Tyra Banks is plump and skinny. Fat "Stars"

Girls often think that once they become slim they will become better, more beautiful and more successful. But does personal happiness depend on the number on the scale? Even celebrities sometimes gain extra pounds, but do not stop loving themselves and do not lose the adoration of their fans. Therefore, fat stars are an example of the fact that a slim figure is not a guarantee of happiness. You can lose weight for your health, but not for other people's opinions.

Famous people are constantly under the radar of cameras; any of their appearances are “caught” by the paparazzi and discussed on the Internet. The news that someone has gained weight will spread around the world in a couple of days. However, many artists do not hide their figure and are not afraid to show it off. We have compiled a list of plump stars who have changed beyond recognition, but have not become less popular!

Top fat celebrity women

Hollywood girls diligently watch their bodies so as not to gain weight, because millions of fans are watching them. However, not all celebrities can boast of a slim figure. Some have long joined the ranks of recovered stars.

Mariah Carey

So, the first on our list will be Mariah Carey, a 48-year-old American singer. Just 2 years ago, no one imagined that the artist would change so much that even doctors would sound the alarm. According to rumors in the media, Mariah managed to gain weight up to 120 kg.

Don’t forget that throughout her career, the singer’s weight went either up or down. But the latest transformation caused a storm of emotions from fans - some thought that she had become even sexier, and someone advised Carey to lose weight as soon as possible.

One way or another, Mariah Carey is not at all embarrassed by journalists and cameras. This woman definitely doesn’t have any big complexes about her appearance; she loves her figure, in which she feels comfortable - this is worth learning from the world star!

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian, the idol of many people around the world, both women and men, also made it to the top. The girl could never be called thin, but she managed to make her body the envy of many. Thanks to the Kardashian family, curvy figures have become fashionable.

However, even Kim had to gain weight during her second pregnancy. During this period, she was attacked by real gluttony. The star admitted that she could not resist any food. Because of this, she managed to gain so much weight that she could no longer control her weight.

During her first pregnancy, the star gained 20 kg; during her second, she broke her own record - the gain was 24 kg.

After giving birth, the TV personality planned a series of plastic surgeries to remove fat and restore her body. By the way, today we can observe the old Kim, who has returned to her former forms.

Often stars who have gained a lot of weight discuss their changes with fans. So, Kim shared her emotions on social networks. She complained that she felt uncomfortable, adding that she had become clumsy. “My swollen ankles! They're out of control!" - Kardashian wrote on her blog.

Tyra Banks

Popular model Tyra Banks was also unable to maintain weight and gained weight. She has repeatedly said that she has been struggling with extra pounds all her life, but for her career, a slim figure is the key to success. And so this confrontation between Tyra and Mother Nature continues. However, in the last few years, it seems that the girl has come to terms with her genes and stopped worrying about the kilograms she had gained.

Back in 2007, something terrible happened for the star - people noticed that she had gained weight. Then the top model besieged the envious people very boldly: “Kiss me on my fat ass!” - Tyra said publicly. After this, the celebrity managed to lose weight, but not for long.

After becoming a mother, Banks realized that she did not want to return to the model constitution. She fell in love with her new body and is not embarrassed by it.


The formerly slim and athletic singer feels great today, having gained, as “evil tongues” claim, as much as 15 kilos. They say that Rihanna began to exercise less and became addicted to fast food. They also say that love has such a calming effect on her.

Fans are divided into 2 camps: some are unhappy with the star’s appearance, while others say that her rounded shape suits her very well.

Lady Gaga

The flamboyant singer Lady Gaga let herself go and ended up on the list of fat stars. The reason for the image change is unknown. But when the girl appeared on stage a few years ago in a new image, fans were shocked and couldn’t believe their eyes. A video of an excerpt from the concert can be found online. The open outfit exposed sagging arms, emphasized a flabby tummy and focused attention on the double chin.

