Permit for hunting weapons. How to obtain permission to carry a traumatic weapon


Before contacting the internal affairs bodies, you must collect a package of documents required to obtain a weapon. Firstly, you will have to contact and pay about 1,500 rubles for a certificate of form 046-1, in which doctors will note the absence of contraindications. It will confirm good vision, mental health, and resistance to bad habits. After passing through specialized doctors, you should obtain a therapist’s opinion. Certificate for citizens of the Russian Federation who have a passport and military service. The latter can replace the attributed one.

A person applying for a weapon permit must perfectly know the rules for storing it, as well as be able to use it. Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Weapons” assigns citizens the obligation to undergo testing for such skills. To master them, you need to complete specialized courses. If there are no obstacles from medicine and inspection authorities, you can start purchasing a safe or a metal box that can be locked with a key, which will be needed to store equipment. If your plans include carrying long-barreled weapons, you must obtain a hunting license. It is issued free of charge and does not require the submission of additional documentation.

For future resolution, you need to take two matte photographs in 3*4 format. If not one but several trunks are to be licensed, then for each subsequent one another photograph is provided. The passport that you will need to take with you will be photocopied in advance. When writing an application, you should know exactly the type of weapon you are purchasing and, very preferably, the model and name. The store will ask about this information in advance. All of the above documents will be needed to go to the department that issues licenses.

In a couple of weeks, a local police officer should come to the house, who will inspect the place of future storage of weapons, and also note the presence of other protective elements: alarms, bars on windows, iron doors. He will indicate all this in a report, which he must also submit to the police department within two weeks. The latter will decide whether he should deal with it independently by phone or in person. If the result is positive, then you should take a receipt, pay the state fee, and then go for a ready-made license, after which you can visit the store and buy a weapon of the type that corresponds to the permit.

To obtain a weapons permit, you must come to the licensing department at the police department located at your place of residence. So, residents of the Central Administrative District should contact the address: st. Usacheva, 62, Northern Autonomous Okrug - Admiral Makarova St., 23, building 1. The location of the rest can be found on information sites. The main department of LRR in Moscow is located on Shchepkina street, no. 20, building 1.

In the previous edition, the clause on the carrying of weapons by Russians with appropriate permits provided for the ability to carry them only during hunting, sporting events, training and shooting exercises. All these points are preserved in the new edition of the rules and are supplemented with the words “and also for the purposes of self-defense.”

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has already stated that the changes made do not essentially change anything, are of a clarifying nature and preserve the existing procedure for the circulation of civilian weapons in the country. What is this order? Pravmir has prepared a short information.

1. What weapons can citizens not own?

Russia does not provide for the legal possession by citizens of short-barreled military weapons - pistols and revolvers, as well as any weapons with automatic fire - machine guns, submachine guns. Such weapons are a monopoly of state security forces.

2. What weapons can be purchased legally?

Subject to obtaining a special license from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, citizens can legally purchase: hunting weapons, self-defense weapons, sports weapons, signal weapons and bladed weapons, which are worn with a Cossack uniform or national costume.

Hunting weapon It can be smooth-bore or rifled.

Smoothbore - classic break-even double-barreled and single-barreled shotguns, semi-automatic shotguns, pump-action and other multi-shot shotguns that are reloaded manually.

Rifled - rifles and carbines (short rifles). Among the hunting rifled weapons, there are many converted from army samples and sometimes not much different from the prototypes. A Russian hunter can own a sniper rifle or carbine based on a Kalashnikov assault rifle or a foreign assault rifle.

There are also combined weapons that combine a smooth and rifled barrel, as well as a hunting pneumatic weapon with a muzzle energy of up to 25 J.

The main difference between hunting firearms and combat firearms is the possibility of automatic fire and magazine capacity. Hunting weapons must exclude burst fire and have a magazine (drum) capacity of no more than 10 rounds. In addition, for hunting weapons there are restrictions on the size (minimum length) and types of ammunition used (it is prohibited to shoot military ammunition).

Hunting knives, classified as weapons according to a number of parameters, are also considered hunting weapons and require permission to purchase.

Sports weapons— smoothbore shotguns for clay pigeon and practical shooting, sports rifles (for example, for biathlon).

Self-defense weapons or firearms of limited destruction - pistols and revolvers with rubber (elastic) bullets, known as “traumatic guns” or “rubber arrows”. Often produced by remaking combat samples. They have obstacles in the barrel that, when fired, can only be overcome by an elastic bullet, but not by a hard one. The muzzle energy of civilian firearms with limited impact must not exceed 91 J.

Self-defense weapons also include hunting smoothbore guns loaded with traumatic cartridges (with a light elastic bullet or buckshot). This category also includes gas pistols and revolvers, mechanical sprayers of tear or irritant substances, devices for firing flash-noise cartridges, as well as some stun guns (according to a number of parameters).

Signal weapon- the so-called “rocket launchers”.

Cossack and national weapons- edged bladed weapons worn with a Cossack uniform or national costume (checkers, daggers, etc.)

