The brilliance and poverty of the former socialite: even her mother forgot about Prezhevskaya, and her new friends got drunk and robbed her. Russian socialites

Quite recently, a scandal erupted on the Internet over Birkin bags, couture dresses, jewelry and other attributes of a luxurious life, which singer Jasmine, who successfully married Moldovan businessman Ilan Shor, boasted on Instagram. Affected by the flow of criticism, the artist in an interview spent a long time making excuses for such a show-off, explaining this by the rules of life in show business and threatened at any moment to sell all her Birkin bags, for which she is so often reproached on the Internet.


Having realized that there is nothing sweeter for the people than throwing stones at the boastful wives of billionaires who were simply lucky to be in the right place next to the right person, reporters rushed to look for what else these socialites They publish on their Instagram what mansions, paintings and diamonds they compare against each other.

For example, the wife of deputy Vitaly Yuzhilin, Ilona Stolier, like Jasmine, also has Birkin bags, only there are many times more of them. And she lives in a mansion on Rublevka, and if he wears diamonds, then he should definitely wear them the size of egg . It is known that Ilona’s talents extend to cinema, the modeling world and even singing.

This luxury is explained by the fact that in 2013 the official ranked 173rd among richest people Russia according to Forbes magazine, and his fortune is estimated at $600 million. According to Super, the estate where Ilona and Vitaly live is located four kilometers from Moscow. On an area of ​​one and a half hectares there is a pond with willows and a swimming pool. Stolya also owns an apartment in the center of Moscow, and a lot of people live in the couple’s house: nannies, tutors, cooks, five maids, two managers.

The billionaire’s other wife, Alexander Lebedev’s other half Elena Perminova, most often boasts of her long legs, literally from the ears. Too skinny, according to Internet spiteful critics, who can’t stand the display of wealth on Instagram. Expensive bags, outfits, cars, yachts, private jets and luxurious interiors are also presented in abundance on the model’s microblog.

It-girl Nadezhda Obolentseva married top manager from the oil industry Airat Iskhakov last summer and since then has lived happily and is active social life and relaxes at the best resorts.

The wife of influential entrepreneur Anton Borisevich, Victoria, boasts of her huge dressing room. There is even a video on Youtube where she gave a secular magazine a tour showing outfits and accessories from the world's best designers. Her favorite brands are Stella McCartney and Celine. According to the spectacular blonde, she has “50 pieces” of couture cropped trousers alone. It's scary to think how many pairs of shoes she has.

The wife of developer Valery Mikhailets and the mother of his three children, Irina Chaikovskaya, has been regularly mentioned in gossip columns for several years. Her dressing room is no smaller than Borisevich's. The socialite (an art critic by training) believes beautiful dresses her fetish and regularly demonstrates them on her Instagram. She also spends a lot of time at resorts, conveying greetings to the capital’s office plankton, either from Bali, then from Dubai, or from Shanghai.

The wife of businessman Andrei Kuzmin, Evgenia Linovich, has three children and successfully works as a jewelry designer, which celebrities regularly wear on the red carpet. The couple loves to travel, which they do not hide from their followers on Instagram or from society columnists, telling them in vivid colors about the magical New Year in Aspen or vacation in Las Vegas.

Bright blonde Ida Lolo, who was given the nickname “Russian Renee Zellwegger,” is married to restaurateur Alexei Kiselev. Just a few days ago, the socialite dazzled with her beauty and the sparkle of Cannes diamonds. Like all the other wives from Rublyovka, Ida loves expensive bags, shoes and dresses from high-profile brands. She also loves dogs and horses.

The former fashion director of the Russian edition of Vogue magazine, and now star stylist Katya Mukhina, married businessman Pavel Kornilov last year, so her Instagram also has a lot of attributes sweet life rich and famous.

It is noteworthy that the wife of millionaire Pavel Te, Olga Karput, who is the owner of a luxury boutique, often boasts in numerous interviews that she has long given up meat and is a vegetarian. She also honestly admits that she is partial to lurex and dresses that shine like a discus thrower (of course, haute couture).

53-year-old billionaire Sergei Rodionov and his 40-year-old wife Olga, whom many remember from an erotic booklet with nude photographs, deserve special mention. The businessman adores his other half so much that he gave her a snow-white Bentley with the license plates reading “OLJGA.” According to media reports, Rodionova drives around Cannes in her personalized car. On Instagram, the beauty regularly publishes photo reports about her travels, demonstrating a figure rich in virtues.

