Presentation on the topic of the Civil War 1918. Presentation for the lesson "Civil War and Intervention" presentation for a history lesson (grade 11) on the topic

Materials for lessons on the topic of the Civil War are developed for 9th grade students. It is expected to work in three combined lessons in the classroom, complete independent homework, followed by testing. Work in class is accompanied by a slide show with teacher comments. The presentation allows for visual perception of events, personalization of material (photos of historical figures with brief biographical information), penetration into the emotional atmosphere of that era (analysis of posters, listening to songs), allows you to better understand and better remember a historical event.

Purpose: To familiarize students with the events of the Civil War

Educational tasks:

  • Give an idea of ​​the civil war as an alternative to the development of Russia; highlight the main reasons; introduce periodization and main events; find out the reasons for the defeat of the “whites” and the victory of the “reds”, the results and consequences of the Civil War.
  • Develop skills in working with the textbook text, with a comparative historical table, and establishing cause-and-effect relationships.
  • To cultivate respect for controversial events in the history of the country, empathy for people.

Type of lessons: combined (mastering new knowledge, developing skills, independent work of students with subsequent testing).

Technological map of lessons.

progress of lessons comments concepts Slide no. time
Lesson #1
1 goal setting the task is to get acquainted with events, analyze them, develop your own opinion on what was happening in Russia; 2
2. main causes of the Civil War bring students to the conclusion that the Civil War is the only remaining alternative for the development of the country; Civil War,

democratic alternative;

1 5
3 characteristics of opposing forces characterize the opposing forces from the point of view of social and party composition; White, red, green, democratic counter-revolution; 2 10
4. characteristics of the intervention of foreign states in Russia reasons, participants, results of the intervention; intervention 3 5
5. characteristics of the white movement and its leaders events related to the formation of the white movement, interesting biographical information of individual representatives of the white movement; 5 10
6. formation of the Red Army, characteristics of its leaders stages of building the Red Army, developing concepts, interesting biographical information of individual representatives of the Red Army; (Annex 1) Red Army, universal conscription, military experts, commissars, RVS, Defense Council; 10 10
7 explanation filling out table No. 1 yourself 3
Lesson #2
8 periodization of events D/Z check: frontal survey; 17 15
9 posters pay attention to the ideas of artists, the artistic image they created; 24 5
10 songs from the Civil War pay attention to the emotions conveyed by poets and composers 5
11 red and white terror presentation of facts, their assessment by students terror 28 5
12 economic policy of whites and reds working with a textbook on tables

No. 2 and No. 3, work with concepts;

“war communism”, surplus appropriation, universal labor conscription, equal distribution, ration cards; 31 14
13 explanation filling out tables No. 2 and No. 3, learning concepts and their definitions, basic facts; 1
Lesson #3
14 testing students' knowledge in the form of conceptual dictation or independent work; 20
15 end of the Civil War characteristics of the Small Civil War Antonovschina 35 8
16 reasons for White's defeat and Red's victory highlighting the main causes 36 8
17 consequences of the Civil War highlight the consequences of the Civil War, focusing on human losses, their assessment by students; 38 8

explanation of D/Z

preparation for final work 1

Table No. 1 Main events of the Civil War period

Table No. 2 “War communism”

Table No. 3 Solutions to major issues by “white” governments.

Issues that need to be addressed Ufa directory A. Kolchak Government of the South of Russia A. Denikin Government of Northern Russia Reform activities of P. Wrangel
political structure
national-state structure
solution to the agrarian question
solving a work issue

Civil war and intervention. 1918-1922.

B. Kustodiev. Bolshevik. 1919.

The question of periodization 1. October 1917 - October 1922 (defeat of armed formations during the capture of Vladivostok) 2. February 1917 - 1924 3. May 1918 - November 1920 - the time of the most active hostilities * In Central Asia, the Basmachi operated until 1932, although individual battles and operations continued until 1938.

Three colors of war 1. Red (Bolsheviks) 2. White (movement created to overthrow the power of the Bolsheviks) 3. Green (third force, anarchists, representatives of the peasantry)

Initial stage In the first months after October 1917, the first centers of resistance arose: - Cossack regions on the Don and Kuban (Ataman Kaledin) November 1917 - the beginning of the formation of the Volunteer Army => the beginning of the white movement (Kornilov L.G. -> Denikin A .AND.)

