Attention, snow charge! Gradient wind is the change in wind with height.

  • 12. Changes in solar radiation in the atmosphere and on the earth’s surface
  • 13. Phenomena associated with radiation scattering
  • 14. Color phenomena in the atmosphere
  • 15. Total and reflected radiation
  • 15.1. Radiation from the earth's surface
  • 15.2. Counter radiation or counter radiation
  • 16. Radiation balance of the earth's surface
  • 17. Geographical distribution of radiation balance
  • 18. Atmospheric pressure and baric field
  • 19. Pressure systems
  • 20. Pressure fluctuations
  • 21. Acceleration of air under the influence of baric gradient
  • 22. Deflection force of the Earth's rotation
  • North at speed aw
  • 23. Geostrophic and gradient wind
  • 24. Pressure law of wind
  • 25. Thermal regime of the atmosphere
  • 26. Heat balance of the earth's surface
  • 27. Daily and annual variation of temperature on the soil surface
  • 28. Temperatures of air masses
  • 29. Annual amplitude of air temperature
  • 30. Continental climate
  • In Tórshavn (1) and Yakutsk (2)
  • 31. Clouds and precipitation
  • 32. Evaporation and saturation
  • Depending on the temperature
  • 33. Humidity
  • 34. Geographic distribution of air humidity
  • 35. Condensation in the atmosphere
  • 36. Clouds
  • 37. International classification of clouds
  • 38. Cloudiness, its daily and annual cycle
  • 39. Precipitation falling from clouds (precipitation classification)
  • 40. Characteristics of precipitation regime
  • 41. Annual course of precipitation
  • 42. Climatic significance of snow cover
  • 43. Atmospheric chemistry
  • Some atmospheric components (Surkova G.V., 2002)
  • 44. Chemical composition of the Earth's atmosphere
  • 45. Chemical composition of clouds
  • 46. ​​Chemical composition of sediments
  • In successive fractions of rain
  • In successive rain samples of equal volume (sample numbers are plotted along the abscissa axis, from 1 to 6), Moscow, June 6, 1991.
  • In various types of precipitation, in clouds and fog
  • 47. Acidity of precipitation
  • 48. General circulation of the atmosphere
  • At sea level in January, hPa
  • At sea level in July, hPa
  • 48.1. Circulation in the tropics
  • 48.2. Trade winds
  • 48.3. Monsoons
  • 48.4. Extratropical circulation
  • 48.5. Extratropical cyclones
  • 48.6. Weather in a cyclone
  • 48.7. Anticyclones
  • 48.8. Climate formation
  • Atmosphere – ocean – surface of snow, ice and land – biomass
  • 49. Climate theories
  • 50. Climate cycles
  • 51. Possible causes and methods for studying climate change
  • 52. Natural climate dynamics of the geological past
  • Studied by various methods (Vasilchuk Yu.K., Kotlyakov V.M., 2000):
  • From well 5g 00:
  • In northern Siberia during key moments of the Late Pleistocene
  • Cryochron 30-25 thousand years ago (a) and – 22-14 thousand years ago (b).
  • At the sampling points, the fraction: in the numerator is the average January temperature,
  • The denominator is the average value of 18o for a given time interval
  • From Art. Camp Century over the last 15 thousand years
  • In northern Siberia during the Holocene optimum 9-4.5 thousand years ago
  • 53. Climate in historical time
  • 54. Events of Heinrich and Dansgaard
  • 55. Types of climates
  • 55.1. Equatorial climate
  • 55.2. Tropical monsoon climate (subequatorial)
  • 55.3. Type of continental tropical monsoon
  • 55.4. Type of oceanic tropical monsoon
  • 55.5. Western tropical monsoon type
  • 55.6. Type of tropical monsoons of the eastern shores
  • 55.7. Tropical climates
  • 55.8. Continental tropical climate
  • 55.9. Oceanic tropical climate
  • 55.10. Climate of the eastern periphery of oceanic anticyclones
  • 55.11. Climate of the western periphery of oceanic anticyclones
  • 55.12. Subtropical climates
  • 55.13. Continental subtropical climate
  • 55.14. Oceanic subtropical climate
  • 55.15. Subtropical climate of the western coasts (Mediterranean)
  • 55.16. Subtropical climate of the eastern coasts (monsoon)
  • 55.17. Temperate climates
  • 55.18. Continental climate of temperate latitudes
  • 55.19. Climate of the western parts of the continents in temperate latitudes
  • 55.20. Climate of the eastern parts of the continents in temperate latitudes
  • 55.21. Oceanic climate in temperate latitudes
  • 55.22. Subpolar climate
  • 55.23. Arctic climate
  • 55.24. Climate of Antarctica
  • 56. Microclimate and phytoclimate
  • 57. Microclimate as a phenomenon of the ground layer
  • 58. Microclimate research methods
  • 58.1. Microclimate of rough terrain
  • 58.2. Microclimate of the city
  • 58.3. Phytoclimate
  • 58. Human influence on climate
  • For 1957–1993 On the Hawaiian Islands and the South Pole
  • 60. Modern climate change
  • At the Earth's surface relative to the temperature in 1990
  • 61. Anthropogenic changes and climate modeling
  • (Average for the year, globally averaged - black line) with modeling results (gray background) obtained taking into account changes:
  • And model anomalies reproduced for the same year:
  • From temperature to industrial state (1880–1889) due to increases in greenhouse gases and tropospheric aerosols:
  • 62. Synoptic analysis and weather forecast
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • 24. Pressure law of wind

    Experience confirms that the actual wind at the earth's surface always (except for latitudes close to the equator) deviates from the pressure gradient by a certain acute angle to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This leads to the so-called baric law of wind: if in the Northern Hemisphere you stand with your back to the wind and your face in the direction the wind is blowing, then the lowest pressure will be to the left and somewhat ahead, and the highest pressure will be to the right and somewhat behind.

    This law was found empirically in the first half of the 19th century. Base Ballo bears his name. In the same way, the actual wind in the free atmosphere always blows almost along isobars, leaving (in the Northern Hemisphere) low pressure on the left, i.e. deviating from the pressure gradient to the right at an angle close to a straight line. This situation can be considered an extension of the pressure law of wind to the free atmosphere.

