Presentation for a literary reading lesson (Nenets folk tale) "Cuckoo". Nenets folk tale "Cuckoo"

Hasmik Arakelyan
Summary of GCD for familiarization with fiction. Nenets fairy tale"Cuckoo"

Notes for a lesson on familiarization with fiction. Reading Nenets fairy tale« Cuckoo» .

Program tasks:

Continue to acquaint children with the peculiarities of life of the peoples of the North using the example of works fiction;

Expand knowledge about the uniqueness of life of the peoples of the North;

Draw children's attention to national color fairy tales;

To develop in children an interest in the life, traditions and customs of other peoples;

Teach children to evaluate the actions of the heroes of the work;

Develop coherent speech;

Cultivate love and sensitivity to the mother and her requests.

Learn to understand and evaluate the character of characters, consolidate the idea of genre features fairy tales like a treasury folk wisdom, about instructiveness as a genre feature fairy tales.

Vocabulary work: chum, Nenets, malitsa, tundra, camp, moss, reindeer herding, fishing, nomadic.

Preliminary work: story teacher about the life of the indigenous population of the North, looking at albums and books about the North, talking about the North.

Equipment: toy - deer, illustrations depicting the nature of the North, globe.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Children, what country do we live in? Tell us about Russia. What is our Motherland like?

Children: Our Motherland is big, beautiful, rich.

Educator: Our country is not just big, but huge. In the south it is always warm, winters are not harsh, but where is it always cold?

Children:In the north.

Educator. How can you get to the North instantly?

Children. With the help of magic.

Educator. Let's do some magic. Close your eyes.

Kreks, fex, pex! (The wind sounds howling)

Today we will talk about the peoples of the North, I I will introduce you to a Nenets folk tale.

Answer the question why the tale is called a folk tale?

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes, right folk tale. It was written by the people, and these people are called Nenets - the indigenous inhabitants of the North.

They have been living here for a long time. They are very brave and strong, hardworking people. They lead a nomadic lifestyle. Their main occupation is reindeer herding and fishing. Repeat these words. (children repeat the words in chorus and individually

In search of food for their deer, they often move - wander, from one place to another. The reindeer will eat the food - lichen moss, and move on, followed by the reindeer herders. The place where the reindeer herders live is called a camp. (story accompanied by illustrations). Maybe you know the name of the house where the indigenous northerners live?

Children's answers.

Educator. (shows presentation). They live in tent camps. Chum is made from deer skins. The chum can be quickly disassembled and transported to another place. The deer is the animal that feeds and clothes the indigenous people. Deer run through deep snow where a car cannot pass. Guys, as you already know, in the North it is very harsh winter. But these people are not afraid of any frost. Why do you think?

Children's answers.

Educator. Let's take a closer look at the national clothes. What is it made of?

Children's answers.

Educator. Yes, these are fur clothes, but they are not called fur coats, they are called malitsa. Malitsa is made from reindeer skin with the fur inside. Women decorate it with patterns - ornaments

The shoes on my feet are also made of deer fur, these are prima. Please note that all clothes and shoes are sewn by women. You can't buy clothes like this in stores. Northern women have a lot of work a lot of: they sew, light the stove, cook, fish, pick berries, prepare firewood for the winter, take care of children and much more.

Now let's rest a little.

Physical education minute "Birds"

Little birds, (The children stood up and pretended to be birds,

Small birds wave their arms and stand up and squat, "fly"

They fly through the forest, around tables)

Songs are sung.

A wild wind blew (Hands up, swinging from side to side)

I wanted to take away the birds. (Hug themselves with both hands)

The birds hid in the hollow, (Children sit on their high chairs)

No one will touch them there. ( "Hiding"- cover your head with your arms)

(a soundtrack of birds singing, blackbirds and cuckoos)

Educator. Today I will read to you fairy tale, which is called « Cuckoo» .

The teacher reads the work.

There lived a poor woman on earth. She had four children. The children did not obey their mother. They ran and played in the snow from morning to evening. The clothes will get wet, and the mother will get sushi. They will drag the snow, but mother - take it away.

