What to cook from semolina porridge. What to cook from leftover semolina porridge

5 minutes to read. Published 02/02/2019

If after breakfast you still have some amount of semolina porridge left, do not despair, and certainly do not throw away the leftovers. Use it to prepare baked goods or another dish from our selection of recipes.

🥞 Moroccan pancakes

These are tender, spongy, melt-in-your-mouth pancakes based on semolina. They are cooked on one side only. They are easy to make, but in order for the yeast to properly form bubbles that create the unique texture and appearance, the dough must be a runny consistency.

✍ Ingredients:

  • 1⁄2 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 2 tsp baking powder;
  • 1 tsp instant yeast;
  • 150 ml warm water or milk;
  • 2 tbsp. semolina porridge.

📝 Preparation:

  1. Mix semolina, salt, sugar, flour and baking powder in a bowl.
  2. Add the yeast and beat with a mixer on low speed, gradually adding warm water or milk.
  3. Increase the speed and beat the dough until it is creamy and runny.
  4. Cover the bowl with cling film and set aside in a warm place for 15-30 minutes, until the top of the dough is slightly foamy.
  5. Heat a small non-stick frying pan over medium heat and begin baking the pancakes.
  6. Slowly pour the batter into the center and spread evenly around the circle. Fry for about 2 minutes, do not turn. The surface should be spongy and not sticky.
  7. Pancakes are best served with butter and honey syrup.

If bubbles are not forming properly, the batter may be too thick, try thinning it.

🍮 Pudding

You can make pudding from the remaining semolina porridge. Get a light and satisfying breakfast.

✍ Ingredients:

  • 2.5 tbsp. semolina porridge;
  • 2 eggs.

📝 Preparation:

  1. Beat semolina with egg yolks.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff. Combine with the rest of the ingredients and stir.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Pour the mixture into the mold and bake for 40 minutes.
  4. The pudding is served chilled, with jam or chocolate.

If desired, you can add raisins, candied fruits or dried apricots to the dough.

📹 Video recipe for semolina pudding

You might be interested in what porridges can be served with fruit. more details.

Curd casserole with semolina

A classic casserole recipe that we all enjoyed in kindergarten.

✍ Ingredients:

  • 500 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. semolina porridge;
  • 1⁄2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt and vanilla sugar.

📝 Preparation:

  1. Mix semolina, cottage cheese, egg yolks, baking powder, salt and vanilla in a bowl.
  2. In a separate container, beat the egg whites with sugar with a mixer.
  3. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Line a baking pan with parchment.
  5. Pour in the dough and bake for 45-60 minutes until golden brown.
  6. Before serving, the pudding should be removed from the mold and cooled, sprinkled with powdered sugar and berries.

In a multicooker, the pudding is baked in the “Baking” mode for 40 minutes, then brought to readiness in the “Warming” mode.

🥧 Mannik

Delicious, light pie, without semolina flour.

✍ Ingredients:

  • 1.5 tbsp. semolina porridge;
  • 1.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp soda (quench with lemon juice).

📝 Preparation:

  1. Whisk the egg whites and sugar until foamy. Next, add the yolks and semolina, stir until smooth.
  2. Quench the baking soda with lemon juice and add to the mixture along with the flour. Beat well with a mixer. The dough should be approximately the same consistency as thick sour cream.
  3. Preheat the oven to 200 C. Pour the dough into an oiled baking dish and bake for 40 minutes. Check readiness with a toothpick.
  4. Before serving, cool the pie and sprinkle the top with powdered sugar.

Too thick porridge should be diluted with warm milk. If it was not sweet, double the amount of sugar.

Semolina balls

You can also make meatballs from semolina. They are served with sour cream or jam.

✍ Ingredients:

  • 2-3 tbsp. semolina porridge;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt and sugar to taste;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • flour.

📝 Preparation:

  1. Add egg, salt and sugar to cold porridge. Stir until smooth.
  2. Add flour to thicken the mixture and form into balls and roll them in breadcrumbs.
  3. Place the frying pan over medium heat, add vegetable oil. Once it is hot, fry the meatballs until crispy and golden brown.
  4. Transfer the meatballs to a plate and cool slightly before serving.

