Pain in the lower abdomen of a pregnant woman. What does pain in the lower abdomen indicate during pregnancy: possible causes and methods of treatment

Kalanchoe is a very common houseplant, which housewives love for its unpretentiousness and bright flowers. However, in addition to beauty, this flower is valued for its medicinal properties and is widely used in cosmetology, pharmacology and as a means of complex treatment of diseases in children (colds, runny nose and other ailments).

The effectiveness of this plant in treating runny nose, cough and other signs of colds in children is very high. However, you can hear reviews that mention the lack of benefit from treating children with Kalanchoe. The thing is that among the many types of this flower, only two are a remedy for colds - Cirrus and Degremona. Out of ignorance, parents may use a flower that is not at all suitable for this purpose in treatment, hence the lack of the desired effect.

The owners of this plant know what Kalanchoe helps with and actively use it in folk medicine

Kalanchoe pinnate is very easy to remember - its leaves resemble the appearance of feathers, hence the name of the plant. In addition, this species is often covered with babies - small sprouts. Kalanchoe Degremona, in addition to its medicinal properties, is distinguished by its beautiful flowering, so the plant can be recognized by its bright inflorescences and also by the presence of children.

To treat flu, respiratory system and runny nose, you should squeeze the juice of Kalanchoe Degremona

Healing properties of the plant for colds in children

The effect of Kalanchoe as a medicine is explained by its valuable composition. The juice of this plant contains useful substances and elements:

  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins C and P;
  • microelements:
    • iron;
    • manganese;
    • magnesium;
    • silicon, etc.
  • polysaccharides;
  • enzymes;
  • organic acids:
    • sorrel;
    • lemon;
    • vinegar;
    • apple
  • Thanks to this composition, the juice and medicines prepared from the leaves of the flower have beneficial properties:

  • antimicrobial effect;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • accelerating the healing of colds;
  • increasing local immunity;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • hemostatic effect;
  • wound healing effect;
  • irritating effect on receptors;
  • detoxification.
  • Due to the above properties, the plant is used for herbal treatment of children from rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis and other inflammatory and colds.

    Video: Kalanchoe and its healing effects

    Preparing medicines with Kalanchoe juice: treating runny nose, colds and other diseases

    On the shelves of pharmacies you can find a ready-made preparation with this component, but if there is a medicinal tree of life among indoor plants at home, then it is preferable to use freshly squeezed juice. In addition, pharmacies often offer only alcohol tinctures of this plant, which is not always suitable for small children.

    Herbal tinctures with alcohol are allowed for babies after the first year of life only in diluted form and in limited quantities.

    How to squeeze correctly: instructions

  • An already grown flower is best suited for preparing medicine. The highest content of nutrients is observed in the lower fleshy leaves, which is why they are used to extract juice. You can also use the stem of a plant for these purposes. It is best to harvest juice from August to October - at this time the leaves have the greatest medicinal effect.
  • After cutting off the bottom leaf or stem, it is cleaned of possible contamination with running water.
  • Then, for a more complete release of juice by the plant, parts of the Kalanchoe should be kept cool without access to sunlight. The leaves are wrapped in cotton cloth or dark paper and placed in the refrigerator for 5–7 days.
  • After the expiration of the period, the plant is taken out, cut into plates using a knife and ground to a paste-like state - this is best done using a wooden spoon. You can also use modern technology - a blender, a juicer (in this case, the pulp should be re-processed) or use a gauze bandage.
  • The resulting juice is infused in a cold place for 24 hours. After this period, sediment will appear in the juice container.
  • After filtering out the precipitate, the juice can be used for medical purposes. Its shelf life is no more than a week at a temperature of 5–10 0 C.

    To prepare the medicine for future use, the juice is mixed with alcohol or vodka, previously diluted to a concentration of 20%. The proportions of juice and alcohol for mixing are 20:1. The resulting product must be stored in the refrigerator for up to 12 months.

  • The leaves and stem of Kalanchoe are used to extract juice for medicinal purposes.

    Preparation of tincture based on Kalanchoe

    In order to make the tincture, you must first similarly keep the cut leaves of the tree of life in a dark and cool place.


