Project on the topic of the structure of an Orthodox church. First acquaintance with an Orthodox church

A temple is a consecrated building in which believers gather to pray to God. Large churches in large cities are called cathedrals or simply cathedrals. Temples end with domes (domes) crowned with crosses - to remind us that our salvation was achieved through the suffering of the Lord on the Cross.

Temples can have One chapter - in honor of the one God; One chapter - in honor of the one God; Three chapters - in honor of the Holy Trinity (very rare, such church buildings are unique); Three chapters - in honor of the Holy Trinity (very rare, such church buildings are unique); Five chapters - in honor of the Savior and 4 evangelists; Five chapters - in honor of the Savior and 4 evangelists; Seven chapters - in honor of the 7 Church Sacraments and 7 Ecumenical Councils; Seven chapters - in honor of the 7 Church Sacraments and 7 Ecumenical Councils; Thirteen chapters - in honor of the Savior and 12 apostles.Thirteen chapters - in honor of the Savior and 12 apostles. 33 chapters 24 chapters

Inside the temple, as a rule, is divided into 3 parts: 1 part from the entrance - the vestibule; 1 part from the entrance - the vestibule; Part 2 – middle – intended for those praying; Part 2 – middle – intended for those praying; 3rd part - eastern, separated from the middle part by the iconostasis, intended for clergy - altar. 3rd part - eastern, separated from the middle part by the iconostasis, intended for clergy - altar. The altar symbolizes spiritual Heaven, paradise, the special place of God.

Altar In the center of the altar is the Throne - the main shrine of the temple. This is a place of especially blessed presence of the Almighty. The altar is separated from the main space of the temple by an iconostasis, which consists of 1 or several rows of icons. There are three doors in it. The central one, consisting of 2 doors, is called the Royal Doors, because the King of Glory, Christ, walks through them during the Divine Liturgy.

Iconostasis In the lowest row of the iconostasis there are icons of the Savior and the Mother of God. Temple icon with the image of the saint in whose honor the temple is named. In the 2nd tier from the bottom there are icons of two holidays. In the 3rd row are icons of the apostles, angels and saints. In the 4th row are icons of the Old Testament prophets. In the 5th row are icons of the Old Testament ancestors of the human race. The top of the iconostasis is crowned with a cross.

In front of the icons, lamps are installed - oil lamps, as well as candlesticks on which candles are placed. In front of the icons, lamps are installed - oil lamps, as well as candlesticks on which candles are placed. In the center of the temple there is a high inclined table - a lectern. A temple icon or an icon of a currently celebrated church event is usually located here.

Eve A special place in the temple is reserved for the remembrance of the departed. It is called the eve and is a 4-corner table with an image of the Crucifixion and cells for placing candles for repose. Nearby is a table for food that believers bring to the temple for donations. Kanun is located on the left side (from the entrance) of the middle part of the temple.

Coming to the temple, we often see people we know and neighbors on the threshold of the temple. They do not enter there only because they are unfamiliar with the most basic rules of behavior in the temple. Hegumen Vissarion from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra writes his poems about this, easily talking about not at all simple things. Let's take a look at these simple rules to see if we behave correctly in the temple.

Memo Before entering the cathedral, take off your headdress, drive away evil thoughts: You don’t need them. Don’t judge anyone, give help to a beggar, light a candle and then cross yourself. Keep your thoughts of God, drive away laziness, make peace with God in your soul, pray for the whole world. Don’t push the Bogomolets, get used to the rank in the church, don’t look around: it’s not good for us. Whether it’s an old woman or a girl, don’t look at their faces, lower your eyes to the ground, be sad about your sins. With humility, like a tax collector, look at the holy altar, Where the Spirit of God dwells and feeds us with grace.

Memo Listen to the singing and the service, Break off friendship with demons, Do not accept their intrigues, Listen to the Word of God. And I will say from my heart: Don’t rush to leave the church, Stay at the service until the end, Listen to your father’s sermon. Then venerate the cross, make a promise to Christ, that you intend to correct yourself, and remain faithful to your vows. Don’t waste your time, love God’s service. And while your soul is in your chest, come to prayer.

