The fattest animal on earth. What is the heaviest mammal on Earth? The largest mammal from the order Perissodactyls

Among the unique beauties of our planet, people have always been fascinated by:

  • huge rocks and oceans
  • desert
  • jungle inhabitants

and the largest animal in the world capable of arousing interest even among the inhabitants of the planet.

Among the oceans and seas, deserts and forests, there will always be those who will differ in their dimensions.

In the same area with residents of ordinary and undistinguished sizes live:

  1. powerful elephants
  2. ferocious bears
  3. graceful giraffes
  4. flexible reptiles

all these are representatives of the abnormally large inhabitants of our planet Earth.

Huge bear

The top 10 list of abnormally large inhabitants on Earth will once again surprise you with the diversity and uniqueness of our wildlife.

Blue whale

In the first place on our list is the giant among all the ever existing inhabitants on Earth - the blue whale.

The size is 33 meters in length, and this handsome man weighs an awful lot, very often his body weight exceeds 150 tons. Incredibly beautiful, mesmerizing with just its appearance and once again proves how ideal our nature is.

Marine mammal

The blue whale, like other representatives of this species, feeds on plankton. It separates food using a powerful filtering apparatus(whalebone).

The blue whale is divided into three subspecies:

  1. dwarf
  2. northern
  3. southern.

They have minor differences in appearance and size. The lifespan of a blue whale on Earth is not known for certain, but the minimum lifespan of this majestic animal is about 40 years, and the average is 80–90 years.

African elephant

Second place on the list is occupied by such a large animal as the African elephant.

It is by far the largest animal in the world among those living on land. African elephants are divided into two subspecies: savannah and forest.

One of the individuals of this species is listed in the Book of Records with a weight of 12.24 tons. He was shot back in 1974, and the weight record for this male has not yet been broken.

The sizes of individuals reach 3.4 meters in height and up to 6 meters in length.

Savannah elephant

In nature, such a majestic animal lives up to 60–80 years and, despite the fact that it is an incredibly huge and largest specimen in the world, elephants are capable develop greater speed movement and are excellent swimmers.


In third place in the top 10 is the giraffe, the tallest fauna inhabitant of our planet.

Fourth largest land animal

The height of an adult giraffe is 5.5–6 meters, with 1/3 of the animal’s height occupied by its neck.

Fast for their height and weight, giraffes differ from previous representatives of the list in their beautiful color and cute horns.

His the color is unique, just like human fingerprints. Each spot has its own parameters and location.

These animals have:

  • excellent hearing
  • vision
  • smell.

The powerful tongue, which is about 45 centimeters long, is capable of grasping and cut off strong branches trees. Life expectancy is about 25 years in the wild and about 30 in captivity.

Southern elephant seal

This is the largest aquatic inhabitant among pinnipeds on the planet.

Large representative of pinnipeds

The parameters of this sea male can be close to 6 meters in length, and the weight reaches 4 tons, and sometimes much more.

And, although it has a large, corpulent body, the depth of diving of this mammal can be impressive - about 400–700 meters.

During a hunt, he can stay under water for a large amount of time - up to 120 minutes.

The marine predator feeds mainly on squid and krill. The lifespan of males is up to 20 years, which is 6 years more than that of females.

Polar bear

The top five of the list among large animals is completed by the majestic land predator - the polar bear.

polar bear

The weight of the animal reaches one ton. The body length of the animal reaches 3 meters, and the height at the withers is up to 150 centimeters.

This predator lives in areas of the northern hemisphere. Its dimensions and beauty captivate and amaze.

Female polar bears somewhat less in size and differ in weight. They hunt mainly:

  1. walruses
  2. seal
  3. sea ​​hares.

They live a maximum of 25–30 years in nature, and life record has been recorded in captivity 45 years old.

Saltwater crocodile

Its snout is much wider than that of other crocodiles.

Largest coastal predator

A powerful and deadly grip is ready to terrify anyone.

The size of the average crocodile of this species is from 4.2 to 5.5 meters in length. Their body weight reaches a huge size of 400–600 kilograms.

The crocodile has the most strong bite in the world, its grip is stronger than the jaws of a white shark. Perhaps this is why the crocodile appears so often in, representing a real danger.

