What can you eat? Proper nutrition and exercise are the key to slimness

There are many theories about proper nutrition, but it is quite difficult to translate them into life. Somewhere in the depths of our subconscious, the idea is firmly entrenched that everything healthy is necessarily tasteless. After all, many people in childhood were stuffed with hated oatmeal, milk or fish oil. In fact, there are a huge number of products that are not only healthy, but also tasty. What can you eat that is tasty and healthy? Let's look further.

There are a huge number of varieties of cheese. It is used to prepare many dishes, from light snacks to complex and intricate desserts. If you choose cheese for daily consumption, give preference to low-fat and unsalted varieties. This product is an excellent source of calcium, necessary for strong bones and teeth, as well as for the beauty and strength of hair and nails.

How to eat it? Eat a couple of slices daily along with your choice of melon, apple, or leafy greens. This makes a great snack, light and nutritious.


Our body constantly needs complete protein of animal origin. It is necessary for all cells of our body, including the normal functioning of the immune system. Chicken meat is considered the best source of animal protein. It contains a minimal amount of fat and cholesterol and is a recognized dietary product. Before cooking, remove the skin from the meat; it is not worth eating.

One of the options for a tasty and healthy dish is chicken meat, pre-stuffed with garlic and cooked in a double boiler. The other compartments are a good place to put rice and various vegetables. You can also make a delicious sauce.


Many of us are iodine deficient without even realizing it. A deficiency of this element affects both appearance and mental abilities and the general condition of the body. An excellent source of iodine is the so-called sea kale - a brown seaweed called kelp.

It has a very pleasant taste and is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition, this product contains many other equally essential microelements. You can make soup with seaweed, shiitake mushrooms and soybean paste.


Such a fruit as mango appeared relatively recently in our supermarkets, but has already gained consumer popularity. It belongs to the sumac family and has a unique bright taste and aroma. The juicy fruit helps reduce blood pressure and stimulates the activity of the intestines and kidneys. It is rich in many vitamins and microelements. Both mango pulp and juice can be used to make sauces, desserts and salads.

Vegetable oil

A particularly useful element of daily nutrition is vegetable oil. It supplies our body with polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A and E and proteins. Its regular consumption is necessary for the normal functioning of brain cells and many internal organs. Remember that unrefined oil is considered the most useful, because it retains a greater amount of the substances we need.

It should be regularly added to salads and ready-made dishes. For preparing dishes that require heat treatment, it is better to use refined varieties. For a light snack, pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil over finely grated carrots. Carotene will be absorbed several times better this way.


In early spring, be sure to eat a berry like kiwi. It contains a large amount of vitamin C and helps cope with vitamin deficiency and prevent colds. It also contains a lot of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

In addition, this element serves as a prevention of hypertension. Kiwi prevents the formation of blood clots. It can be used to make jelly, jam, and salads. There are recipes that suggest serving it as a side dish for meat.


Another delicious food you can add to your daily diet is ginger. You can buy it ground, candied, as parts of rhizomes, or pickled (such small slices of pale pink color are usually served with sushi).

Ginger has a tart and pungent taste that is also sweet. It is considered a hot spice and has many medicinal properties. Ginger contains many carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, amino acids, phenols and essential oils.

Regular consumption of ginger helps cleanse the liver, intestines and stomach, improve blood circulation and relieve gas formation. Ginger tea is a proven remedy for colds and coughs.

Thus, there are a huge number of products in the world that are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Everyone can choose them to their own taste and cook them the way they like.

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In pursuit of slimness, women are ready to do anything, even starvation. However, any nutritionist will tell you that if you want to lose weight, you need to eat. Fasting causes the body to become stressed and begin to crave calories. One day you will simply lose your temper. What to eat to lose weight? Kovalkov published a whole book on this topic. Girls just need to learn how to choose the right foods for their diet, which will help get rid of extra pounds.

Feeling of hunger - who is responsible for it?

Hormones cause hunger in humans. More precisely, it is ghrelin. It is he who causes the body to require calories, as a result of which we begin to eat.

