DIY ghost costume for the New Year. DIY ghost costume

Halloween is a holiday that is not so popular in our area, but recently it has caught on. And not only among young people, but also among adults. Indeed, this is a great opportunity to return, at least for a short time, to a place where children still enjoy carelessness. This is a kind of analogue of a matinee, but Halloween is distinguished by its “thematic”.

In a modern interpretation, you can wear any costume you like for this holiday, but outfits based on the themes of various horror stories, transformations into heroes-villains from fairy tales and all sorts of evil spirits such as mythical creatures from retellings are still welcome.

The creepiness of the images does not spoil the holiday at all, but on the contrary: such a transformation provides a good emotional and psychological release. Adults temporarily play the role of “bad”, which is what they sometimes want to do. What can we say about the fact that this is an elementary opportunity to just fool around and have fun.

The main attribute of the holiday, a costume, can be made yourself. And it’s not at all a matter of saving or unwillingness to buy a new one. The very process of making an outfit and its attributes is an opportunity to escape from everyday boredom and bring a little fairy tale and that same fairy-tale miracle into life.

Ghost costume

This is the case of making a costume yourself, when you can come up with several options. The main attribute and material is an ordinary sheet. What to do with it? Here are some options:

  • the first is the most convenient, if we say that it is good to look for a victim who needs to be scared. You need to take a sheet and draw the necessary elements on it - mouth, eyes. For a better effect, make holes. You can paint as your imagination dictates: the shape of the mouth can be made arched or triangular, the eyes can be drawn in the form of crosses or regular circles;
  • the second, perhaps, is more cumbersome. You should paint the sheet blue and make a rectangle-shaped cutout for the eyes. An ordinary ghost costume will quickly turn into an outfit of an eastern queen if you decorate it with lace and sequins. By adding some imagination, you can transform into the singer from The Fifth Element.

Baba Yaga costume

A typical Halloween look will be different every time because all sorts of unnecessary things come in here. It would be better if they looked completely unkempt. Everyone in the house has old grandmother's things lying around somewhere in the closet, and where, if not in creating a Baba Yaga costume, will they come in handy? To make the image more believable, use torn, perhaps never washed, things: the worse they look, the better. Let's not forget about the bright attributes of this character: a bright grandmother's scarf, red beads and something that would imitate a mess on the head - a wig, for example.

By the way, this arsenal of things can be used to create other images - a garden scarecrow or the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz. As for the second hero, it’s easy to make the same pants from a skirt for him. You just need to make a cut and sew it into tubes. Then gather at the bottom and place on the cuffs.

Nun Costume

This character must be present at the Feast of All Saints. I must say, his outfit is very specific. To make a nun's robe, you need a plain black or white dress. You need to complement it with the largest scarf you have. It should be the same color as the main item of clothing.

To transform into a monk you will need a black robe. All buttons on it must be torn off. Next, connect the edges and sew in the middle up to the collar, making sure that the head fits into the hole left. Complete the outfit with an accessory - a black hat with church paraphernalia sewn on.

Vampire Costume

Deserves the title of one of the most striking images at the holiday. The first associations are white skin contrasting with cherry red lips, an unhealthy appearance manifested in pronounced circles under the eyes and teeth. Regarding the latter, it is very important to make this element as close as possible to a fantastic performance. All this “beauty” is framed by a characteristic outfit - a black raincoat with a high collar and the same black formal suit.

You can experiment with the image of a Vampire: if you reduce the intensity of the manifestation of characteristic facial features, you can get the Marquis de Sade. Just paint the eyes black and remove the fangs.

What would Dracula be without a bride? To dress up the girlfriend of a fantastic Vampire, you need to wear a piquant dress with a deep neckline, “extend” the fangs, paint your lips with revealing scarlet lipstick and apply a good amount of powder.