The crocodile is one of the most aggressive And dangerous reptiles for human life in the world.

Giant flying fox

Seventh place in the top 10 is occupied by a unique mammal. It's very large representative of bats, the size of which reaches amazing sizes for bats.

Flying Fox - Kalong

Their length can reach up to 40 centimeters, and their wingspan can be up to 1.5 meters wide. The mass of a large individual reaches one kilogram.

They live in large flocks and often cause great damage to farmers by feeding on fruits. Some tribes can eat fruit bats themselves. The lifespan of fruit bats in captivity can reach 17–20 years.


Semi-aquatic herbivore mammal

Massive body, thick and dense fur, small claws. This semi-aquatic mammal very similar to abnormally large guinea pigs.

The height at the withers of a rodent varies around 50–60 centimeters, and the body length can reach up to 1.35 meters with a weight of 34–63 kilograms.

They excellent swimmers and rarely go further than 100 meters from the water. They feed:

  • grass
  • roots
  • fruits

but they themselves very often become victims of other predators.

Giant anaconda

The penultimate, ninth place on the list is occupied by a reptile. Anaconda is the most terrifying snake in its size, which lives on land And in water.

Subfamily of boas

The largest representative can grow up to 5.2 m in length and gain 97.5 kilograms of weight.

Among all representatives of reptiles, the anaconda leads mainly underwater lifestyle, sometimes getting out to bask in the sun.

They hunt mainly small mammals and reptiles that live or are close to them. After strangling the victim, they swallow her whole and do not hunt for a long time, digesting food. Their lifespan in nature is unknown, but in captivity they do not live very long - up to 5–6 years.

African ostrich

In tenth place on the list is a large representative of the class of birds - the African ostrich.

The only representative of the ostrich family

This bird is very strong built, with a powerful beak and strong wings. In addition, the ostrich does not fly, but it is capable of reaching great speed when running, accelerating to 60–70 kilometers per hour.

The height of this huge and strong bird can exceed 2.5 m, and the weight can reach up to 155 kilograms in an adult.

Ostriches feed:

  • seeds
  • fruits
  • shoots

Sometimes small ones are also eaten. People started breeding ostriches for the meat and skin of these birds, the cost of which is quite considerable. The lifespan of an ostrich in captivity is comparable to the average human lifespan - 75 years.

No matter how much man creates and tries to outwit nature, he is unlikely to be able to overcome it. The greatness and uniqueness of our planet will never cease to amaze and delight humanity, whose main task is not only create, but And keep the pristine beauty of the Earth and its inhabitants.

A short video about abnormally large animals:

The very best mammals - who are they? Mother Nature has many amazing mysteries and facts. It is only at first glance that it seems that you can learn about everything and know everything. No, it’s impossible, just like it’s impossible to read all the books. Because the more discoveries a person makes, the more new, much more complex tasks the Universe sets before him. The question of what is the largest mammal in the world is no longer relevant - every preschooler knows about this. But nevertheless, reading something new about an amazing creature - the blue whale - is always interesting.

So say the legends

In ancient times, when people sincerely believed that the edge of the earth existed, just as jealous and vengeful gods existed, when food was obtained by hunting and fishing, our distant ancestors treated nature and animals with great respect.

Knowing practically nothing about the representatives of the fauna, they came up with wonderful fairy tales, which, thanks to their amazing poetry, entered the golden fund of culture and art. The largest representative of mammals, often became the hero of these fairy tales. Often he was given the role of a kind of chthonic monster, which is of great importance in the structure of our world. For example, one of the Arab legends says that the whale Bahamut, plowing the ocean, holds the bull Kuyuta on his mighty back, which, in turn, supports a huge ruby ​​rock. There is an angel standing on this rock, and his responsibility is to monitor what is happening in the world.

Sea monsters

I would like to note that ancient navigators called a whale not only the largest mammal in the world, but, in general, any size of which inspired both panic horror and involuntary admiration.

There are several medieval treatises about the so-called hobby of which was capsizing ships and boats and devouring sailors. The same “horrors” were told about the whale, and a little later the peoples of Scandinavia had several interesting stories about “good” and “evil” sea giants. The evil ones, who hated sailors and fishermen, did nothing but sail the seas and oceans in search of people, and when they found them, they had no mercy... But the good ones, on the contrary, tried to protect the person, and, if possible, help bring the ship to safety. safe place.