The highest levels of this substance were found in those categories of people who are constantly on low-calorie diets. The longer we deny ourselves nutrition, the stricter the diet, the more ghrelin the blood begins to produce. Accordingly, the risk increases that as soon as we get to food, we will definitely eat a piece of fatty chicken or a box of chocolates instead of healthy food.

In order to cope with ghrelin, you just need to remember simple rules:

  • Ghrelin production is largely suppressed by proteins. They are able to eliminate the feeling of hunger for a longer period.
  • We need to understand what kind of hunger we experience. If you draw a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is fullness, and 10 is acute hunger, then it would be optimal to have a snack when the feeling of hunger is around the numbers 4-5. In this case, it will be much easier to avoid overeating.

Nutrition after exercise

If the main goal of your training is to get rid of fat mass, then it is very important to adhere to the correct nutritional tactics. What to eat after a workout? To lose weight, try to limit yourself from eating for at least 2-3 hours so that the body can burn its own fats.

The fact is that after training, free fats are released, which can be destroyed for several hours. If you can't control yourself and start eating, you can be sure that your workout was in vain. When food enters, the body quickly detects this, returns free fats to its place, and consumes energy from the foods you just ate.

Fractional meals

Grazing is a concept that means frequent, split meals. This system perfectly helps to reduce the percentage of fat in the body, while resisting stress and not feeling hungry.

How much should you eat per day to lose weight using this method? The essence of grazing is that a person should eat 5 times during the day, the optimal interval between meals is no more than 3 hours. In terms of calories, everything is also very simple. Three meals must be complete, containing 400 kcal each. Two more are snacks, each with a calorie content of no more than 200 kcal.

This regime fosters a food culture. Considering that you fuel the body every three hours, there is no feeling of hunger. Food becomes fuel that ensures the proper functioning of the stomach and the whole body.

Fruits for weight loss

A diet with fruits is one of the fastest and most effective ways to lose excess weight, especially in the summer. Many people wonder: what to eat to lose weight? Are all fruits equally beneficial for the body and low in calories?

It is worth noting that not all fruits can be consumed during the diet. Some of them contain a lot of sugar, which leads to excess carbohydrates. They then turn into fat cells. You can eat the following fruits:

  • watermelon;
  • orange;
  • pomegranate;
  • cherry;
  • cranberries;
  • melon;
  • lime;
  • apricot;
  • grapefruit.

During the diet, give up bananas, grapes, mangoes and figs.

To be absolutely sure that fruits really help you lose weight, try to eat as many of them as possible throughout the day, especially instead of snacking. One orange will be much healthier than a piece of fried meat. Moreover, the feeling of fullness will come faster than you think.

Benefits of fruits during a diet:

  • the desire to eat greatly decreases;
  • with proper consumption of fruits, you can get rid of 5 extra pounds in a week;
  • The body will begin to reject sugar instinctively.

Greens and vegetables for weight loss

Each vegetable is a real chest, the treasures of which are vitamins, minerals and other useful biological components. They not only help you get rid of extra pounds, but also support the normal functioning of the body.

Any vegetable can be called low-calorie. Eating vegetables daily makes weight loss more effective and healthy. It is for this reason that if you are wondering what to eat to lose weight, eat vegetables - and you won’t go wrong.

The broccoli-based diet is especially popular. If you consume only this product (in any form) for a week, you can lose up to 8 kilograms.

Meat for weight loss

Many diets say that you should never eat meat, because it contributes to excess weight gain. This is wrong. Remember, there is no meat that you cannot eat. You just need to know how to cook it correctly and avoid deep-frying and frying.

You can eat any meat products. They contain protein, which is simply necessary for humans. Instead of fried chicken, you can boil it, put it in a steamer or oven. With this preparation, all the beneficial properties will be preserved, but there will be fewer calories. It is also important to remember that you cannot add spices. The only thing that is allowed is to add a little salt.

If you are still wondering what to eat to lose weight, stop starving yourself and eat meat if you want. By the way, chicken meat in the oven turns out very tasty and healthy if you first marinate it in soy sauce.