Denikin A.I. Essays on Russian Troubles. More than once, in places that passed from hand to hand, volunteers found the mutilated corpses of their comrades, and heard the chilling story of witnesses to these murders, who miraculously escaped from the hands of the Bolsheviks. I remember the horror that came over me when for the first time eight tortured volunteers were brought from Bataysk - hacked, stabbed, with disfigured faces, in which loved ones, crushed by grief, could barely discern native features... Late in the evening, somewhere far away in the backyard of the freight station, Among the mass of trains, I found a carriage with corpses, driven there by order of the Rostov authorities, “so as not to cause excesses.” And when, in the dim flickering of wax candles, the priest, timidly looking around, proclaimed “eternal memory to the murdered,” the heart sank with pain, and there was no forgiveness for the tormentors... I remember my trip to the “Taganrog Front” in mid-January. At one of the stations near Matveev Kurgan, a body covered with matting lay on the platform. It was the corpse of the station chief, killed by the Bolsheviks who learned that his sons were serving in the Volunteer Army. They cut off my father’s arms and legs, opened up his abdominal cavity and buried him still alive in the ground. From the twisted limbs and bloody, wounded fingers it was clear what efforts the unfortunate man had made to get out of the grave. His two sons were also here - officers who had come from the reserves to take their father’s body and take it to Rostov. The carriage with the dead man was attached to the train in which I was traveling. At some passing station, one of the sons, seeing a carriage with captured Bolsheviks, went into a frenzy, burst into the carriage and, while the guard came to his senses, shot several people...

The end of 1917 - anti-Bolshevik forces in Ukraine and Transcaucasia and the beginning of the Civil War => invasion of the Central Powers, establishment of the power of General Krasnov. The Entente countries took a wait-and-see attitude => intervention under the pretext of war with Germany

Intervention is the violent intervention of foreign states in the internal affairs of a country.

Goals of the interventionists: The desire of foreign states to prevent the “spreading” of the socialist revolution throughout the world. Prevention of economic losses (consequences of nationalization of property, refusal of the Soviet government to pay tsarist debts, etc.), seizure of geographical zones of influence. The weakening of Russia.

The first invaders – March 1918 (the English expeditionary force landed in Murmansk and Arkhangelsk)

Interventionists in the Far East On January 12, 1918, the Japanese cruiser Iwami entered Vladivostok Bay to “protect the interests and lives of Japanese subjects living on Russian soil,” while it was argued that the Japanese government did not intend to “interfere in the issue of the political structure of Russia.”

On April 4, 1918, two Japanese employees of a commercial company were killed in Vladivostok. The next day, without waiting for the case to be investigated, the Japanese landed troops in the city under the pretext of protecting Japanese citizens, and the British landed after the Japanese.

Interventionists in the Far East Great Britain (1500 people) Canadian Siberian Corps Italian Corps Japan USA (Siberia Corps, 7950 people)

Japanese postcard. Vladivostok meets the Japanese army.

Illustration of the Siberian War. The Japanese army occupied Khabalofsk, the Amur Fleet surrendered. Japanese postcard.

May 27, 1918 - the beginning of the uprising of the Czechoslovak corps = > the power of the Bolsheviks in the Volga region, the Urals, the Far East was overthrown. The Government of the Directory was established in Ufa June 6, 1918 - the Left Socialist Revolutionary rebellion in Moscow (+ other cities)

After the Yaroslavl uprising

Autumn 1918 – the situation of the Bolsheviks was difficult (Czechoslovians reached the Volga, Krasnov’s army besieged Tsaritsyn) => Policy of military communism (from the spring of 1918)

1. Nationalization 2. Forced confiscation of food products and its redistribution 3. Universal labor conscription 4. Elimination of money. Salaries were replaced by rations, utility bills and transport fees were abolished 5. Management in the hands of the Supreme Economic Council

6. Creation of food detachments and committees of the poor - seizure of surplus 7. Confiscation replaced by surplus appropriation (according to plan) 8. Creation of the Red Army (January 15, 1918) - on a voluntary basis = > July 10 - universal conscription 9. Creation of concentration camps for representatives formerly privileged segments of the population

10. red terror 11. cooperation with bourgeois specialists and military specialists (under the military commissar)

November 1918 - end of WWI => evacuation of the troops of the Central Powers (the regimes of the armies of Krasnov and Hetman Skoropadsky in Ukraine fell) The Directory from Ufa moved to Omsk Kolchak overthrew the Directory and established a military dictatorship (Supreme Ruler of Russia) What is Kolchak’s social base?