You can add grated cheese to the semolina mass; it will give the meatballs a creamy taste.

🍏 Casserole with fruits

Semolina porridge baked with peaches will be an excellent breakfast.

✍ Ingredients:

  • 2.5 tbsp. semolina porridge;
  • 2 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 pcs. peach;
  • 1 PC. apple.

📝 Preparation:

  1. Mix the porridge with egg yolk.
  2. In a separate container, beat the egg white and sugar with a blender until thick foam. Combine everything and mix.
  3. Peel the fruit, finely chop the pulp and add to the semolina mixture.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Grease the pan with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  5. Brush the top with beaten egg.
  6. Bake until golden brown, at least 25 minutes.
  7. Before serving, cool the casserole and pour over the fruit syrup.

Peaches and apples can be replaced with pears, apricots or persimmons.

📹 Video recipe for semolina casserole

🍦 Semolina cream

An excellent binding filling for honey, sponge or puff pastries.

✍ Ingredients:

  • 2.5 tbsp. semolina porridge;
  • 1 lemon (orange);
  • 200 g butter;
  • 1 tbsp. powdered sugar.

📝 Preparation:

  1. The butter should first be softened, then beat with powdered sugar.
  2. Remove the zest from the citrus with a grater.
  3. Combine all ingredients with semolina. At medium speed, beat the cream with a blender until smooth and fluffy.
  4. Grease the cakes, put them in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

💡 If you warm up the porridge and add 1.5 tsp to it. cocoa or melted chocolate bar, you will get an excellent chocolate dessert. You can also add banana mousse. To do this, when placing them in a bowl, alternate them in layers. Decorate with chocolate or waffle crumbs.

In our diet, semolina has firmly established itself as baby porridge. Moreover, kids don’t like it because it periodically shows lumps, an unappetizing film on the surface, and excessive thickness. All these problems can be solved by properly preparing porridge, and recipes for dishes based on it will help you to fall in love with it not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. The baked goods are especially delicious. So, what to make from semolina porridge? Many things!

Product selection

The correct choice of grains will allow you to obtain the correct consistency of the dish. It should be uniform, without lumps or pebbles. The presence of the former indicates that the semolina became damp during storage or transportation, which means it could acquire a rancid or moldy taste. The latter will say about the low quality of production and non-compliance with GOST. Small flour mills that have outdated technological lines are “sinning” with pebbles.

Other nuances of choosing cereals.

  • Use the "M" brand. This cereal has a matte color, from light white to cream. The grains are small, crumbly, round in shape. It is made from soft wheat and is ideal for children's porridges and making manna cakes. The grains are completely boiled, practically dissolving in the dish, which is why it gets an even consistency. The disadvantage of the product is its high calorie content (360 Kcal per 100 grams), so it is not suitable for a dietary diet. In a healthy diet, “T” brand cereals are used; durum wheat is used for its production.
  • Don't cook with old grains. The shelf life in plastic packaging is 10 months. The product will be stored for the same amount of time in a glass jar, tightly closed with a plastic lid. If the “age” of semolina is not known, it is better to refuse to prepare dishes from it. The grains are extremely susceptible to absorbing “flavors” and moisture from the environment, which changes their taste from bitter to sour.
  • Buy product from reputable manufacturers. It is better to take a familiar brand, since a reputable manufacturer will not use poor raw materials. By bad we mean imported wheat, which is often delivered in tankers carrying petroleum products. From such proximity, the cereal receives a specific taste, which cannot be derived. Large manufacturers use domestic raw materials, Russian wheat. It is both healthy and the quality of the semolina is consistently high.

You can make many dishes from good grains! For example, semolina porridge pie or delicious pancakes. What’s especially attractive is that you can use leftovers from yesterday’s breakfast for each new masterpiece. Typically, such porridge needs to be diluted with milk or water, since it thickens during storage.

Porridge cooking technique

Ready porridge serves as the basis for all dishes. To prepare it correctly, you need to know the basic subtleties of preparing the product. Following them will save you from lumps in the dish and allow you to get a mass of ideal consistency. It will become the basis for the recipe for semolina porridge pancakes, pudding, and meatballs.

