Lips like a duck's. Ducktales: celebrities who went too far with lip surgery

Just recently, when posing in front of cameras, almost all the young ladies in the world, including Hollywood stars, folded their lips into a “ducky” shape. The original meaning of this grimace was that the face in the photo turned out to be thinner, cheekbones more defined, and lips are more plump.

Expert comment:

We can easily correct unsuccessful correction with hyaluronic acid gels using special Spanish enzymes to eliminate excess filler. But permanent fillers require a radical approach.

Photos before and after

“This is an example of how the perception of a face changes after harmonization. I came from Marisha’s lips, and her eyes immediately lit up. This is the rule: the gaze of the beholder always catches the eyes, so nothing should distract from them - neither a large nose, nor lips. Moreover, the adjusted lips immediately lengthened the lower third of the face, making it more model-like and memorable.

Plump lips are a feature that is initially atypical for the Caucasian type of appearance. This means that girls with a certain type of appearance can afford such large lips and still look natural.

And it’s not about skin color at all - lips should have a “place” on the face. That is, the proportions of the lower third of the face should be of sufficient length to accommodate plump lips. Ideally, the height between the upper and lower lips should be 1/4 of the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin.

But in harmonizing appearance, not everything is so simple. If the tip of the nose is tilted down, then it “cuts off” the full face, shortens the above distance, and the lips, even after moderate shaping, look artificial.

Only a true artist who knows and understands the principles of appearance harmony can correctly fit new lips into the structure of your face.” Performed by surgeon: Andrey Iskornev

Before and after photos of lip reduction surgery. Performed by surgeon: Andrey Iskornev.

A patient in a beauty salon was given a biopolymer gel instead of hyaluronic acid. The biopolymer changed the proportions of the lips, leading to the development of the so-called “duck mouth”.

The gel was removed from the patient through intraoral access and the lip shape was corrected. Surgeon - Iskornev A.A.




Andrey Iskornev tells where duck lips come from and whether you need to do anything about it.

Andrey Iskornev talks about the dangers of biopolymer lip gels.

Where do duck lips come from?

Many probably remember how in the 90s, in pursuit of modern trends, women rushed to perform plastic surgery. Lifts were made, noses were straightened, breasts and lips were enlarged. The girls strived to become like both the Pam Anderson heroines and the Barbie doll.

Today it is difficult to imagine the gullibility with which they placed themselves in the hands of plastic surgeons (especially considering that highly qualified plastic surgeons then could literally be counted on the fingers of one hand).

Particularly affected were the lips, which were mercilessly pumped with silicone and polyacrylamide gels. It would seem: what’s the problem? One visit to a cosmetologist - and beautiful lips are guaranteed for life!

Unfortunately, these gels differ from modern preparations based on hyaluronic acid. A few years after the introduction, they begin to migrate, gather in lumps, grow into the tissue of the lips, become inflamed, scar, deform the lips and... hopelessly spoil the face.

However, those whose procedure was successful were not very lucky either. A few years later, girls with duck lips began to go out of fashion, and to correct gel-pumped lips Doctors won't take it.

Plump lips have become fashionable, and many girls are so keen on plastic surgery that they make their lips look like duckling lips. This natural condition in medicine is very disturbing and has another comparison - with a proboscis. The reason is that elongated lips, or rather a long-term state of elongated lips, is considered one of the signs of catatonic syndrome, which is usually classified as a manifestation.

Catatonic syndrome is a mental disorder that is characterized by disturbances in the motor sphere, expressed by lethargy or, on the contrary, agitation.

The direct meaning of the term catatonic is to tighten, strain. When describing this syndrome, the concept of catatonia is often used.

Catatonic syndrome is manifested by immobility, increased muscle tone and (refusal of speech).

There are several manifestations (types):

  • Stupor with manifestations of waxy flexibility.
  • Negative stupor.
  • Stupor with manifestation of numbness.

Let's take a closer look at these manifestations.

