Megan Fox: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Megan Fox (Megan Fox) - biography, personal life, photos, news, Megan Fox's husband now

On May 5, the Hollywood actress became a guest on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.” The conversation, of course, could not help but touch on the children, because now the actress is with her husband Brian Austin Green- one and a half year old Noah and. Fox has prepared a pleasant surprise for viewers of the popular American talk show. As part of the program, Megan showed several photographs with her children.

As part of the program, Megan showed several photos with her children

In addition, the actress spoke about the difficulties she had to face during the filming of the blockbuster “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”: “I became pregnant with Bodhi two weeks after the start of filming the movie “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.” It's an action film, there's a lot of running and jumping, and women know that the first few months of pregnancy can be quite difficult, so I had to fight off nausea most of the time while filming.”

By the way, Megan Fox tries as little as possible. It is also almost impossible to find photographs of children on her Instagram microblog. Megan Fox's colleague Olivia Wilde went even further and for two weeks after the birth of her first child did not let anyone know that.

Now Megan Fox is a mother of many children and a beloved wife, although just recently the press was full of information about the breakup of the once loving couple. In 2015, the actress did not deny this news, but now she makes it clear to everyone that she is absolutely happy. What made it better family life Megan Fox? The third child from the man I love,

Marriage of actors

The celebrity relationship began in the early 2000s - the future Transformers star was then about eighteen years old, and her lover was thirty. In 2010, the couple decided to seal their union by marriage.

At that time, the actress was already famous for her role as Michaela Banes, and her husband’s career had long left much to be desired. As it turned out later, this fact more than once became a reason for quarrels in marriage, but it was important for the couple that they have children together. Megan Fox gave birth to her first child in the fall of 2012. The boy was named Noah Shannon Green. A year and a half later, in the winter of 2014, the couple’s second offspring, Bodhi Ransom Green, was born.

Family problems

There seemed to be complete mutual understanding in this tandem - the couple often went on walks together with their children, and were often joined by their son from Brian’s previous relationship, Cassius Luigi. However, in August 2015, the actress filed for divorce, and she was not stopped by the fact that the family still has very young children. Megan Fox said that she has not lived with her husband since mid-June, and this marriage has exhausted itself.

In turn, Brian apparently decided to take revenge on the girl by filing for alimony and demanding monthly maintenance from her. The actor appealed that due to injury he could not provide for himself. At that time, the famous wife starred in the sequel to “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and received impressive fees for a year in a row.

After divorce filings

Just a few weeks after the news of the couple’s separation, the press began publishing fresh photographs of Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox with their children - the family often spent time together. Fans of the movie star came to the most obvious conclusion - she simply decided to save a good relationship with my almost ex-husband.

After about another six months, the actress’s “interesting” position became noticeable. Fans made various assumptions about who became the celebrity’s new chosen one, and with whom not only she, but also her children would now live. Megan Fox did not comment on other people's speculations, and soon everything became clear without words. Photojournalists captured the famous brunette on the beach in the company of her husband Brian - the couple did not have time to officially divorce.

Family saved

The movie star did not hide the fact of reconciliation with the actor, and there was no doubt that he would become the father of her next heir. It also turned out that the divorce is cancelled, and the children of Megan Fox and her lover will grow up in full family with own parents. At the beginning of August this year the celebrity gave birth to a third boy, although the news became known to the media only a few days later.

Like the couple's previous children, the baby received quite unusual name- Journey River Green. Noting happy event, the couple continued to appear in public together, making it clear to all ill-wishers and fans that they still managed to maintain the relationship.

Megan about her children

Having learned how many children Megan Fox has, some viewers may not immediately believe it. Despite the fact that the film actress recently gave birth to her third son, her figure remains the same as ten years ago. The young mother herself notes that she tries to be strict with her boys when necessary. Noah Shannon, Bodhi Rance and even more so Journey River do not know about the existence of gadgets, because the popular American is sure that they negatively affect the brain.

