Which stars are raising “special” children? Anonymous kid: Alsou told why she hides her son. What is special about Alsou’s son.

celebrated the second birthday of her son Rafael. The singer threw a family party in a new apartment, where she and her husband Yan Abramov and three children recently moved. For a long time there was renovation going on, but it was just completed in time for the singer’s arrival from America. The artist lived there for the first time after giving birth, which also did not take place in Russia. Alsou chose a clinic abroad for her own personal reasons.

“During my first pregnancy, there were several cases when journalists tried to get into my hospital. All this did not deliver positive emotions, believe me. And then my husband and I decided that at this important time for our family, we would like to see only each other’s eyes...,” Alsou said recently. — Just recently we moved to new apartment, which took a long time to renovate and which turned out exactly as we wanted for our now large family - a very cozy family nest!”

She does not show Rafael from the back, nor with his face covered, nor in a stroller, nor in a crib, nor his arms or legs... Many fans do not understand why Alsou hides Rafael, however, as it turned out, she has a point about this a clear position: she does not use the topic of her personal life for PR.

“I haven’t published his photo anywhere yet and I don’t plan to do so in the near future. Social media I, first of all, started it for my creativity. And that is precisely why I support them. My children are neither part of my work nor part of my PR, so this topic is closed to me. This was an absolutely thoughtful decision of mine and Ian, our very clear and unchanging position,” says Alsou.

Little Raphael, according to the singer, is growing up very wayward. This character trait is probably dictated by the zodiac sign under which he was born. Alsou’s son is Leo, who clearly knows how to achieve “his own” and make sure that the adults around him walk “toe the line.”

Alsou said that raising two daughters and a son falls on her, since her husband works most of the time. The singer considers herself a fair mother and treats all children equally: she praises them for their achievements, explains mistakes, and, in case of emergency, says the magic phrase: “I’ll tell dad now!” The spouse is not so strict with the children, but is an authority for them. In the near future, Alsou will have much less time to care for children. The artist is preparing to fully return to the stage.

At the end of the year she will release a new album, and in the fall she will have a solo concert in the Kremlin, for which she is now preparing. After this, she will begin a tour of Russian cities. This year is significant for Alsou: she turned 35 years old. The artist feels that she has changed a lot over the past couple of years. “I used to think that my weakness was my softness, because of which I allowed people to offend me a lot or, as they say, walk over my head. So, gradually this weakness became my strength. I’m still soft, but for me it’s no longer a disadvantage!” — quotes Alsou “

34 year old Alsou is mother of many children. Last August, she gave birth to a long-awaited boy, who was named Rafael. The singer and her 39-year-old husband, businessman Yan Abramov, also have two daughters - 10-year-old Safina, nine-year-old Mikella. Photos of children on the artist’s Instagram page appear extremely rarely, and she completely hides her son from strangers. Not a single photograph of the boy, even with his face covered, has ever appeared on the Internet. Alsou voiced her position on this issue in a recent interview with OK! magazine, in which she said that she would continue to hide the heir.

According to the singer, she created pages on social networks solely for the sake of her creativity and pictures and videos not related to her work will not appear on her accounts. “I haven’t published his photo anywhere yet and I don’t plan to do so in the near future. First of all, I started social networks for my creativity. And that is precisely why I support them. My children are neither part of my work nor part of my PR, so this topic is closed to me. This was my and Jan’s absolutely thoughtful decision, our very clear and unchanging position,”- said the artist.

In addition, the young mother admitted that her son is growing up with character and already knows how to manipulate his parents. She noted that in such at a young age There can be no talk of being strict and demanding towards the baby, but in the future, according to her, he will have to face refusals from his relatives.“He knows how to manage adults. And since there is no talk of any strict upbringing yet, he is allowed a lot. In general, I am a very demanding, strict mother,” Alsou said.

Children with special needs, special or “from God” are the names given to children who are different from their peers. They are completely dependent on their parents (guardians) and are absolutely defenseless in front of the outside world. To raise such a child, you need to spend a lot of effort and patience. But such dedication from parents allows “special” children to become part of society, fight prejudice and feel complete. Which star raises such sons and daughters? See the selection:

Konstantin Meladze

The famous producer divorced his wife Yana in 2013 after 19 years life together, the couple has three children together - Alice, Leah and Valery. The latter has autism, which, as we know, cannot be cured. The child's condition can only be corrected.

Anna Netrebko

In 2008, the famous opera diva gave birth to a boy, Thiago, who was diagnosed with autism in his third year of life. Anna is not afraid or ashamed of the fact that her son is special; she encourages other mothers to believe that this disease is not a death sentence.

Sylvester Stallone

Sergio's youngest son Sylvester Stallone was also diagnosed with autism. The actor admitted in numerous interviews that the news came as a shock and a blow to him. But he never thought about giving up the child.

Jenny McCarthy

Married to actor and director John Asher, Jenny had a son, Evan. A boy with autism was abandoned by his father, leaving his wife alone to fight the child's terrible illness. She was able to help her son, whose condition noticeably improved.

