Why men love plump women. What type of men like bbws

And the remaining 10% hide it. Is there any truth to this joke? We asked fans of plump ladies on men's forums to respond. It turned out that there really are a lot of them! That's what they say.

Alexander, 27 years old:
I don’t understand people who don’t like chubby chicks. And no need to say that they are loose. Do you like Monica Bellucci? And she is by no means skinny. Have you seen her photo shoots? Where is the looseness? I am for feminine forms without looseness and cellulite. There are such fat women, which is just a sight for sore eyes. But everything should be in moderation.

Evgeniy, 18 years old:
And where did this opinion come from that if a woman is curvy, then she must have cellulite and be very fat. For some reason, we have this opinion, but here around me every day I see young ladies with bodies that are never loose - but at the same time with muscles, with smooth skin, it looks very cute, in my opinion. The issue of looseness is a matter of nutrition (the ratio of foods), cellulite also happens to skinny people. And a woman simply must have big breasts and a butt. I also noticed that plump ladies always look younger in their faces, and they have fewer wrinkles on their faces. So if a woman is not embarrassed by her weight, then I think that she is very suitable as a life partner.

Kirill, 34 years old:
In my opinion, there are different types of fatness, and I treat curvy women differently. There are plump-curvy ones - it’s very beautiful and sexy, and there are square ones-without-curves. Everything about them is big and square. Everyone has different tastes.

I like curvy women more than skinny ones. But the main thing is that a plump and curvy woman does not become square.

Victor, 43 years old:
I think that a woman of size 50 - many people consider this size already fat - is absolutely nothing. Better than size forty. I have never fallen for skinny women, they seem like teenagers to me, and their figures, as a rule, are teenage with undeveloped and very small breasts. It would be better to be a size 50 than to sleep with a teenager.

Anatoly, 30 years old:
But it seems to me that everything depends on charm, on femininity. I have a friend, Rubens would be happy - she is always well-groomed, always has a manicure, pedicure, hair removal, fashionable haircut, and dresses beautifully. And there are simply a lot of men who admire her. She radiates sexuality, she is confident... And there are skinny women who have melancholy, anger, dissatisfaction in their eyes...

In general, it seems to me fat women more cheerful and bright, there is something exciting about them.

Artem, 40 years old:
Yes, I really like it! Moreover, “serious” such crumpets have more than one name. Well, 110 kg with a height of 155 cm - kind of my size. Well, I like it! I can’t explain this in any way, just as you can’t explain why it is customary to consider thin women the standard of beauty, and stigmatize fat women.

Andrey, 29 years old:
It's hard to say why you don't like skinny people. Well, they don’t insert it. There is no attraction, no spark. But I’m ready to “tear apart” the “donut” (not just any one, of course, but the one I liked). In a good way, of course, to tear to pieces.

Alexander, 35 years old:
I don’t remember who wrote: “Men pretend that they like thin women, dry wines and a life full of adventures. In fact, they love fat women, sweet wines and a quiet life.”

I think many men like buns, remember our history: village women have always been in shape, ruddy and healthy, or rather hefty.

Maxim, 37 years old:
For some reason they still don’t marry models. Personally, my ideas about female beauty were formed quite a long time ago. Everything comes from Freud, from youth. I really liked Fedoseeva Shukshina (“Stoves of the bench”, “Kalina Krasnaya”). Here, after all, a lot depends not only on centimeters or kilograms - grace, gait. It happens that a village woman walks - it’s like a swan is swimming. And if you look at the “model” with a can of beer, you’ll want to puke.

Andrey, 28 years old:
Needless to say, it’s sad that most men often forget that plump women can sometimes outshine even the most show-off fashion model. Well, yes, a beautiful stylish figure, but what’s in the soul, in the character?

Puffy women are distinguished by the fact that, unlike slender ones, they know how to truly love; they are softer, kinder, and more natural. Personally, I am drawn specifically to fat and chubby women, but I simply don’t recognize all this thinness.

Alexander, 22 years old:
It seems to me that it’s different for everyone, some like larger forms, others like, as they say, to “feel” a woman. It’s just that when you hug a plump girl, she is so soft and pleasant. I want to eat it. Although my psychologist friend said that everything is simpler, it’s just that overweight women have more pronounced sexual characteristics, and we males are attracted to this on a subconscious level.
I don’t know whether this is true or not, but still I want to find a chubby girlfriend, although love is not chosen, love is found.