Porridge for weight loss

Cereal porridges are a variety of carbohydrates that are beneficial for the body. If you want to quickly lose weight and not gain it back later, then completely replace baked goods with oatmeal, rice, and buckwheat.

They can be prepared with either water or milk. The number of calories in the dish does not increase. Introduce just one bowl of porridge into your daily diet - and make sure that the result will not keep you waiting.

To make it easier to choose what to eat to lose weight, you can calculate online the number of calories you have already consumed and how many are left.

Berries for weight loss

Eliminating extra pounds by eating berries is much easier than eating vegetables or fruits. They contain much less sugar, but can boast a large number of microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

If you are in doubt about what to eat to lose weight, then choose berries - you can’t go wrong. They have an antioxidant effect, so they will not only help you lose weight, but also strengthen your immune system.

Proper breakfast

Many people believe that if you want to lose weight, then you should absolutely not eat breakfast. This statement is incorrect; it is in the morning that you feed your body with energy in order to feel good for the rest of the day.

You should not eat sweet coffee, sandwiches, buns or chocolate in the morning. These products not only provide energy, they also have the ability to store it. It turns out that when you snack at lunch, you will still have unspent morning calories. So the weight will not go away soon. Those who want to get rid of extra pounds need to know what to eat in the morning to lose weight. Remember that you need to eat breakfast, it’s just important to understand which foods are good for the body and which are just a calorie chest. So what to eat in the morning to lose weight? Can:

  • wheat bran;
  • oatmeal or buckwheat porridge;
  • fruit salad;
  • natural muesli.

All of the foods listed above have a minimum of calories, but are very filling. At the same time, they provide the body with sufficient fuel for normal functioning.

Hearty lunch

Lunch should include vitamins and other microelements that will give you a feeling of fullness and provide energy to the body for several hours. The best option is low-calorie soups. There are a lot of recipes for their preparation, but you can always come up with your own. Look at what vegetables you have at home and make a healthy soup.

First courses are a necessary element of proper nutrition. They replenish the required amount of fluid in the body and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

So, what can you eat to lose weight:

  • after a low-calorie soup, you can eat a few steamed cutlets;
  • meat casserole;
  • baked or boiled meat (any except pork);
  • vegetable salad;
  • cottage cheese.

Low calorie dinner

Dinner should not be plentiful, because at night the stomach does not work at full capacity. Snack foods need to be selected more carefully. You should remember what to eat for dinner to lose weight:

  • Vegetables- This is the best option for an evening snack. You can prepare a light salad dressed with olive oil. You can also prepare stewed vegetables. They are digested much better and faster than fresh ones.
  • Fish or meat. Protein-containing foods are good for dinner. Therefore, you can safely eat a piece of boiled chicken or baked fish. With such a dinner, you don’t have to worry about extra pounds.
  • Cottage cheese. Treat yourself to a sweet dessert before bed. Take some low-fat cottage cheese, add berries and cinnamon. Here's a low-calorie, delicious dinner for you.
  • Kefir. Still haven't decided what to eat at night to lose weight? The most dietary option would be to simply drink one glass of kefir. It is not dangerous for the figure and quickly eliminates the feeling of hunger. Instead of kefir, you can drink fermented baked milk. It is also possible to eat one green apple.

Remember the main rule - to get rid of excess weight, you don’t need to deprive yourself of food. Food is the necessary fuel for the body, which ensures its proper, uninterrupted functioning. Now you know what you need to eat to lose weight. Watch your daily diet, eat right and use the helpful tips provided. Believe me, the result that you will see after the first week of this lifestyle will surprise you and will definitely please you.

