Quiz on a maritime theme for schoolchildren. Quiz for children of the preparatory group "sea inhabitants"

Quiz with answers for primary schoolchildren “Sea inhabitants”

Description: This event is intended for primary school teachers to conduct extracurricular activities, a lesson on the surrounding world for students in grades 1-4.
Preparation: Children get acquainted with material about sea inhabitants, read a fairy tale by V.G. Kvashina “Mistress of the Fishes”. Three teams can participate in the competition.
Target: Organization of educational leisure.
- test students’ knowledge on this topic;
- expand children’s horizons about the diverse and amazing water world;
- introduce students to interesting facts from the life of sea creatures;
- instill in students an interest in fish and a caring attitude towards the environment.
Progress of the event
The guys are divided into 3 teams, choose a commander, a team name and a motto related to the theme of the event (the motto and name are prepared in advance).
Before we begin our competition, I want to tell a legend about the leader of an Indian tribe who sent young men to the top of Aconcagua.

“Go while you have enough strength. Anyone who gets tired can return home, but let everyone bring a branch from the place where he turned off the road,” said the leader. Soon the first one returned and handed over a cactus thorn. The leader grinned: “You did not cross the desert. You haven’t even been to the bottom of the mountain.” The second brought a silvery branch of wormwood. The leader said: “You were at the foot, but you didn’t even try to start climbing.” The third, with a poplar branch, even earned praise: “You reached the spring.” The fourth person, who came with a buckthorn branch, received a similar reward. The fifth man, who brought a cedar branch, nodded approvingly: “You were halfway to the top.” The last young man came empty-handed, but his face shone with joy. He explained that he had been where trees did not grow, but he had seen the sparkling sea. The leader not only believed him, but also appreciated his action above all: “You don’t need a symbolic branch. Victory shines in your eyes, sounds in your voice. This is one of the peaks of your life. You saw the mountain in all its grandeur.”
Today everyone has to rise to their own peak. With each completed task you will rise higher and higher. If you successfully complete all the competitions, victory will shine in your eyes.
And so, let's begin our program:
The first competition "Captains Competition"(Each team had to get acquainted with V.G. Kvashin’s fairy tale “Mistress of the Fishes” and the captain of each team had to answer the quiz questions).
1. Why did the Mistress of the Fish stop sending fish into the rivers?
Answer: people treated the fish badly, stabbed them with spears, tore them with hooks.
2. How did the Mistress of the Fish appear to people and what did she tell them to do to get into her home?
Answer: she appeared in a dream and told them to make a sea boat and sail to her home.
3. How should one treat the fish given by the Mistress of the Fishes?
Answer: do not damage or pollute water bodies or rivers.
4. How did people pass on the law of the mistress of the sea?
Answer: from generation to generation.

5. What is the main idea of ​​the fairy tale?
Answer: caring attitude towards the environment.
Second competition "Proverbs"
Each team receives sayings and proverbs divided into two parts. Teams must collect them within a certain time.
1. You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
It hits like a fish on ice.
Cheap fish on someone else's plate.
2. That’s why the pike is in the sea, so that the crucian carp doesn’t doze off.
Fish is water, turnip is earth, and berry is grass.
To eat fish, you have to get into the water.
3. A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar.
Silent, like a voiceless fish.
Eat fish and your legs will be quick.
Third competition “Quiz about fishes”(answers are written down on pieces of paper)
1. What are the names of the largest fish living on the planet?
Answer: sharks

2.Guess what kind of fish this is? The head is like that of a toy horse, with a tube-shaped snout and a mane-crest at the back of the head. The body is covered with scutes with long outgrowths - threads and ends with a tail that can curl.
Answer: seahorse