Avatar Costume

The images of the main characters of the film of the same name have not yet been hackneyed. Undoubtedly, the characters are unique and quite colorful. So why not remind us of the cinematic beauties at Halloween? True, here the main tasks will be on makeup and some details. One of the most important are the ears. They can be made by slightly transforming some bunny ears you have lying around. You need to dress the characters in tights, which you can also sew yourself. How to properly make up Avatars, you can watch the video:


A simpler costume probably hasn’t been invented yet. To make it you need many rolls of wide bandage and about half an hour to wrap the baby. By the way, this is a pretty fun activity if you allow your child to wrap you too. Before turning into a Mummy, spray a little red paint on the bandage - it’s more impressive and scary.


The child will willingly make this costume himself. Just don’t spare one large sheet, and the baby already knows what and where to cut out so that he can see and talk in the costume.

Doctor killer

While making this costume with your child, see how fun it is. Take 2 medical gowns and generously smear it with scarlet paint, which will imitate blood. To complete the look, take some kind of cutting object - even a knife, even an ax. Here you should not overdo it and take into account the holiday situation. If there are a lot of small children, then it is better to make the image less intimidating.

Baba Yaga and the witch

To transform into these fairy-tale characters, find a far-hidden dress that you recently called “only grandmas wear.” The darker the dress, the better. It doesn’t have to be black – it can be dark brown, dark green or similar tones. Next - decorations. Or rather, intimidation. Buy miniature snakes from a children's toy store. Look there for the nose for Baba Yaga. You will also need the main transport - a classic broom. You can tie a scarf on your head or make something out of cardboard. Don't forget about the face - transform both yourself and the baby in accordance with the hero you are imitating.


We take a small pillow and wrap it in a flannel shirt. This will create a simulated big belly of a scarecrow. Then, using linen twine, we tie the belly to the baby. An integral attribute is a straw hat. Complete the look with stained pants. Any dark paint will help with this. Ready! Now it will be easier than ever to scare all the kids at the party.


Black clothes should be generously sprayed with Whiteness. This will result in specific spots that will resemble sun-bleached matter. Do not spare flour on your hair - it should imitate gray hair, and along the entire length. You can also use chalk instead of flour.

We do the face in the same way as Dracula was made up. The manicure is also important in this look - it should contrast with everything else. The more unpleasant and untidy he looks, the more believable the image. Black varnish will help with this.

Spider Eaters

This costume requires some skill to sew the cape. It can be made of ordinary black fabric, but better - silk. Next is the matter of makeup. We take out the previously mentioned products: chalk, black eyeliner or special products, if available. The main attribute and accessory are cobwebs and spiders. Draw the first on open parts of the body - on the face, hands. Attach toy spiders wherever they cling.

Wounded soldier

Another image for boys that will pair perfectly with pistols is machine guns and the entire arsenal of similar toys. Make your child a camouflage suit, a cap, add credibility with red paint, lightly covering the clothes.


Oddly enough, you can dress up not only as people or fairy-tale characters, but also as objects. The almost limitless possibilities of cardboard and plastic bottles allow you to dress up as a car or a tank. To do this, take a regular box and color it the way the child wants. Cut out holes for the eyes and make a barrel out of the bottle. Attach it to the box, adjust the direction. Of course, it’s more difficult to dress up an adult as a tank, but if you take a large box and several bottles, it’s possible.

Darth Vader

One of the favorite characters of modern children and even youth. The characteristic features of the hero are a black cloak and helmet. If everything is simple with a raincoat, then with a helmet it’s even simpler. You can make it from a box painted black. We remember how we made the tank and cut out holes for the eyes in its likeness. Don't forget about weapons - a real Darth Vader should have a lightsaber from a children's store for Halloween.

Here are some bright ideas for Halloween.

Happy holiday!

In our country, Halloween began to be celebrated recently, and most of those celebrating focus on the entertainment part of the holiday. That is, they perceive this holiday as an opportunity to have a fun costume party.

In principle, a Halloween costume is not difficult to buy today. Even if there is no specialized store in the city that sells carnival costumes and makeup, you can always order what you need at a virtual outlet.

However, not everyone plans to spend money on buying clothes that will only be needed for one evening. Therefore, many people construct costumes from scrap materials and ordinary everyday clothes.

Let's figure out how you can make a Halloween costume without spending a lot of money.