1. Water
Water is more important than food. This phrase should become a basic axiom for you. Whatever happens, you should drink enough fluids per day. “Adequate amount” means 30 ml for every kilogram of your weight. That is, if you weigh 80 kilograms, then per day you should consume 2.4 liters of FLUIDS (and at least 2 liters) per day.
What is liquid? You must learn that juice, kefir, milk are FOOD. Does this mean that you should consider them a liquid? Yes. But you also have to understand that after drinking a glass of juice or kefir, you consumed a certain amount of calories, and you just didn’t drink, but ate.
Your main drink should be plain clean water. It will account for 50-70% of all liquid you consume. It is very important to find “your” water. Sometimes, when you buy even super expensive French drinking water, you may feel like you are getting fat even from drinking water. And this is actually true. Each water has its own composition of microelements, and therefore some water can be a cleansing healing drink for you, while some will linger in the body, and you will literally “swell” from the water. From the last lesson we remember that the amount of water should be evenly distributed throughout the day, drink water 30 minutes before meals and 30 minutes after, drink it a little cool and in small sips. And after 19 hours it is better to drink no more than one glass of liquid so that you do not have swelling in the morning. It is also better to slightly reduce the “dose” of fluid in the last week before menstruation (in our case, at 80 kg, 1.5-1.8 liters of water will be enough), since at this time fluid is retained in the body.
What else can you drink that won't count as food? It is very good to drink drinks high in vitamin C, which helps speed up metabolism. You can brew a handful of rose hips in a thermos overnight, or bring water to a boil, add sea buckthorn, lingonberries or cranberries, boil for 1-3 minutes, remove from heat and crush the berries in water. But remember that if you are preparing such drinks for future use, they should be kept in opaque containers, since vitamin C is destroyed by exposure to light.
You should also include 1-2 servings of hydromel drink per day in your drinking plan. How to prepare hydromel? Very simple. Take 200-250 ml of water (not higher than 40ºС!), squeeze the juice of a whole lemon into it and add a coffee or teaspoon of natural honey (the honey should not be chemical!). The amount of honey and water depends on how sour the drink is for you. To prevent tooth enamel from deteriorating, it is best to drink it through a straw. Ideally, you drink it 15-30 minutes before breakfast and half an hour before lunch or afternoon snack. This beauty drink will not only help you lose weight, but also strengthen your immune system. Even though lemon is sour, it helps normalize stomach acidity. In addition, hydromel perfectly reduces appetite.
2. Honey

Since we mentioned honey, and moreover, overweight people most often suffer from a lack of sweets, let's start with this sweet one.
Honey is your main sweet tooth. Before 16.00 you can eat 3 teaspoons per day. You can add it to hydromel or porridge or cottage cheese. But remember that for some diseases (especially pancreatic dysfunction), eating honey is not recommended. What can replace it? Firstly, a natural sugar substitute – stevia. What else?
1 tsp honey = 1 tsp. fructose = 10 pcs. raisins = 3 pcs. prunes = 1 dried figs = 2 pcs. dried apricots = 5 g dark chocolate (not lower than 75% cocoa).
Prunes or dried apricots must be “native”, from the former Soviet republics, not chemical. Chocolate as a substitute enters your diet last (!). It is best used before critical days, when you especially want something sweet, or as a reward for yourself, your beloved, at the end of the day, when you realize that today you ate on time and correctly, walked 4 kilometers, and drank all the water you were supposed to drink. Then you need to show yourself that your life will not only become wonderful very soon when you compete in slimness with the beauties on the beach, your life is beautiful right now. You eat chocolate, after all! And you lose weight!! By the way, chocolate is the only sweet you can eat after 16.00. Even in the evening. But only 5-10 grams! And, of course, if you do not go beyond your daily sweets norm.
3. Vegetable oil
Two teaspoons per day. Necessarily. Any vegetable oil contains fatty acids that will help better digestion of food and preserve your youth. The oil can be whatever you like. But remember that during heat treatment (more than one minute), healthy fatty acids become trans fats, so you eat the oil by adding it to salads or vegetables 1 minute before cooking.
If you need to fry something (although you and I know that fried food is harmful), you can use this trick. Mix 1 part vegetable oil with 8 parts water and spray the frying pan with a spray bottle, after shaking the mixture well.
If oil is so healthy, then why is there so little of it, you ask? Because two teaspoons of oil contain as much as 180 kilocalories. We ourselves are surprised how they fit there.
4. Greens

