys, I have a toast. Let's drink to our friend's happiness! (drink)
  2. Well done, Zhenya, you finally decided to do this.
  3. Guys, I suggest you drink to the good fortune of all of us in the new year!

Zhenya: Guys, I won't do it anymore. It’s time for me to go home (Friends are drinking and suddenly remember:)

  1. Listen! What time is it already?
  2. This is why we stayed too long. And I need to go to the airport. Urgently, the plane won’t wait!

Scene 3 Airport.

Friends (1,2,3) are sitting in the waiting room. Zhenya falls asleep, with a bag with a broom on his lap. The sounds of airplanes approaching and departing.


Attention! Attention!

Boarding for the flight Moscow - Leningrad is announced.

Passengers are requested to take their seats.

  1. So, which of us should fly to Leningrad?
  2. Are you going to Leningrad?
  1. - No
  2. I'm not going either
  3. So, Zhenya is coming
  1. Exactly Zhenya? Why do you think so?
  2. What were we drinking for in the bathhouse? That's right for Zhenya's wedding.
  3. This means that Zhenya is flying towards her happiness!
  1. In my opinion, iron logic. And then I never get drunk.
  2. Let's help him get there

Music. The sounds of an airplane landing.

Scene 4. In Nadya's apartment.

Zhenya, with a briefcase from which a broom is visible, approaches the door.

Zhenya: Looks like I got to the street. Builders, apartment 12. How tired I am!(enters, undresses, scatters things, goes to bed).

(Nadya comes up to the door, opens the door with her key, undresses, preens herself, hums a song, turns on christmas tree, sees a strange man, gets scared).

Nadia: Who are you? Wake up, wake up now! Get up! Are you alive or not? (pushes him hard). What are you doing here?

Zhenya: I'll sleep here for a bit.

Nadia: Who are you? How did you end up here? (pulls him out of bed).

Zhenya: Don't drag me down (throws a pillow at her).

Nadya: Okay. Beware (goes for a kettle). I'll last time I'm asking (pours from the kettle).

Zhenya: Oh so good. More! Let's swim..... (gradually wakes up). Why are you watering me? I'm not your flowerbed. I'm sleeping here.

Nadia: How did you end up here in my apartment?

Zhenya: Why did you come to me? Why are you acting up here? St. Stroiteley 25 kv 12, this is my address (gets up, looks for a passport).

Nadya: Drunkard!

Zhenya: Hooligan! Where is my herringbone jacket from Mostorg? Where did I hang it? Here's my jacket hanging (picks up from the floor). Here, look at your passport!

Nadia: st. Stroiteley 25 kv 12 Moscow? How is Moscow? I live in Leningrad on the same street, in the same house and apartment 12.

Zhenya: Was it me who flew away instead of Pavlik? We washed ourselves in the bathhouse, well, we celebrated!

Nadia: You need to drink less!

Zhenya: So Galochka is in Moscow, and I’m on the floor in Leningrad (the bell rings, Ippolit is at the door).

Zhenya: Don't open it, I beg you. I'm without pants... (goes to bed covering himself. Nadya opens the door and he hugs Nadya).

Hippolytus: Happy New Year, my love! And who is this? Who is this man in your apartment?

Nadia: He came from Moscow by chance.

Hippolytus: How is this by chance?rips the blanket off Zhenya).

Zhenya: Behave yourself properly! What are you doing?

Hippolytus: Who is he? (points a finger at Zhenya).

Nadia: (throws his pants) What an impudent fellow!

Zhenya: Hey, be careful! Remember...(puts on pants behind the blanket).I need to get dressed. I'm uncomfortable here.

Nadia: Look how unattractive he is.

Hippolytus: Yes, he's just disgusting.

Zhenya: That's a moot point.

Hippolytus: ( pushes Zhenya, he falls and says).

Zhenya: Oh, something fell on me. (Ippolit wants to leave)

Nadia: Don't go, Ippolit. I'll explain everything to you now (Hippolytus returns. Nadya pushes Zhenya)

Zhenya: Why do you keep dropping me? Some pushers! I'm leaving you! What impolite, rude people ( leaves).