The concept of “socialite” did not appear today or yesterday, but in the early 2000s it acquired a special color. This is exactly what we called women in branded items predominantly Pink colour, in whose silicone breasts an unbridled love for Swarovski rhinestones and diamonds languished at the same time. They talked languidly on their Vertu phones, and did not miss a single party, drove expensive cars around Moscow at night and looked for oligarchs. At least half the country then dreamed of such an easy and carefree life. What else could you dream about while reveling in novels? Oksana Robski or watching the program “Trip to Rublyovka” with Ulyana Tseytlina? But at some point, most of the “lionesses” got tired of their own popularity and went into the shadows. tells how the main heroines of gossip columns of the early 2000s live today.

Oksana Robski

She wrote books, went to parties, was friends (at least she pretended to be in front of journalists) with Ksenia Sobchak, had affairs with the rich and famous, and then suddenly disappeared from the media's radar for several years. And while everyone was wondering where the main writer of Rublyovka had gone, Tatler magazine found Oksana on the island of St. Barths. It turns out that she fled there with her son Joseph and husband Oleg Gorelyshev. The latter, however, visited his wife’s new refuge in raids; after all, business in Moscow requires no less attention and care than a beloved wife. The reason for the flight of the society lady was banal and hardly worthy of her own pen - the youngest child had an allergy. Neither the best doctors in the capital nor the walls of the expensive mansion where the family lived could cope with the disease. In St. Barths, this problem resolved itself in almost a month. And yet, a year after her voluntary seclusion, Oksana moved to Los Angeles. While Joseph was walking local school, Robski took up surfing and mastered piloting. It seemed that she would never exchange sunny Beverly Hills for gloomy Moscow with its unpredictable climate, but last year the ex-resident of Rublyovka returned to her native land. By the way, the writer’s family is soon expected to have a new addition – a daughter Dasha is in position. Yes, yes, Robski will become a grandmother and, perhaps, will devote another book to this event, we still don’t know how children are raised on Rublyovka.

Oksana Robski. Photo:

Olga Rodionova

She was called a woman without complexes and... principles. This is because not everyone will understand and appreciate Olga Rodionova’s photo in nude style. But public opinion stopped worrying this woman exactly at the moment when she decided to release a provocative and very frank photo book with her beloved from all angles - “The Book Of Olga”. It was around this publication that a serious scandal broke out in 2010: at the Silver Galosh award, Ksenia Sobchak spoke unpleasantly about what Rodionova was doing. She did not prove anything to anyone, but simply filed a lawsuit against the TV presenter. And although the law assessed Olga’s moral damage at only 20 thousand rubles instead of the required 1 million, on the whole the model was satisfied with the outcome of the case, because for her personally it was “an important fight against rudeness.”

Today she is 44. She took her last candid photographs for the Croatian Playboy six years ago and, it seems, is no longer ready for such experiments, not because she is no longer the same age, but her goals and objectives are now different. Moreover, after a serious accident on the road between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, in which Olga and her entire family almost died, according to the model herself, she became “a different person.”

Five years ago Rodionova moved from the capital to Amsterdam. This decision was easy for her, without tears or mental anguish, because she had wanted to leave Russia since childhood. Having started new life Olga also opened a new business - the Vivienne Westwood boutique. But she is not limited to one country of residence, often shuttling between the Netherlands, Croatia and Dubai, and sometimes other parts of the world. True, Russia is not on this list.

Olga Rodionova. Photo: RIA Novosti / Valery Levitin

Anastasia Kalmanovich

In the early 2000s, the face of this girl could be seen not only at social events, but also in films; until 2009, she continually starred in various films, although she never reached real heights in this field.

The last time Anastasia was actively discussed by the press was in connection with her murder ex-husbandShabtai Kalmanovich, after which Nastya was almost completely deprived of the opportunity to communicate with their common daughter Daniella. Alas, the many-year war for the right to return the child did not produce virtually any significant results. However, everything worked out well in the actress’s personal life: she has been married to a DJ and producer for many years Fedor Fomin, and in 2010 she became a mother again, the couple had a son Tikhon. The family lives in two countries - in Russia and Latvia, and yet spends more time in Jurmala.

Anastasia Kalmanovich with her husband Fyodor Fomin. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

Ulyana Tseytlina

Another legend of secular Moscow and another friend of Ksenia Sobchak, Ulyana Tseytlina, went into the shadows almost immediately after the birth of her only son Savva. We remembered her only a few years ago, in 2015, when it became known that the socialite was marrying Alexey Fedorychev. The businessman proposed to Tseitlina while celebrating his birthday. The lovers, much to the regret of secular society, did not organize any magnificent celebrations on this occasion; they simply quietly got married. However, Tseytlina (now it is more correct to call her Fedorycheva), still dreams, albeit belatedly, of throwing a holiday in honor of this event.

