Nutrition according to the Grossman method - all culinary recipes. Galina Grossman - diet, menu, sessions, contraindications

Grossmann Galina Nikolaevna Graduated from the Faculty of Biochemistry of Krasnoyarsk State University. After defending her thesis, she received a recommendation for scientific work and was invited to the Institute of Physics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences named after. Kirensky, where she conducted scientific research on the topic “Experimental modeling of closed ecosystems” for several years.

This topic was formulated by Doctor of Biological Sciences B.G. Kovrov. At that time, it was a new scientific field and arose in connection with the need to develop a theory of self-sustaining human life support systems in space, as well as the creation of artificial biospheres. Scientific methods for creating closed ecosystems and studying them were developed. A theory of the functioning of such ecosystems has been developed. A number of specialists from various educational and scientific institutions in different regions of the country have been trained. But after the collapse of the USSR, the Institute and the topic itself were liquidated.

In 1989, Galina Nikolaevna opened the Center for Human Biology and Ecology (Grossmann Center) in Estonia, where work began to study the problems of human excess weight and addiction problems. The scientist has developed a biocompensatory method for treating addictions, which allows you to gradually replace destructive habits such as overeating, drinking alcohol, smoking, etc. with biologically based, useful ones.

Galina began to gather experimental groups, checking what rhythms affect people, what words, influences, sessions, and, of course, what kind of nutrition. The main goal of the research was to lose weight by 3-5 kg. and a beautiful body. And the people participating in the experiments not only achieved their goal, but also lost significantly more fat - up to 16 kg. women in four weeks, and men 18-20 kg.

Local newspapers began to write about this, and people from all over Estonia flocked to the Grossmann Center. Based on research results and testing of experimental groups, Galina Nikolaevna developed her own course of intensive health-improving weight loss lasting 4 weeks, during which people lose from 8 to 16 kg. excess weight, become slim, fit, get rid of many diseases.

During classes, with the help of meditation energy sessions, Galina raised people’s energy, their mood, awakened in them a willingness to move and exercise. Those who needed to lose a lot of weight came to weight loss courses again. The doctor did more and more sessions. Russians and Estonians came.

When enough scientific and experimental knowledge and experience had accumulated, she stopped teaching classes in groups and created special courses for independent home use. Galina Grossmann's website has appeared. Courses such as “Bio-tummy tuck”, “Your Venice”, “Blooming Garden” and many others have gained great popularity and received a large number of positive reviews. Now every person can receive the energy impact of Dr. Grossmann in a recording.

Currently, the Grossmann Center is very popular. At the same time, Galina Nikolaevna runs the “Losing Weight99” project, a YouTube channel, and groups on social networks. Her book, courses on healthy weight loss, trainings on rejuvenation, etc. are extremely popular.

By studying Galina Grossmann's courses and following simple but fundamental tips and instructions, you will get lasting results. You will not only lose weight, but in a year, and in five years you will look younger and more beautiful. You will have good nutrition, excellent health, and will not have to torture yourself with heavy exercise, take dietary supplements, starve, etc.

Over decades of successful practice, she already has more than 40,000 clients.

Galina Grossman's weight loss method is a currently common way to combat excess weight. Its author promises that you will be able to get rid of unwanted pounds quickly and painlessly. The main thing is to strictly follow all the necessary rules and recommendations.

Biography of Galina Grossman

Galina Grossman's weight loss method was the result of many years of meticulous work. The research that the author did to understand the nature of the human body, to achieve an attractive appearance, without making excessive efforts, has borne fruit.

Galina Grossman was born in a distant and small village on the territory of the Estonian SSR. Surprisingly, there were not only doctors, but even electricity. What can we say about other benefits of civilization? Therefore, since childhood, the heroine of our article became interested in traditional medicine recipes, which were actively practiced in the area in the absence of professional doctors. Also, her attention was constantly attracted by people who had the ability to treat and heal others. She spent a lot of time communicating with them.

Education Grossman

At the same time, Galina herself decided not to limit herself to the knowledge that traditional medicine could give her, but to apply a scientific approach to everything. Therefore, immediately after school she entered the university at the Faculty of Biology. Later she defended her dissertation in biology. She began her professional career at the Institute of Biophysics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. This happened in 1974. She was involved in space development. She had to study how weightlessness and other critical situations affect the human body.

She later decided to focus on bringing natural beauty and health to as many people as possible. To do this, she opened the Center for Human Biology and Ecology in Estonia, which she led for many years.

The center's activities were mainly aimed at conducting rejuvenation courses, which were led by the founder of the center herself, organizing lectures on proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, and recruiting participants for courses on Galina Grossman's weight loss methods.

How old is Galina Grossman?

These questions are asked by almost everyone who encounters her in life and learns about her courses and methods. The fact is that the heroine of this article has been monitoring her health, proper nutrition and metabolism for many years. Rejuvenation courses for her are not an empty phrase. However, she does not reveal her true age. He considers such questions indecent.

If she is asked about this directly, she claims that she has already been five years old. It is during this period, according to Grossman’s theories, that the cells of our body are renewed. Moreover, if you follow all the recommendations, as well as Galina Grossman’s weight loss method, you will feel like a five-year-old child.