Megan complains that with the advent of children she has catastrophically little time for herself, but at the same time emphasizes that her destiny is to be a mother. In a recent interview, she admitted that she telepathically communicated with her youngest son even before he was born, and even understood what he was feeling at one time or another. Fox notes that she has a feeling that Journey River will become a talented scientist. Information about her thoughts regarding the prospects for older children, happy mother of many children I left it with me.

This American popular film actress became famous after the release of the world of Transformers. Since childhood, she has tried to assert herself in this world. She went in for sports, danced, acted in films. IN school years she faced misunderstanding and even hatred from peers who bullied her. But this did not break the girl, but only made her stronger. She set a goal that she purposefully pursued.

Now her fate and personal life are of interest to a large number of people. They literally follow on her heels, asking about all the events of her life. But Megan Fox tries to hide all information about her loved ones in order to protect them from the intrusiveness of the paparazzi.

Height, weight, age. How old is Megan Fox

The popular American star became famous from the moment the cult science-fiction film Transformers was released on the country's screens. Admirers of her talent began to wonder what her height, weight, and age were. How old Megan Fox is is known for certain, since she never hid it.

Recently, a young woman celebrated her 31st birthday. She has been involved in sports since adolescence and adheres to a healthy diet, so her figure parameters are currently ideal. With a height of 176 cm, she weighs only 62 kg.

Megan Fox, photos in her youth and now which differ significantly, during recent years Fall into various situations. But, despite this, admirers of her talent are waiting for the young woman to appear in various film projects.

Biography and personal life of Megan Fox

The biography and personal life of Megan Fox are of interest to many admirers of her talent. She was born in the mid-80s of the last century. Her father, Franklin Fox, looked after those criminals who were released early by court decision. Mother Gloria did housework. When the girl was 3 years old, her parents separated. The daughters stayed with their mother. Megan has elder sister- Christy.

Soon a stepfather appeared in their family. He moved his family to Florida. It was this man who negatively influenced the self-esteem of his stepdaughters. At the age of 5, the girl begins to participate in dramatic productions and dance. At the age of 7 she begins to try herself in the modeling business.

During school years, the future famous actress I was an outcast in class. She was worried about problems with excess weight. It was at this time that the girl began to play sports. Despite everything, the biography and personal life of Megan Fox, in her own opinion, are developing successfully. While still in school, the girl starred in several film projects, thanks to which her name became one of the aspiring artists.

At the age of 17, yesterday's student sets off to conquer Hollywood. Soon she starred in episodes in a wide range of films.

In 2006, fate smiled at her. She played one of the main roles in the cult science-fiction film "Terminator". After this, work poured in as if from a cornucopia. The most significant roles were played in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Crossing. But having given birth to three children, our today’s heroine is currently thinking about ending her career. In her opinion, a woman’s purpose is to give birth and raise children, which is what she plans to do in the future.

Family and children Megan Fox

Megan Fox's family and children are now of interest to people who want everything about the artist. After her parents' divorce, the girl long time I didn't communicate with my father. My stepfather, who decided everything in the family, forbade me to do this. When the girl turned 17, she found her father herself. From that moment on, no one interfered with their communication. Now the father of the famous film star is a frequent guest in her family. He enjoys playing with his grandchildren.

The young woman’s mother endured the antics of her second tyrant husband for a long time. When youngest daughter turned 17 years old, the woman leaves him and moves to Los Angeles. Mom supports her daughters in everything and wishes them only the best.

Sister Megan Fox did not connect her life with cinema, although she played in one of the film series.

Currently, the popular world actress is doing everything to make her family and children happy.

Megan Fox's son - Noah Shannon Green

The popular Hollywood film star gave birth to her first child in 2012. For a long time all of her creative activity wondered who the star of the cult film series “Transformers” gave birth to. Throughout the pregnancy, the sex of the child could not be determined. The kid invariably turned his back and did not let him see his gender. Megan bought dresses in large quantities. She believed that only a girl could be shy and hide.

The child's name has not been released. Only a month later, the woman announced that she named her son after the biblical Noah.