You will need:

  • semolina - 200 g;
  • milk (water) - 1 l.


  1. Bring the liquid to a boil. Turn down the heat.
  2. Pour in the cereal using a sieve, dispersing it over the pan. Stir the mixture at the same time to prevent lumps from appearing.
  3. Boil, stirring, the mixture for two minutes.
  4. Turn off the gas, cover with a lid and a towel. Leave to rest for 10 minutes.

In the future, you can use any recipes for semolina porridge dishes. It will turn out moderately thick. If you need thicker porridge, add 300 grams of cereal to a liter of liquid.

Original recipes

Now let’s try to cook something tasty and unusual from the most common porridge. To do this, we will use old Russian recipes, because since ancient times in Rus' they have cooked casseroles, soups, and jelly from coarse wheat flour, which is semolina, and even made pancakes and cakes.

Casserole as in the photo. Easy recipe

There is semolina porridge left, what should I bake? Casserole. For this we use thick porridge. You can take the one that was in the refrigerator, with it the dish will turn out with an ideal structure. For taste, add apples and raisins. And let’s open a familiar semolina from a completely unexpected side!

You will need:

  • semolina - 300 g;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • apples - 3 large fruits;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • raisins - 100 g.


  1. Cook thick porridge, season it with salt, sugar, add butter.
  2. Peel the apples and chop.
  3. Soak the raisins for 20 minutes, dry with a napkin.
  4. Beat the eggs, add to the cooled semolina mass, add apples and raisins. Stir.
  5. Place in the mold. Bake in the oven until golden brown at 180°.

This casserole must be served cold. After cooking, it is better to keep it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that it does not crumble during cutting. Portioned pieces can be topped with jam, honey, or berry syrup.


The recipe for manna from frozen semolina porridge will allow you to prepare a real pie. Everyone will like him. And adults won’t even guess what formed the basis of the dish. We will cook it in the microwave, which will reduce the cooking time to a minimum!

You will need:

  • semolina - 100 g;
  • kefir - 100 ml;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • vanillin.


  1. Pour kefir over the cereal and leave to swell for 40 minutes.
  2. Grind sugar and butter, add eggs, beat.
  3. Pour vanillin and baking soda into the mixture.
  4. Mix semolina mixture with egg mixture.
  5. Add sifted flour.
  6. Grease the mold with butter and pour in the dough.
  7. Set the microwave to 900 W and cook for 6 minutes.

Manna with candied fruits and raisins will be even tastier. You can add orange or lemon zest to it.

Cutlets (bits)

Completely unexpected, but very tasty semolina porridge cutlets can replace the usual side dish. You can serve them for dinner with a vegetable salad. And use sugar-free mixture as a base.

You will need:

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • semolina - 150 g;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • egg - 1 pc.


  1. Boil a thick mass, cool.
  2. Add egg, salt, flour, mix.
  3. Form into cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs.
  4. Fry until golden brown.

You can serve semolina porridge balls with fried onions, as they loved to eat this product in medieval Rus'. As a children's dessert, you can use the mixture with sugar and serve with jelly or fruit sauce.


The taste of semolina pudding depends on additional ingredients. You can use bananas, apples, cherries, candied fruits, nuts, and vanilla for it. We will prepare a dish with prunes.

You will need:

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • semolina - 100 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • prunes - 100 g;
  • citric acid - 2 g.


  1. Cook semolina porridge.
  2. Add sugar, soaked and chopped prunes, and yolks to the thickened mass.
  3. Beat the whites until foamy and mix.
  4. Cook in a water bath in portioned molds until thickened.

Serve with sour cream or melted chocolate. You can make a fruit sauce from fresh, chopped and steamed fruits in a saucepan.

It is very easy to prepare cream of semolina porridge: the recipe includes 50 g of semolina per 400 ml of milk, 300 g of sugar. The milk should be boiled, then add sugar and cereal. Boil the mixture for 30 minutes, add 300 grams of butter and chopped lemon in a blender without zest. This cream is good for Bird's Milk cake.

As you can see, from the simplest and not always any semolina porridge you can prepare so many unexpected delicious dishes! Try and choose your original recipes.