Also of interest is the legend about how a certain Benedictine monk, traveling in search of sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, noticed a certain marvelous island. Having completed the prayer, the monk descended to what seemed to him to be the ground, built an altar there, and offered prayers to God. And after the monk, together with his team, had sailed a decent distance, the “island” began to stir and... just floated away. It is a noteworthy fact that among medieval Christian theologians the whale was considered a symbol of the “father of lies” himself, but Muslims are still confident that the largest mammal on Earth is one of the ten lucky ones living in paradise.

The most, the most, the most...

Modern scientists, who have long had no doubt that the blue whale is the titan of the animal world, recently discovered a real giant, whose weight is as much as 200 tons, and its size is more than thirty-four meters, which is equal to the height of a nine-story building. Surely such a huge thing seemed like a “mysterious island” to the unlucky monk? By the way, the heart of a whale weighs about a ton - 700 kilograms, and the tongue - 4000 kilograms.

Not only the largest mammal in the world, but also the most mysterious. Until now, scientists really know nothing about these amazing creatures, which, of course, only fuels interest in them. In particular, the paucity of information is explained by the fact that whales live in the open ocean, and it is quite difficult to observe their behavior.

However, not so long ago, a team of scientists managed to film the amazing moments of feeding these animals, as well as how they release their legendary fountains. As it turned out, by releasing a jet about fifteen meters high into the air, whales breathe. They feed near the water surface, and their main diet is krill - the smallest representative of the fauna. A funny paradox - the giant of the animal world eats “dwarfs”!.. In order to exist normally, whales need to eat about four million krill, therefore it is not surprising that they spend a lot of time hunting.

Interesting features

The largest mammal in the world has truly unique characteristics. For example, these massive, powerful creatures are surprisingly graceful and even graceful. Spectacularly diving into depths of more than a hundred meters, they can stay there for an hour or more, and swim at a speed of 42 kilometers per hour. The low, strange sounds they make underwater are approximately 188 decibels. For comparison: the most powerful aircraft “talk” with an intensity of 140 decibels.

Intelligent beings

Not long ago, researchers made an interesting discovery: it turns out that the largest mammal in the world is also one of the smartest. The intelligence of the blue whale inspires respect, but as for his speech, here all those who are engaged in observations simply shrug their shoulders. It is still impossible to decipher the "conversations" of blue whales, and what is now known is that their "singing" is much more complex, and, so to speak, meaningful, than was thought a few years ago. In the “speech” of whales there are many word-like elements that are very similar to human sentences. The surprising thing is that these “sentences” are constructed in such a way that you can hear informative phrases if you wish. Communicating, whales look for a spouse, lost children, notify the aquatic world of their presence, and warn the enemy of their readiness to attack.

And also?..

Everything is clear with whales, although, essentially speaking, almost nothing is clear. Huge, peaceful, mysterious, infinitely wise - they will always attract the minds of scientists and simply nature lovers. But it is hardly possible to solve the mystery of these amazing creatures. What other largest mammals are there in the world?

Probably, primacy should be given to the mighty one, whose dimensions reach 8 meters in length and 3.3 meters in height. The weight of this land titan is approximately 6 tons. This animal has no natural enemies, but small elephant calves, of course, are defenseless against hyenas, leopards, lions and crocodiles. But it should be taken into account that elephants jealously protect their children, and predators have practically no chance of feasting on a baby elephant... So the most dangerous enemy of elephants has been and will only be man.

The land elephant, in addition to the whale, has another waterfowl competitor - the southern one, which today is considered the largest carnivore. The size of these creatures reaches three meters, and their weight is 4000 kg.

The largest mammals are always of great interest to those who love and appreciate nature. Watching these creatures, it is impossible not to think that our world, if people wish, can become a real paradise on earth...

Our planet is inhabited by an endless variety of living creatures that differ from each other in weight, size and habitat. Some representatives of one species or another inspire genuine delight with their incredible size. Giant creatures truly arouse special interest not only among scientists, but also among ordinary people. Who are these animals and what sizes do they reach later in the article.

