Speech therapy lesson on the topic “Wild Animals” for children of the senior group with OHP outline of a speech therapy lesson (senior group) on the topic. Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group “Wild animals of our forests Wild animals in the spring” open

In the presented lesson notes, a game situation is used, which is based on the use of a fairy-tale character familiar to children - Little Red Riding Hood. Together with her, the children take a walk through the forest and at the same time perform various tasks. Children learn by playing.

Throughout the lesson, they create various situations, then the animals have lost their cubs and we need to help them, then we need to help Little Red Riding Hood figure out who is hiding behind the bushes, then the wolf is blocking her path, and the children must guess the riddle, etc.

The use of game situations in classes makes the lesson interesting and not boring, helps reduce children's fatigue and maintains interest throughout the lesson.

The visual material used stimulates children's speech activity. And the selected tasks correspond to the children’s capabilities and cause them a lot of positive emotions. At the same time, educational, educational and correctional tasks set by the speech therapist teacher are successfully implemented.

Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the development of lexical and grammatical means of language in the preparatory school group “Wild Animals”.

Objectives: to systematize children’s knowledge about wild animals; learn to form possessive adjectives; agree nouns with numerals; explain the meaning of proverbs; highlight the main word among related words; select words-objects, words-signs, words-actions, develop thinking and attention.

Equipment: pictures of animals, animal body parts (ears, tails), flat doll Little Red Riding Hood.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time. Tricky questions.

Who has more paws - a hare or a squirrel?
- How many ears, tails, and paws do two squirrels have?
- Who (what) is bigger – hares or bunny ears?

Introduction to the topic.

Once upon a time there was a girl who never parted with her hat.

The speech therapist presents a flat doll.

What's the girl's name? (Little Red Riding Hood).

And then one day Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her grandmother. The road went through the forest. There are so many interesting things in the forest! And Little Red Riding Hood was a very inquisitive girl.

Game “Whose tail, whose ears?”

Little Red Riding Hood walks along the path and sees that someone’s ears and someone’s tail are peeking out from behind the bushes.

Little Red Riding Hood thought: “Who is that hiding behind the bushes?”

Children use pictures to determine whose tail and whose ears.

This is a hare's tail and hare's ears, etc.

Game "Gather the Family"

Little Red Riding Hood came out into the clearing, and there the animals from all over the forest had gathered and were crying. It turns out that they lost their cubs.

Guys, we need to help the animals. Call the mother and her babies, and then they will all come together.

fox - fox cubs
moose - elk calves
she-bear - cubs
wolf - wolf cubs
hare - little hares
badger - badgers

Game "Count to Five"

Many animals gathered in the clearing. Little Red Riding Hood decided to count them.

One clubfoot bear, two clubfoot bears... five clubfoot bears.
One sly fox, two sly foxes... five cunning foxes.
One prickly hedgehog, two prickly hedgehogs... five prickly hedgehogs.

“When do they say that?”

Keep a tight rein.
The bear stepped on my ear.
If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.

Children discuss proverbs with a speech therapist.

Game “Which word doesn’t match?”

Little Red Riding Hood walks through the forest and suddenly sees a huge oak tree in front of her. And on this oak tree lives a squirrel family. The squirrel asked the girl a riddle. Which word doesn't fit? Can you guess?

Squirrel, squirrel, white, squirrel.

What are the names of the words squirrel, squirrel, squirrel? (Related) Name the main word. (Squirrel)

If you guess my riddle, I’ll let you in to see your grandmother. Which word doesn't fit?

Wolf, wire, cub, she-wolf.

What are these words called: wolf, wolf cub, she-wolf? (Related). Name the main word. (Wolf)

Physical education lesson “Bear and Ball” (T. Tryasorukova)

The bear is walking through the forest (hands on the belt, walking in place)
He carries a ball in his paw (we raise our arms up at the sides and connect them roundly above our heads)
The ball flew into the sky (we shake our hands above our heads)
The bear roared menacingly. (we pronounce r-r-r sound, loud and angry)

“Pick a pair word”

The wolf let Little Red Riding Hood through. She walks, and she herself thinks: “Where do the animals live, where do they hide from bad weather, where do they feed the cubs?”

