Types of computer uninterruptible power supplies. Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), what they are and their operating principle

In this lesson we will understand the principles of organizing a modular grid, which is a very popular solution when building various templates. As you master the material, you will be able to independently build your own modular grid. The resulting code can be used in other projects. Well, examples of modular grids on various sites are presented in one of the lessons on our website.

Ready-made working environments for modular grids. Advantages and disadvantages.

There are quite a large number of ready-to-use working environments for organizing modular grids (for example, 960.gs). Such ready-made solutions help speed up development. No need to think about how to organize the columns. We simply connect a ready-made system to the project, and devote the freed up time to thinking through the design.

However, such ready-made solutions also have disadvantages. For novice developers, most of them present rather cumbersome code structures and the ease of creating a template is often lost in the search for the most suitable style for an HTML element.

In addition, modular grids in ready-made working environments have their own very limited parameters. You will have to play by their rules or the whole orderly structure may be disrupted. Adjusting the code the way you like can turn into a long and rather painful process that will erase all temporary advantages.

In addition, generic, vague class names can confuse other members of your team who are adherents of strict code semantics.

We are building our own modular grid.

Some developers like modular grid workspaces, and some don't. This lesson is intended for those who have taken a position between two opposing camps. You may like the benefits you get from using a modular grid (especially the speed of template construction). But the price you have to pay for a ready-made solution may confuse you.

Such reasoning becomes especially powerful when constructing simple pages. Of course, it's great to have help building the template. But dragging the entire working environment onto one page is like planting a single small seedling with a huge excavator.

For this type of system, it would be logical to abandon any working environments. But it would be quite convenient to build instead some kind of system for building columns on the fly.

The goal of our tutorial is to create a system that can be reused in various projects to build complex multi-column templates. The system should be small and not lead to the use of redundant code. It should not contain a huge list of classes that do not fit into the semantics of the code and are almost never used. The system should be flexible and encourage it to be used in every project, and not put in the farthest corner of your storage room to be forgotten forever. If you suddenly decide to change the screen width for your project, then our modular grid should change almost independently and without problems. Finally, the implementation of the code should be simple and fast.

Creating Columns in CSS

If you're new to creating CSS templates, creating a multi-column template may seem like an intimidating process. Obviously, if it were simple, there wouldn't be so many different libraries.

Let's say you want to install four speakers. The first thing you have to take into account is the width. For example, our container has a width of 900 px. If we divide 900 px into 4 columns, we get 225 px per column. It's simple! But such columns will stick to each other. Therefore, there should be indents between them. But padding will bloat our template and push the columns outside the container.

We need to take into account the width of the padding between the columns. Let's say the first, second and third columns have a right margin of 3 px (margin-right property). Then the three margins will take up 9 px, and the column width will be (900 px - 9 px)/4=225.75 px.


Such a simple task required mathematical calculations. They are, of course, far from advanced mathematics, but changing the width of the parent container will require us to repeat the calculations

You need to use another method that will cause changes in the children when the parent elements change.

We use percentages

If we use percentages instead of pixels, our math becomes a little easier, and the grid becomes smart enough to change with the width of its parent container.

Instead of keeping all the calculations in your head, you can use a calculation tool. There is a fairly convenient online programmable calculator that is quite suitable for solving such simple problems - Instacalc.

Instacalc allows you to create formulas for repeated calculations. For our calculations, a special calculator has been created (you can create your own if you wish), in which you can change the number of columns, the amount of indentation between columns and get calculated values ​​for the width of the columns. The width is a percentage, 100% is the width of the parent container.

If you need to carry out calculations for three columns, then simply change 4 to 3 in the first line of the calculator and get the result.

Let's build our grid

Enough theory. Nothing will help you better understand the material than a practical solution to a pressing issue.

Let's say we want to arrange our text on a page in four columns. The HTML code will be quite simple. You need to place the content of each column in a div element, which will be assigned a specific class. The last column also uses the class last, which helps disable unnecessary indentation.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Now let's move on to the CSS. First, let's set the width of the container and the overflow: hidden property. Then we set the style of the class using the results of the calculations performed. They are stored in the calculator.

Wrapper (overflow: hidden; width: 600px;).featuresColumn (float: left; width: 22%; margin-right: 4%;).last (margin-right: 0;)

Instead of a large library, we have a few lines of code that also create four columns of text.