At the end of the article we have prepared a surprise 🎁 - an exciting test to test your attentiveness 😃

Modern giant animals

A representative of an arthropod species. The span of its paws reaches 4 meters, and its weight is 20 kg. The spider crab lives at a depth of 400 - 500 meters, rising higher only to reproduce. They leave their larvae in shallow water - about one and a half million, but a maximum of 10 - 15% of them survive. The lifespan of the Japanese crab exceeds 100 years.

Of the currently living flying birds, the pelican is recognized as the largest. With a length of 180 cm and a weight of 15 kg. The pelican has an interesting plumage - like white curls. But the bird’s special feature is its very long beak. With such a beak, it is easy for a pelican to catch fish, but the bird spends most of its time with its head resting on its shoulders due to the heavy load on its neck.

But among flightless birds, the ostrich takes honorable first place. With its heaviness - up to 156 kg, the ostrich is considered the fastest biped on earth - it is capable of reaching speeds of up to 97 km/h. The ostrich has very long legs and neck. Information about the primitiveness of this bird is not made up. The brain size is comparable to a walnut, which causes a low level of intelligence.

Anaconda and Reticulated Python

These two representatives of the world fauna are placed in the same place for the following reasons: the python is longer than the anaconda, but inferior in weight. For comparison, the maximum recorded length of an anaconda is 7.5 meters, and that of a python is 9.5 meters.

Common sunfish

This is the name given to marine bony fish, which have left their relatives far behind in size. The average individual weighs 1 ton and grows up to 2.5 meters wide. This sea animal received its name because of the unusual shape of its body - round, with torn edges.

This huge rodent, weighing 105 kilograms, can grow up to 1.35 meters in length and up to 60cm in height. Funny heavy animals lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle and look like guinea pigs. There is an opinion that capybaras are the kindest creatures on the planet and one cannot but agree with this. Although they do not cause affection, they get along well not only with people, but also with pets - dogs, cats.

Kalong or giant flying fox

A member of the fruit bat family. It might remind the average person of a bat. But this is only due to the method of attachment to the branches. The kalong's muzzle is very similar to a dog or fox. Kalongs feed on fruits and usually surround plantations in flocks, causing damage to agriculture. The wingspan reaches one and a half meters.


Descendant of the Patagonian hare. The breed was developed in the late 17th century in Belgium and is still used for both livestock and domestic use. The Guinness Book of Records records the largest representative of this breed. Its weight is 12 kg. The average individual grows to 8–9 kg. Due to its size, the hare looks awkward and disproportionate, which seems quite cute. Flanders are often kept as pets.

Chinese giant salamander

Amphibians are considered an endangered species because they can only live in clean water. The deteriorating environmental situation in the world has a detrimental effect on the population of Chinese salamanders. Research by scientists gives a sad forecast - in the 21st century, these unique animals, reaching 180 cm in length, will completely disappear from the earth.

Coastal predator. 7 meters long and weighing up to 2 tons, the crocodile literally becomes a deadly carnivorous machine for unwary animals. In addition, saltwater crocodiles are able to trace animal behavior, such as migration routes, and also develop complex behavioral traits. Therefore, crocodiles become an object of cult among many peoples, causing trembling fear.

The subspecies of the seal family is distinguished by its enormous weight - up to 5 tons, and length: females - up to 3.5 meters, males - up to 6.5 meters. Large creatures can dive to sea depths of 1,400 meters for prey - fish and cephalopods. The seal is constantly in the water, even in its sleep.

Polar bear

The largest land omnivorous predator that inhabits the earth in our time. The largest predatory animal weighs 1 ton. Male individuals usually weigh at least 500 kg. It mainly feeds on marine animals, which it catches from under the ice.


The tallest mammal on the planet. Weighing 1 ton, an adult male giraffe reaches 6 meters in height. Representatives of this species are widespread in Africa. They are exclusively herbivores, and this growth allows them to forage for food in trees. The giraffe seems to be leisurely, but this is a myth. These mammals are capable of moving at a speed of 55 km/h, and over short distances they can easily leave a racehorse behind. Due to its long legs, the giraffe can only walk on hard surfaces, so ponds or swampy areas are a restricted area for it.