Gaga forgot about proper nutrition and working out in the gym. 7 years ago, the singer admitted that she was addicted to food, which is why she gains excess weight. Why the diva managed to gain so much weight is still not known.

Recently, Lady Gaga began to defend fat girls, accusing society of imposed beauty standards. The singer said that she is proud of her figure and is not embarrassed at all.

Gaga, indeed, feels comfortable in her new body, is not shy about being naked in public and boldly wears revealing outfits.

Britney Spears

A real sex symbol of the 2000s, Britney Spears once stopped looking like a slender beauty. Once upon a time, girls tried to imitate her, repeating her style of clothing. As a young girl, Britney managed to gain worldwide fame. Who would have thought that in a few years a flat tummy would disappear without a trace, and extra pounds would take its place?

An unsuccessful marriage and two pregnancies turned the superstar into an ordinary 30-year-old woman, tormented by problems. Constant stress and numerous attempts to lose weight prevented the singer from returning to the stage. It seemed that fans would no longer see the fiery Britney Spears.

However, in the last few years, the singer has been taking care of herself, and her life is rapidly improving. The star is working hard on her body, the result of her work is already noticeable. She looks great again! The singer is not embarrassed by the cameras, so she actively poses for photos in swimsuits.

Christina Aguilera

A popular singer who constantly causes discussions and rumors on social networks. No, the matter has nothing to do with her work. Everyone is talking about the star getting better again.

Over the past 10 years, Aguilera's numbers have been going up and down like songs on the music charts. The singer can’t find a middle ground, and the celebrity’s figure is constantly changing.

At the beginning of her career, Christina was slim. Now information appears in the media every now and then that Aguilera has gained weight by as much as 20 kg.

Fans are concerned about the condition of their idol. Some are worried that Christina has health problems, while others believe that this is a tendency to be overweight. Most likely, Christina Aguilera will lose and gain weight more than once, because she has a lot of experience in this matter.

The celebrity does not like to touch on the topic of losing weight without commenting on her transformations.

Eva Longoria

The star of the series “Desperate Housewives” Eva Longoria captivated everyone with her beautiful figure and appearance. I didn’t want to take my eyes off this girl, and her body made me envious. But a year ago, journalists caught Eva in a swimsuit, and news sites began to be full of information that the actress had gained weight and now hardly resembled an attractive housewife. The photo from the beach amazed fans - where did the beauty Eva go?!

Previously, the TV personality watched her diet and worked out regularly in the gym. With a height of less than 160 cm and a weight of 44 kg, the actress was a real Thumbelina, and now her sides and stomach are clearly visible in the photo.

Fans wondered for a long time what caused the increase in calories, because after marriage the star was unrecognizable. Later, Eva revealed the secret - she is expecting her first child! And her fans are now waiting for good news.

Hilary Duff

30-year-old actress, star of teen films Hilary Duff has always had a slender figure, but not everything turned out so smoothly for her.

As it turned out, the girl has a tendency to be overweight, so she constantly had to limit herself in food and watch what was on her plate. But the stars also show weakness. So, Hilary stopped controlling her appetite, allowing herself to eat tasty and high-calorie foods. This lifestyle quickly bore fruit, and eagle-eyed journalists immediately noticed the weight gain.

The actress admits that with the birth of her son, she forgot about all diets and gained weight. The joy of motherhood filled Hilary's life.

Now Duff has taken on her figure and has been boxing for a year now, which has helped her lose some of the weight she had gained.

Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson never thought she would be on the list of fat stars. The actress and singer always looked slim, she had no problems with weight, and no one could have thought that they would appear.

However, genes are unpredictable things. So Jessica found out that she was prone to obesity when she managed to get pregnant. Today the girl is raising a daughter and son. The joy of motherhood was overshadowed only by the fact that after giving birth the actress gained weight.

In her interview, she admitted that she did not believe the numbers on the scales. With extra pounds, she felt uncomfortable and insecure.

At this stage, Jessica Simpson is taking care of herself, trying to lead a healthy lifestyle and is not afraid to gain weight again.

