Cool phrases about the director. Quotes and aphorisms from leaders, trainers, consultants, famous people

It's been three years since I made the leap from successful accountant to entrepreneur.

Before taking this leap, I read quotes from successful leaders to motivate myself.

Here are some quotes that inspired me then, and a few new ones that inspire me now.

It doesn't matter if you plan to start own business or have been running your company for a while, you can learn a lot from the most successful leaders peace.

This list includes best tips from leaders about success, working with your team, becoming a leader, being a leader, and working with clients as a leader.

Every quote helped me become the best leader than I was before.

On success: Brian Chesky, Airbnb

“When you start your own company, it's more like art than science because you don't know anything. Instead of solving core problems, try solving something deeply personal to yourself. Everything will be perfect if you an ordinary person and simply solve your own problem in a way that can help millions of other people.”

On success: John Stumpf, Wells Fargo

“I never prepared to become a leader. I always prepared myself to be a good team member, a good colleague.”

About success: Ben Horowitz, Andreessen Horowitz

"Every time you accept something difficult, correct solution, you become a little braver, and every time you make an easy, bad decision, you become a little more cowardly. If you are a leader, this election will make your company either brave or cowardly.”

On success: Carly Fiorina, Hewlett-Packard

“To build a great company, which is the job of a leader, you have to confront the social mindset.”

About success: Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook

“My goal was never to start a company. A lot of people misunderstand this, that I don't care about revenue, income and other things. But for me, not being just a company means something else – creating something that makes a big difference in the world around us.”

About working with your team: Andrea Jung, Grameen America

“Talent is the most important priority for a leader. You think the most important thing is vision and strategy, but in reality it’s more important to find the right people.”

About working with your team: Taso Du Val, Toptal

“Teaching your employees something new creates an ongoing connection, and they will respect you for it. If you can achieve this directly in the interview, then you will confidently attract the most smart people. Money doesn't mean much to most of the world's smartest people - they want to develop their minds, not their wallets. If you demonstrate to your employees that they will develop intellectually in their career path and economically during their work for the company, then they themselves will want to work with you.”

About working with your team: Gary Hamel, Gary Hamel Consulting

“Nothing inhibits employee engagement quite like raw, cold, centralized authority. In most companies, the power hierarchy extends down from the CEO. Employees are not only excluded from the decision-making process, they even lack the power to rebel against self-centered and tyrannical managers.”

About working with your team: Anne M. Mulcahy, Xerox

“Employees who believe their management cares about them as whole individuals are not just employees—they are more productive, more satisfied, more joyful. Satisfied employees lead to satisfied customers, which in turn leads to profitability.”

About working with your team: Jack Ma, Alibaba

“The lessons I learned from the dark days of Alibaba are that you must bring value, innovation and vision to your team. Besides, as long as you don't give up, you always have a chance. And when you’re young, you have to be very focused and rely on your brain, not your strength.”

On Becoming a CEO: Elon Musk, SpaceX

“The path to the manager’s office should not go through either the CFO’s office or the marketing department. It has to run through the engineering and design department.”

On Becoming an Executive: Denis Morrison, Campbell Soup Company

“If you want a leadership position, you should prepare for it with a vengeance.”

On becoming a leader: Chanda Koshar, ICICI Bank

“I still believe that when you start, you should have a big dream – a big goal – but it’s equally important to move towards it step by step. So, you know, frankly, if you had asked me this when I started as a trainee manager in 1984, I don’t know if I would have really thought that I could become a real leader.”

On Becoming an Executive: Indra Nooyi, PepsiCO

“Just because you became a manager, you shouldn’t think that you’ve already settled down. You need to constantly learn, improve your thinking, your ways of organizing. I never forget about it."

On becoming a leader: Carlos Ghosn, Nissan

“As a leader, I have to worry about the short term, the medium term and the long term.”

On becoming an executive: Tim Cook, Apple

"I am who I am, and that's what I focus on as an Apple executive."

On Becoming a Leader: Alexa Von Tobel, LearnVest

“Being a wife, daughter, friend and the founder and CEO of LearnVest, my daily schedule remains very simple. But I learned how to carefully manage my own time.”