And the mother caught fish on the river herself. It was hard for her, and her children did not help her. My mother became seriously ill from such a life. She lies in the tent, calling her children, asks: “Children, my throat is dry, bring me some water!”

The mother asked not once, not twice. Children don't go for water. Finally, the eldest wanted to eat, looked into the tent, and the mother was standing in the middle of the tent, putting on a malitsa. And suddenly the little girl became covered with feathers. The mother takes a board on which the skins are scraped, and that board becomes a bird's tail. The iron thimble became her beak. Instead of arms, wings grew. The mother turned into a bird and flew out of the tent.

Brothers, look, look, our mother is flying away like a bird,” cried the eldest son.

Then the children ran after their mother.

Mom, we brought you some water.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo! It's too late, son, I won't be back.

So the children ran after their mother for many days and nights over stones, through swamps, over hummocks. They wounded their feet and bled. Wherever they run, a red trail remains.

The mother abandoned the children forever - cuckoo. And since then he hasn’t lied to himself cuckoo nest, does not raise her own children, and from that very time red moss has been spreading across the tundra.

Educator:Here and the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened – well done.

How does this one end? fairy tale?

Children. It ends sadly.

Educator. 1. Why did mom turn into cuckoo!

Children. The children were not given water.

2. Why didn’t mom return to the children?

Children. She was very offended.

Educator. How should you treat your mother?

Children: always take care of your mothers, take care of them, look after them, especially when they are sick, help in everything, be hardworking.

3. What does this folk teach? fairy tale?

Children. Mom needs to help, look after her, obey her, and not upset her.

Educator. Be kinder, more attentive to your mother, always help her in everything, offer her your help more often, and then your mothers will be kind, cheerful and, most importantly, healthy.

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Lesson literary reading on the topic “Cuckoo” (Nenets folk tale)

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

Developing attention to one’s own experiences caused by a specific work, the ability to convey them;

Forming the ability to understand the internal state of a character, substantiate the conclusions drawn with fragments of text; knowledge about climatic conditions, characteristic plants and animals, occupations of people in the tundra, about the characteristics of the cuckoo;

Develop the ability to tell a fairy tale from the perspective of a specific character;

Developing love for your mother.

During the classes.

1.Org. Moment:

The bell rang loudly

The lesson begins.

Our ears are on top of our heads,

The eyes are wide open.

In class we listen carefully to fairy tales,

We remember them, read them expressively,

We don't waste a minute!

2. Phonetic exercises, elements of entertaining reading.


At the edge of a hut

Old chattering ladies live.

Every old lady has a basket.

Each basket contains a cat.

Cats in baskets

They sew boots for old women.

Read in a whisper and slowly.

Read with an intonation of surprise.

Read with a questioning intonation.

3. Work in pairs:

There are cards on your desks.

Consult and find errors in the names of Russian folk tales and correct them.

    Baba Byaka……………………


    Zmey Ravninych………….

    Elena Ugly……………..

    The chicken is white…………………….


    Princess Toad……………………..

    Koschey the Fearless…………………..

4. Statement of a problematic question.

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Why do all children love fairy tales?

What folk tales have you read?

Let the epigraph of today's lesson be the words Gaston Levis: slide

Any nation, whether large in number or small, is always talented, and we ultimately judge its greatness by the spiritual values ​​it has accumulated over the centuries

-- which of you knows what it isspiritual values?I think that by the end of the lesson you will be able to answer this question yourself.

5.Organization of perception and assimilation of new material.

Today in class we will continue to study the chapter “Tales of the Peoples of Russia”.

Our guest is the Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo”.Page 59

vocabulary work: chum (slide)

malitsa (slide)

tundra (slide)- Now listen to a short message about the tundra. Which Lera Pugacheva prepared for you.

The Nenets people living in the tundra composed the fairy tale “Cuckoo”.

What do you think this fairy tale is about?

6.Reading a fairy tale by students prepared in advance.

- Were your assumptions correct?

--prove that this is a fairy tale

6 Reading a fairy tale by students.

7. Initial check of understanding of the fairy tale.

How did this fairy tale make you feel?

