Scenarios for Youth Day with an entertainment program. Variety competition program for Youth Day

In order for the holiday to be fun and unforgettable, we offer the following scenario for Youth Day. You can invite artists to perform at the event, or you can prepare a holiday with the help of young people. The celebration is carried out by two presenters: a young guy and a girl.

Hello, everyone who came to this wonderful holiday!

We welcome everyone who is young in body or soul!

Presenter: Youth Day appeared back in 1958, when on February 7, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, this holiday was named the Day of Soviet Youth.

Presenter: Since then, every year summer time the whole country celebrates this festive event.

Presenter: The welcoming speech is given...

Presenter: And now you will hear a wonderful composition performed by... (You can prepare a patriotic song about Russia, for example, Jasmine “Mother Russia”, S. Rotaru “I wish you, my land”, etc.).

Presenter: The floor for congratulations goes to...

Presenter: And now our artists will appear on this stage and perform a dance composition... .

Presenter: What goals and aspirations do we, young people, have?

Presenter: We are for healthy image life, for sports, for world peace, for happiness, good studies, for helping the elderly and sick people, for mutual support and understanding!

Presenter: We are for love and joy in this world!

Presenter: Today there is a song performed for you... (You must perform a song about health or another positive topic) .

Presenter: It’s summer now, many people have vacations and rest. And when did it appear free time, then you need to spend it on good deeds, on self-education, and also on communication with peers!

Host: And it’s very interesting when there are like-minded people nearby who can always support, give advice, teach something.

Presenter: And now a dance will be performed for you by a team of like-minded people... (A pre-prepared dance is performed) .

Host: Thanks to the artists. The word for congratulations is given...

Presenter: And now we invite everyone present to play a little and receive memorable gifts as a prize.

Presenter: We need 6-10 people willing to participate in the “Most Singing” competition.

Presenter: So, the players are here, let's introduce ourselves. You will have to take turns performing songs that mention something about youth or young people, girls, boys.

Host: Let's start with you. Go!

Presenter: What great fellows our players are! We remembered so many good songs. But today there is only one winner, let’s greet him with applause. (You need to prepare small prizes in advance, for example, a mug with the inscription “Youth Day” on it) .

Host: And while our participants are calming down, I suggest you listen to a good song performed by...

Presenter: And we have a competition again! Those who have not yet participated in the competition, come forward. (6 to 10 people) .

Presenter: Our competition is called “Sports Theorist”.

Presenter: As you know, young people always stand up for sports, we all love to watch competitions, we ourselves take part in various tournaments. In general, each of you will need to name a sport in turn. Only the most persistent will remain!

Presenter: We are the youth! And the future of Russia is ours. There are a lot of talented guys and girls among us, as you have already seen today. Some sing songs, others dance, others paint pictures, others write poetry, this can be continued ad infinitum.

Presenter: We would like to invite you to this stage... He/she will read to us poems of his/her own composition. (If there is no young man or girl who writes poetry, then you can let someone learn, for example, “What is happiness” by E. Asadov, and the presenter say the following: “She doesn’t write poetry yet, but who knows what will happen tomorrow. And today we will hear “What is happiness” by Eduard Asadov.")

Presenter: After such wonderful poems, I propose to watch an equally wonderful dance performed by...

Presenter: And again interesting competition. We are waiting for those interested on stage (6-10 people). "Disco Dancer" competition.

Host: As you know, we young people still love to dance. Therefore, now the music will start playing, all participants will need to dance beautifully, taking into account the nature of the song. (Excerpts from various songs are included).

Presenter: And now we will determine the best dancer by the applause of all those present.

Host: And for you he sings...

Presenter: And again there is a competition for you. Only this is a team competition. For each team we will need 6 participants. Come out, those who haven't participated yet.

Host: We will give you cut lines from a famous song. The teams will have different compositions. You will need to quickly collect the entire song.

