Consequences of rotavirus infection in adults. Signs of rotavirus infection in adults

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder mucosa, which brings a lot of unpleasant symptoms. The course of the disease becomes more complicated if the patient is a child. Most often, two categories of children suffer from cystitis: children one to three years old and adolescents 12-13 years old. Small children often get cystitis because they can play on the floor and freeze, but in the heat of excitement they do not change location, because the game is so exciting. Teenagers get sick because they want to look fashionable and stylish, while wearing short jackets in the cold, girls flaunt skirts in winter. All this leads to the development of cystitis. If it is not treated in time, the acute phase of the disease becomes chronic. Today we’ll talk about childhood cystitis - how to recognize it, why it appears and how to deal with this disease.

How to recognize cystitis in a child

One of the main symptoms of cystitis is painful urination. It is very good if the baby already knows how to express his feelings and can convey the nature of the pain to his parents. But what should mothers of infants do? How to understand that a child is crying precisely because of cystitis? The difficulty of diagnosis in this case lies in the fact that babies often suffer from colic in the stomach, they are teething, and the child may catch a cold. It is quite difficult to recognize painful urination among the symptoms. If the child cries sharply and suddenly, try undressing him. If crying occurs during urination, most likely it is cystitis or other diseases associated with the kidneys and urinary system. In addition to painful urination, cystitis can manifest itself with other symptoms.

The inflammatory process in the bladder area causes an increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees, depending on the degree of development of the disease.

The urine of a sick child may become cloudy and, in some cases, darken.

Urination becomes frequent, more than 3-4 times per hour. This does not apply to infants - for them, frequent emptying of the bladder is considered normal.

In some cases, the child may have pain in the lower abdomen. If the lower back and the area of ​​the back above the lower back hurts, the inflammation has affected the kidneys, perhaps it is pyelonephritis.

Sometimes urination becomes difficult - the child feels the urge, sits on the potty or toilet, but cannot empty the bladder. Or emptying is accompanied by severe pain.

In some cases, the child may experience urinary incontinence. Here it is worth considering the fact whether the baby could ask to go to the potty on his own before the illness.

The inflammation can be so severe that pain can spread not only to the urinary canal, but also to the genitals, anus, etc.

In the later stages of the disease, streaks of blood may appear in the urine.

The child's general condition worsens - weakness appears, the baby is capricious, sleeps poorly, loses his appetite, and the child often whines.

As soon as you have replaced these symptoms in your baby, you need to show him to the doctor as soon as possible. The fact is that the symptoms are often similar to a common cold. General immunostimulating drugs, drinking plenty of fluids and anti-inflammatory drugs suppress the course of cystitis, but do not cure it completely, since the disease requires more targeted treatment. That is, the mother treats the baby for a cold, the signs of cystitis subside, but the danger is that cystitis passes from an acute to a chronic form. Treating chronic cystitis is much more difficult. To make a correct diagnosis, your doctor may send you for tests. As a rule, if cystitis is suspected, a general and biochemical urine test is performed, and an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed. Bacteriological culture will help you accurately determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to various types of antibiotics, antifungal drugs, etc.

Girls suffer from cystitis much more often due to the fact that the female urethra is wider and shorter. Infection spreads through this channel much more easily than through the narrow and long male urethra. Nevertheless, a boy can also get cystitis - this also happens. Boys are more likely to develop chronic cystitis, while girls suffer from acute manifestations of the disease. If a boy has cystitis, you need to clarify the diagnosis with a doctor, because pain during urination may indicate phimosis - when the inability to fully open the head of the penis leads to stagnant processes. In this case, the pain is caused by the remnants of urine salts located under the foreskin. The symptoms of the diseases are similar, although they are of a completely different nature. Therefore, only a doctor should deal with the situation.

Why does cystitis occur?

The causative agents of cystitis can be bacteria, fungi, viruses and other harmful microorganisms. Here are some reasons for the development of cystitis in a child.

Most often, exacerbation of cystitis occurs against the background of hypothermia. You cannot swim in cold water, sit on concrete, dress lightly in the cool season, or play on a cold floor. All this leads to the onset of the inflammatory process.

Fungi and bacteria can become more active against the background of decreased immunity due to frequent illnesses of the child.

An unbalanced diet, untimely introduction of complementary foods, and the lack of natural vegetables and fruits in the diet can lead to the baby developing vitamin deficiency, which also causes an exacerbation of cystitis.

Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules is another reason for the development of cystitis. Panties need to be changed every day, otherwise dirty underwear can become a provoking factor in the development of the inflammatory process. The same applies to diapers - they should be changed every 3-4 hours, otherwise they will become a breeding ground for infections.

Various chronic diseases of the genitourinary system often lead to cystitis. Often, kidney disease and cystitis occur simultaneously.

Cystitis pathogens can enter the urethra through the anus and genital tract. Incorrect hygiene often leads to cystitis in girls. If a child wipes his butt after defecation from the anus towards the vagina, a piece of feces may end up in the urethra. Inflammation begins in the urethra, which quickly rises to the bladder.

Cystitis can occur due to untimely emptying of the bladder. Children often play, an interesting game does not allow them to go to the toilet. If the baby is constantly suffering, this can also trigger the development of cystitis.

Cystitis can be acute or chronic. Acute cystitis develops very quickly, proceeds rapidly, it has obvious symptoms, the acute form of the disease can be completely cured in 7-10 days. Chronic cystitis is frequent inflammation of the bladder, which occurs less acutely, but constantly, with the slightest hypothermia. Chronic cystitis can be cured, but it takes quite a long time. Even if the treatment has given results and the symptoms have subsided, you cannot stop taking the medications, otherwise the disease will again become chronic.

Before prescribing medications, the doctor must identify the nature of the disease and the type of pathogen. If it is bacteria, you will need antibiotics; if it is a fungus, you will need antimycotic agents; if it is a virus, you will need antiviral medications. This is very important, because antibiotics will not help against the virus, but will only increase the number of fungi. Here are the main directions of drug therapy that will help you suppress the development of cystitis.

  1. Antibiotics. In most cases, the causative agents of cystitis are bacteria, so antibiotics are often used to combat the disease. It is better to prescribe antibiotics only after bacteriological culture, when the greatest sensitivity of bacteria to a particular drug is revealed. Uncomplicated cystitis in children is usually treated with drugs such as Pefloxacin, Ofloxacin, Norfloxacin, Levofloxacin, Amoxiclav, Monural. A suspension is used to treat young children; older children can swallow tablets and capsules. The antibiotic must be taken strictly at regular intervals. Along with antibacterial therapy, probiotics and prebiotics must be prescribed to support the intestinal microflora and avoid constipation and diarrhea.
  2. Antifungal drugs. They are prescribed for candidal cystitis. It occurs rarely, almost always in conditions of lack of sufficient hygiene. The most effective and common antifungal agents are Diflucan, Nystatin, Fucis, etc.
  3. Uroseptics. This is a group of drugs that cleanse the urinary system of various microorganisms. Among them is Canephron, a strong herbal preparation that improves the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. Canephron is safe enough even for pregnant women and small children.
  4. Diuretics. A sufficient amount of fluid removed from the body reduces the concentration of germs and bacteria in the bladder. Among such agents are Veroshpiron, Diacarb, Furosemide, etc.
  5. Anti-inflammatory and painkillers. They are necessary in acute cases of the disease, when the baby cries a lot and runs to the toilet very often. You can give your child antispasmodics - NO-shpu or Papaverine to relieve spasm of the muscle layer of the bladder. Any anti-inflammatory drug based on Ibuprofen and Paracetamol will help relieve pain and reduce body temperature.
  6. Vitamins. They are necessary to improve the child’s immunity and to restore damaged bladder tissue. For tissue regeneration, it is necessary to take vitamins PP, A, C and group B.

