English language 6th edition. We consolidate theory in practice according to Golitsyn

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Collection of exercises on English grammar Yu.B. Golitsynsky is a book from which all Russian (and not only Russian) schoolchildren study. Thanks to its methodological sophistication and completeness, it is widely used in the educational process both in basic schools and in schools with in-depth study of the English language. In addition, this collection turned out to be an indispensable tool for a wide range of people who independently study or repeat the language.
To help those who study independently, it is offered complete collection keys, i.e. completed exercises. Now readers will be able to check whether they have correctly understood the grammatical rules and make the necessary adjustments in the process of learning the language.

1. I had no idea that he was leaving St. Petersburg so soon. 2. Auntie’s arrival gives me great pleasure. 3. The librarian did not object to the reader holding the book for one more day. 4. She said that she did not know anything about the fact that the door was left open. 5. I was surprised that my son cleaned the room so quickly. 6. My attempts to convince him are useless. 7. When she was asked why she was late for the train, she said something about her watch being slow. 8. I didn’t notice how she came. 9. She stayed in the city all summer because her daughter was sick.

1. On entering the house, they heard the last bell ringing. 2. Thank you for having invited (inviting) me to the theatre. 3. The woman insisted on her husband consulting the doctor at once. 4. She could not even think of the operation being postponed. 5. There was little hope of James returning on the same day. 6. The thought of having been turned away by the doorkeeper made him feel miserable. 7. The pleasant-faced middle-aged woman insisted on Olga coming to her town to teach. 8. Helen suggested they were going on a trip. 9. There is a possibility of my father joining us for the trip. 10. The girls knew of the sportsman"s having been awarded a prize. 11. I don"t mind your walking to the underground station with me.

Article 3
Noun 48
Pronouns some, any, by, every and their derivatives 54
Much, many, (a) litlle, (a) few 60
Degrees of comparison of adjectives 62
Prepositions 68
Use of tenses 76
Passive voice 125
Coordination of times. Indirect speech 141
Infinitive 170
Communion 176
Gerund 189
Participle, gerund and verbal noun 204
Complex object 209
Complex subject 225
Conditional sentences. Subjunctive mood after / wish 231
Modal verbs 245
Test exercise 283.

Publication date: 06/02/2013 04:58 UTC

  • English language. Grammar. Keys to the exercises. Golitsynsky Yu.B., Golitsynskaya N.A. 2010 GDZ in English
  • English language, Grammar, Collection of exercises, Golitsynsky Yu.B., Golitsynskaya N.A., 2006
  • - Collection of exercises on English grammar Yu.B. Golitsynsky is a book from which all Russian (and not only Russian) schoolchildren study. ... GDZ in English
  • Grammar - Keys to exercises - Golitsynsky Yu.B., Golitsynskaya N.A. - Grammar - Keys to exercises. Golitsynsky Yu.B., Golitsynskaya N.A. 2003. Collection of exercises on English grammar Yu.B. Golitsynsky - book, ... Books on English

The following textbooks and books:

  • All homework in English, grade 8, Novikova K.Yu., 2013, for the English language textbook for grade 8, Vaulina Yu.E., Dooley D., Evans V., Podolyako O. GDZ in English
  • All homework in English, grade 5, Novikova K.Yu., 2013, for the English language textbook for grade 5, Vaulina Yu.E., Dooley D., Evans V., Podolyako O. - The manual contains answers to the most important exercises from the textbook and workbook, as well as all tasks in the test book. ... GDZ in English
  • All homework in English, grade 4, Novikova K.Yu., 2013, for the English language textbook for grade 4, Bykova N.I., Pospelova M.D. GDZ in English
  • All homework in English, grade 3, Novikova K.Yu., 2013, for the English language textbook for grade 3, Bykova N.I., Pospelova M.D. - The manual contains answers to most tasks in the textbook, workbook and test assignments. Translations are provided for almost all texts in the textbook,... GDZ in English

Previous articles:

  • The Keys, English Grammar, Reference and Practice, Version 2, Drozdova T.Yu., Mailova V.G., Berestova A.I., 2012 - This edition contains the keys to most of the exercises in the revised textbook English Grammar: Reference and Practice (version 2.0). Since the authors... GDZ in English
  • Homework in English, grade 9, Kiseleva M.O., 2013, for the English language textbook for grade 9, Biboletova M.Z., 2012 - The proposed textbook contains samples of all tasks and exercises from the textbook English: English with pleasure Enjoy English: textbook... GDZ in English
  • Keys and answers in the English language, Tatishcheva E.S., 2011, to the English language textbook, Bonk N.A., Kotiy G.A., Lukyanova N.A., 2010 - The manual presents the keys to the exercises of the two-volume book in the new edition , which began publishing in 2010. Answers to many tasks... GDZ in English
  • GDZ in English, 5th grade, 2013, for the English language textbook for 5th grade, Kuzovlev V.P. - Homework in English for grade 5 for the textbook English. Textbook for 5th grade. GDZ in English

GDZ in English for grades 5-9 Golitsinsky is a workbook that includes a set of ready-made exercises from the textbook of the same name, compiled by an authoritative scientist-methodologist of the Russian Federation - Golitsinsky Yu.B.

English language guide Galitsinsky - independent study of grammar

There are cases when parents have an insufficient level of English proficiency, and the student did not understand in class how to use this or that rule.

There is a solution - a workbook in English for grades 5-9 Golitsinsky. The collection of ready-made homework assignments will be useful for parents who want to monitor the progress of their children, as well as for students who want to independently understand the practice of using English grammar.

Our website is equipped with a convenient intelligent search function: just enter the task number or part of the condition for it into the search bar - and the system will display a list from which you can select the appropriate option.

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  1. Intelligent search helps to effectively save time;
  2. The versatility of the resource lies in the possibility of using it from any electronic gadget - PC, laptop, tablet;
  3. Availability of current versions of solution books corresponding to textbooks. Used in secondary schools.

Textbook 7th edition 2011 Golitsinsky Yu.B. - GDZ and English grammar for schoolchildren

In Russian secondary schools, when studying grammar in grades 5-9, they use the textbook by Yu.B. Golitsinsky. The workbook provided on the site is compiled from its 4th edition, released in 2003.

The book also includes a workshop with explanations that are aimed at strengthening students' language skills. The book includes sections such as:

  • Characteristics of articles and their use;
  • Basic properties of parts of speech and their placement in a sentence;
  • Verb and its tenses in active and passive voice.

The textbook will be useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for people learning English on their own.

If the exercise is performed according to the book by Golitsinsky Yu.B. earlier or later edition, you can use smart search.

Our site will help students achieve success in the practical mastery of English grammar and help them prepare for the final assessment.

Page 1 of 19

GDZ Grammar. Keys to the exercises. Yu. B. Golitsynsky 4th ed., St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003.
Attention! The numbers may not match. Compare exercise and answer numbers by context.

Exercises 1-30 Exercises 31-60 Exercises 61-90 Exercises 91-120 Exercises 121-150 Exercises 151-180 Exercises 181-210 Exercises 211-240 Exercises 241-270 Exercises 271-300 Exercises 301-330 Exercises 331-360 Exercises 361 -390 Exercises 391-420 Exercises 421-450 Exercises 451-480 Exercises 481-509 Exercises 510-540 Exercises 541-561

Exercise 1
1. This is a book. It is my book. 2. Is this your pencil? - No, it isn't my pencil, it is my sister's pencil. 3. I have a sister. My sister is an engineer. My sister"s husband is a doctor. 4. I have no handbag. 5. She has got a headache. 6. Have they got a car? - Yes, they have. Their car is very expensive but reliable.7. Have you got a calculator? - No, I haven't. 8. Is this a watch? - No, it isn't a watch, it's a pen. 9. This pen is good, and that pen is bad. 10. I can see a pencil on your table, but I can see no paper. 11. Give me a chair, please. 12. They have a dog and two cats. 13. I have a spoon in my plate, but I have no soup in it. 14. My friend says he is going to be a millionaire one day. 15. Would you like an orange? 16. Mr. Smith is an artist, Mrs. Smith is a poetess.

Exercise 2

1. He hasn't got a car. But he's got a computer. The computer is new. 2. My friends have got a cat and a dog. The dog never bites the cat. 3, This is a tree. The tree is green. 4. I can see three boys. The boys are playing. 5. I have a bicycle. The bicycle is black. My friend has no bicycle. 6. Our room is large. 7. We wrote a dictation yesterday. The dictation was long. 8. She has two daughters and one son. Her son is a pupil. 9. Last year I gave my mother a bracelet for her birthday. She liked the bracelet. 10. My brother"s friend has no dog. 11. This pencil is broken. Give me that pencil, please. 12. She has a ball. The ball is big. 13. I got a letter from my friend yesterday. The letter was interesting. 14. When they were in Geneva, they stayed at a hotel. Sometimes they had dinner at the hotel and sometimes in a restaurant.