Presenter: Well done! And now - dancing for everyone!!!

variety program dedicated to Youth Day.
Fanfare sounds. Leading exit.
Good evening to everyone present! I welcome everyone who considers themselves young, whose heart requires action and entertainment, whose soul is in eternal search, thirsting for new discoveries and adventures! Those who don’t consider themselves such, step under your mother’s wing and eat semolina porridge!… There are no such? This means that our festive evening can be considered open! And I want to open this Youth Day 2011 with a song by the master of our stage, the favorite of the public at the evenings “for those over 40,” Joseph Kobzon... What is this “U-oo-oo”? I was joking. There is no reason for young people to include Kobzon. He will be replaced in his post by the forever young “Tatu”! Let's all greet the Tattoo group with friendly applause, who kindly agreed to take part in our celebration today!... What? Haven't arrived yet? Who? ... Dear friends, I was told that Tatushki had not arrived yet, but Oleg Gazmanov seemed to be already here. So, let’s meet Oleg Gazmanov!... How? Didn't make it in time either? Who's here? I understand everything... Sorry, there was a mistake again, Gazmanov got stuck in an airlock, but we greet the vocal ensemble “Improvt” with loud applause, hurray!!!
Song “I Say First” – Impromptu
Song “I’ll ask you” - Lilya

Who's having fun at our holiday, raise your hands! Applaud without putting your hands down! And now - wave-like movements of the hands - have you ever seen the sea? So, we play a children's game - “The sea is worried, once.” The rules of this game are simple: music plays, everyone dances. The music suddenly stops, and you quickly break into pairs and freeze in one of the figures. And the first figure is called “Why trample on my love?” Use your imagination, the music is already playing. The next figure - a moment of attention - “Her eyes are two three-carat diamonds.” How it is - three carats, you will have to invent yourself. And the last figure - as the unforgettable Yuri Antonov sings in his old song - “I am the roof of your house.” Regarding “I” - this is my interpretation, but as a presenter I can do whatever I want... Well done! Now, let's dance!
Song "Blizzard" - Lena
Song “We are together” - Impromptu
Song “Roma, Roma, Roman” - Lilya
All ages are submissive to love, just like music. Music and creativity know no time. If the music or song is beautiful, it will find its listener in 30 or 40 years, and it is very pleasant that today these songs are especially popular; each of us has collections of hits from past years at home, which we listen to and perform with pleasure.
Song “Khutoryanka” - Lena
Song “White Bird Cherry” - Impromptu

Yes, how many good songs have been written, how many of them have been performed by the best pop artists of our country, and now? What are they writing now? Just to get into the rhyme, but they don’t know what they’re singing about. Sometimes such diagnoses can be made. I invite you all to play the role of doctors and, using the lines from the songs I have named, and the characteristic medical signs, determine the diagnosis. Shall we try? Then let's begin!
Why are my thoughts so confused?
Why does the light dim so often? (Fainting)
I rush into the night to catch up with you,
But I understand that I am standing and cannot run. (Paralysis)
Unfortunately (but fortunately I'm not alone)
I fell into your insidious addiction (Drug addiction)
We walked with you, I cried, oh, I cried... (Hysteria)
I never spoke, but I have no more patience (Muteness)
If you don't hear me, it means winter has come (Otitis media)
Why are you looking sideways, my dear?
Bowing his head low ( Cervical osteochondrosis)
My heart stopped, my heart froze (Acute heart failure)
I'm not an angel, I'm not a demon, I'm a tired wanderer.
I returned, I resurrected and knocked on your house (Clinical death)
There is no logic in your thoughts, how can I find the truth in them (Schizophrenia)
I see nothing, I hear nothing,
I won't tell anyone anything (deaf-blindness)
They coped with the task wonderfully, and Ekaterina Katkaleva was on stage. Let's meet!
Song “Viburnum Blossoms” - Katya
Song “I See You” - Lena

And now I invite to the stage the 3 strongest, strongest and brave men... You will play the role of a “locomotive”. Your task: after turning on the music, form a living “train”, moving around the area and continuing to recruit new participants into your “train”. The locomotive that dialed greatest number trailers, becomes the winner. Begin!…. Won …. And our next musical composition sounds for all participants.
Song “Hands” - Lilya

And we continue! Who would like to take part in our next competition? I invite 2 people to the stage. Each of you puts such a beautiful cap on your head, in your hands you have exactly the same cap only small size. You need to put a small cap on your opponent's big cap while dancing to dance music. So let's begin! ... Who else wants to participate? ... And for you a slow composition sounds. The rules of this composition will be as follows: everyone invites whoever they want to invite. Girls invite boys, boys invite girls. If someone is not satisfied with these two options, you can set your own rules.
Song “I Can’t Tell You” - Katya
Song “Angels Don’t Live Here Anymore” - Lena

“Ah, youth!” They say you are a flaw,
Which passes over the years, I see...
And yet, before all the dates have passed,
At the Molodost station I’ll slow down.
There is so much enthusiasm, fire and excitement here,
Hopes and dreams and bold ideas,
It’s easy here - they just figure out tomorrow,
Without any doubts and dark undertakings,
I believe in you, young Russia,
You will find happiness and multiply it a hundredfold,
In your heroic wise power...
I believe, Russia is young, Vivat!
Well... our program is coming to an end. Let's unanimously thank the program participants for the joy and charge of energy they gave us today.
We wish you good mood, have fun, have a nice holiday and may you be lucky in love!
Song "May you be lucky in love"


- We are young and we are indomitable,
Blood rushes through our veins
Ah, these daring impulses.
Ah, this first love.