1-2 bunches every day. The bunch is approximately 2-2.5 centimeters in diameter. You can eat any greens. Moreover, since now it is especially important for us not to exclude products from our culinary basket, but to add them to it, you can easily experiment. Make it a goal to try all the varieties of salads and greens that are available in our supermarkets. Try combining salads and greens with different foods: meat and fish, cottage cheese and vegetables, maybe even fruit. Every time you will have a new taste!
5. Cereals
Serve once a day. What is a portion? What fits in a 250 ml mug. These are the portions that should make up each of your meals. We will exclude only semolina from the list of cereals, but buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, millet, rice, porridge and 4 cereals will remain on our list. And, of course, we remember that buckwheat means kernels, oatmeal means ordinary rolled oats. Instant cereals are not for princesses like us. Buckwheat and oatmeal porridge are best steamed; other porridges are best boiled. Krasnodar or brown rice is suitable for us; we also remove steamed rice. It is best to rinse the rice, soak it in cold water overnight, rinse it in the morning, slightly undercook it and rinse it again. In general, we will no longer digest all cereals (as well as pasta). Moreover, we will try to undercook them. This is how we preserve fiber in these products and reduce their glycemic index. In porridge, the glycemic index is an order of magnitude higher, and the fiber is an order of magnitude less.
How else can you improve the quality of cereal? Sprout the grains themselves and add a handful of sprouted grains to the porridge a couple of minutes before it’s ready. The amount of vitamins in sprouts is 30-50% higher than in grains, in addition, they contain a huge amount of positive energy, a force that makes you young from the inside. By the way, scientists who studied the properties of cereals believe that buckwheat perfectly renews the blood and nourishes us with iron, oatmeal is very useful for brain function, and lentils help increase sexual energy.
You can add nuts, honey, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and vegetable oil to the porridge. But you must remember that supplements can only make up a fifth of the serving, and most importantly, you should not go beyond the daily allowance.
You should not eat the same porridge for more than two days; it ceases to be absorbed by the body 100%. Cereals give us good energy, which is consumed slowly, the feeling of fullness remains for 3-4 hours, so it is best to eat it for breakfast.
Once a week or 10 days, you can replace your daily serving of cereal with a serving of potatoes or pasta. Pasta should be made only from durum flour, and it is best if it is made from unprocessed flour. You can only combine vegetables with potatoes or pasta; it is especially useful to eat greens with them, it will reduce the glycemic index of these products.
6. Eggs
Eggs are the ideal protein product. Therefore, you should eat 4 chicken eggs per week. 1 chicken egg = 5 quail eggs. But remember that an ideal egg should boil for 6-8 minutes during cooking, then its protein will be completely digested, and even cholesterol from the yolk will not bother us.
It is better not to fry eggs, but to boil them, or once a week you can make an omelet from 2 eggs and skim milk.
7. Fruit

No more than two doses per day. If you have pancreatic diseases, you can eat fruit only before 16.00. And remember that this is an independent meal. Any fruit can be used, except for those with a very high glycemic index, such as bananas, grapes, overripe fruits (such as persimmons). All fruits should be hard and contain more fiber. Fruits should not be mixed, as they have different acidity and are overcooked differently. So it’s better to forget about fruit salads.
To get full faster, cut the apple into small pieces and eat it with a dessert fork, slowly. Or cut off the top of a grapefruit and eat it with a teaspoon. Then, after 15 minutes, when you feel full, you won’t eat anything “more substantial.” Decorate cottage cheese with frozen berries, add some fruit to porridge, make jelly with agar-agar (without sugar).
Sometimes you can make a smoothie by mixing sour milk or yogurt, cranberries, apricots and half a banana in a blender. As an exception, of course. But it will add sweetness to your life.
8. Vegetables
Your daily diet should contain at least 400 grams of vegetables. Moreover, you should give preference to green vegetables: all types of cabbage, green beans, cucumbers. Among the “colored” vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, and peppers are perfect for the diet.
Vegetables are best eaten raw or minimally cooked. This way, they not only retain their color and shape better, but most importantly, they still contain a lot of fiber. 50% of your diet should be raw vegetables, the rest can be prepared. Vegetables should be simmered for no more than 3-5 minutes, boiled until they crisp, and grilled until half cooked.
Meat, poultry and fish, as well as pasta and cereals, go well with vegetables.
9. Meat, fish, poultry