Exercise 3

1. This is a pen. The pen is red. 2. These are pencils. The pencils are black. 3. This is soup. The soup is tasty. 4. In the morning I eat a sandwich and drink tea. 5. She gave me coffee and a cake. The coffee was hot. The cake was tasty. 6. Do you like ice cream? 7. I see a book in your hand. Is the book interesting? 8. Do you need a camera? 9. He never eats meat, he always eats vegetables, cereals, seeds, fruit, and nuts. He is a vegetarian. 10. This is a pineapple. The pineapple is delicious. 11. Elaine, apples are good for you! 12. My cousin is upset. He"s got a sore throat. 13. This is cottage cheese. The cottage cheese is fresh. 14. She bought meat, butter and potatoes yesterday. She also bought a cake. The cake was very tasty. We ate the cake with tea 15. This is my table. On the table I have a book, two pencils, a pen and paper. 16. This is a bag. The bag is brown. It is my sister's bag. And this is my bag. It is yellow.

Exercise 4
1 have two sisters. My sisters are students. 2. We are at home. 3. My brother is not at home, he is at school. 4. My mother is at work. She is a doctor. 5. I am not a doctor. 6. I have no sister. 7. He is not a pilot. 8. I have thirty-two teeth. 9. He has a child. 10. She has two children. Her children are at school.11. Is your father at home? - No, he is at work. 12. Where is your brother? - He is at home.

Exercise 5

1. We have a large family. 2. My granny often tells us long interesting stories. 3. My father is an engineer. He works at a factory. The factory is large. 4. My mother is a doctor. She works at a large hospital. She is at work now. 5. My aunt is a teacher. She works at school. The school is good. My aunt is not at school now. She is at home. She is drinking tea and eating jam. The jam is sweet. I am at home, too. I am drinking tea and eating a sandwich. The sandwich is tasty. 6. My sister is at school.She is a pupil. 7. My cousin has a big black cat. My cousin's cat has two kittens. The cat likes milk.The kittens like milk, too. 8. I am an engineer. 9. My son is a pupil, 10. He is a good pupil. 11. This is a house. 12. This is my pencil. 13. You have some pencils, but I have no pencil. Give me a pencil, please.

Exercise 6

1. What "s the weather like today? - The weather is fine. 2. The sun is yellow. 3. The sky is gray today. 4. The Earth is a planet. 5. We had an English lesson yesterday. The teacher asked me many questions. The questions were difficult. 6. Where is your brother? - He is at home. He is in his room. He is sitting at the table. He is doing his homework. The homework is difficult. 7. Our cat is sitting on the sofa. 8. It is very dark in the room. Turn on the light, please. 9. Nick went into the bathroom, turned on the water and washed his hands.

Exercise 7

1. This is a good book. Take the book from the table. Put this book into the bookcase. 2. The weather is fine today. The sky is blue. The sun is shining brightly in the blue sky. 3. This is a boy. The boy is at school. He is a pupil. This boy is my brother"s friend. He has a cat, but he has no dog. He likes his cat. He gives the cat milk every day. 4. Yesterday I received a letter from my friend. The letter was interesting. 5 . We live in a big house. I like the house very much. 6. Are you a worker? - No, I am a student. 7. I like your beautiful flower. Give me the flower, please. 8. My mother is at home. She is reading an interesting book. 9. My father is not at home. He is at work. He is a doctor. He is a good doctor. He works at a hospital. The hospital is large.

Exercise 8

1. There is a big tree in the garden. 2. There is a bank near here. - Where is the bank? 3. There is a new supermarket in the center of our town. 4. There is a hotel over there. The hotel isn't cheap. 5. Where is the cat? - The cat is on the sofa. 6. Where is the book? - The book is on the shelf. 7.Where are the flowers? - The flowers are in a beautiful vase. 8. Where is the vase? - The vase is on a little table near the window. 9. Open the window, please. The weather is fine today. I can see the sun in the sky. I can see a nice little bird. The bird is sitting in a big tree. The tree is green. 10. There is a little white cloud in the sky. 11. We have a large room. There is a big sofa in the room and a little lamp on the wall over the sofa. I like to sit on the sofa and read a good book.