What did the children do when they saw that their mother had become a cuckoo?Read .

What were the children like? slide:




Explain your opinion.Support with words from the text .

Could the children help their mother?

Did you want to help?

How do you think. How did the children feel when they ran after the cuckoo?

What is said about the mother cuckoo in the fairy tale?Read it.

What do you know about this bird? Slide CUCKOO

8. Generalization and systematization of knowledge acquired in the lesson.

Could such a story really exist?

What's magical about this fairy tale?

What do Russian and Nenets folk tales have in common?

Will children who did not help their mother and did not respect their elders be happy?

What holidays do you know when women are especially honored?

I hope that in our class only good daughters and sons.

9. Lesson summary:

At the beginning of the lesson, I asked you a question about spiritual value, who understood. What it is?

Kindness, justice, love for neighbors

9 Reflexion.

-- choose a proverb that conveys your attitude towards your mother.

It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.

Who respects their mother? he doesn’t offend someone else either.

You will find everything in the world except father and mother.

-- read the card you chose.

Who can explain. Why did you choose all three cards?

In each Of these, spiritual values ​​are mentioned, which were discussed in the epigraph in the lesson.

House. Task p.60, task 5.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

– development of attention to one’s own experiences caused by a specific work, the ability to convey them;
– developing the ability to understand the internal state of a character and justify the conclusions drawn with fragments of text; knowledge about climatic conditions, characteristic plants and animals, the activities of people in the tundra, and the characteristics of the cuckoo;
– development of the ability to tell a fairy tale from the perspective of a certain character;
- nurturing love for your mother.

Equipment: textbook E. Katz“Literary reading” 2nd grade part I, workbook No. 1 for the textbook by E. Katz “Literary Reading” 2nd grade, audio recordings of the voice of the cuckoo, the fairy tale Cuckoo”, the children’s song “Cuckoo”, presentation, ICT, props for the Russian folk tale “Porridge from an Axe”.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Checking the organization of workplaces.

II. Speech gymnastics. (Slide 1, Annex 1 )

a) Breathing exercises:
inhale (through the nose) - exhale (through the mouth) (without sound);
inhale (through the nose) - exhale (through the mouth) (without sound in portions);
inhale (through the nose) - exhale (through the mouth) (with sound);
inhale (through the nose) - exhale (through the mouth) (with sound in portions);
ha-hee-he-ho-he-hee - say as you exhale air without stopping.

b) Reading syllables according to the table (building up syllables with a combination of consonants):

re ra,
tre dra,
good health,
the wind is crazy.

c) Working with pure tongues.

Zha-zha-zha - this cup is for a hedgehog
zhu-zhu-zhu - let's give milk to the hedgehog.
Shu-shu-shu - I’m writing a letter to you.

Wolves prowl, looking for food.(Slide 2)

III. Repetition of what has been learned.

Game "Guess".

Guys, let's remember the fairy tales we read earlier. We will play with you the game “Guess.” According to the proposal, you must find out the fairy tale, say the name and which people composed this fairy tale.
a) “Sister Alyonushka, I’m thirsty!” (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka” - Russian folk tale.)
b) “- Mother Cow! They beat me, they scold me, they don’t give me bread, they don’t tell me to cry.”
(“Khavroshechka” is a Russian folk tale.)
c) “Here is a gentleman riding past, looking and marveling: the horse is coming, the plow is yelling, but there is no man!”
(“The Little Thumb” is a Russian folk tale.)
d) “The squirrel got angry, waved its fluffy tail, and moved its ears - tassels.” (“Three daughters” is a Tatar folk tale.)
e) “During the night, water accumulated in the hole. Whoever manages to scoop up this water with a ladle is the one with the water, but the other two families did not get water.” (“Apart is bad, together is good” - Mordovian fairy tale.)
f) “Oh, good man, I haven’t eaten anything today: nothing.” (“Porridge from an axe” is a Russian folk tale.)

Fairy tale dramatization “Porridge from an axe.”

- Guys, now we’ll watch a dramatization of the fairy tale “Porridge from an Axe.”