3. Is the name of this sea fish the same as the name of a thin, sharp object used for sewing?
Answer: needle fish

4. Which aquarium fish has the same name as an astronomical instrument?
Answer: fish telescope

5. What fish has the same name as a circus performer?
Answer: clown fish

6. What fish has the same name as a carpenter's tool?
Answer: sawfish

7. The name of which fish sounds the same as a boy’s affectionate name?
Answer: Stickleback

While the jury is summing up the results, a game is played (if the program is held in a gym or outdoors, if in a classroom, then you can invite the children to draw a sea creature and arrange an exhibition of drawings):
1. Game "Fisherman".
Contents of the game: the players choose the driver - the “fisherman”, the rest - the “fish”. The “fish” scatter, the driver catches up with one “fish”, having caught them, they join hands and begin to catch together without unclenching their hands, a net is formed. And so, having caught each next “fish”, the grid increases. They catch until the last player.
2. Game "Fish".
Game content:
The fish are having fun
In clean warm water,
They will shrink, they will unclench,
They will bury themselves in the water.
Students count on "one-two". The first team is the “fry”, they attach a belt with a ribbon from the back to the floor 1.5 - 2 m (“tails”), they catch up with the “fry”, try to step on their “tails”.
The winners are those “fry” whose “tail” is intact.
Summarizing! Winner's reward ceremony!
V.G. Kvashin “Mistress of the Fishes”.

One day the Mistress of the Fishes stopped sending fish into the rivers. Then people went to her to find out why the fish were not coming. They came to a large waterfall and spent the night near the thundering water. The Mistress of the Fishes appeared to them in a dream. She told them to make a sea boat and sail to her home. Early in the morning, people built a large boat and sailed on it across the sea. They overcame the waves for a long time and finally reached the home of the Mistress of the Fishes.
The owner of the fish received them cordially, fed them, and gave them a rest. Then she led the people into an underwater cave, which was full of wounded fish. She said:
- I know that people need to eat and feed their children. That's why I send flocks of fish into the rivers so that you can catch as many as you need. But you don't respect my gifts! You stab them with spears, tear them with hooks. Look how crippled my fish came back to me! Many of them will die, and others will not be able to produce offspring. That's why I no longer send my favorite joints into your rivers.
People saw how badly they had acted and began to ask for forgiveness from the fish and their Mistress. The mistress of the fish let the people go in peace, but warned that she would strictly monitor how they kept their promises.
The people returned and told all their neighbors on all the rivers how to treat the fish given by the Mistress of the Fishes. After this, fish came to their villages every year. And people passed on the law of the sea mistress from generation to generation.





additional education teacher


Smolensk region

Quiz “Across the seas and oceans”

Did you know that the world's oceans contain about 27 million tons of gold? And if you get it, then every person on Earth will receive about 4 kilograms of this metal! I'm sure you can't wait to learn even more interesting things. Then take the helm and go full speed ahead - explore the vastness of the sea with the help of an entertaining quiz in the form of tests. Test your strength!

Questions about the seas

I. Images of large snakes were often seen on medieval nautical charts. What do they mean?

Dangerous areas.

Unknown territories.

II. At what degrees does sea water freeze?

0 degrees.

2 degrees.

5 degrees.

III. How many seas are there on the planet?

IV. Which sea is actually a lake?

Arabian Sea.

Caspian Sea.

Barencevo sea.

V. Which sea is the dirtiest in the world?

Baltic Sea.

Caspian Sea.

Mediterranean Sea.

VI. Which sea has the highest gold content?

In the Baltic Sea.

In the Caspian Sea.

In the North Sea.

VII. What is the maximum height of sea waves?

About 10 meters.

About 25 meters.

About 40 meters.

VIII. Which sea is the saltiest on Earth?

Dead Sea.

Red sea.

Black Sea.

IX. What is the name of the coldest sea in the world?

Weddell Sea.

Barencevo sea.

Greenland Sea.

X. Which of these seas has corals?

In red.

In Caspian.

In Baltic.

XI. Which sea is considered the deepest?


XII. The name of which sea corresponds to the color of the water?


XIII. Which sea has no shores?




ХІV. What city did archaeologists discover in the Black Sea?


XV. Which sea is the smallest?



Questions about the oceans

I. What kind of water is there more on Earth?

Equal amounts of fresh and salty.

II. The world's oceans - what is it?

All the oceans together.

Atlantic and Indian.

Arctic and Pacific.

III. How many oceans are there on our planet?

IV. Approximately what percentage of planet Earth is covered by the surface of the world's oceans?

V. Which ocean is the largest in area?



VI. What is the name of the apparatus used to explore the depths of the world's oceans?




VII. Who became the first marine explorer to study the oceans?

Ferdinand Magellan.

James Cook.

Bernhard Waren.

VIII. What is the movement of large masses of ocean water called?

IX. What strait connects two seas, two oceans and separates two peninsulas, two continents and two states?



X. What channel connected two oceans and separated two continents?



XI. Which ocean is the smallest?




XII. What causes ocean currents to form?

Stormy winds.