Weight loss from Galina Grossman

You can trust Galina Grossman's weight loss system. After all, she is a nutritionist with several decades of experience. She devoted most of them to developing her own original concept of how to rejuvenate the body and lose excess weight.

Losing weight is one of the key conditions for rejuvenation for the whole body. The fact is that the body will not be able to cleanse and renew itself as long as excess weight weighs on it. This is the first thing that needs to be dealt with. Extra kilograms, and sometimes tens of kilograms, fat deposits, improper and unbalanced nutrition - all this prevents the body from feeling young and healthy every day.

Galina Grossman is the author of a unique technique that will allow you to immediately solve a complex of problems that concern many modern women. In a short time you will be able to normalize your weight, cleanse your entire body and significantly rejuvenate.

Such results can be achieved through a balanced, proper diet, scrupulous eating, literally by the hour, and effective fat burning. In addition, in addition to the main effect, Galina Grossman’s weight loss program will help you solve a whole range of problems. You will forget about painful heartburn, improve your blood pressure, rid your body of harmful toxins and unnecessary salts, and solve all problems with pain in the spine and knee joints.

Principles of the technique

The basic principles that Galina Grossman calls for to adhere to are a diet that is accompanied by mandatory physical activity and careful adherence to the correct daily routine. Only by fulfilling all the above conditions, you will be able to achieve the expected effect - losing from 8 to 15 kilograms. This result will come to you in just one month.

There are several mandatory rules that should never be forgotten.

Firstly, eat strictly according to the clock; violating the regime is unacceptable. The only exception may be for people who have to work night shifts.

Secondly, you cannot deviate from the list of permitted products. And also use them only in a predetermined amount.

Thirdly, choose one day a week, for example, Monday or any other, which is declared “water”. This means that on this day you must drink twice as much fluid as you usually do and not eat.

Fourthly, do not forget that when refusing the list of prohibited foods, never deny yourself water. You can drink as much as your body requires.

The process of losing weight

The whole process of losing weight is divided into two parts. First you need to remove extra pounds, and then stabilize your weight. So that, having lost weight in a month, you do not return to your old weight in the next 30 days. Stabilization will help avoid sudden jumps, which often occur after a person stops following a diet.

For students of her course, Galina Grossman developed detailed recommendations on weight loss methods. The menu for an average day might look like this.

You should have breakfast between 9 and 10 am. This is the best time to eat your first meal. Your morning diet should include 100 to 150 grams of protein food. You can steam or bake fish, you can eat turkey meat, beef tenderloin, seafood, cottage cheese or one hard-boiled egg are allowed. You need to choose one thing from this list. As we can see, the range of products is very extensive, so the diet will be varied.

Then for breakfast you should eat 250 grams of vegetable stew or salad. You can't dress the salad. Also, neither stew nor salad should contain “heavy” vegetables and potatoes. To all this add one piece of black bread and a glass of kefir or tomato juice (without pepper or salt).


If you follow Galina Grossman’s weight loss method, you will receive a fairly detailed daily nutrition plan. So, after the first meal, you need to have lunch between 13 and 14 hours.

For starters, you should eat meat broth (300-400 milliliters), seasoned with fresh herbs. Moreover, you can cook it with absolutely any meat. Then 100 grams of raw vegetable salad without dressing. Also a glass of yogurt. It should be unsweetened and low-fat, and not contain any additives. The only thing is that you can put one tablespoon of bran or muesli in it.

For dessert, a small cup of coffee or tea without sugar. Also, milk should not be added to the drink.


You should have dinner twice. The first dinner is between 17:00 and 18:00. You can call it lunch. This is 200 grams of fruit. Almost any, with the exception of bananas. And a glass of tomato juice or low-fat kefir. If desired, the drink can be replaced with tea.

The second dinner takes place between 21 and 22 hours. You need to eat 5 prunes or the same amount of large dried apricots. Drink half a glass of kefir or one cup of unsweetened tea.

Galina Grossman suggests following this diet. Reviews about weight loss that come from those who have already tried this diet on themselves are mostly positive. Everyone notes that the menu is gentle, not strict, more like a healthy eating regimen than a way to lose extra pounds. The author of the technique advises sticking to this regimen for one to one and a half months. At the same time, of course, vary the foods while maintaining their calorie content.

Another prerequisite is a “water” day. Once a week you should drink twice as much fluid as usual and eat nothing at all. Remember that breakfast the next day after fasting should not be dense. You should limit yourself to a glass of tomato juice or kefir. Starting from lunch, you can eat according to a schedule.

Physical activity

In order for Galina Grossman’s technique to work, weight loss exercises must be performed throughout the entire period of the diet.

There is nothing complicated here - just maintain high physical activity. To do this, you can play sports, or you can just walk quickly down the street every day for at least an hour and a half.

But ideally, you need to enroll in a specialized section, where your classes will be supervised by a professional trainer-consultant. This could be a yoga group or Latin American dancing.

Weight stabilization

After the desired result is achieved, the weight must be stabilized. To do this, you need to gradually “exit” the diet. During this time, you should also eat strictly according to the clock. The only thing is that the list of products can be significantly expanded. You can indulge in bread, fried meat, a variety of fruits and juices more often. Include sweets in your diet. Only 50 grams per day, no more.

