What the shape of your nose reveals about your character and personal life. What does a man's nose tell you?

For quite a long time there was an opinion that a big nose in men it is a sign of their sexual strength. More precisely, it was directly associated with the size of “manhood.” But as has long been proven, there is no relationship between the size of these two organs. Thus, the myth that supposedly short, nosed and bald men are entirely sexual giants refers to clean water fiction.

True, scientists advise paying attention to the size of a man’s hip if you

you want to determine his sexual capabilities by appearance. It turns out that the longer the thigh is in relation to the entire leg, the more pronounced a man’s sexual activity is.

Now it’s clear where the myth about the “strength” of short men comes from? Yes, in a short-legged person, the size of the thigh, as a rule, significantly exceeds the size of the calf part of the leg. And short-legged people are usually short people.

But a big nose can tell about some other qualities of the man you love. It was not for nothing that the Chinese believed that the nose is the ruler of the face. They endowed him with the decisive ability to influence a person’s fate and career.

In ancient times, it was believed that a large nose was a sign of seriousness and responsibility of character, creativity, sophistication and hard work. Many scientists and religious figures had sharp facial features.

But if the absence of a depression at the base of the nose is added to the size, then this signals stubbornness, sharpness of mind and a tendency to do everything in one’s own way, regardless of the opinions of others.

A large nose with a hump is characteristic of brave, strong, strong-willed men. True, they are also distinguished by their special impatience and ardor. Such representatives of the stronger sex do not know how to compromise, which can often cause conflicts both at work and with loved ones.

But if the nose resembles a bag, expanding downwards. This is a clear sign of ability to conduct financial transactions. True, such people measure everything around them exclusively in monetary terms, taking advantage of any chance to increase their well-being.

It is also worth taking into account the color of the nose. Unless, of course, in front of you is a person suffering from alcoholism, then a reddish nose may indicate significant financial difficulties in the life of its owner, as well as the impossibility of significant promotion. By the way, this may even be due to the fact that for some reason such people do not evoke sympathy. It is always difficult for them to form a positive opinion when they first meet. In this case, only a good, flexible character can help.

To all that has been said above, we can add that big noses- it's also excellent

barrier against infection and even allergies. Since the owner of a large nose inhales the entire required volume of air through it, it is well filtered using the mucous membrane. But those who have this thinner facial feature also have to breathe through their mouths, which naturally leads to a greater likelihood of all kinds of colds and infections.

It should also be noted that people with non-standard appearance, as a rule, have excellent artistic qualities.

Thus, we can sum it up by expressing our deep conviction that a guy’s big nose is a rather attractive feature, indicating the originality of this individual.


The nose is one of the useful elements in determining character from facial features. It is permissible to describe a human character by the shape of this part of the face, but it is important to understand that this must be done taking into account other facial features. In addition, you cannot see the whole picture based on one sign.

Features of the nose

Let's try to understand the key features that will help us understand the whole complex. But what features of the nose give a chance to determine character traits?

It is believed that the proportional length of the nose is 1/3 of the length of the face. For ease of determination, this size is used as a reference point. Therefore, a nose that is shorter than this indicator is considered short, and one that exceeds this length is considered long.

The nose has the greatest variety compared to other facial features. This indicates a significant deviation from the ideal in nature. And only this indicates the use of certain types of nose as a guide, which indicates differences in character.

Perfect nose

The area located between the eyes is called “moon dust”. The Star Point is located in this place, which characterizes success in entrepreneurial activity. This area should have a smooth surface, then good luck will certainly come. Folds in this zone indicate failure in business and relationships.

A smooth nose, which is perfectly formed, promises career heights, as well as good luck in relationships. If the bridge of the nose is straight, then a person can count on excellent health and long years life. If a person has a flattened nose bridge, then he has a lot of work to do. The tip of the nose is the zone of wealth. To be successful in this area, it must have a clear and round shape.

Expanded round nostrils indicate successful life. And wide and full ones show that a person is sociable. If they are narrow and thin, then this is evidence of greed.