    The pressure law of wind describes the properties of actual wind. Thus, the patterns of geostrophic and gradient air movement, i.e. under simplified theoretical conditions, they are generally justified under more complex actual conditions of the real atmosphere. In a free atmosphere, despite the irregular shape of the isobars, the wind is close in direction to the isobars (deviates from them, as a rule, by 15-20°), and its speed is close to the speed of the geostrophic wind.

    The same is true for streamlines in the surface layer of a cyclone or anticyclone. Although these streamlines are not geometrically regular spirals, their nature is still spiral-shaped and in cyclones they converge towards the center, and in anticyclones they diverge from the center.

    Fronts in the atmosphere constantly create conditions when two air masses with different properties are located next to each other. In this case, the two air masses are separated by a narrow transition zone called a front. The length of such zones is thousands of kilometers, the width is only tens of kilometers. These zones relative to the earth's surface are inclined with height and can be traced upward for at least several kilometers, and often up to the stratosphere. In the frontal zone, during the transition from one air mass to another, the temperature, wind and humidity of the air change sharply.

    Fronts separating the main geographical types of air masses are called main fronts. The main fronts between arctic and temperate air are called arctic, and those between temperate and tropical air are called polar. The division between tropical and equatorial air does not have the character of a front; this division is called the intertropical convergence zone.

    The front's horizontal width and vertical thickness are small compared to the size of the air masses it separates. Therefore, idealizing actual conditions, one can imagine the front as an interface between air masses.

    At the intersection with the earth's surface, the frontal surface forms a front line, which is also briefly called the front. If we idealize the frontal zone as an interface, then for meteorological quantities it is a discontinuity surface, because a sharp change in the frontal zone of temperature and some other meteorological quantities acquires the character of a jump at the interface.

    The frontal surfaces pass obliquely through the atmosphere (Fig. 5). If both air masses were stationary, then the warm air would be located above the cold air, and the surface of the front between them would be horizontal, parallel to the horizontal isobaric surfaces. Since air masses move, the surface of the front can exist and persist provided that it is inclined to the level surface and, therefore, to sea level.

    Rice. 5. Front surface in vertical section

    The theory of frontal surfaces shows that the angle of inclination depends on the speeds, accelerations and temperatures of air masses, as well as on geographic latitude and the acceleration of gravity. Theory and experience show that the angles of inclination of the frontal surfaces to the earth's surface are very small, on the order of minutes of arc.

    Each individual front in the atmosphere does not exist indefinitely. Fronts constantly arise, escalate, blur and disappear. Conditions for the formation of fronts always exist in certain parts of the atmosphere, so fronts are not a rare accident, but a constant, everyday feature of the atmosphere.

    The usual mechanism for the formation of fronts in the atmosphere is kinematic: fronts arise in such fields of air movement that bring together air particles with different temperatures (and other properties),

    In such a field of motion, horizontal temperature gradients increase, and this leads to the formation of a sharp front instead of a gradual transition between air masses. The process of front formation is called frontogenesis. Similarly, in motion fields that move air particles away from each other, already existing fronts can be blurred, i.e. turn into wide transition zones, and the large gradients of meteorological quantities that existed in them, in particular temperature, are smoothed out.

    In the real atmosphere, fronts are usually not parallel to air currents. The wind on both sides of the front has components normal to the front. Therefore, the fronts themselves do not remain in an unchanged position, but move.

    The front can move towards either colder air or warmer air. If the front line moves near the ground towards colder air, this means that the wedge of cold air is retreating and the space it vacated is taken by warm air. Such a front is called a warm front. Its passage through the observation site leads to the replacement of a cold air mass with a warm one, and, consequently, to an increase in temperature and to certain changes in other meteorological quantities.

    If the front line moves toward the warm air, it means that the cold air wedge is moving forward, the warm air in front of it is retreating, and is also being pushed upward by the advancing cold air wedge. Such a front is called a cold front. During its passage, the warm air mass is replaced by a cold one, the temperature drops, and other meteorological quantities also change sharply.

    In the region of fronts (or, as they usually say, on frontal surfaces), vertical components of air velocity arise. The most important is the particularly frequent case when warm air is in a state of ordered upward movement, i.e. when, simultaneously with the horizontal movement, it also moves upward above the wedge of cold air. This is precisely what is associated with the development of a cloud system over the frontal surface, from which precipitation falls.

    On a warm front, the upward movement covers powerful layers of warm air over the entire frontal surface; vertical velocities here are of the order of 1...2 cm/s with horizontal velocities of several tens of meters per second. Therefore, the movement of warm air has the character of upward sliding along the frontal surface.

    Not only the layer of air immediately adjacent to the frontal surface, but also all overlying layers, often up to the tropopause, participates in upward sliding. As a result, an extensive system of cirrostratus, altostratus, and nimbostratus clouds arises, from which precipitation falls. In the case of a cold front, the upward movement of warm air is limited to a narrower zone, but vertical velocities are much greater than on a warm front, and they are especially strong in front of the cold wedge, where warm air is displaced by cold air. Cumulonimbus clouds with showers and thunderstorms predominate here.

    It is very significant that all fronts are associated with troughs in the pressure field. In the case of a stationary (slowly moving) front, the isobars in the trough are parallel to the front itself. In the case of warm and cold fronts, the isobars take on the shape of the Latin letter V, intersecting with the front lying on the axis of the trough.

    When a front passes, the wind in a given location changes its direction clockwise. For example, if the wind is southeast before the front, then behind the front it will change to the south, southwest or west.

    Ideally, the front can be represented as a geometric discontinuity surface.

    In a real atmosphere, such an idealization is acceptable in the planetary boundary layer. In reality, a front is a transition zone between warm and cold air masses; in the troposphere it represents a certain region called the frontal zone. The temperature at the front does not experience a discontinuity, but changes sharply within the front zone, i.e. the front is characterized by large horizontal temperature gradients, an order of magnitude greater than in the air masses on both sides of the front.