During the period of weight stabilization, it is important to consolidate the effect not only physiologically, but also psychologically.

Many claim that Galina Grossman’s weight loss method gives results. In the reviews, women and men note that if you strictly adhere to all the rules, then success is guaranteed to everyone.

Many on the Internet write that losing weight according to Galina Grossman is a diet and a set of anti-aging exercises that cannot cause harm. Yes, it’s hard to deny that a 6-week significant change in diet and training, coupled with a strict methodology, gives an excellent result. Enthusiastic, sometimes euphoric, reviews convince us of the correctness of the course.

Let's look at all the stages of Galina Nikolaevna, find the positive and negative sides - let's do a review, so to speak. There is a lot of text here, so open the table of contents and go to the desired section. We promise that you will find the answer to your question.

At the end of the material, we will briefly analyze the biography of this woman, a biologist and as a nutritionist, from reliable and official sources. So, if this is what you came for, skip straight to the end of the article.

Do you want to know everything and make sure that the issue is studied qualitatively? Get ready to be stuck on this material.

Galina Grossman (by the way, judging by the foreign bibliography, it is not correct to spell Grossmann - with two “n” at the end) created the concept of a healthy lifestyle. The idea is that with the help of a developed diet, physical activity and energy sessions, you can achieve rejuvenation and healing in just two stages. However, losing weight is a side effect and an obstacle that must be overcome.

The healing and rejuvenating effect after the first 2-3 weeks additionally provides:

  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • normalization of blood sugar;
  • diabetic signs go away;
  • sleep is normalized;
  • the appearance is restored to the maximum;
  • the face becomes younger and more beautiful;
  • the skin becomes smooth and even;

All this from words, printed publications, videos from Grossman, with the caption that the weight loss method is scientifically proven and gives 100% results.

The course must be completed strictly, regularly receiving exercise, including, beloved by many, abdominal biolifting. All this is encouraged by a good dose of “magic charge” - a positive attitude coming from the curator.

Energy sessions with Galina Grossman

Some moments of individual energy sessions are reminiscent of communication with Kashpirovsky. Who doesn’t remember: there was such a magician and sorcerer on the screens of post-Soviet televisions. In general, he was a good hypnologist, and there were even cases when operations were performed under his hypnosis without anesthesia.

You can get about the same with Galina Nikolaevna. In the video below, “The Psychology of Weight Loss,” she charges the water and promises that the weight loss process will start from the first sip. Water, like anything you put in your mouth, must be taken warm. She refers to water as a phenomenon with her “I”.

We hope you watched this video, because soon you will read to the second, but for now let’s say that people who have a pronounced schizoid personality type (this is not name-calling, but a psychological typology) will perceive such sessions very critically. On the contrary, a hysterical personality type is more susceptible to hypnotic influence and can more successfully complete a session and achieve results. It is worth understanding here that there are rarely completely schizoid and hysterical types - more often mixed with a predominance of one thing. More details and intelligibility here: CRY .

In the Youtube player below, Galina Nikolaevna demonstrates her neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) skills. Little experience in this matter is obvious due to some failures: construction of phrases, choice of words, jumping topics. However, forgetfulness of words can be attributed to a decline in conversational practice in the Russian language.

It doesn’t matter how professional hypnosis is during a session, the main thing is that it does not cause harm and helps you lose weight. A listener who is very depressed about his problem is ready to do anything, which means he may not pay attention to these nuances. So, in one of the many videos, the “patient” may not like the attempt to suggest something like this: “Listen to what I say, only I will help you find health and youth, do whatever I say.” This is an approximate wording accidentally caught after studying one of the sessions and now it is difficult to find this video.

In general, Galina Grossman’s sessions are online communication using tools of psychological influence on the sufferer. They are only as effective as you are lost in your problems. Reviews on the Internet are mostly positive, so you can only try to question this approach with a professional psychiatrist/psychotherapist and personal intuition. Don't be shy and write your opinion in the comments.

What is abdominal biolifting

Part of the rejuvenation course formed the basis of Galina Grossman’s book “Biolifting of the Abdomen.” The publication includes:

  • 5 exercises, including breathing ones;
  • several pages of NLP (the same magic, only in printed form, and not bad);
  • use of oils;
  • visiting the baths;
  • carrying out massage procedures.

“We clap clearly and sing loudly, thereby tightening our stomach and burning subcutaneous fat by clapping our palms.” - a sentence taken out of the context of the book.

The work contains two reviews and a small PR for the Internet project “Lose Weight99”. To be honest, let them do some PR, as long as it benefits people. After all, all-Russian conferences are held on weight loss with a large number of invited specialists.

To summarize: belly biolifting is both the name of a set of procedures for losing belly fat and the title of a book.

For objectivity, it should be noted that out of 40 pages, pages 9 to 36 (plus/minus) have informational value for the reader. The rest are: foreword, cover, 3 blank pages, about the creator of the project we are losing weight99 and the results of the participants. Conclusion: this is more of a brochure than a book.

Stages of weight loss according to Grossman

There are two stages in total, combined with exercises - weight loss and stabilization. Let's take a closer look at what their observance leads to.