But perfect nose by itself will not lead to success. His form and human characteristics are related to each other. If the nose is perfect, then it has all the makings to achieve success.

Nose shape and human character

The process of formation of the nose is completed only by the age of 21. Often an unaesthetic nose is an ideal for achieving heights. In physiognomy, character traits and the nose are related in that they determine fate.

Initially, you need to pay attention to the shape of the nose, this will help determine the character:

A narrow nose is an indicator of high efficiency, the ability to value the time of others and your own. But such people treat love as hard work;
a long nose makes its owner talented. Such individuals have abilities in science and creativity. They try to realize themselves spiritually. It is not worth running your own business, since failure in such an area is expected. This is due to the fact that such individuals are supporters of conservative views and are wary of innovation. Common features are the desire to gain power, balance of character;
People with short noses are characterized by narrow thinking and have a superficial approach to life. Such individuals do not try to burden their person with responsibility. They live for themselves, do not take into account moral principles. TO general features It is worth including: openness, excessive impulsiveness, as well as attractiveness;

the slightly upturned shape of the nose gives a person some frivolity, especially with members of the opposite sex. People with similar noses do not try to have relationships, they prefer long time to be lonely. In work, they also do not show initiative and responsibility. These are connoisseurs of freedom;
snub nose- This is evidence of the good nature, generosity and extravagance of a person. Owners of such noses live one day at a time, without thinking about the future. They appreciate what they have now and know how to enjoy life;
a person with a sunken nose is distinguished by ease in the ability to express feelings. Such people have a calm attitude towards money, they are generous in everything: money matters and love affairs;
a convex nose makes its owner look businesslike. Such people are not capable of feeling easily; they do not know how to feel joy and happiness. They are distinguished by an aggressive attitude towards the pursuit of success;
bony high nose evidence of inordinate pride. These people try to subjugate everyone to themselves and their desires. In the soul they remain true tyrants;
A hooked nose speaks of an active position and an ambitious personality. The owners of this nose look at life soberly and do not live in dreams. They are trying to fulfill them. Usually, a nose with a hump gives an individual qualities that help him quickly achieve heights in his career and relationships;
a wide, flat nose indicates coldness in decisions, prudence, especially in financial matters. Such people are fluent in the art of love, but are loyal to their spouses and family. They are distinguished by their good nature and unpretentiousness;
a smooth straight nose speaks of indifference to art and a down-to-earth attitude towards the world. Such people are characterized by a materialistic mindset;
A fleshy nose speaks of kindness and charm. People with such a nose are good housewives/hosts, but unlucky, emotional, loyal and devoted to loved ones. They are easy-going and love to travel;
The Greek shape of the nose shows the independence and pride of its owner. Such people are excellent leaders, they are true to principles and are supporters of dictatorship. Loyal to friends and family, they hate lies.

But form is not the only criterion that tells about character traits. It is worth paying attention to the tip of the nose. In particular, notice the two types of tips: full convex and split:

The owners of the convex tip are soft-hearted people who are distinguished by their warmth and generosity. These individuals are open to others, they help in difficult moments;
split ends indicate a doubtful personality, closedness and inability to solve important matters. Usually such people have a difficult time. They are talented and smart, but due to lack of faith in their abilities they are not able to realize themselves;

the bulb-shaped tip speaks of the desire for success and love of life;
the tip bent down speaks of the owner’s cunning and vindictiveness;
with the tip cut off, a person becomes grasping, able to stand up for himself and others, and independent. Such people are hypersexual;
if the tip of the nose has a dimple, then the person is distinguished by his emotional experience of failure, sensitivity, and readiness to help.

Nostril shape and character

In addition, when determining character, the shape of the nostrils is taken into account, because this is also part of the nose. There are only 4 types of nostrils:

nostrils triangular shape. They talk about the stinginess of the individual, a cautious attitude towards life;
nostrils square shape evidence of an active position, health, reliability and determination. Such people are ready to fight to the end;
rounded nostrils are characteristic of inventive and rational individuals who know how to find a creative way out of a situation;
The oval shape speaks of a love of adventurism and the search for adventure.