    We already know that if there is a horizontal temperature gradient that coincides sufficiently closely in direction with the horizontal pressure gradient, the latter increases with height, and with it the wind speed also increases. In the frontal zone, where the horizontal temperature gradient between warm and cold air is especially large, the pressure gradient increases strongly with height. This means that the thermal wind makes a large contribution and the wind speed at heights reaches high values.

    With a pronounced front above it in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, a strong air current, generally parallel to the front, several hundred kilometers wide, with speeds of 150 to 300 km/h, is observed. It's called the jet stream. Its length is comparable to the length of the front and can reach several thousand kilometers. The maximum wind speed is observed on the axis of the jet stream near the tropopause, where it can exceed 100 m/s.

    Higher in the stratosphere, where the horizontal temperature gradient is reversed, the pressure gradient decreases with height, the thermal wind is directed opposite to the wind speed and it decreases with height.

    Along Arctic fronts, jet streams are found at lower levels. Under certain conditions, jet streams are observed in the stratosphere.

    Typically, the main fronts of the troposphere - polar, arctic - pass mainly in the latitudinal direction, with cold air located at higher latitudes. Therefore, the associated jet streams are most often directed from west to east.

    When the main front sharply deviates from the latitudinal direction, the jet stream also deviates.

    In the subtropics, where the troposphere of temperate latitudes comes into contact with the tropical troposphere, a subtropical scab current arises, the axis of which is usually located between the tropical and polar tropopauses.

    The subtropical jet stream is not strictly associated with any front and is mainly a consequence of the existence of an equator-pole temperature gradient.

    A jet current counter to a flying aircraft reduces its flight speed; a passing jet current increases it. In addition, strong turbulence can develop in the jet stream zone, so taking into account jet streams is important for aviation.


    GRADIENT WIND In the case of curved isobars, centrifugal force arises. It is always directed towards the convexity (from the center of the cyclone or anticyclone towards the periphery). When there is uniform horizontal movement of air without friction with curvilinear isobars, then 3 forces are balanced in the horizontal plane: the pressure gradient force G, the rotational force of the Earth K and the centrifugal force C. Such uniform, steady horizontal movement of air in the absence of friction along curved trajectories is called gradient wind. The gradient wind vector is directed tangentially to the isobar at a right angle to the right in the northern hemisphere (to the left in the southern) relative to the pressure gradient force vector. Therefore, in a cyclone the vortex is counterclockwise, and in an anticyclone it is clockwise in the northern hemisphere.

    The relative position of the acting forces in the case of a gradient wind: a) cyclone, b) anticyclone. A – Coriolis force (in the formulas it is designated K)

    Let us consider the influence of the radius of curvature r on the velocity of the gradient wind. With a large radius of curvature (r > 500 km), the curvature of the isobars (1/ r) is very small, close to zero. The radius of curvature of a straight rectilinear isobar is r → ∞ and the wind will be geostrophic. Geostrophic wind is a special case of gradient wind (at C = 0). With a small radius of curvature (r< 500 км) в циклоне и антициклоне при круговых изобарах скорость градиентного ветра определяется следующими уравнениями: В циклоне уравновешиваются силы G = K + C: или В антициклоне К = G + С: Поэтому в циклоне: или

    In an anticyclone: ​​or That is, in the center of a cyclone and anticyclone, the horizontal pressure gradient is zero, i.e. This means G = 0 as a source of movement. Therefore, = 0. The gradient wind is an approximation to the actual wind in the free atmosphere of a cyclone and anticyclone.

    The speed of the gradient wind can be obtained by solving the quadratic equation - in a cyclone: ​​- in an anticyclone: ​​In slowly moving baric formations (movement speed no more than 40 km/h) in middle latitudes with large curvature isohypsum (1/ r) → ∞ (small radius curvature r ≤ 500 km) on an isobaric surface, the following relationships between gradient and geostrophic wind are used: For cyclonic curvature ≈ 0.7 For anticyclonic curvature ≈ 1.

    With large curvature of isobars near the Earth's surface (1/ r) → ∞ (radius of curvature r ≤ 500 km): with cyclonic curvature ≈ 0.7 with anticyclonic curvature ≈ 0.3 Geostrophic wind is used: - with straight isohypses and isobars and - with average radius of curvature 500 km< r < 1000 км, — а также при большой кривизне изобар (r < 500 км) в быстро перемещающихся барических образованиях.

    LAW OF WIND The connection between the direction of the surface wind and the direction of the horizontal pressure gradient was formulated in the 19th century by the Dutch scientist Beis-Ballo in the form of a rule (law). LAW OF WIND: If you look in the direction of the wind, low pressure will be to the left and somewhat ahead, and high pressure will be to the right and somewhat behind (in the northern hemisphere). When drawing isobars on synoptic maps, the direction of the wind is taken into account: the direction of the isobar is obtained by turning the wind arrow to the right (clockwise) by approximately 30 -45°.

    REAL WIND Real air movements are not stationary. Therefore, the characteristics of the actual wind at the earth's surface differ from the characteristics of the geostrophic wind. Let's consider the actual wind in the form of two terms: V = + V ′ – ageostrophic deviation u = + u ′ or u ′ = u - v = + v ′ or v ′ = v – Let’s write the equations of motion without taking into account the friction force:

    INFLUENCE OF FRICTION FORCE ON THE WIND Under the influence of friction, the speed of the surface wind is on average two times less than the speed of the geostrophic wind, and its direction deviates from the geostrophic towards the pressure gradient. Thus, the actual wind deviates at the surface of the earth from the geostrophic one to the left in the northern hemisphere and to the right in the southern hemisphere. Mutual arrangement of forces. Straight-line isobars

    In a cyclone, under the influence of friction, the wind direction deviates towards the center of the cyclone, in an anticyclone - from the center of the anticyclone towards the periphery. Due to the influence of friction, the wind direction in the surface layer is deviated from the tangent to the isobar towards low pressure by an average of approximately 30° (over the sea by approximately 15°, over land by approximately 40 -45°).