You can change the width of the container. The entire template will be rebuilt automatically. But for a real rubber template, you also need to set the width of the container as a percentage. Then when you change the width of the browser window, everything will also change proportionally.

Wrapper (overflow: hidden; width: 90%;).featuresColumn (float: left; width: 22%; margin-right: 4%;).last (margin-right: 0;)

Combining speakers

What if we need two or more columns in one wide one? We need to do the calculations and create the appropriate classes that will then be applied to the div elements.

The calculator has formulas for calculating two and three combined columns.

The HTML code will be very similar to the previous one. But the content of the last column is enclosed in an element with a div class of wide column.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

In the CSS code you need to add a class for the wide column:

Wrapper (overflow: hidden; width:700px; margin-bottom: 3%; ) .featuresColumn (float: left; width: 22%; margin-right: 4%;) .featuresColumnWide (float: left; width: 48%; margin-right: 4%;).last (margin-right: 0)

Our code in the browser will look like this:

Now you can combine different content layout options to create interesting templates.


As a result, we got a modular grid. which automatically adjusts to the width of the container. The code is very compact and meets the semantic requirements.

This way you can build more complex modular grids. Moreover, their creation does not require significant effort on the part of the developer.

At the moment, it is almost impossible to imagine your life without the existence of such a brainchild of technological progress as a computer. Personal computers have changed a lot over the past twenty years, becoming much more productive and powerful. Old computers have given way to powerful new machines that can handle more work than ever before.

But no matter how powerful a personal computer is, it will still remain dependent on electricity. Since there are a number of factors that can interfere with the operation of a computer, and at the same time lead to the loss of important user data, there is a need to create uninterruptible power supplies.

If a user is working at his personal computer, and several applications are open on the desktop at once, performing a huge amount of work, then during the activity dozens of important files can be created, which will subsequently be of great importance to the user. But in the midst of work, the unexpected may happen - some kind of power failure, and the computer will turn off. Of course, many files that have a self-saving function will remain on the system and will be used by the user, but most of the data will be irretrievably destroyed.

Electrical networks cannot be called ideal. At any moment, a power failure can occur in any house, in any apartment, which will entail certain consequences. It is impossible to predict and prevent the occurrence of another failure that may cause problems with personal data user.

An uninterruptible power supply (UPS, UPS, uninterruptible power supply for a computer) is a very interesting device that can prolong the operation of the computer, prevent possible breakdowns and “filter” the voltage (in some cases).

Possible power problems

In order to decide for yourself whether an uninterruptible power supply is needed at all or not, you should think carefully about what power problems may occur when working on a computer:

All currently existing UPS systems for computers are divided into three groups. Uninterruptible power supplies from different groups differ from each other in some properties, the presence or absence of certain functions, etc.

How to choose a UPS for your computer

After the user has learned about the existence of such devices and got to know them better, he may want to purchase a power supply for himself. But in order to buy, you must first carefully weigh the pros and cons" and decide whether the user really needs this device. After a positive answer, you should understand UPS better so as not to get into an unpleasant situation or waste more money than originally expected.

To choose the right model of uninterruptible power supply, you should know the main characteristics by which UPSs are distinguished. When choosing a UPS, the PC user must take into account the following characteristics:

  • output power
  • stated battery life
  • price
  • device dimensions

The most common reason why users purchase uninterruptible power supplies for their personal computers is the occurrence of problems in the electrical network. In this case, most often such problems are associated with the disappearance of voltage. Also, many personal computer users purchase uninterruptible power supplies to ensure that all operations carried out while working on their PC will be completed to completion. Everyone knows that power problems can lead to damage to data stored on the computer, and in some cases, damage to the operating system. Here the problems may become more serious.

Present on the market UPS from various manufacturers. This may create difficulties, but they can be easily avoided. The fact is that this factor does not matter much. Almost all UPS systems for a computer with similar characteristics will cost approximately the same, even if they are made by different manufacturers. So it’s better not to create unnecessary difficulties for yourself and not pay attention to the brand of UPS. It is better to study the characteristics to find a device that will fully meet all user requirements.

The UPS should be purchased from those stores where the specified warranty will be at least one year. Also, do not forget that the cost of an uninterruptible power supply includes the price of batteries and is approximately half of the total cost. In most cases, batteries last an average of half a year, or a year at most.