The wings of the nose are involved in creating the shape of the nose, and therefore also influence human character:

if they correspond to the size of the nose and are symmetrical, then this is a factor that enhances success;
wings that are too large and thick indicate a person’s ability to part with money easily. But swelling wings help achieve true wealth;
wings small size- this is evidence of a cautious attitude towards life, an unwillingness to take risks in financial matters;
Too narrow nostrils indicate a problem with receiving money and spending it. Such people are greedy and stingy.

Nose color and character

It should be mentioned that the color of the nose will help determine the character. This characteristic is also involved in facial analysis. A shiny nose, perceived by the weaker sex as a disaster, in Chinese philosophy It is considered to be a positive sign that will help in business.

The most attractive nose color, which promises success in money matters, is considered to be peach, pink or a shade of gold. Red skin on the nose indicates loss.

A grayish-sallow color of the skin on the nose indicates hidden diseases, and a greenish tint indicates a tendency to fail to comply with financial obligations.

You will learn to predict character traits by the nose if you learn the main principles of the science of physiognomy. But remember that the main factors depend on the person himself. If he does not do anything to achieve it, then well-being itself will not come.

18 March 2014, 18:18

Upturned nose -
Liza Boyarskaya

Short nose -
Kirill Pletnev

Narrow-boned nose - Meryl Streep

Fleshy nose -
Gerard Depardieu

Straight nose - Ekaterina Guseva

Potato nose -
Natalya Krachkovskaya

Roman nose -
Nicolas Cage

Nose and character definition of character
according to the shape of the nose

The size and shape of the nose indicate the character of a person and his ability to achieve financial success.

The formation of the nose ends only by the age of 20-21. Sometimes a nose that is ugly from the point of view of aesthetic canons can be ideal in terms of achieving wealth and prosperity in life. In physiognomy, the nose and character are considered closely related elements that determine a person’s destiny.

The shape of the nose and character are interconnected: if a person has an ideal nose, then his character will have traits that ensure success - determination, activity, passion, courage, etc.

However, a successful nose shape from birth does not in itself lead to success without the participation of the person himself.

bridge of the nose

The area between the eyes (the bridge of the nose) should be clean and smooth, then luck will not be long in coming.

A smooth, well-formed nose at the bridge of the nose portends good luck in career growth and well-being in the family.

Rough, uneven skin and the presence of a transverse fold indicate problems in the home and business.

The bridge of the nose should be straight, then you can count on excellent health, vitality and longevity.

People with a slightly flattened nose bridge will have to work hard.

Nose shape and character

A straight nose promises financial success and testifies to the honesty, even character and energy of its owner.

Long and narrow-boned nose called the “thinker’s nose” is usually characteristic of conservative and capricious individuals prone to intellectual achievements.

Long and wide nose (fleshy)- stable character and calm temperament. Charming, kind and business people. Endowed with great sexuality.

An aquiline nose indicates increased sexuality, business acumen, practicality and cunning of its owners. People with similar noses, as a rule, will experience great success and wealth.

A short nose looks pretty and youthful. Owners of such a nose are optimistic, sociable, cheerful, and flexible. The nose does not promise heights in a career, but its owners can easily find a successful life partner.

A nose like a potato - to a slow and phlegmatic and sluggish person. It is also worth noting that its owners are intolerant of lies, squabbles and gossip.

Upturned, snub nose testifies to the sociability, optimism, and easy-going nature of its owner. Belongs to people who are kind-hearted, gentle, and prone to self-sacrifice. This nose has amazing ability attract money!

Nose with a slight hump- pride, stubbornness, aggressiveness and determination.

Tip of the nose and character

Round form the tip of the nose - a prosperous personality.

If the tip of the nose droops like a piece of meat - an oversexual nature.

A pointed, non-fleshy tip of the nose is a treacherous, treacherous personality.