Stupor with manifestations of waxy flexibility is a condition that is characterized by maintaining the body position for a more or less long time. The phenomenon of waxy flexibility appears consistently in the muscles: cervical, upper, lower extremities. The disappearance of wax flexibility characteristics occurs in the reverse order.

Negative stupor is manifested in the complete immobility of the patient, with any attempt to change which there is a sharp resistance of the muscles with tense resistance.

Stupor with the manifestation of numbness is a state of strong muscle tension in which patients remain in the same position, usually the baby's position (intrauterine position), while a symptom of the proboscis is observed - lips extended forward with teeth tightly clenched.

Stuporous states can change and replace each other. A stupor with waxy flexibility easily turns into a stupor with negativism, and a negativistic stupor can develop into a stupor with numbness.

In addition to these types of stupor, substuporous manifestations are distinguished:

  • incomplete immobility;
  • mildly expressed phenomena of waxy flexibility;
  • partial .

In states of stupor and substupor, symptoms of a mental (air) cushion are often observed. This is how a condition is defined in which the head is elevated above the pillow for a long time.

In addition to stupor (immobility), catatonic syndrome can be characterized by increased motor activity - agitation.

Catatonia can be: impulsive (pathetically confused), hebephrenic, impulsive, dumb.

Ecstatic excitement is characterized by enthusiasm: patients can take theatrical poses. They can start reciting poems and singing songs. Their speech is stilted and inconsistent. Usually these are individual “loud” phrases or words. Such arousal can last for a long time, or can be interrupted by episodes of stupor and substupor.

Impulsive agitation is usually characterized by unexpected and sudden actions. Patients suddenly jump up abruptly, try to run, fall into a state of rage, try to hit someone, or exhibit attacks in relation to objects. Patients may freeze for a while, and then return to movement again, while repeating the movements of those around them (echopraxia). Very often, patients repeat words they hear (echolalia). Another phenomenon that often accompanies impulsive behavior is verbigeration (repetition of the same words).

Hebephrenic arousal is determined by foolishness, grimacing, meaningless laughter, inappropriate jokes, and jumping. At the same time, patients can answer the simplest questions of others absurdly and incorrectly.

Silent excitement is characterized by chaotic, meaningless, unfocused excitement, combined with violent resistance, causing damage to oneself and others, and destruction of objects.

Ecstatic excitement is often a precursor to impulsive excitement. In this case, impulsive excitement can turn into hebephrenic and mute.

Catatonic syndrome is divided into several types:

  • catatonia with ohm;
  • Lucid catatonia.

Ecstatic impulsive and hebephrenic excitement, stupor with manifestations of waxy flexibility and substupor states develop in combination with oneiric stupefaction.

Lucid catatonia is characterized by stupor with negativism and numbness.

Treatment of catatonic syndrome occurs only with the help of special medications. It must be remembered that catatonia is a manifestation of schizophrenia, and in no case should you self-medicate. An interesting fact is that visiting a doctor usually begins with a household diagnosis. In ordinary life, signs of catatonia are often revealed by elongated lips - manifestations of a proboscis or duckling lips. A deep study of the condition determines the type of catatonic syndrome.

Etiology of catatonia

Catatonic syndrome can accompany various diseases and mental disorders. But most often they characterize the presence of schizophrenia.

In schizophrenia, catatonia can manifest itself as part of an attack-progressive and recurrent course of continuously ongoing schizophrenia. Sometimes it is accompanied by malignant and juvenile schizophrenia. In this case, catatonia can manifest itself in the form of symptoms in the structure of a complex syndrome, such as paranoid.

Catatonia also develops with symptomatic psychoses: infectious, intoxicating, somatic, both acute and protracted forms.


There are several different points of view on the pathogenesis of catatonia. It is believed that this condition is associated with exposure to teraxein, a protein substance. It is possible that this substance may be a primary and secondary metabolic product. Another version of periodic catatonia is the idea of ​​increased nitrogen excretion. These options dictate the biochemical nature of the catatonic syndrome.

Disinhibition of the deep parts of the brain is also considered to be the cause of catatonia. It is determined that the occurrence of protective inhibition can lead to the appearance of neuroid catatonia.