Home personal computers supplied with Off-Line UPS structures, and office or home-scale local networks - with line-interactive UPSs.

In order to select an uninterruptible power supply for your computer, you should use a special ratio: the rated load should be multiplied by 1.2.

The buyer should also pay attention to the presence of several useful parameters in the uninterruptible power supply, which not all models have. These parameters are: “cold start” function - a function with which the uninterruptible power supply can be turned on when the mains voltage is turned off; the ability to replace the battery yourself or add additional ones; the presence of power filters that suppress pulse surges in the electrical network.

Another important factor that a buyer should pay attention to when choosing an uninterruptible power supply is its switching time to the battery and back. It should be remembered that the lower this value, the better, since a long switching (15 ms) can cause a malfunction of the personal computer.

An example of selecting a UPS for a computer

For example, you need to protect the device, the total whose power is 440 W(implies the power of the power supply and LCD monitor). The minimum UPS power value can be taken as 630 VA.

How can we now convert active power (W) into total power (VA)?

The power of the uninterruptible power supply (VA) must be equal to the connected load(BT) and the resulting value is divided by 0.7.

It is very important to note that sellers may confuse VA and W, which may cause a discrepancy in the buyer's calculations and the seller's recommendations. If we assume that the buyer follows the lead of the seller who made such a common mistake, then he will have to be content with an uninterruptible power supply, the power of which will be significantly less than expected by about 1.4 times, which can subsequently cause problems, not to mention a spoiled mood.


Uninterruptible power supplies are devices that can help users in their work on personal computers. In addition to the power maintenance function, some uninterruptible power supply models carry out control function monitoring voltage and preventing breakdowns. It can be stated that uninterruptible power supplies can prolong the operation of a personal computer and protect it from the adverse effects of power supply problems.

No one is immune from the unpleasant consequences of various power failures. This can happen to any user of personal computers. But problems can be eliminated by having an uninterruptible power supply, which will perform a protection function and get rid of troubles.

Choosing an uninterruptible power supply is not so difficult, but this process cannot be called definitely easy. The fact is that all the characteristics of uninterruptible power supplies are not so easy to fit in your head, and not everyone can figure it out. But in principle, if you remember the main important functions of uninterruptible power supplies, you will be able to choose a device that is suitable specifically for a specific personal computer.

Purchasing an uninterruptible power supply for your personal computer will allow the user to avoid problems that are most often associated with failures in power supply networks. If a problem occurs, the uninterruptible power supply will be able to switch to battery power, which will prolong the operation of the computer. This will allow the user avoid potential problems with data corruption or loss.

There are enough manufacturers of uninterruptible power supplies for computers, but you shouldn’t rack your brains and choose a device from a specific manufacturer from the entire expanse of the presented assortment. This does not justify the effort and nerve expended. There is no need to conduct a deep comparative analysis, since essentially all models of uninterruptible power supply systems that have similar characteristics cost the same and work approximately the same.

UPS are indispensable assistants to users who perform a huge amount of work and whose activities are inextricably linked with the computer. You can rely on the illusory quality of power supply networks and their uninterrupted operation, but it is better to be practical and once again play it safe.

There is probably not a single person who has not encountered unstable operation of domestic power grids. The voltage either drops or rises, or even the electricity disappears altogether. And if this does not mean a death sentence for household appliances, then such sensitive electronics as a computer can be completely damaged by such power surges. To avoid trouble, you need to install a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) for your computer.

Read in the article

The need to use a UPS for a computer

The uninterruptible power supply is equipped with a special rechargeable battery, thanks to which household electrical equipment can continue to operate for some time after voltage surges or during a power outage. There are devices for different types of equipment - PCs, electrical equipment sensitive to voltage changes. But in this review we will only consider uninterruptible power supplies for computers. A UPS (UPS) makes it possible to correctly shut down programs and turn off the PC during a power outage, as well as protect all components of an electronic device from the negative effects of sudden power surges.

In this article, we will look at the most important parameters of an uninterruptible power supply for the home in order to make the right choice and buy exactly the device that is needed.