Exercise 9

1. There is a wonderful small computer in front of the books there. 2. Where is the soup? - The soup is in a big saucepan on the gas cooker. 3. What are the cutlets? - The cutlets are in the refrigerator on a little plate. 4. There is no bread on the table. Where is the bread? 5. There is a little brown coffee table in our room in front of the sofa. 6. Where is the table in your room? 7. There is a thick carpet on the floor in my mother's room. 8. Is your brother at home? - No, he is at work. He works at a bigfactory. He is an engineer. 9. My sister has many books. The books are in a big bookcase. 10. The weather is fine today. Let's go and play in the yard. There are many children in the yard. They are playing with a ball.

Exercise 10

1. 1 see a bottle of pineapple juice on the kitchen table. 2. Her son has a great sense of humor. 3. There was a discotheque at the club last Saturday but he didn't go. 4. Is there a bus stop near the building? 5. We have a big dog. The dog is very clever. 6. My friend has a very good computer. 7. This boy is big. He is a student. 8. There is a very big piano in the hall. 9. This is a tree and that is not a tree. It"s a bush. 10. I am a boy. I am a pupil. I learn at school. 11. My sister is at work. She is a secretary. She works at a large office. 12. This is a very difficult question. I don"t know the answer to it. 13. Do you see a little girl with a big ball in her hands? She is a pupil of our school. 14. There was a beautiful flower in this vase yesterday. Where is the flower now? 15. Last year we were in Geneva. It is an exciting city to visit, but a very expensive place to live.

Exercise 11

1. There is a jar of orange marmelade in the middle of the shelf. 2. There is a big box of cereal to the right of you. 3. There is a bunch of bananas on the table. Don"t keep them in the refrigerator. 4. There is a loaf of white bread on the upper shelf of the refrigerator. If you want your bread to be fresh, keep it only in the refrigerator. 5. Is there a bag of flour in the cupboard? 6. There was a bottle of lemonade in the corner of the kitchen. 7. There is a thick red carpet in my room. The carpet is on the floor in front of the sofa. 8. Where is the table in your brother's room? - His table is near the window. 9. I can see a fine vase on the shelf. Is it your vase? 10. We have no piano in our living room. 11. My uncle is married. He has a beautiful wife. They have a son, but they have no daughters. 12. I can see a nice coffee table in the middle of the room to the right of the door. It is black and red. I like the coffee table.13. Our TV set is on a little table in the corner of the room. 14. There is a beautiful picture in my father's study. The picture is on the wall to the left of the window.

Exercise 12

My aunt's flat is in a new house. There is a living room, a bedroom, a study, a bathroom and a kitchen in the flat. The bedroom is a large room with two windows. The room is light as the windows are large. There are white curtains on the windows. There are two beds with large pillows on them. There are small tables near the beds. There are lamps on them. To the left of the door there is a dressing table with a mirror on it There is a low chair at the dressing table. There are several pictures on the pale green walls. There is a thick carpet on the floor. The carpet is dark green. The room is very cozy.

Exercise 13

1. There is a park behind the hospital. There are some beautiful trees in the park. 2. There is a good film on TV this evening. I am going to watch it. 3. There is a library between the school and the bank. There are some English and German books in this library. 4. There is a sofa in the corner of the room.5. There are some cushions on the sofa. 6. There are some books on the shelf. Give me a book, please.7. Look into the refrigerator. What can you see on the shelves? - There is some butter in the butter dish. There is some sausage, but there is no cheese. There are some eggs and some apples. There is an orange, a lemon, and some jam in a little vase. 8. There is some juice in this cup. May I drink the juice? 9. There are some girls in the yard, but I can see no boys. Where are the boys? - Oh, all the boys are playing football at the stadium. 10. There is a peculiar charm in her voice.