- We are young people, in fact, we are big children
After all, everyone was once young
And children are the tomorrow of the whole planet
We will put the whole world in their hands!

Children appear on stage, they perform line changes to musical composition“Planet of Childhood” Swallow. A little girl with balloons comes onto the stage, she waves her hand and goes downstairs (possibly together with the presenter), handing out the balloons. At this time, the children line up in two diagonal lines. At the beginning of the first verse, the children alternately raise their hands, forming a wave, back and forth. Then, they gather in the center of the stage and perform swaying movements from left to right. To the words “Birds are flying away...” the children wave their arms like wings, then squat down, stand up and line up in three circles. The first circle is small in the center, the second is larger and the third is large. At this time, a child with a model of the earth enters the center from behind, he stands in the middle and begins to slowly rotate. Children around, all three circles, put their hands on each other’s shoulders and rock from side to side, and then begin to move, holding hands, two circles in left side, one circle to the right. At the end of the composition, the child raises the model of the earth high above his head,

and everyone stretches out their hands to him. To achieve greater effect, you can release pigeons on the sides of the stage at the end.

Hello, everyone who came to this wonderful holiday!

We welcome everyone who is young in body or soul!

Presenter: Youth Day appeared back in 1958, when on February 7, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, this holiday was named the Day of Soviet Youth.

Host: Since then, every year in the summer, the whole country celebrates this festive event.

Presenter: Welcome speech is provided

chapter rural settlement Kirichenko SN..

- It's a wonderful time to be young
Be beautiful both in appearance and in soul
And dress fashionably, and always
I wish you to look good

- When you live to the fullest,
When you overcome boredom
This is how you get younger,
Join the flash mob here now!
Number 2 Wheels flash mob

Incendiary music is playing, a fitness trainer is on stage with

his group conducts a simple preparatory lesson, at the end everyone dances together.

- We spread our wings boldly
We are gaining strength in the skies
We are eager to fight for our cause
And we glorify the Motherland in verse

- And we know the strength behind us
The truth is behind us, we are yours
Reliable and strong, Russia,
We are the wings on which you fly!
Number 3 Dance number feather

In the background of the music, play the phonogram of the announcer's text:

NARRATOR: “Columbia Pictures, together with the Baba Yaga and Campaign TV channel, presents the mega-project “Star Factory” on the edge of a forest hut.”

Musical announcement for Baba Yaga's departure - the sound of a flying engine

Baba Yaga appears on a broom and raps:

Baba Yaga. They used to call me Yaga,

They teased me with a bone leg

Now I live in a modern fairy tale,

I'm into rap and go to fitness.

Oooh, kamon, kamon

And now all together:

Oooh, kamon, kamon

The heroes of fairy tales respect me,

They call me a star producer.

I opened a star factory on the edge of the forest,

Right on the edge of a forest hut.

Oooh, kamon, kamon,

Oooh, kamon, kamon

Baba Yaga. I ran around, I ran into each other,

Finally I'm home,

I ended up in Dudachny.

My sense of smell does not fail me:

I feel, I feel the human spirit.

Yes, I was joking, I was joking. And in general, I now have a modern hobby, I am now this, well, what’s her name – a fan. Fan of the TV show “Star Factory”. I looked and looked and decided: shouldn’t I create my own “Star Factory “On the edge of a forest hut” and become its producer. I have already recruited teachers. The best singer of romances in everything far away kingdom, our vocal teacher...

/Whistles. Music announcement of the heroes' appearance, chicken clucking, owl hooting/

/The hut runs out/

A hut on chicken legs! Applause!


Something strange is happening here

All this is not according to the script.

And as always, you little yagulicha got the wrong address.

And there was no point in bringing the vocal teacher here.

Baba Yaga:

How wrong I was

Isn't it your holiday?!


A holiday is a holiday

But not about your honor.

Today is youth day

And it won’t be fairy-tale heroes who will perform.

And ours, the Dudachen youth!