Constant winds.

Underwater earthquakes.

XIII. Which European was the first to sail the Indian Ocean?

Vasco da Gama.

Marco Polo.

Christopher Columbus.

ХІV. In which ocean is the famous Bermuda Triangle located?

In the Atlantic.

In Indian.

XV. Which ocean is the deepest?



Questions for sailors.

A device that determines the depth of a torpedo or mine is called...

a) painting;

b) copybook;

c) signature;

d) autograph.

A wooden board that serves as a seat when lifting people up the masts, when cleaning and painting the side of a ship is...

a) gazebo;

b) cradle;

c) bench;

d) lining.

A light, long, high-speed rowing boat is called...

a) bird;

b) match;

c) gig;

d) chaise.

The signal calling for a ceasefire (shooting) is...

c) fraction;

The rolled part of the sail is called...

a) burden;

b) chilliness;

c) pulp;

d) slush.

An enemy ship or any property captured in a naval battle is...

a) trophy;

b) surprise;

c) prize;

d) freebie.

A pre-arranged meeting of ships in a certain area of ​​the sea or ocean is called...

c) date;

d) rendezvous.

The electrical device used in lighthouses for producing sound signals in foggy weather is called...

a) siren;

b) bell ringer;

c) howler monkey;

Rowing in the opposite direction to reverse the boat or make a U-turn means...

a) tabanize;

b) tag;

c) ram;

d) Tarzan.

Rearranging ships from one marching formation to another is...

a) resolution;

b) revolution;

c) constitution;

d) evolution.


Answers to quiz questions about the seas

I.Unknown territories.

II.-2 degrees.

IV. Caspian Sea.

V.Mediterranean Sea.

VI.In the Baltic Sea.

VII.About 40 meters.

VIII.Red Sea.

IX. Weddell Sea.

X. In Red.




Answers to quiz questions about the oceans

I. Salty.

II.All oceans together.

III.4 (Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, Arctic, but sometimes the Southern Ocean is also distinguished).

VI. Bathyscaphe.

VII. Ferdinand Magellan.



X. Panama.

XI.Northern Arctic.

XII. Constant winds.

Game - quiz "Sea voyage"

Teacher Pisanova O. V. d/sno.24 "Space" Surgut

Game - quiz

« Cruise»

Target: repeat and generalize ideas about the professions of people related to sea ​​elements, evoke a feeling of joy from collective play, and activate cognitive interest. Create conditions for the realization of ideas about the world in creative activity.

Equipment: an exhibition of drawings, spatially depicting the sea, a ship, a pier, costumes for sailors, a giant, Neptune, and other inhabitants of the seas.

Attributes: binoculars, steering wheel, lifebuoy, rope.

Progress of the GAME:

Leading: Dear guys, you and I have already been astronauts, firefighters, and today we will become sailors and go travel the seas and oceans. We will take our parents as passengers on our ship. During trips We will test our knowledge, ingenuity, dexterity and try to be kind, brave, and attentive to each other. Now let's check if we are ready to set sail.

1 task for children: name it maritime professions(captain, navigator, boatswain, cook, sailor, diver, hydronaut).

2 task for parents: determine the type of ship (sailboat, steamship, motor ship, nuclear powered ship).

Leading: Let's choose a ship to sail on and form a team (distribution of roles).

The leader becomes the captain.

Captain: Ship crew "Brave", get in line!

(The boatswain whistles, the children line up). Now let’s determine the route of our voyage. Navigator, what seas can we sail on?

(The navigator unfolds the map and, together with the captain, reads the names seas: Red, Black, White, Yellow.)

Who knows why the sea is called that? (Children and parents answer, choose the sea on which they will travel.)

At the pier they make an announcement about boarding passengers - parents:

Attention! From the 1st berth the ship "Brave" sets sail on the Black Sea. Be careful when climbing the ladder!

Captain: Let's unmoor, let's finish, start a song!

(Children sing a song "Sailors".)

Navigator: The boat sailed stubbornly into the distance.

Behind the stern there is a trail of foam

There are no shores in sight.

Suddenly the helmsman exclaimed:

The snowstorm is growing in front of me!

She rose from the bottom and is already visible above the water!