    CHANGE IN WIND WITH ALTITUDE With altitude, the friction force decreases. In the boundary layer of the atmosphere (friction layer), the wind approaches the geostrophic wind with height, which is directed along the isobar. Thus, with height, the wind will strengthen and turn to the right (in the northern hemisphere) until it is directed along the isobar. The change in wind speed and direction with height in the atmospheric boundary layer (1 -1.5 km) can be represented by a hodograph. A hodograph is a curve connecting the ends of vectors depicting the wind at different heights and drawn from one point. This curve is a logarithmic spiral called an Ekman spiral.

    CHARACTERISTICS OF WIND FIELD STREAM LINES Stream line is a line at each point of which the wind speed vector is directed tangentially at a given time. Thus, they give an idea of ​​the structure of the wind field at a given moment in time (instantaneous velocity field). Under conditions of gradient or geostrophic wind, streamlines will coincide with isobars (isohypses). The actual wind speed vector in the boundary layer is not parallel to the isobars (isohypses). Therefore, the current lines of the actual wind intersect the isobars (isohypses). When drawing streamlines, not only the direction, but also the wind speed is taken into account: the higher the speed, the denser the streamlines are located.

    Examples of streamlines near the Earth's surface in a surface cyclone in a surface anticyclone in a trough in a ridge

    TRAJECTORIES OF AIR PARTICLES Particle trajectories are the paths of individual air particles. That is, the trajectory characterizes the movement of the same air particle at successive moments in time. Particle trajectories can be approximately calculated from successive synoptic maps. The trajectory method in synoptic meteorology allows you to solve two problems: 1) determine from where an air particle will move to a given point in a certain period of time; 2) determine where an air particle will move from a given point in a certain period of time. Trajectories can be built using AT maps (usually AT-700) and ground maps. A graphical method is used to calculate the trajectory using a gradient ruler.

    An example of constructing the trajectory of an air particle (where the particle will move from) using one map: A – forecast point; B is the middle of the particle path; C – starting point of the trajectory. Using the lower part of the gradient ruler, the geostrophic wind speed (V, km/h) is determined from the distance between isohypses. The ruler is applied with the lower scale (V, km/h) normal to the isohypses approximately in the middle of the path. Using the scale (V, km/h) between two isohypses (at the point of intersection with the second isohypsum), the average speed V cp is determined.

    Gradient ruler for latitude 60˚ Next, determine the path of the particle in 12 hours (S 12) at a given transfer speed. It is numerically equal to the particle transfer speed V h. The particle path in 24 hours is S 24 = 2· S 12; the path of a particle in 36 hours is equal to S 36 = 3· S 12. On the upper scale of the ruler, the path of the particle from the forecast point is plotted in the direction opposite to the direction of the isohypses, taking into account their bending.

    1. Basic concepts and definitions

    SNOW CHARGES (SNOW CHARGES), according to the well-known classic Meteorological Dictionary of 1974. editions [ 1 ] - is: “…the name for brief, intense showers of snow (or snow pellets) from cumulonimbus clouds, often accompanied by snow squalls.”

    And in the Meteodictionary - glossary POGODA.BY [2]: “ Snow "charges"- very intense snowfalls, accompanied by a sharp increase in wind during their passage. Snow “charges” sometimes follow each other at short intervals. They are usually observed in the rear of cyclones and on secondary cold fronts. The danger of snow “charges” is that visibility sharply decreases to almost zero as they pass.”

    In addition, this intense and dangerous weather phenomenon for aviation is described in the modern Electronic textbook “Aviation and Weather” [3] as: “foci of solid rainfall precipitation in the cold season (snow showers, snow “flakes”, snow pellets, showery sleet and sleet), which look like "snow charges" - rapidly moving zones of very intense snowfall, literally a “fall” of snow with a sharp decrease in visibility, often accompanied by snow storms at the surface of the Earth.”

    A snow charge is a powerful, bright and short-term (usually lasting only a few minutes) weather phenomenon, which, due to the prevailing weather conditions, is very dangerous not only for light aircraft and helicopter flights at low altitudes, but also for all types of aircraft (aircraft) in the lower layer atmosphere during takeoff and initial climb, as well as during landing. This phenomenon, as we will see later, sometimes even becomes the cause of an accident (aircraft accident). It is important that if conditions for the formation of snow charges remain in the region, their passage can be repeated in the same place!

    To improve the safety of aircraft flights, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for the occurrence of snow charges and meteorological conditions in them, show examples of relevant accidents, and also develop recommendations for flight control personnel and the flight meteorological service in order to, if possible, avoid accidents in the conditions of the passage of snow charges.

    2. Appearance of sources of snow charges

    Since the most dangerous snow charges in question do not occur so often, to understand the problem it is important that all aviators have correct (including visual) ideas about this powerful natural phenomenon. Therefore, at the beginning of the article, a video example of a typical passage of such a snow charge near the Earth’s surface is offered for viewing.

    Rice. 1 Approaching snow zone. First frames from the video, see:

    Interested readers are also offered some video episodes of the passage of snow charges near the Earth:

    etc. (see Internet search engines).

    3. The process of formation of centers of snow charges

    From the point of view of the meteorological situation, typical conditions for the emergence of winter storm centers are similar to those that occur during the formation of powerful centers of showers and thunderstorms in the summer - after a cold invasion has occurred and, accordingly, the emergence of conditions for dynamic convection. At the same time, cumulonimbus clouds quickly form, which produce pockets of heavy rainfall in the summer in the form of intense rain (often with thunderstorms), and in the cold season - in the form of pockets of heavy snow. Typically, such conditions during cold advection are observed in the rear of cyclones - both behind the cold front and in the zones of secondary cold fronts (including and close to them).

    Let us consider a diagram of the typical vertical structure of a snow charge at the stage of maximum development, forming under a cumulonimbus cloud under conditions of cold advection in winter.

    Rice. 2 General diagram of a vertical section of the source of a snow charge at the stage of maximum development (A, B, C - AP points, see paragraph 4 of the article)

    The diagram shows that intense rainfall falling from a cumulonimbus cloud “carries” air with it, resulting in a powerful downward flow of air, which, when approaching the Earth’s surface, “spreads” away from the source, creating a squally increase in wind near the Earth (in mainly in the direction of movement of the source, as in the diagram). A similar phenomenon of “involvement” of the air flow downward by falling liquid precipitation is also observed in the warm season, creating a “gust front” (squall zone), which arises as a pulsating process ahead of the moving thunderstorm source - see the literature on wind shears [4].