Kolchak A.V.

Millionka and Kolchak's gold

Estonia – regime of Yudenich N.N. North - General Miller E.K. January 1919 – Denikin A.I. headed the armed forces of the South of Russia. They captured Donbass and were preparing a campaign against Moscow. Petlyura S.V. – with the support of English-French. Troops fought for the independence of Ukraine

Decisive battles. March 1919 – March 1920 The combined forces of Kolchak launched an attack on Moscow, but were stopped near Ufa (Frunze M.V.!) Battles for the Urals and Siberia (summer 1919) - an army under the command of Tukhachevsky M.N. ! Near Omsk, Kolchak’s troops were defeated and his regime fell

May 1919 - offensive of Denikin’s troops (Tsaritsyn, Kharkov) July 1919 - Denikin’s troops went to Moscow October 1919 - the First Cavalry Corps was formed (S.M. Budyonny and K.E. Voroshilov!) => general battle near Orel and Kromy => retreat of the white troops March 1920 - the remnants of Denikin were defeated

The war with Poland and the defeat of the white movement. April - November 1920 Poland's demand is a return to the borders of 1772 (i.e., the seizure of the lands of Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania) The goal of the Bolsheviks is an attempt to spread the revolution to the territory of Poland. The main heroes of the war are?

Confined to sixteenth-century borders, cut off from the Black and Baltic Seas, and deprived of the land and mineral wealth of the South and Southeast, Russia could easily have become a second-rate power, unable to seriously threaten Poland's newfound independence. Poland, as the largest and most powerful of the new states, could easily secure for itself a sphere of influence that would stretch from Finland to the Caucasus Mountains. - J. Pilsudski

Troops under the command of P.N. Wrangel intensified in Crimea. = > in November 1920 evacuated to Turkey 1921 – Treaty of Riga

Conditions 1. Poland abandoned its intentions to return the 1972 borders 2. Russia paid compensation 3. R. Recognized P.’s right to Western Ukraine, Western Belarus

The reasons for the victory of the Reds and the defeat of the White movement? ? ?

The final stage. Late 1920-1922 Nestor Makhno - leader of the anarchist movement on the territory of Ukraine. The Greens did not have a unified ideology. Broken by 1921.

Money in the revolutionary rebel army of Ukraine

Tambov uprising of 1920-1921. Leader - Socialist Revolutionary Antonov A.S. Peasant resistance grew into war. 30-50 thousand peasants were repressed.

Tukhachevsky M.N. on the suppression of the uprising “Nothing happens without executions. Executions in one village do not affect another until the same measure is carried out in them.”

ORDER of the Commander of the Tambov Province Troops No. 0116/operational-secret Tambov June 12, 1921 The remnants of broken gangs and individual bandits who fled from villages where Soviet power was restored gather in the forests and from there carry out raids on civilians. To immediately clear the forests, I ORDER: 1. Clean the forests where the bandits are hiding with poisonous gases, precisely calculate so that the cloud of suffocating gases spreads completely throughout the forest, destroying everything that was hidden in it. 2. The artillery inspector should immediately provide the required number of cylinders with poisonous gases and the necessary specialists to the field. 3. The commanders of combat areas must persistently and energetically carry out this order. 4. Report the measures taken. Troop Commander Tukhachevsky Chief of Staff of the General Staff Kakurin Russian State Military Archive F.34228. Op.1. D.292. L.5

Far East The territory from Chita to Vladivostok was controlled by the Japanese Consolidation of the forces of the white movement

Sergei Georgievich Lazo Russian nobleman who took an active part in establishing Soviet power in the Far East. Was burned alive by the Japanese in the furnace of a steam locomotive as an act of edification.