A very simple version of the costume that is perfect for boys and girls is a ghost. To create this look you will need a piece of white fabric. This could be an old sheet (only without a pattern, pure white), or a piece of gauze.

To create the costume, you need to cut out holes for the eyes on the fabric and draw the remaining “facial features” of the ghost with a marker. Since this is a children's costume, it is better to make the ghost's face funny.

Little girls make cute dolls and fairies. To create the first look, just wear a smart dress or skirt with a blouse, curl your hair into curls or tie two ponytails with bows. All that remains is to draw the girl’s lips with a “bow” and a few “hemp” on her nose. To create the image of a fairy, you should sew a cloak from any light fabric. Essentially, a cloak is just a rectangular piece of fabric gathered at the top with ties. You can make a diadem or crown out of cardboard on the girl’s head, and give her a “magic wand” in her hands, the role of which can quite successfully be played by a pencil.


One of the very popular images for girls is the witch. To create a costume for this character, you can use a regular dark dress or a skirt with a turtleneck. Clothes do not have to be black; you can wear dark blue, dark green or purple clothes. The style of the dress and its length do not really matter, because the witch can look different.

But you can’t do without a pointed hat. This costume detail can be easily made from thin cardboard. Simply roll up the cone and glue the brim of the hat to it. The finished hat is painted in a dark color, then it can be decorated with ribbons, stars, spiders and any other details that suit the chosen image.

Baba Yaga

It's easy to make a classic Baba Yaga costume. For this you will need old clothes. It is advisable that it be a long, loose skirt and any unnecessary blouse or T-shirt. Clothes should be torn additionally. Tie a scarf on your head.

But the characteristic detail of the image - the hooked nose - can be made from papier-mâché. A broom will complement the image (it can be easily made from an ordinary broom and a mop shaft).


This character is more suitable for a man, since a girl is unlikely to like going through the entire party swaddled. To create the costume you will need bandages. It is not necessary to buy dressing material at the pharmacy. If you have an unwanted old sheet at home, you can cut it into strips and use it to create a costume.

Simply wrap the prepared bandages over your clothing to create a perfectly suitable Halloween costume. Just don’t wrap the bandages too tightly, especially on the face; the person in the suit should be able to move normally.

When wrapping bandages, it is worth leaving some strips hanging freely in some places, because the mummy has lain in the crypt for thousands of years, so it cannot look neat and clean. For the same reason, bandages should be dirty and torn in some places. You can scorch the bandages with fire in some places (of course, you need to conduct experiments with fire before you start wrapping the bandages around a person).


Both boys and girls can try on this image. Creating a costume for this character is quite simple. Wear dark, tight-fitting clothing (such as a turtleneck and skinny trousers).

If the clothes are old and you don’t mind parting with them, then you can directly paint images of bones on the fabric - the chest, pelvis, bones of the arms and legs, etc. If the clothes are still going to be worn, then images of the bones can be cut out from whatman paper or white polyethylene colors (you can use shopping bags), and then sew them on trousers and a T-shirt. After the party, the stripes can be torn off, and the clothes can continue to be used for their intended purpose.

Vampires and vampiresses

Bloodsuckers are frequent guests at Halloween parties. It’s not difficult to make costumes for these characters from ordinary clothes and scrap materials. For a guy, you can use any business suit or even jeans and a sweatshirt (after all, a vampire doesn’t have to be Count Dracula, he can be our contemporary). Girls can choose any dark clothes - a dress, blouse with a skirt or trousers.

But the most important detail of the ghoul costume are the protruding fangs and blood-stained lips. To make dental plaques, you can use any white plastic (you can use false nails, plastic forks or spoons, detergent bottles), from which parts of the desired shape and size are cut out. You can use liquid red lipstick as “blood”.


Almost any old clothing can be turned into a zombie costume in just half an hour.

To do this, things will need to be torn, holes burned in them and dirty. You can stain your clothes not only with dirt, but also with artificial blood, which can be prepared using starch paste or sugar syrup with the addition of food coloring.

So, from scrap materials you can create a variety of Halloween costumes.

To get interesting ideas, you can look at photos of ready-made costumes, and then create your own version, using old clothes and things that you have on hand.