Savannah elephant

The largest land animal. The recorded weight record is 12.2 tons. The diet of the savannah elephant is exclusively plant-based. It is noteworthy that an adult male needs to eat up to 300 kg of leaves and grass per day. They prefer a nomadic lifestyle. The most experienced female becomes the leader of the herd. Males in the herd remain until sexual maturity. At maturity, African elephants move into bachelor herds. And then they prefer a solitary lifestyle. In search of food, an adult elephant can walk up to 12 kilometers a day.

The largest animal in the world and it is also the largest mammal. The inhabitant of the oceans is ubiquitous. Its gigantic dimensions are amazing: a mass of 150 tons and a length of up to 33 meters. It is not surprising that even photographs are not able to fully convey the greatness of this creature. The blue whale feeds on plankton and rarely leaves the coastal zone.

Prehistoric giants

Thanks to archaeological excavations, paleontologists have been able to provide information about giant individuals that lived millions of years ago. The next selection is just about these creatures.

This dinosaur is considered the largest animal in the world, living 150 million years ago BC. It reached 48 meters, which is much larger than the size of the living leader of the giants - the blue whale. Archaeologists have only been able to excavate and identify parts of the spine of this majestic reptile. Currently, the existence of this species is questioned, so archaeological excavations are planned to be resumed.

The progenitor of modern boas is much longer - up to 13 meters and weighing 1 ton. Lived 60 million years ago.

An apex predator shark that lives in the ocean. Only the tooth of this 48-ton monster would hardly fit in the hands of a person. It is believed that the megalodon's jaws could bite through food weighing 10 tons.


Do you know which ones are the most big animals on the ground? Then you can view this top 10 and find out which one is the best big animal, although this list contains various species, both terrestrial and underwater inhabitants, birds, etc. But they are all huge in relation to the animals we see every day.

10. Giant green anaconda

The largest and heaviest snake in the world. Belongs to the subfamily of boas. The largest recorded individual reached 11.43 m in length. Weighs about 60 kg. It has a grayish-green color with brown spots. It lives mainly in the tropical zone of South America. Loves water and very rarely leaves bodies of water. It differs in that it can swim and dive superbly. It feeds on rodents, young crocodiles, birds and turtles. It very rarely attacks large animals, and attacks humans only in case of self-defense. It strangles the victim and swallows it.

9. Southern Elephant Seal

One of the largest animals on earth and the largest seal species in the world. The largest recorded specimens reached 6.5 m and 3.5 tons. But its trunk is shorter than that of its relatives - only 10 cm. The total number is about 750 thousand individuals. Colonies of the southern elephant seal are located on the subantarctic archipelagos and islands: South Georgia, Kerguelen, Heard, Macquarie.

8. African ostrich

The largest bird in the world. Its height reaches 250 cm, weight up to 150 kg. It cannot fly, but it runs at speeds of up to 70 km/h, taking steps of 3.5-4 m. If necessary, it can abruptly change the direction of movement without changing speed. Contrary to popular belief, it does not hide its head in the sand, but can “drop” it on the ground from fatigue after a long run.

7. Saltwater crocodile

The saltwater crocodile is the largest of the crocodiles. Body length is up to 7 m in males, up to 3 m in females. Adult males can gain weight up to 1000 kg. Most often found on the shores of Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. But it also makes its way to other popular resorts. Capable of making long voyages on the open sea. It is extremely dangerous on the shore or in shallow water, where it is easy for it to sneak up on prey. Every year many people become its victims.

6. Polar bear

Other names: polar, northern, sea bear, oshkuy. Can reach 3 m in length and 1000 kg of body weight. The largest representatives are found in the Bering Sea. It differs from other bears by its flat head and long neck. Hunts seals, bearded seals, walruses, and fish. A very thick layer of subcutaneous fat and thick fur help it survive in cold and icy water.

5. Giraffe

The tallest animal. Lives in the savannas of Africa. Height up to 6 m, body weight up to 1,200 kg. Despite its unusually long neck, like other mammals, it has only seven cervical vertebrae. But he has a very strong heart, capable of passing 60 liters of blood per minute and creating a pressure three times greater than that of a person. Consumes about 30 kg of plant food daily. The color of a giraffe is unique, like human fingerprints.