3. How to get a license?

Licenses for the purchase of weapons and ammunition are issued by internal affairs bodies based on applications from citizens of the Russian Federation.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 21 years old, citizens of the Russian Federation who have not reached the age of 21, who have completed or are undergoing military service, as well as citizens serving in state paramilitary organizations and having military ranks or special ranks or class ranks.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 years.

Will not receive a license:

  • under the legal age
  • having medical contraindications to owning weapons (drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism, poor eyesight)
  • having an unexpunged or unexpunged conviction for an intentional crime, or an expunged or expunged conviction for a grave or especially grave crime committed with the use of a weapon
  • serving a sentence for a crime
  • those who repeatedly committed an administrative offense within a year (the list is determined by law)
  • without permanent residence
  • deprived by a court decision of the right to purchase weapons

Anyone wishing to purchase a weapon must provide the licensing service of the local police department with a certain package of documents (application, photographs, medical report on the absence of contraindications). In addition, the future shooter is required to undergo training in the rules of safe handling of weapons, and then pass an exam on them.

An application for a license is considered within a month from the date of its submission. The validity period of a license to purchase weapons and ammunition for them is six months from the date of issue of the license. With one license you can buy and register no more than 5 weapons belonging to the same category.

The purchased weapon must be brought to the police department, where it will be inspected and registered. After this, it will be possible to obtain permission to store and carry weapons, if required.

4. What weapons and self-defense equipment can be purchased without a license?

  • pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of no more than 7.5 J and a caliber up to 4.5 mm inclusive (the so-called “air guns” for sports and recreational shooting)
  • ancient (antique, collectible) weapons classified as such according to a number of parameters determined by law
  • copies and replicas of weapons (mass-dimensional models), decommissioned deactivated (not capable of shooting) weapons
  • some stun guns, knives for household purposes, as well as fencing rapiers and other sports equipment (the list is determined by law)

5. When is it possible and when not to use a weapon?

As noted in the Law “On Weapons”, citizens are allowed to use their weapons to protect their lives, health and property. Athletes can use weapons during shooting and competitions, hunters - during hunting, law enforcement officers and military personnel - when on duty.

The civilian owner is obliged to immediately report each case of use of a weapon for self-defense to the internal affairs agency at the place where the weapon was used.

  • Prohibited:
  • cause harm to third parties
  • use weapons against women, disabled people and minors, unless they attack in a group and with weapons
  • carry a weapon while intoxicated
  • carry a weapon while participating in public events - meetings, rallies, demonstrations, religious ceremonies, etc. (except Cossack and national-cultural)

One of a man's favorite hobbies is hunting. Therefore, many people keep hunting weapons at home. Every year the number of hunters in the country is growing. This is especially noticeable during the hunting season. To become a real hunter, it’s not enough to just want it, you still need to go a long way to acquire a license. This article will tell you about the procedure and what documents you will need.

Not everyone can become the owner of a hunting weapon, since there are certain requirements for its owner. Nowadays, it is not so easy to obtain permission (license) to purchase and store weapons.

To purchase a permit, a hunter must meet the following criteria:

The procedure for obtaining permission has several stages:

Approximately a month after completing the above procedures, you will be issued a license.
After that, you can buy the weapon you previously looked at. It will need to be demonstrated to all authorities that issue permits and the license for it must be submitted. After a week (sometimes ten days) has passed, you must again visit the authorities that issued the license upon presentation of a permit card giving the right to keep and bear arms. You may then be called to take the required exams.

To obtain a license, certain citizens must provide the authorities with a medical certificate. For example, employees of the services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the FSB, etc. People working in these organizations must provide an appropriate certificate confirming the presence of a service weapon during their service. The certificate must contain the note “on securing the service weapon.” The absence of this mark makes the certificate invalid. If you are an employee of a legal entity working with certain statutory tasks, then instead of a medical certificate, you need to present to the OLRR a license that gives the right to store and carry service weapons.

All others must obtain a medical certificate (form 046-1). This certificate can be obtained at any district clinic at your place of residence. In addition, it can be issued in departmental clinics and other medical institutions that have permission to carry out this type of activity. You should know that a medical certificate is a paid service (the cost varies greatly). The validity period of this document is not regulated by law, but the OLRR limits its validity period in the case of an initial application from 6 to 12 months.

Re-registration of any type of civilian weapon (this includes hunting weapons) occurs every five years. Re-registration is a mandatory procedure and provides for an extension of the license. According to the law, one person can have five units of short-barreled, smooth-bore and rifled weapons. If you store a larger number of weapons, then you should register a collection.

Knowing this information will help you prevent many mistakes and save significant time.

Package of documents

To purchase a license to store and carry hunting weapons, you must provide the following list of documents to the OLRR:

In case of renewal or receipt of a license, the list of documents is almost the same. In addition to the above documents, in this situation you need to present:

  1. medical certificates from a psychologist and neurologist;
  2. statement;
  3. two photographs (black and white). Their size is 3x4 cm;
  4. previously issued weapons license;
  5. your weapon;
  6. a report issued by a police officer at the place of residence. It contains information about the availability of proper storage conditions for purchased weapons.