Exercise 14

1. Where is the bus station? - The bus station is next to the gas station. 2. There are two pets in the house: a cat and a dog. 3. There is a TV antenna on the roof. 4. There is a mailbox between thebuilding and the bus stop, 5. There is a big dog in front of the fireplace. 6. Do you speak English at work or at school? 7. She had a bad day today. 8. I have a color TV set. The TV set is on a little table in the corner of the room. 9. There is a book, a pen, and some paper on my writing desk. 10. My brother is a teacher. He works at school. He has very good books. His books are in a big bookcase. 11. There is some tea in my glass. There is no tea in my friend's glass. His glass is empty. 12. Where is the coffee table in your room? - The coffee table is in front of the sofa. There is a cup on the coffee table and some newspapers. There is some coffee in the cup. 13. There are some photographs on the sofa.
14. There is a guitar on the chair near the piano.

Exercise 15

1. Every day my brother and I get up at eight o"clock and walk to school. I like school. It"s fun. My brother loves football. He hates homework. So he doesn"t like to go to school. Will he go to work in the future? 2. My friend has to get up early in the morning because he goes to school. That"s why he usually goes to bed early in the evening. 3. The weather was very bad in the morning yesterday. The sky was gray and it was raining. But in the middle of the day the weather began to change. The rain stopped and the sun appeared from behind the clouds. In the afternoon it was very warm. I did not want to stay at home and went into the yard. There were boys and girls in the yard. We played in the yard till late in the evening. When I came home, I drank tea, ate a sandwich and went to bed at once. I slept very well at night.

Exercise 16

1. My brother is a pupil. He goes to school. He goes to school in the morning. He has five or six lessons every day. In the afternoon he goes home. At home he does his homework. In the evening he reads books. He usually goes to bed at half past ten. At night he sleeps. 2. My father goes to work in the morning and comes home in the evening. 3. I get up at half past seven in the morning and ga to bed at a quarter to eleven in the evening. 4. When does your mother leave home for work? - She leaves home for work at a quarter past eight. 5. When do you leave home for school? - I leave home for school at half past eight. 6. What do you do when you come home from school? - I do my homework, talk to my friends on the phone and go for walks., "" I often listen to music. I like jazz best.

Exercise 17

1. We always go to the Russian Museum on Sunday. 2. On Saturday she usually goes to the Philharmonic. 3. In August he has his birthday. He is planning to have a nice party with his friends. 4. There are three rooms and a kitchen in our new flat, 5, My new dress is made of silk. 6. If you want to write something on the blackboard, you must have a piece of chalk. 7. Are there any pupils in the classroom? 8. I have a new English book. The book is very interesting. 9. There is a garden in front of our school. The garden is not large, but it is very nice. 10. May is the fifth month of the year. 11. Saturday is the sixth day of the week. 12. Sunday is a day off. 13. Today is the ninth of May. He is going to a public phone to make a phone call to his grandfather. 14. This is a nice place. In June we are going there for a holiday.

Exercise 18

1. My friends live in a small town. It is a new town. The streets in the town are broad and straight. There are beautiful buildings in them. The town is very green? and so the air is fresh. There are some beautiful parks and gardens in the town. The people like to go there after work. In the evening you can hear the sounds of music from the parks. There are some schools, some libraries, a hospital, a theater, some cinemas, some polyclinics and some kindergartens in the town. 2. This is a classroom. The classroom is large and light. 3. There is a picture on the wall. 4. What is the date today? It is the seventh of December. 5. The third lesson today is a lesson of English. 6. Pete, go to the blackboard. 7. After school I usually go home. 8. My father always comes from work late: at eight o"clock or at half past eight. But on Friday he comes home early: at half past four or at a quarter to five. On Saturday and on Sunday he does not go to work.

Exercise 19

I go to school in the morning, so I get up early. I usually get up at a quarter past seven. I go to the bathroom, turn on the water and wash my face and hands. My father and mother also get up early in the morning. My mother works at an office. She is a typist. My father is a doctor. He works at a polyclinic. We have breakfast in the kitchen. We eat porridge and eggs. We drink tea. My father and mother leave home for work at half past eight. My father goes to the polyclinic, and my mother goes to the office. I don"t leave home with my parents: the school where I learn is near our house. I leave home for school at a quarter to nine. My granny stays at home and cooks dinner. I have lunch at school after the third lesson. My father and mother have lunch at work. When we come home, we have dinner.

Exercise 20

1. Every day my husband goes to work, my son goes to school and I go to the institute. 2. There is a new school at the corner of our street. 3. My daughter came home from school on Monday and said to me: "There will be a parents" meeting on the tenth of February at six o"clock in the evening." 4. The teacher told us a very interesting story at the lesson. 5. When the bell rang, the pupils went into the classroom. 6. We are usually at school from nine o"clock in the morning till two o"clock in the afternoon. 7. We don't go to school on Sunday.