Baba Yaga:

Youth is youth!

How can they compare with my experience!

I can smell talent a mile away!

(Turning away, he says: this time my instincts let me down)


No, Yagul didn’t let me down,

Better join our viewers

And we will show you our “Dudachensky Factory of Stars”

Baba Yaga:

I'm afraid it will be difficult to surprise me,

But let's see, let's see.....


Meet, the rap will be read now

And this verse will be pleasant to you

He composed it - honor to him,

Parviz sings for you.

Musical number____________

Presenter: What goals and aspirations do you, young people, have?

Host: We are for a healthy lifestyle, for sports, for world peace,

for happiness, good studies, for helping the elderly and sick people, for mutual support and understanding!

Presenter: We are for love and joy in this world!

Host: A song performed for you today


Presenter: It’s summer now, many people have vacations and rest. And when you have free time, you need to spend it on good deeds, on self-education, and also on communicating with peers!

Host: And it’s very interesting when there are like-minded people nearby who can always support, give advice, teach something.

Presenter: And now a dance will be performed for you by a team of like-minded people... (A pre-prepared dance is performed).

Presenter: And now we invite everyone present to play a little and receive memorable gifts as a prize.

Host: We need 6-10 people willing to participate in the “Most Singing” competition.

Presenter: So, the players are here, let's introduce ourselves. You will have to take turns performing songs that mention something about youth or young people, girls, boys.

Host: Let's start with you. Go!

Presenter: Our players are great! We remembered so many good songs. But today there is only one winner, let’s greet him with applause. (You need to prepare small prizes in advance, for example, a mug with the inscription “Youth Day” on it).

Host: And while our participants are calming down, I suggest you listen to a good song performed by...
Musical number_______________________________

This day was quite a success (emphasis on the “a”),
He called himself a youth
Let's celebrate it
Run, jump and scream,
Conduct all competitions
Well, drink a little beer,
Regarding the latter, separately,
I'll tell you straight away,
If there is 18,
Then let the wine be here!


Musical pause.__________________________________

You are young people, you need to be entertained,
I want to tell you riddles,
There will be a prize for whoever answers correctly
Well, let's hurry up, all for an encore!

Competition "Riddles".

Riddle No. 1
Twice a day, you rub with her,
Start before you go to bed, then when you wake up,
And it needs a pinch of white paste,
What I'm talking about? (Answer: toothbrush)

Riddle No. 2
Long, soft, about 20 meters,
You tear it up every day,
And you will never be able to part with her,
Even though it’s once a day, it’s still needed.
(Answer: toilet paper)

Riddle No. 3
In the morning, with a deep hangover,
You need her
Your beloved, dear,
(Answer: aspirin tablet)

Riddle No. 4
There's no way to drink without it,
Of course he's a simpleton at all times,
Neither girl nor boy
(answer: plastic cup)

With him, you will charge your brains,
What is this? (answer: Snickers neither)

Improves mood
And it instantly melts in your mouth?
(Answer: chocolate)

They played riddles with you,
And everyone is a little tired,
Now it's time to eat
Everything that is on the table here!

Musical break according to the script.__________________________

Now it's time to show
Who can the best dance here
You change the music, don’t be surprised at all,
Try to dance to each one,
And so that it was just class,
So that we can choose you as the winner!

Competition for Youth Day “Dancing”. Everyone comes out. Their task, on command (the start of the music), is to start dancing, but in such a way that it matches the theme. And the themes are as follows: cancan, lambada, cha-cha-cha, oriental, striptease, gypsy girl. Those who fail to cope are eliminated, and so on until the last, until the winner. Prize: dance disc.

Musical number_________________________________

How many different songs

Cheerful and beautiful.

They sound everywhere

You will hear them everywhere.

We sing when we're having fun

We sing when we are sad.

Maybe not a minute

We can't live without them.

Music, Music, Music

My gentle earthly angel

It's good that you are music

In life next to me.
Musical number_______________________________________________

And the mother said to her son:

Always sing songs, my dear,

May the song always be with you,

After all, the song in life is the helmsman!

Musical number_________________

Oh, how beautiful our songs are.

How melodic and wonderful.

After all, a world without songs is not interesting,

After all, a world without songs is no fun!

Musical number______________________________

Song, how everyone knows this word.

Song, how can we not love you?

Song, you are familiar to everyone from the cradle,

How can one live in the world without songs, without songs!
Musical number_____________________-

- Modern youth are very passionate about the Internet and various youth sites. What is the ever-changing and most fashionable thing you post on your page?