All these documents should be brought both in original and photocopies.

How to renew your license

We briefly mentioned the extension of the permit above. The validity period of the license, according to Russian legislation, is five years. After this period has expired, you must go through the renewal procedure.

According to the law, any citizen of the country who has no criminal record and who has not committed various administrative violations can renew a license.

You need to know that if you live outside your place of registration, there is no possibility of remotely extending your license. To renew it, you will need to go to your place of permanent registration.

The documents required to renew a license are issued by the licensing and permitting group or GLRR at the place of residence. You need to receive documents three months before the permit expires. Otherwise, the relevant authorities may bring the hunter to administrative liability, and this is fraught with fines and sanctions.

The list of required documents for renewing a license is similar to the procedure for the initial registration of a license. The GLRR reviews documents within a month from the date of submission of the application. Within a month, the authorities will check for administrative violations and criminal records. If the result is positive, you will be re-issued a permit.

Permit for rifled weapons

To store and purchase rifled weapons, you must obtain the appropriate permit and license. You need to know that a person who wants to own a rifled weapon must first be the owner of a smooth-bore weapon for five years. Therefore, to purchase a rifled weapon, you must first renew your license for a smooth-bore weapon. Then you can start applying for a permit to purchase rifled weapons.

A license for rifled weapons is issued at the local OLRR. To receive it, you need to provide the following documentation to the OLRR:

  • citizen’s passport or any other identity document;
  • an application filled out in a specific form. In it you must indicate your passport details, as well as information about the weapons you already have;
  • medical certificate issued according to form 046-1;
  • a certificate confirming that the person has been the owner of a smooth-bore weapon for quite some time. This period is five years. This certificate can be obtained from the OLRR at your place of residence;
  • hunting license (copy);
  • passport for owning a smooth-bore weapon (copy);
  • two photos. Their size is 3x4 cm;
  • medical certificate.

You should know that licenses are issued only to Russian citizens who are registered at their place of residence. If a person has temporary registration and does not have a permanent place of residence, a person will be denied a permit for rifled or other weapons.

Video “Obtaining a permit for a hunting weapon”

In the recording, a man talks about his experience of obtaining a gun license.

Decided to get a weapon, but don't know how to do it, follow the step-by-step guide below:

In the Russian Federation, any citizen who has reached the age of 18 and is not in prison and has no criminal record can own a weapon.
A citizen is allowed to have:

  • Two traumatic pistols or weapons of limited destruction (OOD);
  • Five units of smooth-bore hunting weapons;
  • Five gas weapons;
  • Five units of rifled hunting weapons, albeit after five years of owning smooth-bore hunting weapons.
  • Unlimited number of bladed hunting weapons.

In order to acquire all this, you must obtain permission to store and carry these types of weapons.

If you have permission to store and carry hunting weapons and a hunting license, you can purchase a hunting bow with an arc force of more than 27 kgf and a crossbow with an arc force of more than 43 kgf. They are also subject to registration with the Russian Guard.

What can you buy without a permit to store and carry weapons?

For the purposes of self-defense and recreational shooting in the Russian Federation, without obtaining specialized documents for storing and carrying weapons, you can purchase the following items:

  • Pneumatic weapons with muzzle energy up to 3 J;
  • Gas cartridges;
  • Knives and others;
  • Pyrotechnic products, for example such as;

if you plan to go hunting, if the weapon is purchased for the purposes of self-defense or sport shooting, then there is no need to obtain it. But we still recommend that you register for it, since its presence allows you to go hunting, purchase hunting knives, and get discounts on ammunition or equipment in some stores.

A hunting license is issued quite simply; to do this, you need to register on the State Services portal, fill out an application and attach the following documents:

  • Color or black and white photograph, size 30×40 mm, 1 piece;
  • copy of passport.

Services for obtaining medical certificates are paid everywhere; as of 2020, the cost is:

  • Psychiatric dispensary 1000 rubles;
  • Narcological dispensary 2500 rubles;
  • Certificate 002-О/у 1000 rubles.

Total medical costs will be 4,500 rubles.

3. Courses on safe handling of weapons.

Since 2013, in order to obtain a weapons permit, the weapons law has introduced mandatory courses on safe handling of weapons.

To do this, you need to find a training center that is engaged and has licenses to conduct the specified type of activity. It is necessary to undergo training and pass a practical and theoretical exam in the presence of an employee of the LRO of the Russian Guard.

The result of training and passing the exam will be an Act of testing knowledge of safe handling of weapons, which will be needed further.

As of 2020, the cost of training in Moscow was about 6,000 rubles.

3. Let's go to the Russian Guard.

Before going to the Russian Guard, we check the presence of all the necessary documents and a gun safe or box:

  • Medical certificate form 002-О/у;
  • Certificate from a psychiatric clinic;
  • A certificate from a drug treatment clinic with the results of an analysis for the absence of narcotic drugs;
  • Act of testing knowledge of safe handling of weapons;
  • Two photographs per license unit.
  • Safe for weapons.