Nadia: Hippolytus, forgive me. Well, stop sulking. Today is such a wonderful New Year's Eve!

Hippolytus (turns on music, invites you to dance)Let's Dance! Listen, I have so much to tell you today. First I want to give you a gift!(gives the French Perfume).

Nadia: Oh, thank you, French. I've been dreaming about these for a long time. For me toothere is a gift (hands over a razor).

Hippolytus: Thank you. Nadya, I have loved you for a long time. Dear Nadyusha, marry me! I offer you my hand and heart. (doorbell. Nadya and Ippolit open the door, Zhenya is standing there)

Hippolytus: What do you need again?

Zhenya: You see, in this city I have no one except you! And there is no money either, and they won’t give you a ticket without money. Could you lend me 15 rubles? And then I’ll definitely send you an AVM.

Nadia: We'll have to pay you to leave us alone (goes for money)

Ippolit and Zhenya (alone)

Hippolyte: Tell me honestly what you did in the apartment.

Zhenya. : You see, my friends and I have a tradition of taking a bath before the New Year. Well noted! And by mistake, they put me on the plane instead of Pavlik. And the house and apartment, both in Moscow and in Leningrad, are the same, that’s how I ended up here. Don't be jealous, she's good, your girlfriend and it's not her fault at all.

Nadia: Here, take the money.

Zhenya: Thank you very much (kisses Nadya. Ippolit leaves).

Nadia: OK it's all over Now! How I hate you. You ruined my life.

Zhenya : Don't worry so much. He's not worth it! Where will he go? Of course he will come back. Well, there are only 2 minutes left until the new year.

Nadia: At least open the champagne.

Zhenya: No, I don't want more alcohol, better juice! (pours).

Chimes. They congratulate each other “Happy New Year.”

Zhenya,: Tell. What is your name?

Nadya: Nadya.

Zhenya: I, Evgeny Lukashin, doctor - surgeon at a Moscow hospital

Doorbell. Nadya's friends.

Valya: Dear Ippolit Georgievich, we are Nadya’s friends.

Tanya: We work in the same school. And they wanted to meet you for a long time, but she hides you all the time.

Valya: We came to you specifically to wish you “Happy New Year!”

Tanya: Ippolit Georgievich, you should know what a wonderful person our Nadya is(sit down at the table, pour juice).

Valya: Happy New Year!

Tanya: With new happiness! Nadyusha, let's sing our song“Trailers.” (perform song)

Valya: Okay, let's not bother you (they leave)

Valya: Nadya and Ippolit be happy!

Zhenya : turns on the music and dances together

The doorbell rings, Hippolyte comes in

Hippolytus: What, are you still here?

Nadia: Well, I can’t leave him on the street. And his plane is only at 7 o'clock in the morning.

Hippolytus: I would spend the night at the airport. ( fight). Look what a rogue you are, and ladies' man. Leave!

Zhenya: I won't leave! I feel good here too!

Nadia: What an ugly scene. Leave, both of you! Now! Get out!( kicks both out)

(calls friends) come, I'm sad! I'm waiting.

The bell rings, Zhenya comes in and sits down.

Nadia: If you want to eat, sit at the table.

Zhenya: I don't want something. Sad. A girl was waiting for me in Moscow. (takes a guitar and sings)"If you don't have a home...

Nadya: I like...

There's a knock on the door. Ippolit comes in drunk.

Nadia: My God, what shape are you in? You look ugly. I'm so tired of you all. Get out of here. I don't want to see it!

Hippolytus: And I don't intend to. Or maybe I also want to go to the bathhouse, but there is no bathhouse here. Oh shower! Okay, I'll take a bath(straight into clothes - into the bathroom, turns on the water)

Hippolytus: Oh, it's hot!

Grandmothers hedgehogs:

1. Well, while they are sorting it out among themselves, I’ll switch the remote control to the channel of the Sidorov Secondary School.

2. How are the kids doing there? New Year, how they celebrate there.

3. Let’s take a look in a minute.

On stage “Green Melancholy”.