- Of course, status. These short lines very clearly express the mood and also reflect the worldview of modern youth.

- Then we have no choice but to announce a competition called “The Wittest Status”!

Interested participants go on stage and say their statuses. The winner is determined by voting and receives the diploma “The Youngest Sage of Russia.”

- It’s great that today’s youth are so energetic and active. After all, as you know, movement is life. And our guys shouldn’t sit still for a minute!

Dance number_______________________________________

1 Presenter:

The first burn is always wonderful,

Love for each other of the younger generation!

Your faces are so sincere and tender,

When the juice of love rushes through the veins.

And there is no more honest and tender feeling,

There is no finer and more open art,

Than the young lovers of Russia,

How pure and beautiful you are!

Musical number_______________________________________-

1 Presenter:

Your youth is young and beautiful,

Like streams flowing from the mountains.

Love tenderly, kiss passionately,

Everyone is ready for great achievements.

Your youth is always witty,

Full of subtle hints and thoughts,

Bold and even crazy at times,

But without doubt in judgment she is smart

Musical number_____________________________________________

2 Presenter:

If your heart is kind and there is fire in your eyes,

Then youth walks with a smile on its lips!

We have no doubt that you are the best

Are the youth of Russia always waiting? (Pause), (Hall - success).

Musical number_________________________________________






Script for a concert dedicated to

International Youth Day

(official part)

1st presenter:

Good evening, dear Saratov residents!

2nd presenter:

Greetings, youth of Russia!

1st presenter:

Today is a significant day for our country!

2nd presenter:

Today is your day and your holiday - Youth Day!

1st presenter:

The idea of ​​​​adopting the event was proposed by participants in the World Conference of Ministers of Youth Affairs, held on August 8-12, 1998 in Lisbon. At the meeting, they discussed a set of educational activities to increase awareness among young people about the existing World Program of Action for Youth, adopted in 1995 General Assembly UN. First official celebration International Day youth took place in 2000.


2nd presenter:

What is youth? This constant readiness to something new, lack of fear of the unknown, these are decisive actions, dizzying prospects, and dreams, dreams, dreams.

1st presenter:

If your heart is kind and there is fire in your eyes,

Then youth walks with a smile on its lips!

We have no doubt that you are the best

The youth of Russia always expects success!

Musical number(Song “Tell”, Kriushova Vera)

1st presenter:

In the history of all times and peoples, youth have always played a key role. And this is no coincidence, because it is young people who are characterized by such qualities as a thirst for justice, courage, honor

2nd presenter:

Youth is a time of daring, search, discovery and implementation of the most daring ideas. Some of you have already graduated from school, some are preparing to continue their studies, some are looking for a job, and some are looking for love!

1st presenter:

If you dream of entering a university, go for it,
Want to find true love- look,
And remember, you are young! You can do anything!

Musical number(waltz)

1st presenter:

Of course, it is in youth that talents appear, which then determine the whole later life person. Already, our young talents are winning various competitions not only on a city, but also on a regional and all-Russian scale, and then, lo and behold, global success awaits them!

2nd presenter:

The youngest participants of our concert will perform for you. Meet!

Several musical numbersperformed by young talents (Polyakova Daria, Anatshev Fedor, Nesterenko Elizaveta)

1st presenter:

- Every person has three youths - mind, body, and heart. Treasure each of them. This is what determines our place in life and our destiny. Youth is a wonderful time when energy is overflowing, so there is a lot to do, to learn, to do.

2nd presenter:

A day of fun and warmth,
Don't sit, my friend, in the apartment,

put aside your business.
And go out into the fresh air,

have fun with us!
Remember as little as possible

about everyday life!
Since it’s a youth holiday,

once a year like New Year ,
Everyone should have fun

On this day, friends, go ahead!

Musical number

1st presenter:

It’s great that today’s youth are so energetic. Who doesn't know catchphrase: "Movement is life". Movement always and in everything, movement towards the shining heights of perfection...

2nd presenter:

Movement can replace any medicine, but no medicine can replace movement.

1st presenter:

And we invite you to take part in an incendiary flash mob!

Musical number(flash mob)

1st presenter:

Well, our young friends,

We congratulate you on a wonderful date!

Our friendly family is rich

Have a wonderful youth, guys!

2nd presenter:

We wish you many, many years

The whole world was drawn forward by force,

There is simply nothing more magnificent!

After all, the youth of Russia chooses her!

Final musical number, disco.