The Halloween costume, like the pumpkin, has become an integral attribute of the holiday. In the old days, it was believed that the outfit on this day should evoke horror and instill fear in order to ward off evil spirits. Only over time, this ritual lost its power. Today people perceive this holiday as a carnival. Partygoers wear both scary Halloween costumes: demons, vampires, witches, and glamorous ones: geishas and nurses. We have prepared material for you on how to make a Halloween costume with your own hands and how to be the brightest and most creative at the carnival of evil spirits!

So, you go to surprise, and at the same time frighten, your friends with your outfits. To create an image, you just need to show a little imagination and spend a couple of hours of time.


The simplest images are ghost and doctor costumes (for girls - nurses).

  • Ghost. A white hoodie and eye holes and you're ready for Halloween. A noose around the neck or handcuffs on one of the wrists can add variety to the costume.

  • Doctor killer. Take a white robe and stain it with red paint. To heighten your fear, put a mask on your face and put gloves on your hands.

WITCH OUTFIT: scary or glamorous?

There are different types of witches: old, with loose skin and a terrible wart on their face, or very attractive young girls. The choice is yours. We offer our ideas for Halloween costumes. Moreover, we accompany each described Halloween costume with a photo for clarity!

  • Witch. Option 1: scary. Long dark-colored items: a skirt, a jacket, torn stockings or tights and slippers (ballet shoes) are the basis of the costume. The more things you wear, the more real the image will become. If you can't find old items to wear, make your own from dark fabric. From one piece we create a skirt, the second will become a shirt.

The look is incomplete without hair and makeup. Lay your hair casually. On long hair, try making curls and combing them. For a short haircut, styling it on wet hair with foam is perfect: apply the product and simply dry your hair so that “everything sticks out.” If all else fails, buy a wig! With makeup, everything is also extremely simple: give preference to black and swamp green shadows, dark lipstick on the lips and black eyebrows. As for the wart, it is better to buy one or stick something “nasty” on your face yourself. You should not draw this flaw - it will look implausible. Or you can simply make a witch mask for Halloween with your own hands.

A cap with a huge brim completes the image of a scary witch. To make it at home, take black paper, cardboard, scissors, glue and fabric. Cut a cone out of cardboard and glue it together. Now let's make the fields. Remember: the diameter of the circle is the size of your head. Make “pyramids” on the inside of the circle so that you can later connect the cone and fields.

All that remains is to cover our hat with fabric. And voila, the cap is ready. You can decorate our masterpiece with organza, fringe or feathers.

  • Witch. Option 2: glamorous. This is a witch-temptress costume, so the clothes should highlight your figure and be rich black, blue or red. A corset or belt at the waist and shoes with stunning heels will add extravagance to the look. Don't forget the stockings!

When thinking about your makeup and hairstyle, remember that this time you should attract the eyes of the guests. A cap on her head and a bright manicure will remind you of the evil nature of the witch.

The witch can’t do without her own transport. How to make a broom for Halloween? From available materials: an ordinary broom, cardboard and wire. For the most authentic look, you will need a shaft: wrap a broom around it, and hide the connection point under a cardboard cap. You can hang cobwebs or spiders on a ready-made broom. Decorate it with ribbons or braid.

VAMPIRE AND VAMPIRESHEN: a classic of the genre for Halloween

Going to a party in this look, you run the risk of not being the only Dracula and vampire at the party. However, everyone has their own interpretation. And don't forget: DIY Halloween costumes are never the same.

A white shirt, vest and trousers are the basis. Vampires are creatures, as a rule, elegant, and therefore look the part. Without a long cloak you will never become a real Count Dracula! To make a cloak, take pieces of red and black fabric and stitch: the red piece should be on the inside, the black piece on the outside. Then we gather the fabric in the neck area and attach the ties.

What is a vampire without fangs? You can buy them in specialty stores, or you can make them... from a plastic fork. To do this, break off the bottom part and leave only the side teeth. Attach them to the upper gum - and the fangs are ready.