You must eat protein foods, and every day you must eat 200 grams of meat or fish before 17.00. Just to keep your body healthy, you need 1 gram of protein per kilogram of your body. You can eat both red and white meat, turkey, chicken, veal. After 17.00, digestion slows down, so in order for the protein to be digested, after 17.00 you can only eat fish or seafood, no more than 100 grams. That is, the maximum amount of animal protein per day will be 300 g. What meat is best to eat? Optimally for those who want to lose weight, eat red meat (veal, lean lamb) 2 times a week, white meat (poultry) 2 times a week, the rest of the protein should come into your body from fish or seafood.
Protein goes best with green vegetables and herbs. And very bad - with tomatoes.
10. Fermented milk products
Fermented milk products are not suitable for everyone. But, if nothing prevents you from eating them, that’s very good. Then your diet should include up to 200 grams of fermented milk products per day. These can be low-fat yoghurts, cottage cheese (up to 5% fat), kefir, and yogurt milk. The latter is a maximum of 2.5%, and preferably 1%. Of course, all this should be without sugar and fruit fillers. And make sure that the cottage cheese contains at least 16 g of protein per 100 g of product. Try to buy products with a minimum shelf life. Better yet, try making sour milk yourself using a sourdough starter that you can buy. You can also have 2 tablespoons of sour cream per week.
Cheese - and you can have 30 g of it per day, this is a piece the size of a matchbox - buy only with low fat content, 17%. If you cannot live without butter, then a serving of cheese can be replaced with a tablespoon of butter.
11. Nuts
Nuts, like fruits, are an independent meal. They should not be eaten fried. How much can you eat per day?
3 walnuts = 10 almonds = 30 pine nuts = 10 hazelnuts.
You can also soak the nuts overnight, and then they will have the same properties as sprouted grains.
12. Bread
Of course, no one takes your bread away. But you can only eat whole grain bread, no more than 50 g per day. It is best to replace fresh bread with 3 round dried bread (rye, rice or buckwheat) or 5 thin rye bread. Also, your daily portion of bread can be 1 sheet of pita bread.
How about something tasty?

For those who don’t need anything sweeter than herring, once a week or 10 days you can eat 100 g of herring or salted fish before one o’clock in the afternoon. It shouldn't be preserves! Don't be lazy to clean it. And, of course, you shouldn’t pour oil on it.
In addition, you are allowed 2 glasses of wine per week. But try not to drink red wine late, it retains liquid; it is better to choose white wine in the evening.
As it is?
So how do you properly distribute these products?
For breakfast you can choose:
cereals (adding fruits, nuts or berries)
omelette + cucumber and greens
cottage cheese or cottage cheese casserole or yogurt
baked apple
cheese + croutons + herbs + tea (you can use Golden Label cocoa with skim milk and sweetener)
freshly squeezed juice + 2 crackers
For second breakfast:
fruit and vegetable salad (carrot + apple)
smoothie (made from kefir or yogurt and fruits or vegetables)
cottage cheese
yogurt or cheese, croutons
tea + bread + honey
nuts or dried fruits
fresh juice
For lunch you can have:
soup from allowed vegetables (200 g) + 50 g meat
200 g meat + vegetables
potatoes or spaghetti with vegetables
Afternoon snack (should be at 16.00-17.00 and be filling):
cheese + tomatoes + herbs
meat + vegetables
cottage cheese
jelly, compote, jelly + nuts
avocado + shrimp
For dinner at 19.00, choose what's left:
100% vegetables
70% vegetables + 30% fish or mushrooms or cereals or seafood
100 g cottage cheese
If suddenly at 21.00-22.00 you are wildly hungry, under no circumstances drink juice or eat bread. It’s better to drink a glass of kefir or eat 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese (0%), or a sour apple or grapefruit, or chew a carrot or a stalk of celery.
Remember that if you missed dinner at 19.00, then you cannot eat at 21.00; your next meal after the afternoon snack is breakfast! Under no circumstances should you eat after 10 p.m.
1. Take a sheet of A4 paper, divide it into 7 equal vertical columns and 5 horizontal ones. Schedule your meals, based on the knowledge you gained today, for the week. Your task is to stick to basic nutrition for the next week, every day, analyzing what exactly you are not doing well, what you are missing, where you are having a hard time.
2. We add a “basement” to our food diary every day, in which we write under the heading “what I did today to be slim”:
How many minutes did you walk or exercise today?
how much water did you drink,
How did you manage to maintain basic nutrition,
How many times a day did you praise and encourage yourself?
Have you calculated? If you followed all our recommendations, then you are a few more centimeters closer to your ideal figure. You are well done! You can eat a small piece of chocolate. And, of course, he is bitter. Don't forget to write this down in your food diary!