Exercise 21

1. What do you do after breakfast? - After breakfast I go to school. 2. My granny likes to read a book after lunch. 3. People usually have breakfast in the morning. They have dinner in the afternoon. In the evening people have supper. 4. There is a proverb: "After dinner sleep awhile, after supper walk a mile." 5. Who cooks dinner in your family? 6. Yesterday father told us a very interesting story at breakfast. 7. What did you have for lunch at school on Wednesday? - We had salad and tea. 8. My mother never has supper with the family because she does not like to eat in the evening. 9. When do you clean your teeth in the morning: before breakfast or after breakfast?

Exercise 22

1. For breakfast I have coffee with milk and sugar. I have jam, too. There are different things on the dinner table. There is some bread, some butter and some ham. There are some cups and some glasses there. There is a jug on the table. The milk in the jug is hot. There is a teapot on the table. There is tea in the teapot. The tea is hot, too. There are some plates, some forks and some knives on the table. 2. The lamp is on the table. 3. There is a lamp on the table. 4. Is there a lamp on the table? 5. Is the lamp on the table? 6. Is there a clock on the wall? 7. There are two shelves on the wall. 8. Where are the shelves? - The shelves are on the wall. 9. They have a large flat. There are four rooms in the flat. 10. Is the newspaper on the table? 11. Is there a newspaper on the table? 12. There is some butter on the plate. 13. Where is the butter? - The butter is on a little plate. 14. There is some white and brown bread on the table.

Exercise 23

1. Pete has a small family. He has a father and a mother. He has no brother, but he has a sister. His sister is a pupil. She is a good girl. She has many Russian books, but she has no English books. 2. There is a writing desk in the room. The writing desk is good, There is a lamp on the writing desk. 3. My uncle has a large family. They are six in the family, 4. My father is an engineer. He works at a big factory. 5. We have a good library. Our books are in a big bookcase. 6. Is your sister married? 7. What do you do after breakfast? - I go to school. 8. When do you come home? - I come home at half past two. 9. Do you like to watch TV in the evening? 10. He watches television - all day. I never do it. Ican"t watch TV very often. But tonight I can spend the evening in front of the box, because there is a very interesting film on. It is "My Fair Lady" with Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn. I love it.

Exercise 24

1. My aunt and my uncle are doctors. They work at a hospital. They get up at seven o"clock in the morning. They go to bed at eleven o"clock. 2. I work in the morning and in the afternoon. I don"t work in the evening. I sleep at night. 3. When do you leave home for school? - I leave home at a quarter past eight in the morning. 4. What does your mother do after breakfast? - She goes to work. 5. Is there a sofa in your living room? - Yes, there is a cozy little sofa in the living room. - Where is the sofa? - It is in the cor-0 ner of the room to the left of the door. I like to sit on this sofa in front of the TV set in the evening. 6. There is a nice coffee table near the window. There are some newspapers on the coffee table. 7. There is some tea in the glass 8. When do you watch TV? - I watch TV in the evening. We have a large color TV set in our room. There is a beautiful vase on the TV set. There are some flowers in the vase. 9. I have a large writing desk in the study. There is some paper on her writing desk. My books and exercise books are on the writing desk, too.

Exercise 25

My friend's flat is very comfortable. There are three rooms in the flat: a living room, a study and a bedroom. The living room is not very large. The walls in the living room are blue. There are some pictures on the walls. There is a table in the middle of the room with some chairs around it. To the left of the door there is a sofa, Near the sofa there are two large armchairs. They are very comfortable. There is a piano in my friend "s living room. The piano is to the right of the door. The bedroom and the study are small. The furniture in the flat is brown.

Exercise 26

I. What color is your new hat? - It "s red. 2. Is there a refrigerator in your kitchen? 3. Where is the refrigerator in your kitchen? - It is in the corner of the kitchen. 4. There are some flowers in our living room. The flowers are in a beautiful vase. 5. I have some tea in my cup. 6. He has no coffee in his cup. 7. What book did you take from the library on Tuesday? 8.1 have some books, exercise books and pens in my bag 9. I am an engineer I work at an office. I go to the office in the morning. As the office is far from the house I live in, I take a bus to get there. 10. What bus do you take to get to work?II. Whose pen is this? 12. What color is your new T-shirt? - It's white. 13. She is going to a music shop to buy a cassette. What cassette is she going to buy?