Captain: Where did it get stranded in such a deep place? Here comes the mountain (Looks through binoculars.) Yes, this is not a mountain at all, this is a fabulous Giant - the Giant decided to drink the sea. So, in fact, our ship will soon run aground!

Giant: Uff! Now I’ll catch my breath and finish the rest. It's better for you! There will be no sea, you will walk along the bottom, plant cabbage. What's bad?

Captain: What will happen if the Giant drinks the sea and all the seas disappear?

(Children's answer: drought).

Giant: It won’t rain.

Captain: where does it come from?

Giant: From the clouds.

The captain explains. Clouds are born over the seas and oceans. Sun water warms the sea, it evaporates, and the steam rises into the sky, turning there into fog-clouds. The wind will drive them far, far away, and there they will bring rain, snow, water the earth - streams will run again, rivers will flow.

Giant: To listen to you, the Sun would have evaporated and dried all the water long ago. But the sea, you see, has not become shallow.

Captain: What a slow-witted Giant you are! Rivers flow into the ocean and sea and give them all the water.

Giant: Who waters the rivers?

Captain: Streams.

Giant: Ah... now I understand. It turns out like a fairy tale about a white bull. Water from the ocean to the sky, from the sky to land, from land again to the ocean. So without end: the water cycle in nature. Thank you for explaining. I won't drink the sea. Swim on.

Captain: (looks through binoculars). Look at the waves that are rising! Who knows why there are waves at sea? (Children’s answers: the wind moves water at different speeds.)

Neptune (appears). But no! It is I who drive them, the king of the seas and oceans, Neptune. If you are so smart, guess my riddles.

So that a strong wave cannot move the ship,

We quickly throw the chain overboard, what do we release on it? (Anchor)

Everyone knows this perfectly well: It’s dangerous to joke with her in the water.

The teeth are sharp as a knife, you better not touch her! (Shark)

So that we can see steamers and ships in the distance.

We will take it in our hands and guide it to the sea. (Binoculars)

Now let’s test your ingenuity and solve problems.

What's extra? Why?

Fox, seal, lion, wolf...

Jellyfish, algae, sea ​​Horse, pollock...

Shipwrights, scuba divers, tractor drivers, fishermen...

Navigator, cook, ladder, boatswain...

Do the math!

There are 5 fish in one aquarium, and none in the second. How many fish are there in two aquariums?

The fisherman caught crucian carp, pike, perch and cuckoo. How many fish did the fisherman catch?

2 dolphins, 3 whales and 4 sharks are swimming in the sea. How many dolphins swim in the sea?

Who is the most dexterous?

Children and parents play"Catch a Fish"- they are trying to put a pencil tied to a thick thread into the bottle.

Who is stronger?

A game for a tug of war.

Neptune: You guessed the riddles, solved the problems, defeated me. How can we surprise you? I will show you the beauty and art of my subjects (claps his hands, Neptune’s artists appear, they perform dances and songs). Neptune is pleased with them.

Captain: Our guys can also dance, sing, and read poetry.

Sailor dance.

Neptune: Well done! It’s good for me to be with you, but it’s time to get down to business and keep order. There are still people who do not know how to appreciate beauty, kill animals, and pollute the seas and oceans. These people do not understand that their lives depend on nature. (Children say goodbye to Neptune.)

Captain: And it’s time for us to go home. We take the helm straight ahead! (Looks through binoculars).

Ours is over travel along the Black Sea. We learned a lot of interesting things, tested our ingenuity, dexterity, knowledge about the sea and maritime professions. We were convinced that it is impossible to live in the world without friendship.

Announcement from the pier:

"Attention attention! Prepare the gangways for the first berth. I announce the disembarkation of passengers from the ship "Brave"!


1. The sea has its own laws, the sea has its own habits...

The sea may be green, with a white ridge on a sharp fold,

It is without a crest, leaden-gray, with small ripples of a goose-like wave.

Sometimes thoughtful, light blue, simply light, and simply blue.

Slightly swayed by a light breeze.

The sea can be blue, and sometimes it is on watch during the day.

You look overboard - and below you, either the sky, or the sea.

But it can also be black, black, rushing, sloping,

Relentless and rebellious, rising, hunchbacked.

2. Have you heard about water? They say she's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean, and in a water tap.

Like an icicle, it freezes, creeps into the forest with fog,

It is called a glacier in the mountains, curling like a silver ribbon.