In some acute cases, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed as part of complex treatment. This is an antiseptic and antimicrobial treatment of the bladder, which is carried out through the urethral canal. Remember, only a doctor can prescribe medications. Self-medication is effective only for relieving acute symptoms; it is very difficult to suppress the disease completely without drug therapy; cystitis can become chronic.

How to relieve the symptoms of cystitis in a child

As you know, the disease is quite painful, the baby is capricious and cries. Here are some tips and tricks to help you ease your symptoms and speed up your recovery.

  1. Peace. First of all, the doctor prescribes bed rest for the child. You need to avoid walking or walk only with a stroller. Avoid active games, at least during the first 2-3 days of illness. This is quite difficult to do, because as soon as the child’s condition improves, he begins to jump around the bed and bed, and it is impossible to put him down. Try to find quiet games, read books, watch cartoons, assemble construction sets, etc.
  2. Warm. Applying heat to the perineum will help relieve pain and reduce the urge to urinate. Fill a glass bottle with hot water, close it tightly so that the child does not get burned, wrap it in a towel and apply it tightly to the perineum. Doctors do not recommend applying heat to the lower abdomen, otherwise the inflammation may rise to the kidneys. At high temperatures, warming compresses should not be used. Instead of a bottle, you can apply a bag of heated salt, a heating pad, etc. General warming of the body is very useful - if possible, take a child over three years old to the bathhouse.
  3. Baths. This is another great way to reduce urethral pain. You can place the child completely in the bath or prepare a healing composition in the basin and ask the baby to simply sit with his butt in it. The water should be warm and comfortable, about 37-38 degrees. Decoctions of medicinal herbs can be used as a solution. Pharmacies have special fees that are intended for various diseases. For cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system, it is useful to brew decoctions from plants such as flax, thyme, clover, celery, yarrow, chamomile, juniper, etc. They will quickly relieve inflammation and relieve acute pain. You can take baths 5-7 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids. Harmful microorganisms actively multiply in the cavity of the bladder mucosa. You can reduce their number by urinating frequently. That is, in essence, we simply flush out bacteria from the affected organ. To do this, you need to provide the child with plenty of fluids. You need to let your baby drink what he wants - compotes, fruit drinks, milk, diluted juices, water, sweet tea. Herbal infusions are very useful - for example, chamomile. It perfectly relieves inflammation and soothes the mucous membranes. You can drink rosehip decoction - it is not only tasty and healthy, but also has a diuretic effect. It is effective to give your child alkaline mineral water - it has a mild anti-inflammatory effect. The main thing is that the baby drinks at least one and a half liters of water per day. Then recovery will come much faster.
  5. Diet. Salt and various spices penetrate along with the urine into the bladder, irritating the mucous membrane of its walls. Therefore, you should avoid spicy and salty foods for now in order to reduce pain. In addition, you need to provide your child with a balanced and varied diet, which will help get rid of vitamin deficiency and improve immunity. Your baby’s diet should include dairy products, vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals, and herbs every day. In the fight against cystitis, it is useful to eat fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt.
  6. Hygiene. Since a huge amount of bacteria is excreted along with the child’s urine, you need to change underwear and diapers more often, wash yourself every 6-7 hours and after each bowel movement. Teach your girl how to use toilet paper correctly - you should wipe your butt from the vagina towards the anus.
In the fight against cystitis, it is important to pay special attention to prevention, because chronic inflammation can return at any time. You should not allow hypothermia - the child should be dressed according to the weather, the baby should not stay in wet panties for a long time, diapers should be changed often. This also applies to trips to the beach, when children walk around in wet underwear for a long time, after which the signs of cystitis sharply worsen. Do not allow your child to sit on rocks, cold benches or concrete curbs. Every day or twice a day you need to take a shower and thoroughly wash the genitourinary organs. Follow the rules of a healthy diet, move more and strengthen yourself to boost your child’s immunity. If a child has infectious and chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, it is imperative to consult a doctor, otherwise this may be the cause of the development of cystitis. Monitor your baby’s well-being and behavior - a thorough description of the symptoms will help the doctor more accurately diagnose the disease.

Cystitis occurs quite often, its treatment does not present any special problems. But if you do not pay attention to the disease in time, cystitis can result in serious complications. Among them are pyelonephritis, vesicoureteral reflux, urinary incontinence, genital infections, even infertility in girls. Consult a doctor in a timely manner - a urologist or nephrologist deals with cystitis problems.

Video: cystitis in children

Nature has taken care of the natural protection of the mucous membrane of the girls' bladder from damage by pathogenic microorganisms, providing the urethra with special mucus that has bactericidal characteristics. However, cystitis, as an independent inflammation or aggravation of other diseases of the genitourinary system, occurs quite often.

How cystitis appears in girls, the causes of the disease

An infection that has entered a child’s body does not immediately attack the bladder, but remains in a passive state until a certain “favorable moment”, which can be provoked:

  • Decreased immunity;
  • Insufficient amount of vitamins consumed;
  • Failure of the endocrine system;
  • Violation of the imbalance of normal and pathogenic microflora in the intestine;
  • Hypothermia of the body, which causes vasospasm, and as a result, the inability of the kidneys to fully filter urine;
  • Incorrectly selected and poor-quality underwear, disrupting normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • Ignoring the rules of personal hygiene of the genitals, irregular washing and changing underwear;
  • Incomplete emptying of the bladder, a state where the child “endures”, lack of control over going to the toilet.

Clinically, several ways of pathogenic microorganisms entering the bladder have been identified:


The infection descends from the kidneys, in which the inflammatory process occurs for a long time.


Bacteria accumulated in the anal area and genital area rise through the urinary tract.


Upon contact with a diseased organ, infection occurs through the wall of the bladder.


Through the circulatory system, if there is a focus of inflammation in the body.


The infection penetrates from the pelvic organs through the lymph flow and attacks the bladder.

At risk are girls whose health conditions are complicated by:

  • The presence of chronic diseases;
  • Congenital pathologies of the urinary system;
  • Problems with the pancreas;
  • Diabetes mellitus of any type;

With an absolutely healthy, but fragile child’s body, the following factors can provoke cystitis:

  • The use of medications that suppress the immune system;
  • Uncontrolled and unjustified intake of herbal teas and infusions that irritate the walls of the bladder;
  • Violation of the PH environment of the genital organs when using aggressive detergents, gels, and soaps.
Important! Modern research proves a genetic predisposition to cystitis. The likelihood of cystitis in girls whose mothers and grandmothers suffered from this disease increases manyfold.