Educational institution

State budgetary special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities special (correctional) secondary school No. 13 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg


Pekareva Ekaterina Konstantinovna, history teacher

ORKSE course

Module “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”


A. Kuraev “Fundamentals of Orthodox culture”

Lesson topic

"Orthodox church"


4th grade

The purpose of the lesson

Give an idea of ​​the purpose of an Orthodox church and its structure

Lesson Objectives

1. Introduce the concept of “Orthodox church”.

2. Introduce students to the purpose, appearance and structure of an Orthodox church.

3. To form an idea of ​​its value as a national house of prayer, a shrine for Orthodox people.

4. To develop interest in knowledge about churches, motivation to study Orthodox culture, to enrich and activate the historical and cultural vocabulary of students.

5. Foster a value attitude towards spiritual, historical and cultural heritage.


multimedia projector, computer, slide presentation

Subject: "Orthodox church"

The purpose of the lesson: to form in students an idea of ​​an Orthodox church, its structure, and its significance in the life of an Orthodox person.



Introduce students to Orthodox churches and temples in St. Petersburg

Give students an idea of ​​why the temple is called the “House of God”;

Introduce the structure of the temple;


To develop students' reading skills and abilities;

Develop in children the skill and ability to work with illustrative material and the text of the textbook;


To instill in children a sense of respect for the origins and traditions of Orthodox culture, respectful attitude towards other people

- cultivate a value-based attitude towards spiritual, historical and cultural heritage.

Preliminary preparation for the lesson for students and their parents: Students prepare a performance and, together with their parents, find information about temples.

Basic concepts of the lesson: temple, eve, iconostasis, altar, Royal Doors.

Lesson equipment:

Kuraev A.V. Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics. Fundamentals of Orthodox culture. Grades 4–5: Educational. allowance for general education establishment M.: Education, 2012.

Interactive whiteboard, computer, projector, slide presentation.

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time.

Hello guys! I am glad to see you in the lesson “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.”

II. Updating students' knowledge.

Listen to the poem - a riddle.

This house is not just a house.

He is beautiful and has a cross.

Golden domes. Ringing bells.

Bim-bom-bom. Ding-ding-ding-ding.

Some with mom, some alone

Pray in this house

Walks in holy trepidation

In the mornings and evenings...


What do you guys think we're talking about? How did you guess? How many of you have been to an Orthodox church?

III. Learning new material.

1). Introduction to the topic.

Find an Orthodox church (slide 2)

There are temples in other religious cultures. Find an Orthodox church.

(The slide shows images of various temples: a mosque, an Orthodox temple, a Buddhist temple)

Why did you decide so? Prove it.

(It has a dome with a cross on it.)

Try to define the word "temple".

(students define the word “temple”)

A temple is a building in which people pray to God and light candles.

There are many icons in the temple.

Why do people visit temples?

In the temple, a person approaches God, thanks him or asks for something.

All your answers are absolutely correct.

Let's read a more detailed definition of the word temple (slide 3)

Temple - this is a sacred building in which people who believe in God, who venerate icons and the Bible, gather for joint and individual prayers, services and rituals, as well as a place for a person’s spiritual life, where the soul finds peace and protection. Every person meets God in the temple. This means that the temple is a special place.

Guys, today in the lesson you will learn how an Orthodox church is structured, what people do in churches and how to behave in a church.

  1. Types of temples.

Working with the presentation “Orthodox Temples” (slides 4-9)

There have always been many temples in Rus'. Now Orthodox traditions are being revived. New churches are being restored, restored, and built. Russian people have always tried to dedicate to God the best they are capable of.

Since ancient times, temples have been built in the most beautiful places, but before construction they usually prayed for the Lord to indicate the required location. Having learned the will of God, the builders began work.

How is the temple different from all other buildings?

It has a dome with a cross on it.

3) External structure of the temple.(slide 10)

The temple is being built according to special rules, canons. People did not themselves come up with what a temple should be like. The temple building itself is built either in the form of a cross - a symbol of Christ, or in the form of a circle - a symbol of eternity, or in the form of a ship where people escape from life's storms.

Every detail of the temple has deep meaning and significance. The temple ends with a dome, a symbol of heaven, on which they place a head with a cross. Cross - the main sign of Christianity, a sign of the salvation of people. Christ died on the cross, and the cross above the temple is the banner of His victory over death.