Choose paired words: animal - home.

Squirrel - hollow, bear - ... (den), fox - ... (hole), wolf - ... (den), beaver - ... (hut).

And Little Red Riding Hood thought that all animals are so different. Choose a word for each animal.

Fox (which one?) – cunning
Hare (what?) - ... cowardly
Wolf (which one?) – evil
Bear (what?) - ... clubfoot

Game "Who's the odd one out?"

The animals decided to play the game “Who’s the odd one out?” with Little Red Riding Hood. Shall we help her?

We stood in front of Little Red Riding Hood:
Wolf, fox, dog, bear.
Elk, hare, wolf, deer.
Owl, magpie, squirrel, crow.

Children highlight an extra object and explain why it is extra.

“What are the same and how are they different?”

Little Red Riding Hood continued her journey through the forest. And suddenly he sees a deer and an elk standing. Oh, how similar they are! (How?)

Children look at pictures of animals and tell how deer and elk are similar.

The girl took a closer look at the animals. Although elk and deer are similar, they are still different animals. How are they different?

Children talk.

A squirrel was sitting on a tree nearby, and a fox lived in a hole under the tree. How are they similar and how are they different?

If you listen closely, you can hear many different sounds in the forest.

Wolf in the forest - ... howls
She-bear - ... roars
Boar - ... grunts
Fox - ... yapping

The result of a speech therapy session.

The forest is over. Our journey has also ended. Who did we meet in the forest? Why are these animals called wild?

Petrishina Elena Vilenovna,
teacher speech therapist,
MBDOU combined type kindergarten No. 39,
Apsheronsk, Krasnodar region

The outline includes: program content, equipment and course of the lesson. The lesson is conducted using health-saving technologies. The album “Speech therapy lesson “How animals winter” contains photographs reflecting the progress of the lesson.



Speech therapy session on the topic

“Wild animals of our forests. How animals spend the winter"

for children with FFND

(preparatory group)

Program content:

  1. expansion and activation of children's vocabulary on the topic, consolidation in speech of the names of wild animals of our forests.
  2. development of children's thinking based on descriptive riddles
  3. automation and differentiation of sonorant and hissing sounds in spontaneous speech of children
  4. development of coherent speech in children.
  5. consolidation of the ability to compose sentences with given words according to the proposed scheme.
  6. improving the skills of sound-syllable analysis of words. Making a diagram of words from chips.
  7. strengthening the ability to divide words into syllables.
  8. consolidation of the ability to form a new word from the highlighted first sounds.
  9. development of reading skills by composing words from syllables.
  10. development of general and fine motor skills fingers
  11. development of memory, thinking, visual and auditory perception
  12. developing the ability to interact with each other
  13. education of a humane, careful, caring attitude towards the surrounding world, towards the wild animals of our forests

Equipment and materials:

  1. subject and silhouette (for shading) pictures depicting forest animals
  2. pictures of forest animals hanging from the ceiling
  3. magnetic board
  4. chips for making a word diagram
  5. “make a word” puzzles
  6. pictures for didactic games“Where is whose house?”, “Whose footprints are these?”
  7. pictures for the game "Make a new word"
  8. puzzles
  9. simple pencils and ballpoint pens for each child

Lexical material:bear, fox, hare, hedgehog, squirrel, wolf, elk, wild boar, badger, den, lair, burrow, hollow, wild animals, forest animals etc.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist. Today in class we will have to complete many different tasks. To successfully cope with them, we need to be properly prepared.

Exercise “Thinking Cap”

(promotes the development of attention, memory, thinking, speech).

Speech therapist. In order to hear everything carefully during class, you need to massage your ears diligently.

We smiled.

They took our ears

We pull to the top of the head,(Pull with index and thumb

We pull them diligently,finger the top edges of the ears upward)

Let's listen carefully.