  • Kalanchoe leaves;
  • vodka - 1 glass.
  • Preparation of tincture:

  • Grind the aged leaves into small pieces using a knife and transfer two tablespoons of the raw material into a glass container with a stopper.
  • Pour a glass of vodka (200–250 ml) over the leaves and close the vessel to avoid evaporation of the alcohol.
  • Place the tincture in a warm place for 10 days.
  • After the expiration date, strain the finished tincture through a sieve or cheesecloth and store in the refrigerator.
  • When the plant in question is not at hand and it is impossible to prepare the tincture yourself, you can purchase a ready-made product at the pharmacy

    The tincture has an anti-edematous effect and improves blood circulation, has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, stopping the growth of microbes.

    Medicines for the common cold based on Kalanchoe juice

    The use of flower juice as a component of complex therapy in young children is especially popular, since children often do not know how to blow their nose correctly, and it is difficult for them to clear the mucus from their nose. Kalanchoe has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, causing intense sneezing and relieving congestion in the respiratory tract.

    There are a number of ways to use it. Depending on the age of the child and the intensity of the disease, auxiliary agents can be added to the prepared medicine.

    Kalanchoe and onions

    Onions have bactericidal and antiviral effects


  • onion - 1 pc.
  • Preparation:

  • Wash and peel the onions, grate them or chop them into a pulp in any other way, then squeeze out the juice using gauze pads.
  • Mix Kalanchoe juice and onion juice in a 3:1 ratio, using a disposable measuring syringe for accuracy.
  • Children over 14 years of age are allowed to drip undiluted onion juice into the nasal passages. Before reaching this age, the prepared medicine is used using a steam inhaler: a few drops of the product are added to hot water and the healing steam is inhaled. Onions are used to combat viral infections and to prevent their occurrence during epidemics.

    Aloe juice has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects


  • aloe leaf
  • Preparation:

  • Aloe leaf juice is prepared according to the same principle as Kalanchoe juice.
  • The prepared medications must be mixed in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Aloe is known for its medicinal properties and has a less aggressive effect on the mucous membranes compared to onions. For children, pure aloe juice can be used after 9 years of age, by instillation into the nose, and before reaching this age, the prepared mixture is first diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3.

    Saline solution is widely used in the treatment of children, since it is a safe medicine when used correctly.



  • It is better to purchase saline solution for treating a baby’s nose at a pharmacy - this way it will definitely be in the optimal concentration and ideal sterility. If the child is of preschool age, you can prepare the remedy yourself: a little more than a teaspoon of salt is diluted in a liter of chilled boiled water.
  • The liquids are mixed in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Salt solution is the first remedy for any manifestations of a runny nose in children of all ages. In addition to providing a hygienic effect, saline solution relieves swelling and frees up nasal breathing. When aloe juice is added to it, an inexpensive and effective remedy for curing colds in the youngest patients is obtained. This medicine is used in the same way as the previous ones, instilled into the nose using a pipette.

    How to use natural medicine wisely

    The most correct use of Kalanchoe will be in two cases:

  • Bacterial runny nose. The bactericidal effect of the juice of this plant determines its effectiveness against bacterial rhinitis, but not viral rhinitis. In the treatment of ARVI, the plant has a lesser effect and is used as an irritant: when the medicine is instilled into the nose, the child begins to sneeze, while clearing the airways.
  • Relieving swelling. In the absence of nasal breathing in a child, the property of the flower juice to cause sneezing, which relieves nasal congestion, also helps.
  • Video: typical effect of using Kalanchoe juice

    Precautionary measures

    In order for the sap of the tree of life to have high activity and not have side effects, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • Do not carry out therapy before the fourth day of illness. For the first three days, it is necessary to give the child’s body the opportunity to fight the disease on its own.
  • Do not use Kalanchoe at elevated temperatures.
  • Do not use the plant if you have a runny nose that is not bacterial in nature. The effectiveness for allergic, viral and vasomotor rhinitis will be low, or you can even get the opposite effect. You should first consult with an ENT specialist and determine the nature of the runny nose.
  • It is best to use the juice to treat the last stage of a bacterial infection (for example, staphylococcal infection), the symptoms of which are the discharge of thick dark yellow or green mucus from the nose.
  • If an allergic reaction occurs, treatment with this drug should be discontinued.
  • Before using the tree of life, you need to test for an allergic reaction: apply a drop of Kalanchoe juice to the elbow or upper lip of the child and rub it. If no signs of irritation or redness appear within an hour, drop one drop of juice diluted in half with water into your nose. If after this the child’s condition has not worsened, then the child can be treated with the dosage recommended for his age.
  • It is forbidden to use Kalanchoe for more than 5 days in a row.
  • Kalanchoe juice causes increased sneezing, which helps remove excess mucus from the nose

    Dosage for a runny nose

    To treat rhinitis in children, only an aqueous solution or pure Kalanchoe juice is used, but not alcohol. Otherwise, you can damage the baby's mucous membranes.