In 2016, Megan Fox's son, Noah Shannon Green, took part in photo shoots for one of the children's clothing magazines. The boy loves to be the center of attention. He takes his first steps in sports, playing baseball.

Megan Fox's son - Bodhi Ranson Green

Unlike their eldest son, popular Hollywood film actors gave their second child a Buddhist name. Translated, Bodhi means “enlightened one.”

Megan Fox's son, Bodhi Ranson Green, looks exactly like his older brother, which is why they are often mistaken for twins. At the beginning of 2017, the boy starred in one of the films, which will be released on world screens at the beginning of 2018. Parents assure that Bodhi is very artistic, they say that he will become creative. Besides acting career, the middle son of famous Hollywood celestials draws and dances very well.

Megan Fox's son - Body

Your youngest son Our today's heroine gave birth in mid-2015. For some time the young woman hid the baby. His name has Irish roots. Translated, it means the right road. Megan Fox posted a photo on her Instagram page. The boy smiles and looks forward. He holds a pink unicorn in his hands. Subscribers to the pages immediately noted the incredible similarity between the baby and his mother.

In 2016, the boy starred in an advertisement for one of the most famous companies producing goods for children. This is not his first appearance in front of the camera. At 3 months of age, Megan Fox's son, Body, participated in a diaper commercial.

Megan Fox's husband - Brian Austin Green

The popular star began acting at the age of 13. To distinguish him from another artist with the same name, he added the name Austin to Brian. According to him, this is a tribute to his Irish roots. The young man became famous after starring in the TV series Beverly Hills.

The young people met in 2003 on the set of one of the film series. Soon they began to live together. After 4 years, the celebrities decided to legalize the marriage. Only close people were present at the ceremony, which took place on the Hawaiian Islands.

Now Megan Fox's husband, Brian Austin Green, is incredibly in demand. He is starring in several action films, which will soon appear on world screens.

Megan Fox before and after plastic surgery photos

Recently some funds mass media reported what she did plastic surgery Megan Fox, before and after plastic surgery photos of which served as confirmation. But the artist herself says that the first photo shows her at the age of 17, when she was experiencing problems with excess weight. The world cinema star says that she has never resorted to the services of a plastic surgeon. She acquired her ideal shape through daily training and diet. The woman admits that every day she eats her own diet, which excludes meat products and consists exclusively of vegetables.

Our heroine runs 2-3 km every day and also works out in the gym. She says that maybe someday she will have plastic surgery, but in old age. She doesn't need it yet.

Photo of Megan Fox for Playboy magazine

In 2016, photos of Megan Fox appeared for Playboy magazine. On the pages of the publication the woman appeared in underwear. She showed her perfect shapes, looking at which men admire, and the fair sex are terribly envious.

The girl appeared naked on her Instagram page. She appeared in this form to stop rumors about body modification.

At the beginning of 2017, Maxim magazine published candid photos of the famous film star on its pages. She posed for the publication in a swimsuit and nude. In the photos, Megan Fox looks seductively, making men literally salivate.

Instagram and Wikipedia Megan Fox

Instagram and Wikipedia Megan Fox contains the most important data about this American star. She doesn't really like to use it social networks. Only rarely does she post pictures of people close to her.

In the summer of 2016, a photo appeared on Instagram in which the artist’s sons appeared in girlish outfits, which caused bewilderment among Internet users. It turned out that in this way parents are trying to teach their children to understand the roles of women and men in society.

In Contact and Odnoklassniki there are pages of this popular artist, which are maintained Russian amateurs American cinema. Megan Fox is a sultry beauty who has repeatedly been included in the list of the sexiest actresses in the world. She is best known for her leading female roles in the Transformers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film franchises.

Megan Fox's childhood

Model and actress Megan Denise Fox was born on May 16, 1986 in Rockwood, Tennessee, USA. On her mother's side, the beauty's ancestry includes genes of French, Irish and Indian descent. Her father, Franklin Thomas Fox, was a parole officer, and her mother, Gloria Darlene, was a housewife. Megan also has an older sister, Christy. .

