Cindy Crawford's body measurements now. Cindy Crawford: secrets of slimness and beauty

American actress and supermodel Cindy Crawford, despite her age and the presence of two children, remains in excellent shape.

The whole secret is that when a small amount of excess weight appears, she immediately goes on a diet, which she developed together with a famous American nutritionist.

Cindy Crawford: height, weight and figure parameters ^

It’s not for nothing that all people without exception call her figure ideal, because Cindy Crawford’s height and weight are 175 cm and 57 kg. It’s hard to disagree with this statement, because to this day the actress corresponds to model parameters, and besides, she looks much younger than her age, and she is now 50 years old.

Cindy Crawford's body measurements: 87-66-89 (chest-waist-hips)

Clothing and shoe sizes

Many people are interested in how Cindy Crawford loses weight, and relatively recently it became known that she periodically uses not one, but two diets: one of them involves consuming cabbage soup, and the second - “wonderful” - this is the name her nutritionist gave it. Of course, in addition to these dishes, other foods are allowed, but soups are the basis of the entire diet.

Cindy Crawford's weight loss method is strikingly different from the diets of other stars and has many advantages:

Cindy Crawford with mother and daughter: photo

  • It can be used by anyone who wants to lose weight, because... there are no contraindications to it;
  • While following the diet, you don’t feel hungry and soups can be consumed in unlimited quantities;
  • Soups prepared according to special recipes not only activate fat burning processes, but also strengthen the immune system, and also rid the body of waste and toxins.

Cindy Crawford: height 175 cm, weight 57 kg

What are the secrets of losing weight with Cindy Crawford

  • The actress prefers to eat only natural products and not semi-finished products;
  • Cindy never skips major meals because... otherwise, the risk of relapse increases or there is a temptation to snack on a prohibited product;
  • Foods rich in slow carbohydrates (fruits, berries and vegetables) should prevail over protein foods: meat, fish, eggs, legumes;
  • Cindy eats red meat only three times a week, because... it clogs the body with toxins;
  • Instead of sour cream and mayonnaise, the actress uses vegetable oils or soy sauce to dress salads;
  • In addition to following a diet, Cindy Crawford also has to follow a daily routine to lose weight: she tries to sleep at least 7 hours and have dinner no later than 18.00;

  • To achieve slimness or simply maintain her figure, the actress regularly works out in the gym.

Cindy Crawford diet: menu and recipes ^

How Cindy Crawford loses weight: recipes

Weight loss tips from Cindy Crawford

To achieve maximum results from Cindy Crawford’s weight loss system, just follow a few simple rules:

  • Give the main advantage in your menu to soups;
  • Drink as much water as possible;
  • Do not overeat or eat later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Diet Cindy Crawford: menu of the first option

This Cindy Crawford weight loss program is based on the consumption of cabbage soup, and you can use it for an unlimited time:

  • Monday: eat soup, 150 g of low-fat yogurt and any vegetables;
  • Tuesday: soup, yogurt and fruit;
  • Wednesday: add vegetables to Tuesday’s diet;
  • Thursday: we eat only soup;
  • Friday: leave fruit and soup;
  • Saturday: we eat vegetables, yogurt and soup;
  • Sunday: eat yogurt, soup, fruits and vegetables.

Cabbage soup recipe:

  • Grind 5 carrots, 3 onions, greens and several green onions. Finely chop the cabbage;
  • Boil everything until done.

Cindy Crawford's weight loss method: option two

This diet and Cindy Crawford’s daily regimen are fully consistent with the previous version, however, instead of cabbage soup, you must use another one prepared according to this recipe:

  • Chop 6 onions, 5 tomatoes, a couple of bell peppers, 5 carrots, shred cabbage;
  • We place everything in the broth, and when it boils, add the bouillon cube, herbs and seasonings;
  • Boil until tender, then eat the soup in any quantity.