Catatonic syndrome is diagnosed by a number of manifestations: from stupor to disinhibition. The most common primary signs, identified even by non-professionals, are: mental pillow and elongated lips (proboscis).

When diagnosing catatonia, it is necessary to strictly differentiate stupor from manifestations of depression. Very often, depressive stupor is confused with various types of catatonic manifestations. But the main difference is the absence of changes in muscle tone during depression.

Stupor during catatonia must also be distinguished from psychogenic stupor, which most often occurs during hysterical psychoses. In this case, the patient’s behavior during conversations on traumatic topics has diagnostic significance. In this case, tremors, facial grimaces, and squint may be observed.

True catatonia is a manifestation of schizophrenia.

Treatment prognosis

Treatment of catatonic syndrome is fully consistent with the treatment of the underlying disease. Remember that catatonia is not an independent disease, but an accompaniment of the disease in the form of stupor or agitation. Therefore, it is necessary to prescribe treatment for the underlying disease. The prognosis of treatment depends on the depth of the underlying disease within which the syndrome develops.

In schizophrenia, the development of catatonia is accompanied by a rise in temperature. This condition may be considered life-threatening.

The appearance of signs of catatonia against the background of stupefaction syndromes or in depressive-paranoid hallucinatory-paranoid disorders is also dangerous.

With regard to recovery and restoration of performance, the prognosis depends on the form of the disease in which the catatonic syndrome occurs.

In schizophrenia, treatment of catatonia is favorable in terms of prognosis, provided that this condition is correctly diagnosed in a timely manner and correlated with the correct diagnosis.

Nowadays, it is very fashionable to have plump lips. When taking selfies, girls form a duck-shaped lips, creating the impression of a thinner face, defined cheekbones and plump lips.

But to put it bluntly, this way creates a stupid look.

Among young people, the term duckface even appeared, which translated from English means duck face.

However, an interesting fact is that this position of duck lips in medicine is considered a symptom of a severe pathology, such as the disease schizophrenia.

Reasons for the duck effect

Today, many people resort to cosmetic procedures (augmentation). If the cosmetologist is not professional enough, he may introduce fillers incorrectly, which will cause the “duck lips” effect. But quite often the fault is the client herself, who with each correction asks to make the increase stronger than the previous time.

Another reason for too large lips can be “outdated” preparations, which include polyacrylomide or silicone gels. These gels have the ability to move around and form lumps, which noticeably spoils the shape of the lips.

Basically, cosmetologists enlarge lips with hyaluronic fillers, and if the correction is unsuccessful, it can be easily corrected with the help of special enzymes that eliminate excess filler.

If constants, which are called permanent, were used, surgical intervention is required to eliminate the defect.

Undesirable consequences of lip augmentation

Hyaluronic acid

The essence of the method is that a filler based on hyaluronic acid is injected into the contour of the lips and its pink part. How well the procedure will be performed largely depends on the professional qualities of the specialist. Therefore, you should be very careful when choosing a clinic and make sure that it has a good reputation.

It would also be worth finding reviews about the doctor you choose.

After correction

A woman is faced with undesirable consequences, which are a completely natural reaction of the body. These include swelling when water accumulates in the tissues. However, after two to three days the swelling subsides. If pain, itching, or swelling does not go away, you should contact your doctor.

Timely assistance will make it possible to correct the situation faster and easier.

In addition, bruises and hematomas may appear, which also arise as a result of tissue damage and disappear over time along with swelling.

If the correction was done poorly due to the doctor or the drug, then more serious problems arise, including the “duck lips” effect.


To prevent complications, you should follow the following rules of care after the procedure:

  1. use Bepanten (you can use other drugs containing panthenol) for quick healing and elimination of dryness;
  2. massage your lips with light pats and facial exercises;
  3. apply ice to relieve swelling and pain;
  4. moisturize and nourish the skin with masks made from honey, cucumber, aloe, cream;
  5. sleep on your back to avoid pressure on the lips to prevent the filler from moving.


To avoid an unnatural effect, cosmetic medicine began to use a surgical method called cheiloplasty.