The singer actively shares the problem with others. She believes that there is no need to be ashamed of your figure, which has changed after pregnancy.

Top plump celebrity men

Today on our list there are not only girls, but also men - stars who have gained weight beyond recognition.

Val Kilmer

The pioneer will be Val Kilmer, whom everyone knows for his role as Batman. Once upon a time, every girl dreamed of meeting him - the handsome and pumped-up actor was the object of women’s adoration. However, the Hollywood sex symbol has lost its appeal because it has changed beyond recognition.

A few years ago, journalists began to heatedly discuss that the handsome actor had gained so much weight that he was unrecognizable! He gained a lot of extra pounds, and his neck disappeared under his double chin.

Later it turned out that the obesity was caused by throat cancer. Fortunately, Val Kilmer overcame the disease. During treatment, the actor lost a lot of weight. However, he is feeling much better now.

Steven Seagal

Who doesn’t know Steven Seagal, the idol of boys and men, the star of action films that have become classics of cinema? However, this Hollywood actor also lost his form.

With age, Steve began to appear in films less often, lost his figure and began to gain weight. At 66 years old, he weighs about 130 kg. Although it is worth noting that his height is not small - 193 cm. But even with such parameters, the excess weight on the man’s body is noticeable.

Rumor has it that Seagal was always inclined to be overweight, but he took care of himself, since at the beginning of his career popularity also depended on appearance. But with the gradual advent of fame, the actor began to pay less and less attention to his body and gained weight.

Steven Seagal is not embarrassed by the fact that he has gained weight, and has no plans to lose weight.

John Travolta

And this popular actor has changed over the years. In the past, the successful dancer looked slim and fit. He was loved by millions and had fans all over the world.

Of course, John can be given a discount on his age, because he is already 64. But the man stopped dancing and changed his active work to another hobby, he became interested in airplanes and began to get fat. Problems arose back in 2009, when the man’s eldest son died. After the tragedy, John practically stopped appearing in public.

While the actor does not think about diets and sports, apparently he feels comfortable in his new body.

Ryan Gosling

We know of several examples of actors specifically gaining weight to get a role. With Ryan Gosling the opposite is true. He was supposed to star in The Lovely Bones. The actor wanted the hero to become fat, so he decided to gain 15 kg. The director was not satisfied with this turn of events, and Ryan’s role in the film was taken away.

For subsequent films, Gosling no longer took risks and followed the directors' instructions. He lost weight and gained muscle mass. Now the actor has a slim and toned body.

Vince Vaughn

There are celebrities who, having gained weight, only became more popular. We are talking about Vince Vaughn, who gained a few extra pounds after he began his acting career.

In the first films, Vince Vaughn was a slender man, but something went wrong, and the artist gained weight. You can’t call him terribly fat, but he still has some minor problems. However, due to unknown circumstances, such changes helped his career.

The actor, who had recovered, became more successful; they began to invite him to filming and offer him roles. This is truly a rare case, and Vince is a real lucky guy. Maybe it was the man's cunning plan that worked!

Russell Crowe

A famous actor who starred in films where he repeatedly showed off his toned body. But those days are gone. Now the 54-year-old man has recovered and does not resemble his younger self.

He once played in Gladiator, and now he goes out onto the sports field, “sparkling” with his plump figure. The man and his representatives refuse to comment on this matter.

It's worth noting that this is not Russell's first transformation. He was already gaining excess weight for a movie role. Therefore, there are suggestions that the artist simply gained weight for the new film. Well, we hope so, because he was the favorite of many girls.

Over the past few years, there has been a real boom in plump stars in Hollywood. Therefore, do not be sad if you have gained weight and cannot lose weight. There are no people in the world who have ideal bodies. This is also proven by the stars who were able to gain weight, but do not worry about it, because they love themselves in all their guises.