(they perform ditties on the theme of school, school life, to the tune of the song - suffering “It’s a matter of evening”)

Grandmothers hedgehogs:

  1. How did this story end? A change in the fate of the heroes or another bathhouse.
  2. We had already washed ourselves and wished each other a light steam. Now I would like to rest...
  3. Well, what's the matter?
  1. And in interest, in curiosity

2. I switch.

3. Look curious!


As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you:

Soul and blood are inseparable!

As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you -

Love and death are always together.

You will carry it with you, everywhere

You will carry with you, my love,

Native land, father's house.


Don't part with your loved ones,

Don't part with your loved ones,

Don't part with your loved ones,

With all your blood, grow into them!

And every time say goodbye forever,

And every time say goodbye forever,

When you leave for a moment...

Grandmothers hedgehogs:

  1. Love will conquer all
  2. And now I don’t want to sleep. Children, I want cheerfulness and fun! And you?
  3. Well, who doesn't?
  1. I have remembered. I heard that they have secret materials, underground laboratories of good mood
  2. Everyone stand up together and line up! We will lead you along unknown paths. Let's show the unthinkable: imaginary and real,
  3. Fabulous and magical
  1. Follow me together.

Participants New Year's carnival visit New Year's attractions prepared in advance:

  1. Fortune telling and predictions station “Gypsy camp”.
  2. Room of fear".
  3. Station New Year's songs"Wider the circle."
  4. Dance station.

Oh, you, guests - gentlemen

Why did you come here?

Have fun or stand?

And support all the walls?

Have fun? Yes!

Then you need to split up!

(They are quickly divided into 4 teams depending on what time of year they were born: winter, summer, spring, autumn. There is a competition between them at the same time. The winner is determined by nominations: Most

  1. organized
  1. funny
  2. friendly, incendiary
  3. united)

Santa Claus awards the winners.

Grandmothers hedgehogs:

  1. While you were dancing here, my friends and I managed to change clothes.
  2. These plastic surgery they just work wonders.
  3. I put all the chains on myself

And earrings and rings

From expensive blue-scarlet stones

Yaga will have a lot of coral beads

  1. And I still managed to run into the hairdresser.
  2. I updated my wardrobe
  3. Well, people! Are you ready for more fun?
  1. Follow us to the assembly hall.
  2. Oh, and we'll rock it!

The New Year's disco continues at the Christmas tree.

Scenario of the literary musical composition “Irony of Fate”

Hello Dear friends! Today we have gathered in our literary living room to remember the film “Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath” on the eve of the New Year, and we will talk about the songs and poems that were heard in this film. First, let's remember some facts from the film and its plot.

Slide 1

The film was a resounding success: viewers literally flooded Ostankino with letters asking them to repeat their favorite comedy, and just a month later, “The Irony of Fate” was again broadcast on central television.

Slide 2

With “The Irony of Fate,” Ryazanov’s work began a period of films that combined the comic and the serious, which approached melodrama and even tragicomedy.

Slide 3

Many actresses auditioned for the role of Nadya Sheveleva: Lyudmila Gurchenko, Svetlana Nemolyaeva, Antonina Shuranova, Valentina Tolyzina and others. But Ryazanov remembered the Polish melodrama “Anatomy of Love,” where Barbara Brylska played the main female role. He got her phone number and called her in Warsaw. After reading the script, Barbara flew to Moscow for a screen test. Her version of the role turned out to be the most convincing.

Slide 4
In the photo, Barbara Brylska with Eldar Ryazanov and Andrei Myagkov during the filming of “The Irony of Fate,” 1974.

Ryazanov very carefully looked for the leading roles. Andrei Mironov really wanted to play Zhenya Lukashin, but Ryazanov saw him only in the image of Ippolit. Pyotr Velyaminov and Stanislav Lyubshin auditioned for this role, and Myagkov was cast almost by accident.

Very quickly “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath” became for real a cult film, phrases from it firmly entered the Russian lexicon and became catchphrases, and the Melodiya record company released a record with songs from the film, which we will now talk about.

Slide 6 (Photo by Pasternak)

“There will be no one in the house” - poem by B. Pasternak. The poem reflects the circumstances of the poet’s personal life. In 1931 Pasternak creates new family. The poem was written in the same year and was included in a collection with the symbolic title “Second Birth”.