Among the tall, slender fir trees, it is being destroyed by a stream of mudflows.

Your stove is boiling, the kettle's steam is hissing,

It dissolves sugar in tea, we don’t notice it.

We are accustomed to the fact that water is always our companion!

Without it, we cannot wash ourselves, eat, or drink.

I dare to tell you that we cannot live without her!

Always travel, our companion is water!

3. We are all sailors.

Captains bravely navigate ships across the oceans

It’s interesting for them to swim along the blue roads.

Day and night, day and night.

The course is plotted accurately and the anchors are dropped

In the oceans and seas, the sea loves the smart, the brave,

If you can prove your intelligence and courage in action,

You can become a captain.

We guys love the sea, across the seas and across the waves.

We are on combat patrol, today here, and tomorrow there.

The captain will strictly order that the vehicles be given full speed.

Hello blue road, our ship is sailing.

Peak cap and vest, and anchors on the ribbons.

The belts have a large buckle; they were given to the sailor for a reason.

Game program for children 6-11 years old “With love for the sea.” Scenario

Blinova Maria Anatolyevna, music director, MDOAU “Kindergarten No. 3 “Dandelion” of a combined type, Orenburg region, Novotroitsk.
Description of material: I present to your attention a game program for children of preschool and primary school age, this material is intended for music directors, preschool teachers, primary school teachers, and additional education teachers.

Target: the importance of the sea in the life of every person and child, an atmosphere of joy and play, expanding the horizons of children.
1. Give children pleasure in competitions, games and competitions.
2. Development of environmental education, respect for the nature of the sea, guessing riddles, performing dances, reading poetry.
3. Creating emotional well-being, communication skills with other children, the joy of meeting the beautiful music of the sea and its inhabitants.
4. Tell about the history of the sea, give children educational information, develop the intellectual and thinking abilities of children.
Sport equipment: 2 hoops, 4 children's buckets of the same capacity, 2 with water, 2 spoons, 2 long synthetic ropes, a disk with sea songs of the sounds of the sea, sports modules for building a ship, 2 tables,
limiter cubes, rope, sea bottle with riddles, modules for building ships.
Decor: sports flags, painted seagulls, an anchor, jellyfish figures, homemade palm trees from plastic bottles, large shells, team emblems, certificates and medals for the winners.

Children gather on the playground and sports ground. Sounds music by Paul Mauriat "In the Animal World".
Leading: The history of the sea: three quarters of the earth's surface is a huge mass of salty ocean water, the sea is part of the World Ocean, the origin of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans is associated with the breakup and movement of continents, a large amount of salts accumulate in the sea, giving sea water a salty taste.
“A lot has been said about the sea,
But what is there to say for a long time,
Who has never been there before,
We invite you to sail with us."

1 child:
Sea, morning wave,
He will bring it to the shore
And leave it for the children
A lot of things they need:
The stones are smooth like soap
(The sea waves soap them);
Tina, like a strand of hair
The rock was shaken off the scallop;
And princesses of sea toys -
Real seashells.
N. Belostotskaya
2nd child:

I'm running to you!
I'm already on the shore!
I'm running to your wave
and the wave
running towards me!...
E. Moshkovskaya
3rd child:

What a sea it is!
Multicolored blue
Noisy with waves,
screaming seagulls,
clean, salty,
warm, corrugated
Embraces the sky
The sun smiles!..
L. Zubanenko

4th child:
An octopus lives at the bottom of the ocean,
His father and mother live there,
A large sea family lives there -
Father of the Octopuses and sons.
They live in a cave between the reefs,
They have a home and family comfort there,
There mom loves and takes care of them,
So that the big sperm whale does not offend them,
So that the shark does not take them by surprise,
When they lead a big round dance,
When they come out for a walk,
Play football with sea urchins.
They are children too, even if they live in the sea,
They both appreciate and love the comfort of home.
A. Slonikov
5th child:

We celebrated the New Year.
And coral, like a Christmas tree,
They dressed up together.
Just no toys
In the sea underwater.
And they had to branch
Decorate with yourself.
I. Sudareva
6th child:

Under the water
In transparent blouses
Jellyfish swim important.
Slowly, leisurely,
To look beautiful.
These are the fashionistas
Fashionistas are submariners.
I. Makhonina
7th child:

Everyone knows about dolphins -
There are no more interesting animals:
Sharp mind, dexterous movements
And easy to train.
8th child:
What are the boats sad about?
Far from land?
The ships are sad, sad
About the shallows on the river,
Where can I take a minute?
Sit down and relax
And where there is absolutely nothing
It's not scary to drown.
V. Lunin
Leading: Today, unusual lifeguards are working on our sea beach - these are two teams, and now they will introduce themselves to us. We will hold various competitions and games-competitions, and a jury will evaluate you. Let's start our game program “With love for the sea”.
Sounds Factory “The sea is calling, the wave is singing” the teams fall into place.
Presentation of commands.