Bonevur V.B. Hero-Komsomol member, participant in the Civil War in the Far East Killed by the White Guards D. Nagishkin “The Heart of Bonevur”

April 6, 1920 - creation of the Far Eastern Republic (a buffer state between Russia and Japan) Capital - Chita

Using the contradictions between the United States and Japan, the Far Eastern Republic achieved the withdrawal of Japanese troops. The Far Eastern Army under the command of V.K. Blucher. and Uborevich I.P. went on the offensive against the remnants of Kolchak’s troops, who rebelled against the Far Eastern Republic October 1922 Far Eastern Revolution troops occupied Khabarovsk, Spassk, Vladivostok November 1922 - in the Far Eastern Republic - Soviet power => November 15, 1922 accepted into Russia

Volochaevsky battle, February 5-14, 1922. One of the largest battles of the final stage of the Civil War on the outskirts of Khabarovsk. As a result of the battles on February 5-14, 1922, the defense of the troops of the White Rebel Army was broken through by units of the People's Revolutionary Army of the Far Eastern Republic, and on February 14 without a fight Khabarovsk was taken. The strategic initiative passed to the People's Revolutionary Army, which created the conditions for the liberation of Primorye, and then led to the final defeat of the white forces in the Far East.

Inserting a picture

World War I (1914-1918)

Prepared by: history teacher Yu.V. Shusherov.

1. Main characteristics of war

2. The beginning of the war

3. Goals of the warring powers

4. Major combat actions and events

5. Results and consequences of the war

Military-political alliances on the eve of the war.

Triple Alliance 1882 .

Entente 1907

England, France, Russia,

Germany, Austria-Hungary

and 30 more countries

Common features : 1. Active colonial policy.

2.Each country pursues its own selfish goals.

Differences : 1. The Entente develops in response to the creation of a block

Central Powers.

and economic balance in Europe.

3. The Triple Alliance unites the countries of the second

echelon of modernization.


Balkans –

Hotbed of international tension

Balkan wars. The threat of a pan-European conflict

"Bosnian crisis" caused by annexation Austria-Hungary Bosnia and Herzegovina with German support

The struggle of European countries for the Turkish inheritance and influence on politics in the Balkans

Beginning of the First World War



Triple Alliance



Assassination of the heir to the Austrian throne in Sarajevo

Goals of the warring powers

Crush France and Russia

Annex the Baltic and Polish lands of Russia

Capture French colonies in Africa

Settle in the Middle East and Turkey

Subjugate the Balkan states

Capture the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits

Establish your dominance in the Balkans

Reunite all Polish lands

Stop German expansion

Return of Elsies, Lorraine and capture of the Saarland

Division of Turkish territories

Major combat actions and events

1914 –1915

Eastern front

Western Front

German invasion of Belgium, France by " Schlieffen plan ».

The offensive of Russian troops in East Prussia and Galicia.

Battle of the Marne. Retreat of German troops to the Aisne River.

Retreat of Russian troops from East Prussia.


Breakthrough by German troops of the front in Galicia. Retreat of Russian troops. September 1915 – formation of the Quadruple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey)

End of 1914

The transition from maneuver to positional warfare.

The first use of chemical warfare agents (chlorine) by the German command in the area of ​​Ypres.

April-May 1915

Front stabilization. Trench warfare.


1916 –1917

-Battle of Verdun. -Jutlandic sea ​​battle.

March 1916

Brusilovsky breakthrough German-Austrian front.

English-French Somme offensive , the first use of tanks.

June August.

July August.

Germany's transition to strategic defense.

German submarine warfare. Declaration of war on Germany by the United States in April 1917.

Late 1916

Miliukov's note on Russia's participation in the war to a victorious end.

April 1917

Unsuccessful French offensive near Arras "Massacre of Nivelle".


British troops are trying to break through the German front in the Ypres region.

Capture of Riga by German troops, occupation of part of the Baltic states.


Armistice between Soviet Russia and Germany.

December 1917

Occupation of Bessarabia by Romania.

1918, winter.

The offensive of German troops in the Paris direction, the use of troops transferred from the Eastern Front (Arras, Marne). Hindenburg plan.