Exercise 27

Here is a large window. Through the window we can see a room. Opposite the window there is a door. On the door there is a curtain. In the corner of the room there is a round table. On it we can see some books and a telephone. There is a bookshelf over the table. On the bookshelf we can see some newspapers and a book by Jack London. There are two pictures in the room. One picture is small, the other picture is very large. There are two bookcases in the room. The bookcases are full of books. There is a large sofa in the room. On the sofa we can see a bag. Whose bag is that? There is no bed in the room. On a small table near the window there are some flowers and a glass of water. In front of the window we can see an armchair.

Exercise 28

1. English is a world language. 2. I study English. I attend English classes in the evening. On the days when I have no classes, I stay at home and do some work about the house. I have dinner with my family. After, dinner I talk to the members of my family, watch TV and read books, newspapers and magazines. I go to bed late at night. 3.1 am thirsty. Give me some water, please. 4. There is a book on the table. Give me the book, please. 5. I enjoy listening to music but I don"t really like the music thatthat man plays on his guitar. 6. What did you have for lunch? - I just had a tuna sandwich. 7. He is a wonderful teacher. He teaches history.

Exercise 29

1. When my grandfather was a young man, he studied physics. 2. Do you speak Spanish? 3. My uncle is a great specialist in biology. 4. Japanese is more difficult than French. 5. We listened to a very interesting lecture on English literature yesterday. 6. Yesterday at the lesson of geography the teacher told us some very interesting things about famous travelers. 7. My father speaks English and French, but he does not speak German. 8. We had a lesson of mathematics Yesterday. We wrote a paper in mathematics. The teacher said: "I shall correct the papers in the evening. Tomorrow you will know the results."

Exercise 30

1. My name is Charlie. I come from a pretty big family. I have two brothers and a sister. I am the oldest and my sister is the youngest; she plays the violin really well and wants to be a professional musician. She has other hobbies, too, and she often goes swimming with her friends if the weather is nice. 2. Do you play the piano? 3. There is a big black piano in our living room. It is at the wall to the left of the door opposite the sideboard. My mother likes to play the piano. She often plays the piano in the evening. 4. Boys like to play football. 5, What do you do in the evening? - I often play chess with my grandfather. 6. Where are the children? - Oh, they are out of doors. The weather is fine today. They are playing badminton in the yard. 7. What games does your sister like to play? - She likes to play tennis. 8. Do you like to play the guitar? 9. What color is your guitar?

English Grammar Collection of exercises- The collection contains exercises on all sections of English grammar. The exercises are based on simple vocabulary. They contain enough material to memorize basic grammatical forms and develop skills in their use. The collection is supplemented with theoretical material and a dictionary. Designed for students in grades 5-9 of basic schools and schools with in-depth study of the English language. Collection of exercises on English grammar Yu.B. Golitsynsky is widely used in the educational process of educational institutions in Russia and the CIS countries. The uniqueness of the methodology used in the manual lies in the possibility of thoroughly practicing and consolidating the material on basic grammatical topics.

Workbooks for the collection of exercises English Grammar- They contain tasks and exercises for students’ independent work, facilitating the assimilation, activation and systematization of lexical and grammatical material. Exercise tasks come in a variety of formats. In the notebooks, exercises are numbered twice. The second number of each exercise allows you to check the correctness of its execution.

Spoken English Speaking Guide for Schoolchildren- For secondary classes of gymnasiums and schools with in-depth study of the English language. All material contained in the manual is divided into several general topics: family, education, theater, travel, etc. Each topic is accompanied by a large number of tasks and exercises aimed at developing and consolidating the skills of writing a story using direct and indirect speech, the ability to ask questions, answer them, maintain a dialogue. Each section is supplemented by a large number of established phrases, proverbs, and sayings used in colloquial speech. The manual will be interesting and useful to all English language learners.

Self-instruction manual of the English language No. 1 Method of substitution tables- Substitution tables were used in his teaching practice by the famous methodologist and author of textbooks Yu.B. Golitsynsky. Thanks to this method, the student consistently masters the English language by studying the structure and methods of constructing sentences. By building phrases based on set expressions, the student brings English speech skills to automaticity. The substitution table method was used by Yu.B. Golitsynsky for decades and has proven its high effectiveness in learning English.