Kate Fisher, who recently amazed her fans with her sudden appearance in public after a 10-year seclusion in a new image, weight and even with a new name, continues to shock the public. Now her name is Tzipora Malka Bat Israel, the model turned to her roots and accepted the religion of her ancestors, is a member of the Jewish community and observes all the traditions of Judaism.

The other day she wrote a post on her Facebook page that perplexed not only her subscribers, but also fans of singer Mariah Carey.

“James Parker wants us to get back together,” Kate wrote, “and I can understand him: old love never rusts... But in fact, I’m sure he’s just stirring up a scandal in an attempt to attract attention to himself. James, isn't Mariah good enough for you? Stop it James, it's been 20 years, leave me alone."


Recall that in 1998, James Parker broke off his engagement to Kate Fisher, after which she became depressed and left Los Angeles, moving to Australia and switching to an extremely closed and secluded lifestyle.

“For everyone who has now written to me that I am fat, scary and useless to anyone: I know about excess weight, I work with it, I have a personal life, but all this does not concern any of you,” the ex-summed up. model.

Meanwhile, Kate is far from the only girl whose parameters have noticeably changed due to weight gain.

Kelly Clarkson, who starred in the film “Very Wild Things” in 1999, and then amazed the United States with her singing on the American Idol show and recorded several super-popular albums, got married in 2013, gave birth to two children in quick succession and gained more than 20 kilograms.

The singer is not at all worried about her external appearance, believing that in addition to her voice, she now has her family with her, charming children, and all this makes her much happier than in those days when she counted calories and thought that her body was the only value. which she has.

Jennifer Love Hewitt has not gained as much weight in recent years, but is still quite noticeable. The actress, however, is not embarrassed by this: “I gave birth to two children, I gained weight and no longer look like a model. But I am happy and feel more feminine. “I’m not going to lose weight,” the star said in an interview.

Tyra Banks became a mother in January 2016. And although a surrogate mother carried the child, the ex-model admits that motherhood caused her to gain 10 kilograms of weight. “Now I’m first and foremost a mother, I’m imperfect, but I’m happy, and if someone wants to judge my appearance, they can kiss my fat ass,” Tyra reacted rather sharply to comments on her latest photos on the Internet.

Aishwarya Rai, who wowed everyone with her purple lips on the red carpet at Cannes this year, looks a little fuller now than she did a few years ago. However, the actress considers her figure ideal for herself: “After giving birth, I gained 20 kilograms. I’m not a reed, but this is life, being happy is more important to me than being thin.”

Kelly Osbourne delighted everyone when she lost excess weight and appeared before the lenses of photographers as an elegant diva. However, it turned out to be too difficult for Kelly to keep in shape: “My life was poisoned by constant diets and worries about kilograms. I’ve gained more than 6 kilograms and I can finally relax: I want to live, not look!”

Where there are celebrities, there are contrasts: on the one hand, there are a lot of “star” temptations, on the other, iron self-control to constantly keep oneself in shape, because without this there will be no successful contracts and fame! But stars are people too, and sometimes self-control fails. Or maybe you need to gain weight for a special role? Here are 15 portraits of celebrities who were caught by reporters in bad shape. Some of them easily regained their slim figure, some are still trying, and some are loved by their fans just the way they are!

1. Val Kilmer

Once upon a time, Val Kilmer was the Hollywood standard of sexuality, but at some point, in place of one strong-willed chin, three (but perhaps equally strong-willed) appeared. There are constantly reports in the media that the actor has throat cancer, and the fight against the disease is affecting his appearance. However, Kilmer himself stubbornly and categorically denies such rumors. Kilmer is currently filming Terrence Malick's Zero Gravity. Little is known about the project, but the film is expected to be released in 2016, so fans will soon see what form the actor will appear in this time - although, of course, they are ready to love Kilmer in any form, as long as he is healthy.

1986 and 2012

2. Britney Spears

At the beginning of her career, Britney Spears was like a spring - thin and muscular, so it was not for nothing that the pop star exposed her stomach at every opportunity, showing off her beautiful abs. Years later, Britney didn’t exactly give up this habit, but the effect was no longer the same.