The menu looks like this:

  • Day one: we eat soup and fruits, with the exception of bananas;
  • Day two: we eat soup and vegetables, except peas and beans;
  • Day three: leave vegetables, soup and fruits on the menu, exclude potatoes and bananas;
  • Day four: drink low-fat milk, eat 5 bananas, don’t forget about the soup;
  • Day five: eat 200 g of low-fat yogurt, soup and 400 g of tomatoes;
  • Day six: leave only vegetables and soup;
  • Day seven: cook brown rice, eat fruits, soup and vegetables.

How Cindy Crawford eats: doctors' opinions on her diet ^

Cindy Crawford's nutritional method is completely thought out to the smallest detail, so it is not surprising that doctors speak about it only in a positive way. In addition to the fact that such a diet helps to get rid of excess weight, it also has a positive effect on health due to the presence of a large amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet.

Despite this, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist before using this method, because In the presence of certain diseases, it may be contraindicated.

What Cindy Crawford looks like now: photo

In their 43 years The model is not shy about her body and looks amazing! Allure magazine pleases us with new photo by Cindy Crawford.

Cindy Crawford pays a lot of attention to proper nutrition and sports.

“I think I look very good for my 43 years. But I'm not looking for ways to look 23! If the paparazzi are looking for a special photo angle to show everyone that I have cellulite, then you know what my answer will be - Yes, I have it! And I won't hide it. This is silly.


Height: 1.77 m

Bust volume: 86 cm

Waist: 66 cm

Hip size: 89 cm

My beauty secret– this is a beautiful and healthy hair color. Of course, today you can do any plastic surgery for beauty, but first of all you need to take care of the beauty of your hair.

I'm not crazy about a healthy lifestyle, although I adhere to some rules. Despite constant work on yourself and exercise, tons of creams and body care, it will still change with age.”

Secrets of a slim star

Secret 1. Healthy full dream

Secret 2. Avoid stress and make sure you get enough vitamins.

Secret 3. Moisturize your skin not only by drinking water, but also by spraying it on your face and body.

Secret 4. Movement is life! As a rule, I try to do a workout twice a week - 30 minutes of walking on an incline treadmill, and then using dumbbells to work individual muscle groups: legs, buttocks, abs, chest, biceps and shoulders.

Secret 5. " Regular meals, quitting smoking is the key to my beauty.” Cindy adheres to a distributed diet, her menu is 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fat. Eats 5 times a day.

Secret 6. Cindy tries Take care of your skin regularly:“sunscreen, antioxidant cream, night cream and eye cream.” Cindy also uses mesotherapy, injecting vitamins and collagen into the skin to keep her skin flawless.

Translation - Tasya Kirse, photo

Who among us in our youth did not do exercises while listening to a video with Cindy Crawford? The exercises that she taught herself to keep her body in shape for the modeling business are still considered ideal workouts for weight loss to this day. In her new book, To Live and Delight, Cindy Crawford talks in detail about her career and personal life. In particular, about how she lost weight in order to fit into designer clothes - and why she stopped doing it.

I have never had a typical model figure. At the beginning of my career, when models were allowed to be a size 44, I was still curvier.

To the credit of many of the photographers I've worked with, instead of focusing on my figure and telling me what I need, they gave me confidence in my appearance by showing me what a beautiful body I had.

As a child, I was very thin. I wanted to be like the girls who started and grew breasts in the seventh grade. They got beautiful hips, delicious cleavage and the attention of all the boys in the area.

When I started working as a model while still in school, I was 176 centimeters tall and weighed about 57 kilograms. Over the next few years, I plumped up a little, gaining a couple more pounds.

That being said, it wasn't until I moved to New York, where I started wearing real designer clothes and samples, that I started having trouble fitting into some things. As a rule, the runway samples more or less fit me in size, but often the legs were too tight, or the dresses were too tight at the waist.

I had never been on a diet and had a vague idea of ​​proper nutrition. I grew up eating meat and potatoes and sweets for dessert. Besides, I've never really played sports outside of high school gym class, although I'm not sure DeKalb High School gym class even counts. We once had bowling all semester! This is how wonderful our Midwest is.