Alexey, 31 years old:
I like everything about plus size women! Well, plump women are simply beautiful in their own right! Everything about them is beautiful: their breasts, their tummy, their ass, and their plump legs in stockings - wow! Sexy and exciting.

Stanislav, 20 years old:
I add to your love for donuts. Let me add: the moral oppression of fat women forces them to be more adaptable. This means that they not only have a softer body, but also a softer character; it is easier to communicate with them and to live with them.

Andrey, 42 years old:
Fat girls are appetizing, sexy, cute, and there is no better sex than them. As we say, a woman without a belly is like a house without wardrobe.

Dmitry, 29 years old:
My ex-wife was 46 kg, and I always liked girls’ bodies, but I was young, stupid, and shy. “What will your friends say?” I myself am thin and not very tall. But what could be better than a soft, warm body? It will keep you warm in winter and hide in the shade in summer. Okay, this is a joke.

I really like tall, plump women with hips, a tummy and divine breasts. Maybe someday I will find my happiness!

Fashion always changes unexpectedly, especially fashion in appearance. Even the standard of thinness - models - have weighed more in recent years. Due to the huge number of people suffering from anorexia, specialists at fashion shows are increasingly choosing only girls whose weight is not lower than normal. In pursuit of an unsteady ideal, representatives of the fair sex forget about the opinions of those for whom they go through the hell of losing weight, including men. Do guys like fat girls?

Firstly, a lot depends on the degree of completeness. In medicine, there are several degrees of overweight and obesity. The degree of completeness is calculated using BMI values, although the method is not the best. So guys like fat girls, if they are not obese. Medically, the “extra” 3-5 kg ​​of fat itself does not spoil the girl, but adds a pleasant smoothness to her shape, she looks more cute with a round face. However, after crossing the border of 5 extra kilograms of fat mass, almost everyone feels that the friendly attention of men is becoming less and less.

Guys like fat girls if they are slightly plump and not obese. A woman’s absolute weight may even be at the upper limit of normal, but there is too much fat. In the West, such people are called “thin fat people.” Usually these are people with thin bones who gain weight due to the fact that they do not have enough heavy muscle tissue, but a lot of fatty, lighter tissue. On the contrary, female athletes are often heavier than the norm, given other ideal parameters. Therefore, do not focus only on weight, volumes are more important.

Secondly, guys like fat girls if the former have well-developed communication skills. When young, most men are poor at communicating with women. And a girl who is able to carry on a conversation, gently activate a guy, inspire and console, will always be popular. Fat people are considered kinder and more cheerful. If you have significant “advantages”, try to match

Thirdly, many guys say that a girl’s good appetite indicates that she is passionate in close relationships. That is, if she knows how to enjoy one of the joys of life, then it is quite possible that she will be a connoisseur of the other. Logical. And in the body of overweight girls there is more of the sex hormone estrogen, since its production is associated with adipose tissue, so they behave more feminine than painfully thin ones. Guys instinctively feel this and, after suffering with a skinny bitch, they often seek the company of a cute plump girl.

Fourthly, fat girls are often more compliant because they feel. And it’s not even that some guys take advantage of this, and they should be condemned for it, it’s just that some girls have unrealistic expectations towards guys. Princes are not enough for all princesses. And therefore, against the backdrop of eccentric thin girls, plump girls are perceived better. And often a guy from the very beginning looks for a girl with an unfashionable figure, just to make it easier with her. Guys like fat girls because they have more flexibility in their character.

Fifthly, besides the figure, men understand that the figure, in principle, can be changed, but with the face it is more difficult. One of the books for guys even says that you shouldn’t ignore fat women at the gym. After all, today she is fat, and tomorrow she will be a beauty with a lush, strong body. However, the same author advises to ignore overweight people with an ugly appearance. From the example it is obvious that the face also matters. By the way, many girls have a fuller face that looks better than a thin one. Therefore, you need to stop in time when losing weight.

What type of girls do guys like? There is no definite answer, because guys are also very different. But men who choose only by degree of completeness should be avoided by both thin and fat people. Perhaps weight simply protects fat girls from superficial braggarts?

