The seal Kroshik refused to swim away to freedom and returned to people (video). Kroshik the seal was moved to a warm pool and he decided that spring had begun and began to shed Kroshik seal VKontakte

Two years ago, the smallest pet in the history of the organization was brought to the Friends of the Baltic Seal Foundation. The baby managed to get out, then they tried to release him back to Ladoga. But the baby seal didn’t want to leave. A year later, Kroshik was released into the lake again, but this attempt also ended unsuccessfully. “360” tells how he lives unusual pet zoologists.

Rescue Kroshik

Almost two years ago, on March 25, 2016, fishermen found a tiny seal calf on the shore of Ladoga near the village of Sviritsa in Leningrad region. The baby was taken by volunteers from the Friends of the Baltic Seal Foundation. As it turned out, the cub became the organization’s tiniest patient in history.

Kroshik, as the small Ladoga ringed seal was later called, had badly worn flippers. He was emaciated, dehydrated and weighed just four kilograms - less than a newborn seal. Every three hours he had to be fed with a solution of minced fish and medicine, said fund employee Elena Andrievskaya. Even then, zoologists noticed that the new pet was not at all afraid of people.

First comeback

At the end of August, zoologists decided to return Kroshik, who had strengthened and completed a rehabilitation course, back to Ladoga. Together with him, the second inhabitant of the center, the seal Pasha, was released into the wild. In contrast, Kroshik swam only 100 meters from the shore, and after 15 minutes returned to the volunteers.

“He climbed out onto the shore, cheerfully walked into a group of people and pretended that he had never left and was not going to leave. Being picked up, he pressed himself against these very hands, showing how much he appreciates simple human warmth and care,” the zoologists explained.

As a result, the cunning pinniped remained to spend the winter in the center. Zoologists made every effort to ensure that the seal weaned itself from people, and taught the seal to get food on its own. He was taught the skills necessary to survive in wildlife. The volunteers already had experience: before Kroshik, the seal Malyshka Inger spent the winter in the center. She was later successfully released into the lake.

Second comeback

On May 22, 2017, Kroshik was solemnly released into Lake Ladoga for the second time. And in mid-June, it was captured on a smartphone camera by fishermen. This worried zoologists.

“We are frightened by Kroshik’s psychological state - the animal continues to seek meetings with a person, which can play a cruel joke on him. Unfortunately, not all people are friendly towards animals,” said the director of the fund, Vyacheslav Alekseev.

And four weeks after saying goodbye, Kroshik returned to the center. Despite the ability to get food, the seal was unable to adapt to life in the wild and continued to seek meetings with people.

How does Kroshik live?

The life of a seal is very eventful. To diversify the seal's leisure time, experts began to teach it training skills.

In addition to frequent training, he helps his caregivers. For example, he participates in the preparation of Ladoga vendace for the winter and controls the quality of the fish.

“We bring the fish, as always, with great adventures, to our place, wash it, package it in bags and freeze it. At the same time, Kroshik controls the quality of our work and takes samples from different places parties. By the end of the day, our assistant gets so tired that he falls asleep right at his workplace,” the volunteers wrote in “ In contact with ».

TO New Year's holidays Kroshik grew himself a luxurious “diamond” mustache.