My diet and workouts

I soon realized that if I wanted to fit into the clothes I had to wear for work, I needed to change my approach. I started training with Radu, a famous fitness trainer who at that time worked with such darlings of the fashion world as Calvin Klein and Bianca Jagger. Every evening after work, I trudged to his small studio on Fifty-seventh Street, where he taught me using his Romanian method.

I have never been in such good shape before in my life. To this day, my training is based on the exercises that Radu taught me. I still train with an instructor three times a week, and in addition to that, I go for walks or bike rides on the weekends.

Of course, it's great to feel that your body is in good shape, but Radu's greatest gift was the feeling of self-confidence. He taught me to understand that physical strength also provides a sense of emotional strength.

In addition, I began to learn more about proper nutrition and how to take care of my figure. Unfortunately, I've never been the type of girl who can eat whatever she wants without gaining weight (damn you, Kate Moss!).

Over the years, I've experimented with different diets to lose weight - low-fat, low-carb, fruit-only, vegetable-based and high-protein. Of course, as soon as I made a vow to myself to no longer eat sweets, bread or whatever it was, all I could think about was sweets, bread or something like that! Ultimately, I settled on eating healthy 80% of the time. I could do it.

Will I ever be skinny as a coat hanger? Don't think. Although sometimes I really want to. Some clothes actually look better on this type of figure.

Losing weight is harmful to the skin

On days when I feel a sense of self-doubt, I remind myself of what Avedon once said to me after I lost a couple of pounds. He said he liked my face better when I wasn't so skinny. At the time, I was doing a lot of cover shoots and cosmetics ads, so he advised me not to become completely skinny.

Later, when I started collaborating with Dr. Sebagh in an advertisement for his line of cosmetics called Meaningful Beauty, he gave me similar advice - he advised me to choose some kind of average weight - not the smallest I've ever had, but not the largest - and try to stick to it, because It harms the skin when it constantly stretches and contracts again. His approach to diet also helped me learn to accept my body as it is.

I believe that when you take control of your body through exercise, that physical activity helps you to love it.

After having children, I began to have a new attitude towards the capabilities of the body. My height is still 176 centimeters (unless, of course, I have already begun to shrink from old age), and I weigh around 61–64 kilograms. I'm lucky to be healthy and can still do most of the things I love - running races with my kids, hiking, swimming in the ocean.

If you don't like skinny models

At the same time, I know what is happening now in the modeling business. Young models are becoming thinner and thinner, which means clothing sizes are decreasing, and many things are pointless for me to even try to wear.

Nowadays, a lot of people criticize the situation with the thinness of models, but here’s what I can say about this: firstly, fashion does not stand still. It all depends on what inspires designers, photographers and editors.

Second, consumers need to understand that all the power is in their hands (or rather, their wallets). If they don't like the images they see, they can simply stop buying magazines or designer dresses. Be that as it may, fashion is first and foremost a business, and sometimes only severe losses can push for qualitative changes.

The most important idea that I would like to convey to you and which I can be an example of is how important it is to maintain your individuality and monitor your health.

Comment on the article “Cindy Crawford: “My diet is to eat right 80% of the time””

More on the topic “Lose weight with workouts from Cindy Crawford”:

And I need to rest - lose weight! How to proceed?. About yours, about your girl’s. Discussion of issues about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relationships For me, for example, miracles don’t happen;) If you have changed your diet and are not losing weight (and even here it is important what is considered the term “I have lost weight”...

My husband has a lot of cholecystitis with reactive pancreatitis... He's been on a diet for almost a month now, and he definitely won't get off it before the New Year... what should I prepare for the New Year table so that he can also eat and it will be delicious? Fatty-spicy-salty-sour-smoked-fried niya... help me!

And to lose weight, you just need to eat properly and balanced. KBZHU needs to be adhered to for a while in order to understand what and how much you eat. Try to eat the right food at 1700-1800 kk, believe me, you definitely won’t feel hungry.

Bormenthal. frequent split meals in the core >. In fact, it’s all quite simple, all these terms are available on the Internet, and there are tests on how to determine your type. But if you don’t have time at all, you can first just try dividing the usual portions in half.

Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight. Cindy Crawford + variation -60 (my invention, after 18-00 if I eat, then maximum kefir with crackers). There is progress.

Cindy Crawford. - gatherings. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and start from today eating less and exercising according to Cindy Crawford. there is a special program for classes after childbirth (3...

Please tell me, has anyone done the Cindy Crawford complex? Are these exercises effective? Can they help tighten your skin after losing weight? The trainer later showed me many of the exercises from this program when I started going to the gym.

Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight. Cassettes with Cindy Crawford. Girls, please look at the links, if anyone knows or has done it, I want to order, but...

Cindy Crawford, for example. All you need is nothing - 2 dumbbells of 2 kg each and there is even a 10-minute program. I seriously took up healthy lifestyle (therapeutic fasting, proper nutrition and sports) (started on September 9). Now I can’t imagine how I could live without this....

There is also Cindy Crawford, but I don’t have time for her yet. I used to work out every day and follow a diet, and the result in a month was noticeable, about 3 kg (but I also needed to lose less) and a toned figure. The main thing is willpower and desire.

Shaping by Cindy Crawford. Figure. Fashion and beauty. Shaping by Cindy Crawford. Has anyone studied the "How to Achieve Excellence" tape? Have you achieved any results. If so, for how long?

Continuing to implement the program of putting myself in order after childbirth and breastfeeding, I finally bought a cassette with Crawford (three classes A, B, C). Yesterday there was a trial balloon :)) Except for the loud neighing of my family before and during Cindy Crawford: The Secret of a Perfect Figure.

I really liked the dumbbell and abdominal exercises. I bought a cassette (from Cindy Crawford) and set aside time to study. There is one more significant plus, for some reason after doing shaping I have... um... in general, very good. So far everything seems to be fine... this is already the second time...

You need some kind of diet to lose the extra 8-10 kg that appeared after the end of feeding. After pregnancy and during feeding, the weight was pre-pregnancy, normal (54 kg). I work out at home under Cindy Crawforth and have not yet gone on the glasses diet (Luzhkovskaya...

Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight. Hello! I’m from an exchange conference, maybe someone needs Cindy Crawford’s exercises “How to Achieve Perfection” part 2.

Cassettes with Cindy Crawford. Girls, please look at the links, who knows or has done it? I want to order, but I doubt it, is it worth ordering everything? I have this one: Cindy Crawford. How to achieve perfection / Cindy Crawford. The Next Challenge.

Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight. In general, I lost weight with Elle Macpherson, Cindy Crawford and K. Schiffer, first I learned all their programs one by one, and then intuitively...

What is the name of the tape with Cindy Crawford, which has several complexes on it? Cindy Crawford. Starting today, I started eating less and doing Cindy Crawford exercises. There is a special program for classes after childbirth (3 stages). I like it! once upon a time, long ago...

As for Cindy, there are different tapes! Which one do you have? She usually has a very good complex on her legs! Ines, Cindy has different programs! I didn’t know that yours was designed for alternation :-) So for now, continue with it :-) How long have you been practicing it?

Meet fashion model Cindy Crawford. We'll talk about her life, career, then publish the parameters of her figure - weight, height, etc.

She was born in the USA, in Illinois in 1966. Her father worked as an electrician, her mother was a nurse. The girl spent her childhood in her hometown of DeKalb, where she graduated from high school in 1984. Cindy chose her higher education institution carefully, so she entered Northwestern University to study chemical technology. Without finishing the first semester, Cindy left the institution and decided to focus on her modeling career.

After working with a Chicago photographer several times, Crawford moved to New York City, where she entered a modeling competition. It was after this that her full-time career as a model began.

Cindy has excellent height and measurements; it was thanks to them that the girl was among the most sought-after supermodels in the 1980s and 90s. She constantly appeared on the covers of glossy publications, participated in fashion shows and was the face of many companies.