The world of fashion has entered our lives so tightly that the desire to be like emaciated models becomes a real obsession for many women. And the main arguments in the fight against the arguments that everyone should be different and everyone can meet the one and only are photographs processed in Photoshop and covers of glossy magazines, from which unearthly beauties with a kilogram of makeup on their faces look at us. At the same time, for some reason no one remembers the men, for whom many try to look like models from the world's catwalks. But before tormenting yourself for extra pounds, counting calories and worrying, you should first find out from the stronger half of humanity whether men love fat women, and then all questions will disappear by themselves. Today we will talk to you about why men love fat women and what kind of lady you need to be to interest any gentleman.

Why do women lose weight?

Before you start talking about whether men love fat women, you should pay attention to reality. To the challenges that one has to solve in life, in recent years another one has been added, as stupid as it is painful, the desire to be like models who, with their standard 60-90-60, look so that you want to feed them. The beauty and fashion industries are ruthless, in pursuit of profit, they bombard the fair sex with so much information about why it is important and necessary to lose weight, that sometimes they overshadow any internal protest and doubts about whether it is necessary at all.

Overweight girls have been intimidated so much that they are already afraid to admit that they are comfortable with this weight. And, despite the statistics and even the fact that you can see with your own eyes that many men are married to appetizing beauties, and not to girls who are identical in their thinness, converted girls, ladies continue to worry and worry about excess weight. And it doesn’t matter whether a woman is married or just waiting to meet her future husband, at least once in her life she felt that she was not so beautiful, desirable and elegant, because she weighed not 50 kg, but 70 kg or more. One is afraid that her husband will cheat on her or leave for someone else who is thin and slender, and the other is afraid that she will remain lonely.

And it’s not so easy to reassure them, even if they share their doubts with someone. Which is not at all surprising. When you are bombarded with a stream of information in which only skinny girls are shown as successful and attention-grabbing representatives of the stronger sex, you inevitably think that all problems with your personal life are connected precisely with weight. No one would even think that most men love women who have curves. Not those who, due to their low weight, look like a teenage boy, and not those whose weight has crossed the 100 kg mark, which is simply dangerous for health and you need to think about it, and not about the opposite sex, but those who have visible waist, hips and a delicious butt.

Such preferences are not invented by overweight ladies to justify their excess weight by the standards of current fashion. What women who have lost weight and are forced to tirelessly watch every morsel they eat often try to prove with a passion that is worthy of being used in more important matters. This fact has been established by scientists.

Why do men love fat people?

Basically, representatives of the stronger sex who studied this issue not for the sake of interest or to search for evidence of why many men love fat women, including them, but to explain human behavior. And they unanimously claim that at the sight of a lady with hips that catch the eye, the ancient instinct of procreation is triggered in men. It is believed that it is the “blood and milk” woman who is able to bear and give birth to healthy offspring, and not the one whose figure resembles an immature teenager. One can argue with this, of course, but the instincts of the stronger sex tell a different story.

Thin women - convenience for fashion designers

Fashion is powerless against them. Therefore, fashion designers with unconventional tastes have to impose their ideas about beauty on society, and some girls, who would live and be happy that they are so thin, have to convince others: how girls with a body are not interesting, not beautiful and not in demand.

Apparently, they are so badly influenced by excessive passion for their own appearance and the desire to convince everyone that, at least because of it, they are better and more successful than others. And since it fails all the time, this kind of behavior is unfortunately not uncommon. And such an abnormal attitude from the always hungry ladies creates real problems for those who have a normal physique, but excessively low self-esteem.

Also, in addition to the peculiarities of the creators of fashionable clothing, the reason for the emergence of such a standard of female “beauty” is the reluctance of fashion designers to bother too much with clothes that require darts, because if a girl is of normal weight, they will be needed, but an emaciated model will not. And here the principle of the conveyor belt is applied, simplifying the process of creating things, but designers do not want to admit this, so as not to shake the faith in what kind of masters they are.

Development of weight loss products

Currently, and not only now, the industry of medicines, dietary supplements, shapewear, various surgeries and cosmetic procedures for weight loss is actively developing. Many large companies want to make money from weight loss products, so they unanimously continue to convince that a woman should look like a teenage boy. And if the model starts to look like a normal, healthy woman, no one will pay attention to the clothes themselves. Everyone will admire her mesmerizing forms, because men who love plump and appetizing women are also present at the shows of fashion collections. The fashion world cannot allow this to happen, because it needs to make money by advertising its products, not female beauty.