    Thus, in the zone of passage of an intense source of snow charge, the following weather phenomena that are dangerous for aviation and fraught with accidents can be expected in the lower layers of the atmosphere: powerful downward air currents, squally wind increases near the Earth and areas of sharp deterioration in visibility in snowy precipitation. Let us consider separately these weather phenomena during snow charges (see paragraphs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3).

    3.1 Powerful downward air currents in the source of the snow charge

    As already indicated, in the boundary layer of the atmosphere the process of formation of areas of strong downward air flows caused by intense precipitation can be observed [4]. This process is caused by the entrainment of air by precipitation, if these precipitations have a large size of elements that have an increased rate of fall, and a high intensity of these precipitations (“density” of flying precipitation elements) is observed. In addition, what is important in this situation is that there is an effect of “exchange” of air masses vertically - i.e. the emergence of areas of compensatory air flows directed from top to bottom, due to the presence of areas of ascending currents during convection (Fig. 3), in which areas of precipitation play the role of a “trigger” of this powerful vertical exchange.

    Rice. 3 (this is a copy of Fig. 3-8 from [4]). Formation of a downward flow of air at the maturation stage b), entrained by rainfall (in the red frame).

    The power of the resulting downward air flow due to the involvement of intense rainfall directly depends on the size of the falling particles (elements) of precipitation. Large particles of precipitation (Ø ≥5 mm) usually fall at speeds ≥10 m/s and therefore large wet snow flakes develop the highest falling speed, since they can have dimensions > 5 mm, and they, unlike dry snow, have a significantly lower "windage". A similar effect occurs in summer in areas of intense hail, which also causes a powerful downward air flow.

    Therefore, in the center of a “wet” snow charge (flakes), the “capture” of air by falling precipitation sharply increases, leading to an increase in the speed of the downward flow of air in precipitation, which can in these cases not only reach, but even exceed their “summer” values ​​at strong showers. Moreover, as is known, vertical flow velocities from 4 to 6 m/s are considered “strong”, and “very strong” are more than 6 ms [4].

    Large wet snow flakes usually appear at slightly positive air temperatures and therefore it is obvious that it is precisely this temperature background that will contribute to the emergence of strong and even very strong downward air flows in the snow charge.

    Based on the above, it is quite obvious that in the zone of a snow charge at the stage of its maximum development (especially with wet snow and positive air temperatures), both strong and very strong vertical air flows can occur, representing an extreme danger for flights of any type of aircraft.

    3.2 Squally wind increases near the Earthnear the source of the snow charge.

    The downward flows of air masses, which were discussed in paragraph 3.1 of the article, approaching the surface of the Earth, according to the laws of gas dynamics, begin in the boundary layer of the atmosphere (up to heights of hundreds of meters) to sharply “flow” horizontally to the sides from the source, creating a squally increase in wind ( Fig.2).

    Therefore, near storm centers near the Earth, “impulsivity fronts” (or “gusts”) arise - squall zones that spread from the source, but are “asymmetrical” horizontally relative to the location of the source, since they usually move in the same direction as the source itself. the focus is horizontal (Fig. 4).

    Fig.4 Structure of the gust front (gusts) propagating from the shower source in the boundary layer of the atmosphere in the direction of the source movement

    Such a “windy” squally gust front usually appears suddenly, moves at a fairly high speed, passes through a specific area in just a few seconds and is characterized by sharp squally wind increases (15 m/s, sometimes more) and a significant increase in turbulence. The gust front “rolls back” from the source boundary as a process pulsating in time (either appearing or disappearing), and at the same time, a squall near the Earth caused by this front can reach a distance of up to several kilometers from the source (in summer with strong thunderstorms - more than 10 km).

    It is obvious that such a squall near the Earth, caused by the passage of a gust front near the source, poses a great danger to all types of aircraft flying in the boundary layer of the atmosphere, which can cause an accident. An example of the passage of such a gust front under conditions of a polar mesocyclone and in the presence of snow cover is given in the analysis of a helicopter accident on Spitsbergen [5].

    At the same time, in the conditions of the cold season, intensive “filling” of the air space occurs with flying snowflakes in a snow squall, which leads to a sharp decrease in visibility in these conditions (see further - paragraph 3.3 of the article).

    3.3 Sharp decrease in visibility in snowy conditionsand during a snow squall near the Earth

    The danger of snow charges also lies in the fact that visibility in the snow usually decreases sharply, sometimes to the point of almost complete loss of visual orientation as they pass. The size of snow charges varies from hundreds of meters to a kilometer or more.

    When the wind near the Earth intensifies, at the boundaries of the snow charge, especially near the source - in the zone of the gust front near the Earth, a fast-moving “snow squall” arises, when in the air near the Earth there may be, in addition to intense snow falling from above, also snow raised wind from the surface (Fig. 5).

    Rice. 5 Snow squall near the Earth in the vicinity of a snow charge

    Therefore, the conditions of a snow squall near the Earth are often a situation of complete loss of spatial orientation and visibility up to only a few meters, which is extremely dangerous for all types of transport (both ground and air), and in these conditions the probability of accidents is high. Ground transport in a snow squall can stop and “wait out” such emergency conditions (which often happens), but the aircraft is forced to continue moving, and in situations of complete loss of visual orientation this becomes extremely dangerous!

    It is important to know that during a snow squall near the source of the snow charge, the moving zone of loss of visual orientation during the passage of a snow squall near the Earth is quite limited in space and is usually only 100...200 m (rarely more), and outside the snow squall zone visibility usually improves.

    Between snow charges, visibility becomes better, and therefore away from the snow charge - often even at a distance of hundreds of meters from it and further, if there is no approaching snow squall nearby, the snow charge zone can even be visible in the form of some moving "snow pillar". This is very important for prompt visual detection of these zones and their successful “bypass” - to ensure flight safety and alert aircraft crews! In addition, areas of snow charges are well detected and tracked by modern weather radars, which should be used for meteorological support of flights around the airfield in these conditions.