A logical question: if you eat anything, it will be much harder to lose weight. Many people think that the best food for weight loss is the one with the least calories. There is some truth in this, but calorie content is still not the only criterion. The right food for weight loss should also be filling, easy to prepare, and cause only a slight increase in insulin levels. Based on all these criteria, we begin to choose the right menu!

1. Egg white

The favorite product of bodybuilders, fitness models and other jocks, because it is one hundred percent protein. Four grams of protein, zero grams of carbohydrates and fat and only 16 calories. Would you like ten whole egg whites for breakfast? No problem, it’s just a measly 160 kcal that will fill you up to the fullest. An omelet made from egg whites with vegetables and low-fat cheese makes a great breakfast, and the whites separated from a boiled egg make a filling snack if you add vegetables for fiber.

2. Low fat yogurt

An excellent source of not only protein, but also calcium, besides, this is, one might say, a dessert, you can indulge yourself. There are a million different yoghurts, you just need to make sure they contain little sugar. It’s even better to take yogurt without additives and crumble the fruit into it yourself, and then beat it in a blender. One serving of Greek yogurt has a whopping 22 grams of protein and only 120 calories.

Studies have shown that eating yogurt helps you lose fat. Maybe it's because calcium reduces the ability of cells to store fat, or in certain chains of amino acids found in dairy products. In general, yogurt helps you lose weight.

3. Turkey

Skinless turkey is the leanest meat that exists on store shelves. Do you want to gobble up some turkey breast? Easily! It's only 240 calories and tons of protein. Just don’t forget to remove the skin: it contains fat, which will negate all your efforts to choose a “thin” diet.

4. Apples

A great option because apples are easy to take with you and eat anywhere. A medium-sized apple contains 24 grams of carbohydrates, 3 of which are fiber, and 80 calories. This applies to both red and green fruits: almost all apples are the same in calorie content. When choosing them, pay attention to the smell: the apple should smell like an apple. Blueberries are not far behind: they are high in fiber and antioxidants.

5. Salad

It doesn't have much fiber, but it requires more calories to digest than it contains. Nice fact. This is a so-called negative calorie product.

The main reason why salad is on this list is simple. Take a salad, add vegetables and some legumes - and you're full. Another plus: the salad takes a long time to chew. Why is this good? The brain realizes that you are full only 20 minutes after eating, and the longer you eat, the less you end up eating. Another bonus is antioxidants and vitamins.

6. Low-fat chicken or vegetable soup

Like salad, soup is a dish that you eat mindfully, and you'll end up eating less. It’s also easy to fill up with soup and get fewer calories. You can combine and cook any vegetables in one pan. Fry only the onions and carrots in a small amount of oil; if you are thinking about lean borscht, then also the beets. Throw all other vegetables into the pan raw. The result is unsurpassed. Be afraid to order soup in restaurants: as a rule, they put cream, cheese, or sour cream in it, and this is far from a dietary option.

7. Almonds

It's high in calories, like all nuts, but it contains healthy fats. To be very precise, almond is the seed of the almond tree fruit. It contains a lot of vitamin E, as well as protein.

Studies have shown that the calories we get from nuts are less harmful to our figure than all other calories: the human body is supposedly unable to efficiently extract energy from nuts.