When baby Megan turned 3, her parents divorced. Mom soon remarried to a much older man. As the actress recalled, they new dad, Tony Tonachio, was a real tyrant - he forbade his stepdaughters to meet guys and invite friends to visit. It is not surprising that in her youth she was a lot nervous and often took it out on others.

10 facts about Megan Fox

At the age of 5, Megan began dancing and going to a drama club, later joining the school choir and joining the swimming team. At the age of 13, the girl took part in a couple of school and city talent competitions, after which she tried herself as a model.

Megan does not hide the fact that high school she was openly bullied. Sometimes she had to eat lunch, hiding in a stall in the girls' restroom, because students in the cafeteria began throwing ketchup packets at her. As the actress said, the problem was not hers. appearance, but because she always knew how to get along with the opposite sex, and this infuriated many of her peers. In high school, the attitude remained the same: she was hated because she was not afraid to always stand up for her opinion, even in aggressive ways. None of her classmates, except her, could put on a ballet tutu with military combat boots, dye their hair orange and show up to school like that.

As a result, by the time she reached high school, the girl was basically disillusioned with the school education system. At the age of 17, having the opportunity to somehow provide for herself, she left her father’s house with its strict rules and moved to Los Angeles, graduating from school as an external student.

Actor career

Megan made her film debut in 2001, while still in school. The 15-year-old beauty first appeared in the film “Holiday in the Sun” with the participation of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. Over the next two years, she starred in episodes of The Best of You and Two and a Half Men.

Megan Fox. Photo shoot for GQ Magazine

In 2004, two significant events occurred in the life of the young actress: she received, although not the main, but a permanent role in the TV series “Queen of the Screen,” and also played the rival of Lindsay Lohan’s heroine in the feature film “Star of the Stage.”

Real fame came to her in 2007. She then landed the role of Mikaela Banes in Michael Bay's box-office film Transformers, alongside Shia LaBeouf. Megan did not hide the fact that she got the role thanks to her excellent appearance and good advertising of her forms on the covers of men's magazines. Six months after the premiere, FHM magazine recognized her as the most sexy woman planet, and the MTV channel awarded her the “Breakthrough of the Year” award.

Of course, the contract for the next part of the franchise was not long in coming. Sequel to Transformers. Revenge of the Fallen" was released in 2009. Interestingly, for filming the second part, Michael Bay ordered the actress to gain 5 kilograms.

Megan Fox about Transformers and life

Megan was supposed to appear in the third part of Transformers (Dark Side of the Moon, 2011), but there was a scandal. The fact is that shortly before filming, Megan publicly complained about Michael Bay's strict morals, comparing him to Hitler. This outraged Steven Spielberg, the executive producer of the project, who demanded to get rid of the actress. Although Bay himself had no complaints against Fox, his film crew treated Fox rather harshly: “During the work on two parts of the film, Megan failed to prove herself as a professional. We thought that this was the second Angelina Jolie, but alas. Zero talent. And I couldn’t see her tattoo with Marilyn Monroe’s face.” Megan's place was taken by British model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Jason Statham's lover.

Shortly after the release of the second Transformers, Megan Fox appeared in the horror film Jennifer's Body as a school beauty who turned into a bloodthirsty zombie. Her co-star in the film was Amanda Seyfried. For this role, Fox was awarded the Teen Choice Awards in the categories “Best Actress in the Horror/Thriller Genre” and “Best Actress in the Horror/Thriller Genre.” Beautiful girl" And the Houston Film Critics Society named Jennifer's Body the worst film of the year. Also during this period, the actress could be seen in the comedy “How to Lose Friends and Make Everyone Hate You” with Simon Pegg and Kirsten Dunst.

In 2010, the star was invited to appear in the video for Eminem and Rihanna - “Love The Way You Lie”. At the same time, Megan Fox became the face of the Italian brand Emporio Armani (Spring/Summer 2010 season). Before this, the brand was advertised by singer Beyoncé.

Megan Fox in Eminem and Rihanna's video

In 2011, Megan played in the film “Children Don’t Stop Sex,” and a year later she voiced the character Louis Lane in the cartoon “Robot Chicken.”