To complete the look, go for a pale face, add blue under the eyes and apply red lipstick. Now look in the mirror! Are you scared? So the image was a success. If you don’t want to philosophize with “war paint,” just hide your face. How to make a vampire mask with your own hands? You just need to print the template.

Another mandatory condition: the vampire must be extremely elegant. Trousers, vest, snow-white shirt - brand new. A cane will complete the imposing look.

DIY vampire costume

The vampire is the female interpretation of Dracula, so the outfit should be elegant and provocative. Red, black, purple and blue tones for the dress (required) are perfect. It’s great if the outfit comes with a corset.

A gothic collar, guipure gloves, a dark hat and black stockings will add a special sophistication to the look. Girls, don't forget about high-heeled shoes.

We do makeup and fangs according to the principle of male Dracula, which we wrote about earlier. But you will need to work some magic on your hairstyle. This is carelessly collected hair, disheveled in places, because vampires sleep head down, like bats.

Costumes of demons, mummies and scarecrows are also extremely popular at Halloween. It’s not uncommon to see not-so-scary characters at parties on October 31st: angels, little red riding hoods, and even scrambled eggs!


The fun and frightening holiday Halloween is a great opportunity to come up with costumes, dress up, fool around and go to a friendly party with the whole family. Just don't forget about children's costumes for this holiday. Today we have made a selection of outfits for kids.

Why not “put” on the child the main symbol of this holiday. A DIY pumpkin costume is perhaps the cutest option for dressing up on the last day of October. We will need an orange blouse and black fabric to create the muzzle. Cut out eyes and a grin from it and sew it all onto a jacket, the bottom of which is secured in advance with an elastic band. Place more outfits under the clothes - this time for volume. The final touch is a little green cap. It is easily made from cardboard and elastic.

Older kids can be a shark or a bat. To transform a child into a shark, you will need a cardboard box, colored paper, pencils, glue, scissors and, of course, a little imagination.

But to create a bat costume, find a black shirt or turtleneck at home and a piece of fabric (the same color as the shirt) for the wings.

First of all, determine how much material you need for the wings. After the measurements are taken, cut out the wings from the material according to them. To make the look more believable, sew the fabric to create cartilage, like a real mouse. Now you need to sew the resulting structure to the shirt. Complete the look with a mask. And your child is ready for the carnival!


If you are going to Halloween together, it is better to choose matching costumes. Mickey and Minnie Mouse, a couple of thieves, Mario and the princess are rather funny images. If you just want to be intimidating, you can dress up as vampires, zombies, or characters from The Addams Family.

DIY Halloween costumes, photo:

Making the latest DIY couple's Halloween costume is a breeze! Martisha's face is very pale, her makeup is expressive (smoky eyes will help you), her hair is black, smooth and shiny. A dark, long, fitted dress will complete the look. Gomez should be dressed no less elegantly: a suit is a must, preferably with stripes. Another important attribute is a small mustache. And a cigar in hand.

Remember: the main thing is to show your imagination and present the outfit correctly. Come up with an interesting story for your image - and you are guaranteed success at the holiday!

Halloween or the most mystical masquerade of the year is coming - images of vampires, witches, dead people, ghosts, zombies and other evil spirits are especially popular at the festive ball.

You can also transform into a good fairy, ghost, princess and other mystical creatures or fairy-tale characters - it all depends on your desire and imagination.

Everyone loves to dress up as different good and evil characters - both adults, who can finally make their dream come true and transform into their favorite character, and children, since Halloween is a night of transformation and magic.

And if for some reason you have not yet chosen a holiday costume for yourself or your children to your liking, Sputnik Georgia We will help you make it with your own hands at home, at an inexpensive price.

Costume for child

It doesn’t have to be intimidating - the main thing is that the baby likes the costume and feels comfortable in it.

Usually, children choose images from good children's fairy tales - girls make cute princesses, fairies, dolls, Snow Whites, Little Red Riding Hoods, and boys can be offered costumes of gnomes, a prince, a musketeer, a wizard, a pirate, and so on.

Children in carnival costumes of angels look amazingly fabulous, and if you or your child have chosen this particular look, then you can sew it with your own hands, using a pattern and taking into account the advice of our designer.