On becoming an executive: Travis Kalanick, Uber

“As an entrepreneur, I try to push boundaries. Squeeze the gas pedal."

On becoming an executive: Michael Gokturk, Payfirma

“The hearts of a successful team beat in unison.”

On Becoming an Executive: Larry Ellison, Oracle

“When you innovate, you have to be prepared for everyone around you to tell you you're nuts.”

On becoming an executive: Marissa Meyer, Yahoo!

“I always did things that I wasn’t quite ready for. It seems to me that this is how a person grows. When you have that moment of 'Wow, I'm not sure I'm ready for this,' but you deal with those moments, that's how you push forward."

About clients: Bill Gates, Microsoft

"Innovation in the field software, like most other types of innovation, requires you to be able to collaborate and share ideas with other people, as well as the ability to sit down and talk to customers, get their feedback and understand their needs.”

About clients: Jeff Bezos, Amazon

“We see our clients as guests invited to a party where we are the hosts. Our job is to do every day important aspect user experience is even better."

Leading means not interfering good people work.
Petr Leonidovich Kapitsa

It is not at all necessary to accept every rationalization proposal, but if you do not exclaim “Well thought out!” and if you don’t pat the one who came up with the idea on the back, he will never offer you anything else. This kind of reaction shows a person that he means something.
Lee Iacocca

Law of Management: All management is polished by wise resistance.
Leonid S. Sukhorukov

In the art of management you always remain a student.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

A well-established organization itself educates good employees and directs them.
I'M WITH. Ulitsky

It is sometimes more difficult to manage one person than an entire people.
Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

The boss has all index fingers on his hands.
Leonid Krainov-Rytov

Running a company is like running a kite when it obeys your hand belatedly and repeats a given movement.
Vladimir Kostelman

To lead people, follow them.
Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher

Managing means:
a) foresee - study the future and establish a program of action;
6) organize - build a double organism of the enterprise: material and social;
c) dispose - put into action the personnel of the enterprise;
d) coordinate - connect and unite, combine all actions and efforts;
e) control - observe that everything happens in accordance with established rules and orders.
Henri Fayol


The art of management is to not allow people to grow old in their positions.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Profit should come from more skillful business management: more brain in your work - the brain and again the brain.
Henry Ford

I repeat to my managers many times: if you don’t have the brains to do something better, copy it from the leader!
Igor Yakovlev

For the most part, employees leave their bosses, not their companies.
Robert Sutton

Dear bosses, you may well find yourself the victim of mutual deception, where you deceive yourself into believing that you are good at your job. But if you really knew how those who work for you feel, you would be shocked to find out that you are considered either an ass, or incompetent, or an incompetent ass.
Robert Sutton

It makes no sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people to tell us what to do.
Steve Jobs

Managers thinking about accounting problems should never forget one of Abraham Lincoln's favorite riddles:
- How many legs will a dog have if you call the tail a leg?
- Four, because when we call the tail a leg, we don’t make it one.
Warren Buffett

Every evening, 95 percent of my company's assets go home in cars. My task is to create such working conditions that the next morning all these people will want to come back. The creativity they bring to the company creates a competitive advantage.
James Goodnight

Top management should spend 40-50 percent of their time training and motivating their people.
Buck Rogers

Good management is about showing average people how to do the work of excellent people.
John Davison Rockefeller

It is necessary that conditions, and not managers, force people to work.
Ryutaro Hashimoto


Smart boss + smart subordinate = profit. Smart boss + dumb subordinate = productivity. Dumb boss + smart subordinate = promotion. Dumb boss + dumb subordinate = overtime.


The boss's phrase: "I have an interesting promising idea!" - a sure sign that you have a tedious, stupid job.


10 commandments of a slackerThey are born tired, but live to rest.
Love your bed as you love yourself.
If you see someone resting, help him.
Rest during the day so you can sleep at night.
Work is sacred, don't touch it!
If you can do something tomorrow, don't do it today.
Work as little as possible, let someone else do the work for you.
Calm down, no one has ever died from relaxation.
If you feel the desire to work, sit down, sit still, and everything will pass.
If work means health, then let the sick work.