The first stage of the diet should completely exclude fats and starchy plants, and should be based on protein and fiber. The second stage of the diet, called the stabilization phase, should gradually lead the person to a normal diet. This means the gradual addition of fats, including animals and sweets. In this case, the portions remain the same as the overall balance.

Particularly interesting on Galina Grossman’s menu are Water Thursdays, when the food is so dietary that it doesn’t exist at all. Only water for 36 hours (this period is indicated in the method).

The first stage is losing weight

The first stage of weight loss consists of a radical change in diet over 4 weeks. You need to start getting rid of fat throughout the body (not just in the stomach). You should eat 4 times (although the recommended norm by nutritionists is 5 times).

Eating should take place at a strictly defined time:

  • – from 9:00 to 10:00.
  • Lunch – from 13:00 to 14:00.
  • The first dinner is from 17:00 to 18:00.
  • The second dinner is from 20:00 to 21:00 (just before bedtime!).

It should be noted that skipping meals or changing times is prohibited. The only exception is irregular working hours. In this case, breakfast and second dinner are swapped. Other features of the first stage:

  • Tobacco and alcohol are prohibited, since Galina is sure that this is a consequence of poor nutrition. Sometimes we incorrectly hear the voice of the body that asks, and we give it a cigarette. That is, you are lucky if you don’t smoke ( there are less than 50% of them in the Russian Federation+ passive smokers).
  • It is necessary to accompany weight loss with regular physical activity. , cycling, Nordic walking, dancing - everything that allows the body to tone muscles and expel excess fat.
  • Observance of fasting water Thursdays. Although, they should be called hungry, and the entire diet should be called fasting. On days like this, just water. Read more about Water Thursdays below.

It is a well-known fact that smoking is not only a physiological addiction, but also a compensatory mechanism of the human psyche. When a person quits smoking, as a replacement, he begins not to learn a new profession, but to eat heavily. But such a session, on the contrary, reduces the diet several times (a little later you will be surprised what the menu is) and forces you to do more sports. That is, this is a TRIPLE blow to the human condition: giving up cigarettes, reducing portions, and physical activity.

Products allowed at the first stage of weight loss

All products allowed by Grossman can be classified as dietary - lean meat, plants, dried fruits. All products are recommended to be steamed, boiled or baked and grilled. But if something can be eaten raw, then it is better to do so. In this case, everything that comes into the mouth should be at room temperature. The permitted products listed in the table do not represent a complete list.

Protein food
    • beef
    • beef liver
    • poultry (advice from honey-pro-ves: the least fatty ones are breast and 2nd grade chicken, chicken and goose liver, turkey)
    • chicken eggs (advice from honey-pro-ves: the white is practically fat-free, and the yolk contains twice as much fat as protein)
    • lean, other sea creatures
  • and dairy products with low fat content
Plant food
    • almost any vegetables except potatoes (probably sweet potatoes, because they are fast, starchy carbohydrates and contribute to weight gain)
    • It is advisable to consume everything fresh
    • if the body reacts to fiber in a special way, for example, with gas formation, then eggplants, zucchini, broccoli can be baked or boiled
  • There must be fruit for an afternoon snack (oops, there’s also an afternoon snack!) in the amount of 200 grams
    • you will often have to consume tomato juice, low-fat kefir, milk
    • During the day you can drink coffee (note from Med-pro-ves: natural, not granulated), tea - only with sweeteners or honey
  • You need to drink as much as your body needs and be sure to finish your meal with a glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice
Dried fruits
    • prunes
    • dried apricots
    • cherry
    • rose hip
  • (almost all of Med-pro-weight added by myself)
Cereal products
    • whole wheat bread
    • muesli
    • oatmeal (added Honey-pro-weight)
  • pearl barley (added Honey-pro-weight)

More about Water Thursdays

This is a Thursday when the body is saturated with water, air, and energy. Nothing more is acceptable. You need to start fasting on Wednesday: instead of the last two dinners, you need to drink warm water, to which you can add a few drops of lemon juice.

Thus, the last meal before fasting Thursday at the first stage (yes, at the second stage it is also there, but less often) occurs at 14:00 on Wednesday. Next we consider:

  • From 14:00 until the first feeling of hunger, 2-3 hours will pass, so we will assume that 17:00.
  • From 17:00 to 00:00 – 7 hours;
  • Not eating all Thursday is another 24 hours;
  • On Friday, the first meal is at 12:00 - another 12 hours

Thus, fasting Thursday is not 36 hours of fasting, as many sites write, but as much as 43 hours, which is two days without 5 hours.

Yes, you saw correctly: the first meal after a water day will only be on Friday at lunch, and in the morning you will only have a glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice.

According to Galina Nikolaevna Grossman, on Wednesday it is necessary to prepare emotionally. You need positive thoughts, confidence that such a day will pass easily, and get rid of harmful transmissions and unpleasant communication. One cannot but agree here - a positive attitude is a big part of success.

What will happen to the body?

What will happen to the body, given that you are additionally required to play sports? He will become stressed and begin to turn to reserves, that is, fat deposits. For people with a high BMI and who are not trained, it is quite possible that their health will deteriorate, from slight dizziness, muscle weakness, up to fainting.