Throughout her career, Crawford has appeared on the covers of 600 magazines, headed several fashion houses and participated in their advertising campaigns. After leaving the catwalks, Cindy released a series of video lessons on fitness, and currently occasionally appears in magazines, gives interviews and does charity work.

Biographical information:

  • Full (real) name: Cynthia Ann Crawford
  • Date of birth: February 20, 1966
  • Place of birth: DeKalb, USA
Cindy Crawford is an American supermodel with a recognizable mole, actress, TV presenter, and philanthropist. In the nineties, she was considered a sex symbol, but even today, having reached her sixth decade, Cindy amazes with her magnificence. Her children also followed in her footsteps: Kaia Gerber and Presley Walker Gerber, famous today in the modeling business. Crawford, who admits that she had a hard time turning 50, celebrated the milestone with the release of her autobiographical book, To Live and Delight.


Born in the winter of 1966, the second daughter of a typical American working-class family, John and Jennifer Crawford from Illinois, was named Cynthia Ann Crawford. My father worked as a machinist, then as a glazier and electrician. Jennifer married him when she became pregnant at sixteen and gave birth to a girl, who was named Chris (Cynthia's older sister). Later, another daughter was born - Danielle (Cynthia's younger sister) and the long-awaited heir Jeff. The head of the family was expecting a son during his wife’s first pregnancy.

Cynthia grew up in a large family: grandparents, uncles and aunts, along with their children, lived almost nearby. The girl's childhood was spent playing softball together on the street until dark, setting up a barbecue in someone's yard, and watching parades in honor of national holidays. Cynthia loved her small town, but from an early age she knew that her life would be connected to big cities. She first wanted to become a nuclear physicist, since it seemed to her that this was an outstanding profession, then she had the ambitious idea of ​​becoming the president of the country.

When Cynthia was six years old, her brother was diagnosed with leukemia. Two years later, Jeff died, which was a huge grief for the family. The father, without realizing it, became too strict with his daughters. They were forbidden to have fun, wear makeup, speak loudly, or come home later than 9 pm. Without mincing words, he hammered into their heads the idea that they were ugly ducklings. It was especially hard on Cindy and her birthmark.

The sisters became convinced that the son whom everyone had been waiting for so long died by mistake instead of one of them. They decided to live in such a way that dad and mom could be proud of them. But the father, crushed by the grief of loss, could not recover from it and return to normal life. Four years after Jeff's death, his parents divorced. Housewife Jennifer was forced to take a job as a nurse in a hospital. Cynthia was shocked by what happened and plunged headlong into her studies to escape from her bitter thoughts.

First steps in the modeling business

While at Crawford High School, a stranger called and introduced himself as an employee of a local boutique. Cindy was invited to work for them as a model. Before that, she had not thought about the modeling business, her knowledge in this area was limited to the names of Brooke Shields and Phoebe Cates, but at that moment, inspired by the opportunities that had opened up, Cindy quickly got ready and went to the store. But on the spot she was met with bewilderment. It turned out that it was originally a cruel joke from her classmates.

However, the following year she received her first fee for working as a model. She was paid $150 for a photo wearing a bra from the little-known brand Cross Your Heart for the Marshall Field chain of stores, published in the Chicago Tribune. The picture spread throughout the school, but Cindy no longer cared what her classmates thought of her. And no one was going to tease her like before (“Hey, you look like you have chocolate on your face!” the model recalled them calling them names) - she became a local star. How did this happen?

On the Internet you can find a heart-warming story reminiscent of the miraculous discovery of Marilyn Monroe. Allegedly, when her father fell ill, Cynthia began collecting corn during the summer holidays in order to earn at least some extra money for the family. One sunny day, a newspaper reporter photographed her working in the field, and the photograph caught the eye of a well-known photographer at the time, and away we go...

In reality, everything was not like that, and Cindy herself confirmed this on Twitter. In high school, local photographer Roger Legel photographed a girl while she was lounging poolside in a swimsuit and put her on the cover of the DeKalb Nite Weekly. This prompted the schoolgirl to pick up the Yellow Pages directory and call all the city modeling agencies. At the age of 17, she actually took part in the Look of the Year competition, which was held by the reputable modeling agency Elite Model Management, and won, concluding a contract with the agency.