Slide 7

In the film, a song based on these verses is sung by Zhenya, a confirmed 36-year-old bachelor, who is preparing to propose to his bride Gala on New Year's Eve.

Song "There will be no one in the house"

Slide 8 (Photo by E. Yevtushenko)

In the early lyrics of E. Yevtushenko, poems about love occupy a significant place. The poem “This is what is happening to me” was dedicated to B. Akhmadulina. In the poem, the hero speaks openly about what worries him and makes him suffer.

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Poem "This is what's happening to me"

Slide 10

Before celebrating the New Year, Zhenya, according to established tradition, goes to the bathhouse with friends. The famous scene in the bathhouse, where friends gather before the New Year, was filmed after the May Day holidays. Bath benches and scales were installed under the stairs in one of the Mosfilm corridors.

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Eldar Ryazanov played one of his characteristic episodic director roles in the film - a passenger on an airplane, on whom the sleeping Lukashin constantly falls.

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Nadya, who has returned home, is trying to wake her up. unknown man sleeping in her apartment. Lukashin resists: from his point of view, a stranger has broken into his apartment and for some unknown reason is driving him away. As a result of a hectic explanation and mutual presentation of passports, it turns out that Zhenya is in Leningrad.

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The poems of Alexander Aronov were not published, but in some miraculous way they were passed on from mouth to mouth, albeit in narrow circles.

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We all remember the episode from the film when Muscovite Zhenya Lukashin, having established relations with Nadya Sheveleva, sings to her “the aria of the Moscow guest.” The poet himself spoke of this poem as a trifle. But people recognized and remembered Aronov from a song about his aunt.

Song "If you don't have an aunt..."

Slide 15

“I like that you are not sick with me” - these are the lines of Marina Tsvetaeva. Written in 1915, she dedicated it to the husband of her sister Anastasia Tsvetaeva, Mauritius Mints.

Soon Mavriky Alexandrovich became seriously interested in Marina. Rumors began to spread. Finally, Marina wrote the famous “I like...”, putting an end to the meaningless rivalry.

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Song "I like it"

Slide 17

My friends have beautiful features

One of her most famous poems, “On My Street Which Year...”, set to music by Tariverdiev, was written by Bella Akhmadulina in 1959.

In the late 70s - early 80s, Bella Akhmadulina was not published. But every New Year, like a favorite record, these lines were played from television screens accompanied by a guitar:

On my street for what year

steps sound -

my friends are leaving...

Oh loneliness, how cool your character is!

Shining with an iron compass...

Let me stand on my tiptoes

in your forest

on the other end

slow gesture...

Slide 18

Poem “On My Street Which Year”

Slide 19.20

Ippolit, who came, creates a scene of jealousy, and Zhenya leaves. However, he soon discovers that he does not have money for a ticket to Moscow, and therefore returns to ask for a loan. Nadya agrees to help him, which causes a new outbreak of jealousy in Ippolit, who leaves in anger.

slide 21

“What a disgusting thing this jellied fish of yours is” and

Slide 22

“Oh, the warm one has gone” - phrases that were not in the film script. It was an improvisation by Yuri Yakovlev.

Slide 23

The next song, “The train will go to Tikhoretskaya,” is a song based on poems by Mikhail Lvovsky. The song was written for the play “Childhood Friend” in 1962. In the film “The Irony of Fate” she is performed by A. Pugacheva. By the way, Tikhoretskaya station, now the city of Tikhoretsk, located an hour’s drive from Krasnodar

Slide 24, 25

Song “To Tikhoretskaya”

Slide 26

Don't part with your loved ones

The poem that contains these words is called “The Ballad of a Smoky Car.” Under it, Zhenya Lukashin - Andrei Myagkov returns from Leningrad through a windy Moscow to his 3rd Stroiteley Street. If you listen to the lines sounding in the background, a chill creeps down your skin.The author of “The Ballad…” is poet and translator Alexander Kochetkov

In the summer of 1932, he and his wife vacationed in Stavropol. Alexander should have left earlier. On the eve of departure, they decided to sell the ticket and delay the departure for three days. Kochetkov later learned that three days ago his train crashed. After this incident, Alexander Kochetkov wrote the poem “The Ballad of a Smoky Car.”