Imagine that in 43 hours you haven’t eaten even once and you need to do two runs of 3-5 kilometers each. Your body will have to expend energy to obtain energy. And the initial one will not be enough, because the main supplier of glucose into the blood is in the liver, but will quickly be depleted (in a day). The question is not that there is nowhere to get energy, but that there will be a shortage of energy for the muscles and brain, and the body will not receive the proper portion of ATP from internal reserves.

The second stage of the Grossman diet is stabilization

The second stage - stabilization lasts 2 weeks, differs from the first by the addition of animal fats and sweets. Here Galina can allow potatoes.

For a normal person, this transition will seem like a joke, but if a person has gone through a 4-week diet, then the new ingredients should cause an explosion of feelings in him. You can experience this feeling when you come out of Lent, when you survive on a crumb of bread, and on Sunday you eat an egg, as if for the first time in your life.

The goal of the second stage is not to suddenly fill your belly, but to gradually introduce a new diet into the habit and prevent a breakdown. The goal is also to stop the process of losing weight and maintain weight.

That is, there is no special separation between the stages and they need to be perceived holistically.

Water Thursdays are also provided here, but their number is halved. Now let's get down to exploring the menu and why it makes you grin.

Menu at the weight loss stage - diet, video

The menu can be varied, but only a snapshot of one day will be given for analysis, broken down by stages. The point of nutrition, according to Grossman, is to eat not crushed food, but fragmented food, so that it lingers in the stomach for a longer time and gives a feeling of fullness (from the video about losing weight on tasty food - below). More than 2 cups of coffee is not recommended.

Now let’s count the calories from the menu during the weight loss period. We will calculate approximately for the overall picture and compare with the standards recommended by Rospotrebnadzor:

  • Breakfast: 375 (beef) + 50 (tomato) + 78 (bread) + 25 (honey) + 40 (tomato juice);
  • Lunch: 150 (chicken broth) + 90 (yogurt) + 10 (some vegetables) + 25 (cream) + 40 (tomato juice);
  • First dinner: 100 (conventional fruits) + 10 (some vegetables) + 40 (tomato juice);
  • Second dinner: 100 (conventional fruits) + 250 (prunes) + 40 (tomato juice);

The total is 1048 kcal per day. Let us recall that BOO for women in a calm state weighing 40 kilograms at 30-40 years old is 1050 kcal. This norm is spent on internal metabolism, cell reproduction, and so on - that is, in the absence of physical activity.

BOO is the basal metabolic rate, the minimum amount of energy needed for vital processes. Rospotrebnadzor and 32 scientists.

Accordingly, if you are younger and your weight is 60, then the minimum your body consumes in the “nothing” position is about 1380 kcal.

The energy norm for women with light physical activity (and there is also stress and sports) is considered to be 2150 kcal. This is aged 30-40 years and weighs 60 kg.

We should probably remain silent on the issue of men and the sufficiency of vitamin and mineral intake. Where do these numbers come from? Everything is presented below. Let’s just make a reservation that the data from Rospotrebnadzor is not for weight loss, but they provide information on minimum consumption. And in order to lose weight evenly, you should reduce the number of calories as much as if you were already at your target weight. Let's say, if you weigh 90 kilograms, then consume as if you were already 60. (the last two sentences are the opinion of Med-pro-Weight)


It should be noted that the expert does not welcome eggs for breakfast for the reason that they emit hydrogen sulfide and poison the body, and in general are created for the chicken embryo to gain weight. It is allowed only if a person did not have time to prepare something.

So, for breakfast you can eat:

  • Beef a couple times a week;
  • Turkey;
  • Chicken breast;
  • Shrimps;
  • Salt through salty, mushroom;
  • The fish is not oily;
  • A piece of bread dried in a toaster;
  • Meat must be accompanied by raw vegetables and herbs;
  • No fat;



The formula for an ideal lunch for Grossman, unfortunately, practically does not include solid food. The expert allows making broths from flavor cubes (Maggi, Galina Blanca - note Honey-pro-weight). It is inconvenient that the specialist’s comments refute the doctors’ instructions, for example, when broth is contraindicated.

  • Beef, fish, mushroom, chicken, bean broth with chopped herbs;
  • Vegetables instead of bread (except potatoes): cucumber, tomato, carrots, radishes, etc.
  • Skim milk yogurt or 1-2%, buttermilk
  • Coffee or tea with cream


First dinner

For the first dinner it is allowed:

  • any fruit, except banana, chopped;
  • Any vegetables (except potatoes);
  • Buttermilk, sour or skim milk, tomato juice;


Second dinner - before bed

Among the general recommendations, you can hear that preference should be given to green tea and real coffee. However, tea should not be brewed for a long time. It is recommended that if Galina Grossman’s recommendations overlap with your attending physician, consult with him, perhaps he will resolve it. Other details below and in the video.

  • Hot tea, coffee or water at any time;
  • Buttermilk or skim/sour milk, tomato juice;
  • Large pitted prunes or apricots;


Menu for the stabilization period

The menu for the stabilization period need not be outlined in detail. It looks the same and has similar proportions, but it contains sweets and animal fat.