Toni Braxton

The American singer is raising her son Diesel, who has autism. She stated this directly at the concert for the first time, and also shared that early diagnosis can significantly improve treatment results. The artist allocates a lot of funds for research in the field of autism and is a representative of the Autism Speaks organization. And her son goes to school with ordinary children.

Evelina Bledans

The actress gave birth to her second child, Semyon, already knowing about the illness. Even despite the disappointing forecasts, she decided to let her son be born, refusing an abortion.

Lolita Milyavskaya

The singer’s daughter Eva was first diagnosed with Down syndrome, but later it turned out that the girl had autism. Milyavskaya does not hide her daughter’s illness; she talks about her successes and supports other mothers raising children with genetic characteristics. And 16-year-old Eva now goes to school and practically keeps up with her healthy peers.

Fedor Bondarchuk

The ex-wife of Fyodor Bondarchuk Svetlana gave birth to a girl with Down syndrome. Their daughter grows up in the love and affection that her parents provide, despite personal conflicts.

Irina Khakamada

Doctors diagnosed Khakamada’s daughter with leukemia. In addition, Masha suffers from Down syndrome. Famous mother does everything for her child, and also actively supports other women who have similar problems.

Modern celebrities very often sell the first pictures of newborn children to the media. Behind a certain amount money they are ready to do family photo sessions for everyone to see.

But there are exceptions to this rule. Today in our article we will talk about singer Alsou. Her family belongs to a Muslim family and professes Islam. In 2011, Forbes estimated her father's fortune at half a billion dollars. The singer has two brothers, the elder Marat and the younger Renard.

The girl started studying music in early childhood. In 1993, Alsou made her debut on the stage of the Swiss camp with song “I will always love you”.

In the winter of 1999, the debut video “ Winter dream" The lyrical ballad instantly became a hit and turned into business card singers. The successful debut was followed by the videos “Spring” and “Sometimes”.

Alsou is the first in Russian show business entered into a long-term contract with an American recording company "Universal" to release seven English-language albums in 35 countries.

In 2000, the girl was entrusted to represent Russia at Eurovision contest in Stockholm. The 16-year-old singer took second place with the song “Solo.” By 2002, the singer was popular both in Russia and abroad.

In April 2005, Alsou's friend introduced her to a businessman Yan Abramov. The first meeting produced good impression on young people, and he began to actively court the girl. And two months later, Ian proposed to the singer.

The couple got married in March 2006. The ceremony took place not in the usual registry office, but in the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. The lovers prepared for the wedding for six months. However, Alsou herself solved only creative issues, while Ian took on all the other troubles.

Was invited to the celebration more than 600 people. The scale of the wedding was amazing: the Rossiya concert hall was unrecognizable, because the foyer was draped with purple fabric, and portraits of Alsou and Yan from different periods of life hung on the walls. The newlyweds even came to congratulate the mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov.

A little later it became known that the singer was expecting a child. The family decided to give birth to their first child in Los Angeles. Born on September 7, 2007 daughter Safina. A year and a half later, on April 28, 2008, Alsou gave birth to her second daughter Mikella.

Now the couple is raising three children, because in August 2016 they had son Rafael. The boy is already a year and a half old, but the singer has never shown the baby on social networks. Alsou stated that she intends to hide Rafael’s face in the future.

“I haven’t published his photo anywhere yet and I don’t plan to do so in the near future. First of all, I started social networks for my creativity. And that is precisely why I support them.

My children are neither part of my work nor part of my PR, so this topic is closed to me. This was my and Jan’s absolutely thoughtful decision, our very clear and unchanging position.”“, the singer said in an interview.

The singer also said that the baby has a wayward character, he knows how to manipulate his mother to get what he wants. “He knows how to control adults.

And since there is no talk of any strict education yet, he is allowed a lot. In general, I am a very demanding, strict mother.",” admitted the artist.

In the early 2000s, singer Alsou was very popular. The young girl’s songs, filled with dreams and romance, won the hearts of fans in Russia and abroad. It is not surprising that this singer represented Russia at Eurovision, and even took an honorable second place. But how is the girl’s life going now?

Not long ago, Alsou gave birth to her third child, and photos of the happy mother with news about her immediately appeared on the Internet. This news made her fans very happy. In the article we will discuss creative biography singer and some details of her personal life.

People have been talking about Alsou for a long time. But she is still a very young woman. She was born in 1983 in Bugulma (Tatar ASSR). The girl's mother is an architect. Dad was previously a businessman, but now he has found himself in big politics. He holds the position of senator in the Federation Council of Russia. Alsou also has two brothers. Until she was nine years old, the girl lived with her family in the very north of Russia - in the city of Kogalym, in very harsh conditions. weather conditions. It is unbearably cold there in winter and incredibly hot in summer. In addition, the family at that time lived quite poorly.

The girl said in an interview that as a child she ate stale apples and old, sprouted potatoes. When on New Year's celebration The girl was given a package with oranges and chocolate, she stretched out the pleasure for several months - she ate the delicacy just a little at a time.