Meanwhile, Cynthia graduated from school, winning an old argument with her father. Back in the sixth grade, she bet him $200 that she wouldn’t have a single “B” on her report card. She was honored with the right to deliver the valedictorian speech at her high school graduation and a scholarship that covered the cost of her studies at Northwestern University.

The girl entered the Faculty of Chemical Technology. She spent the summer modeling in Europe, and by September she arrived in Chicago to begin her studies. I chose the subjects in such a way that I had the opportunity to work as a model in the evenings. During this period, photographer Victor Skrebenesski did the first significant photo shoot for her portfolio and taught Cindy to turn into an uninhibited lioness in front of the cameras. Here's what he later recalled about their collaboration:

When she walked into my studio... without makeup, she looked 15. It was clear that she was used to tracksuits and sneakers, not furs and dresses. But I haven't met another model who learned as quickly as Cindy. She has an incredibly beautiful body by nature, one in a million, but it is her intellect that is her main strength.

A month passed in college when Cynthia realized that studying here was very different from the school curriculum. She had to go to lectures from morning until lunch, then rush to work in Chicago, and after six in the evening she had to run again to the library or to class. This rhythm, and most importantly the fact that the girl could not succeed one hundred percent both in her studies and in the modeling business, led her to the difficult decision to leave the faculty:

…I could always return to my studies, but a modeling career would not wait for me. Before I became a model, I did a variety of jobs, including cleaning my aunt's house (she even made me scrub the faucets with a toothbrush), babysitting, and folding sweaters in a clothing store.

This kind of work, almost always for little money, taught Cynthia Ann Crawford to truly appreciate hard work and the opportunity to earn a living on her own. During these years, the professional reputation of the model, whom everyone called Cindy, began to gradually take shape, soon becoming a role model for hundreds of thousands of women in the world.

Modeling star

After leaving her studies, in 1986 Cindy moved to New York, where she signed a contract with the New York branch of Elite Model Management. The charming brown-eyed brown-haired woman with a piquant mole just above her lips quickly won the sympathy of the public and built a brilliant career.

Initially, Crawford appeared on the covers of Cosmopolitan and Vogue without a mole - it was carefully retouched by photographers. But later, the brands that Cindy represented began to simply “exploit” what was previously considered a “defect” on the model’s face. For example, while advertising chocolate, Crawford flirtatiously pretends to lick a mole.

For about six months, the girl studied the secrets of makeup, mastered the catwalk, and began going to training sessions with the famous Romanian fitness trainer Radu in the fashion world. Suffice it to say that his clients at that time included Bianca Jagger and Calvin Klein. It was he who laid the foundations for future techniques and training that Cindy popularized:

I started learning more about proper nutrition and how to take care of my figure. Unfortunately, I have never been one of those girls who can eat anything and not gain weight (damn you, Kate Moss!). Over the years I have experimented with different diets: low carb, high protein, low fat, vegetable, fruit...

The period when Crawford became one of the world's supermodels occurred at the turn of the 80s and 90s. For more than ten years she was an ambassador (then they simply said - the face) of the Revlon cosmetics brand. The houses of Versace and Escada chose her for the most famous shows of their collections.

The photo shoot with Crawford is still considered the most successful in the Versace fashion house, although the brands also represented such famous models as Linda Evangelista, Carla Bruni, Christy Turlington. Cindy is also considered the most daring model, as she was the first professional woman to pose nude for Playboy magazine.

During this time, Crawford worked with the famous fashion photographer Herb Ritts, who created the image of George Washington for her on the cover of John F. Kennedy Jr.'s new magazine. She was 21 years old when she met the most eligible bachelor in New York. And when John asked Cindy to appear for cover No. 1 of Georg magazine, she enthusiastically agreed.