We pull, we pull our ears,

But it’s no longer up to the top,(Pull the side edges of the ears to the sides)

We pull our ears to the sides,

To remember everything great.

We pull our ears again,(Earlobes down)

We pronounce every word clearly.

Breathing exercises. Building up words in a sentence.

Speech therapist. What time of year is it now? That's right, winter!(Children behind the speech therapist repeat a deep breath through the nose and pronounce the following phrases as they exhale)

Snow falls.

The snow is falling quietly.

White snow is falling quietly.

The white one falls quietly, fluffy snow.

White, fluffy snow falls quietly outside the window.

Speech gymnastics.

(Children at the speech therapist pronounce pure phrases)

Su-su-su - we saw a fox

Zha-zha-zha - the hedgehog has needles.

La-la-la - a squirrel lived in the forest.

Xia-xia-xia - we saw a moose in the thicket.

Olk-olk-olk - a wolf spends the winter in the den.

Sy-sy-sy - the bunny jumps from the fox.

After all, after all, the bear sleeps in winter.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Find the named animal."

(According to the instructions of the speech therapist, the children find with their eyes, without turning their heads, a picture hanging from the ceiling with the image of a forest animal)

Speech therapist. Well done! Now you are ready to complete the tasks.

2. Generalization of material on the topic “Wild animals of our forests.” Development of phonemic awareness.

Speech therapist. Children, you probably guessed who we will talk about in class today.

(Children's answers.)

That's right, about the wild animals of our forests.

Name the wild animals of our forests that you know?(children name forest animals, and the speech therapist displays their images on a magnetic board - bear, fox, wolf, badger, elk, hare, hedgehog, squirrel).

Speech therapist. What animals are these?(Forest, wild) Where do these animals live?(In the forest) Right. All these animals are forest dwellers.

Now let's determine the number of syllables in the words - the names of these animals.(children complete the speech therapist’s task, separating syllables in words with claps)

Words: badger, wolf, fox, boar, hedgehog, she-bear, squirrel.

Now I invite you to guess riddles about forest inhabitants(children guess riddles, while one child looks for an image - a solution on a magnetic board)

In summer he wanders without a road,

Between pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

Hides your nose from the frost.


Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread.


Who is cold in winter

Gray, angry, hungry wandering around?


In winter - white.

In summer - gray.

Doesn't offend anyone

And he himself is afraid of everyone


Touching grass with hooves

A handsome man walks through the forest.

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide.


You and I will recognize the animal

According to two such signs:

He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,

And in a red fur coat - in the summer.


Cunning cheat

red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty!

And her name is...


Speech therapist. Now solve some more riddles. I suggest you play the game “Make a Word”

(children identify the first sounds from words, the images of which are presented in pictures on a magnetic board and form a new word from them)

A sound-syllable analysis of the resulting words (fox, wolf, wild boar, moose) is carried out and their diagrams are drawn up using multi-colored chips (one child completes the task on the board, the others at their workplaces)

3. Physical exercise.

Speech therapist. And now we will rest - in winter forest Let's go for a walk.(children stand in a circle)

a) Massage of biologically active zones.

Yes Yes Yes

It's getting cold(rub palms together)

Yes Yes Yes (conduct thumbs hands

The water turned to icealong the neck from top to bottom)


I'm walking in the snow (Rub your ears with your palms)

Dy-duh-duh (Rub your forehead with sideways movements

There are footprints in the snow from the middle of the forehead)

b) “Winter Forest” (children perform exercises, repeating them after the speech therapist)

We all came to the winter forest

And they found traces of animals

Here is a bunny in a white fur coat

I galloped across the clearing

And he ran behind a bush

Well, here's the trickster fox,

Not finding food yet

Quietly in the snow

Walks around the hole

A gray wolf through the snowdrifts

He ran and was like that

From a hollow, like from a window

A squirrel peeked out

Fluffed her gray tail

Handy squirrel

The speech therapist gives each child one picture from the pair “footprint” - “animal’s home” from the didactic games “Where is whose house?” Whose tracks are these?

Now don't yawn

Where is whose trace?

And where is whose house?