    4. Types of aviation accidents due to snow charges

    It is obvious that aircraft that encounter snow conditions in flight experience significant difficulties in maintaining flight safety, which sometimes leads to corresponding accidents. Let us further consider three such typical APs selected for the article - these are cases in t.t. A, B, C ( they are marked in Fig. 2) on a typical diagram of the source of a snow charge at the stage of maximum development.

    A) On February 19, 1977, near the village of Tapa of the EstSSR, an AN-24T aircraft was landing at a military airfield, being on the glide path, after passing the LDRM (long-range radio marker), already at an altitude of about 100 m above the runway (runway), got caught in a powerful snow storm in conditions of complete loss of visibility. At the same time, the plane suddenly and sharply lost altitude, as a result of which it hit a high chimney and fell, all 21 people. those on board the aircraft died.

    This accident clearly occurred when the aircraft itself hit downdraft in a snow charge at some height above the surface of the Earth.

    IN) January 20, 2011 helicopter AS - 335 N.R.A.-04109 near Lake Sukhodolskoye, Priozersk district, Leningrad region. flew at low altitude and in sight of the Earth (according to the case materials). The general weather situation, according to the weather service, was as follows: the flight of this helicopter was carried out in cyclonic conditions of cloudy weather with heavy precipitation and deterioration of visibility in the rear of the secondary cold front...precipitation was observed in the form of snow and rain, with the presence of isolated rainfall precipitation zones . Under these conditions, during the flight, the helicopter “bypassed” pockets of rainfall (they were visible), but when trying to descend, it suddenly hit the “edge” of a snow charge, sharply lost altitude and fell to the ground when the wind increased near the Earth in snow squall conditions. Fortunately, no one was killed, but the helicopter was seriously damaged.

    Actual weather conditions at the accident site (according to the protocols of interrogations of witnesses and victims): “... this happened in the presence of pockets of precipitation in the form of snow and rain... in mixed precipitation... which worsened horizontal visibility in the area of ​​heavy snowfall ....” This accident obviously occurred in t. In accordance with Fig. 2, i.e. in the place where, near the vertical boundary of the snow charge zone, a snow charge has already formed snow squall.

    WITH) April 6, 2012 Agusta helicopter at the lake. Yanisjärvi, Sortavala region of Karelia, while flying at an altitude of up to 50 m in calm conditions and with visibility of the Earth, at a distance of about 1 km from the source of snowfall (the source was visible to the crew), experienced bumpiness in a snow squall that had flown near the Earth and, the helicopter, sharply Having lost altitude, it hit the Earth. Fortunately, no one was killed and the helicopter was damaged.

    An analysis of the conditions of this accident showed that the flight took place in the trough of a cyclone near a rapidly approaching and intense cold front, and the accident occurred almost in the very frontal zone near the Earth. Data from the weather diary during the passage of this front through the airfield area show that during its passage near the Earth, powerful pockets of cumulonimbus clouds and heavy precipitation (charges of wet snow) were observed, and wind increases near the Earth up to 16 m/s were also observed.

    Thus, it is obvious that this accident occurred although outside the fall of the snow charge itself, which the helicopter never hit, but it ended up in an area into which a snow squall suddenly and at high speed “burst”, caused by a snow storm located in the distance. charge. That's why the helicopter crashed in the turbulent zone of the gust front when a snow squall hit. In Fig. 2, this is point C - the outer zone of the boundary of a snow squall, “rolling back” like a gust front near the Earth from the source of the snow charge. Hence, and this is very important that the snow-charged zone is dangerous for flights not only within this zone itself, but also at a distance of kilometers from it - beyond the range of the snow charge itself near the Earth, where a gust front formed by the nearest center of a snow charge can “rush” and cause a snow squall!

    5. General conclusions

    In winter, in zones of passage of cold atmospheric fronts of various types near the Earth’s surface and immediately after their passage, cumulonimbus clouds usually appear and foci of solid rainfall in the form of shower snow (including snow “flakes”), snow cereals, heavy wet snow or sleet. When heavy snow falls, there may be a sharp deterioration in visibility, up to a complete loss of visual orientation, especially in a snow squall (with increased wind) at the surface of the Earth.

    With a significant intensity of the processes of formation of storm precipitation, i.e. with a high “density” of falling elements in the source, and with increased sizes of falling solid elements (especially “wet”), the speed of their fall increases sharply. For this reason, there is a powerful effect of “entrainment” of air by falling precipitation, which can result in a strong downward air flow in the source of such precipitation.

    Masses of air in the downward flow that arose in the source of solid rainfall, approaching the Earth's surface, begin to “spread” to the sides of the source, mainly in the direction of the movement of the source, creating a snow squall zone that quickly spreads several kilometers from the boundary of the source - similar to the summer gusty front that occurs near powerful summer thunderstorm cells. In the area of ​​such a short-term snow squall, in addition to high wind speeds, severe turbulence can be observed.

    Thus, snow charges are dangerous for aircraft flights due to both a sharp loss of visibility in precipitation and strong downdrafts in the snow charge itself, as well as a snow squall near the source near the Earth’s surface, which is fraught with corresponding accidents in the zone of the snow charge.

    Due to the extreme danger of snow charges for aviation operations, in order to avoid accidents caused by them, it is necessary to strictly follow a number of recommendations both for flight dispatch personnel and for operational workers of the Hydrometeorological Support of Aviation. These recommendations were obtained based on an analysis of accidents and materials associated with snow charges in the lower layers of the atmosphere in the airfield area, and their implementation reduces the likelihood of an accident occurring in the zone of snow charges.

    For employees of the Hydrometeorological Service that ensures the operation of the aerodrome, in weather conditions conducive to the occurrence of snow charges in the area of ​​the aerodrome, it is necessary to include in the formulation of the forecast for the aerodrome information about the possibility of the appearance of snow charges in the area of ​​the aerodrome and the likely timing of this phenomenon. In addition, it is necessary to include this information in consultations with aircraft crews during the appropriate periods of time for which the occurrence of snow charges is predicted.