In Russian architecture, churches with domes of various shapes appeared - helmet-shaped (such were built in Vladimir and Pskov) and onion-shaped (Trinity-Sergius Lavra, churches of Yaroslavl and Pereyaslavl-Zalessky (slide 11)

(slide 12) The number of domes is always symbolic, for example: one corresponds to the Unity of God, seven - the seven Sacraments of the Church, thirteen symbolize Jesus Christ and his twelve disciples. But most often there are three and five-domed domes.

(slide13) A bell tower is usually built above the entrance to the temple - a tower on which a bell hangs. The bell tower is an image of height and fortress. At first, the bells did not have a specific place and were hung in convenient niches inside the temple. Then they began to build special belfries. The bells had to hang high so that their sound could travel far.

The first bells appeared with the advent of Christianity in Rus', and began to spread in the 14th century. The ringing of bells accompanies prayer and accompanies a person’s spiritual life. Bells sounded both on days of celebration and when trouble struck: the bell announced the approach of the enemy, called soldiers to battle, was a call for help in times of disaster, welcomed victorious regiments, and brought joy and solemnity to the holidays.

(slide 14)Calls may change one after another depending on the nature of the services. Blagovest - This is a bell ringing in which one bell is struck rhythmically. Ringing means ringing several bells at the same time.

There are chimes(overkill) and ringing. Chime is the sound of different bells being struck alternately. Trezvon is a joyful ringing of all bells at the same time. And in times of disaster it sounds alarm bell - ringing of a large bell. Only the bell ringer can ring the bells.

Internal structure of the temple(slide15)

1. Altar

2. Middle part

3. Narthex

4. Iconostasis

5. Throne

6. Altar

7. Mountain place

8. Sacristy

9. Solea

10. Pulpit

11. Choirs

Let's go to the temple

Maybe someone can name what parts the temple consists of?

(children's assumptions)

We go up the steps and stop at an area called the porch.

An Orthodox church is divided into three parts: the vestibule, the temple itself (middle part) and the altar (slide 16)

Those who were preparing for baptism and those who repented used to stand in the vestibule. Currently, the vestibule is relatively small. Candles are sold here, and you can write notes about health and repose.

(slide 17) The second largest part is a place for parishioners gathered for church services. In the center there is a lectern with an icon of the holiday. Here and at other icons we can light candles for the health of our loved ones and relatives.

(slide 18) On the left side there is a funeral table - cannunik , here candles are usually lit for the repose, and memorial services are served, that is, funeral services for the dead.

(slide 19) The most important part of the temple is the altar, a holy place, therefore the uninitiated are not allowed to enter it. The altar means the sky where God dwells, and the temple means the earth.

(slide20) The most important place in the altar is throne - a specially consecrated quadrangular table, decorated with two materials: the lower one - white linen and the upper one - brocade. It is believed that Christ himself is invisibly present on the throne and therefore only priests can touch it.

(slide 21) The altar is separated from the temple iconostasis - a partition on which icons are located in several rows, facing the praying believers. Through them the Gospel is brought to people. And the Gospel is the word of our Christ. For Christians, Christ is the King.

The first icon to the right of the icon of the Savior (not counting the southern door) should always be temple icon , i.e. an image of the holiday or saint in whose honor the temple was consecrated.

The iconostasis has 3 doors, the main ones being the middle ones ( Royal Doors (slide 22)

Christ Himself, the King of Glory in the Holy Gifts, invisibly emerges through them. When the Royal Doors are open, you can see what is inside the altar.

To the right of the Royal Doors is always the icon of Christ. On the left is always the icon of Mary, the Mother of God

  1. Working with the textbook. (pp48-49)

“Special temple items” (slide 23)

  1. Creative works of students.

- And now we will listen to the stories of your classmates. They prepared short reports about the churches of St. Petersburg.