Guess quickly!

Children must find a paired picture to theirs from another child and form a pair with him (take his hand)

Pairs of pictures: fox tracks - hole; wolf tracks- lair; bear tracks - den; squirrel tracks - hollow; hare tracks - thickets.

Speech therapist. Well done. Take your seats.

4. Speech development.

Speech therapist. Where is whose footprint and where is whose house you guessed. Can you make up the names of forest animals from the given syllables?(Children make up the names of animals from puzzle syllables lying on their trays. Then everyone reads their word out loud)

Now I invite you to come up with sentences about your animal in accordance with the diagram on the board.(The speech therapist lays out sentence diagrams on the board)

|_____ _____ _ _____.

|_____ _____ _____ _ _____.

Speech therapist. And now, guys, let's remember and read the poems that talk about how forest animals spend the winter.(Children read poetry).

They go to bed in winter

Hedgehog and badger.

In a rotten tree

The mustachioed beetle is sleeping.

A bear sleeps in a den,

A marmot sleeps in a hole.

Well, the bunny is white

I didn’t go to sleep in winter.

Didn't bury myself in the leaves

Didn't go into the hole -

Runs through the forest

Yes, he gnaws the bark.


Bear, bear,

What happened to you?

Why do you sleep in winter?

Because snow and ice

Not raspberries and not honey!

V. Orlov.

A brown bear sleeps in a den in winter,

A little bunny is trembling under a bush,

The red fox is in the hole,

A hedgehog sleeps in dry grass.

The she-wolf sits in her den,

And the squirrel is looking out of the hollow.

Where do you live, squirrel?

What are you, little squirrel, gnawing on?

On a pine tree in an empty hollow

I have a cozy home.

And the frost is bitter and angry

Does winter scare you?

No! The frost is crackling, angry

Doesn't scare me in winter.

Strong gray fur warms,

This fur coat is the best!

Speech therapist. Well done! You know poems about forest dwellers.

Now look at the silhouette images of forest animals on the leaves lying on your tables. I suggest you shade with a blue pen the silhouettes of those animals that fall into hibernation, A with a simple pencil those who do not sleep in winter. But to make your fingers obey you better, let's warm them up.

Finger gymnastics "Squirrel sitting on a cart"

A squirrel sits on a cart.(Clenching and unclenching the fingers of both hands)

She sells nuts:(Make a circle with index finger and thumb)

Bunny with a mustache,(Finger exercise "Hare")

To the fat-fifted bear,(Knock on the table with the edge of their palm)

Gray wolf cub,(Finger exercise "Wolf")

To the prickly hedgehog.(Finger exercise "Hedgehog")

5. Fixing the material

Speech therapist. We did a good job in class today. To consolidate what we have learned, let's play the game "Fourth Odd".

Wolf, dog, fox, hare

Fox, wild boar, cat, squirrel

Cow, hare, elk, wolf

Badger, horse, squirrel, hedgehog

Elk, wild boar, fox, dog

Bear, badger, fox, hedgehog.

Speech therapist. Now let's solve the puzzles and try to guess which animals' names are encrypted here.

Words: wolf, fox, boar, hare

Speech therapist . Well done! You did an excellent job with all the tasks.

6. Summary of the lesson.

The speech therapist, in a conversation with the children, clarifies what was discussed in class today, and gives a differentiated assessment of the children’s work.

Correctional and educational purposes. Generalization and systematization of knowledge about the wild animals of our forests, their appearance and way of life. Clarification, activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic “Wild Animals”. Improving the skills of sound and syllabic analysis of words. Improving the syntactic side of speech. Automation correct pronunciation and differentiation of sonorous sounds in play activities.

Corrective and developmental goals. Development of coherent speech and communication skills, speech hearing, general speech skills, memory, thinking, articulatory and general motor skills, development of visual perception.

Corrective and educational goals. Fostering activity, initiative, independence, cooperation skills, careful attitude to nature.