With its help, a longer lasting effect is achieved. These lips look as if no surgery ever took place.


Cheiloplasty is considered in the following cases:

  • - if you are dissatisfied with the appearance of the lips (shape, volume, contour)
  • - with mouth asymmetry (congenital or as a result of injury)
  • - with hypertrophic upper or lower lips
  • - in case of age-related changes, when lips become smaller

Although surgical correction has more benefits and one should be careful here, naturalness can only be achieved through minimal aesthetic changes.

To better understand all the intricacies of cheiloplasty and determine how best to change your lip shape, you should consult with a plastic surgeon.

Such an operation may include various techniques that are quite effective and safe. However, determining which of them will be used depends on the wishes of the patient and the decision of the surgeon.

How to prevent duck lips

For this it would be correct:

  1. take into account the opinion of a specialist;
  2. take into account the individual characteristics of your face;
  3. When correcting, do not use both methods (fillers and surgery), choose one of the correction methods.

The fashion for duck lips is over. The opinion of many girls and women increasingly boils down to the fact that if the correction is too noticeable, then the procedure was performed poorly.

A much better result of the specialist’s work is considered to be the effect when the woman has become fresher and more attractive in general.

Surgical interventions are not noticeable; the woman still looks her age, but has become noticeably prettier.

Duckface is no longer in fashion. Two years ago, social networks were filled with photographs of girls with retracted cheeks and protruding lips. They no longer give reasons for laughter: the key to a successful selfie is now not a “duck”, but a smile.

But the work of plastic surgeons is not decreasing, only now they are more often asked to remove excess volume from the long-suffering part of the face. According to Andrei Iskornev, a plastic surgeon and member of the World Confederation of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (IPRAS), the fact is that beauty standards have changed.

Now the lips should look natural: their length reaches the conditional lines drawn through the inner edge of the pupils, and be about one and a half times wider than the nose.

In this case, the lower lip should be one and a half times fuller than the upper lip.

Maybe too full lips are going out of fashion because there are too many of them around?

— When, in your opinion, did lip augmentation become fashionable?

— Lips have been enlarged for a long time. But the boom in this procedure began four to five years ago.

— Could it be due to the fact that the procedure has become relatively inexpensive?

— Yes, of course, the cheaper the technique, the more people can afford the procedure. Nowadays, only lazy manufacturers do not produce hyaluronic acid preparations: among them there are those that are more expensive and those that are cheaper.

According to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, about 3 million contouring procedures using hyaluronic acid were performed in the United States last year, and most of them were lip augmentations.

Actress Lindsay Lohan. Photograph: Chris Pizzello/AP

— What girls usually resort to this procedure?

— Very often these are those who are trying to get closer to the secular metropolitan crowd. Quite a lot of visitors. They poorly understand that such vulgar lips only delay their move to Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway.

These girls are associated with a certain professional activity - escort, and if a man moves in certain circles, he is unlikely to introduce such a young lady to his friends.

But the situation is changing: now most girls still come to the understanding that it is ugly and vulgar. “Duck mouths” are becoming a thing of the past - women prefer naturalness. Today you can correct your lips using new types of gel - they are quite liquid, after their introduction the lips slightly swell, become more shiny, and the effect of kissed lips is obtained.

— Before the operation, do surgeons conduct a preliminary conversation and try to dissuade her if they think that the procedure will harm the girl?

- Certainly. The patient does not always understand how this or that change will look on his face, what the final result will be. And just as the patient chooses the surgeon, so the surgeon chooses the patient. I definitely dissuade you if I think that surgery is not necessary.

I recently had a conversation with a patient of mine who had my lips corrected six months ago and wanted to do the correction again before going on vacation.

I had to explain that the contouring procedure is not a manicure, pedicure, or hair removal, which must be done before the trip.

This is a procedure that is done according to indications. For everyone, the processes of resorption of hyaluronic acid occur at different speeds: some need correction more often, others less often. Everything is decided individually.

Actress Emma Rigby. Photo:

— Is it difficult to get rid of volume that is no longer needed?