Everyone sometimes needs to cook something quickly. Perhaps it is manna that is simple and quick to prepare, and also a very tasty pie. It’s not for nothing that this recipe is passed down from generation to generation year after year. To prepare manna you do not need any complex products, except that you can use spices, dried fruits, and nuts to diversify the taste.

To prepare manna, need to:
A liter of milk;
Cup ;
One hundred grams of flour;
Butter 50 grams;
Sugar 150 grams;
Eggs 3 pieces;
Half a glass of sour cream;

First way. Pour the milk into a saucepan, heat to a boil and pour in the semolina. Continue cooking over low heat for 3 minutes, stirring, as the milk may burn, and semolina also tends to thicken quickly. Add salt, sugar, butter to the finished porridge. Pour the resulting substance into a wide bowl to allow the porridge to cool. Break the eggs and separate the veins from the whites, and add the yolks to the porridge. Add flour after the yolks and mix thoroughly. Beat the egg whites into a foam and place it in the dough, stirring. Place the resulting dough in a baking dish, first grease it with oil. Spread sour cream on top of the dough. Place the dough in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for half an hour.

Sprinkle the prepared pie with sweet powder, cinnamon and others. If you add cocoa powder to the dough at the beginning of preparation, you can get a delicious chocolate manna. Outwardly it may resemble a cake, but if it is well soaked in sour cream, it will definitely look like a cake.

Semolina pancakes.

Semolina porridge 700 grams;
Two eggs;
Soda - half a teaspoon;
25 grams of vegetable oil;
Sugar 15 grams;
Half a glass of milk;
Two glasses of flour.

All of the above needs to be thoroughly kneaded and at the same time prepare the frying pan. You need to pour 2 mm of sunflower oil into it, odorless. Heat a frying pan over medium heat. Add pancakes one spoon at a time, fry the dough (pancakes) on both sides. It will be easier to flip the pancakes using forks. Taking the top and bottom, you need to quickly turn the pancakes over. Once the underside is browned, you will need to quickly flip it over. You should be careful, as the top part of the pancake is not yet fried, and therefore the batter may still begin to drain.

Semolina croquettes.

They do not require much effort or time to prepare.
We will need:
Semolina porridge – 200 g;
One egg;
Grated cheese – 1 teaspoon;
Breadcrumbs - packaging;
Sour cream - a pack.

Semolina porridge should be mixed with egg yolk and grated cheese, and the resulting mixture should be made into small balls. Each of them needs to be soaked in protein and then rolled in breading. Then fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan. Ready-made croquettes should be served with sour cream.

Don't forget about delicious

Apple semolina casserole.

The dish turns out very tasty; the apple makes it unusually sweet. Can be served as dessert.
We need:
15 grams of semolina;
Half a liter of milk;
Three eggs;
Half a glass of sugar;
3 apples;
Vanillin 1-2 grams;
15 grams of plums. oils
A little salt.

Cook the porridge in milk. You can use ready-made porridge if you have any left. Wash and peel the apples, cut them into thin slices. We separate the whites from the yolks. Mix the yolks with sugar, soften with butter and vanilla. Heat this mixture and combine with semolina. And the whites need to be mixed with salt and whipped until a strong foam is obtained. Combine the foam with the porridge, make sure that the foam is whipped, then the casserole will be fluffy. The baking dish must be greased in advance and half of the porridge should be placed in it, apples should be placed on top, porridge again, and apples on top again. You need to bake for half an hour in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. The finished dish can be sprinkled with sweet powder and served with sour cream or jam.

Semolina contains many useful substances that are needed for the body. However, not everyone likes porridge from it. you can prepare a wide variety of delicious dishes, including desserts. These can be buns, semolina, pancakes, pancakes, etc. In this article we will look at several simple recipes, which include


Semolina dishes are tasty, appetizing, filling and healthy. From this cereal you can make a budget version of the pie, which is very quick and easy to prepare.

Take out a baking sheet, grease with butter, sprinkle semolina on top. Now you can pour out the dough and smooth it out carefully. Place beautifully cut banana and apples on top, sprinkle with sesame seeds or poppy seeds (whatever you find at home). Place the baking sheet in the oven at 180 degrees. Bake the pie for about 20 minutes. When cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar.