Business is a game in which the one who knows the rules better wins, and the one who follows them loses.

Goals and their achievement 02/24/2010

To make a career, you should dress in all gray, stay in the shadows and not show initiative.
C. Talleyrand

Success is being on time.
M.I. Tsvetaeva

In serious matters, one should be concerned not so much about creating favorable opportunities as about not missing them.
F. La Rochefoucauld

It is useless to scold your superiors behind your back; it is more useful to praise them in their presence. ()

The amount of mistakes made by managers does not change from changing places. ()

Mat is the only language in which instructions are understood without distortion. ()

People understand any proposals differently than the one who makes them.
1. Even if your explanation is so clear that it excludes any false interpretation, there will still be a person who will misunderstand you.
2. If you are sure that your action will meet with universal approval, someone will definitely not like it. (Chisholm's Third Law)

Leading means not stopping good people from working. (Petr Leonidovich Kapitsa)

I can boldly call an inexperienced leader who wants to be like Attila the “whip” of providence. (Kozma Prutkov)

We all want to be them, and they want to control us. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

The main thing is not to punish, but to force them to act. ()

It is not at all necessary to accept every rationalization proposal, but if you do not exclaim “Well thought out!” and if you don’t pat the one who came up with the idea on the back, he will never offer you anything else. This kind of reaction shows a person that he means something. (Lee Iacocca)

Either you control your day, or your day will control you. (Jim Rohn)

Tyranny is always a sign of weakness. (James Russell Lowell)

The most best leaders those whose existence people do not notice. (Lao Tzu (Li Er))

It has long been known that those who are given second places have an undeniable right to first. (Jonathan Swift)

The main quality of a leader is realism. (Marcus Aurelius)

If you want to influence other people, then you must be a person who truly stimulates and moves other people forward. (Karl Marx)

It is easier for a sane person to obey crazy people than to control them. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)

If a company wants to achieve success, it is necessary to periodically shake the “bureaucratic pot”. By changing people you gain mobility, so when things get tough, mix it up at the top, change everyone. The reasons for the “deposition of salts” are in the management system. ()

Any economist attempting to construct a theoretical model that generalizes specific facts is advised to do so in strictly mathematical form. (R. Allen)

You can subjugate millions of people, but you cannot force them to think. (Andrey Galyamin)

Plurality of power is not good: let there be one ruler. (Aristotle)

Rule the people with dignity and the people will be respectful. Treat people kindly and people will work hard. Exalt the virtuous and instruct the unlearned, and people will trust you. (Confucius (Kun Tzu))

Any order that can be misunderstood is misunderstood. (Army axiom)

When profits are taken from the customer or the worker, it is a sign of bad business management. ()

If you don’t demand a lot from a person, then you won’t get much from him. (A.S. Makarenko)

Do today what others will think about tomorrow. (Winston Churchill)

How easy it is to suck everything out of thin air if he is in charge! (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

: A person who knows HOW will always have a job. The person who knows WHY will always be his boss.

I.A. Krylov:
And where the shepherd is a fool, the dogs are fools.
Learn to be a good leader in your own home.
K.P. Pobedonostsev:
It’s a disaster for the boss if he imagines that he can know everything and judge everything directly, regardless of the knowledge and experience of his subordinates, and wants to resolve all issues with one of his powerful words and orders, without coping with the thoughts and opinions of the subordinates who are directly related to him.
Georges Elgozy:
The boss should have enough other people's time for everything.
A.V. Suvorov:
The vigil of the boss is the best peace of mind for subordinates. His foresight overcomes accidents.
ON THE. Dobrolyubov:
No one behaves so rudely with subordinates as those who behave insolently in front of their superiors.
Gregory the Theologian:
A person who has difficulty in being under authority has even more difficulty in being in charge of people.
Stas Yankovsky:
Don't think that you are smarter than your boss. If you think, you won’t become a boss.
Stas Yankovsky:
If your eye begins to twitch when your boss enters, then, most likely, you are more disgusted to look not at the boss, but at the results of your work.
Stas Yankovsky:
The radius of damage from a complete fool is proportional to the diameter of his chair.
Stas Yankovsky:
Where do the bosses come up with ideas if they can’t bring them to mind?
Stas Yankovsky:
It's good when your boss notices how you work. The only bad thing is that this happens when you are not working.
Stas Yankovsky:
The abilities of subordinates do not depend on the boss. Their capabilities depend on their boss.
Stas Yankovsky:
If your boss is a total bastard, don't tell anyone about it! Better wait until someone else says it, and then tell your boss.