2001 and 2009

3. Alec Baldwin

For some reason, in all the latest paparazzi photos, Alec Baldwin is eating. It feels like he's eating all the time! Or is it a reporter's plot to photograph the actor eating? The actor's face itself speaks in favor of the first assumption - it was once fit, but today it is simply round.

1994 and 2012

4. Janet Jackson

Michael Jackson's sister has always been a prominent figure, including in the literal sense of the word. Great shape, slimness, gorgeous shoulders - that’s how Janet was loved, but alas, at some point the star’s musical career stopped gaining momentum, but Janet Jackson herself gained a lot of extra pounds. Today you rarely see Janet anywhere - what a pity.

2001 and 2006

5. Steven Seagal

What happened to Steven Seagal? The fuse of the audience's love, of course, will last for a long time, and yet the actor from the star of action films of the 90s has by now turned into a heavyweight who has practically left the screen. In addition, Seagal loves lying: in interviews, he changes excuses like gloves when the conversation turns to physical fitness.

1990 and 2013

6. Jessica Simpson

One of the sexiest celebrities to make our list, "Blonde Ambition" Jessica Simpson has had a successful career as an actress, singer and TV presenter, but her inexplicable transformation has made her painful to watch! What happened to the curvy beauty? Fans blame it all on a difficult breakup with their lover, musician Nick Lachey. However, in 2014, Jessica married her new lover, hockey player Eric Johnson. There is a reason to return to your former form!

2005 and 2011

7. John Travolta

In fact, we are accustomed to a kind of large version of John Travolta: the actor was never skinny, but he was always considered sexy. And all thanks to an amazing smile and self-confidence. And yet it’s interesting to compare the current Travolta with what he once was and how almost no one remembers him anymore!

1983 and 2012

8. Ryan Gosling

Everyone knows that Ryan Gosling is in great shape - a toned body, a charming smile, blue eyes and a sexy demeanor. It is interesting that this particular actor was once not taken into the casting of “The Lovely Bones” by director Peter Jackson - leaving Gosling, who had gained excess weight at that very moment, “fat and unemployed” - and this is in the actor’s own words!

2006 and 2007

9. Christina Aguilera

The years are unkind to pop stars, but girls are very reluctant to part with the habits of their turbulent youth: Aguilera still wears tiny shorts with fishnet stockings on stage, only now it’s not nearly as cool and sexy as in the star’s “slender period.” The matter is aggravated by the eternal hairstyle in the “crow’s nest” style and an extreme abundance of makeup. However, recently the singer has taken to going to the rocking chair and playing sports games with her children, so the excess weight will soon come to an end.

2003 and 2012

10. Vince Vaughn

Technically speaking, Vince Vaughn is a little overweight. And actually, they appeared after the actor became a star. But everything turned out somehow organically - such an image strangely suited him, so the fans accepted it without judgment, and completely forgot the skinny Vince Vaughn of the beginning of his career. The actor himself is clearly not worried about this either, and it seems to be even better for his career.

1996 and 2015

11. Mariah Carey

There should be a lot of good people, and even more talented pop singers in years. But, unfortunately, the aura of talent and success is not always attached to curvaceous figures: the current Mariah Carey more often looks tired and aged than happy and satisfied with life. And there haven’t been any incendiary albums for a long time.

1997 and 2012

12. Laurence Fishburne

The wise and fit Morpheus, Neo’s mentor from The Matrix, is unrecognizable today: of course, Laurence Fishburne’s bones are very wide, but he can’t hide his excess weight. To meet the bar of superhero franchises, where the actor is currently starring, you will have to work!

1999 and 2012

13. Russell Crowe

Another handsome star and action movie sex symbol who has neglected himself over the years - alas, Russell Crowe. Who would have thought! Having gained weight, Crowe did not stop acting at all - he calmly goes through castings and does not even intend to lose weight. In addition, Crowe enjoys a peaceful married life with a charming wife and two children and does not seem at all unhappy with himself. In all likelihood, fans will have to forget the skinny Russell Crowe!