This recipe is just as simple as the previous one. Children will be happy to try the pancakes and will not even realize that semolina has been added to them.

Take fermented baked milk or kefir (500 ml) and semolina, stir, set aside for 15 minutes. Then add 4 tbsp to the same container. l. sugar, 1 egg, 0.5 tbsp. flour and 2-3 g of soda. Mix well. If the dough is liquid, add flour until it reaches the consistency of sour cream.

Use a tablespoon to scoop out the dough and place the pancakes on a hot frying pan. It is necessary to fry over medium heat so that the pancakes do not turn out raw. When serving, you can serve with honey, condensed milk or jam. When you try it, you will be convinced that you get very tasty dishes from semolina.


You can please your family with a wonderful dessert for breakfast. Semolina dishes in a frying pan are the easiest and fastest way to cook.

Add 125 g of semolina to 0.5 liters of kefir. After five minutes, pour 1.5 tbsp into the same container. l. sugar, a pinch of salt, 1 glass of flour and 3 g of soda.

Heat a frying pan, grease it with lard and fry the pancakes on both sides. Serve dessert with jam, honey and other sweets. It all depends on the preferences of your household.


Dishes made from semolina and cottage cheese are very tasty and healthy, especially if they are cooked in the oven.

To please your family or guests with a casserole, prepare the necessary ingredients.

First you need to separate 2 egg whites from the yolks. You will need everything, so don't rush to throw anything away. Beat the egg whites and salt well and set aside. Mix the yolks with sugar (6 tbsp). Add 500 g of cottage cheese and 50 g of semolina. Pour 25 g of raisins into the same container and mix well.

Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, but you can do without it. Grease the mold with oil, sprinkle with semolina and spread the dough evenly throughout the entire mold. Turn on the oven to 180 degrees and bake the dessert for no more than 30 minutes. Check the readiness periodically, as each oven has its own time setting.


This pie can be prepared for a holiday table. It turns out beautiful and cooks quickly. To prepare it, you need to take one glass of semolina and kefir. Mix them and let sit for no more than 20 minutes to allow the cereal to swell.

Meanwhile, in a separate container, beat 2 eggs and 1.5 cups of sugar with a mixer, add 5 g of baking powder and 100 g of flour. When the cereal has swollen, combine both containers and mix thoroughly.

If the dough turns out liquid, add another 100 g of flour, but this is not necessary. Grease the mold (frying pan) with butter and turn on the oven at 180 degrees. Pour the dough into the mold. Place the pie in the oven for 15 minutes, then check for doneness. The dough should be golden in color.

When the pie comes out of the oven, brush it with jam, preserves or chocolate. It all depends on your preferences. You can decorate the pie with berries such as strawberries, raspberries, red and white currants.

Dessert made from semolina and berries

We bring to your attention another sweet dish that children will really like. To do this, you will need the following products: 200 g of berries (black, red currants, strawberries, sometimes raspberries), a little sugar (about 50 g), 35-40 g of semolina and 200 ml of water.

Place the berries in water and place on low heat. After boiling, cook for 8 minutes. Strain the berries and rub them through a sieve. The pulp must be discarded and the puree mixed with juice. Add sugar and place on low heat. After 3 minutes, add semolina and cook for 4-5 minutes, no more.

Cool the dessert, pour into a deep container and blend with a blender until smooth. You can add a mint leaf or lemon juice for a refreshing effect.

If you want a seedless dessert, then it is better not to add raspberries. For such a dessert, black currants and some strawberries are best suited.


Now you know what easy and affordable dishes you can prepare for every housewife. The most remarkable thing about these desserts is that you can’t feel the semolina at all, but it turns out tasty, original, and it’s not a shame to serve such a dish not only for breakfast, but also for the holiday table. Especially if there are a lot of children visiting who love sweets.

Semolina can be added to any pie. It gives an original and delicate taste to the dish. The presentation will complete the delicacy of the dessert. You can decorate it at any time of the year. In the summer, any bright berry will do. It can be currants, strawberries, blackberries, etc. In winter, you can add tangerines, bananas and oranges.