— If the doctor used a drug based on hyaluronic acid for contouring, then there are two options: wait - after a while the drug will dissolve, or come to a specialist and remove the excess drug using special enzymes, while maintaining the volume in the right places.

Artificially synthesized hyaluronic acid is used to correct lips. If there are no other impurities in it, then the procedure is safe, and there is no need to be afraid of fibrosis. In addition, this is a non-systemic drug - it does not circulate in the blood.

It happens that naturally plump lips decrease with age - and it’s okay if a woman makes an intelligent correction.

But if the lips were enlarged using silicone gel, they will have to be removed surgically, and after that the shape will also have to be adjusted. By the way, in the USA, the use of non-absorbable silicone gel for plastic surgery has long been prohibited: it often leads to lip deformation and the formation of scar tissue.

Unfortunately, the procedure of lip augmentation (enlargement) with fillers has become an uncontrolled epidemic in recent years. And if older patients with direct indications for augmentation are extremely afraid of “pumping up their lips” even with a minimal amount of filler (making them simply girlishly juicy, without visually increasing the volume), then young clients are literally lining up for caricatured “duck lips”.

Photo of a client showing off lip augmentation from the Internet.

My opinion is this: if the result of a cosmetologist’s intervention is noticeable to the naked eye, the cosmetic procedure was performed poorly.
The ideal result of a cosmetologist’s work is when those around you notice how you look “refreshed, rested, as if we were on vacation”, but at the same time they cannot understand what exactly has changed in the face, since nothing catches the eye. You still look about your age, but you still look good and attractive. That's great!

But, unfortunately, there is a common opinion among patients: “If you can’t see that something has been “done” on your face, then the money is wasted.” And many achieve precisely the effect that the intervention should be “noticeable.”

Looking through photographs of some of my colleagues’ work on the Internet, I am amazed at how much one must love money so as not to try to dissuade the client from this crippling (in my subjective opinion) manipulation.

Before and after photos. The doctor writes on his VKontakte page that to achieve similar “sexy shmexy lips” 1 ml is injected. filler. But a logical question arises: how many ml. Was the filler already injected BEFORE this? In my opinion, this is a blatant overkill: a smoothed lip pattern, a rather thin face with unnaturally plump sausage-shaped lips. In profile, the “whistle” sticks out beyond all decency.

Another example from the professional group “I am a cosmetologist”, from a client:

Here are these photos in more detail:

What causes the “duck lips” effect?

First of all, because the reasonably permissible volume of filler has been exceeded.
This most often occurs because the cosmetologist, in principle, does not imagine the anatomy and physiology of the perioral zone, and acts according to the principle “the more filler injected, the fuller the lips”. Ignoring the peculiarities of the structure of the patient’s lips and various techniques (classic, “French lips”, “Hollywood” and so on), such a would-be master is simply stupid pumps and pumps volume. The result is eloquent.
The more we “inflate the volume” in front, the more it grows in profile.
If the cosmetologist is not fluent in augmentation techniques, then, as in the photo above, the volume of the lips in the front will increase more slowly than the “whistle” in the profile.

In general, dumpling lips, duck lips are usually 5 ml. filler and more.

The second reason - standardized approach cosmetologist to any lips, action according to the same scheme with complete disregard for the characteristics and wishes of the client. For example, if your lips are initially thin, you can use a special technique to turn them out a little - and you won’t need to pump in liters of filler.
Some people want to accentuate the “Cupid’s bow” or make the upper lip slightly upturned.
The standard approach is only good for standard lips, which do not need to be radically changed, just made juicier.

The third reason is when the cosmetologist follows the client's lead, requiring « more, even more filler!”
There is a famous saying that appetite comes with eating. Also here: the more filler is injected into the lips, the more clients feel that it needs to be added "just a little more". It is important to stop in time on this slippery slope.
It is clear that a cosmetologist cannot argue with a client who brings money. But maybe it's worth at least trying?

If you are a biological woman, you don't need to pretend to be Amanda Lepore (whom I respect endlessly, but you have to make allowance for the fact that she was born a man).