In particular, it is permitted:

  • For breakfast, add 20 grams of marshmallows;
  • For lunch, instead of broth, make kharcho soup, borscht - all without meat, add a piece of bread with butter, a piece of halva or candied fruits;
  • For the first dinner, you can add 2-4 squares of dark chocolate;
  • There are not many differences in the second dinner.

Now you will smile, you are allowed to eat 50 grams more protein food.

Advantages and disadvantages of Galina Grossman's diet

After reading, the reader probably already has an internal feeling of all the pros and cons. Nevertheless, let's recap. By the way, you can lose weight either by 1-2 kilograms or by 15-20 - it depends on the initial problem.

Advantages (including, according to Galina Nikolaevna):

  1. Smoking and alcohol cessation will occur as collateral damage;
  2. Weight loss is guaranteed;
  3. The norm of sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure will be restored;
  4. Sleep will improve, as a result you will feel more alert and have good brain activity;
  5. Getting rid of toxins and waste;
  6. The body will be rejuvenated and healed;
  7. Improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  8. Suitable for everyone without exception, except for contraindications.

How this can be achieved is really the question. The most important point No. 8, because such a diet itself can be a contraindication for weight loss in many respects.

Disadvantages (obvious, from the network and according to Med-pro-Weight):

  1. High level of stress for the body (in other words, mobilization);
  2. Serious psychological stress due to getting rid of all habits, reducing nutrition and sports - all at once;
  3. An increased amount of fiber will cause constipation and gas;
  4. There is a high probability of failure during the course and after (we live in Russia and the CIS);
  5. Contradictions within the course (duration of fasting, number of meals);
  6. Contradiction with standards for consumption of micro- and macroelements;
  7. The lack of micro- and macroelements is obvious;
  8. Risk of deterioration in health from lack of nutrients and energy;

It is worth limiting yourself to an equal number of points on advantages and disadvantages.

Brief professional biography of Grossman

The professional activity of Galina Nikolaevna Grossman is very extensive and deserves respect, if you believe the data indicated in the above-mentioned volume “Biolifting of the abdomen.”

However, some information about the specialist is confirmed by a more thorough search on the Internet and sending requests to the universities where she studied. For example, you can find in the archives of the electronic version of the Russian State Library one of her works from 1981, when she still bore the surname Fistein (the surname has not been confirmed, but it seems that way) and was a candidate of biological sciences.

This analysis is not conducted for the purpose of discrediting. Even if the grandmother is from the village, the main thing is that it helps. A complete picture is needed so that readers can conclude how safe and effective the sessions and courses are.

Also in working in a foreign language " Directions for Classroom Microcosms» in the bibliography section there are 4 references to Grossman GN works from 1988 and 1990.

All the specialist’s merits are listed as follows (we exclude streamlined titles):

  • He is a Doctor of Biological Sciences.
  • She participated in the development of life support systems for Soviet cosmonauts.
  • Recognized as the best speaker at two “All-Russian online conferences on weight loss” - in 2013.
  • Developer of unique (that is, several) methods of rejuvenation and weight loss.
  • He is the head of the Center for Human Biology and Ecology in Estonia.
  • Once again it is indicated that she is the author and leader of methods for losing weight and rejuvenating the body.
  • On average, those who lost weight lost 9.2 kg of fat per month.
  • In 2014, her online energy sessions were attended by over 3,000 people each time.
  • Over the past 12 months (source from 2014), 2.5 thousand people lost weight on the courses.

This may seem enough to draw some conclusions about a person’s professionalism. But additional requests were sent to a couple of institutions where she studied and worked. Their answer will definitely be posted in the same material, so subscribe and repost.

The figure of 3,000 people for 2014 also makes you think, because this means 8 people every day, if there are no weekends, holidays, or vacations. Give everyone half an hour - 4 hours a day just for communication.

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If you have disadvantages associated with a certain amount of extra pounds, and you also want to fight them once and for all, then Galina Grossman’s diet will be your best assistant in solving this problem.

The aphorism “There must be many good people” has long lost its relevance

By adhering to the weekly menu according to Galina Grossman’s diet, without much effort it is possible to remove a large amount of hated kilograms from your body after just a month.

And you can be sure in the future that the lost kilograms will not return in the future.

Find out how easy it is lose 10 kg in a week on the watermelon diet!

What is Galina Grossman's diet based on?

The basis of Galina Grossman’s entire diet is a harmoniously selected meal. The entire course of the war against excess weight using this method should be divided into stages, as a rule, there are only two of them. For example, the first stage lasts at least 30 days and includes exclusively eating foods with protein and fiber. But the second stage should not exceed two weeks and during this period the diet becomes much more extensive.