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk between Germany and Russia

Battle of Amiens.



General offensive of the Entente troops. Defeat of the countries of the Quadruple Alliance. Truce of Compiègne.

Results and consequences of the war

Truce of Compiègne

Conditions Compiègne truce:

1. Immediate withdrawal of German troops from the western occupied territories and the left bank of the Rhine

2. Immediate repatriation without reciprocity of all prisoners of war

3. Concession by the German army of the following military material: 5 thousand cannons, 25 thousand machine guns, 3 thousand mortars and 1,700 airplanes

4. Return of all German troops to Germany

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

1. Russia’s renunciation of the territories of Estonia and Latvia

2. Withdrawal of Russian troops from Finland, Ukraine

3. Return to Turkey of the fortresses of Kars, Ardahan, Batum

4. Demobilization of the Russian army and navy

5 . Contribution at 6 billion stamps

Treaty of Versailles

Agreement conditions:

  • colonies .

2. Germany had to pay reparations with a total amount of 132 billion gold marks (52% - France, 22% - Great Britain, 10% - Italy, 8% - Belgium).;

3. The imposition of military restrictions on Germany - it was forbidden to have a submarine fleet, large surface ships, tank formations, military and naval aviation, the maximum army size was determined at 100 thousand people. Universal conscription was abolished.

4. Demilitarization of the Rhineland. Occupation of the Rhineland by Allied troops for a period of 15 years.

5. Germany was recognized as the culprit for starting the world war.

  • Germany lost 1/8 of its territory and all of its colonies .

Find out the causes and goals of the world war; - To form ideas about the role of Russia in the First World War and the results of military operations in the campaigns of 1914 – 1916; - Find out the influence of the war on the development of crisis processes and phenomena in the empire, the formation of the preconditions for the revolution of 1917. 1. reasons, nature and reason for the war; 2. the course of military operations in 1914, 1915, 1916. 3. the maturation of a revolutionary crisis in Russia. Lesson Objectives: Lesson Plan:

The greatest crime of imperialism against humanity. Killed - a person. Wounded - a person. Killed - a person. Wounded - a person. Enormous destruction, suffering of hundreds of millions of workers.

Having received a telegram from the German ambassador about the intention of the Austria-Hungarian government to deal with Serbia, Wilhelm II wrote on it: Having received a telegram from the German ambassador about the intention of the Austria-Hungarian government to deal with Serbia, Wilhelm II wrote on it: “Now or never!” "Now or never!" The government of Austria-Hungary asked the government of Germany: if Russia supports Serbia (tsarism sought to dominate the Balkans), then will Germany help Austria-Hungary?

It was extremely important for William II to find out the position of England - whether it would participate in the war. The British Foreign Secretary told the German Ambassador: England had not entered into secret agreements with France and Russia that would bind Great Britain in the event of a European war. England wants to maintain complete freedom of action. England did not enter into secret agreements with France and Russia that would bind Britain in the event of a European war. England wants to maintain complete freedom of action. The ambassador's opinion, reported to Berlin: England can remain neutral, in any case it will wait. England can remain neutral; in any case, it will wait.

The German Foreign Minister to the German Ambassador in London: it is necessary to “keep England” from participating in the war and to do this “in every possible way influence the English press.” German Ambassador from Vienna: To influence the foreign press, German diplomatic missions have “any amount of money” in Italy, and “unlimited amounts of money” in Romania

Report to the Emperor of Austria-Hungary: an ultimatum should be presented to Serbia, and if the response is unsatisfactory, war should be declared. “We would put the responsibility for the war on Serbia.” German Ambassador from Vienna to Berlin: The note will be so edited that Serbia will almost certainly not be able to accept it.

The President of France visited St. Petersburg (arriving with a military squadron!) and conducted secret negotiations with the Tsar in July. The Tsar and the President made speeches about the fruitfulness of the alliance between Russia and France to protect their interests and preserve peace! The British ambassador in St. Petersburg reported to London: France and Russia have decided to accept the military challenge. France and Russia decided to accept the military challenge.

The German government immediately agreed to mediation, and Vienna received an explanation: “If we reject all proposals for mediation,” then “we will be considered the main instigators of the war. This would make our situation impossible even in our own country, where it is necessary to be considered as having been forced into war.” The German government attaches the greatest importance to “so that England does not at this moment go along with Russia and France.”