(3 students participate.)


A soldier was going on leave,
Very tired
He didn't eat for two days in a row
Almost got lost.
But, having reached the village,
I saw a hut
Knocked on the outer window
He called the old lady.


Hello grandma, is it possible?
Stay overnight at your place.

Old woman.

Come in, servant, okay,
I'll prepare the bed.

Soldier(entering the room).

And I also want, mistress,
Today I want to ask you:
Is there a soldier
Anything to eat?

Old woman.

I haven't eaten since the evening
Because there's nothing to eat


The soldier approached the bed,
Looked around
Looked in the corner under the bench
And I noticed the ax there.


Listen, grandma! It's no good for us
Be hungry until the morning.
I can cook us porridge
From a simple axe.

Old woman. Can you?


Well, of course!
Hurry up and get the cauldron!
I'll put the ax in the cauldron,
I'll light a fire in the stove.

(Places the ax in the cauldron, lights the fire, sits, stirring with a spoon, tries.)

Old woman. Tasty?


Only salts
Not at all...

Old woman.

So here's the salt!
Salt, servant, plenty
And try it if you please.

Soldier(salts, tastes, praises).

It will be ready soon.
What a mess! Well, delicious!
It wouldn't hurt to add
Just a handful of millet.

Old woman.

Wait a minute, soldier,
I'll bring the millet now . (He goes into another room and returns with a bag of millet.)
Do you think that's enough?


Enough! It will be just right.

(Adds millet to the pot, tastes...)

Oh, how good the porridge is
To everyone's surprise.
A spoonful of butter here,
It would be delicious!

Old woman.

Here, soldier, is a pot of butter, (hands the soldier a pot of butter)
Add as much as needed.

Soldier(adds oil, stirs).

All! The porridge is already ready.
Take out the cup and spoon.

(The old woman takes out a bowl with two spoons, the two of them sit down at the table and begin to eat porridge.)

Old woman.

Oh yes porridge! How delicious!
How rich she is.
I didn't think though
You know, soldier, I'm old,
What can you cook porridge?
From a simple axe.

IV. Lesson topic message.

– You will find out the name of the fairy tale that we will meet in class if you guess the riddle

What kind of bird
Doesn't sit on eggs
Snooping around other people's nests,
Doesn't he know his children? (Cuckoo.)

– Today in class we will get acquainted with the fairy tale of the Nenets people “Cuckoo”.

Nenets are the people who make up the main population northern regions Russia.

V. Discovery of new knowledge. Working on a new topic.

Teacher's message about the tundra zone. (Slides 5–17)

South ice zone A tundra zone stretches along the shores of the northern seas. For thousands of kilometers from west to east there is a cold treeless plain. The climate in the tundra is harsh, summers are very short and cool. All year round Cold winds blow in the tundra. The tundra is dominated by shrubs, perennial grasses, and mosses that tolerate harsh natural conditions well. In the short months of summer, the tundra turns into a flower and berry garden. Beads of lingonberries, cranberries, and cloudberries glow with lights, and bluish blueberries turn blue. Rich and animal world tundra: white partridge, White Owl, white hare, wolf, arctic fox, reindeer. The population density in the tundra is low. The Chukchi, Khanty, Mansi, Yakuts, Nenets and other nationalities live here and engage in reindeer herding, fishing and hunting. Winter in the tundra is long and very harsh. In the middle of winter, the polar night lasts for almost 2 months. You can see the northern lights in the sky.

Working with a dictionary. (Slides 18,19,20)

Chum is a tent covered with skins.

Malitsa – outerwear made of reindeer skins with a hood and mittens.

Student reports about the cuckoo. (Slides 21, 22, 23, 24)

- Guys, what do you know about the cuckoo? (Messages from children prepared in advance.)

1st student. The cuckoo got its name because it cuckoos and shouts: “Kuk-ku! Kuk-ku!” In many countries the name of this bird sounds very similar to ours, cuckoo. Among the Czechs it is kukachka, among the Bulgarians it is kukuvitsa, among the Germans it is kukuk, among the French it is kuku, and among the Italians it is kukono.