St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg– an outstanding example of Russian religious art. It is one of the most beautiful and significant domed structures not only in Russia, but also in the world. In size, the temple is second only to the Cathedrals of St. Peter in Rome, St. Paul in London and St. Mary in Florence. The height of the temple is 101.5 meters, and the total weight reaches three hundred thousand tons. The area is 4000 sq. m. The temple can accommodate up to 12,000 people. Before the revolution of 1917, St. Isaac's Cathedral was the main cathedral of St. Petersburg, and only after 1937 it turned into a historical and art museum. The belfries of St. Isaac's Cathedral are located in the corners of the main building. The bells are made of an alloy of copper, tin and silver. In 1848, a main bell weighing about 30 tons, decorated with images of Russian sovereigns, was installed on the northwestern bell tower of the cathedral.There are three altars in the temple. The main altar is dedicated to Isaac of Dalmatia, the altar on the right is dedicated to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, and the left altar is dedicated to the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky. The iconostasis of the main altar is lined with white marble, decorated with malachite columns, behind it we see a colored stained glass window “The Resurrection of Christ”. The Royal Doors are also decorated with columns and the sculptural group “Christ Voslav”.

Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg- an Orthodox cathedral church located in the very center of the city. The facades of the temple overlook Nevsky Prospekt and the Griboyedov Canal. This is one of the largest buildings in the Northern capital. Its height reaches 71.5 meters. Since there should be an entrance in the west of the temple and an altar in the east, the temple turned out to be sideways to Nevsky Prospekt. According to the architect's decision, a grandiose colonnade of 96 columns 13 meters high, made in the form of a semicircle, was erected in front of the northern facade. And the northern part of the temple, facing Nevsky Prospect, became the front door, decorating the main thoroughfare of the city - Nevsky Prospekt.The temple project was not fully realized. According to the plan, the colonnade should have been on both sides: on the south and on the north. But only the northern colonnade was built. All important events in the history of Russia were connected with the temple. From here, after a solemn prayer service, Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov left for the active army. And here in June 1813 the ashes of the great commander were delivered. Kutuzov's body was buried in a crypt built in the northern aisle of the temple. Captured banners and keys to cities that surrendered to the Russian army were placed nearby.

Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg- it is believed that at the place where the Black River (now Monastyrka) flows into the Neva, on July 15, 1240, a battle between the squad of Prince Alexander Nevsky and the Swedes took place. In memory of those events, as well as in honor of the victory over the Swedes in 1704, Peter I decided to build a monastery here and gave it the name - Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Monastery. Prince Alexander Nevsky was canonized by the church for his good deeds for the Fatherland. The people called the monastery Alexander's Temple. According to the project, the monastery complex included churches, cells (monks’ living rooms), the metropolitan’s chambers and other buildings. The buildings were built in a “rest” - the letter P with churches in the corners. A garden with a flower bed was laid out on the territory of the monastery. In the mid-18th century, several more buildings were built, including the Metropolitan House, the Seminary, and the Prosphora buildings (architect M. D. Rastorguev). I. Starov also designed a round square in front of the entrance to the monastery territory. In 1720, a printing house was opened at the monastery. Later, the monastery housed a seminary, which was transformed into the Theological Academy, which still operates today. By decree of Paul the First in 1797, the monastery acquired the highest status - the status of a monastery.

6) Teamwork.

Do you often go to church?

Did you know that in the temple there are special rules of behavior called church etiquette? (slide 24)

Over the centuries, the image of an Orthodox Christian has been developed, by which he can be recognized. This image has become a tradition and even an unwritten rule.

Clothing must be gender appropriate. Women must cover their heads and wear a long-sleeved dress or blouse with a skirt that covers their legs. Trousers, as predominantly men's clothing, are not accepted.

Men wear trousers and a long-sleeved shirt.

All clothing must be clean and tidy. On holidays she can be dressed up.

Loud talking and excessive gesticulation are not accepted in the temple. And of course, mobile phone signals, much less talking on it, are unacceptable.

What should a boy remember when entering a temple?

What should girls look like when they come to church services?

How do we enter the temple?

V. Consolidation of the studied material. Independent work(slide 25)

Insert keywordsroyal doors, Jesus Christ, dome, eve, Mother of God, altar, western part, porch, candles, iconostasis into the text.

Every Christian church is crowned with ………. with a cross. The entrance to the temple is in the …………… part. The temple is divided into three parts: the altar, the temple and …………. Inside the temple, the main place is …………… It is separated from the worshipers ………….In the center of the iconostasis are doors. They are called …………. To the right of the Royal Doors there is always an icon ……………. On the left is always the icon…………………. A square table on which a lot of ……………… is lit is called ………………. There they pray for people who have already passed away.