The basis of the costume, if it is intended for a girl, can be a snow-white dress of any length and style. For a boy, a snow-white set consisting of a loose shirt and trousers is suitable. Pink and blue tones are suitable for the suit.

If you don’t have any of the above in your wardrobe, then you can make the basis for an Angel costume with your own hands, using the pattern shown in the figure.

For such a suit made of fabrics, silk, satin or simple cotton fabric in both white and light blue, gold or silver colors are suitable.

Transfer the pattern according to the size of your child onto thick paper. Then fold the piece of fabric in half, right side inward, place a paper pattern on it and transfer it using chalk or a piece of dry toilet soap, not forgetting to allow seam allowances.

After cutting the shirt, sew it along the side seams from the wrong side. Then stitch the sleeves and sew them into the armholes. After this, tuck and hem the neckline. It is advisable to sew the cuffs, bottom of the shirt and all seams so that they do not fray.

How to make wings and a halo

The wings, which are the main part of the costume, can be made from cardboard, a wire frame covered in tulle, or from feathers. They are all attached in the same way - using an elastic band or braid, which is fixed in the upper part of the wings and tied like a bolero.

First way: take a newspaper and make a wing pattern template as shown in the picture.

Using a template, cut out the wings from a sheet of thick cardboard, attach with glitter glue, gold or silver, and draw feathers. Attach the braid and the wings are ready.

Second way: We draw the same wing pattern on a newspaper (both wings), then we take copper wire, which bends well, and bend it along the contour of the pattern. We connect the ends of the wire and the frame is ready. Then we take tulle and wrap it around the wire frame. You can decorate the wings with beads, beads, and sequins.

Third way: the wire frame is sheathed on both sides with white fabric. Sew along the edge so that the frame is sewn into the drawstring. Sew feathers to the fabric, starting from the bottom with the largest feathers, covering the ends of the previous one with the next row, ending at the top with down.

The image of an angel will be incomplete without a halo, which you can buy or make yourself using this video tip:

Even a girl who dreams of a heavenly life can dress up as an angel. At the same time, she can become either a traditional cherub or a fallen angel - you just need to decide which color suits you best - white or black.


Any woman can transform herself into a witch, regardless of age, since at heart every female representative is, at least a little bit, a witch.

This classic character, filled with mysticism and mystery, has long become a regular at the ball of evil spirits. A witch can be either beautiful and sexy, or scary or even vile, but naturally, the first option is preferable for most women.

A witch's Halloween costume consists of several main elements - a hat, shoes, makeup and a broom. An outfit for a seductive witch can consist of a short skirt and jacket (for big “girls” with a neckline) or a dress of any length in black.

The waist can be emphasized with a wide belt or corset. Striped leg warmers or tights and high-heeled shoes will complement the outfit. By the way, shoes with curved toes can look very interesting, which you can easily make with your own hands, following the tips and drawing.

© Sputnik / Maria Tsimintia

For this you will need: old shoes, newspapers, black paper, glue and decorative glitter. Separately, we make “curved noses” using papier-mâché technology.

From a sheet of thick cardboard you need to cut a tip of the required length and glue it to the toes of the shoes. Then cover the shoes completely with scraps of newspaper so that the surface of the shoes is smooth. Make the last layer of black paper; if there is none, you can repaint the prepared shoes black.

Finally, the shoes are treated with glitter. You can flaunt them after the shoes have dried.

The hat is another important part of a classic witch's Halloween costume. It is easy to make with your own hands from paper or fabric.

To do this you will need cardboard, black paper or fabric, scissors and glue.

How to sew a hat

Cut out two parts of the hat from cardboard, as in the picture. The height and width of the brim are adjustable depending on your desire, the head slot has individual parameters. Don't forget to leave in the fields the "fastenings" with which we will connect the parts.

© Sputnik / Maria Tsimintia

Glue the parts together and leave to dry. Then we cover it with black paper or cover it with fabric. You can also decorate the hat with black lace flowers, ribbons, fringe, a veil, an unusual clasp or a cardboard bat.

By the way, using the same technology you can make a small hat and attach it to the side of your hair - you will get an original accessory.