2nd student. But it also has another, not very flattering feature: the cuckoo does not hatch or feed the chicks, but, having laid an egg on the ground, picks it up with its beak and flies throughout the forest in search of some nest of a small bird in which the eggs are already lying. Having found one, the cuckoo takes one egg out of it, eats it and throws its burden into it.

3rd student. This bird is very careful. She is slightly larger than a dove. Its plumage is gray with transverse stripes, a long tail and short legs. Cuckoos fly to us in mid-spring and fly away to warm countries in equestrian summers.

4th student. The cuckoo, the only one of all birds, lays its eggs in other people's nests and never feeds its chicks. Over the summer, each cuckoo resorts to this technique up to 25 times. Small birds they hatch and diligently feed their own chicks and the voracious foundling - the cuckoo. It usually happens that, growing quickly, a cuckoo chick pushes out small chicks from a cramped nest and remains alone in the nest, while adult birds continue to diligently feed it until it grows up and flies away.

5th student. But still, cuckoos are one of the most useful birds. The cuckoo is an insectivorous and very voracious bird. And most importantly, she eats caterpillars that other birds besides her and the oriole do not eat. After all, among the caterpillars there are also furry ones. And the cuckoo eats everyone. When a lot of caterpillars appear in the forest, which birds do not eat, cuckoos become indispensable: they destroy these caterpillars. There are times when just a few cuckoos save large areas of forest from dangerous pests.

VI. Listening to the fairy tale “Cuckoo” audio recording. (Appendix 3)

(Slides 25, 26, 27, 28) Exchange of impressions.

VII. Physical education-dance to the children's song “Cuckoo”.

Green edge we walk through the cold,
In the forest the cuckoo cries peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo,

In the forest the cuckoo is calling peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo.
Cuckoo, where is the hut? We need to see the forester.
The cuckoo can't hear us, cuckoo, cuckoo,
Coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo-coo-coo-coo,

The cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, can't hear us.
Well, you're a waste of a talker, you're talking like a bitch.

Coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo-coo-coo-coo,
The cuckoo was offended and no more cuckoo.

(Appendix 4)

VIII. Reading a fairy tale by students, working on the content. (Slide 29)

Why did mother turn into a cuckoo? Support with words from the text.
– What did the children do when they saw that their mother had become a cuckoo?
– What were the children like: carefree, angry, stupid, cruel, insensitive, frivolous, ruthless? Support with words from the text.
– How do you think the children felt when they ran after the cuckoo? Write it down. (Page 22 No. 1 workbook No. 1 E. Katz “Literary reading”.)
– How did this fairy tale make you feel?

IX. Generalization. Reflection. (Slide 30)

“People say: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it for the good fellows.”

What does this fairy tale teach us?

– What did you take from this lesson?
– Did you like the lesson? What mood did you feel?

Assessing students' mood using emoticons.

XI. Assessment.

XII. Homework. (Slide 31)

Prepare a retelling of the fairy tale or on behalf of the children. You can start like this: “We were playing fun, mom at that time...”. Or on behalf of the mother: “I wanted them to be well-fed and cheerful...”

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Presentation for the lesson

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  • introduce students to Nenets folk tales, deepen their understanding of fairy tales as a genre;
  • develop reading skills and the ability to independently work with text;
  • enrich lexicon;
  • cultivate kindness, attentiveness and responsiveness to others.

Technology: critical thinking


I. Motivation

1) Organizational moment

2) Survey homework

- Guys, today we will continue our acquaintance with fairy tales. Pay attention to these illustrations, what do you see in them? (Manifestation of love from man, bird and beast to their child)(Slide 1)
– How do animals and birds show love to their chicks and young?
– How do you and your parents show your love?
– What problems currently exist in the relationship between parents and children?

(View video) (Slide 2)

II. Comprehension

– This situation is widespread almost all over the world; you can read a lot about it in works of art and newspaper articles. And today we will get acquainted with a fairy tale that highlights this problem.