VI. Reflection.

  • What mood will you leave the lesson in?

VII. Lesson summary.

What is a temple?

What is an iconostasis?

What attracts a person to the temple?

VIII. Homework:

  1. - tell your parents what you remember in class
  2. - compose and arrange a memo “How to behave in church”
  3. -draw a temple.

List of used literature

  1. A.V. Kuraev “Fundamentals of Orthodox culture” textbook for 4th grade, M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 2010
  2. OPK. Methodological recommendations for the textbook. M.: “Enlightenment”, 2010

Materials used and Internet resources

  2. Slide captions:

    A temple is a sacred building in which people who believe in God, who venerate icons and the Bible, gather for joint and individual prayers, services and rituals, as well as a place for a person’s spiritual life, where the soul finds peace and protection. Every person meets God in the temple.

    Cathedral of Christ the Savior

    Saint Isaac's Cathedral

    The dome shape also made sense. The helmet-like shape was reminiscent of the army, of the spiritual battle waged by the Church with the forces of evil and darkness. The shape of the onion is a symbol of the candle flame, turning us to the words of Christ: “You are the light of the world.”

    The two chapters signify the two natures (Divine and human) in Jesus Christ. Three chapters (three Persons of the Holy Trinity). Five chapters (Jesus Christ and the four evangelists). Seven chapters (seven Sacraments and seven Ecumenical Councils). Nine chapters (nine ranks of Angels). Thirteen chapters (Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles). Sometimes more chapters are built. But three and five-domed domes are more common.

    The ringing of one bell is called “blagovest” (good, joyful news about the divine service). The ringing of all the bells, expressing Christian joy on the occasion of a solemn holiday, etc., is called “trezvon”. The ringing of bells to mark a sad event is called “chime.”


    Internal structure of temples The narthex is the vestibule to the temple. The mystical meaning of the narthex is the place of contact between the divine and the earth. This is the world of people. In the first centuries of Christianity, penitents and catechumens stood in the narthex - persons preparing for Holy Baptism. In modern churches, the vestibule has almost completely merged with the purpose of the temple. Church supplies and candles are sold in the vestibule. Here, however, as in the temple, there are many icons, as well as wall paintings. The bell tower, if it does not stand separately, and the porch are adjacent to the vestibule. The middle part, or the temple itself, symbolizes people, but already justified by the Savior’s sacrifice on the cross, sanctified by Him, the Kingdom of God, the new heaven and the new earth. This is the created world, in contrast to the altar, which marks the realm of God's existence. That is why the altar rises above the middle part and is separated from it by the iconostasis. It is in the middle part of the temple that all believers are present during services. An iconostasis is a partition with icons installed on it in a certain order. He not only separates the Divine world from the earthly world, he is also an image of the Heavenly Church led by the Lord Jesus Christ. The iconostasis faces the middle part of the temple with icons, where the worshipers stand. Thus, during divine services, the assembly of believers is, as it were, brought face to face with the assembly of celestial beings, mysteriously present in the images of the iconostasis. The iconostasis has three gates. The central, largest, are called the Royal Doors. They are called so because through them the King of Glory Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ, invisibly comes to us invisibly in the chalice with the Holy Gifts. No one except clergy is allowed to enter the Royal Doors.

    A lectern is a high table of a special shape with a beveled top board, on which a temple icon or an icon of a currently celebrated church event is located. Kanun - a special table with an image of the Crucifixion and many candle stands. Special temple items.

    Kanunnik - funeral table. Here they light candles and pray for people who have already passed away from earthly life.

    The main part of the temple is the ALTAR, a holy place, therefore the uninitiated are not allowed to enter it. The altar means heaven, where God dwells, and the temple means the earth. The altar is always located on the east side.

    The throne is a specially consecrated quadrangular table, decorated with two materials: the lower one - white linen and the upper one - brocade. It is believed that Christ himself is invisibly present on the throne and therefore only priests can touch it.

    The iconostasis is a partition on which icons are placed in several rows, their faces facing the praying believers.

    Royal Doors

    Censer (censer) is a small vessel for incense used during worship. Chandelier - (Greek - chandelier) - in an Orthodox church, a central chandelier with many candles or lamps. Candlestick.