How the disease manifests itself, symptoms

At first, cystitis in children is manifested mainly by frequent urination, and if the child is in a diaper, it is quite difficult to notice the first signal of the disease.

Parents turn to specialists for help only when other, more pronounced symptoms characteristic of bladder inflammation appear. This:

  • Deterioration in general health, lethargy, ;
  • Painful urination, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, perineum, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • Change in the color of urine, cloudiness, visible inclusions of blood, sediment;
  • False urge to urinate;
  • Discomfort in the rectal area.

These symptoms intensify during the period of exacerbation of the disease, and in the chronic form they remain in a mild, sluggish form for a long time.

Features of the course and risk of complications at different ages

Depending on the age group the girls belong to, the course of cystitis has its own characteristics of occurrence, course of the disease and the possibility of complications.

0-1 Year

Cystitis in infancy is most often caused by congenital anomalies in the structure of the body and its development and can manifest itself already in the first months of a child’s life.

Constant use of diapers also provokes the occurrence of cystitis, as a result of the proliferation of bacteria in a warm and humid environment, leading to irritation of the mucous membrane of the urinary system and its infection.

1-3 years

Cystitis in a girl at this age occurs as a result of:

Penetration of infection into the ureter by an ascending route. Pathogenic bacteria from the intestines and vagina, as a result of non-compliance with hygiene rules, easily attack unprotected organs that are anatomically located nearby. They penetrate the bladder and begin to multiply, bringing suffering and discomfort to the small child.


Hypersensitivity to food, medications that irritate the bladder mucosa.


The first skills of independent living. During walks and games on the playground, contact with a cold surface and hypothermia is possible.

Parents, especially girls, need to ensure that they do not sit on the ground, snow, stone benches, or puddles. Hypothermia weakens the immune system and allows infection to spread throughout the body.

3-8 years

This age period refers to teaching girls to independently perform genital hygiene, observing all necessary manipulations and procedures to avoid the growth of bacteria and the entry of feces or mucus into the urinary tract.

8-16 years

This period of growing up, the transformation of girls into girls, is characterized by complex hormonal changes. A teenage girl develops rapidly; it is during this period that most people begin menarche, which requires especially careful care for the organs of the reproductive system.

At the same time, girls try on behavior patterns and copy their idols, which can have a detrimental effect on their health.

For example, if a growing child does not want to dress for the weather, is hypothermic, eats poorly, or acquires bad habits, this has a detrimental effect on the body, weakens the immune system, provokes the development of vulvitis or vulvovaginitis, and provokes cystitis.

Types of cystitis in girls

Cystitis in girls can develop at any age and disrupt the functioning of the urinary system to varying degrees, depending on the causes of infection and the presence of pathology in the organs. The following types are distinguished:


Non-infectious cystitis caused by disruption of the mucous layer of the bladder, resulting in urine irritating the tissues of the organ.


It is characterized by damage not only to the mucous membrane of the organ, but also to the walls and blood vessels. Develops due to a viral infection. Manifested by a change in the color and odor of urine.


A rare type of cystitis, difficult to treat. It occurs against the background of the penetration of bacteria that violate the integrity of the mucous membrane of the pouch, forming ulcers.


It can be serous, mucous and purulent, depending on the degree of damage to the mucous layer.


The result of chronic inflammation, characterized by congestion in the bladder.


It manifests itself as urinary incontinence, as a result of damage to the pelvic organs responsible for retaining and draining urine by viruses, fungi or bacteria.

Cystitis can also be local (affect only an area of ​​the mucous membrane) or diffuse (spread over the entire surface of the urinary sac).

According to the form of the disease, cystitis is characterized as:


In which the inflammatory process develops rapidly, with pronounced symptoms.


Acquired as a result of frequent relapses of acute cystitis. It takes a long time and is difficult to treat.

According to statistics, cystitis occurs 5 times more often in girls of different ages than in boys.

Therapy for cystitis at any age begins with determining the type of pathogen; this is extremely important for a speedy recovery. ..

How to treat cystitis in girls at different ages? General recommendations

Features of the treatment of cystitis in girls include following the doctor’s recommendations, maintaining personal hygiene, a special diet, drinking regimen, and monitoring the parents of the child.

Important! In order to alleviate the general condition of the child, mothers of infants need to change their diet, eliminating all foods that irritate the bladder. It's all fatty, salty and spicy.
  • Maintain bed rest during the first days of illness;
  • Light, vitamin-rich food;
  • Drinking regime. It is necessary to provide the child with a sufficient amount of liquid - filtered water, fruit drinks, milk;
  • Careful hygiene of the genital organs, proper washing with neutral products;
  • Fulfilling doctor's orders;
  • The use of accessible, proven traditional medicine recipes based on herbs, seeds and fruits.

Only complex therapy will quickly and without complications relieve the girl of cystitis.

Drug treatment

Drug therapy for cystitis consists of:

Antibacterial drugs of the latest generation.

As a rule, synthetic and broad-spectrum. More often than others, doctors prescribe Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Cefuroskim, Azithromycin, which are approved for children of all ages, as well as Monural, which is prescribed to girls from 5 years of age.

Anti-inflammatory drugs.

With a pronounced antiseptic effect based on natural ingredients. They are used for patients over 14 years of age - Cyston, Canephron.

Medicines to restore the intestinal flora of the child's body.

After aggressive treatment with antibiotics. They are used in a course, among the popular ones are Linex, Hilak Forte, Bifiform and others.

Antiviral agents.

Such as Cycloferon, Kagocel, which fight identified viruses confirmed by laboratory tests.


If necessary, reduce the temperature, use Ibuprofen suppositories (from 3 months to 2 years) or children's Paracetamol.

Treatment is carried out strictly under supervision with dosages in accordance with the age, weight of the child, as well as the complexity of the disease.

Additional methods. Physiotherapy

As additional measures for the treatment of cystitis, it is recommended:

  • Maintaining bed rest;
  • Moderate heating of the area of ​​the diseased organ;
  • Avoid salty foods and drink plenty of fluids.

Particular attention should be paid to cranberries, fruit drinks from which help speed up the healing process.

At home, the girl can be bathed in a bath with medicinal herbs that have antiseptic properties (calendula, eucalyptus), after first treating the genitals with an antiseptic. A sitz herbal bath should be at a comfortable temperature and last no more than 15 minutes.

Among the most effective decoctions and infusions are elixirs from St. John's wort, cornflower flowers, and lemon balm. They can be used only after consultation with a doctor, in the absence of an allergy to the components.

Prevention of cystitis in girls

Preventive measures to prevent cystitis in girls include the attentive attitude of parents to the child. Necessary:

  • Avoid hypothermia;
  • Maintain personal hygiene;
  • Use products appropriate for the girl’s age;
  • Dress the child in comfortable, high-quality underwear;
  • Carry out hardening and strengthening procedures;
  • Strengthen immunity.

Noticing the early signs of the disease in time will help to quickly cure the child and avoid complications.

Probably everyone will agree with me that the illness of children is tolerated worst of all by the parents, and not by the baby himself. It is adults, who have repeatedly encountered many symptoms of various diseases, who know that severe pain can begin, that negative consequences from any disease and its transition to a chronic form cannot be ruled out.

Perhaps such knowledge will move the parent in the right direction, that is, he will not put off visiting a pediatrician or specialist.