    For the period of the predicted occurrence of snow charges in the area of ​​the airfield, the weather forecaster on duty, in order to identify the actual appearance of snow charges, must monitor the information available to him from meteorological locators, as well as regularly request the dispatch service (based on visual data from the control tower, airfield services and information from aircraft Aircraft) about the actual appearance of centers of snow charges in the airfield area.

    Upon receipt of information about the actual occurrence of snow charges in the airfield area, immediately prepare an appropriate storm warning and submit it to the airfield control service and include this information in broadcast weather alerts for aircraft crews located in the airfield area.

    Airfield flight control service During the period predicted by weather forecasters for the appearance of snow charges in the airfield area, the appearance of snow charges should be monitored according to locator data, visual observations of control towers, information from airfield services and aircraft crews.

    If snow charges actually appear in the area of ​​the airfield, the weather forecaster should be informed about this and, if appropriate data is available, promptly provide the aircraft crews with information about the location of snow charges on the descent glide path and on the climb path after takeoff during takeoff. It is necessary to recommend that aircraft crews, if possible, avoid the aircraft entering the zone of a snow charge, as well as a snow squall near the Earth in the vicinity of a snow charge.

    Aircraft crews When flying at low altitude and receiving a controller alert about the possibility or presence of snow charges, you should carefully monitor for their visual detection in flight.

    When detecting centers of snow charges in flight in the lower layers of the atmosphere, it is necessary, if possible, to “bypass” them and avoid getting into them, adhering to the rule: DO NOT ENTER, DO NOT APPROACH, LEAVE.

    The detection of pockets of snow charges should be immediately reported to the dispatcher. In this case, if possible, an assessment should be made of the location of sources of snow charges and snow squalls, their intensity, size and direction of displacement.

    In this situation, it is entirely acceptable to refuse takeoff and/or landing due to the detection of a source of intense snow charge or snow squall detected along the course ahead of the aircraft.


    1. Khromov S.P., Mamontova L.I. Meteorological Dictionary. Gidrometeotzdat, 1974.
    1. Meteorological Dictionary - glossary of meteorological terms POGODA.BY
    1. Glazunov V.G. Aviation and Weather. Electronic textbook. 2012.
    1. Low Level Wind Shear Guide. Doc.9817 AN/449 ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization, 2005.
    1. Glazunov V.G. Meteorological examination of the Mi-8MT crash at the Barentsburg heliport (Spitsbergen) 30-32008
    1. Automated meteorological radar complex METEOR-METEOCELL. CJSC Institute of Radar Meteorology (IRAM).

    2. Coriolis force

    3.Friction force: 4.Centrifugal force:

    16. Pressure law of wind in the surface layer (friction layer) and its meteorological consequences in a cyclone and anticyclone.

    Pressure law of wind in a friction layer : under the influence of friction, the wind deviates from the isobar towards low pressure (in the northern hemisphere - to the left) and decreases in magnitude.

    So, according to the pressure law of the wind:

    In a cyclone, circulation occurs counterclockwise; near the ground (in the friction layer), convergence of air masses, upward vertical movements and the formation of atmospheric fronts are observed. Cloudy weather prevails.

    In an anticyclone, there is counterclockwise circulation, divergence of air masses, downward vertical movements and the formation of large-scale (~1000 km) elevated inversions. Cloudless weather prevails. Stratus cloudiness in the sub-inversion layer.

    17. Surface atmospheric fronts (AF). Their formation. Cloudiness, special phenomena in the X and T AF zone, occlusion front. AF movement speed. Flight conditions in the AF area in winter and summer. What is the average width of the zone of heavy precipitation at T and X AF? Name the seasonal differences in the ONP for HF and TF. (see Bogatkin pp. 159 – 164).

    Surface atmospheric fronts AF – a narrow inclined transition zone between two air masses with different properties;

    Cold air (more dense) lies under warm air

    The length of the AF zones is thousands of km, the width is tens of km, the height is several km (sometimes up to the tropopause), the angle of inclination to the earth’s surface is several minutes of arc;

    The line of intersection of the frontal surface with the earth's surface is called the front line

    In the frontal zone, temperature, humidity, wind speed and other parameters change abruptly;

    The process of front formation is frontogenesis, destruction is frontolysis.

    Travel speed 30-40 km/h or more

    The approach cannot (most often) be noticed in advance - all the clouds are behind the front line

    Characterized by heavy rainfall with thunderstorms and squally winds, tornadoes;

    Clouds replace each other in the sequence Ns, Cb, As, Cs (as the tier increases);

    The zone of clouds and precipitation is 2-3 times smaller than that of the TF - up to 300 and 200 km, respectively;

    The width of the zone of continuous precipitation is 150-200 km;

    The height of the NGO is 100-200 m;

    At altitude behind the front, the wind strengthens and turns to the left - wind shear!

    For aviation: poor visibility, icing, turbulence (especially in HF!), wind shear;

    Flights are prohibited until the HF.

    HF of the 1st kind – slowly moving front (30-40 km/h), relatively wide (200-300 km) zone of clouds and precipitation; the height of the cloud top is low in winter – 4-6 km

    HF of the 2nd kind - a fast moving front (50-60 km/h), narrow cloud width - several tens of km, but dangerous with developed Cb (especially in summer - with thunderstorms and squalls), in winter - heavy snowfalls with a sharp short-term deterioration in visibility

    Warm AF

    The movement speed is lower than that of the HF-< 40 км/ч.

    You can see the approach in advance by the appearance of cirrus and then cirrostratus clouds in the sky, and then As, St, Sc with NGO 100 m or less;

    Dense advective fogs (in winter and during transition seasons);

    Base of clouds – layered forms clouds formed as a result of the rise of warm water at a speed of 1-2 cm/s;

    Extensive area cover about cages - 300-450 km with a cloud zone width of about 700 km (maximum in the central part of the cyclone);

    At altitudes in the troposphere, the wind increases with height and turns to the right - wind shear!

    Particularly difficult conditions for flights are created in the zone 300-400 km from the front line, where cloud cover is low, visibility is poor, icing is possible in winter, and thunderstorms in summer (not always).