    Clothing must be gender appropriate. Women must cover their heads and wear a long-sleeved dress or blouse with a skirt that covers their legs. Trousers, as predominantly men's clothing, are not accepted. Men wear trousers and a long-sleeved shirt. All clothing must be clean and tidy. On holidays she can be dressed up. Loud talking and excessive gesticulation are not accepted in the temple. And of course, mobile phone signals, much less talking on it, are unacceptable.

    Independent work Insert key words into the text: royal doors, Jesus Christ, dome, eve, Mother of God, altar, western part, porch, candles, iconostasis. Every Christian church is crowned with ………. with a cross. The entrance to the temple is in the…………… part. The temple is divided into three parts: the altar, the temple and …………. .Inside the temple the main place is …………….It is separated from the worshipers …………. .In the center of the iconostasis are doors. They're called …………. To the right of the Royal Doors there is always an icon……………. On the left is always the icon…………………. A square table on which many ……………… are lit is called ………………. There they pray for people who have already passed away.

    Back forward

    Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

    Everyone knows that it is difficult to enter an unfamiliar room for the first time, especially into an Orthodox church. During a class hour, you can give a virtual tour of the temple, tell how it works, how to behave when entering the temple, and thereby help you cross its threshold.

    It's no secret that many people, when they get to a temple (especially an unfamiliar one), get lost. It may seem to some that all temples are different. In fact, all temples are built according to a similar principle and the location of the main temple elements is also the same.

    The presented material does not pretend to cover the entirety of this large and complex issue, but represents only a summary of the first acquaintance.

    Slide 3

    The temple is intended directly for believers.

    An Orthodox church is divided into three parts: the vestibule, the church itself (middle part) and the altar.

    IN narthex Previously, there were those who were preparing for baptism and those who repented, temporarily excommunicated from communion. The porches in monastery churches were often also used as refectory areas.

    Slide 4

    The main part of the temple is altar, the place is holy, so the uninitiated are not allowed to enter it. The altar means the sky where God dwells, and the temple means the earth.

    Word " altar" means high altar.

    The altar is the place where the Lord Jesus Christ resides.

    Slide 5

    The altar rises above the middle part and is separated from the temple by an iconostasis.

    Slide 6

    Altar in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

    Slide 7, 8

    The main shrine of the temple is the THRONE, a specially consecrated quadrangular table, decorated with two materials: the lower one - white linen and the upper one - made of brocade. On the throne there is always an antimension, the altar Gospel, a cross, a tabernacle, a monstrance, rising in the middle of it.

    The tabernacle is a box in the shape of a small church. The holy gifts for the communion of the sick are kept here. And the priest goes to their house for communion with the monstrance.

    Slide 9

    The antimension is the main sacred object of the temple, a silk cloth consecrated by the bishop, with an image on it of the position of Jesus Christ in the tomb and always with a particle of the relics of some saint sewn on its other side.

    In the first centuries of Christianity, the liturgy was always celebrated at the tombs of martyrs over their relics. The service cannot be performed without an antimension. It is not for nothing that the word antimins itself is translated from Greek as “in place of the throne.” Usually the antimension is wrapped in another cloth - iliton, reminiscent of the bandage on the head of Christ in the tomb.

    Slide 10

    The Lord himself is mysteriously and invisibly present on the throne, as the King and Ruler of the Church. Only clergy can touch and kiss the throne.

    Slide 11

    On the altar, near the northern wall, there is a special table called altar. This is where the bread and wine for communion are prepared. For their ceremonial preparation during the ceremony (proskomedia) on the altar are: chalice- a holy cup into which wine and water are poured (symbol of the blood of Christ); paten- a dish on a stand for the sacramental bread (symbol of the body of Christ); star- two arcs connected by a cross so that they can be placed on the paten and the cover does not touch the particles of the prosphora (the star is a symbol of the star of Bethlehem); copy- a sharp stick for removing particles from prosphoras (symbol of the spear that pierced Christ on the cross); liar- spoon for communion of believers; sponge for wiping blood vessels. The prepared communion bread is covered with a cover. Small covers are called integuments, and the largest ones are called air.