Everything was going well, but when it came to the concept, it took a long time to decide how to dress the model who would present the publication dedicated to issues of politics and popular culture. Ritz approached this issue with great care. Crawford later recalled that makeup artist Carol Shaw did her beautiful makeup and gave her a lot of powder. Peter Savik made a wig - an absolute copy of the one depicted on the one dollar bill. Stylist Kate Harrington went to a clothing museum, where she carefully examined the uniform and ordered an exact copy for the model. The most ingenious solution that made the photo “pop” was the idea of ​​​​a cropped shirt, from under which my naked abs were visible. It added a sexy edge to a look that was otherwise destined to look old-fashioned.

The photographer managed to turn Cindy into a sexy and modern George Washington, who became the prototype for the “George” project. Crawford always remembered the pride with which John F. Kennedy Jr. presented the cover of his magazine: “Ladies and gentlemen, meet George!” The model became fifth in the hundred sexiest famous women of the twentieth century, and People included her in the list of the fifty most beautiful people on the planet.

Film, TV and Fitness from Crawford

The model’s film career cannot be called brilliant, but Cindy liked the experience of filming. Crawford's first leading role in a big movie was Katie McQueen, a lawyer in Andrew Sipes's melodramatic thriller Fair Play. Despite the star cast (William Baldwin, Salma Hayek, Christopher McDonald), the film was criticized and even awarded three Golden Raspberries for the worst screen couple of the year, worst actress and worst new star.

Crawford was philosophical about this, and when she was invited to Linda Yellen’s melodrama “Descendants of the Apes” to play the role of Sandra, she happily agreed. The American celebrity is also remembered for her roles in the television series “Frasier,” “Ellen,” and “3rd Planet from the Sun.” She played with James Belushi in his sitcom “As Jim Said,” and in Mark Christopher’s drama “Studio 54” she embodied the image of a VIP client of a closed nightclub for the elite.

73 Questions with Cindy Crawford

For almost ten years, Cindy hosted the “House of Style” program on MTV. At the same time, she starred in commercials, flashing a white-toothed smile from the covers of numerous publications. Her girl in short shorts, drinking Pepsi-Cola straight from a can, was recognized as the sexiest in the history of advertising at that time. A quarter of a century later, Crawford and his son created a parody of this video. And they presented their “masterpiece” in the finals of the American football championship.

Crawford's project of video fitness lessons and further development of exercise sets for women in labor who want to quickly get into good physical shape after childbirth turned out to be a commercial success. Cindy called the project “New Dimension”, and although sports experts had mixed reactions to her idea, she promotes it as a full-fledged complex for gaining tone in all muscle groups.

Charging from Cindy Crawford

In parallel with new areas of activity, Crawford was still involved in the modeling business. More than 600 fashion magazines can boast that their covers have been honored with photographs of Cindy. At the age of 50, the American woman published a series of photos in a swimsuit on Instagram, surprising users with her toned figure and radiant smile. Following this, the diva appeared on the cover of Australian Vogue in stunning outfits from the collections of fashion houses Dior, Chanel and Valentino.

Personal life of Cindy Crawford

In 1991, at one of Herb Ritz's parties, Cindy met Hollywood celebrity Richard Gere. A whirlwind romance soon brought the lovers to the altar of one of the chapels in Los Angeles. In the presence of only four people, the couple sealed the knot with wedding rings made of... foil and chewing gum.

Family life, Crawford dreamed, would bring them happiness, she would become the mother of their children together. But Richard had a different point of view on this matter; at that time he became seriously interested in Buddhism and Tibet, where he often went in search of enlightenment. At that time, Cindy went on talk shows, in which she spoke too openly about their life together. After four years, they decided that the best option for both of them would be divorce.

In 1997, Cindy married restaurateur Rande Gerber, whom she met while still married to Gere. After a divorce, the young woman needed friendly support, and Randy, her “soul mate,” as the supermodel later claimed, came in handy.

With Gerber, Crawford felt free and relaxed, she didn’t have to pretend or adjust. Friendly relationships gradually developed into romantic ones. By the age of 32, Cindy really wanted children and proposed to Randy herself. A little taken aback, he nevertheless agreed without hesitation to formalize the relationship.