1999 and 2011

14. Matt Damon

Matt Damon is the favorite actor of young girls around the world, and today he is in great shape, as we saw in “The Martian” (even though Damon’s character spent most of the film in a spacesuit and eating potatoes). But memorable fans still remember Damon’s sudden transformation in 2009, the year he suddenly gained weight and grew unkempt hair and a mustache. True, it was all for the sake of the role: Matt was preparing for filming in the film “The Informant” and for this he specially gained weight and dyed his hair.

2008 and 2009

15. Gerard Butler

Gerard Butler is constantly thrown from one extreme to another: either he has a body that is the envy of everyone, or suddenly noticeable sides appear. Butler is one of those actors who find it easy to gain and lose weight. He uses this for creative purposes, and in life he does not deny himself anything.

2006 and 2010

Stars, just like ordinary people, may not always adhere to the right lifestyle. This leads to them gaining weight and gaining excess weight, which is then very difficult to lose. In the article, we gave examples of celebrities who, due to constant overeating, are simply unrecognizable today.


If you look at the “star” statistics, the number of celebrities who have gained weight has increased significantly. However, the following individuals distinguished themselves by the most visible changes in proportions.

  • Rihanna. This Barbadian beauty managed to gain more than 15 kilograms in just half a year, which has become one of the hottest topics in the world tabloids today. However, such modifications had absolutely no effect on Rihanna and she simply changed her wardrobe, replacing translucent dresses with dresses of a complex cut that visually hide the flaws of her figure.

  • Nelly Furtado. One of those celebrities who gained weight beyond recognition. Nellie gained more than 20 kilograms, but did not change her extravagant tastes in clothes, which in general looks ridiculous, since her outfits do not hide problem areas at all.

  • Olivia Wilde. The American actress, who has always been distinguished by her fragile forms, has not yet been able to return to her former parameters after her second pregnancy. But this does not prevent Olivia from often appearing in public, since she skillfully hides figure flaws with the help of properly selected clothes.

  • Eva Longoria. After Eva married businessman José Antonio Bastón, she began to lead a quieter and more peaceful life. The paparazzi still managed to find the loving couple on vacation on the beach, where the actress’s rounded shape was clearly visible. At the beginning, journalists thought that she was pregnant, but as it turned out, Eva was simply happy, and her husband liked the new forms of his chosen one.

  • Mariah Carey. The record holder of our rating, as this Hollywood singer was able to gain as much as 40 kilograms. Mariah tried in every possible way to hide the changes in her figure with the help of oversized outfits and Photoshop, but she still failed. Now the singer has come to terms with the changes that have happened to her and continues to lead a solo career, while not hesitating to wear translucent tight-fitting suits at concerts.

  • Kylie Jenner. This beauty, like other representatives of the Kardashian family, also has a wasp waist and voluminous hips. Recently, Kylie has noticeably gained weight, gaining several kilograms. But this absolutely does not stop her from continuing to flaunt herself in rather provocative tight-fitting outfits.

  • Adele. One of the highest paid singers has always been distinguished by her magnificent parameters, which she struggled with throughout her life. It would seem that Adele recently lost a lot of weight, changed her image and became prettier. But the latest photos of the singer prove that she still gave herself some slack, which could not but affect her proportions.

  • Aishvaria Rai. An Indian “Cinderella” who gained weight beyond recognition during pregnancy. After giving birth, the star could not lose the kilograms she had gained for a long time, for which she often received unflattering reviews from her fans. But last year, Aishwarya appeared in Cannes in a radically different way. She lost a lot of weight and became prettier, and her chic outfits caused considerable admiration.