In 2014, the film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was released, in which Megan played the role of April O'Neil. The film was panned by critics, but collected good box office, so a sequel was announced. The second part was released in the summer of 2016.

Personal life of Megan Fox

The actress began sexual activity at the age of 15, and since then girls have been in her bed. We do not undertake to list all the sexual partners of the sultry beauty; we will list only the most famous ones.

In 2004, the young actress began dating Brian Austin Green, star of the television series Beverly Hills 90210. They met on the set of the film “Stars of the Stage.” Soon the celebrities announced their engagement, but in 2009 they suddenly quarreled and broke off the relationship.

There were rumors that the quarrel occurred because of Megan's affair with Shia LaBeouf - the actors succumbed to the “chemistry” between their characters in “Transformers.”

However, a year later, Megan Fox and Brian Greene got back together, and on June 24, 2010, they secretly got married in Hawaii. Two years later, the happy family had their first child, Noah Shannon, and another year and a half later, their second son, Bodie Ranson.

In 2015, it became known that the star couple had separated again after 11 years of relationship. Fox admitted that she had been living separately from her husband for the past few months and had virtually no contact with him. The official reason for the discord in the family ex-spouses was not made public, but it was rumored that Brian was jealous of his wife’s growing popularity, while he almost stopped appearing on screens due to injury. (in 2014, a drunk driver crashed into the couple’s car).

But this time the spat did not last long. A couple of months later, Fox withdrew the statement and delighted fans with the news of her third pregnancy. In August 2016, the Green-Fox family became richer by one member. The couple again had a son, Journey River. The actress admitted that she tried all types of drugs, but she only liked marijuana, which she periodically uses to this day.

The actress has 8 tattoos on her body, including a large portrait of Marilyn Monroe on her forearm, the inscription “Brian” on her stomach, the inscription “Once upon a time there was a little girl who knew nothing about love until a boy broke her heart” on her ribs, a quote from Shakespeare's "We'll all laugh at gilded butterflies" on the shoulder.

Megan Fox now

In 2017, Megan Fox piqued the curiosity of Transformers fans by hinting that she might return for the fifth installment of the franchise: “Bay and I settled our differences a long time ago, and if Shia LaBeouf returns to the project, I will also take part in it.”

Bar Refaeli previously dated for almost six years Leonardo DiCaprio, but decided to break up with him without receiving a marriage proposal from him. Now she does not hide the fact that she has found family happiness with Adi.

Ivanka Trump

The daughter of the future US president immediately shared the news about her pregnancy with fans.

The businesswoman and writer - the daughter of the recently elected US President Donald Trump and his first wife, Czech model Ivana - became a mother for the third time on March 27, 2016. Ivanka and her husband, millionaire Jared Kushner, had a son, Theodore James. The couple also has a five-year-old daughter, Arabella Rose, and a three-year-old son, Joseph Frederick.

Ivanka has been married to businessman Jared Kushner since October 25, 2009. Before the wedding, the couple dated for a year, and before getting married, Trump converted to the Jewish religion.

Kelly Clarkson

The singer announced her second pregnancy right during the concert.

On April 12, American singer Kelly Clarkson gave birth to her son Ramington Alexander Blackstock and immediately announced it on social networks. “Our son is already here!! He is healthy and we couldn’t be happier!” – the star wrote. The boy came second common child artist and her husband, music manager Brandon Blackstock.

Clarkson publicly announced her second pregnancy in August at her solo concert in Los Angeles. While performing the song Piece By Piece, the star of the American pop scene suddenly became confused and immediately explained the reason why she was so worried. “I didn’t plan to talk about this, but I’m pregnant,” the singer said from the stage, causing an ovation from the entire audience.

Information about new additions to the family star couple I hid it at first. Only two weeks later, and it was July 4th - US Independence Day, John announced on the social network that he had become a father for the second time. " The best way Celebrating the 4th of July means introducing our fourth family member!!! Two weeks ago we met our daughter Violet,” the actor wrote.