Main types of uninterruptible power supplies for computers

Manufacturers offer a wide variety of UPS types for the home, differing in a variety of characteristics:

  • according to the principle of operation - backup (Back-UPS), line-interactive (Smart-UPS), double conversion UPS (On-Line);
  • type of automatic voltage regulation;
  • quality of filtering network interference;
  • battery capacity;
  • device response time when the voltage is turned off;
  • possibility of connecting additional batteries for UPS;
  • various additional functions.

Backup (Back-UPS)

A backup or offline uninterruptible power supply has the simplest design and the following principle of operation:

  • when there is voltage in the network, electricity is supplied through the UPS directly to the device, simultaneously recharging the battery. Electricity is not regulated, and interference is filtered at the simplest level;
  • When there is a power outage, the uninterruptible power supply switches the PC to battery power. The inverter, which converts direct current into alternating current, installed in devices of this type is the simplest, and therefore the signal shape does not correspond to the correct sine wave;
  • The uninterruptible power supply also comes into operation when the voltage thresholds set by manufacturers depending on the device model change;
  • The turn-on time of the UPS is 5÷20 ms, which is quite a lot since in some models such a delay can negatively affect the functioning of the device.

The advantages of offline models include low cost, quiet operation and a fairly high level of efficiency. Among the shortcomings are the duration of the transition to offline mode, a non-sinusoidal output signal, insufficient filtering of noise and pulses, as well as the lack of voltage and frequency adjustment when operating from the mains.

Reasons to buy a line-interactive UPS for your computer

This type of UPS is the most popular among users due to the optimal combination of price and functionality. Its circuit diagram contains automatic input voltage regulation - AVR. At a normal voltage value when operating from the mains, the uninterruptible power supply passes the incoming signal through passive filters, and at the same time the batteries are charged.

When the permissible voltage values ​​increase or decrease, the UPS switches the computer to battery operation. When the UPS battery is 70% charged and the voltage is 160 V, the device will go into offline mode, and at 30% charge and the voltage is 150 V, adjustment will be made via the AVR.

Some linear-interactive models of uninterruptible power supply systems are practically no different in output signal from offline-type devices with a stepped sinusoidal shape. Devices such as Smart-UPS switch the computer to battery operation much faster than standby UPSs.

The advantages of linear-interactive uninterruptible power supply systems are:

  • affordable price;
  • quiet operation of the device;
  • automatic voltage regulation;
  • quickly switching devices from the network to the battery - on average the time is 2÷8 ms.

The disadvantages include the lack of frequency regulation, still insufficient filtering of various noise and non-smooth voltage regulation, low efficiency in comparison with offline UPSs.

Double conversion uninterruptible power supply (On-Line)

This type of UPS is a professional, most reliable and expensive device, which is perfect for ultra-sensitive equipment. Models of this type operate on the principle of double conversion of input electricity - first into direct current, and then into alternating current. As a result, the efficiency of the device increases to 95%, and noise and interference completely disappear due to double conversion.

Since the On-Line uninterruptible power supply device for a private home works almost constantly, it can, if necessary, instantly switch the computer’s operation from the mains to batteries, since the power is supplied through a rectifier, a battery (during charging) and an inverter. The double conversion UPS can also operate in bypass mode. This is a spare line running directly from the input to the output of the uninterruptible power supply, bypassing the rectifier, batteries and inverter. Such a system makes it possible to supply voltage directly to the PC in an emergency (for the device) situation.

The advantages of an uninterruptible power supply with double conversion are as follows:

  • continuous ;
  • effective filtering of all kinds of interference;
  • pure sine wave output and instant transition to battery operation.

The disadvantages include:

  • high price;
  • the lowest efficiency among all types of UPS, however, there are exceptions and therefore, when purchasing, you should carefully study the instructions;
  • Due to constant operation, the UPS generates a lot of heat, which requires effective cooling, which means that the device does not operate very quietly, unlike other types of uninterruptible power supplies.

How to choose a UPS for a computer based on its main characteristics

In order to choose a good uninterruptible power supply for computers, you need to know the basic characteristics of the device. Among the most important parameters are:

  • power;
  • battery life;
  • software;
  • controls;
  • types and number of connectors.

Before choosing an effective uninterruptible power supply for your equipment, you need to carefully study all the technical characteristics of the device in order to purchase the necessary model.