Team "Dolphins".
Dolphins love to swim and dive
And drowning people can be saved.
Team "Rusalka".
We love to sing and have fun,
Frolic in the foam of the sea.
"Dolphins and mermaids."
We dolphins and mermaids are bosom friends.
Dear jury, you are not our jury.
We will try to make our way to medals.
We will show you all our knowledge and skills,
How we love the sea, in all its beauty.
Leading: What wonderful, cheerful, dexterous teams we have gathered - rescuers of children, girls and boys, dolphins and mermaids.
Warm-up “Water Safety”.
Leading: how to behave on the beach, because not all children know how to swim, so they need what to have with them?
The commands respond in turn:
1. Life vest.
2. Lifebuoy.
3. Sun hat.
4. Fins, air mattress.
2. How to behave on the water.
Leading: the second part of the task, what rules must be followed?
The commands respond in turn:
1. You need to swim or swim in specially equipped places, under the supervision of adults.
2. You cannot swim beyond the buoys or drink dirty water.
3. If you start to drown, immediately shout “Save me, I’m drowning!”
4. Capturing games cannot be played underwater.
5. Do not throw bottles and garbage on the beach and into the water, polluting the sea and harming marine life, as well as yourself.
Leading: Dear jury, we ask you to evaluate the results of the children’s answers and give high points for correct answers.
Competition No. 1 “Your ship”.
Leading: I suggest that while the music is playing, the teams build their own ships from modules, whoever is faster and better.
Sounds Gazmanov's song “You are a sailor, I am a sailor.”
Jury evaluation of results. The teams have good reliable ships, captains get 5 points.
Leading: Dear jury, we ask you to evaluate the results of the children’s answers and give 5 points for the correct answer, while the jury is counting the points, let’s play.

Game "The Wind Blows in the Sails"
The children in the circle, at the signal from the leader, all take a deep breath so that the stomach becomes “inflated”, bend one leg, lean forward a little and begin to count to eight, until the stomach “goes down” - exhale. Use air gradually.
The game is repeated several times, allowing you to train your breathing.
The jury announces the results of the competition.
The teams board the ship and sail, the song “Ah, the White Ship” by Yuri Antonov sounds. A sea bottle floated to us, it contained a strange code asking us to guess sea riddles for the teams.
Competition No. 2: riddles about the sea and marine life.
4 riddles for each team.
1. Playing and frolicking again
In front of the bow of the ship.
Backs flash above the water,
- The nimble ones rush... ( Dolphins)
2. Long-haired beauty sitting
He doesn’t walk on land, but starts dancing under water.
Yes, it makes waves with its scaly tail. (Mermaid)

3. In calm weather
We are nowhere
How the wind blows -
We run on water.
4. Here, where we don’t glance -
Water blue expanse.
In it the wave rises like a wall,
White crest above the wave.
And sometimes it’s quiet and quiet here.
Was everyone able to recognize him?

5. This is the largest animal
Like a multi-ton liner.
And he eats, believe me!
Only small things - plankton.
Floats here and there
Across the Arctic seas.
6. He is the king of the sea,
Ocean sovereign,
He is the keeper of treasures at the bottom
And the ruler of the mermaids.
7. Everyone who has been to the sea
I'm familiar with the bright umbrella.
From water and salt
It consists entirely.
Don't touch him in the water -
Burns like fire.
8. It contains salt water.
Ships sail on the water,
Waves, wind in the open air,
Seagulls are circling over...( By sea)

Competition No. 3 “Lifebuoy”.
Leading: What will we do if a ship passenger is overboard? Children: to save, let's throw a life preserver on him.
In the competition, one participant moves a short distance, the children must take turns throwing a hoop over him, that is, putting on a life preserver. Each successful hit is a point for the team, the jury counts it, summing up the results after the competition.
Jury: Five points for everyone.