Slide 27

Poem “Don’t part with your loved ones”

Slide 28

Many believe that the song “I asked the ash tree...” was composed by one of the bards or even by the director Eldar Ryazanov himself. In fact, the beautiful lines were written by the poet Vladimir Kirshon.

In the original, Vladimir Kirshon’s verse ended with the lines:

I asked the angel

I asked the demon

I asked ash...

"I asked ash"

In the film, the angel and demon were removed, and instead they were repeated about the poplar and autumn.

"I asked ash"

Song "I asked the ash tree"

Slide 28

In fact, the filming took place in an apartment in a panel house located in Moscow. In 2003, a plaque with images of Barbara Brylska and Andrei Myagkov was unveiled on the wall of house 125 on Vernadsky Avenue. However, this sign is often stolen and has to be restored.

Slide 29

In 2007, a sequel to the film “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath” was filmed by director Timur Bekmambetov. The film contains both new actors (Khabensky, Bezrukov, Boyarskaya) and the same actors as in the first part only 30 years later.

Thank you for your attention! Happy New Year!

This is what's happening to me

(music by M. Tariverdiev, Art. E. Evtushenko)

This is what's happening to me,
To me my old friend does not go,
And they walk in different vanities
Various are not the same

This is what's happening to me,
It’s not the same one that comes to me,
He puts his hands on my shoulders
And he steals from someone else.

And tell that one, for God’s sake,
Who should I put my hands on?
The one from whom I was stolen
In retaliation, he will also steal.

He won’t answer the same right away,
And he will live with himself in struggle
And unconsciously outlines
Someone distant from yourself.

About how many harmful and unnecessary connections,
Unnecessary friendships.
I'm already feeling satanic.
Oh somebody come and break it
Connection of other people's hearts
And the disunity of close souls.

This is what's happening to me,
This is what's happening to me,
This is what is happening to me.

There will be no one in the house (music by M. Tariverdiev. lyrics by B. Pasternak)

There will be no one in the house.
Except at dusk.
Winter day through the doorway
Undrawn curtains.
Undrawn curtains.

Only white wet lumps
A quick glimpse of Mokhovaya,
Only roofs, snow, and besides
No roofs or snow.
No roofs or snow.

And again he will draw frost,
And he'll turn on me again
Last year's gloom
And things are different in winter.
And things are different in winter.

But suddenly along the curtain
A shiver of excitement will run through you.
Measuring the silence with steps.
Measuring the silence with steps.
Measuring the silence with steps,
You will enter as the future.

You'll show up at the door
In something white, without quirks,
In some ways, really from those matters,
From which flakes are made.
From which flakes are made.

Along my street (music by M. Tariverdiev lyrics: B. Akhmadullina)

On my street for what year
Footsteps sound, my friends leave.
My friends senseless departure
I like that darkness outside the windows.

O loneliness! How cool your character is
Shining with an iron compass,
It's so cold, you're breaking the circle
Not heeding useless assurances.

Let me stand on tiptoe in your forest,
On the other end of a slow gesture.
Find foliage and bring it to your face,
And feel orphanhood as bliss.

Grant me the silence of your libraries,
Your concerts have strict motives,
And wise I will forget those
That they died or are still alive.

And I will know wisdom and sorrow,
Objects will entrust their secret meaning to me,
Nature leaning on my shoulders
He will reveal his childhood secrets.

And then, out of tears, out of darkness,
From the poor ignorance of the past
My friends have beautiful features
They will appear and disappear again.

I like it (music by M. Tariverdiev, lyrics by M. Tsvetaev)

I like that you are not sick with me,
I like that it's not you that I'm sick of
That the globe is never heavy,
It won't float away under our feet.

I like that you can be funny
Loose and don't play with words,
And do not blush with a suffocating wave,
Sleeves touching slightly.

Thank you with my heart and hand,
Because you have me, without knowing it yourself,
Love so much
For my night's peace,
For the rare meeting at sunset hours.

For our non-partying under the moon,
For the sun is not above our heads,
Because you - alas! - they are not sick of me,
Because I - alas! - it’s not you who’s sick.