The tip of the nose is like an eagle's beak- vindictiveness.

Full, large, convex tip of the nose - kindness, warmth, readiness for self-sacrifice.

A drooping nose covering a significant part of the upper lip is betrayal and treachery.

An upturned nose, with the openings of the nostrils visible - free sexual morality, inability to keep secrets.

Split nose tip- suspicion, suspiciousness and shyness.

Nostrils and character

Small nostrils- pliability, softness, pliability. Cordiality. Disgust.

Wide nostrils - authority, high opinion of oneself. Conflict with loved ones and colleagues. Ambitiousness, arrogance. Grudge, cruelty.

Round, slightly flared nostrils promise success in life: honors, wealth, the opportunity to have good family, friends.

Full, wide nostrils indicate a sociable character, while thin and narrow nostrils, most often, indicate stinginess and greed for money.

Nose color and character

The most attractive in terms of success, the nose has a pinkish, peach or slightly golden hue.

Red or earthy grayish the shade of the nose indicates the presence of hidden ailments, and greenish color indicates a tendency to fail to fulfill financial obligations.

You can predict your character based on your nose if you remember the basic principles of physiognomy, however, do not forget that a lot depends on the person: the nose will not help an alcoholic or drug addict become successful and rich!

Victoria Morozova

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The shape of the nose is what we pay attention to intuitively. A large nose catches the eye and alarms, while an extraordinary nose attracts the eye. Upturned encourages not to take a person seriously. Let's talk in more detail about what types of noses there are and what they can say about a person.

Based on an analysis of a person’s appearance, one can determine his character traits. This is the science of physiognomy. It has ancient roots. This term was also used by Hippocrates in his writings. Physiognomy believes that the shape of the nose can determine the success of a person.

The main indicators for comparing the character and shape of the nose are its size, length, width, type of nostrils, as well as the presence of other features (hump, ridge)

According to physiognomy, the shape of the nose can say a lot about its owner. Science focuses on its proportionality and harmony in relation to other parts of the face. What does the shape of the nose say?

Let's look at the pictures to see what types of noses there are:

What is the perfect nose?

Can be found different shapes, but the most correct one has been identified, in other words, perfect shape nose:

A long, bony one indicates traits such as quarrelsomeness, arrogance and pride.

If this part of the face is long and straight, the person is logical and consistent. One can envy him in his ability to plan things.

If the tip is prominent, such a person is a storehouse of secrets, but others may not worry about disclosing them. The personality is also distinguished by insight, loves and respects money

This nose shape can say a lot of interesting things about your personality, but not very pleasant ones. An aquiline nose belongs to a vain, ambitious person. The shape is memorable, but not everyone likes it - the female sex is intuitively wary of men with such noses. However, with a small size, the protruding part of the face looks quite attractive


Denotes jealousy, pettiness. But a short nose of medium width will indicate such personality traits as impulsiveness and openness. Its owner is an active, serious person


The nose belongs to people who are sociable, trusting and optimistic. Such traits indicate a person’s responsiveness, but at the same time touchiness. As a rule, such people have good taste

Potato nose

Characterizes a kind-hearted person. He loves comfort and a friendly environment

How to determine character by the bridge of the nose?

This top part nose under the bridge of the nose. It is also a rather interesting element of the face and, it turns out, can tell about important characteristics personality.

Hump ​​(wavy back)

She reveals the uniqueness of her personality. According to physiognomy, a hump is, first of all, self-control inherent in a person. In general, the character of the owner of such a nose is characterized by creative inclinations. These people love new ideas and creativity in everything. They consider themselves experts in all areas.

If the hump is located closer to the tip of the prominent part of the face, the person is capable of rapid changes of strength, mobilization, and knows how to defend himself. The hump in the center is a defining feature of noble people who love to be heroes and protect the weak. When the “decoration” is located closer to the bridge of the nose, its owner is cocky, aggressive, and always ready to fight back.

Convex back

Owners of this element do not tolerate being commanded. They like to work alone, are hardy and efficient.