    Slide 12

    The place behind the throne near the eastern wall is specially made a little elevated, called “ mountainous place” and is considered the holiest place even on the altar. A seat (throne) is placed here, intended for the bishop and flanked by co-altars (symmetrical benches adjacent to the inner eastern wall of the altar on both sides of the high place).

    A large seven-branched candlestick and a large altar cross are traditionally located here.

    In addition, behind the altar barrier are stored: censer, are stored: censer, dikiriy(double candlestick) and trikirium(three-branched candlestick) and ripids(metal circles-fans on the handles, which deacons blow over the gifts when consecrating them).

    Slide 13


    Separates the altar from the rest of the temple iconostasis. True, some part of the altar is located in front of the iconostasis. They call her salty(Greek “elevation in the middle of the temple”), and its middle solea - pulpit(Greek: “I rise”). From the pulpit, the priest pronounces the most significant words during the service. The pulpit is symbolically very significant. This is also the mountain from which Christ preached; and the Bethlehem cave where he was born; and the stone from which the angel announced to the women about the ascension of Christ. Along the edges of the salts near the walls of the temple they arrange choirs- places for singers and readers. The very name of the kliros comes from the name of the singer-priests “kliroshans”, that is, singers from the clergy, clergy (Greek “lot, allotment”). At the very choirs they usually place banners- icons on fabric, attached to long poles in the form of banners. They are worn during religious processions.

    There are three doors in the iconostasis separating the temple from the altar. The middle ones - the largest - are called the royal doors. No one goes through them except clergy. In addition to the doors, the royal doors are covered by a curtain, usually red. The royal doors themselves are decorated with icons of the Annunciation and images of the four evangelists. And above them is placed an icon depicting the Last Supper.

    In large cathedrals, as a rule, the iconostasis consists of five tiers, or five rows of icons. These tiers are connected into a single whole:

    • The lower tier, or row, is called local, because it contains a local icon, that is, an icon of a holiday or saint in whose honor the temple was built. In the middle of the local row, as noted above, are the Royal Doors. Standing in front of the Royal Doors, we see to the right of them the icon of the Savior Jesus Christ, to the right - the local icon. Even further to the right, as a rule, is the southern door, on which the icon of the archangel is depicted. To the right of the southern door there may be other icons. To the left of the Royal Doors, as a rule, an icon of the Mother of God is placed, to the left - other icons.
    • The second row from the bottom can be festive, it contains icons of the twelve holidays.
    • The third row is Deesis row. To the right and left of the Deesis are icons of saints and archangels.
    • Fourth row - prophetic. It contains icons of the prophets of the Old Testament - Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, David, Solomon and others.
    • Fifth row - ancestral. Forefathers are the patriarchs of the Israeli people, such as Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, Noah.

    This is a traditional iconostasis device. But there are often others where, for example, the festive row may be higher than the Deesis, or there may not be one at all.

    Slide 14

    If we enter the Cathedral of Christ the Savior through the western doors, we will see, first of all, an altar with an iconostasis. The main iconostasis of the Temple is an octagonal chapel made of white marble, with ornaments and inlay with colored marbles and complex stone carvings. The work used Carrara marble from Italy, domestic stones labradorite, red granite, porphyry, jasper.

    The chapel is crowned with a bronze gilded tent, tapering upward and ending with a chapter reminiscent of one of the chapters of the Intercession Cathedral. The huge internal space under the dome of the Temple symbolically personifies Red Square - the center of Moscow and Russia, preserved by Christ the Savior.

    The iconostasis consists of four tiers designed to accommodate icons. There is a throne inside. The vault of the iconostasis-chapel rises above the third, and the bronze gilded tent rises above the fourth tier. On its front side there is a span for the Royal Doors. The height of the unique iconostasis, including the tent, is 26.6 m. It is taller than a six-story building.

    Slide 14

    New iconostasis in the skete on VALAAM

    Slide 15

    Middle part of the temple

    this part of the temple also marks the region of earthly existence, the world of people, but already justified, sanctified, deified.

    Slide 16

    In the center of the temple there is always an icon of the holiday, or, as it is sometimes called, the Festive Icon.