Cook, experiment, surprise your loved ones with your culinary skills and share recipes that you have personally tried. Remember: presentation is very important. After all, it depends on her whether guests want to try the dish.

    Bored semolina porridge can be so transformed that you won’t even be able to put it down!

    At my house we really love semolina porridge baked with peaches. It cooks so quickly - you get such pleasure from it, especially when the child is then surprised that it all came out of his least favorite porridge.

    All you have to do is combine 0.5 cups of water with 0.5 cups of milk in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then add 60 g of sugar, a little salt and semolina - 0.5 cups. Cook thick semolina porridge or take the one that was left over from breakfast, like the author of the question. But this one is already cold, and ours needs to be cooled and then beat the egg into it, mixing well.

    Then peel 2 peaches and an apple, remove seeds, pits and cut into small cubes. If you wish, you can take any other fruits, for example, pears, apricots, which we often do.

    The baking dish should be greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Mix the porridge and fruit and spread it into the pan in a thin layer. Brush the top with sour cream or beaten egg and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake until golden brown, about 25 minutes. Pour berry or fruit sauce over the casserole after it has cooled a little, or you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

    I usually do this: Pour semolina into a saucepan, add a glass of water, pour in milk and mix well.

    Place the pan on the heat and cook for 1-2 minutes until thickened. Remove from heat.

    Wash the raisins, add to the porridge, add salt, stir and let the porridge cool slightly.

    Add raw eggs to the cooled porridge and stir thoroughly.

    Heat olive oil in a frying pan. Place pancakes with a spoon and fry on both sides until golden brown. Pour jam over the finished pancakes and sprinkle with powdered sugar. My son loves these Pancakes, bon appetit everyone!!

    Not a fact. Some people, on the contrary, like cold porridge. Spread it on some bread and eat it with a cup of warm unsweetened tea. At worst, you can heat the porridge and eat it. Less useful, but still, don’t throw it away? And you can cook a lot of things from ready-made semolina porridge. For example, take chocolate and nuts, finely grate or chop them and mix with the rest of the porridge. The resulting mixture is an ideal filling for pancakes)

    And if you have time, you can make pancakes from such porridge instead of filling. It will be delicious and the children will be happy.

    E can...fry).

    Just from experience - it’s delicious to fry if it was cooked with sugar, that is, at least a little sweet.

    Usually cold semolina porridge holds its shape well. Carefully transfer the whole piece from the saucepan onto a board and cut into pieces, usually into cubes about 2*2*6.

    In a bowl, whisk the egg with a spoonful of sugar. Heat a frying pan well, dip the porridge pieces in the egg and bread them in breadcrumbs. Fry over high heat on all sides until golden brown. Serve with jam or fresh berry sauce. Well, very tasty!

    Sometimes I specially cook porridge in the evening for this breakfast dish.

    You can also make Mango Pudding, add fruits, nuts, etc., beat with a blender, put in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning a delicious dessert, like pudding, is ready!!!

    Now I practically don’t have such a problem, but when the children were small, I usually made pancakes from the remaining porridge (any kind of porridge). Added 1 egg, a pinch of soda, a pinch of salt, a little flour and you were done.

    I can offer two options for what can be made from the remaining semolina porridge.

    1) Cheesecakes or just pancakes. If you have cottage cheese, then great, add cottage cheese, then another egg, salt and sugar (depending on how much was added to the prepared porridge), flour. Mix everything and fry in a frying pan on both sides. Serve with sour cream or jam.

    2) Cream for the cake. Semolina cream is one of my favorites. Add butter (softened), vanillin, chopped walnuts to cold semolina porridge and beat. I don't add sugar. Then you can grease the cake layers with this cream and send it for soaking.

    You can make a casserole from thick semolina porridge: add egg, sugar, butter, raisins, dried apricots, cherries, etc. (any fillings to taste), vanillin. Mix everything well. Place in a frying pan, brush the top with egg, sprinkle with sugar and bake. Serve with fruit syrup or garnish in some other way.