The back is wide and high

This nose is called Greek. As for the owner of such a nose, we can say that he is distinguished by an iron will. Often such men and women are leaders; they know exactly what they want. Stubborn.

What can the tip of the nose say about personality?

The tip of the nose is an element that cannot be ignored when analyzing facial features.

Cocked This is impulsiveness and impressionability of a person. If it is pulled up too tightly, the person always cares about other people's secrets
Raised up and pointed His owner probably has difficulty saving money and is quite wasteful
Bent down Suspiciousness and prudence of the individual. But such people get along well with finances
The tip, bent to the bottom, is pointed You should be careful when communicating with such a person. This form speaks of selfishness and cruelty
The tip of the nose is shaped like an eagle beak Means cunning and vindictiveness
Drooping nose tips They may indicate sexual preoccupation or excessive interest in sex issues
Forked nose tip (with a pit) They mean a seeking person. She can often change jobs in the desire to achieve emotional satisfaction in her activity. This person is usually shy
Pointed nose tip Tendency to self-control. Often such people have talent in musical art


Protruding or too small nostrils are no less striking than the shape of the protruding part of the face.

Small nostrils characterize their owner as a thrifty person. Usually he is careful about finances and does not believe that they can be enough.

Large ones, on the contrary, indicate that the person is generous and ambitious. But at the same time, he can be vindictive and arrogant. If the nostrils are flared or huge, the person often takes on a lot. A person can go to extremes and take on too much responsibility.

Round nostrils, as a rule, mean generosity and high dedication. Rectangular ones reflect conservatism, and the fact that a person is in harmony with money. Triangular ones will speak of stinginess, extreme frugality.

Narrow and long nostrils mean that a person likes to provide emotional support to others.

Which one is more beautiful?

Facial features, including the shape of the nose, are inherited. Men, as a rule, do not think about their beauty and correctness. But women attach great importance to this great importance. A prominent, large nose or with a hump can cause embarrassment and complexes in women. However, extraordinary, for example, eagle or greek nose makes the appearance more memorable, and even adds charm.

The preferred nose shape for men is a hooked or straight nose, as well as a Greek nose. Representatives of the stronger sex value extraordinary forms more than ideal ones. In addition, it is believed that a large nose is an indicator of sexual temperament.

Today with development plastic surgery Changing the appearance of your nose is not difficult. You can become the owner of its correct shape or any one you like. But the question arises: will this change a person’s character traits? Although appearance affects inner world and qualities of character, the happiness of each of us and harmony with the world still depend on more complex internal factors. Human character is, first of all, the depth and breadth of the soul. Love and appreciate yourself, no matter what flaws you find in your appearance!

The human face is like an open book. And those who know how to read it can learn a lot of interesting things about the interlocutor, his thoughts and intentions.

Physiognomy - the science of reading faces

The science of reading faces is called physiognomy. As experts point out, it originated in China many centuries ago. Some believe that facial features can predict the fate of their owner.

Despite the fact that it undergoes changes with age, the main features - eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips - remain unchanged, and sometimes become even more expressive.

Physiognomy is widely used knowledgeable people in many fields of activity. Regardless of nationality, race, age and gender, emotions always manifest themselves in the same way.

Thus, mentalists, or very attentive people, can “read” a person even before signing a business agreement or predict how important negotiations will end.

The main facial features that physiognomists work with

Specialists in the field of physiognomy are in great demand in business and the corporate world. There are five main facial features in total:

  • eyes;
  • brows;
  • lips;

Main parameters of the nose

Let's focus on the nose and take a closer look at its features. The nose is located in the center of the face and is its most convex part.

The following parameters can be considered decisive.


  • A long nose indicates that a person is stubborn.
  • It strongly hints at the possibility of great achievements in the intellectual sphere or the capriciousness of a given individual, as physiognomy interprets it.
  • means melancholy, such a person is calm, thoughtful and reliable.
  • People with short noses are open, positive and friendly.