How to choose a UPS for a computer based on device power

To ensure uninterrupted power supply for your home, you need to take into account one of the most important parameters - the maximum power of the equipment that can be connected to the UPS. If the maximum value of the connected equipment is higher than the maximum power of the uninterruptible power supply, the device will simply fail. To choose an uninterruptible power supply that is ideal for your equipment, you need to calculate its power in advance, which can be done using the formula below.

WUPS = WPC(or the sum of the power of all equipment)/0.6 × 1.4 , Where

  • 0,6 – coefficient of load conversion from W to VA (Volt-ampere);
  • 1,4 – power safety factor for UPS.

Battery life

This characteristic directly depends on the capacity of the battery with which the UPS is equipped. Most models of uninterruptible power supplies can operate in autonomous mode for 4÷8 minutes. This time is enough for the system to be able to correctly close all programs, save edited documents and turn off the computer.

Some UPS models are able to work after a power outage for about 15–20 minutes. However, such devices are naturally much more expensive than their other counterparts due to the high-capacity battery. Such uninterruptible power supplies are especially good if several types of household appliances are connected to them.


Since some UPS systems must not only connect to the power grid and PC, but also be able to “communicate” with the computer OS in order to issue commands, receive the necessary data and monitor the operation of the device. For this purpose, manufacturers equip all UPS models with special software.

Before you buy a UPS for your home, you need to make sure that it is compatible with your computer’s operating system, and that it can be connected via the Internet, USB or COM ports. If the network voltage goes out while the user is away, then thanks to special software, the uninterruptible power supply will allow you to correctly close running programs and turn off the PC.


In addition to the sound alarm, which informs the user that the UPS has switched to autonomous operation mode when the power is turned off, and LED indicators, some advanced models are equipped by the manufacturer with LCD displays. These small screens reflect almost all information about the operation and status of the uninterruptible power supply. Through the display, the user has the opportunity to set a specific operating mode for his equipment.

Types and number of connectors

As a rule, UPSs for PCs are equipped with sockets that are protected from both power outages and power surges. When choosing an uninterruptible power supply, you should take into account the number of both types of connectors, since most likely you will need at least two protected from power outages in the electrical network.

Budget UPSs are equipped with 1-2 connectors for connecting external devices – a system unit and a monitor. In more expensive models, manufacturers install more, as well as USB or RJ-45 connectors.

How not to make a mistake when choosing a UPS for your computer

We have already briefly reviewed the main characteristics of an uninterruptible power supply. Let's look at some more device parameters that you need to pay attention to when choosing an uninterruptible power supply for your home in case of a power outage.

Selection by power

As already mentioned, the most important parameter of a UPS is its power. However, in order to buy a device that will save your household appliances from troubles associated with power outages and voltage surges, you also need to know the power of the connected equipment, in our case, the system unit and monitor.

Determining the power of a monitor is not difficult, since it is usually indicated on the device body. The situation is worse with the system unit, since it is quite difficult to determine the load value without special instruments. Typically, the power of the system unit is 2-3 times less than the value indicated on the switching power supply case. Therefore, when assembling a PC, as a rule, they are guided by the maximum power consumption.

Advice! When purchasing a UPS, it is advisable to choose a device with a power reserve of approximately 20% greater than the total power of the connected equipment.

By connection type

Uninterruptible power supplies also differ in their input and output connections.

Input Connection Types

A UPS intended for use at home, in the office and in server rooms, with low and medium power up to 2 KVA, is characterized by the presence of an IEC-320 C13 connector, the same as on PC power supplies. Some consumer computer models have a built-in power cable. Uninterruptible power supply units with a power of 2÷5 kVA are equipped with an IEC-320 C19 connector, which differs from the previous one in the presence of contacts rated for 16A and in shape. UPS with a power of 5 kVA or more uses rigid mounting and ground connection.

Output Connection Types

In low-power uninterruptible power supplies for home use, Schuko CEE 7 type F output connectors for a Euro plug are usually used. In office devices, sockets of the IEC-320 C13 type are often used, and in UPSs for server rooms, IEC-320 C13 and IEC-320 C19 are installed simultaneously. Single and multi-rack systems are equipped with three-phase connectors for hard wiring.

By input voltage range

Before you go to the store to buy a UPS for your computer, you need to assess the quality of the household electrical network - interference, voltage surges, frequency of complete power outages, etc. Based on these data, the range of operating input voltage and the operating time of the equipment in offline mode are determined.