Leading: in front of you is a reproduction "The Ninth Wave" famous artist, name him?
Children: Ivan Aivazovsky.
I suggest you name the paintings of this artist and not confuse them with paintings by other artists. His paintings “Frigate”, “Seascape”, “Sea”. Game "Find paintings about the sea." To the music, the teams choose one reproduction of the artist Aivazovsky. Music sounds like the sounds of the sea.

Jury: Five points for everyone.
Competition No. 4 “Draw the sea yourself.”

According to the template, a team of children must take turns drawing fragments of the sea in stages, it turns out to be a collective work or a picture can be drawn by the captains, the teams support them.
The music of the sea sounds. Sounds of dolphins, sea and piano.
I suggest the teams relax and watch their opponents' sea dances.
Dance of the Dolphins, dance of the Mermaids.
Jury: Five points for everyone.
Competition No. 5 “Who can remember the most sayings and proverbs about the sea.”
Children talk about the sea: proverbs and sayings.
The sea does not like the weak.
If you're afraid of sharks, don't go into the sea.
You can't swim across the sea.
There are many roads in the sea.
The sea is a fishing field.
It is not the sea that sinks ships, but the winds.
You don't have to drink the whole sea to know that the water is salty.
Once you've been at sea, you'll never forget it.

Leading: Neptune is clearly in a quarrel with someone,
If the sea is so stormy!
Waves of various shapes...
What about the sea? In the sea …

Competition No. 6 “Storm at Sea”.
Participants stand in two lines facing each other. The leader gives the first person in the line a long synthetic rope. After the presenter whistles, you need to thread it through some part of the wardrobe - a hole for a button, a strap for a belt, sandal, bracelet or something similar.
Competition No. 7 “Leak on the ship.”
At some distance from the participants there are two tables on them, 2 small-sized children's buckets of water next to them, empty buckets to scoop out the water from the hold, the same in volume, the competitors run, run up and fill the empty capacity of the bucket with one small ladle at a time.
The task is to save the ship - a sinking ship. The competition continues until one of the teams completes the task.
Final competition No. 8 to sing a song about the sea.
Children sing songs: “The sea begins with a small river”, “You hear the sea.”
Jury: Five points for everyone.
Leading: All teams did an excellent job, Friendship and love for the sea won.
Jury: We reward everyone with medals, certificates and incentive prizes in the books “Sea Stories”.
Leading: Let's finish the game program friendly motto: “Sea, sun and water are our best friends.”

Methodological development for the project“Nature is our home - and we are caring residents in it.”

"Sea Tale".

Quiz game.


    to form an idea of ​​ecology and its role in people’s lives,

    Give children the idea that water is very important for all living beings: water is the source of life.

    cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.


Don't wash or drink
Without water,
The leaf won't bloom
Without water,
They can't live without water
Bird, beast and man,
And that's why it's always
Everyone needs water everywhere!
- Where is the most water on earth? (In oceans, rivers, seas, lakes.)
- Not all water is suitable for feeding plants and animals.
(There are two glasses of water on the table: salty and fresh.)
- Guys, this water is from the ocean. Taste it. (Salty.)
- And this water is from a spring. (Delicious.)
-Will you drink and wash yourself with water from the ocean? (No.)
- And plants and animals won’t either. To drink and wash, you need fresh water, not salty, and it must be clean.
- Guys, what kind of water are they talking about?
Water, water,
Wash my face
So that your cheeks turn red,
So that your eyes sparkle,
To make your mouth laugh,
For a tooth to bite?
- Of course, this is about clean water. You cannot wash your face with dirty water. There is not much fresh water on our planet; it must be conserved. But as? (Children's answers.)
- Firstly, use it sparingly, don’t leave taps open, and secondly, protect water from contamination. Look at the blue field, there are spots on it - these are pollutants. People often throw various garbage into rivers, streams, lakes, wash their cars in them, and a lot of dirt gets into the water from factories and factories. We must save water, do not throw garbage into the seas, rivers and lakes, and do not wash cars in them. We will grow up and learn how to clean up waste from plants and factories. We will remove all dirty spots.

Didactic game “THE FOURTH TRASH”

What's missing in the picture?