Ksenia Sobchak and Ulyana Tseytlina. Photo:

For the last few years, Ulyana and her husband have been living in Monaco. Parties, provocative outfits and no less provocative statements that kept flying from her plump lips in the early 2000s, as soon as journalists approached the blonde, they stayed in the one past life. And in this one she sits in the evenings on the terrace of her luxurious apartment on Boulevard de Suisse, raising her son and baking pies for her beloved husband.

At the beginning of the 2000s, these girls were called socialites. Young and beautiful, they did not deny themselves anything, burning through the money of their rich suitors. Silicone breasts and pumped lips brought them fame and the attention of men, but now you can no longer see them at Rublev parties.

Where did the scribbler Oksana Robski and the narcissistic Olga Rodionova go? Everyone has already forgotten about best friend Ksenia Sobchak of her time stormy youth, Ulyana Tseytlina and about the once popular actress Anastasia Kalmanovich. However, we remember and are going to tell you what happened to them.

Olga Rodionova

The pride, selfishness and overwhelming conceit of this young lady long years even her friends were amazed. The apogee of her pampering herself with her beloved was a photo album, which she did not hesitate to call “The Book Of Olga.” In it, the lady appeared before us in the most incredible poses and in what her mother gave birth to.

Even Sobchak could not tolerate Rodionova’s antics, making sarcastic comments on them on television. Then the angry socialite sued for a future presidential candidate. The woman wanted a million, but received a measly 20 thousand rubles, which made her a laughing stock.

The last time Rodionova posed openly for Croatian Playboy was in 2001. Now she lives in Amsterdam, where her husband bought a fashion boutique for her. The reason for this sudden change became car accident , which Olga got into with her family on the way from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. Everything turned out okay, but it seems that something clicked in the model’s head.

Oksana Robski

In between wild parties and trips to the club, Robski scribbled low-grade romance novels. Everything went as usual until the woman disappeared from Rublyovka. Oksana teleported to the millionaire island of Saint Barthélemy in the Caribbean.

I had to leave Moscow because son's illness, he could not stand the Russian climate. Basking in the sun, little Joseph quickly recovered. Then businessman Oleg Gorelyshev settled his son and his wife in Los Angeles.

In America, Oksana became happy and said that she was not going to Russia. She appears in Moscow from time to time with her husband (he has a business there) and prepares for the birth of her grandson.

Ulyana Tseytlina

The plump-lipped socialite Ulyana stunned the paparazzi with her ridiculous speeches. The blonde didn't seem to be aware of what she was saying, but she didn't care at all. They were inseparable with the “chocolate blonde” Ksenia Sobchak until Tseytlina gave birth to a son.

In 2015, the young lady married Alexei Fedorychev. The man was stingy, refusing a luxurious wedding for hundreds of guests, which greatly upset the experienced party girl. What can you do, if you want to receive money for handbags from your husband, you will have to keep quiet.

Now the couple live in the center of Monaco. Ulyana seems to have given up on her past life. It’s no wonder: my age is not the same, and neither is my health.

Anastasia Kalmanovich

In the 2000s, Anastasia was married to oligarch Shabtai Kalmanovich and regularly starred in passing films. star life completely suited the girl, but her happiness came to an end with the death of her husband. The child was taken away from Kalmanovich, and new roles were no longer offered.

Not grieving for long, the actress married a second time, to producer Fyodor Fomin. In this marriage a son, Tikhon, was born. The family lives in Jurmala, but occasionally appears at social events in Moscow.

ex common-law wife businessman Evgeniy Frolov, the heroine of glamor magazines Yana Prezhevskaya died in strange circumstances. On February 6, her friends found her, half naked and severely beaten, in a rented one-room apartment near the Dynamo metro station.

Doctors diagnosed a 41-year-old woman with severe traumatic brain injury. On the night of February 14, she died in intensive care. Investigators are conducting an investigation, but there is no criminal case or real suspects.


While it is reliably known that Frolov and Prezhevskaya have three sons, they were never officially married. In 2012, Evgeniy kicked his wife out of the house and forbade her to communicate with the children. True, he allowed me to take it expensive gifts. Fur coats, jewelry, a car, clothes - after the breakup, Yana moved it all to a rented apartment near the Dynamo metro station.

She had the most luxurious exclusive jewelry, diamonds,” one of Yana’s close friends, Svetlana Molodykh, told KP. - All this cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. And all this disappeared without a trace!