As follows from the saying “A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar” and one of the mental laws “Like attracts like”, a progressor will interact more effectively with an organizational leader who has such qualities as:

healthy ambition

Think big, think big – but keep both feet on the ground. You must be good at what you do.
Donald Trump, American businessman, billionaire, major real estate owner, media tycoon.

The caliber of a leader can be measured by the problems he takes on. A leader always looks for those that are commensurate with himself.
John Maxwell, writer, publicist.

Entrepreneurs must be willing to set unrealistic goals and must be prepared to fail.
Soichiro Honda, Japanese engineer and entrepreneur, founder of the Honda Motor Company.

Nothing is more mind-boggling than seeing someone do something you thought was impossible.
Sam Evig.

If you want to build a large and successful organization, you personally must be willing to pay a huge price. But more importantly, you will pay the price again and again on the path to success - that is, you better stock up on will.
Fred Smith, founder and chief executive of FedEx.

dedication to one's work

Commitment is the real enemy of all resistance, for it means a serious promise to get up and keep going no matter how many times you are knocked down by powerful blows.
David McNally, writer, essayist

Any " Good times” is always the result of your hard work and constant dedication in the past. What you do today is the key to tomorrow's results. If you want to reap the benefits tomorrow, sow the seeds every day! If you weaken your concentration for even a minute, you will inevitably begin to roll back.
Donald Trump, American businessman, billionaire.

You have to pay for success. Almost everyone who has reached the top has worked harder and longer, studied and planned more diligently, sacrificed more, and overcome more challenges than those of us who have not yet risen.
Bertie Charles Forbes, Scottish financial journalist, founder of Forbes magazine.

pragmatic attitude towards mistakes and failures

If you want to succeed, you need to double the number of failures.
Thomas John Watson Sr., legendary American entrepreneur and leader, founder and president of IBM.

He who is afraid of failure limits his activities. Failure is an opportunity to start again, but more wisely.
Henry Ford .

Many people dream of success. I believe that success can only be achieved through repeated failure and self-reflection. In fact, success is only 1 percent of your work, and the remaining 99 percent is failure.
Looking back on my work, I feel that I have made nothing more than mistakes, a series of blunders, serious omissions. But I am also proud of my achievements. Although I made one mistake after another, my mistakes and failures never occurred for the same reasons.

On average, every self-made millionaire went bankrupt or nearly bankrupt 3.2 times.

balanced attitude to risk

Large-scale innovation is never created by those who want to preserve their own peace.

When I see a large and very successful business, I understand that someone, at least once, took a very big risk.
Peter Drucker, one of the most famous and respected management theorists, is a consultant to a number of the world's leading companies.

Those who succeed are always determined, and they try to accomplish many more actions than other people.
Brian Tracy, business coach, lecturer, writer, author famous books and audio programs on topics of business, sales management, self-realization, leadership

Leadership is about taking risks. And managers must be business experts.
Akio Morita, Japanese entrepreneur, founder of Sony Corporation.

correct understanding of the role of the human factor

The fields of a wide variety of industries are littered with the bones of those organizations where the leadership style was thoroughly imbued with moral decay and rot, where they believed in taking instead of giving... where they did not understand that the only asset of the company that does not lend itself easily replacement - these are her people.
Le Roy Kurtz from General Motors

Successful leaders build their organizations with people who want to rise to the top.