Equipment. Easel, melody “Sounds of the Forest”, noisy picture with the image of wild animals, sound diagrams of words with the names of animals and their “homes” and small pictures of animals, A. Klykov’s story “Bear”, dance melody for the game “Bears”, slides with the image wild animals, mirrors according to the number of children for articulatory gymnastics, “traffic lights” and chips, a toy train with three carriages, small toys of wild animals.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.(Communication of the topic of the lesson, creation of a positive emotional background, development of visual perception).

Children enter the hall to the tune of “Sounds of the Forest.” They take their seats.

The speech therapist places a noisy picture of wild animals on the board.

Look carefully at the picture and tell me what animals are hidden in this picture? (squirrel, fox, wolf, elk, bear, hare).

What animals are these? (Wild).

Well done! Tell me, do you like to travel?

Today we will go on a journey into the forest to see wild animals. Do you agree? Now close your eyes and say the magic words:

Turn left, turn right
And you will find yourself in the forest.

So you and I found ourselves in the forest. Tell me how to behave in the forest?

Tell me what animals we can meet in the forest, name them.

2. Game “Find a home for the animal.”(Development of the ability to correlate a sound-letter scheme with a word).

An image of “houses” for animals is displayed on the easel, and under them there is a sound-letter diagram of the name of the animal and small pictures of wild animals (fox, squirrel, wolf, hedgehog, bear).

Guys, the animals are lost. We need to properly place them in houses. It is necessary to place the animals in houses according to the diagram.

(Fox hole, squirrel hollow, wolf lair, hedgehog hole).

3. Reading by a speech therapist of A. Klykov’s story “Bear.” Conversation based on text. Vocabulary work.(Generalization and systematization of knowledge about wild animals and their way of life. Development of speech hearing, development of dialogic speech).

Who was left without a house? (bear).

Let's read a story about a bear.


By autumn, the bear's molting period ends, its fur becomes thick, long, and lush. In winter, fur protects the bear from severe frosts.
During the fall, the bear gains a lot of fat.
With the onset of cold weather, he chooses a place to build a den, shovels moss and fallen leaves there, and throws branches on top.
When the first snowflakes fall, the bear is already in the den.

You listened to a story about the life of a bear in autumn. Do you remember when his molting period ends?

How do you understand the word molting?

Why should a bear's fur become warmer?

How do you understand the expression the bear gains a lot of fat?

What does a bear do when cold weather sets in?

When does a bear hibernate?

You listened very well and therefore were able to answer all the questions.

4. Physical exercise “Bears”.(Development of speech with movement).

We continue our journey. Imagine that you and I have turned into bear cubs.

The bears were walking through the forest,

Let's waddle

The bears were looking for berries.
Like this, like this.

We put one hand under the side - this is “Basket”

The bears were looking for berries.
Sweet raspberry
Put everything in the basket
Like this, like this.

We collect berries and put them in a basket

They put everything in the basket.
How we treated ourselves to raspberries,
Everyone's sprawled out on the grass
Like this, like this.

Patting ourselves on the tummy

Everyone's sprawled out on the grass,
And then the bears danced
Paws raised up
Like this, like this.

We put our legs on the heels, raise our arms up.

- Well done! We take our seats.

5. "The fourth wheel."(Development of thinking).

Let's look at the slides (there are pictures of animals on the slides).

Who is pictured here?

Which animal is the odd one out and why?

Fox - squirrel - cow - elk.
Badger - wolf - giraffe - bear.
Hedgehog - boar - rooster - hare.
Polar bear– hedgehog – hare – fox.

Well done! We continue our journey.

6. Articulation gymnastics.(Development of articulatory motor skills).

Now let's listen to a fairy tale about a cheerful squirrel. Listen carefully and do articulation exercises with the squirrel.

Little funny squirrel

Slept in a warm hollow


Then she woke up

Touch the tip of your tongue to the alveoli.

Smiled joyfully


The squirrel looked out of the hollow


I quickly looked around


The squirrel was very neat, she washed herself

Circular movements of the tongue across the lips

Brush my teeth

Circular movements of the tongue behind closed lips

Then the squirrel went for a walk. She jumped up and down on the branches.