  • A thin and slightly angular nose can be a sign of poor concentration. If a small hump is added to this, the person is most likely proud and stubborn; he is not alien to a certain aggressiveness and determination.
  • The narrow nose is a hardworking person, but any benefits do not come easily to him and require exhausting work from him.
  • Non-emotional and calculating individuals, as a rule, have a nose with a flat back and wide wings.
  • If a woman has a small nose, she is quite jealous, and if she has a tall nose with a pronounced back, she can easily compete with any man for a high position in society, says the science of physiognomy.

tip of the nose

  • If this part The nose has a rounded shape, a person has every chance of becoming a prosperous and successful person.
  • When the tip of the nose droops, the person is hypersexual.
  • Physiognomy characterizes a sharp nose as a treacherous and unreliable nature.
  • The tip of the nose, like the beak of an eagle, means vindictiveness.

  • Full and large tip - good-heartedness, friendliness, tendency to act to the detriment of one’s interests for the sake of others.
  • An overly saggy tip that hangs over upper lip, doesn't talk about positive character, but indicates a tendency towards betrayal.
  • Physiognomy interprets an upturned nose as freedom from sexual prejudice and the inability to keep secrets.
  • Rancor, suspiciousness and suspicion are the eternal companions of a person with a split nose.

In general, physiognomy considers as many as 24 signs related directly to the nose, and this amounts to about 576 different variations.

Nostril width

The width of the nostrils, like the shape and length of the nose, can say a lot about a person’s character. Their width determines the temperament of a person. It is believed that a person with wide nostrils can inhale a large number of air, which is the main source of life.

A person with wide nostrils is quickly inspired by an idea and is ready to take action at that very second, but very quickly cools down and is deflated. Long-term goals are not his strong point.

A person with narrow nostrils will be the complete opposite of the previous one. He performs tasks efficiently that require a long time, and also has a balanced character, as physiognomy states.

A hooked nose gives its owner a changeable disposition. Impermanence manifests itself in all areas of life. Many different ideas come to him, which is why a person rushes from one type of activity to another and cannot decide. In addition, such people are easily hurt. Sometimes in the process of communication they can rub their hump, which means that some words have touched the person to the quick.

Nostril shape

  1. Triangular shaped nostrils indicate caution and greed.
  2. Square nostrils characterize an active, assertive and determined person who is ready to go to the end to achieve his goal.
  3. The round shape of the nostrils, as a rule, belongs to creative individuals and inventors. Rationality is the main component of the character of such people.
  4. Oval nostrils are a sign of adventurism and a thirst for adventure.

Big and perfect nose

The science of physiognomy is an interesting and multifaceted one.

What it should be like. Experts define it as smooth, with a rounded tip and well-defined wings. Such a person is distinguished by courage, passion and determination.

But the so-called physiognomy is attributed to open, friendly and cheerful people. They are characterized by a quick temper, and they also need approval and encouragement.

A split nose is in most cases a sign of a tyrant. Such a person combines suspicion, suspiciousness, as well as shyness and embarrassment. At the same time, he has outstanding intelligence and is able to solve problems that many people have struggled with. A striking example of a man with a cleft nose was Joseph Stalin.

Nose color

The color of the nose, according to physiognomists, also plays a role in determining a person’s character.

For example, a shiny nose is considered a sign of future success and financial prosperity. Pink, golden and peach colored noses also fall into this category.

But the red color promises loss. Earthy or gray shade nose indicates hidden diseases, green - a person is not inclined to return monetary debts. Even such subtleties can be determined by looking at the human nose.

Physiognomy states that the nose characterizes the life of a person between the ages of 40 and 50. At this time, a person already occupies a certain position in society, and one can judge his capabilities in terms of building a career.

You can predict a person’s character by their nose, but a lot also depends on the person himself. Even the most ideal nose that promises success will not help an alcoholic or drug addict achieve success. The most convenient part of the face by which one can judge character is the nose. Physiognomy provides a basic concept of determining people’s inclinations, but is not 100% effective, since human behavior depends on many factors.