In 1992, the move to Moscow took place. And in the new city, Alsou began to go not only to a regular school, but also to a music school. Her family moved all the time. And in 1995, Alsou began studying in London. Despite the fact that she was taught the basics of business, drawing and mathematics, the girl liked music most of all. She continued to do it.

It all started when Alsou was five, her parents bought her a piano. The future star enjoyed studying at the music school, despite the fact that it was located on the other side of the city. When Alsou moved to the capital, she continued her studies, and the teachers praised her very much.

In 1993, the girl was vacationing at a camp in Switzerland, and there she first appeared on stage with a song by the legendary Whitney Houston. Even then, her performance created a sensation, but Alsou did not even dream of becoming a singer. I must say that the girl was very modest and shy.

In an interview, Alsou, who recently gave birth to her third child, later recalled that her peers considered her arrogant because she did not approach them first to communicate. In fact, the girl could not overcome her shyness. Therefore, she communicated only with those who were the first to offer her friendship. Only many years later did she understand how important it is to overcome herself and cope with her complexes.


In 1998, Alsou, in whose family she was growing up special child, again performed Whitney Houston's song, "I Will Always Love You." This time at his brother's wedding. Then one of the invitees noted the talented girl’s singing and strongly recommended that her parents introduce Alsou to producer Valery Belotserkovsky. He was one of the most famous producers of that time.

Alsou made an impression on Belotserkovsky, and he, in turn, introduced her to talented songwriters. They wrote several hits for the young star.

The song “Winter Dream” made Alsou famous. Success was brought not only by the bewitching voice of the young singer and her beauty, but also by the provocative video. It was based on the work of Vladimir Nabokov - “Lolita”.

The heroine Alsou falls in love with an adult man with whom she cannot have anything. Later, the theme of forbidden love will still be raised in the singer’s videos. For example, in the video for the song “Spring”. It is not surprising that Alsou’s songs immediately became hits.

That same year, the girl entered into an agreement with the prestigious record company Universal, according to which as many as seven of her albums would soon be released in English.

In 2000, when Alsou was only sixteen years old, she conquered the Eurovision Song Contest. In Stockholm, Alsou performed the song “Solo” and became one of the leaders of the competition. In addition, she was able to prove to everyone that even at a young age you can become a world-famous star.

The support of her fans helped the girl cope with her anxiety. After all, the singer was afraid to go on stage at the beginning of her career. The support team had to literally push her to the exit. For example, when she first had to perform the song “Winter Dream,” the singer’s knees trembled in horror.

She firmly understood that she would not be able to sing in public. Then the producer spoke harshly to her for the first time. He asked: “Why are you wasting my time then?” The girl went on stage and saw that the hall was sold out. The whole audience helped Alsou sing. They picked up the words of the song and sang along with pleasure. This support was very important for the aspiring singer.

Moreover, the singer recorded a duet with Enrique Iglesias, who was incredibly popular at the time. In 2001, she received an award from the World Music Awards. An English-language album entitled “Alsou” was released next. In 2001, MTV recognized her as the most popular performer in Russia. She beats such stars as Zemfira, Tatu, Bi-2, Mumiy Troll.

Alsou: family, children, photo

Despite the fact that Alsou was very popular, little was known about the girl’s personal life. But in April 2005 everything changed. Alsou met her future husband, entrepreneur Yan Abramov.

In an interview, Alsou later admitted that Ian was different from all the young people she had ever known. Her friends walked around in torn jeans and sneakers and preferred to spend time in nightclubs. And Ian, despite his young age, was already accomplished successful businessman. In addition, he looked very elegant and looked after the girl beautifully. Alsou could not help but appreciate this.

In addition, Alsou found him interesting and deep person. Very attentive, delicate. Having met Ian, Also no longer wanted to part with him. And now she is completely happy.

Of course, Ian was fascinated by the girl and made a lot of efforts to win her love. However, the girl also liked Ian. That is why in 2006 she became his wife. They began preparing for the wedding another six months in advance. Alsou was responsible for the creative side of the event, and her future husband controlled other issues.

It's interesting that on wedding event approximately six hundred invited guests were present. wedding ceremony took place in the Rossiya State Concert Hall, which was specially decorated for this day with many flowers. Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov congratulated the singer. Foreign stars performed at the event.

Where does Alsou live?

On this moment Alsou lives in London. He comes to Moscow quite rarely.

Alsou's height and weight

According to data from the Internet, Alsou’s height is 172 cm, and her weight is around 50 kg.

Mama Alsou: photo

After marriage, Alsou began to devote more time to her family. Her career seems to have taken a back seat for her. However, after her marriage, she continued to work and record new songs, and her husband did not stop her from doing this.

True, in 2006 it became known that Alsou was expecting a child. On September 7, her daughter, Safina, was born. And in April 2008, Alsou gave birth to another daughter, Michela. From time to time she continues to sing and participate in events. But not as often as it was at the beginning of her career.

Photo of Alsou's son - Rafael

And in 2016 Alsou gave birth to a son! The 33-year-old girl became a mother for the third time. The child was named Rafael. It is known that he was born in the Israeli clinic “Ichilov”. It was in the same center that she was born youngest daughter singers.