Movement of the tongue up and down, focusing on the upper teeth, then on the lower teeth, alternately.

The squirrel's tongue clicked

“Clicking” into closed teeth

Picked mushrooms


After the walk, the squirrel returned to the hollow and fell into a deep sleep.

The mouth is wide open, the tongue is relaxed.

7. “Traffic lights.”(Development of phonemic awareness, phonemic hearing).

A “traffic light” and chips – magnets – are displayed on the easel.

Now I will tell you riddles, and you will guess and in the answer determine where you hear the sound [l], [l’]; at the beginning, middle or end of a word. You need to determine whether the sound is hard or soft and take the appropriate chip.

Gray wolf dense forest
I met a red... (fox).

And we are in the forest, and in the swamp,
You will always find us everywhere -
In a clearing, at the edge of the forest.
We are green... (frogs).

The hare says to the hare:
- We would have a voracious appetite!
- Appetite is of little use,
We wish we had teeth like ... (a wolf).

Very good, you have completed this task, let’s continue our journey.

8. Finger game "Orange".(Development of fine motor skills).

We shared an orange

Children break an orange into slices

There are many of us

10 fingers showing

And he's alone

Show 1 finger

This slice is for the hedgehog,

Bend over thumb left hand

This slice is for the swift,

Bend over forefinger left hand

This slice is for ducklings

Bend over middle finger left hand

This slice is for kittens

Bend the ring finger of the left hand

This slice is for the beaver,

Bend the little finger of the left hand

And for the wolf - the peel.

Throwing motion with right hand

He is angry with us - trouble!!!

Clench your fists and press them to your chest

Run away in all directions.

They “run” their fingers across the table.

9. Game “Let's ride the animals.”(Development of the ability to divide words into syllables).

A train with two carriages and small toys of wild animals are on display.

Our forest animals love to ride on a train. Let's take them for a ride. Animals with 1 syllable in their names will travel in the first trailer; animals with 2 syllables in their names will travel in the second trailer.

Wolf, bear, hedgehog, fox, hare, elk.

10. End of class.(Summing up the lesson. Evaluating the children’s work).

So our journey through the forest ended. Let's say the magic words:

Turn left, turn right
You'll find yourself at home again.

Who did we meet in the forest?

Well done! You did a very good job today.

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Lyudmila Khoraskina

Speech therapy session for older children with special needs development

Subject« Wild animals»

Correctional educational goals:

Expand knowledge children about wild animals; their appearance and lifestyle.

Clarification, activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic « Wild animals» .

Learn to answer questions.

Correctional and developmental goals:

Development of coherent speech and communication skills, speech hearing, general speech skills, memory, thinking, articulatory and general motor skills, development of visual perception.

Correctional and educational goals:

Fostering activity, initiative, independence, cooperation skills, and respect for nature.

Progress of the lesson

Speech therapist. Guys, when I went to kindergarten today, they handed me a note. Let's read the note.

“Hello, dear guys! The forest fairy is writing to you, the evil sorceress has bewitched all the forest animals: squirrels are catching mice, bears are jumping in the trees, a wolf is sitting on a branch, drying mushrooms, a hare is sleeping in a den, We ask you to come to the enchanted forest and restore order here.

Speech therapist: Guys, are you ready to help the forest inhabitants who are suffering from the tricks of the evil sorceress.

Children: Of course, we urgently need to go to the forest to help the forest and its inhabitants.

Speech therapist: - Now all that remains is to get into the enchanted forest, and he will help us with this "magic mirror", which will take us to a magical forest after we perform Gymnastics for the tongue.

Articulation gymnastics:

"Elephant", "Fence", "Cup", « Delicious jam» , "Horse", "Mushroom".

Speech therapist: Here we are in the forest. What a beautiful forest! Tell me, who lives in this forest?

Children: In this forest live a wolf, a fox, a hare, a squirrel, a hedgehog, a bear, and an elk.

Speech therapist: What to call these animals, in a word?

Children: Wild animals.