    To treat a runny nose in children under one year of age, the amount of juice is selected individually. In any case, you should first dilute the juice with water in a 1:1 ratio.

    Table: juice dosage

    Kalanchoe should be instilled 3 times a day according to the recommended dosage. Diluted juice can be used from birth in the absence of an allergic reaction to the plant, but it should be remembered that the plant cannot cure a physiological runny nose in infants.

    The younger the child, the more caution should be exercised when treating Kalanchoe

    To prevent negative reactions of the body to treatment, you should not re-use the drug until the sneezing from the previous dose of the drug stops.

    Other possible uses in children

    In addition to curing the runny nose, the tree of life is successfully used as an adjunct to the treatment of inflammation of the mouth, throat and ears.

    Treatment of otitis media

    For ear inflammation, use an alcohol tincture of Kalanchoe: instill two drops of the medicine into the ear canal at night, then cover it with cotton wool.

    For stomatitis

    For signs of inflammation of the oral mucosa, a tincture of alcohol is also useful: a teaspoon of the medicine is diluted in a glass of water and the child is allowed to rinse the oral cavity with the prepared preparation 3-4 times a day. If the baby is still small and does not know how to do this, then you can use the juice of the plant: dilute it halfway with boiled water, and, moistening cotton wool in it, wipe the affected areas in the mouth until the inflammation disappears.

    Treatment of adenoiditis

    When the adenoids become inflamed, excess mucus is formed, which covers the tonsils and causes coughing and irritation in the throat, as well as nasal congestion. When rinsing the nose with a solution prepared on the basis of juice, inflammation and the amount of mucus produced will decrease accordingly.

    Preparation of the solution: for 1 part of Kalanchoe juice there is 1 part of boiled water, cooled to body temperature.

    Wash the nose with the solution 3-4 times a day until the child’s condition improves. After positive dynamics of treatment appear, the nose is washed once a day.

    Against cough

    When coughing, take Kalanchoe juice orally, diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. The medicine should be taken half a teaspoon twice a day after meals.

    If the child is not allergic to bee products, you can prepare another effective cough medicine.

    The use of Kalanchoe internally also gives a therapeutic effect

    The medicine should be taken before meals, twice a day, morning and evening, a teaspoon. It is recommended to store the mixture in the refrigerator, warming it slightly before use.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Kalanchoe is a fairly popular medicine not only because of its effectiveness, but also because of the small number of side effects. These include:

  • severe sneezing. However, this side effect is a method of relieving nasal congestion in children;
  • allergic reactions. In case of individual intolerance, allergy manifestations may occur:
    • hives;
    • rash;
    • nausea;
    • in rare cases - laryngeal edema, bronchospasm.
  • burn of the nasal mucosa when the dosage of Kalanchoe juice is exceeded.
  • Kalanchoe juice can cause allergies if you are hypersensitive

    It is impossible to predict the possible reactions of the baby’s body to a drug from this plant, which is why it is so important to conduct a test sample before starting treatment.

    It should also be understood that Kalanchoe can not only help, but also harm due to violation of the rules of therapy. The child’s condition may worsen due to the development of complications in the form of otitis media, bronchitis and other diseases caused by the infection deepening to the lungs. Sometimes there is no effect of treatment at all.

    Contraindications to the use of Kalanchoe for children:

  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • low blood pressure;
  • cirrhosis and liver diseases;
  • oncology.
  • Before using Kalanchoe internally, you should consult your doctor.

    Currently, traditional medicine that was used by our grandmothers is actively used. This applies to the treatment of absolutely any part of the body, including the nose.

    One of the most effective remedies is Kalanchoe in the nose, and it can be used to treat both adults and children. But, despite the large number of positive qualities of the plant, it has many contraindications.

    Nasal drops from Kalanchoe may not lead to the desired result; you should be prepared for any outcome: both complete recovery and inaction of the product. In fact, it is simply impossible to predict what the outcome of treatment will be, so before self-medicating, it is better to consult with a specialist and use the plant in combination with the methods of modern medicine.