One of the serious diseases is childhood cystitis in girls. First, let's understand the terminology.

Cystitis is an inflammatory process of the bladder. It is mistakenly believed that cystitis is a disease of adult women, but in fact this disease has neither age nor gender. Both adults and children are equally susceptible to it.

Cystitis is common in children. It is necessary to understand that any cystitis occurs when an infection enters the bladder. There can be many ways for infections to spread.

In different ways, the infection penetrates through the urinary tract, and no one “drives it away” there. In general, she becomes comfortable there, and she begins to reproduce. At this time, any person, from young to old, feels a burning sensation during urination. Next, the process passes into the bladder without obstacles.

The fact is that in girls the urethra is quite short, so it does not take much time to penetrate the bladder. And due to the fact that this channel is also wide, millions of bacteria can multiply there.

And if there are no defenders from the immune system or the blood supply in this place deteriorates due to hypothermia, then the bacteria do not spread anywhere, but remain in place and multiply, and if there is an excess in the canal, they move to the bladder mucosa.

There they attack the entire organ and, without adequate therapy, either rise higher or destroy the mucous membrane and penetrate into the muscle layer. In one case or another, all this leads to disruption of the bladder.

  • anxiety (the child is constantly capricious, irritated);
  • the child’s mood is bad, tearfulness is observed;
  • frequent urination;
  • a slight increase in temperature is possible;
  • The color of the urine is cloudy or just deep yellow.

It is easier with older children - they can already tell where it hurts, although they do not realize the cause of the illness. Therefore, it is important to ask the right questions and notice everything he does. Symptoms in children aged two, three years and older are somewhat different:

  • frequent urination, possible pain or pain during urination;
  • pain in the lower abdomen or groin area;
  • cloudy urine;
  • possible increase in temperature;
  • urinary incontinence.

In any case, with such symptoms, it is very important not to make a diagnosis yourself, but to go to a clinic where the child will be examined and adequate therapy will be prescribed.

These symptoms may be a sign of other diseases of the genitourinary system. And each of them requires treatment, since all this indicates the inflammatory nature of the disease. If they are not treated correctly, you risk facing serious complications.

When you contact a doctor, you need to be prepared for a full examination of the child, tests and other diagnostic procedures.

Symptoms of acute cystitis:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent painful urge to urinate;
  • blood may appear in the urine.

This picture usually occurs abruptly, often immediately after hypothermia.

With chronic cystitis, girls aged 2-4 years complain of:

  • periodic pain in the lower abdomen
  • frequent urination, incontinence.

When the diagnosis is confirmed and we can confidently say that our two- to three-year-old girl has cystitis, then we can already talk about effective treatment methods.

Much has been written about how to treat cystitis in little girls aged 3, 5, 6-7 years. Today there are many drugs for effective treatment. In addition to taking medications, treatment also includes a number of important rules.

  • Taking antibiotics. Antibiotic courses are selected strictly by the treating doctor. It is extremely important to follow all doctor’s orders!
  • Bed rest or, if possible, rest.
  • Warm sitz baths with herbal tinctures (chamomile, sage, oak) for 10 minutes 3 times a day.
  • Balanced diet. Eating meat and fish is also a must! Fresh fruits and vegetables should be present in the diet of a sick child.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. It is advisable to make fruit drinks for your child with berries (particular preference is given to lingonberries, they are the most diuretic of all berries), which have diuretic properties. It is advisable to brew fruit drinks and under no circumstances boil them, since with berries the child should receive a huge amount of vitamin C. If berries are not available, drinking plenty of fluids can be combined with the drug Canephron. This drug consists of herbal herbs that improve the removal of excess fluid. The drug is suitable for use in children. Usually prescribed 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day for 10 days.
  • Taking care of your health. During and after treatment, do not overcool, as this can lead not only to cystitis and its complications, but also to inflammatory diseases in the surrounding tissues.

Treatment of the acute stage of the disease is much easier and faster than the chronic stage. The chronic stage is almost impossible to cure. It is important to achieve long-term remission and, at the time of exacerbation, to select the right therapy.

Having appeared for the first time, cystitis can disturb your baby after some time, even if you have treated it completely. This is already a predisposition. Therefore, it is necessary to follow all prevention methods.

Firstly, You should pay attention to the rules of personal hygiene. The girl should be washed 1-2 times a day, the shower stream and the movements of the washing hand should be directed from front to back, and not vice versa. The child must have his own towel. The use of diapers should be kept to a minimum.

Secondly, It is necessary to ensure that the child does not become hypothermic. In addition, all nutrition must be correct. Minimize the consumption of unnatural products - sausages, chips, canned food, fried and salty foods. Focus on fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and fish. More walks in the fresh air.

Third, respond as quickly as possible to any ailments or diseases. Since they reduce the body’s immunity and defense mechanisms, which will increase the chances of infection to multiply.

In addition, it is necessary to carefully monitor the child’s behavior and bowel movements. An important factor in the prevention of cystitis is the absence of constipation. Constipation leads to poor blood circulation in the pelvis (in the area of ​​the intestines and bladder). And this increases the risk of inflammatory diseases. Stools should be regular, so the child’s menu should include fermented milk products and fiber.

The most dangerous thing about cystitis is the possible complications.

The first and most serious complication is pyelonephritis. The infection ascends through the ureters into the kidneys, where it remains, causing inflammation of the kidneys. Pyelonephritis is difficult to treat and is dangerous for a woman because even after achieving long-term remission, this disease worsens during pregnancy, increasing the risk of negative effects on the fetus.

Another serious consequence of cystitis can be vesicoureteral reflux. In a healthy body, fluid flows only in one direction, and urine is excreted.

With this complication, after inflammation of the bladder mucosa, the muscles can no longer empty the bladder correctly, and urine can be thrown back into the ureters. And this is dangerous because infected urine, entering the ureters, will cause an inflammatory process there.

One of the dangerous and irreversible complications of bladder inflammation is interstitial damage to its walls. Interstitial cystitis is an inflammation process that moves from the mucous membrane to the muscle layer and disrupts the functioning of the entire bladder as a whole.

The symptoms of this disease are the same as those of acute cystitis, only the pain is much stronger, and its intensity increases depending on the fullness of the bladder itself. The urge to urinate is frequent and occurs spontaneously, disappearing immediately after emptying the bladder.

All complications are treated with antibiotics and physical therapy. But even despite the immediate start of therapy, there is a possibility of encountering complications in the future.

Monotherapy is always ineffective, that is, it will not be possible to treat only with antibiotics, warm baths or diuretic herbs and berries. All treatment must be comprehensive, and then there is a chance of recovery from this disease.

It is very important to consult a doctor at the first symptoms and follow all the doctor’s instructions - this is your duty towards the child and his health.

Cystitis is an inflammatory process affecting the mucous membrane of the bladder. Children of both sexes and at any age are susceptible to the disease. The older ones will talk about unpleasant sensations, but the little ones only express concern by crying. Mothers may attribute this behavior to intestinal colic or teething. This is the danger and insidiousness of cystitis. If left untreated, it will become chronic. Therefore, it is better to visit a doctor once again than to face the consequences of an untreated disease.
Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, which most often occurs against the background of a bacterial infection. Cystitis begins with infection in the bladder:

  • viruses;
  • fungi;
  • bacteria.