Outdoor game: The sea is agitated once (children show a pantomime of sea inhabitants)

Performances by sea inhabitants

Uncle Keith is the best:
The most important, the most important,
The kindest and biggest
And, like the sky, blue.
He's sailing on the ocean
Surprises everyone with a fountain.

Young Lady-Medusa
In lush lace
Dancing merrily
On the sea waves.
Long earrings
They suit her very well.
Admire them
The fish are all swimming.

sea ​​urchin

A thorn lives at the bottom -
The gloomy Hedgehog is a feisty one.
Clings to pebbles
Eats sea grass.


We celebrated the New Year.
And coral, like a Christmas tree,
They dressed up together.
Just no toys
In the sea underwater.
And they had to branch
Decorate with yourself.


Here are the acrobat dolphins
White-sided guys.
They perform in a water circus,
They jump into hoops and play.
They love to dance waltzes,
Sing songs in chorus.

The crab is a famous bully,
He looks a little like a crayfish.
Has formidable claws
He is not timid in noisy fights.


Poor, poor Octopus
This morning I was knocked off my feet.
Confused in a dream
Like threads, all the legs.

Sea Horses

Red horses
There are also crows.
And also, guys,
There are seahorses.
They don't have horseshoes
No fluffy mane.
Underwater, in coral
They swim playfully.

Miracle fish Flounder
It was very flat.
And when I played hide and seek,
She pretended to be a pancake.

The white shark
every day - worries:
Brush all your teeth -
hard work.
She has a lot of them:
Several rows
A thousand dangerous
Sharp teeth

Riddles about sea creatures

He is a real circus performer -

He hits the ball with his nose.

Both the French and the Finn know:

Loves to play... (dolphin)

This fish is an evil predator,

It will swallow everyone wholeheartedly.

Showing her teeth, she yawned

And sank to the bottom... (shark)

A transparent umbrella floats.

“I’ll burn you!” - threatens. - Don’t touch!

She has paws and a belly.

What is her name? (Jellyfish)

It pinches painfully with its claws

And shouts: “I’ve had enough!

I'm tired. I am not your slave."

Scared away the neighbors... (crab)

Looks so much like a horse

And he lives in the sea too.

That's a fish! Jump and jump -

The sea horse is jumping... (horse)

Both on land and in water -

He carries the house with him everywhere.

Travels without fear

In this house... (turtle)

Maybe a giant fish

Launch a fountain over the water.

Who is famous for this?

Ocean dweller - ... (whale)

He is huge, thick-skinned,

And it looks like a fish.

A fountain of water flies upward -

So greets everyone... (whale)

What kind of tailed, dark cloak

Cutting through the waves in the sea?

Carefully! There is a rank in it.

He's electric... (scat)

For myself at the bottom of the sea

He builds a house with his claws.

Round shell, ten legs.

Did you guess it? This is... (crab)

She has such a mouth!

Anyone can fall into it.

She closed her sharp teeth

Predatory fish -... (shark)

What kind of ball floats with spikes,

Quietly waving its fins?

You just can’t take it in your hands.

This ball is ... (hedgehog fish)

Guess what kind of horses

Are they rushing into the sea from the chase?

I was able to hide in the algae

Little sea... (horse)


In one very clean river there lived a fish. This fish was not simple, but magical. The fish's tail shimmered in blue, red, and yellow. The fish had many friends: Uncle Whale, Jellyfish, Sea Urchin, Starfish, Dolphins, Crab, Octopus, Seahorses, Flounder,

One day a ship passed by and spilled oil, and the water became polluted. All the underwater inhabitants were thinking about how and what to do. There were many questions, the fish made a proposal, and it was like this: We must sail to another place so that people understand that they should not pollute the seas. Everyone liked this proposal very much and everyone agreed. On the same day, all the inhabitants of the sea decided to swim to another river. All the fish's friends really missed their home.

One fine morning people noticed that the fish were disappearing, and then people decided to purify the water. People installed cleaning filters in factories. When the fish found out about this, she and her comrades returned to their native sea.


The fish told the fish,
She moved her fins:
"To be healthy, smooth,
We'll do exercises.
Clap right, clap left,
We are slim like queens!
Let's wag our tail:
One two three four five!
Two jumps, three claps,
Two nods of the head."

Game “Assemble fish puzzles”(children collect fish puzzles).

Exhibition of crafts.

Summing up the game.