A game "Who's doing what"

"The evil witch has confused everyone animals» . We need to put everything in its place. I'll start and you have to finish the sentences (pick up and name as many feature words and action words as possible):

Bear (Which)- brown, huge, shaggy, clumsy, clubfooted, strong.

Hare (Which) -.

Fox (which) -.

Bear (what is he doing)- waddles, roars, sleeps.

Fox (what is he doing).

Hare (what is he doing).

What does a squirrel do?

What is the hedgehog doing?

What is the wolf doing?

Look guys, the evil wizard left us another task. Help me find out who is the odd one out here.

Didactic game "The Fourth Wheel"

Fox, bear, hare, woodpecker

Wolf, hedgehog, horse, fox

Hare, elephant, bear, squirrel

Hedgehog, she-bear, little hare, little fox

Chicken, squirrel, hedgehog, fox.

A game "Find whose house it is".

Speech therapist: Please tell me what is this? What is shown in the picture (houses animals) .

The evil witch mixed up the houses animals. Help them! (Children are accommodated animals to their houses) .

Finger gymnastics "Everyone has their own home".

The speech therapist invites the children to go to the carpet, stand in a circle, do finger exercises.

A fox in a remote forest Children bend their fingers - one at a time

There is a hole - a finger for each couplet.

reliable home.

Snowstorms are not scary in winter

A squirrel in a hollow on a spruce tree.

A prickly hedgehog under the bushes

Rakes leaves into a pile.

From branches, roots, bark

Beavers make huts.

A clubfoot sleeps in a den,

He sucks his paw until spring.

Everyone has their own home, Alternately they clap their hands, then

Everyone is warm and comfortable in it. they hit each other with their fists.

A game "Help the cub finds his mother» .

Guys, look, the animals are crying, they can’t find their mothers, let’s help cubs find their mothers.

Stand in a circle. I'll throw you a ball and call it wild animal. You you will catch the ball, call cub.

Wolf - Little Wolf

Fox - Little Fox

Bear - Little Bear

Hare - Little Bunny

Speech therapist: Well done boys! I think that the forest animals are very grateful to you for your help

And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's take it "magic mirror". We say magic words:

Ras, two, three, four, five,

Let's go back

To our favorite kindergarten.


Speech therapist: Where have we been today?

Why did we go there?

How did we help forest dwellers?

Which tasks were easy for you?

Which tasks did you find difficult?

Publications on the topic:

Quiz game for the senior group “Wild Animals” Quiz game “In the world of forest animals” for the older group kindergarten. Used modern educational technologies: health-saving.

Educator: - Hello dear guys. Today we will continue our conversation about wild animals. We'll start our lesson with finger tapping.

Summary of a frontal lesson on the lexical topic “Wild Animals” for children in the senior speech therapy group with ODD Lesson “Wild Animals” Goals: formation of cognitive activity, logical thinking, striving for independent knowledge and reflection.

Lesson summary for the second junior group. "Domestic and wild animals" Methodical techniques: Creation problematic situation, working with slides, examining an object, constructing a path from cubes; Dictionary:.

Lesson notes for the senior group. Topic: "Wild Animals". Goal: disclosure of creative, emotional, intellectual potential. Objectives: Develop skills of interpersonal interaction with peers.

Lesson notes

Elena Nikishova
Summary of speech therapy classes in preparatory group"Wild Animals of Our Forests"

Subject: « Wild animals of our forests» (1 lesson).

Target: systematize children’s knowledge on the topic being studied, activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic, practice selecting adjectives for words « animals» , in the assimilation of the category instrumental case, fixing the names of the cubs wild animals, practice learning possessive adjectives, in use constructions with prepositions"behind", "With", development of attention and memory.

Equipment: subject and plot pictures.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

The one who names home sits down animal with its baby. “Who has who?”(The cow has a calf, the pig has a piglet, cats - kitten, y dogs - puppy etc.)

2. Setting a goal classes.

Speech therapist asks children riddles.

Look what:

Everything burns like gold.