In this regard, there is no point in targeting those for whom it is completely unprofitable to advertise healthy ideas about beauty due to the fact that it does not bring money. True, the stronger sex is also often guided by various reasons when choosing companions, but here we are no longer talking about love. Because they love different women and mostly those who have natural beauty, not artificial. No one is able to resist instincts, only those for whom the companion plays the role of a trophy, which he is not ashamed to show to friends endowed with the same mentality, and has not become the beloved woman from whom he wants children.

But this does not bring happiness to either one or the other. Money and the opportunity to have the most expensive things are not yet an indicator of a good life, no matter how companies try to convince people of this, trying to drive people into debt and loans, just so that they buy their goods and increase their bank accounts.

Do men love fat people?

  • Many rich men date models just because it is fashionable and they are popular in his circle, where they mostly move. And having such a woman gives them the feeling that they are on top, since they can prove to others that they belong to the successful male representatives who are capable of winning such a popular lady. Only there is no talk of love here.
  • A man loves those women who understand them, hear them, are able to surround them with care and affection, and make them feel like the very best. They pay attention to those ladies who are confident in themselves, regardless of whether they are fat or not. Even if a girl has a model appearance, this phrase should not be confused with beautiful, but at the same time she feels insecure, and her low self-esteem shows through in every movement, few people will be interested in her and certainly a man is unlikely to love her.

  • The most beautiful appearance fades when people do not know how to present themselves. Instinctively, the downtrodden and the downtrodden are shunned because you feel uncomfortable next to them. And men want to feel passion for a woman, not a feeling of pity. They are not going to increase anyone’s self-esteem; they would not lower it themselves. Therefore, men love plump women and will always be nearby if a lady has a body, radiates confidence in her own beauty, is surrounded by fans, and a thin girl, withdrawn and uncommunicative, will never meet a normal guy. It’s good if she doesn’t date a tyrant who wants to have a dumb victim next to her, and not a lady who can force herself to be respected and loved.
  • No matter how much you weigh, no matter how you look, never consider yourself a failure, unworthy of love. If you are satisfied with everything, you do not feel physical discomfort from your weight, then there is no reason to torment yourself and criticize. If you want, lose weight, if you don’t want to, don’t. The main thing is to stay healthy, positive, sociable and friendly. And men will definitely love you.
  • The ideal of 90-60-90 has nothing to do with personal happiness and among actresses and models there are also many lonely or unhappy women. Personal happiness depends on many factors, and weight does not play such an important role as manufacturers of weight loss products try to convince you of it.

Therefore, for your own good, remember that men love fat women no less than thin women before you go on another diet. And instead of worrying, relax and enjoy life. And then not a single man can resist you.

The modern fashion industry actively imposes beauty ideals on us. Thus, parameters 90-60-90 are considered the reference for women. In this regard, ladies of a more curvaceous build begin to develop complexes regarding their appearance and even doom themselves to the fact that they will never find the man of their dreams who can give them love and support.

This opinion of girls in the body is erroneous. According to statistics, many men prefer curvy women with charms that they “can hold on to.” What kind of men like fat women? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, because tastes cannot be lumped together with the same brush. Some men prefer painful thinness, others prefer smooth feminine curves, and others like plump women with large breasts, butts and a convex feminine belly.

You should not try to understand what kind of men like fat women. After all, even someone who previously always gave preference to fragile female figures can suddenly turn his attention to a funny “chubby” woman who captivates with her shape.

However, if you try to understand the answers to the question of what kind of men like fat women, you should proceed from the age, social status and personal preferences of men. For example, teenagers raised on Hollywood films and glossy advertising are likely to almost unanimously declare that they prefer girls with model looks. While more mature (psychologically) men try to proceed not so much from the external parameters of a lady, but from her inner world. Therefore, when communicating with such men, women usually do not have complexes about their figure.

There is also an opinion that overweight women are liked by men who want to have healthy offspring. Lush female hips and breasts seem to signal that the woman is able to bear and feed a baby. In this matter, thin women are slightly inferior to their plump rivals.
Fat women are also liked by men who are free from stereotypes, self-confident, have individual taste, and are inclined not only to evaluate their appearance, but also their soul.

How to learn to love yourself?

Men like plump women who know their worth and know how to present themselves well. The figure is the third question. The most important thing is for a woman to be comfortable in her body. Men like plump women who proudly bear their advantages, both spiritual and physical. If a plump woman can highlight the beauty of her curvaceous figure, then she will certainly be successful with men.