    You can make pancakes. Add a little kefir, a couple of eggs, sugar, vanilla sugar, and a little starch to the porridge for better bonding. Fry, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and they go well with tea.

    Another option is to make a cottage cheese-semolina casserole. Grind the cottage cheese with sugar and eggs, add semolina, a teaspoon of baking powder, starch, a spoonful of sour cream or 50 grams of butter, and raisins. For 500 grams of cottage cheese - 5 eggs.

    I add poppy seeds, breadcrumbs, eggs (the amount depends on the consistency of the porridge) and bake this mass in the oven. It bakes quickly, since all the components are already ready, and it turns out quite well. Especially for breakfast. They also write everywhere that a mixture of semolina porridge, poppy seeds and sugar is an excellent filling for pies. I haven’t tried it myself, but many people praise it.

    Semolina itself is very tasty. You just need to cook it correctly so that it is not too thick or liquid. For example, for two glasses of milk - four to five tablespoons of cereal, a pinch of salt and a little sugar to taste.

    You can make delicious semolina porridge semolina cream, which is used to coat the cake layers of honey or sponge cake and any other cake. If you cook semolina porridge and eat the ready-made cakes, you will have a dessert for tea very quickly.

    Semolina cream can be made with condensed milk or.

    For lemon cream you will need the following:

    • milk - two glasses,
    • semolina - five tablespoons,
    • - one joke,
    • butter - 200 grams,
    • powdered sugar - one glass.

    The recipe is simple. The porridge is cooked until cooked and cooled. Mix the already softened butter with powdered sugar. Remove the zest from the lemon using a grater - only the fragrant yellow part. Next, combine and mix semolina with butter and zest. Ready!

    There are also a variety of Dessert with semolina porridge. For example, casseroles.

    You can prepare a casserole with semolina porridge and peaches according to this recipe:

    • semolina one glass,
    • four peaches,
    • three chicken eggs,
    • water - 0.7 cups,
    • milk - 0.7 cups,
    • four tablespoons sugar,
    • sour cream - 100 ml,
    • crushed ground crackers.

    Mix cool water with milk and heat over a fire. Cook semolina with sugar and salt until cooked. When the porridge is cooked, you need to cool it quickly. Next, beat in a couple of eggs and mix evenly.

    Wash the peaches, dry them, remove the skin, cut them in half and remove the pit. Cut into fine cubes.

    Grease the mold with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. We put half of all semolina porridge into a mold. Next is a layer of peaches. We spread the porridge again - the second half. Coat the outside with beaten egg, this allows the crust to be golden brown and the casserole is well baked under it.

    Place in a preheated oven. Bake for approximately 20 minutes.

    The finished casserole can be consumed either warm or cooled.

    Bon appetit!

    In addition, mannas and desserts with semolina and berries are made with semolina. Also for those with a sweet tooth there is a chocolate dessert made from semolina.

    The fastest and most delicious dish of cold semolina porridge (it should not be thick) is fried in pieces (you can roll it in breadcrumbs, there will be an appetizing crispy crust).

    Can be cooked pancakes, adding an egg to the finished cooled porridge, a little flour, you can add sugar if the porridge is not too sweet - and add it to the frying pan.

    There is another recipe casseroles: add an egg, candied fruits or soaked dried fruits, a little flour to the porridge, mix well, put in a mold, grease with oil and bake.

    And we also love manna True, traditional manna is made from cereals, and not from ready-made porridge, but if you take ready-made porridge instead of cereals, it will turn out pretty good too (a couple of eggs, silent kefir, flour, butter, mix and - into the oven).

    Delicious and cake cream from semolina porridge. You need to beat the porridge with egg and butter, you can add chopped orange or banana for taste.

    I tried it somehow pies filled with semolina porridge mixed with poppy seeds and sugar (as an option, you can mix the porridge with cottage cheese, add a raw egg and sugar).

    Or you can simply cut it into pieces and pour jelly, condensed milk, and honey over it.

    Once I went to Adygea and they served meat with an unknown side dish, but very tasty. I began to wonder what it was. It turned out to be semolina porridge, steeply boiled in meat broth. Wait for it to harden and cut into portions, the side dish is ready)