The development of the disease is facilitated by favorable conditions for the active reproduction of pathogenic microflora:

  • hypothermia;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • low immunity;
  • avitaminosis;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • treatment with sulfonamides or methenamine;
  • Babies rarely change diapers.

Girls are 6 times more likely to have this disease compared to boys: It is easier for infections to ascend into the bladder through a wide and short urethra than through a long and narrow one. The disease is most often diagnosed at the ages of 1-3 and 12-16 years. In the first case, this is due to the fact that small children can play outside or on a cold floor for a long time, even if they are very cold. And teenagers become hypothermic because they want to look fashionable and dress inappropriately for the weather.

The disease in young children is difficult to detect on time.

Classification of cystitis according to the reasons leading to inflammation:

  • Primary- the disease arose independently.
  • Secondary- it developed against the background of other pathologies (bladder stones, urethritis and others).

Varieties for reasons:

  • Infectious- caused by pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Non-infectious- developed against the background of allergies, treatment with certain medications, as a result of chemical or thermal exposure.

According to the flow form:

  • Spicy- inflammation with bright and rapidly developing symptoms.
  • Chronic- a sluggish and weakly manifesting disease. It is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation and remission (when nothing bothers you).

By severity:

  • Cervical(Only the bladder neck is affected).
  • Trigonite(inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cystic triangle).
  • Diffuse(the surface of all walls is included in the process).

Attention! If acute cystitis is not treated, it becomes chronic. It is important to detect it in a timely manner to avoid complications. You can suspect the disease in infants based on the following signs:

  • temperature rise to 38-39 degrees;
  • frequent crying, especially when urinating;
  • urine becomes cloudy (sometimes dark);
  • going to the toilet “small” more than 3 times an hour.

Children of preschool and school age may additionally complain of:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • difficulty and frequent urination;
  • urinary incontinence (sometimes);
  • false urge to urinate.

Attention! An increase in temperature in young children who cannot describe their condition can be associated with a cold. And you will treat your baby for it, and not for cystitis. Then the disease will turn into a chronic inflammatory process that is difficult to treat. The bladder and kidneys are located close. These organs are connected by the ureters. Infection can travel along them. If cystitis develops first, then if untreated, the pathogens rise up the canals and can cause pyelonephritis. And vice versa: Inflamed kidneys can lead to bladder infection. These diseases are sometimes diagnosed at the same time. The symptoms of these two diseases are similar. Only with pyelonephritis the pain is not in the lower abdomen, but in the lumbar region. Possible nausea and vomiting. But only a doctor can tell exactly what the baby is sick with, having the results of diagnostic tests in hand. Before treatment, you must undergo a medical examination. Cystitis is a disease that It is easy to treat, but takes a long time. And if you do not follow the doctor’s recommendations, the disease will result in consequences:

  • Pyelonephritis is an infection that ascends through the ureters and damages the kidneys.
  • Vesicoureteral reflux is the movement of urine from the bladder to the kidneys, which is unnatural for her.
  • Impaired functions of the bladder neck (incontinence develops).
  • Loss of elasticity in the walls of the bladder and its reduction in size as a result of the replacement of muscle tissue with connective tissue. This leads to partial or complete loss of organ functions and causes rupture when there is a large accumulation of urine (very rare).
  • Infections of the genital organs, which can result in infertility (especially in girls).

The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that in its acute course it lasts 7-10 days. Then he retreats. And if, based on the absence of symptoms, you stop taking medications, the inflammation will become chronic with all possible consequences. To prevent this, you need to complete the treatment, even if nothing has bothered you for a long time. Elena writes:

“After 4 days of treatment, I noticed that my two-year-old daughter stopped experiencing pain when urinating. The frequency of urges decreased to normal, the behavior became normal. I stopped giving medications because I think that it is harmful for healthy children to drink them. I am not my child’s enemy, but it turned out that my decision became the reason for cystitis becoming chronic. And only thanks to the doctor we were able to achieve stable remission.”

Even if the symptoms no longer make themselves felt, interrupting the medication is prohibited.

Diagnosis of cystitis in children may include:

  • Survey parents and the patient himself.
  • General urine analysis to detect the level of leukocytes. By their number one can judge not only the presence of inflammation, but also its location: with pyelonephritis there are much more of these cells. Pathology is also indicated by the presence of protein and red blood cells. And by bacterial culture it is easy to determine the type of pathogen. Dr. Komarovsky talks more about urine analysis:
  • General blood analysis to determine the leukocyte formula.
  • Ultrasonography. Don't give it up, it's completely harmless. You need to do an ultrasound to see whether changes have begun in the mucous membrane, whether it has lost elasticity, whether there are stones in the bladder or kidneys.
  • Cystoscopy- a diagnostic method in which the condition of the walls of an organ is determined by its internal examination using a tube inserted through the urethra. It is carried out only in case of chronic disease.

To avoid cystitis, if you have any complaints about pain in the lower abdomen or sediment in your urine, make an appointment with your pediatrician. You can go to a urologist - a specialist in the urinary system, or a nephrologist - a doctor responsible for kidney health. It would be a good idea to consult a surgeon to rule out appendicitis. If you suspect cystitis, Dr. Komarovsky recommends immediately contacting a doctor for diagnosis. The sooner treatment begins, the less pain will bother the child, and the easier it is to prevent the disease from becoming chronic. After confirmation of the diagnosis, complex therapy begins, which includes:

  • Bed rest to reduce pain and improve the functioning of the urinary system.
  • Special diet. She excludes salty, spicy dishes with lots of seasonings. When spices get into the urine, they irritate the walls of the bladder, leading to increased pain or even the spread of infection. It is beneficial to consume dairy products and fruits.
  • Drinking regime. You need to drink one and a half times more than usual. Pathogens are excreted in the urine. The more it is released, the fewer harmful microorganisms remain inside.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures. For local effects on the organ, Komarovsky recommends sitz baths with decoctions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties (chamomile, sage, oak bark). The temperature should be no more than 37 degrees to prevent the spread of infection.
  • Use of antiviral, antifungal or antibacterial drugs depending on the type of pathogen.

In case of inflammation of the bladder, it is important to provide conditions for a speedy recovery and reduce the risk of developing consequences. To do this, you need to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, diet and take prescribed medications in combination with traditional medicine. A sick baby needs:

  • observe bed rest and personal hygiene;
  • provide plenty of drink (compotes, fruit drinks, tea);
  • change underwear frequently;
  • eat more dairy and plant foods, excluding spicy and salty foods.

Attention! Mothers often ask whether it is possible to bathe a child during cystitis. Yes, but not in cold water. Taking a bath, swimming in a pool or even the sea have a beneficial effect on the condition of the bladder in chronic forms of the disease. It’s just important not to get too cold! Cystitis is usually caused by bacteria. Therefore, the disease must be treated with antibiotics. But a doctor must prescribe them, based on the results of urine culture for flora. Only by determining the type of pathogen can you select a drug to which the infection will be 100% sensitive. If the study shows that the inflammation is viral or fungal in nature, taking antibacterial agents will not cure the disease. On the contrary, a bacterial infection may be associated with it. Then the healing process will take a long time. Antibiotics are prescribed for treatment. The table below provides a list of popular drugs intended for the treatment of cystitis, indicating their effect, course duration and dosage by age.