Great Britain A manual on regional studies- This book is a manual on regional studies, which introduces students to the main attractions, history and biographies of famous British citizens. The book is intended for high school students of gymnasiums and schools with in-depth study of the English language, for students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.

You have mastered the English language at an elementary level, read Natalya Bonk's textbook and other manuals, listened to audiobooks and watched video courses. What to do next and in what direction to move when your head is a “porridge” of verbs, conjugations and moods?

It seems like you already know a lot, but for some reason it’s difficult to remember and apply everything you’ve learned in life. And it’s difficult to write, and the dialogues are tongue-tied, and you understand spoken language only when Estonians speak English, and a little faster and you’re already helpless.

Don't worry! The thing is that you still have little practice, you still need to work hard and practice the theory properly, strengthening it with exercises using such a wonderful book as “Grammar. Collection of exercises” by Yuri Golitsynsky.

Golitsynsky’s textbook “Collection of English Grammar Exercises” is perfect for doing the exercises many times and bringing your knowledge to automatism. The rule is remembered already at the subconscious level: you don’t even need to remember it every time, the hand writes itself, and the tongue speaks. This is akin to the behavior of an experienced driver: when starting from a stop or changing speed, he automatically presses the clutch and gas pedals, without remembering his driving school lessons.

We are saying:

  • many books (many books), not many books
  • much joy (a lot of joy), not many joy
  • the lesson began (the lesson began), not the lesson began
  • I stopped refueling (I stopped to refuel), not I stopped to refuel
  • no smoking (not smoking), not no to smoke

There is only one conclusion: in order to speak freely and without thinking, you need to constantly practice, as in driving a car, and in our case this means not letting go of the collection of grammar exercises from your hands.

Golitsynsky will help you master one of the most confusing topics in English grammar: gerunds.

Memorize verbs followed by a gerund and followed by an infinitive, just like memorizing a table irregular verbs in its purest form a useless exercise. Only practice, and constant practice, will help you intuitively correctly apply one or another verb form. The same can be said regarding the use of definite “the” and indefinite “a” articles.

Latest edition of Golitsynsky's grammar

Yuri Golitsynsky worked on the book for a long time - almost 25 years. Currently, the seventh edition of the textbook “Grammar. Collection of exercises." The exercises are lexically simple, and this is important: a complex topic of grammar is easier to master with simple examples.

The topics of the exercises are wide, here is just a short list:

  • articles, pronouns, prepositions
  • noun
  • adjective (with degrees of comparison)
  • times and their agreements
  • modal verbs
  • subject, object
  • passive voice
  • subjunctive mood
  • imfinite forms of the verb
  • indirect speech

After completing the exercises, you can always check yourself by looking at the answers using the key (they are published in a separate book). This makes it possible not to depend on the teacher and work completely independently.

The seventh edition of the textbook has been supplemented with new interesting topics:

  1. Olympic Games of recent years and upcoming ones
  2. Economic crisis
  3. Sino-Indian miracle
  4. Global warming.

The book contains texts about President Barack Obama and Prime Minister James Gordon Brown.

The additions that Golitsynsky continuously makes give his textbook modernity. Having gone through all the lexical material, you will be able to freely talk about all the burning topics of society, politics, culture, science and sports. Therefore, it is suitable for both schoolchildren and adults who have decided to learn English, and especially for those who want to expand the boundaries of their personal world: travelers and emigrants, simply curious people who read in the original language.

Ease of search and self-control

What else is the charm of this thing and how Golitsynsky differs from other authors of collections of English grammars published before him.

A clear advantage is that in his book you can easily find any topic with exercises on it and answers to them. The content is systematized; there is no need to study the entire textbook from the very beginning in order to get to the place of interest.

Do you want to deal with tenses? Here you go, basically they are all: choose exercises to compare the features of each time, do them with self-control. Don’t know how to construct phrases like “if only” and “would like”? So this is where you come - to the section on conditional sentences and subjunctive moods. Everything is very simple and clear. At the end of the grammar there is a dictionary with words used in the exercises.

Golitsynsky’s textbook can be purchased from an online bookstore or downloaded from electronic libraries. I advise you to start learning the language using any available grammar for beginners (for example, the Bonk textbook, video and audio courses), and after completing each stage of training, consolidate your knowledge using the Golitsynsky method.