A big mistake of overweight women is being tight and having complexes about their figure. Men are very subtle psychologists in such matters. They feel on an intuitive level how a woman treats herself and, if they see that the lady is disgusted with her figure, they also stop giving her their attention. Therefore, it is very important to learn to love yourself and your body.

First of all, you need to learn to adequately look at yourself from the outside and not attribute unnecessary shortcomings to yourself. The emphasis should be placed on the advantages of a full figure and well emphasized with the help of clothing. To make a plump woman look more attractive, it is very important to highlight the waist and neckline, which usually looks very seductive on such ladies. You should also not forget about your face, hair, and skin condition. A perky look, neat makeup and an attractive smile can make any girl a real sex bomb.

It is also necessary to get rid of complexes. To do this, it’s enough to take care of yourself, find yourself in some hobby and realize your potential. Girls with full bodies look very attractive in the surroundings of oriental dances. By the way, if we remember our initial answer: what kind of men like plump women, we can answer unequivocally - oriental ones. Men from the East have a cult of the woman in the body.

Meanwhile, recently there has been an increasingly visible trend in fashion promoting naturalness. So, over the past couple of years, several advertising campaigns and photo shoots have been released from famous brands of cosmetics and lingerie, where ordinary women with figures that are far from ideal were filmed. Thus, manufacturers are certainly trying to gain the favor of real, not glossy, customers, while at the same time teaching us women to love ourselves for who we are. In general, in the near future it is likely that ideals will change significantly, and after mass media processing of the brain, the percentage of men who like fat women will increase significantly.

Fashion is dictated by popular culture. The figures that are shown in films, commercials, and magazines are the ones that society likes. Female beauty is shaped by the media, television, and now includes the slim female body. The concept of slimness is also not defined - it is the silhouette, the correspondence of height and weight, the presence of a waist, or some other mysterious factors. But society accepts these norms, adjusts its figures to them and suffers madly in case of discrepancy. Thin anorexic models periodically come into fashion - or plump, cheerful ones with a clearly defined figure that does not allow one to dwell on imaginary deviations from the template.

How men treat fat people depends on the character of this very young man and on the degree of his pliability to public opinion. Statistics say that 75% of males still choose puny ones, and only 25% prefer large ones. However, how to determine fat or thin girls, by what criteria? For some with extra pounds, this means weighing 55 kg, but for others, even 80 will not be considered excess fat. The presence of a waist often tilts guys towards curvy ladies - the waist always outlines the figure more clearly, emphasizing its femininity. The opinion of men is that the skinny category includes girls up to 53 kg, the one who weighs less is more suitable for an anorexic woman. And if their body weight exceeds 80 kg, such people, according to the majority, are considered plump.

It is believed that why men love plump women is because the reproductive instinct lives in them, and plump hips and impressive breasts tell them about an excellent opportunity to bear a viable, healthy child. He may not even consciously think about it, but the instinct inherent in nature still works. No matter how long the world develops, no matter how progressive it becomes, human psychology has not changed much in global parameters over the entire existence of mankind.

In addition to external physiological data, in the mind of the male gender, the absence of complexes in relation to food also speaks of liberation in intimate life, and in general, on a personal level, greater openness and sincerity. Well, if she loves to eat well and tasty, as her figure expressively shows, then her husband will not leave the table hungry.

Also, plump people are not particularly worried about their weight, and therefore they smile more often and feel calmer.

This means fewer scandals and hysterics. Do men like fat girls? What if they are harmoniously built, smiling and cheerful, take care of themselves, behave confidently and freely? In such cases, the weight will be lost for pleasant bonuses. Unless someone is categorically against being plump - but because of internal problems, when appearance and how he looks next to his chosen one are more important to him, and not what kind of condition she makes him feel.

Ladies whose tummy is soft, but not loose, who have plump breasts and a round butt that bounces when walking - won’t they be attractive? The stereotypes that appear at us from covers and from monitors are so similar that you lose interest in them. Identical teeth, the turn of the head, the curve of the waist, the tan from the solarium - there is nothing to fix the gaze on. Moreover, such ladies know their worth and sell themselves no less than it.

External beauty is good for attracting a partner, but to retain it requires internal content,

which those obsessed with thinness and beauty cannot boast of.

There is a version that men think about plump women more often than about slender ones: they hurt their gaze, and, as you know, young people love with their eyes.

Do men love fat women?