    Useful properties of the plant and features of use

    Today, there are approximately 200 species of plants in nature. Moreover, each of them has its own characteristics, but despite this, they are combined into one group because of their fleshy stems and leaves.

    Kalanchoe, which is used for treatment, contains a lot of useful substances such as steroids, lipids and alkaloids. Thanks to these components, the plant can be used to heal wounds, skin rashes and colds. Kalanchoe is most often used as a remedy for the common cold. The stems and leaves of the flower have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and decongestant properties. Treatment can be carried out both externally and internally.

    Effect of the plant on a runny nose

    When treating a runny nose, Kalanchoe is used due to a number of properties inherent in this plant:

    Kalanchoe is irritating when used. Thus, after instillation, the plant causes a cough and a sneezing attack, during which all the mucus comes out of the nasal sinuses. In addition, not only superficial accumulations of snot are removed, but also those that are located somewhat deeper in the nasopharynx.

    But there are a number of cautions when using Kalanchoe. It is better to use it only at the moment when there is a need to remove excessive amounts of mucus.

    In addition, this remedy should not be used too often, since excessive sneezing can cause the mucous membrane to dry out and, as a result, the treatment process will be somewhat complicated.

    Therefore, it is not easy to put Kalanchoe nose drops: it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage of drops, which affects the force of sneezing, while the mucous membrane will not be irritated, and all snot will be removed without damaging the protective shell.

    Indications and contraindications for use

    Treatment of Kalanchoe should be started when there is severe nasal congestion, traces of blood in the mucus, with a prolonged runny nose, and simply as a preventive measure for rhinitis during especially dangerous periods when the development of the disease is most likely. In addition, Kalanchoe drops should be used before instilling the medication.

    The following cases are worth noting as contraindications:

    Many years of experience in using Kalanchoe shows that the product is completely non-toxic and can be dripped into the nose to treat patients of any age. Among the side effects, it is worth noting only a possible allergic reaction and burning in the case of a high concentration of plant juice. But a test for the body’s reaction is carried out in advance, and when it burns, the juice is diluted. In order to check whether Kalanchoe juice can be used, one drop is applied to the skin, and the result is checked after a few minutes.

    Preparation of nasal drops from Kalanchoe, principle of treatment

    How to drip Kalanchoe during treatment? Kalanchoe can be used in its pure form. To do this, the sinuses are lubricated with juice 2 or 3 times a day. In addition, the juice can be instilled a few drops into each nostril. Before this, the Kalanchoe leaves are well washed and crushed, and the juice is squeezed out of the resulting pulp. As for treating children, the juice must be diluted with water one to one. But there are also recipes in folk medicine that will make the remedy much more effective:

    The prepared medicine can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

    But under such conditions, the healing properties of Kalanchoe become weaker. Therefore, for the treatment to be truly effective, it is best to do so many drops that will be enough for one appointment. In addition, if the drops are stored in the refrigerator, they need to be warmed up a little before use, or simply taken out in advance and left for a while so that they reach room temperature.

    Kalanchoe juice is used to treat both children and adults. In addition, it is an excellent remedy for treating runny nose in pregnant and nursing mothers. But, at the same time, the frequency of use and dosage is affected by the age and condition of the patient:

    When used correctly, Kalanchoe is an excellent medicine for treating a runny nose. But still, do not forget that self-medication can be dangerous, so you should first consult a doctor.

    A lot has been said and written about Kalanchoe in the nose. It is known that the juice from the fleshy leaves of this houseplant helps with a runny nose, but there is still debate about the use of such drops in children. Some say that this is an excellent remedy even for infants, others are sure that children should not drip Kalanchoe juice at all, since its benefit for rhinitis lies only in eliminating symptoms, it does not cure, but Its effect on children is truly unpredictable. Let's try to weigh the pros and cons.

    Plant properties

    Botanists include about two hundred different plants united by this species as Kalanchoe. In Russia, two grow on the windowsill and feel great - Kalanchoe Degremona and pinnate Kalanchoe. Therefore, when talking about the juice of this plant, we will mean both of these varieties of evergreen plants with succulent and fleshy leaves. Moreover, the differences between them are only external, and even then insignificant. Their basic properties are the same.

    Kalanchoe juice has an antimicrobial effect, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect. It relieves swelling. When instilled into the nose it behaves as a local irritant.

    The recipe for using Kalanchoe for runny noses in children is in the next video.