The input voltage range determines the acceptable values ​​within which the uninterruptible power supply can supply stable voltage to the connected equipment without using the battery. Backup UPSs have a small range - approximately 190÷260 V, while inverter and interactive ones have a much wider range. Some uninterruptible power supply models provide the ability to manually adjust the input voltage limits.

Leading manufacturers of UPS for computers

After you have considered the main characteristics that you will focus on when choosing an uninterruptible power supply, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the leaders in the production of these devices.


Over the four decades of its existence, this American company has become an industry benchmark in the field of highly reliable IT infrastructure and power supplies. The innovative solutions created by the company throughout its existence have brought it popularity all over the world. They are currently used in infrastructure solutions and for data management and protection around the world.

In 2007, the company merged with the European transnational corporation Schneider Electric, which is known for its solutions in the field of automation and energy management. This move led to the creation of critical power and cooling systems, which are currently marketed under the APC and MGE UPS Systems brands.


The company was founded in 1987 and has production in the USA, Germany, China and Taiwan. Powercom specializes in the development of power protection systems for residential and corporate use. In a fairly short period of time, the company became one of the industry leaders and introduced a wide range of uninterruptible power supplies to the market.

All the company's products are of high quality and have almost American and European certificates of quality and safety.


The brand is one of the most popular in Russia. The company was founded in 2001 in Hong Kong and the purpose of its creation was high-quality protection of personal computers. The brand's product line includes 25 UPS models of various types.

When creating their models, the company's developers focus on the use of inexpensive but durable materials. The brand's products meet all quality and safety requirements and meet the needs of consumers. In addition, IPPON's product range includes accessories and additional batteries for uninterruptible power supplies, surge protectors, chargers and adapters for laptop PCs and much more.


A Russian company that was founded in 2002 and produces reliable uninterruptible power supplies for PCs, boilers and various household appliances. Container power plants, diesel generator sets, energy complexes and UPS are produced under this brand.

The products of this domestic manufacturer are very popular among consumers due to the high quality of the equipment offered and the optimal price-quality ratio.

Rating of the best UPS models for a computer

Uninterruptible power supplies are a necessary device for PCs and household appliances, especially if your place of residence experiences frequent power outages or power surges. When choosing a UPS you should focus on:

  • stability of work;
  • durability and ease of use;
  • power;
  • noiselessness;
  • dimensions and weight of equipment;
  • value for money;
  • manufacturer.

Based on these parameters, a rating of uninterruptible power supplies for personal computers has been compiled, which will help when choosing this equipment.

Powercom IMD-1025AP

Interactive uninterruptible power supply with an output power of 615 W, which is enough to shut down the computer and peripherals within 4 minutes in the event of a power outage. The model is equipped with a built-in LCD display that optimizes the operation of the device and facilitates its setup. The UPS has an optimal price/quality ratio.

  • output power;
  • LCD display;
  • USB port;
  • a sufficient number of connectors;
  • easy setup.


  • dimensions;
  • loud signals;
  • output sockets are computer only.

Review effects710 Ukraine, Nikopol: Uninterruptible power supply Powercom IMD-1025AP LCD - came to the rescue more than once

Advantages: long operating time without electricity

Disadvantages: insufficient equipment

I'll start, as always, with the good. Since I live in the private sector, a UPS is simply a necessity, since we often have power outages and fluctuations. After purchasing the IMD-1025AP, the voltage dropped several times and the computer continued to work. For me, this is a big plus since I spend almost all my free time right at the computer. On the back there are 6 outputs 4 with protection against overload, undervoltage and lack of voltage 2 with overload protection and 1 input is also for phone and USB and I don’t know why but there is also a coaxial one.

More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_718409.html

APC Back-UPS 1100VA

Just like the previous model, this device is quite reliable and durable. Despite the higher cost than its predecessor in this rating, the APC Back-UPS 1100VA is not equipped with an LCD display, making it more difficult to control the operation of the equipment.

However, the presence of 4 connectors supplying battery power to the PC and peripherals distinguishes this model from its competitors. The power of the device is 660 W, which classifies it as an interactive type model and makes equipment protection from power surges more reliable.

It will take about 8 hours to fully charge the batteries, which, you must admit, is not very fast and does not satisfy some users.

The advantages include:

  • price;
  • output power;
  • USB port;
  • number of Euro output connectors.
  • long battery charging;
  • no display.