Mostly for the first 30 days, Galina Grossman's diet(the menu for the week will be presented below) burns the largest amount of extra pounds unnecessary to the body. This action occurs because:

  1. In the nutrition mode during this period of time there is a minimum number of calories.

  2. Meals are scheduled strictly according to time.

Advantages and disadvantages of this diet

Water day is very important when following the Galina Grossman diet

If we begin to take a detailed look at the weight loss method that Galina Grossman advocates, we can highlight some of its advantages:

  • The menu for the week consists exclusively of products that are healthy and balanced with each other for the body losing weight, which means that throughout the entire diet of Galina Grossman, your stomach will not experience discomfort, which means it will not go hungry either.
  • This method of combating excess weight is suitable for absolutely every person, since it not only burns fat, but also helps the body in the recovery process (removal of waste and toxins, normalization of blood pressure, strengthening of the spinal joints and much more). For hypertensive patients, a salt-free diet for weight loss is also suitable, reviews of which can be viewed by clicking on the link.
  • Exactly following all the recommendations while following Galina Grossman’s diet will allow you not only to defeat a huge number of hated fatty deposits, but also no longer worry about the fact that they may come back.

As for the disadvantages of this diet, they are practically absent. Perhaps the most important disadvantage in this war on fat is that absolutely any meal is strictly according to the clock.

This is not always a convenient way of eating and therefore can cause discomfort in a losing weight person who follows this method.

What foods can you eat during the Galina Grossman diet?

Perhaps the most common question among all people losing weight is how many pounds of fat they can lose using one or another weight loss method. For example, Galina Grossman’s diet (according to the correct menu for the week) will help you burn about eight kilograms in a month.

If your weight was initially very high, then there is a high chance that you will be able to lose 15 kilograms over the same period. All calculations are based only on the initial weight of the person losing weight; the more it is, the greater the process of losing fat deposits.

At the first stage of Galina Grossman’s diet, it is allowed to eat meat and fish, which contain a minimum percentage of fat, vegetables in any quantity, any fermented milk food, unsweetened fruits and freshly squeezed juices from them, tea and coffee without added sugar, as well as a small amount of black bread.

In the second stage, that is, two weeks, you are allowed to diversify your daily diet with the following products:

  1. Rarely and in a small amount of oil (preferably in a dry frying pan) lightly fried meat or fish.

  2. You can consume no more than 50 grams of sweets in one week; it is best to divide this amount into three doses and scatter them on different days of the week.

  3. Sweet fruits and juices from them are added, but in moderation.

Do you want to lose weight quickly? Read the entry: How to lose weight by eating low-calorie meals from the simplest foods.

How to lose weight without harming your health

To prevent sagging skin during a diet, exercise is necessary.

For Galina Grossman’s diet to be effective and bring the desired result, you must remember that Each meal is strictly timed.

Breakfast should take place no earlier than 9 am and no later than 10 am. Lunch strictly from one to two in the afternoon. There should be two dinners. The first takes place from five to six o'clock in the evening, but the second from 9 o'clock in the evening and ends no later than 10 o'clock in the evening.

The best friend of any person who is on a diet should be water, so Galina Grossman advises using water in very large and unlimited quantities in her method.

With a sudden loss of a large number of extra pounds, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes flabby. In order to avoid this, you must regularly visit the gym for the entire period of the diet. This will not only allow fat to disappear faster, but will also help keep the body in good shape.

In addition, it is mandatory to have fasting days at least once a week. Fasting days are based solely on taking only liquid throughout the day.

It can be either water with minerals, but without gas, or kefir or any other liquid.

Menu for the week


  1. First breakfast- an omelette made from two whites and one yolk, you can add chopped herbs.
  2. Lunch- one glass of freshly prepared juice.
  3. Dinner– red borscht made only from vegetables and two small baked potatoes.
  4. First dinner- salad only from green vegetables.
  5. Second dinner- fish without fat and steamed vegetables.


  1. First breakfast– one glass of grapefruit juice or can be replaced with orange.
  2. Lunch- skim cheese.
  3. Dinner– soup, no more than 300 g. any vegetables, in the form of a salad, or low-fat yogurt as a dessert.
  4. First dinner– your choice of cheese or red fish, as well as vegetables and fruits, you can use a glass of kefir 1%.
  5. Second dinner- only dried fruits.


  1. First breakfast- one boiled egg and vegetables.
  2. Lunch- rye bread with milk of the lowest fat content.
  3. Dinner- any liquid dish, but only with vegetables and without meat, as well as vegetable salad with lean meat.
  4. First dinner- cottage cheese without fat content.
  5. Second dinner- vegetables, kefir.


Every Thursday should be a fasting day, that is, only liquid is consumed throughout the day. Eating food is strictly prohibited.


  1. First breakfast- steamed vegetables, tea and a small amount of honey.
  2. Lunch- kefir 1% and a piece of black bread.
  3. Dinner- vegetable stew, steamed meat.
  4. First dinner- yogurt without fat.
  5. Second dinner- vegetables, can be in the form of salad, tea.


  1. First breakfast- oatmeal with honey.
  2. Lunch- one tomato or a glass of juice from it.
  3. Dinner

Galina Grossman has already helped thousands of women lose weight. Thanks to her technique, an average of 9 kg of fat is lost per month. And this is without unhealthy diets and physical training until you lose your pulse. The activist conducts free online seminars, bioenergy sessions of rejuvenation and weight loss, which rebuild the human body in a new way.

We will outline the main points of the Grossman technique. We recommend that you follow her activities, since Galina Nikolaevna often conducts educational broadcasts and posts interesting videos on her website. She is also the author of the book “Biolifting the Abdomen,” where she explains how you can remove fat from this part of the body.