    Operating principle

    You should not expect any miraculous therapeutic effect when treating a runny nose from Kalanchoe juice. It is practically non-existent, except for a small antimicrobial effect. But the local irritation that it causes after entering the nasal passages provokes a protective mechanism such as sneezing. The patient sneezes and coughs for a long time and persistently, due to which the mucus almost forcibly leaves the nose and nasopharynx, breathing is restored. True, only temporarily.

    Is it possible for children?

    In principle, it is possible. Some pediatricians even take it upon themselves to prescribe juice to their young patients, although they are well aware that the result is unpredictable and can unpleasantly surprise everyone.

    Firstly, Kalanchoe juice can cause allergies in a child with a weakened immune system.

    Secondly, it increases the risk of developing secondary edema and complications of rhinitis.

    And as is clear from the principle of action, intense sneezing, although it helps to free the nasal cavity from snot, can cause injuries to the nasopharynx, and a child who is too young may even choke on mucus, since he does not know how to blow his nose.

    That is why you can use Kalanchoe juice, but with extreme caution. Despite numerous reviews from mothers on the Internet, you should not risk using this product on infants and children under one year old. For older children, it is advisable to dilute the juice with water or saline solution, and also follow the dosage.

    How to cook

    If you have this unpretentious plant growing on your windowsill at home, there will be no problems with the raw materials for preparing the drug. Choose the juiciest leaf, cut it, squeeze it through cheesecloth. Dilute the juice with water (one to three) and drop it into each nasal passage. Some folk recipes recommend keeping the cut leaf in the refrigerator for several hours before squeezing.

    If you don’t have Kalanchoe at home, you can buy a ready-made preparation at the pharmacy that contains such juice.

    When choosing a pharmacy option, remember that children should not instill alcohol juice; products with the addition of ethyl alcohol are contraindicated in children.

    Also, avoid homeopathic medicines that claim to contain this plant. There it, like all other components, is contained in such negligibly small microdoses that such treatment will definitely not be of any use.

    Sometimes a decoction of the leaves of the plant is prepared for children; this is a milder remedy.

    Instructions: use for children

    Kalanchoe juice should be considered as an emergency measure for a child only if his nose is not breathing at all, and there is no way to blow his nose properly. This unconventional method of treating rhinitis should be abandoned if:

    • If a child has an allergic runny nose. In this case, treatment of the cause is required, not elimination of the effect.
    • If the child has a severe form of bacterial rhinitis. In this case, the mucus will have a green or gray color. This condition requires prompt treatment with antibiotics. Delay may cause complications.
    • If a child has sinusitis with purulent nasal discharge.
    • If the child has injuries to the nasal septum or curvature resulting from previous sinusitis.

    Before first use, parents should conduct a home allergy test. To do this, apply a drop of concentrated (undiluted) juice to the child’s nasolabial triangle (in the dimple above the upper lip), rub lightly and evaluate the result after an hour and a half. If redness and swelling do not appear, Kalanchoe juice can be used. If even a minor reaction occurs, it is strictly forbidden to use this remedy for this child.

    You can drip Kalanchoe juice no more than 2 times a day, no more than five days. This is what traditional healers say. More skeptical specialists in the field of traditional medicine talk about the juice of this plant as a means of one-time use, for isolated cases, considering a course of treatment of Kalanchoe unjustified.


    An unequivocal ban on the use of Kalanchoe juice is increased body temperature with a runny nose. If in a child it is above 37°, this indicates that nasal congestion and slight swelling are a clear sign that inflammation is taking place in the nasal passages. Not the worst, by the way, since it destroys pathogenic microorganisms.

    If you use the anti-inflammatory agents of Kalanchoe juice at this stage, the inflammation will be “extinguished” too early, and the path for harmful microbes will be clear.

    Thus, the plant juice should not be used at the onset of the disease, it is better to use it at the end of the illness, when everything is already over and all that remains is to get rid of excess mucus in the nose.

    You should not drip Kalanchoe for too long, as this herbal remedy dries out the mucous membranes greatly. This can significantly complicate the treatment of rhinitis. Often, for children, the juice of another plant, aloe, is added to Kalanchoe juice; this makes such drops more gentle and reduces the likelihood of drying out the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.

    In any case, before using this herbal medicine to treat a child, you should consult your doctor. I repeat once again: Kalanchoe juice is not harmless and safe; independent experiments in this situation are inappropriate and even criminal.

    You can see the recipe for drops for children with Kalanchoe based on saline solution in the following video.