Drug (form of medicine) Action Treatment regimen
Amoxiclav (tablets 125 or 250 mg, powder for suspension 125 mg/5 ml or 250 mg/5 ml) Antibacterial Course: 7 days.
Up to 12 years: 40 mg per kilogram of body weight per day, divided into 3 doses, with an 8-hour break between them.
Example: weight 18 kg. Then the daily dose is 18×40=720 mg. For one dose: 720 divided by 3. This is 240 mg. Then it is convenient to take a 250 mg tablet or 5 ml suspension three times a day.
From 12 and older: 375 mg three times a day (15 ml of suspension 125 mg/5 ml, or 7.5 ml of suspension 250 mg/5 ml, or tablets 250+125 mg, or 3 tablets of 125 mg).
Monural (granules in bags of 2 and 3 g). Antibacterial Once at the first symptoms of cystitis for children over 5 years old in the amount of 2 g (1 small sachet). Dilute in a glass of water and give to the child.
Canephron (oral solution and tablets). Antimicrobial, antispasmodic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory. Course: from 2 to 4 weeks.
Children under 7 years of age: 15 drops of solution three times a day.
Children from 7 to 14 years old: 25 drops of solution or 1 tablet 3 times a day.
Children over 14 years of age: 50 drops or 2 tablets three times a day.
Furadonin (50 mg tablets). Antibacterial. Course: 1-1.5 weeks.
Daily dose: 5-8 mg per kilogram. Divided into 4 doses.
Calculation example: child’s weight is 20 kg. Then you can take 100-160 mg of the drug per day. A regimen of half a tablet (25 mg) 4 times a day is suitable.
To prevent relapses in chronic cystitis, it is allowed to use Furadonin at a dose of 1-2 mg per kilogram of body weight per day in one dose. At 20 kg it is 20-40 mg. A suitable option is 0.5 tablets. Duration - 3-6 months.

Tatyana wrote:

“My son has chronic cystitis secondary to pyelonephritis. Exacerbations are frequent. And treatment with antibacterial drugs several times a year for 10 days is a serious blow to the child’s body. The doctor recommended Monural. You only need to take it once - at the first symptoms. The antibiotic remains inside for several days and during this time manages to cope with the infection.”

People with cystitis advise:

  • Place a bottle of water between your legs, pressing it to your water (heating pad). This will ease the pain. But you should not heat your stomach, as the infection can spread up to the kidneys.
  • Drink rosehip decoction prepared from 4 tbsp. dry berries and 500 ml of water. You can add honey for taste. Distribute into 4 doses. Strengthens the immune system, treats vitamin deficiency, and has a diuretic effect.
  • Drink infusions of chamomile, motherwort, valerian, string or lemon balm. Pour 1 tbsp. l. herbs with boiling water, cool and strain. Give your child 1/3 glass three times a day. You can take a sitz bath with the addition of this product. It is against pain and false urges.

Svetlana writes in her review:

“During cystitis, my daughter often cried. Her lower abdomen ached. She constantly wanted to go to the toilet, but either could not, or urination was painful. Relief came from sitz baths with chamomile infusion. We did them several times a day.”

Attention! In order not to harm the child, resort to folk remedies only after consulting a doctor. When drug treatment ends, the doctor prescribes control tests to make sure that the disease is defeated. After this, the little patient is registered and given a medical exemption from vaccinations (usually for six months). Children with a chronic form of the disease are not deregistered, but those who have had acute cystitis are deregistered after 6 months. During clinical observation it is necessary:

  • Visit your local pediatrician once a month for the first six months. Then a year - once every 3 months. If there were no exacerbations, then further - once every 6 months.
  • Take a general urine test once a month.
  • Take a clinical urine test once every 2-3 months.
  • Monitor the frequency of urination (next hike no earlier than in 2-3 hours).
  • Keep a urine sheet.

Important! A urine sheet is a table in which the results of all urine tests are recorded, indicating the date of delivery. The document is maintained by the parents of the registered child. You need to take it with you when visiting a doctor. To prevent the disease from returning, follow these preventive measures:

For pathology to occur, infection must penetrate into the cavity of the bladder. The pathogen enters in the following ways:

  • Hematogenous - with blood flow from chronic sources (tonsillitis, adenoiditis);
  • Lymphogenic – through lymph from the affected pelvic organs;
  • Ascending - along the urethra from the vulva, anus;
  • Descending - from the diseased kidney, ureters.

In healthy children, the urinary tract is naturally cleared of infection. The immune system monitors microorganisms and destroys them in a timely manner. The inner lining of the bladder is protected from bacteria by a mucous secretion that envelops it. With each urination, flora is removed from the urine. If natural defense mechanisms against bacteria are disrupted, pathogens more easily penetrate the mucous membranes, take root, and cause pathology. A decrease in resistance to infection occurs under the following conditions:

  • Irregular or insufficient bladder emptying;
  • Hypothermia, general or local;
  • Violation of the integrity of the internal lining of the bladder;
  • Decreased immune strength of the body, decreased production of local defense factors;
  • Impaired functioning of the urethral sphincters.
  • Failure to comply with basic hygienic care;
  • Hypovitaminosis, unbalanced diet, consumption of large amounts of sweets.

The infection, coming from various sources, penetrates the mucous layer. As a result of the activity of bacteria, pathological changes occur in the inner wall of the bladder. The following microorganisms play a leading role in the development of the inflammatory process: Escherichia coli. It comes from a nearby anus due to insufficient hygiene measures, violation of the technique of caring for the perineal area in a girl.

  • Klebsiella, Proteus are more often sown in young children;
  • Staphylococcus is typical for girls who have had sexual relations;
  • Infection with chlamydia, ureaplasma, and mycoplasma occurs when using washcloths, towels, and bed linen after adults.
  • Herpes virus and adenovirus contribute to the occurrence of hemorrhagic cystitis.
  • Fungal infections occur in girls against the background of immunodeficiency, after surgical procedures, and while taking antibiotics.

Non-infectious cystitis in girls occurs as a result of the action of toxic substances, metabolic pathologies (excretion of oxalate, phosphate, urate crystals in the urine), taking certain medications (cytostatics), radiation exposure, and trauma. Recognizing cystitis in a timely manner is the task of parents. Manifestations can be bright or unexpressed. Girls under one year old do not complain. The baby will indicate trouble by crying during urination, the need to frequently change wet underwear, and an increase in body temperature. Older girls show signs of:

  • Urination disorder (the urge to go to the toilet after 10-30 minutes, burning, cutting when trying to urinate);
  • Excretion of blood in the urine;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen at the end of urination;
  • Change in color or clarity of urine;
  • Pain in the suprapubic region;
  • Malaise, weakness;
  • Urinary incontinence;
  • Pain in the perineum, anus;
  • Urinary retention.