If you don't have an aunt

(Aria of the Moscow guest)

(music: M. Tariverdieva
lyrics: Al. Aronova)

If you don't have a home,
He is not afraid of fires.
And the wife will not leave for another,
If you have, if you have,
If you don't have a wife,
I don't have a wife.

The orchestra thunders in bass,
The trumpeter blows brass.
Think for yourself, decide for yourself,
To have or not to have.
To have or not to have.

If you don't have a dog,
She won't be poisoned by her neighbor.
And there will be no fight with a friend,
If you have, if you have
If you don't have a friend.

The orchestra thunders in bass,
The trumpeter blows brass.
Think for yourself, decide for yourself,
To have or not to have.
To have or not to have.

If you don't have an aunt,
You won't lose her.
And if you don't live,
Either you don’t, then you don’t
Then you don't have to die.

The orchestra thunders in bass,
The trumpeter blows brass.
Think for yourself, decide for yourself,
To have or not to have.
To have or not to have. - 2 times

To Tikhoretskaya

music: M. Tariverdieva.
lyrics: M. Lvovsky

The train will leave for Tikhoretskaya.
The trailer will move, the platform will remain.
Brick wall, station clock,
White handkerchiefs, white handkerchiefs
The handkerchiefs are white, the eyes are sad.

He will begin to inquire about the smoking compartment.
About my past and present.
I lie about three boxes - let them be surprised.
Who did I say goodbye to, who did I say goodbye to,
Who I said goodbye to is none of your business.

A sailor in a vest will open his soul to me.
How hard it is for the poor thing to live in the world.
He'll get off at the station and won't look back,
The trailer will move, the trailer will move,
The trailer will move, the platform will remain.

I asked ash

music: M. Tariverdieva
lyrics: V. Kirshona

I asked the ash tree where my beloved is,
Ash didn’t answer me, shaking his head.
I asked the poplar: “Where is my beloved?” -
The poplar showered me with autumn leaves.

I asked autumn: “Where is my beloved?” -
Autumn answered me with pouring rain.
I asked the rain where my beloved was,
For a long time the rain of tears fell under my window.

I asked the month: “Where is my beloved?” -
The month disappeared into the cloud and did not answer me.
I asked the cloud: “Where is my beloved?” -
The cloud melted into the blue sky...

You are my only friend, where is my beloved?
Tell me where you hid, do you know where she is?
The friend answered faithfully, the friend answered sincerely,
You were loved, you were loved,
You were beloved, but she became my wife.

I asked ash...

I bless you (At the mirror)

music: M. Tariverdiev.
lyrics: M. Tsvetaeva

I want to be at the mirror, where there is dregs
And the dream is foggy,
I'll ask you where to go
And where is the refuge?

I see: the mast of a ship,
And you are on deck...
You are in the smoke of the train... Fields, fields
In the evening complaint...

Evening fields in dew,
Above them are crows...
- I bless you, I bless you
I bless you for everything
Four sides!

I bless you, I bless you
I bless you for everything
Four sides!

Ballad of a smoky carriage
He - How painful, dear, how strange,
Connected in the ground, intertwined with branches, -
How painful, honey, how strange
Split under the saw.
The wound on the heart will not heal,
Will shed pure tears,
The wound on the heart will not heal -
It will spill with fiery resin.

She - As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you -
Soul and blood are indivisible, -
As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you -
Love and death are always together.
You will carry it with you everywhere -
You will carry with you, my love, -
You will carry it with you everywhere
Native land, sweet home.

He - But if I have nothing to hide with
From incurable pity,
But if I have nothing to hide with
From the cold and darkness?

She - After parting there will be a meeting,
Don't forget me, darling,
After parting there will be a meeting,
We'll both come back - you and me.

He - But if I disappear into obscurity -
Short daylight beam -
But if I disappear into obscurity
Beyond the star belt, into the milky smoke?

she - I will pray for you,
So as not to forget the earthly path,
I will pray for you,
May you return unharmed.

He - Shaking in a smoky carriage,
He became homeless and humble,
Shaking in a smoky carriage,
He was half crying, half sleeping,

Suddenly he bent with a terrible list,
When the train is on a slippery slope
The wheels were torn off the rails.