4. White rhinoceros

Second in size big animal land after the elephant. Body length up to 4.2 m, weight up to 5 tons, height at the shoulders up to 2 m. Actually, it is not white at all, but dark gray. The name most likely came from a corruption of the Boer word wijde (wide, wide-faced), consonant with the English white (white). He has two horns, which he successfully uses in fights with rivals. Lives in South and North-West Africa. Feeds on herbaceous vegetation.

3. Hippopotamus

Belongs to the order Artiodactyla, suborder Porciniformes. Distributed on the African continent. Weight can reach 4 tons, length up to 5.4 m. Leads a predominantly semi-aquatic lifestyle. The mouth of a hippopotamus can open unusually wide – 150 degrees. Interestingly, the hippopotamus is capable of running very fast on land. Quite an aggressive animal. When provoked by a person, it is capable of unexpectedly attacking.

2. African elephant

Mammal of the proboscis order. Height at the shoulders is up to 4 m, weight - 7.5 tons. Habitat - Africa south of the Sahara. Includes two modern species - savannah elephant and forest elephant. More than their Indian relatives and the most big animal among the land ones. There are only 500-600 thousand of these giants left in nature. An unusually intelligent animal, capable of mutual assistance and mutual assistance. For example, if one elephant cannot get rid of an attached leech, another can take a stick and free his friend from the bloodsucker. The same applies to.

1. Blue whale

The mammals listed here are the largest of their kind inhabiting our planet today. In this article on the largest mammals, you will find facts and figures that put these animals at the top of the pedestal when it comes to weight and size.

The largest mammal from the order Cetaceans

The blue whale is the largest animal, as well as the largest living organism currently living on Earth. Blue whales can reach a mass of about 200 tons and over 30 meters in length. Blue whales produce vocalizations exceeding 180 decibels, earning them the title of one of the loudest animals on Earth.

The largest mammal from the order Proboscis

The African elephant is the largest mammal of the. Male African elephants reach a mass of over 6 tons and about 4 meters at the withers.

Not only are they the largest of the proboscis order, they are also the leaders in mass and body size among all land creatures on the planet. The Asian elephant ranks second among the largest land animals, followed by the white rhinoceros and hippopotamus.

The largest representative of carnivores

The southern elephant seal is the largest carnivore on Earth. The mass of southern elephant seals can exceed 4 tons, and their body length can reach 6 meters.

Southern elephant seals live in the icy waters of Antarctica and south of Antarctica. Other large predators include polar and brown bears, as well as Ussuri tigers.

The largest mammal from the order Artiodactyls

The hippopotamus ranks first among the largest living representatives of the artiodactyl order. can weigh about 4 tons and have a body length of more than 4 meters.

In second place in terms of body mass, after hippopotamuses from the order of artiodactyls, are giraffes. They are significantly lighter than hippos, but giraffes hold the title of the tallest land mammals on Earth.

The largest mammal from the order Perissodactyls

It is the largest animal from the order Perissodactyls. They reach a mass of more than 4 tons and grow more than 4 meters in length.

White rhinos and hippos compete with each other to be the largest land animal after elephants.

The largest mammal from the Siren order

The American manatee is the largest of the sirenian order. Manatees can weigh about 600 kilograms and grow up to 4.5 in length.

The largest mammal from the order Primates

The eastern gorilla is the largest primate on our planet. They reach a mass of more than 200 kilograms and grow up to 1.85 meters in height. Eastern gorillas are one of two species of gorillas. The species is endangered due to poaching and rapid habitat loss.

The largest mammal from the infraclass Marsupials

The great red kangaroo is the largest marsupial mammal. These animals can weigh about 85 kg and reach a body length of up to 1.4 meters. Males of large red kangaroos are more than twice as heavy as females.

The largest mammal from the rodent order

The capybara is the largest representative of rodents currently inhabiting our planet. Capybaras reach more than 60 kg in weight and 1.35 meters in length. They are semi-aquatic animals native to much of South America, including Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Guyana, Uruguay, Peru, Paraguay and Suriname. Capybaras live in dense forests that border lakes, ponds, rivers and swamps.

The largest mammal from the order Lagomorpha

The brown hare is the largest of the order Lagomorpha. Their weight can be almost 7 kg, and their body length is 70 cm. The brown hare has long ears with black tips and a coat color ranging from yellow-brown to gray-brown.