Svetlana met Prezhevskaya four years ago, for a long time didn't communicate.

I found her on Facebook in September,” says Svetlana. - I came to visit her at home and was stunned! She lived very, very poorly.

Where did all the treasures go?

Yana said that among her friends there were some Arthur and Taisiya. She said that they took some of the things. Either they took it to a pawnshop and gave her the money, or they simply stole it...

According to Svetlana Molodykh, after the breakup with her husband, Prezhevskaya was surrounded by not very decent people.

Vultures... So they pounced on her and began to tear everything apart. She was just completely robbed! - Svetlana is indignant. “And she herself was terribly depressed.” These dubious acquaintances took advantage of this and purposefully soldered it to steal another Birkin handbag or pearl necklace. Yana didn’t even understand where things were disappearing to. She just didn't remember what she had.

I heard that the reason for separation from the children was allegedly her addiction to alcohol...

Complete nonsense. She was a wonderful mother, she did not abuse. Only when there was only one left did the problems begin.


Svetlana assures: she did everything to get Yana out.

She had hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver,” says Molodykh. - In September we put her in Sklif, where it was very difficult for her. She was depressed psychologically. She didn’t want to do anything: neither get treatment, nor sue her ex-husband to allow her to see her children. We paid the doctor to give Yana IVs at home and take care of her.

The name of this doctor is Marianna Tretyakova. Journalists have already accused her of all mortal sins: they say that she stole from Yana on the sly.

All this is a complete lie. I know Marianna. Here are the two of us - that's everyone who was with Yana recent months. They brought food and came to her. We tried to save her. And as for the charges of theft - you know, everything was already brought before us, - Svetlana gets excited.


In recent months, Yana has not left the house. She was ashamed of her appearance and her position - after all, she was used to the best salons and cosmetologists, to expensive clothes. And here - the general ward in Sklif, injections, pain...

Many now speak of Yan as a sincere and kind person. She sang well, played the piano, was well-read and very intelligent... But Prezhevskaya, apparently, did not have fighting qualities. And I was not ready for meanness on the part of those whom I considered close people.

In fact, few people know, but parental rights she was not deprived. There was no trial, nothing. Her husband simply told her to “leave our house” and left the children for himself. That’s all,” Molodykh told us.

In this situation, Yana could not even count on the support of herself. loved one- mothers.

They seemed to have had a fight several years ago,” recalls Svetlana. - As far as I know, in two years Lyudmila Ivanovna never visited her. I personally called her and asked her to come. No reaction.

We will continue to understand this confusing story.


Bozena Rynska conducts its own investigation into the death of Yana Prezhevskaya

The tragedy of socialite Yana Prezhevskaya shocked Moscow. People gossip about the mysterious death of a woman on forums and in in social networks. Let us remind you that the former party girl was found with traces of severe beatings on February 6th. On the night of February 14, she died in hospital. Numerous acquaintances of Prezhevskaya are trying to understand who beat Yana so brutally that she could not come to her senses during a week in intensive care? ()

28 August 2018, 18:13

I saw the following photo on Ksenia S.’s Instagram account today:

If anyone doesn’t understand, the photo shows Ulyana Tseytlina’s son, Savva.

By the way, she's pregnant

In general, Tseytlina was such a sweet flower in her time, men flocked to her like bees to nectar


oops, I got distracted..

In general, I began to google what was there and how Ulyana was doing in her monks, otherwise I couldn’t see or hear from her after marriage, and the helpful Internet immediately found me this article.

I think you will also be interested, so I’m sharing. I'm not greedy.

Rublevsky pensioners. Where did the socialites of the early 2000s go?

Where does nude model and socialite Olga Rodionova live today, why Oksana Robski ran away from Moscow several years ago and with whom did she find her woman's happiness the main blonde of Rublyovka, Ulyana Tseytlina? We will find out now.

The concept of “socialite” did not appear today or yesterday, but in the early 2000s it acquired a special color. This is what we called women wearing branded items, mostly pink in color, whose silicone breasts languished with an unbridled love for Swarovski rhinestones and diamonds at the same time. They talked languidly on their Vertu phones, and did not miss a single party, drove expensive cars around Moscow at night and looked for oligarchs. At least half the country then dreamed of such an easy and carefree life. What else could you dream about while reveling in novels? Oksana Robski or watching the program “Trip to Rublyovka” with Ulyana Tseytlina? But at some point, most of the “lionesses” got tired of their own popularity and went into the shadows. How do the main characters of the gossip columns of the early 2000s live today?