Ippon Back Basic 1050 IEC

Although this model does not have a large number of connectors, this is compensated by a power of 600 W, which allows you to correctly shut down the computer and turn off the computer in the event of a power outage or power surges. The Ippon Back Basic 1050 IEC also does not have a display, and information about the operation of the device is displayed via.

The time to fully charge the batteries is 6 hours, which is not bad at all, especially considering that this model is still in an affordable price segment. The appearance of the device does not stand out in any way, and its weight is just over 5 kilograms, which is caused by the presence of capacitive batteries that can be replaced if necessary.

This model of uninterruptible power supply has an audio alarm, an interference filter and a standard set of protective mechanisms against unpleasant surprises in the domestic power grid. According to user reviews, Ippon Back Basic 1050 IEC is characterized as a worthy uninterruptible power supply.

APC Back-UPS 650VA

The model is an interactive device, but its output power is only 390 W, and there are 3 output connectors. However, these sockets are of the EURO type, which allows you to connect not only a computer to the UPS, but also other household appliances that are sensitive to voltage surges.

A full eight-hour battery charge and the absence of an LCD display complicates the user's work with the device. The cost of an uninterruptible power supply does not correspond to such low characteristics, which is also a disadvantage. However, all the disadvantages are compensated by the high reliability of the model, which provided the APC Back-UPS 650VA with a fairly long service life.

Equipment advantages:

  • compactness;
  • reliability;
  • USB port and EURO output connectors;
  • noiselessness.

The disadvantages include:

  • low power output;
  • insufficient number of outlets;
  • lack of LCD display;
  • price;
  • charging duration.

Cyber ​​Power UT650EI

Interactive UPS model with 4 computer output connectors that supply battery power to connected equipment. The output power is 360 W, which gives a battery life of about 3.5 minutes. This uninterruptible power supply is not equipped with a USB port, which eliminates the possibility of connecting a PC to monitor the equipment status. The cost of the equipment corresponds to its functionality.

  • affordable price;
  • device reliability;
  • sufficient battery life;
  • number of output connectors.
  • low power output;
  • computer output connectors only;
  • lack of display and USB connector.

Review by dagonmama Russia, Barnaul: Uninterruptible power supply CyberPower Value 800EI - A necessary thing

Pros: Good battery

Disadvantages: loud

In general, an uninterruptible power supply is a very useful thing, and even more so if where you live or work there are often problems with electricity! In my area where I live, you just can’t do without such a thing, because there are often problems with electricity, and sometimes you’re working on the computer and everything suddenly goes out, it’s a shame! Therefore, I purchased for myself a CyberPower Value 800EI uninterruptible power supply.

More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_2458194.html

How and where to buy a UPS?

There are a large number of electronics stores where you can buy uninterruptible power supplies. However, in our age of technology, more and more users prefer to make purchases in online stores, where the price of UPS for computers is usually lower than in traditional retail outlets. The table shows the already listed models and their average cost, as well as the main online catalogs where they can be purchased.

Photo Manufacturer/Model Average price (as of December 2017), rub Where can I buy

Powercom/ IMD-1025AP10 500 http://www.e-katalog.ru/list/178/

APC/Back-UPS 1100VA12 500 https://www.citilink.ru/catalog/computers_and_notebooks/powersafe/ups/

Ippon/ Back Basic 1050 IEC3 600 https://tiu.ru/Ibp-dlya-kompyuterov.html

Cyber/Power UT650EI3 000 http://www.propartner.ru/offers/ibp-dlya-kompyutera

APC/Back-UPS 650VA6 600 https://www.xcom-shop.ru/catalog/periferiya_i_ orgtehnika/sistemy_zaschity_pitaniya/ istochniki_bespereboynogo_pitaniya/

This video will help you better navigate uninterruptible power supplies and make the right choice:


So, we looked at what a UPS for a computer is, how to choose it, what it is for, and even where to buy it. Although a UPS is not such a necessary device, it will protect your computer and household appliances from power outages and voltage surges. In principle, the decision whether or not to buy an uninterruptible power supply for your home is yours. Good luck with your choice, and may your equipment arrive safe and sound!

Every modern home has a personal computer that requires electricity to operate. The network often experiences power surges or sudden power outages. Such cases can lead to equipment failure or data loss, but this can be avoided if you use an uninterruptible power supply for your computer.