    Front of occlusion combining warm and cold frontal surfaces
    (in winter it is especially dangerous due to icing, sleet, freezing rain)

    To supplement, read the textbook Bogatkin pp. 159 – 164.

    Many new sailors have heard of the “baseball cap law,” which is used in some way by experienced yachtsmen in marine navigation. It should be said in advance that this law has nothing to do with headdresses or naval equipment in general. “The law of the baseball cap” in nautical slang is the pressure law of the wind, discovered at one time by a member of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Christopher Beuys-Ballot, often referred to in the English manner as Beys-Ballot. This law explains an interesting phenomenon - why the wind in the northern hemisphere in cyclones turns clockwise, that is, to the right. Not to be confused with the rotation of the cyclone itself, where air masses rotate counterclockwise!
    Academician H. H. Beuys-Ballot

    Beuys-Ballot and the law of pressure wind

    Beuys-Ballot was an outstanding Dutch scientist of the mid-19th century who worked in mathematics, physics, chemistry, mineralogy and meteorology. Despite such a wide range of hobbies, he became famous precisely as the discoverer of the law that was later named after him. Beuys-Ballot was one of the first to actively implement active cooperation between scientists from different countries, nurturing the ideas of the World Academy of Sciences. In Holland, he created the Institute of Meteorology and a warning system for impending storms. In recognition of his services to world science, Beuys-Ballot, along with Ampère, Darwin, Goethe and other representatives of science and art, was elected a foreign member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

    As for the actual law (or “rule”) of Base Ballot, then, strictly speaking, the first mentions of the barric law of wind date back to the end of the 18th century. It was then that the German scientist Brandis first made theoretical assumptions about the deviation of the wind relative to the vector connecting areas with high and low pressure. But he was never able to prove his theory in practice. Academician Beuys-Ballot was able to establish the correctness of Brandis’s assumptions only in the middle of the 19th century. Moreover, he did this purely empirically, that is, through scientific observations and measurements.

    The essence of the Base-Ballo law

    Literally, the “Base-Ballo law”, formulated by the scientist in 1857, reads as follows: “The wind at the surface, except for subequatorial and equatorial latitudes, deviates from the pressure gradient by a certain angle to the right, and in the southern direction - to the left.” The pressure gradient is a vector showing the change in atmospheric pressure in the horizontal direction over the surface of the sea or flat land surface.
    Barric gradient

    If you translate the Base-Ballo law from scientific language, it will look like this. In the earth's atmosphere there are always areas of high and low pressure (we will not analyze the reasons for this phenomenon in this article, so as not to get lost in the wilds). As a result, air currents rush from an area of ​​higher pressure to an area of ​​lower pressure. It is logical to assume that such a movement should go in a straight line: this direction is shown by a vector called “pressure gradient”.

    But here the force of the Earth’s motion around its axis comes into play. More precisely, the inertial force of those objects that are on the surface of the Earth, but are not connected by a rigid connection with the earth’s firmament - the “Coriolis force” (emphasis on the last “and”!). These objects include water and atmospheric air. As for water, it has long been noticed that in the northern hemisphere, rivers flowing in the meridional direction (from north to south) wash away the right bank more, while the left bank remains low and relatively flat. In the southern hemisphere it is the other way around. Another academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Karl Maksimovich Baer, ​​was able to explain a similar phenomenon. He derived a law according to which flowing water is influenced by the Coriolis force. Without having time to rotate along with the solid surface of the Earth, flowing water, by inertia, “presses” against the right bank (in the southern hemisphere, respectively, to the left), as a result, washing it away. Ironically, Baer's Law was formulated in the same year, 1857, as the Bays-Ballot Law.

    In the same way, under the influence of the Coriolis force, moving atmospheric air is deflected. As a result, the wind begins to deviate to the right. In this case, as a result of the action of the friction force, the deflection angle is close to a straight line in the free atmosphere and less than a straight line at the Earth's surface. When looking in the direction of the surface wind, the lowest pressure in the Northern Hemisphere will be to the left and slightly ahead.
    Deviations in the movement of air masses in the northern hemisphere under the influence of the force of the Earth's rotation. The red color shows the vector of the pressure gradient, directed directly from the area of ​​high pressure to the area of ​​​​low pressure. The blue arrow is the direction of the Coriolis force. Green - the direction of movement of the wind, deviating under the influence of the Coriolis force from the pressure gradient

    Use of Base-Ballo's law in maritime navigation

    Many textbooks on navigation and seamanship indicate the need to be able to apply this rule in practice. In particular, Samoilov’s “Marine Dictionary”, published by the People’s Commissariat of the Navy in 1941. Samoilov gives a comprehensive description of the pressure law of wind in relation to nautical practice. His instructions may well be adopted by modern yachtsmen:

    “...If the ship is located close to areas of the world's oceans where hurricanes often occur, it is necessary to monitor the barometer readings. If the barometer needle begins to drop and the wind begins to get stronger, then there is a high possibility of a hurricane approaching. In this case, it is necessary to immediately determine in which direction the center of the cyclone is located. To do this, sailors use the Base Ballo rule - if you stand with your back to the wind, the center of the hurricane will be located approximately 10 points to the left of the gybe in the northern hemisphere, and the same amount to the right in the southern hemisphere.

    Then you need to determine what part of the hurricane the ship is in. To quickly determine the location, a sailing ship needs to immediately drift, and a steam ship needs to stop the car. After which it is necessary to observe the change in wind. If the wind direction gradually changes from left to right (clockwise), then the ship is on the right side of the cyclone's path. If the wind direction changes in the opposite direction, then from the left. In the case when the wind direction does not change at all, the ship is directly in the path of the hurricane. To avoid the center of a hurricane in the northern hemisphere, follow these steps:

    * move the ship to starboard tack;
    * at the same time, if you are to the right of the center of the cyclone, then you should lie close-hauled;
    * if on the left or in the center of movement - backstay.

    In the southern hemisphere it is the other way around, except when the ship finds itself in the center of an advancing cyclone. It is necessary to follow these courses until the ship leaves the path of the cyclone center, which can be determined by the barometer starting to rise.”

    And our website wrote about the rules for avoiding tropical cyclones in the article “”.