She- Superhuman strength
In one winepress, crippling everyone,
Superhuman strength
She threw earthly things off the ground.
And didn't protect anyone
The promised meeting in the distance,
And didn't protect anyone
A hand calling in the distance.

He - Don't be separated from your loved ones!
Don't be separated from your loved ones!
Don't be separated from your loved ones!
Grow into them with all your blood, -

And every time say goodbye forever!
And every time say goodbye forever!
When you leave for a moment!

Music, dance and artistic competitions, i.e. those where you can show your talents and have a lot of fun have become very popular among modern youth. That is why the entertainment part of the prom program for ninth-graders or eleventh-graders will be greatly enhanced by a funny one that can be played out impromptu.

It was invented especially for this occasion a new musical fairy tale for graduation ceremonies“The irony of fate or happy graduation!” with modern musical accompaniment, a game plot and a general dance of graduates in the finale.

The musical arrangement and text can be downloaded in full in the full version of the script.

Introduction to the fairy tale "The Irony of Fate or Happy Graduation!"


Ash (talking tree in the school garden)


Peter the athlete

Faya's classmate

Leading: Our holiday is called graduation, then why don't we release any hit? And the best hit in our time is a remix of a long-loved song or movie, right? I propose, right here and now, to create your own version of everyone’s favorite story about the irony of fate, in which the hero unsuccessfully tried to talk to an ash tree, remember?

Track 1 is playing.

Leading: So, in our story there will also be an Ash Tree, but an Ash Tree from the school garden, which, as they say, has seen everything in its lifetime; several generations of graduates had fun and cried under its crowns. Therefore, our Ash will understand everything: from baby babble to teenage slang and be able to rustle in a variety of rhythms from pioneer dawn to hip-hop.

And for this role we need someone very thorough and impossibly attractive. (addresses one of the graduates). For example, you, young man, are simply born main character. (addresses the audience) Let's support the appearance of our first actor with applause!

To the exit of "Ash" - track 2 sounds

Leading: We will also need performers to play the roles of bosom friends Kolyan the stytsman and Peter the athlete. Who do you recommend? (addresses the audience or the class teacher). Great choice! Come out to us! Viewers, welcome!

Friends going out - track 3 sounds

Leading: And for the sharpness of the plot in our story, we simply need a girl, naturally, smart and beautiful, well, the one that many people like. (addresses one of the graduates) Here you are, girl, in my opinion, ideal for this role. We meet a heroine named Faina!

Girls going out - track 4 sounds

Leading:(Addresses the performers) It was a wonderful performing cast! Guys, you are heroes musical fairy tale and, if this is difficult for you to imagine, then imagine yourself as participants in the “Improvisation” show, as there, your task is to act according to the circumstances proposed in the text and musical excerpts for your character and his friends. Ash is on stage from the very beginning, always in the spotlight, supporting any actions of the heroes, the rest appear as the plot progresses, also actively participating in everything.

Script for a musical fairy tale

Leading: Well, the acting troupe is ready, the script has been written (shows sheets with text), the DJ is warned and “armed” with musical hits! Then turn on your imagination, imagine the stage and the auditorium!

Announcement - track 5 sounds

Leading: Our story begins! So, it was on a sunny but slightly windy June day. The eleventh graders were preparing for graduation, and therefore the schoolyard was quiet. Ash, your way out!

Ash comes out - track 6 sounds

Leading: Everyone's favorite Ash stood alone, trying to catch the music of the wind; finally, he succeeded, and he began to dance merrily.

Ash is dancing - track 7 sounds

Leading: At this time Petya appeared in the school yard

Petya comes out - track 8 sounds

Leading: Petya was a guy, no matter what! Only he didn’t know where exactly, and therefore.....


To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to contribute a small amount (300 rubles) to the site development fund. - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below presents detailed information about how to get full version this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)


Bonus discount for gaming program:

This tale would fit well into entertainment program With "with fullmusical arrangement, which is also entirely dedicated to the theme of graduation celebrations, it is offered separately (350 rubles), but for those who purchased this script there is a bonus discount of 200 rubles. Therefore, those who want to have both a fairy tale and a collection of games in their arsenal can send 450 rubles to the site fund; without a collection, accordingly, 300 rubles will be enough.