What is an uninterruptible power supply for a computer?

The operating principle of the UPS is based on the use of a relay and an autonomous power supply. They ensure reliable operation of the PC when connected to the network. The device accumulates a supply of energy and when the lights are turned off, the uninterruptible power supply for the computer turns on the emergency unit and transfers the entire circuit to it. The UPS operating time will be enough to save data on the PC and shut down safely. The uninterruptible power supply acts as a stabilizer, smoothing out power surges to protect equipment from breakdowns and the need to buy new parts.

What could an uninterruptible power supply be like?

Manufacturers produce several types of uninterruptible power supplies for computers, which differ in their power and functionality. This is done to clearly segment products by cost and customer needs. There are three main types of modern UPS:

  • interactive UPS;
  • backup with UPS switching;
  • industrial online UPS.

Interactive uninterruptible power supply

This uninterruptible power supply for a computer is in the middle price zone. Used in home and office local networks. Stabilization of alternating voltage thanks to an autotransformer will occur in steps. They have a significantly larger operating range than backup UPSs. Line-interactive UPS can withstand high input voltages and switching to rechargeable batteries is not required. The only downside is the higher cost.


Uninterruptible power supply backup or with switching. The most popular type among home computer users. Such models have a simple set of functions, small dimensions, and low cost. The disadvantages include the fact that they are capable of stabilizing the voltage only with small differences, and the battery life does not last more than 7 minutes. If there are any problems with the power supply, the UPS starts beeping and switches the PC to power from the batteries.

Online uninterruptible power supply for computer

For large networks, industrial versions of uninterruptible power supply systems are used, which are used on a large scale - On-Line UPS. Such models have modern double voltage conversion technology and provide the maximum level of protection. For personal computers, this option will be too cumbersome and expensive; it is used to maintain the functionality of servers and workstations that require a high-quality network.

How to choose a UPS for your computer

Before connecting a UPS to your computer, you should figure out which model you need to buy. To select a UPS, there are certain parameters and criteria that it must meet. The main characteristics include:

  • output power;
  • price;
  • stated operating time;
  • dimensions.

In most cases, ordinary users buy a UPS for the opportunity to safely shut down their computer and save all their data. There is now enough protection against power surges in the PC parts themselves, some even have a special relay on the meter. It cannot be said that any specific models should be given preference, because with the same characteristics they are in the same price segment.

It is better to make a purchase in a store where they provide a guarantee for the device for at least a year. This duration is related to the service life of the battery, which forms half the cost of the entire uninterruptible power supply for a computer. Before purchasing a UPS, you should calculate how much power your system requires to keep it running. After this, you can look at a review of a device with suitable parameters on the Internet. An example of selecting a UPS for a home computer:

  1. For example, the total power of a PC is 440 W, which includes the system unit and monitor. The minimum power of the UPS is 630 VA (volt-amperes).
  2. Manufacturers recommend purchasing models with a 20% margin to allow for increased load when upgrading components, so an 800VA option is needed.
  3. Keep in mind that VA is not equal to Watts. To get watts, you need to multiply VA by 0.6. It turns out that 880 VA will equal 480 W, which is what a computer needs.
  4. In some cases, the power in W is immediately indicated on the device, all that remains is to buy an option with a margin of 20-30%.

UPS for a computer: price and manufacturers

You can find a high-quality uninterruptible power supply in household appliance supermarkets, specialized computer stores or on online sites. It is highly not recommended to take such equipment from spontaneous markets. Today, users recommend the following manufacturers for home digital equipment:

  1. Ippon. A model for 800 VA costs from 5,600 to 7,000 rubles, for 1000 VA from 11,000 to 12,000 rubles.
  2. APC. Models for 700 VA offer from 3000 to 9000 rubles. Options for 1100 VA from 8000 to 10000 rub.
  3. Powercom. For options for 1100 VA they ask from 8500 to 12000 rubles. Models for 800 VA from 3000 to 5000 rub.

You can notice that the pricing policy of almost all top companies with the same power is the same. When choosing, you should rely on the availability of a warranty, dimensions and design, so that the device does not stand out from the overall picture of your interior. If you notice a price significantly lower than what other stores offer, it means that either the UPS has already been used or its quality cannot be guaranteed.