The wedding was held in secret on one of the beaches of Malibu. Without press and pathos, in the circle of a small number of close guests, the lovers exchanged rings and pronounced vows of allegiance. A year later, their first child, Presley Walker, was born, and a couple of years later, a girl appeared in the family, who was named Kaya Jordan. Cindy gave birth to both children at home.

Having left the modeling business for a while and taking care of children, Crawford could not sit still and founded a line of skin care cosmetics, and also became interested in the furniture business. In America, the Home Collection brand from Cindy Crawford is quite popular.

Randy, meanwhile, expanded his restaurant business and, together with friends Michael Meldman and George Clooney, launched the Casamigos tequila production line. It was tequila (or rather, its excess) at one of the parties in the house of the model and restaurateur that played an insidious role in another almost love and funny story.

In the fall of 2015, celebrations took place in London to celebrate the release of Crawford's autobiography, To Live and Delight. And Clooney, with a sly smile, told the audience present that he once ended up in bed with Cindy:

It was one of the drunkest and most fun nights of my life and in this house in particular. I went to bed first and fell fully dressed into Cindy and Randy's marital bed. When I was already asleep, Cindy, also not quite sober, came and, mistaking me for her husband, lay down next to me. Meanwhile, Randy was sleeping in the next room, which he confused with the bedroom. The next morning was fun!

Crawford presents this anecdotal incident somewhat differently, but cunning newspapermen immediately fanned the rumor that she and Clooney had an affair, so there was a cooling in the relationship with her husband and the supermodel of the 20th century was going to get a divorce. However, the journalists were very hasty with their conclusions, since in 2019 the husband and wife are still together and, moreover, exchanged touching and tender messages on Instagram, the kind that people on the verge of divorce do not write to each other.

Cindy Crawford now

According to Crawford herself, at the moment she is doing her best to build a career in the modeling business for her own children, Presley and Kaia. She unobtrusively tries to give them the right direction, in her opinion, and helps everyone develop an individual style. Presley Gerber is busy advertising such brands as Burberry, Dolce&Gabbana, Moschino.

Kaia Gerber, whose appearance every year more and more resembles the appearance of her famous mother, by 2020 had become one of the most sought-after young models. She opened almost all the shows of fashion weeks held in New York, Paris and Milan. On the eve of 2020, Kaya and Cindy went together to one of the most prestigious Mexican resorts to relax and recuperate for new challenges and achievements.

In memory of Jeff, who was taken from his family by blood cancer as a child, Crawford continues to engage in charitable work. The charitable foundation she founded, Little Star Foundation, provides financial support to programs for the development and creation of drugs for children with leukemia, helps orphans and allocates funds for the maintenance of babies abandoned in maternity hospitals.

The sex symbol of the nineties does not hide the fact that at first she had difficulty accepting her age of fifty, but every year she views it much more simply. Proof of this is her participation in the “Waking up like this” challenge. Crawford posted a photo of herself on Instagram right after sleep, without any makeup, without styling, as she clarified in the blog, “and without filters”:

I can say that I am calm about the fact that I am getting old. After all, I have so many cool memories associated with this body. I constantly tease my daughter, telling her: “You have my old hair - come back!” or “You have my old legs - come back!” She just giggles and replies that it's her turn now. And she's right.

However, loyal fans admired the publication of the “sleepy” photo of the supermodel, sincerely commenting that Cindy with such an appearance is still very far from old age. And she, as always, explains that the secret of her beauty is simple, if you always take proper care of yourself and are not lazy. Sufficient physical activity, daily walks and the right products, according to Crawford, will help every woman remain attractive for as long as possible.

For example, every morning she begins with meditation, then a shower using hyaluronic serum, a mandatory moisturizer afterwards, and before leaving the house, Cindy uses sunscreen, not forgetting about her décolleté. The model truly “pampers” her beautiful chestnut hair. Everyday massage and nourishing masks (in order not to waste time, she applies them before training and washes them off after). Crawford doesn't recommend using hair ties because she thinks they cause hair breakage.