Walks around in a fur coat dear,

The tail is fluffy and large,

Expert at subterfuge,

And her name is (fox).

She is small, her fur coat is lush,

Lives in a hollow, gnaws nuts (Squirrel)

Amazing tailor.

There is not a single thread,

And there is no sewing machine,

And the iron is not hot.

But there are needles.

How many are there? Can't count it enough. (Hedgehog)

Who were these riddles about? (About the fox, about the squirrel, about the hedgehog)

Where do these people live? animals? (In the forest)

Today on in class we will talk about wild animals who live in our forests. Pictures from wild animals.

3. Getting to know new material.

A). A game "Which?"

Speech therapist displays pictures of wild animals and asks children: "Which animals (Herbivores, predatory, angry, dangerous, timid, defenseless, etc.)

B). A game “Who was who?”

The bear was (bear cub). There was a hedgehog (hedgehog). The fox was (little fox). There was a moose (calf). The wolf was (as a wolf cub). The hare was (bare). There was a boar (pig).

IN). A game "Whose family?"

Wolf, she-wolf and wolf cub are a wolf family.

Fox, vixen and fox cub are a fox family.

A bear, a she-bear and a bear cub are a bear family.

A hare, a hare and a little hare are a hare family.

- Hedgehog, hedgehog and hedgehog are a hedgehog family.

D) Game "What are they thinking about? animals

The bear in the den thinks about (honey).

The hedgehog in the hole thinks about (apple).

A squirrel in a hollow thinks about (mushroom).

The fox in the hole thinks about (to the chicken).

Wolf in lair thinks about(kid).

The hare under the bush thinks about (carrot).

Elk under the tree thinks about (grass).

Physical education minute.

Speech outdoor game. (For each line - four movements of the same type).

Teddy bear - top, top,

And the hedgehog - clap-clap,

And the little wolf - click, click,

And the little hare - hop-hop,

And the little fox sniffs, sniffs,

And the little squirrel-jump-jump,

And the elk calf kick-kick.

D). A game “Whose cub?”

A fox cub is a fox cub.

A hare is a baby hare.

A squirrel is a baby squirrel.

A wolf cub is a wolf cub.

A hedgehog is a baby hedgehog.

A bear cub is a bear cub.

E). A game “Who lives with whom?”

The wolf lives with the she-wolf and wolf cubs.

The fox lives with the fox and fox cubs.

The bear lives with a mother bear and cubs.

Yo). A game "Who's chasing who?"

The little wolf runs after (by a wolf)

Little fox runs after (fox)

The little hare runs after (hare)

Teddy bear runs after (by a bear)

Little squirrel runs after (squirrel). Etc.

AND). A game “Who is playing with whom?”

Fox plays with (little fox).

The wolf plays with (as a wolf cub).

Squirrel plays with (little squirrel).

The hare plays with (bare).

Bear plays with (bear cub).

H). A game “Who feeds whom?”

The wolf feeds (wolf cub, wolf cubs).

Fox feeds (little fox, cubs).

The hare feeds (bare, bunnies).

Squirrel feeding (baby squirrel, baby squirrels).

The bear feeds (bear cub, cubs).

4. Summing up classes.

What did they talk about today? class? (ABOUT wild animals of our forests)

Name wild animals with their young.

Publications on the topic:

Final lesson in the preparatory group “Forest Journey” Purpose: To summarize children’s knowledge about the wild animals of our forests. Tasks: 1. To consolidate.

Abstract of the educational activity “Animals of our forests” Topic: “Animals of our forests” Purpose: Generalization of ideas about wild animals. Objectives: 1. To consolidate the idea of ​​appearance and habits.

Summary of an open demonstration of direct educational activities in the middle group “Wild animals of our forests” STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION SCHOOL No. 1929 YUOUO OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW PRE-SCHOOL DEPARTMENT No. 2 LESSONS OF OPEN SHOWING.

Lesson summary “Wild animals of our forests” Topic: Wild animals of our forests Objectives: To develop skills, recognize, name and distinguish features appearance and images of wild animals.