The tsarist government was concerned. The tsarist government was concerned. Why doesn't ally France declare war on Germany? The French President explained to the Russian ambassador: “It would be better if a declaration of war were made not by France, but by Germany.” The French people will rise with even greater enthusiasm to defend their land and their freedom."

On August 3, Germany sent a note to France: “Yesterday, French pilots dropped bombs on trains near (hereinafter two German cities are named). France has thus placed us in the position of a country at war.” Thus war was declared on France. The reference to the bombing was a patent lie.

The result of military operations in 1914. German troops occupied the territory of Belgium, the northwestern industrial regions of France, where 75% of coal was mined, 84% of cast iron was smelted, and 60% of metal processing enterprises were located. Türkiye was on the side of Germany.

Germany has a new ally (Bulgaria). The German army occupied new vast territories (Russia, Serbia, Poland, Lithuania, parts of Latvia, Western Belarus and Ukraine). The press enthusiastically glorified the victories of German weapons. The Russian army has lost 3.5 million killed, wounded and prisoners since the beginning of the war. 1915 Campaign

Germany managed to capture new territory - part of Romania. However, the strategic plans of the German command collapsed once again. Its human and raw material resources were almost exhausted. At the same time, the armed forces of France and England continued to grow. 1916 Campaign

Military spending grew rapidly. In Germany they amounted daily: in 1914 - 36 million marks; in 1916 – 100 million marks; in 1916 – 100 million marks; in 1918 – 146 million marks. in 1918 – 146 million marks. Russia over the years spent 50 billion rubles on the war.

Malnutrition and the fuel crisis, exhausting work, the loss of loved ones, the injuries of millions of people - all this led to growing discontent and an intensification of the class struggle. The class consciousness of the working people was awakening, and the fraternization of soldiers at the fronts began. The class consciousness of the working people was awakening, and the fraternization of soldiers at the fronts began.

“The end of the First World War” - P. Hindeburg and E. Ludendorff were preparing a new attack on France. September: There was an uprising in the Bulgarian army. March, 1918. Woodrow Wilson (American President). Completed by: Marina Parfenova, Tatyana Rzhannikova. Spring, 1918. The Bolshevik government signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany.

“The Years of the First World War” - First. Triple Alliance. Brotherhood of Russians and Germans. "Schlieffen Plan". Questions and tasks for self-control. On August 3, Germany declared war on England and France. The Germans had only one chance left - to transfer troops to the Western Front. 1.5 million people took part in the Battle of the Marne River. World War I.

"World War I. War 08/1/14 Ultimatum 23.07.14 Main events of the First World War. World War I: The Assassination of Franz Ferdinand. 06/26/14 The number of dead is 10 million people. Duration: 09/01/1914 –11/11/1918 1554 days. Slowness. Economic and military. France. Ultimatum 07/30/14

“The First World War 1914-1918” - M.V. Alekseev. Germany. Posters of the First World War. RENNENKAMPF Pavel-Georg Karlovich von. Causes of the war. RUSSIA IN THE FIRST WORLD WAR Russian commanders: Results of 1916. The enemy transferred troops from near Verdun, Italy, and Turkey. Nicholas II. RESULTS OF 1914. Plans of the parties. Germany is forced to fight a war on two fronts.

“The First World War” - Complex didactic goal: Practical work. Lesson 5. Defeat of the countries of the Fourth Alliance. XX century Lesson 6-7. Literature. Combined lesson (consolidation of new knowledge). Review lecture (final). Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 3" of the city of Orenburg. "World War I". Lesson 3. The influence of war on the economic life of Russia.

“War of 1914” - Parades are on TV, Burning in archival films of the city. Polish soldiers during the battles for Poland (September 1939). Rushing over the tenderness of lilacs, just one powerful word - VICTORY! Friendly meeting of Red Army commanders with Wehrmacht officers. Frank Woodruff Buckles. Claude Stanley Choles. ...We remember you. Fragment of the Wall with the names of those killed on March 1-2, 1968.

There are a total of 24 presentations in the topic