Skill in dealing with people is a commodity that can be bought in the same way we buy sugar or coffee, and I will pay more for such skill than for anything else in the world.
John Davison Rockefeller, legendary American entrepreneur, industrialist, financier, first dollar billionaire in human history

A true leader has the ability to motivate others to the highest achievements; it also gives them freedom and opportunity for further growth.
Buck Rogers, famous American manager, lecturer, author, long time was vice president of marketing at IBM

understanding the importance of staff motivation

In any kind of business or industry in which both slackers and hard workers are equally rewarded, sooner or later you will find many more of the former than of the latter.
Publicist Mike Delaney

Motivation alone is not enough: if you have an idiot and you motivate him, you will end up with a motivated idiot.
Jim Rohn, American entrepreneur, world-renowned lecturer, author; developed work strategies for Coca-Cola, IBM, Xerox, General Motors and others; was Bill Gates' personal "business coach"

In general, people work harder and more innovatively when they are not forced, but it is a very different story when they are strictly told what to do.
Soichiro Honda, Japanese engineer and entrepreneur, founder of Honda Motor Company.

perseverance and perseverance

Never lose courage and never give up what you started. Until you give up, you are not defeated.
Ted Turner, billionaire, media mogul

Most people give up just when they are almost successful.
Ross Perot, American businessman, billionaire, political figure(was a candidate for US President)

In fact, there is not much difference between top entrepreneurs and top athletes. People can only be divided into “winners” who wonder “what should I do to win” and “losers” who think “how not to lose”.
Gene Landrum, author of motivation and leadership studies, writer

the ability to question past experiences

Problems can never be solved with the same mindset that created them.
Albert Einstein

A decline in activity means that your entrepreneurial activity You have passed a certain stage where you can no longer remain, otherwise you are doomed to failure. A revolution is coming. It is necessary to change priorities, re-emphasize and move on, towards new success.
Terry Dean, author of numerous electronic and printed publications, a recognized expert in the field of Internet marketing

Success is a lousy teacher. He makes smart people think they can't lose.
Bill Gates

Whenever a person or business decides that success has been achieved, progress stops.
Thomas John Watson Sr., legendary American entrepreneur and leader, founder and president of IBM.

focus on taking advantage of opportunities

Opportunity lurks amid difficulties and problems.
Albert Einstein

The only way to deal with an unpredictable future is to create a highly flexible organization. Once change comes to your category, you need to be prepared to change and change as quickly as possible in order to survive in the future.
Jack Trout, world famous marketer

Any change brings with it new opportunities. Therefore, the organization’s response to changes should not be to wait, but to increase activity.
Jack Welch former head « General Electric»

Most people miss the opportunity. Because she is sometimes dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Thomas Edison, world famous American inventor and entrepreneur; the company he founded, Edison General Electric, after merging with Thomson-Houston Electric Company, was transformed into General Electric

ability for self-improvement

Everyone thinks about how to change the world, but no one thinks about how to change themselves.
Lev Tolstoy

Take off the glasses of pride and arrogance and throw them into the nearest trash can - then you will more clearly see your path and the obstacles that prevent you from walking along it.
Jeff O'Leary, former military officer, US Air Force Colonel, is currently a lecturer, writer, and analyst.

Go where the results are so high that they stimulate you, push you, forcing you not to stand in one place. This way you will change.
Jim Rohn, an outstanding American business coach and motivator, developed the strategy for I.B.M., Coca-Cola, Xerox, General Motors and others.

ability to perceive new experiences

We should be careful in drawing upon the wisdom contained in experience; Don’t be like the cat that sat on the lid of a hot stove. He'll never sit on a hot stove again - and that's good; but he will never sit on a cold stove either.
Mark Twain

The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in moving away from old ones.
Joe Maynard Keynes

the ability to perceive other people's thoughts and ideas

Every morning I remind myself: not a single word I uttered today will teach me anything. Therefore, if I intend to learn, I must listen to others.
Famous American television journalist Larry King

My secret to success is the ability to understand the other person's point of view and look at things from both his and my points of view.
Henry Ford.

Learning only from yourself is like having a fool as a teacher.
Playwright Ben Jonson

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