    It is located on a lectern (a special table with an inclined lid). From this icon it is easy to find out what holiday is celebrated on this day. On Sunday, an icon of the Resurrection of Christ is placed, on major holidays - an icon of the celebrated event. On an ordinary day - a monthly icon (usually small in size), that is, showing the saints of this week, or even the calendar month.

    You can always have two instead of one icon (in the center of the temple). On one there will be an icon of the holiday, and on the other - an icon of the saint (or the Lord, or the Mother of God) in whose honor the temple was consecrated.

    Slide 17

    In the middle part of the temple, along with other icons, it is considered obligatory to have the image of Golgotha ​​- a large wooden Cross with the image of the crucified Savior, often made life-size - the height of a person.

    Golgotha ​​is the name given to the image of the Crucifixion of Christ. Eve- a special table on which candles are placed in memory of the deceased.

    It is near the Crucifixion that we pray for the dead, serve memorial services, and funeral services in absentia.

    Slide 18

    In the middle part of the temple, usually near the northern wall, there is a table with a qanun (canon) - a quadrangular marble or metal board with many cells for candles and a small Crucifix.

    Slide 19

    The narthex is the entrance to the temple.

    The symbolic meaning of the porch is the place of contact between the divine and the earth.

    This is the world of people. In the first centuries of Christianity, penitents and catechumens stood in the vestibule.

    Today, candle or book stalls are set up in the vestibules. Although, when making a purchase, we make it in a specially designated place - the vestibule, and not in the temple itself, we should maintain reverence and silence. If in ancient times the vestibule was separated from the temple by a blank wall, today the vestibule is part of the temple.


    1. Photo album of priest Konstantin Parkhomenko

    2. “The ABCs of Orthodoxy” educational video. Studio of Anastasia Dadyko “Interesting Cinema”.

    3. Temple architecture

    4. Alexander Petrov. Construction of an Orthodox church

    Construction of an Orthodox church


    1. U construction of the temple.

    2. At the altar.

    3. The middle part of the temple.

    4. Pretense.

    5. Sources.

    All buildings in the world are built for people, and only one building is built for the honor and glory of God - this TEMPLE.


    The most important part of the temple is the altar.

    The word "altar" means an elevated altar.

    The altar is the place where the Lord Jesus Christ resides


    The altar rises above the middle part and is separated from the temple by an iconostasis




    The main shrine of the temple is the THRONE, a specially consecrated quadrangular table



    An antimension is a silk cloth consecrated by a bishop, with a depiction of the position of Jesus Christ in the tomb and always with a piece of the relics of some saint sewn on the other side.

    Without an antimension, the Divine Liturgy cannot be celebrated (the word “antimension” is Greek, meaning “in place of the throne”).


    The Lord Himself is mysteriously and invisibly present on the throne, as the King and Ruler of the Church. Only clergy can touch the throne and kiss it.


    To the left of the altar, in the northern part of the altar, there is another small table. This table is called the altar.

    Holy Chalice, Paten, Star, Spear, Liar, Plath


    Behind the throne stands a seven-branched candlestick, i.e. candlestick with seven

    lamps, and behind it an altar cross and an altar image of the Mother of God.

    The place behind the throne at the very eastern wall of the altar is called the mountain (high) place


    traditional Russian iconostasis of five rows


    Main iconostasis of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

    New iconostasis in the skete on VALAAM


    this part of the temple also marks the area of ​​earthly existence, the world of people, but already justified, sanctified, deified


    In the center of the middle part of the temple there should always be a lectern (or lectern) with an icon of a saint or holiday celebrated on a given day.


    In the middle part of the temple, along with other icons, it is considered obligatory to have the image of Golgotha ​​- a large wooden Cross with the image of the crucified Savior, often made life-size - the height of a person.


    In the middle part of the temple, usually near the northern wall, there is a table with a qanun (canon) - a quadrangular marble or metal board with many cells for candles and a small Crucifix.



    The narthex is the entrance to the temple.

    The symbolic meaning of the porch is the place of contact between the divine and the earth.

    This is the world of people.

    In the first centuries of Christianity, penitents and catechumens stood in the narthex


    1. Photo album of priest Konstantin Parkhomenko

    2. “The ABCs of Orthodoxy” educational video film. Studio of Anastasia Dadyko “Interesting Cinema”

    • Alexander Petrov. Construction of an Orthodox church