Vocabulary work

Nenets – residents of the north;
chum– Nenets dwelling covered with skins;
Pima- shoes
Malitsa– outerwear made of reindeer skins with a hood and mittens (Slides 3, 4)

Teacher reading a fairy tale, showing illustrations (Slides 5, 6)

Why did mother turn into a cuckoo?
– What did the children do when they saw that their mother had become a cuckoo?
– What were the children like: carefree, angry, stupid, cruel, insensitive,
frivolous, ruthless? Support with words from the text.
– How do you think the children felt when they ran after the cuckoo?
– How did this fairy tale make you feel?
– What lesson should we learn from the fairy tale “The Cuckoo”?
– What type of fairy tale is it?
– Which proverb corresponds to the fairy tale?

  • There are many relatives, but only one mother
  • Father is a mountain, mother is a spring at the foot of the mountain.
  • Children - joy, children and sorrow (Slide 7)

(Children's reasoning)

III. Reflection

- Guys, now write a letter to any of the heroes of our lesson. Let me remind you that there are letters of gratitude, letters of notification, requests, and claims.
– And at the end of our lesson, I suggest you watch an excerpt from the movie “Moms” (Slide 8)

Homework: Compare the Nenets fairy tale “Cuckoo” with the Tatar fairy tale “Three Sisters” and V. Sukhomlinsky “Seven Daughters” (Slide 9)

Lesson literary reading Lesson topic:

Nenets folk tale "CUCKOO"

  • Prepared by: Adaibaeva M.G.

The purpose of the lesson:

  • expanding children's understanding of the world around them and inner world person, about human relationships, moral and aesthetic values.

  • - teach students to analyze the text from the point of view moral problems, to see the hidden subtext of a folk tale, its wisdom, to compose monologues about the heroes of the work;
  • -to form the necessary level of reading competence;
  • -promote the development of coherent speech, random access memory, voluntary attention, verbal, visual-figurative thinking;
  • -develop the ability to participate in collective discussion, express and explain your point of view;
  • - cultivate a culture of behavior during frontal and group work.

Good afternoon, the day has begun, First of all, we drive away laziness. Don't be silent in class Everyone should work and answer.

good fellows a lesson"







  • Probably everyone heard its cuckooing, but very few people saw this cautious bird. The cuckoo is slightly larger than a pigeon and has gray plumage with transverse stripes, a long tail and short legs. Cuckoos migratory birds, so here they can be seen only from mid-spring to the end of summer.

1. Cuckoos never build nests for themselves and do not hatch chicks. They lay their eggs in the nests of other birds.

2. Having laid an egg on the ground, the cuckoo takes it in its beak and, flying unnoticed to the nest of a bird, places it there in the absence of the owners.

3. Over the summer, each cuckoo resorts to this technique up to 25 times. Small birds hatch and diligently feed their native chicks and the voracious foundling - the cuckoo.

4. It usually happens that, growing quickly, the cuckoo pushes out the small chicks from the cramped nest and remains alone in the nest, while the adult birds continue to diligently feed it until it becomes an adult and flies away.

5. Cuckoos are one of the most useful birds. This insectivorous bird is very voracious, eating caterpillars that other birds do not eat except it.

6. Over the summer, several cuckoos save large areas of the forest from dangerous pests.

Tundra- cold northern treeless spaces.

– a cone-shaped dwelling,

covered with deer skins.

Outerwear made of reindeer skins with a hood and mittens.

Pima- Wellingtons

from deerskin.

Physical exercise "Khomka"

Hamster-hamster, hamster, Striped barrel. Khomka gets up early, He washes his cheeks and rubs his neck. The hamster sweeps the house And goes out to charge. One two three four five! Khomka wants to become strong.

Make up proverbs about mother by connecting the parts:

There is no better friend in the world,

the sun warms.

It's bright in the sun,

you can't replace it.

No one's own mother

good with mother.

Mother's heart is better

than my own mother.

"The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it:

good fellows a lesson"

Reflection “Tree of Success”

Pink-I was bored

Yellow-I understand, but I have a question

Green-it was interesting to me

Thank you for the lesson. You did a good job.