  • Many rich people date models because their status requires it. He is a rich man, she is a model.
  • Weight and behavior are not always interrelated, and it is not rational to draw conclusions about one or the other.
  • Any appearance fades behind the lady’s confidence, her ability to rejoice and love another. A lady should evoke passion.
  • If a friend herself feels beautiful and happy, no amount of extra weight will make her unhappy.

What kind of men love crumpets?

Let’s try to figure out what kind of men like plump women. So these guys include:

  • with a short stature and a thin physique, which they carefully try to disguise;
  • overly large guys who find it difficult to find a worthy partner, against whom he would not look even fatter than he actually is;
  • young people who do not have much time to spend on looking for skinny women, who, moreover, have a very high standard of requirements for a partner;
  • people from the village or current rural residents - they are used to eating a lot and heartily, therefore they do not see anything shameful in a voluminous lady;
  • directly lovers of plump people.

Psychologists conducted a study on the subject of what young people like about representatives of the opposite sex, and how this affects their character and behavior. Thus, it turned out that those who prefer either plump girls or those with large busts are often quick-tempered and impatient. Often lovers of curvy bodies love to be the center of attention and enjoy it. Some are quite smart. Those who love plump thighs are characterized by aggressiveness in life; this type is active and likes to often change the place in which they live. In addition, he is a big fan of cleanliness and order. We can say that they often lack warmth and affection, family and close communication.

Curvy women are also attractive to those whose appearance is not at the forefront of their preferences when looking for a partner. For them, other qualities are more important, because personal experience and maturity allow us to conclude that this is not the main thing.

“Don’t drink water off your face,” says the proverb.

Moreover, curvy and ugly are not synonymous, as many skinny people would like. If the body is proportional and without unhealthy accumulations in certain places or cellulite, then why should such a girl be called ugly? Simply for not the standards that we see every day. However, individuality lies in deviations from standards. Women have to come to terms with their plumpness, especially if it is not related to lifestyle, but has a hormonal or hereditary background.

When a young man sees plump girls, he feels safe: such a companion will not threaten his pride, she is gentle and warm. However, there are also those whose complexes result in aggression. But this is not the norm for the mental health of curvy people, but a compensatory mechanism: hit first before they hit you.

Not all young ladies think about whether men like plump women, but begin to torment themselves with diets and exhausting exercises in the gym, just trying to please a guy. But it would be worth asking him himself, and perhaps a lot of torment could have been avoided.

What kind of women do men really love - thin, equally faceless women or plump individualists? A large lady can walk lightly and weightlessly, carrying all her weight like dignity, proud of her body and not embarrassed by it. At the same time, a thin woman can walk like a duck, hunched over and embarrassed by her tall stature. There is no single brush to judge by; there are individual preferences and important values ​​for everyone.

When a lady is well-fed and satisfied, she is kind and natural. She doesn’t have to fight to lose an extra gram, crave with all her heart to bite off a piece of that pie, or happily gnaw on half a chocolate bar at a time. She will not then be tormented by remorse and guilt if she ate a cake instead of an apple, she will not go off the diet and will not start blaming everyone around her. She is happy with herself as she is now. Don't guys like that?

Why people may not like fat people

However, not everyone likes extra pounds. Why don't you like fat girls? First of all, they contradict the principles of the founders of fashion. Fashion designers who pay attention to flat and skinny people do it for a reason: it’s not for nothing that models are called hangers. This is precisely their main function - to demonstrate clothes. If your friend is interesting, stately, and attracts attention, your gaze may not stop at the clothes. In addition, it’s different to sew on large ones, which are very diverse and each has its own size, or on thin ones, which are easier to choose the same ones and cut clothes according to the same measurements. Universal sizes, average model.

But the stronger sex may not like plump people for several reasons:

  1. It makes you feel complex next to her, or it’s difficult to repel the attacks and ridicule of friends who are fixated on the model’s parameters. It doesn't show the guy's strength of character;
  2. Many people believe that pomp is a lack of health, and if everything was healthy in it, there would be no excess. That if she is not skinny, then she is lazy, otherwise she would take care of herself and would not allow excess fat to appear. Here we need to go back to the beginning - what is excess weight and who is slim, where is the border and is it universal for everyone, and not selective every time.

If a person is happy and healthy, if his body is proportional and viable, his weight plays the most important role in self-esteem, in his position in society and in relationships with other people, including those of the opposite sex. At least that's how it should be in a healthy society.