The costume is ready, but the image of a witch without a broom will be incomplete. You can use a regular broom with a long shaft or make your own original broom from plastic bottles using this video tip:

For makeup, you need to outline your eyes with black and shade these lines. The shadows can be made swamp green by applying them entirely to both eyelids. Eyebrows are drawn thicker, and lips are painted in a dark color.

Don’t forget about a beautiful manicure with voluminous golden skulls or fluffy spiders to complement your look, and go have fun!

A dead bride

Soft, gentle, sweet, slightly aloof, at the same time insidious, creepy and impressive image - with the light hand of Tim Burton, has become popular among girls of different ages and occupies not the least place at the carnival among other “evil spirits”.

It is quite possible to create a costume for a party that will complement the appropriate makeup with your own hands. But first we need to decide what our character will be - a corpse bride or a crazy killer bride, or maybe the devil's bride.

You will need an old wedding dress or just a white wedding dress. The color of the dress can also be gray, blue, soft pink, menthol, etc. High-heeled shoes.

On the dress you can sew ruffles from scraps of lace or guipure, crystals, or simply attach a beautiful brooch, cut or partially tear the hem of the dress, the sleeves.

The dress can be decorated with “bloody” handprints (red paint) or “earthy” stains, twigs and dried leaves woven into lace and so on. Use your imagination!

Hair decorations can complement the look - a veil, a tiara or a wreath of artificial or paper flowers. You can also make your own bridal bouquet from artificial or plastic flowers.

Police officer

This is one of the most popular Halloween looks for both men, women and children, although it is not the scariest.

Of course, there is no need to observe strict compliance: it is enough to know approximately what police officers wear in Hollywood films. The general color of this suit is dark blue and black, but you can choose a suit of other colors.

For boys, the uniform consists of a shirt and trousers, and for girls you can choose trousers, a skirt, and shorts. You can sew shoulder straps made of cardboard or thick, stiff fabric onto the shoulders of the shirt - making them exactly like the real ones is not necessary, just draw a few stars on top of the cardboard with a gold marker or glue yellow rhinestones or copper flat figures of the appropriate shape.

Black shoes are suitable - women can choose high-heeled shoes or boots if they wish. The latter are more suitable for miniskirts and shorts.

The cap can be made from cardboard and an old beret, and the visor can be painted with glossy black paint.

As accessories, you can add handcuffs, a holster or belt, a badge, a toy gun or a baton, which are best purchased at a toy store.


The ball of evil spirits is impossible without the main character - “Death”. This mythological character does not have a specific gender, so the Death Halloween costume will suit both genders.

And if you decide to embody this image, the basis of the suit for men can be a turtleneck and trousers, and for women either a blouse and a skirt, or a dress of any length.

The most important element of the costume is the mantle-cloak, which you can sew using the pattern shown in the picture. For a mantle made of fabrics, silk or satin is suitable.

© Sputnik / Maria Tsimintia

First, the pattern is transferred to paper or newspaper, then its parts are laid on the fabric and cut out two parts of the front and back, sleeves, side gussets to make the cloak more full and loose, and the hood. Along the edges of the cut you will need a margin on both sides.

The front and back are placed on top of each other, wrong side out, and basted together at a distance of 1 centimeter from the top edge. The already sewn sleeve is placed between the front and back in an inverted state, seam down, and hemmed to the shoulder.

Next, it is attached to the front and back from the shoulder down until a distance of 14 centimeters is formed between them. After this, the side wedges are sewn from bottom to top so that they finally capture the sleeve along its lower surface in a semicircle. This semicircle is hemmed directly to the sleeve.

The hood is then adjusted, sewn around the neck opening like a collar, and the robe is complete. Such a robe can also have a front clasp or be tied randomly to a belt.

An important accessory of this outfit is a scythe, which is easiest to make from durable cardboard and painted with suitable colors - black or brown for the handle and silver for the blade. The cutting element can also be covered with foil.

By the way, a cloak can easily turn into the robe of a wizard or other fairy-tale character if you embroider it with sparkles, beads, lace or other available materials.

The material was prepared based on open sources