Galina Grossman comes from a small Estonian village. From an early age, she was interested in how people could cure the illnesses of others without drugs and modern technology. This interest helped her develop her ability to influence the biological fields of individuals.

By education, Grossman is a biologist; the woman defended her PhD thesis in this field and worked in the space development industry. Under her leadership is the Grossman Center for Human Biology and Ecology in Estonia. There she conducts lectures, weight loss courses and body rejuvenation sessions.

Features of weight loss according to Grossman

Galina Nikolaevna is the author of a large number of energy sessions that activate complex hormonal processes. The influence occurs through the senses, but this is not hypnosis at all. Sensors perceive data and transmit it to the brain.

If the information is sufficiently charged with energy and sent directly to the target, then the body switches to internal nutrition mode. This reduces the need for large amounts of food and begins gradual weight loss.

To prevent the process from causing harm to a person, it is necessary to change your eating habits and adhere to the regime. The Grossman method promotes a healthy lifestyle, encourages a good mood and puts you in an optimistic mood.

In order to make a slim figure, you need to be active, perform feasible isometric exercises, catchy dances (lipolytics), swim in the pool and walk as much as possible. To keep your face in good shape, you need to do gymnastics and biolifting.

You are probably interested in what lipolytics is. This is a personal technique that includes dance movements for weight loss, a well-thought-out nutrition system and energy sessions that activate and support the process of destruction of the fat layer. We will cover some aspects of lipolytics further.

Nutrition rules according to Galina Grossman's method

Mere impact on the senses is not enough, especially if a person’s weight exceeds 100 kg. Although Galina Grossman’s patients note that after her sessions, the craving for junk food disappears and the body seems to be rebuilt, you still need to make an effort and monitor your regime.

Here are the key points of rational weight loss:

  1. You must strictly adhere to meal times.
  2. This point in the method is very well thought out; the regimen is designed in accordance with human biorhythms. Breakfast should be served from 8:00 to 9:00, lunch - 13:00-14:00, first dinner - 17:00-18:00, second dinner - 21:00-22:00. You can adjust this time to suit yourself, but you should stick to the allotted intervals between meals.
  3. If for some reason you do not start your meal at the appointed time, Galina Grossman advises waiting for the next one and not eating anything until then.
  4. You should not eat foods that are not on the list of allowed foods and increase the recommended norms.

Breakfast options: lean meat, fish, poultry, seafood, egg, cottage cheese (choose one of the ingredients, 200 g), vegetables (200 g), black bread (30 g), sour low-fat milk or tomato juice (1 glass), tea/coffee with cream or 1 tsp. honey

Dinner: broth (200 g) with herbs (up to 50 g), raw vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and others (100 g), yogurt (150 g) with nuts or seeds, oatmeal and raisins (all 1 tsp each .). Tea/coffee without sugar.

Dinner: make a beautiful fruit plate. You can eat all fruits except bananas. Serving weight 200 g. Tomato juice / skim regular or sour milk (1 glass).

Second dinner: five dried fruits, sour low-fat milk or tomato juice (1 glass).

Men can increase the portion to 300 g, but this is the maximum. It is allowed to take smaller amounts of food, but you should not allow yourself to feel very hungry.

Relationship with water

Next we present the remaining two stages of Galina Grossman’s technique. They describe how much water to drink and some other nuances.

Here are two rules:

  1. You need to drink water whenever you want.
  2. This should be done between meals; no sweeteners should be added. Tea and coffee are allowed, but again, without milk, cream, honey, etc.

You definitely need to have a “water” day. Grossman recommends choosing Thursday, but you can choose any other.

You must stop eating food for the whole day. The day before, skip the second dinner, and instead drink hot water, maybe with lemon, or “empty” tea. Before the “water” day, do an enema to cleanse the intestines.

During the day of fasting, you should drink only hot water. The next day, immediately after getting up, drink a glass of tomato juice or sour milk for breakfast. Then proceed as usual.

Galina Nikolaevna says that for healthy weight loss you need to adhere to the prescribed regimen for 4 to 6 weeks. Products can and should be replaced, the main thing is that there are no “pests” in the diet and all the necessary vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other important substances are supplied. By following all the rules, you can lose from 8 to 15 kg per month.

You've lost weight: what's next?

After the allotted time, stabilization occurs. It is necessary to consolidate the results. Galina Nikolaevna recommends carrying out this stage for 4 weeks. If your weight has already returned to normal, then you can add some sweets and other previously forbidden foods to your diet. But most often you don’t want them anymore, because after 1-1.5 months of losing weight, habits have formed and are firmly rooted in the subconscious.

A “water” day should be held once a month. The number of meals and routine remains the same. You are allowed to take 20 g of sweets per day, and three times a month you can have a “belly feast” and eat almost anything.

When the cycle of losing weight and stabilizing weight is over, you need to take a break for several months and you can repeat the program. This must be done until the weight reaches the desired value.

Take note! Galina Grossman notes that it is better for overweight people not to engage in intense physical training. Hour-long walks in the park area, dancing or special exercises are much better suited for them. By the way, the latter are described in more detail in the book “Biolifting of the Abdomen”.