Important! The secret to Aishwarya's transformation is eating curry, which increases metabolism, as well as a vegetable diet. As for sports, she replaced cardio training with daily walks with her daughter. Thus, the actress proved that you can lose weight with pleasure.

  • Kesha. Previously, this singer simply “blowed up” dance floors with her hits, but today it’s simply impossible to look at her without tears. Kesha has gained a lot of weight and gained more than 30 kilograms. According to the singer herself, such changes were provoked by nervous stress associated with the sexual harassment she was subjected to from her producer.

  • Jessica Simpson. The typical American blonde who previously had sexy proportions is simply unrecognizable today. Due to two pregnancies, this celebrity gained more than 40 kilograms, of which she has already managed to lose 20. But no matter how hard Jess tried to regain her former forms, she never succeeded.

  • Julia Roberts. Everyone's favorite “beauty” looks completely different today. Due to a breakdown in relations with her husband, the actress stopped playing sports, and stress simply began to eat away.

Domestic “donuts”

There are also stars in Russian show business who have gained weight. Below we have given examples of such changes, as well as photos of domestic celebrities before and after their transformation.

  • Natasha Koroleva. And it seems like just recently this singer was flaunting her achievements in losing weight, but today she has gained weight again. The dacha is to blame for everything. Natalya and her family went on vacation out of town, where she forgot about training and diet.

  • Anna Sedokova. After the birth of her third child, Anna gained a couple of extra pounds. Although the singer exhausted herself with training, she was unable to regain her former thinness. Nevertheless, as Anna herself claims, she likes her new forms and the singer is not going to torture herself with strict diets.

  • Eva Polna. The ex-soloist of the popular Russian pop group “Guests from the Future” in the 90s gained more than 30 kilograms after the birth of two children. At the beginning, Eva promised her fans that she would definitely return to her former forms. Unfortunately, she was unable to say goodbye to her excess weight and, in order not to confirm her fiasco, Eva said that she had come to terms with the new image and she really liked it.

  • Lolita. The singer, who recently showed off her toned figure, this summer amazed everyone with her changes and not at all for the better. But even despite this, fans still love such an eccentric celebrity and always greet her with thunderous applause.

  • Anastasia Melnikova. The star of the television series “Streets of Broken Lights” was always inclined to be overweight, but constant exercise and limited nutrition helped her stay in shape. Anastasia began to recover after turning 40, when she began to experience hormonal changes. According to the artist, she has already tried a variety of diets that did not help her.

As you can see in the photos presented in the article, the stars are also gaining weight and gaining extra pounds, which are then quite difficult to part with. Some tirelessly begin to fight the changes that have occurred, while others simply accept defeat and claim that they are absolutely comfortable in their new body.

It's no secret that accessories create an accent in the right area. But besides the obvious schemes, you can use more interesting solutions. Thus, a light flying scarf accidentally emphasizes a beautiful gait, and large earrings make the eyes more expressive.

Tyra Banks knows how to surprise the world. After 22 years, the supermodel once again graces the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit to inspire women to love themselves at any age and in any shape. The star not only showed off in front of the camera in different swimsuits, but also commented on her changed volume.

45-year-old Tyra Banks posted the magazine cover on her Instagram account and accompanied the post with an inspirational speech: “This is for everyone who has been told they are not good enough because of age, appearance, etc. You are incredible, despite anyone’s claims!” Banks' fans appreciated the bold photo shoot and were glad that the star returned to modeling after 14 years.

On the pages of the publication, all readers could appreciate the big difference between the 1997 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover and the new one. Tyra has always attracted attention with her feminine figure, but it's easy to see that for a non-plus-size model, Banks looks plump. She not only commented on this moment on her profile, but also encouraged other women to give themselves the opportunity to take a break.

“I thought I needed to lose 14 kilograms, but then I saw ice cream. I adore it and just can't say no when it calls to me from my mom's freezer. Yes, we should exercise, take care of our health and take vitamins. However, sometimes we should give ourselves permission to enjoy a spoonful of ice cream,” Tyra wrote.