The severity of symptoms directly depends on the degree of inflammatory damage to the bladder. In a chronic process, an erased clinic is observed. The diagnosis can be made using the results of a general urine test. An inflammatory lesion is characterized by an increase in neutrophilic leukocytes, the presence of red blood cells, and bacteria. The presence of squamous epithelium, sediment of salts, admixture of mucus, turbidity also indicates pathology. Additional research methods make it possible to identify complications and conduct differential diagnostics. Ultrasound, Nechiporenko analysis, cystoscopy, urine culture are prescribed. The quality of the analysis depends on compliance with the material sampling technique. In order to prevent discharge from the genital organs, bacteria from the surface of the vulva, and perineum, it is necessary to give the child a hygienic shower. Wash the container thoroughly and pour boiling water over it. Pharmacies have sterile containers. Ask the child to urinate in the prepared container. For children who cannot control their urination, special devices are sold. From little girls, urine is collected using a urine bag that is glued to the perineum. Treatment of cystitis begins with regular hygiene procedures, warming the legs and lower abdomen. A diet, prescription of uroseptics, and antibacterial agents are necessary. During treatment, at the end of the course, control urine tests will be needed to assess the effectiveness of therapy. Eliminate spices, spices, and spicy foods from your diet. You can: fruits, lactic acid products, vegetable purees, boiled meat. For drinking, it is good to use juice made from cranberries and lingonberries. Still mineral water enhances diuresis and helps flush out infection. Will not allow germs to accumulate in the cavity. Mineral water is indicated for girls over 5 years old. Take 1 hour before meals. The number of admissions is determined based on age:

  • 5-7 years - from 50 to 100 ml;
  • 8-11 years – 120-160 ml;
  • 12 and older 200 ml.

The use of drugs that affect the cause of inflammation is necessary for complete recovery. The following drugs are allowed in pediatric practice:

  • Amoxicillin alone or in combination with clavulanic acid (Ospamox, Augmentin, Flemoxin);
  • Cephalosporins (Zinnat, Cefaclor);
  • Monural (effective for treating the process caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus).

The antibiotic, dosage, and duration of treatment are prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the indications, age characteristics of the young patient, and test results. Herbal medicine is used as an adjuvant. Brew herbs (sage, birch buds, chamomile flowers), 3 tablespoons per liter of boiling water, infuse. Pour into a basin, sit the patient down for 5-7 minutes, covering the lower part of the body with a blanket. The temperature of the broth should be 37-38 degrees. Canephron is prescribed orally, a medicine made from natural raw materials. A proven combination of plants helps reduce inflammation of the urinary system and has an antiseptic effect. Some parents adhere to treatment only with natural remedies. They give preference to natural preparations. Treatment for cystitis in girls should be comprehensive. It is unacceptable to treat a child only with herbs and folk methods. Outcomes of acute cystitis: The result of treatment depends on the general condition of the body, the immune system, local protection factors, the timeliness of the therapy started, and compliance with all doctor’s instructions. Options for the outcome of acute inflammation:

  • Recovery after completion of therapy in full;
  • Complications (pyelonephritis) occur when the process is neglected and the therapy is incorrectly selected.
  • Relapse occurs as a result of incomplete destruction of the infection or early interruption of the course of antibiotics.
  • The transition to a chronic form is facilitated by functional disruptions in the body (endocrine, metabolic disorders). Correction of endogenous disorders is a necessary condition for getting rid of a protracted process.

The prognosis is often favorable. The disease is completely curable with timely diagnosis and adequate therapy.

Cystitis in a 3-year-old child is a common occurrence. This is due to the fact that immunity is still developing during the first years of life, so exposure to any infections can lead to the development of diseases that, under some conditions, become chronic. To eliminate the possibility of symptoms of the inflammatory process in the future, you need to learn more about what factors provoke it.

Cystitis in a 3-year-old child is a common occurrence. This is due to the fact that immunity is still developing during the first years of life.

Forms of the disease

Cystitis affects the bladder. This is an inflammatory process that affects the surface of the mucous layer. It is accompanied by dysfunction of the organ: urine passes slowly, there is a frequent urge to urinate. The complexity of this pathology lies in the fact that the child cannot yet accurately describe his condition and indicate the cause of the pain.

There are 2 forms of cystitis in children 3 years old:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

In the first case, rapid development of the pathological process is noted. Symptoms of acute cystitis are obvious. There is severe pain. In this case, inflammation develops on the mucous membrane, without penetrating into the deeper layers of the walls of the bladder, and treatment gives results faster.

Chronic cystitis develops smoothly. The signs of this pathological condition are less pronounced. In this case, the deep layers of the bladder walls are affected, which complicates treatment.

The chronic form of the disease is dangerous because often only obvious symptoms are eliminated and then therapy is stopped.

As a result, after some time the pathological process is activated again and signs of inflammation appear.

Causes of cystitis in children 3-5 years old

The development of the disease is provoked by infections caused by various pathogens:

  • coli;
  • ureaplasma;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • chlamydia.

The routes of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms differ. This may be the entry of feces or urine into the vagina when the child is not properly washed after urination or defecation. A descending route of transmission of infection is also noted - through the kidneys. Infectious agents spread through the lymph flow. Another factor contributing to the development of infection is the septic process. Girls are sometimes diagnosed with vulvovaginitis; pathogens also spread to the bladder.

The causes of cystitis can be various factors:

  1. Hypothermia. Low temperatures promote the development of infections.
  2. Congenital or acquired pathological conditions, for example, bending of the bladder. In this case, cystitis develops due to improper urination.
  3. Drug therapy aimed at treating other diseases.
  4. Genetic predisposition.
  5. Preparation for surgery, recovery period after surgery. A common cause is the insertion of a catheter.

For girls

Cystitis often develops due to improper washing. The reason for this is the physiology of girls. The urethra is located closer to the vagina and anus, and microbes overcome the barrier much faster, penetrating the urinary organ.

In boys

The main cause of cystitis in boys is streptococcal/staphylococcal infection. Boys are less susceptible to developing inflammation in the bladder. If this happens, you need to look for the cause in the microflora.

Symptoms of cystitis in children

In a 3-year-old child, cystitis manifests itself with a number of signs:

  1. Painful sensations. Their intensity can be different: moderate, acute, mild. It all depends on the form of the disease.
  2. Frequent urge to urinate (common symptom for children 2-5 years and older). Children at an early age (2-4 years) may experience urinary incontinence.
  3. Cloudiness, change in urine color (it becomes dark yellow, sometimes brown), sedimentation.
  4. Pain in the lower abdomen, groin and lumbar region.

With cystitis, the temperature may rise. However, this symptom is not specific and often indicates other pathologies. The inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in temperature to +38°C. Not all 3-year-old children are able to explain to adults the cause of pain. If the child still speaks poorly, you can suspect a pathology by his behavior: the baby behaves restlessly and often cries.


First you need to contact your pediatrician, he will refer you to a pediatric urologist. To confirm cystitis, an external examination is not enough. To make a diagnosis, it is recommended to conduct a number of studies:

  • A general blood test will help confirm the development of the inflammatory process;
  • urine analysis, which evaluates deviations of key indicators of biomaterial from the norm: color, transparency, composition;
  • biochemical urine analysis - based on the results of the study, the quantitative component of salts and protein in the biomaterial is determined;
  • Bacteriological culture of urine helps determine the type of microorganisms that provoked cystitis.