Still, be careful with them! It's easy to overeat nuts. A quarter cup of almonds contains 140 calories and 15 grams of fat, which means that a whole cup has (incredibly) 560 calories and 60 grams of fat! So your dose is a handful, which is exactly a quarter of a cup.

8. Oatmeal

A very filling product with few calories. This porridge contains slow carbohydrates that provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness and do not cause insulin levels to skyrocket. It’s especially good if you don’t make it sweet: to be honest, I have no idea how you can eat sweet porridge. My choice is oatmeal with water and soy sauce. This is the peasant way, without honey and raspberries, ugh! How to cook oatmeal.

9. Tuna

I heard a joke that in a public place a bodybuilder can be easily identified by his smell: he smells like fish a mile away because he eats tuna a hundred times every day. Choose canned food without mayonnaise, otherwise there will be no benefit from them. Mayonnaise is generally a disaster for any weight loss attempt because it contains a lot of fat and empty calories. In other cases, tuna is healthy, especially if you make a real steak out of it.

10. Broccoli

Most often sold frozen. Add it to an omelet, any vegetables and fish baked in the oven, you can throw it into vegetable soup. It seems to me that she fits everywhere. Just gold, not a vegetable!

If you read carefully, you probably thought that all these products can be interestingly combined with each other and thus get healthy, low-calorie and nutritious dishes that will only make you lose weight.

Probably every woman trying to lose weight has friends who eat everything, including high-calorie buns, fried potatoes and pasta, and still remain slim. But there are people who are less fortunate - it seems that every bun or portion of potato sits on their waistline forever.

It is quite understandable that those suffering from excess weight constantly try different diets, but in this state of affairs, diets and fasting days give a short-term effect. The principle of constant healthy eating and selection of the “right” products works much better. So, what should you eat to lose weight?

What foods to choose to lose weight?

In this matter, the decision is purely individual. The blood group diet is based on exactly this principle. That is, each organism has its own physiological characteristics and reacts differently to certain products. Use common sense first and foremost, and the advice of nutritionists. In any case, the rule “Less fat and flour, more vegetables and fruits” will definitely work. But at the same time, the approach to choosing products for weight loss can be roughly divided by body type.

What to eat to lose belly fat

If the stomach is the first place where accumulated fats are deposited, then rich pastries and white bread in general should be excluded from the diet. Meat is only lean, baked or boiled. But you can eat in unlimited quantities:

  • Fish and seafood,
  • soups every day are a must,
  • leafy vegetables in any form,
  • asparagus, zucchini,
  • and papaya,
  • eggs,
  • apples,
  • berries,
  • yoghurts and kefir,
  • oatmeal, rice,
  • bread with bran.

If your diet consists of this set of foods, your belly will become noticeably less protruding. In addition, if your stomach allows you to eat spicy food, then be sure to add spices such as turmeric, red hot pepper, etc. to your dishes. They quickly break down fats that like to settle on the waist.

Meals should be divided: 5-6 times a day in small portions. For lunch, only soup and vegetable salad, and meat with a side dish not earlier than after 3 hours.

What to eat to lose weight in your thighs and legs?

The main principle of losing weight in this case is a properly structured diet, that is, you need to distribute food groups over time.

Morning is the best time to digest carbohydrates. Therefore, have breakfast with oatmeal or buckwheat porridge. If you cannot live without potatoes, then you can safely eat mashed potatoes for breakfast, not forgetting about fresh vegetables.

Lunch is ideal for digesting fats. or borscht with rich broth - this is what you need. As for the second, make it low-fat: pilaf or risotto with vegetables and mushrooms, high-quality pasta with vegetable sauce. Of course, portions should be modest. Vegetables such as spinach, arugula, or other cabbage will help the body remove excess fat from the body.

Dinner is the best time for protein dishes, as it is best absorbed during sleep. A small, up to 100 grams portion of boiled meat or skinless poultry with a side dish of vegetables is an excellent option.

General rules for everyone losing weight

During the day, do not forget to drink green tea with ginger, eat fresh fruits and berries. This curbs your appetite and gives you extra energy. Don't forget to drink at least half a glass of water every hour you're awake.