Oksana Robski

She wrote books, went to parties, was friends (at least she pretended to be in front of journalists) with Ksenia Sobchak, had affairs with the rich and famous, and then suddenly disappeared from the media's radar for several years. And while everyone was wondering where the main writer of Rublyovka had gone, Tatler magazine found Oksana on the island of St. Barths.

It turns out that she fled there with her son Joseph and husband Oleg Gorelyshev.

Oksana and son Joseph

The latter, however, visited his wife’s new refuge in raids; after all, business in Moscow requires no less attention and care than a beloved wife. The reason for the flight of the society lady was banal and hardly worthy of her own pen - the youngest child had an allergy. Neither the best doctors in the capital nor the walls of the expensive mansion where the family lived could cope with the disease.

In St. Barths, this problem resolved itself in almost a month.

And yet, a year after her voluntary seclusion, Oksana moved to Los Angeles. While Joseph went to a local school, Robski took up surfing and mastered piloting. It seemed that she would never exchange sunny Beverly Hills for gloomy Moscow with its unpredictable climate, but last year the ex-resident of Rublyovka returned to her native land.

By the way, soon a new addition is expected to the writer’s family - a daughter Dasha is in position.

daughter Dasha

Yes, yes, Robski will become a grandmother and, perhaps, will devote another book to this event, we still don’t know how children are raised on Rublyovka.

Olga Rodionova

She was called a woman without complexes and... principles. This is because not everyone will understand and appreciate Olga Rodionova’s photo in nude style. But public opinion stopped worrying about this woman exactly at the moment when she decided to release a provocative and very frank photo book with her beloved from all angles - “The Book Of Olga”.

For those who have not seen this beauty

It was around this publication that a serious scandal broke out in 2010: at the Silver Galosh award, Ksenia Sobchak spoke unpleasantly about what Rodionova was doing.

Historical video, by the way. Take a look, you won't regret it

She did not prove anything to anyone, but simply filed a lawsuit against the TV presenter. And although the law assessed Olga’s moral damage at only 20 thousand rubles instead of the required 1 million, on the whole the model was satisfied with the outcome of the case, because for her personally it was “an important fight against rudeness.”

Today she is 44. She took her last candid photographs for the Croatian Playboy six years ago and, it seems, is no longer ready for such experiments, not because she is no longer the same age, but her goals and objectives are now different. Moreover, after a serious accident on the road between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, in which Olga and her entire family almost died, according to the model herself, she became “a different person.”

Five years ago Rodionova moved from the capital to Amsterdam. This decision was easy for her, without tears or mental anguish, because she had wanted to leave Russia since childhood. Having started a new life, Olga opened a new business - the Vivienne Westwood and Charm boutiques, which had to be closed since then.

But she is not limited to one country of residence, often shuttling between the Netherlands, Croatia and Dubai, and sometimes other parts of the world.

True, Russia is not on this list.

Olga Rodionova with her daughter

Anastasia Kalmanovich

In the early 2000s, the face of this girl could be seen not only at social events, but also in films; until 2009, she continually starred in various films, although she never reached real heights in this field.

The last time Anastasia was actively discussed by the press was in connection with the murder of her ex-husband Shabtai Kalmanovich, after which Nastya was almost completely deprived of the opportunity to communicate with their common daughter Daniella.

Alas, the many-year war for the right to return the child did not produce virtually any significant results.

However, everything worked out well in the actress’s personal life: she has been married to a DJ and producer for many years Fedor Fomin, and in 2010 she became a mother again, the couple had a son Tikhon.

Nastya and Buzova

Nastya and Monetochka

The family lives in two countries - in Russia and Latvia, and yet spends more time in Jurmala.

Ulyana Tseytlina

Another legend of secular Moscow and another friend of Ksenia Sobchak, Ulyana Tseytlina, went into the shadows almost immediately after the birth of her only son Savva.

We remembered her only a few years ago, in 2015, when it became known that the socialite was marrying Alexey Fedorychev.

The businessman proposed to Tseitlina while celebrating his birthday. The lovers, much to the regret of secular society, did not organize any magnificent celebrations on this occasion; they simply quietly got married.

However, Tseytlina (now it is more correct to call her Fedorycheva), still dreams, albeit belatedly, of throwing a holiday in honor of this event.

For the last few years, Ulyana and her husband have been living in Monaco. Parties, provocative outfits and no less provocative statements that kept flying from her plump lips in the early 2000s, as soon as journalists approached the blonde, remained in that past life. And in this one she sits in the evenings on the terrace of her luxurious apartment on Boulevard de Suisse, raising her son and baking pies for her beloved husband.