To exclude other diseases, an ultrasound examination of the genitourinary system is prescribed.

Treatment of cystitis in children

Therapy must be comprehensive. To cure cystitis in a child 2-4 years old, it is recommended to take the product in the form of syrups. Children over 4 years old are allowed to give drugs in tablets. Stages of treatment:

  1. Drug therapy. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents are prescribed.
  2. Traditional methods of treatment. Herbal baths are effective.
  3. Diet. Cystitis will go away faster if you change your diet. The diet is aimed at reducing irritation of the mucous membrane.

For cystitis, bed rest is indicated. Inflammation can be cured faster at 5 years than at 3 years old, since the child is already able to talk about his feelings. Therapy begins at the first signs of pathology.

Drug therapy

At temperatures above +38°C, you can take antipyretic drugs. Antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor. Medicines are aimed at reducing the intensity of inflammation by getting rid of pathogenic microflora.

Children are prescribed penicillin antibiotics. The course lasts from 3 to 7 days.

When determining the dosage, the age and weight of the child are taken into account. The following drugs are prescribed: Sumamed, Azithromycin, Augmentin, Amoxiclav.

Herbal remedies are also used, for example, Canephron. They act gently and do not contain chemical components. Alcohol-based drugs should be used with caution and in minimal doses.

Folk remedies

Cystitis in a child should also be treated locally using baths. The principle of their use is the same for girls and boys: the child is seated in a container filled with a medicinal decoction. You can use herbs with anti-inflammatory properties: calendula, chamomile or sage. Recipe:

  1. Prepare raw materials: 2 tbsp. l. herbs, 1 glass of boiled water.
  2. Leave for 30-60 minutes.
  3. Dilute the decoction with warm water (6-8 l)


Diet can remove toxins from the body. Its principles are:

  • drinking plenty of water;
  • reducing the amount of salt;
  • ban on eating spicy and fatty foods;
  • refusal of sugar, use of its substitutes;
  • consumption of fermented milk products;
  • The basis of the diet should be plant foods.


To prevent cystitis from developing again in the future, it is recommended to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Timely treatment of infectious diseases, including dental caries, is necessary. Any bacteria has a tendency to spread throughout the body.

Bladder infection (or, simply put, ordinary cystitis) occurs quite often in children. Moreover, at the initial stage of development of the disease, the child does not experience any special symptoms, except for frequent “runs” to the toilet. Due to this, parents often don’t even notice that the baby is seriously ill... So what signs can be used to identify cystitis in a child, and how to properly treat the “insidious” infection?

Cystitis, or in other words, a bladder infection, can “attack” a child of any age - from a newborn and infant to a college graduate. And the symptoms in almost all cases will be approximately the same...

About the disease in a nutshell

What do parents know about cystitis in children? As a rule, only two facts:

  • Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder;
  • The main symptom of cystitis in children is frequent urination.

This is usually where parents' awareness of cystitis ends. However, this knowledge is clearly not enough - neither to properly treat cystitis in a child, nor to prevent it from becoming chronic. So, let's look at it in order...

Symptoms of cystitis in children

Those who claim that the symptoms of cystitis in children and adults manifest themselves in the same way are right. This is indeed true. But there is also a difference - as a rule, in children (especially small ones) the symptoms are much less pronounced.

So, the symptoms of cystitis primarily include:

  • Frequent (sometimes painful) urination;
  • Burning, itching and cutting pain above the pubis;
  • The color of urine often becomes cloudy and dark;
  • Sometimes - high temperature without any other external symptoms;
  • Poor appetite, poor sleep, crying at night.

Along with frequent runs to the toilet and back, a clear sign of cystitis in a child is a cutting pain in the groin area...

However, if in an adult all these symptoms unmistakably indicate an infection (by the sharp pain above the pubis and the every-minute desire to “go small” you will instantly recognize cystitis), then these same manifestations in a child always “sound” much weaker - many children They may even tolerate “temporary inconveniences”, preferring not to report to their parents about a delicate problem...

So the end result is an “oil painting”: the baby suffers mild symptoms of cystitis and remains silent, the parents do not notice anything, and in the meantime the child’s bladder infection smoothly develops into a chronic form.

Very often the situation looks like this: when parents turn to a pediatrician for advice about cystitis in a child, this disease is already in a chronic form.

With tiny babies - newborns and infants - it is even more difficult: as a rule, cystitis in such young children develops painlessly and the only symptom that could hint to parents about the disease is frequent urination and a change in the color of urine. But, since modern babies spend most of the day “covered” in their diapers, this sign of cystitis in children becomes elusive for parents.

It is extremely difficult to detect cystitis in a small child who cannot yet properly complain of pain and discomfort, but at the same time it is extremely important - after all, it is cystitis that occurs in infancy, missed and not treated, that most often develops into severe chronic forms.. .

In any case, no matter what symptoms you suspect of cystitis in your child, it always makes sense to consult a doctor and get tested - it’s not a tricky or quick thing, but can bring enormous benefits. After all, the diagnosis of “cystitis” in children is always confirmed in one single way - a clinical urine test.

What contributes to the development of cystitis in children

Firstly, of course, physiology plays a decisive role in this matter. Since boys' urethra is longer and they pee mostly while standing, they suffer from cystitis much less often than girls.

The second factor contributing to the development of cystitis in children is... the children's habit of writing while sitting on the potty, leaning heavily forward. The fact is that in this position the bladder is not completely emptied - ideal conditions for an infection to occur...

The structure of the genitourinary system in girls, alas, determines the fact that cystitis occurs many times more often in girls than in boys.

Treatment of cystitis in children

Since, with rare exceptions, cystitis is a bacterial infection, it is treated accordingly with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.

Refrain from self-medication for cystitis in a child! The antibacterial drug should be prescribed by a knowledgeable, experienced doctor, and not by your grandmother or the “well-read” neighbor next door...

There is another important nuance associated with the treatment of cystitis in children using antibacterial therapy. The fact is that the drug in the urinary system begins to work much faster and more efficiently than, for example, when it enters the blood. Therefore, when we treat cystitis with one or another antibiotic (remember, a doctor must prescribe a specific medicine!), relief and extinction of the child’s symptoms should occur, by medical standards, almost instantly - literally within the first 24 hours.

If, 1-2 days after the first dose of the drug, the child’s cystitis is still expressed by pain and frequent urination, this most likely indicates the need to change the medicine (it is quite possible that the bacteria have already developed resistance to this type of antibiotic and need to be changed medicine). That is, you need to see a doctor again, who will re-select another antibiotic.

On the other hand, a responsible parent should always remember that antibacterial therapy does not tolerate neglect. Considering that with the right choice of medicine for the treatment of cystitis in a child, relief comes very quickly, many mothers and fathers have an impulsive desire to stop taking the antibiotic at this point. Like, why “poison” a child with medications if he has already noticeably improved and the disease has clearly subsided?..

This is an unforgivable parental mistake! Yes, relief with antibacterial treatment occurs almost immediately, but the infection still remains in the child’s body, and if the course of taking the drug is not sustained to the end, you will most likely soon get a relapse of cystitis and bacteria that are now resistant to antibiotics, and ultimately – a chronic urinary tract infection in your child.
